rules.php 4.4 KB

  1. <div class="container mt-4">
  2. In the last years we experienced a lot of unneccessary rules on different minecraft servers. So we have no rules. Instead have fun with our listing of the observed behavior of different roles.<br><br>
  3. <h3>Rules for the Owner</h3>
  4. <ol>
  5. <li>Fuck rules, you are owner.</li>
  6. <li>People do not really like you. They just want permissions from you.</li>
  7. <li>Let bugs sink through to everybody before fixing them.</li>
  8. </ol>
  9. <h3>Rules for Admins</h3>
  10. <ol>
  11. <li>Feel bad because you have less permissions than developers.</li>
  12. <li>Temporary ban users if you are in a bad mood.</li>
  13. <li>Abuse the summon command at least once.</li>
  14. <li>Never pay the server bill on time. This would make the owners life easier.</li>
  15. <li>Beg for permissions, it works.</li>
  16. <li>Occasionally write wrong commands like <span class="text-monospace font-italic">7ban *insert annoying player*.</span></li>
  17. <li>You can not pretend to be a girl because people know you.</li>
  18. <li>Answer no before you hear the question.</li>
  19. </ol>
  20. <h3>Rules for Snuvi Developers</h3>
  21. <ol>
  22. <li>You can do whatever you want.</li>
  23. <li>Temporary ban admins with the help of SnuviScript because you can.</li>
  24. <li>You can control permissions. Do not ask for them.</li>
  25. <li>Request already built in features at least once.</li>
  26. <li>Complain about bugs you made.</li>
  27. <li>Blame your bugs on the owner.</li>
  28. <li>If you cannot blame your bugs on the owner try other developers.</li>
  29. <li>People will never notice your efforts.</li>
  30. <li>Pretend something is impossible if you do not want to program it.</li>
  31. <li>Program things like you want them. You do not care about others.</li>
  32. <li>You have no idea what the user wants.</li>
  33. </ol>
  34. <h3>Rules for Builders</h3>
  35. <ol>
  36. <li>Nobody is allowed to touch your buildings. You are the best.</li>
  37. <li>If you haven't got any motivation to build play another game.</li>
  38. <li>If a Snuvi developer needs buildings for quests pretend to be AFK.</li>
  39. <li>People will notice your efforts but claim they could do it better.</li>
  40. <li>Use spruce or dark oak wood.</li>
  41. </ol>
  42. <h3>Rules for VIPs</h3>
  43. <ol>
  44. <li>You seem to be a very special snowflake. Maybe you are just a girl and the team likes you.</li>
  45. <li>Users hate ya cause they aint ya.</li>
  46. <li>Show off with your real life connections to the staff.</li>
  47. </ol>
  48. <h3>Rules for Users</h3>
  49. <ol>
  50. <li>Never mess with Snuvi developers. They are OP.</li>
  51. <li>First rule about permissions don't talk about permissions.</li>
  52. <li>Wear a girl skin to get presents.</li>
  53. <li>Wear a girl skin to get attention from desperate boys.</li>
  54. <li>Be a girl or pretend to. People will be nicer to you.</li>
  55. <li>Ask before you think.</li>
  56. <li>Ask for an admin on first join. In general ask for an admin.</li>
  57. <li>Never appreciate what a developer has done.</li>
  58. <li>Never say things like great server to anybody else than the admins. Only admins work on the server.</li>
  59. <li>Blame your wrong usage of things on the developers.</li>
  60. <li>Never see the problem in yourself. Feel free to say things like stupid server.</li>
  61. <li>Try breaking blocks on your first join to show dominance.</li>
  62. <li>Wear a stupid skin on your first join to make a good first impression.</li>
  63. <li>Give yourself a name containing HD, LP or something else. This way everybody knows you are a great YouTuber.</li>
  64. <li>Ask things at least twice. Pretend on having not seen the first answer.</li>
  65. <li>Tell everybody your microphone is broken to get rid of others who want to voice chat with you.</li>
  66. <li>Try <span class="text-monospace font-italic">/op</span> on yourself at least once.</li>
  67. <li>Ask when the next update is released right after an update.</li>
  68. <li>If you don´t unterstand something spam the chat. Expect immediate answers.</li>
  69. <li>"It doesn't work" is your only phrase when you tell developers about a bug you've found.</li>
  70. <li>If you died and lost your stuff ask an admin for help.</li>
  71. </ol>
  72. </div>