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engine running; missing fonts in launcher

$ docker run -ti --rm \
>    -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:ro \
>    -env QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 \
>    ttr
Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
Obtaining available mirrors...
Obtained 6 mirrors from remote server.
Updating file 1 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libvorbisenc.2.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 2 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libpng15.15.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 3 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libopenal.1.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 4 of 30, Toontown Rewritten...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 5 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libvorbis.0.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 6 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libvorbisenc.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 7 of 30, TTREngine...
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 8 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libffi.6.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 9 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libvorbisfile.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 10 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libopenal.1.16.0.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 11 of 30, phase_10.mf...
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 12 of 30, phase_5.mf...
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 13 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libogg.0.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 14 of 30, phase_8.mf...
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 15 of 30, phase_12.mf...
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 16 of 30, phase_13.mf...
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 17 of 30, OpenAL32.dll...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 18 of 30, phase_6.mf...
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 19 of 30, phase_5.5.mf...
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 20 of 30, phase_3.mf...
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 21 of 30, phase_3.5.mf...
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 22 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libvorbis.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 23 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libvorbisfile.3.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 24 of 30, phase_11.mf...
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 25 of 30, phase_7.mf...
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 26 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libfreetype.6.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 27 of 30, TTREngine.exe...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 28 of 30, phase_9.mf...
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 29 of 30, TTRGame.vlt...
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 30 of 30, phase_4.mf...
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>
Could not find platform dependent libraries <exec_prefix>
Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]
Starting game
Warning: pandac.PandaModules is deprecated, import from panda3d.core instead
ToontownStart: loading settings module
:ToontownDummyLauncher: Made new directory to save logs.
sys.path =  []
os.environ["TTR_GAMESERVER"] = gameserver-us-east-1-prod.toontownrewritten.com
:OTPClientRepository: ================
:OTPClientRepository: Chose avatar id: 100044996
:OTPClientRepository: Chose avatar name: Waldo Von Muffin
:OTPClientRepository: ================
:Loader: starting bulk load of block 'localAvatarPlayGame'
:pnmtext: Loaded font Perspective Sans Regular
:PhotoAlbumPage: Made new directory to save screenshots.
:OTPClientRepository: Entering shard 500000001
:OTPClientRepository(warning): Setting last known district session to: 500000000_A1D85385
:StreetSign: Street sign url is http://cdn.toontown.disney.go.com/toontown/en/street-signs/img/
:collide: Collider Waldo Von Muffin-100044996/GW.cWallSphereNode is not in scene graph.  Ignoring.
Fabian Peter Hammerle 7 роки тому
1 змінених файлів з 16 додано та 3 видалено
  1. 16 3

+ 16 - 3

@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
-FROM debian:stretch
+FROM ubuntu:latest
 RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
-    wget
+    wget \
+#    libxcb1 \
+    libgl1-mesa-glx \
+    libopenal1
 # download launcher
 RUN wget -O /tmp/ttr.tar.gz \
@@ -9,4 +12,14 @@ RUN wget -O /tmp/ttr.tar.gz \
 RUN mkdir /opt/ttr
 RUN tar -x -v --strip-components 1 -C /opt/ttr -f /tmp/ttr.tar.gz
-CMD ls -la /opt/ttr/Launcher
+RUN useradd player
+RUN usermod --shell /bin/sh player
+RUN usermod --append --groups video,audio player
+RUN chown -R player /opt/ttr
+RUN apt-get install -y libxrandr2
+RUN apt-get install -y libxcursor1
+USER player
+CMD whoami && cd /opt/ttr && ./Launcher