Jelajahi Sumber

engine running; missing fonts in launcher

$ docker run -ti --rm \
>    -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:ro \
>    -env QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 \
>    ttr
Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
Obtaining available mirrors...
Obtained 6 mirrors from remote server.
Updating file 1 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libvorbisenc.2.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 2 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libpng15.15.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 3 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libopenal.1.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 4 of 30, Toontown Rewritten...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 5 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libvorbis.0.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 6 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libvorbisenc.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 7 of 30, TTREngine...
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 8 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libffi.6.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 9 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libvorbisfile.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 10 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libopenal.1.16.0.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 11 of 30,
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 12 of 30,
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 13 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libogg.0.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 14 of 30,
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 15 of 30,
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 16 of 30,
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 17 of 30, OpenAL32.dll...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 18 of 30,
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 19 of 30,
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 20 of 30,
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 21 of 30,
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 22 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libvorbis.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 23 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libvorbisfile.3.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 24 of 30,
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 25 of 30,
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 26 of 30, Libraries.bundle/libfreetype.6.dylib...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 27 of 30, TTREngine.exe...
Skipped updating, file is not required on this platform.
Updating file 28 of 30,
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 29 of 30, TTRGame.vlt...
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Updating file 30 of 30,
File did not exist, downloading fresh...
Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>
Could not find platform dependent libraries <exec_prefix>
Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]
Starting game
Warning: pandac.PandaModules is deprecated, import from panda3d.core instead
ToontownStart: loading settings module
:ToontownDummyLauncher: Made new directory to save logs.
sys.path =  []
os.environ["TTR_GAMESERVER"] =
:OTPClientRepository: ================
:OTPClientRepository: Chose avatar id: 100044996
:OTPClientRepository: Chose avatar name: Waldo Von Muffin
:OTPClientRepository: ================
:Loader: starting bulk load of block 'localAvatarPlayGame'
:pnmtext: Loaded font Perspective Sans Regular
:PhotoAlbumPage: Made new directory to save screenshots.
:OTPClientRepository: Entering shard 500000001
:OTPClientRepository(warning): Setting last known district session to: 500000000_A1D85385
:StreetSign: Street sign url is
:collide: Collider Waldo Von Muffin-100044996/GW.cWallSphereNode is not in scene graph.  Ignoring.
Fabian Peter Hammerle 7 tahun lalu
1 mengubah file dengan 16 tambahan dan 3 penghapusan
  1. 16 3

+ 16 - 3

@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
-FROM debian:stretch
+FROM ubuntu:latest
 RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
-    wget
+    wget \
+#    libxcb1 \
+    libgl1-mesa-glx \
+    libopenal1
 # download launcher
 RUN wget -O /tmp/ttr.tar.gz \
@@ -9,4 +12,14 @@ RUN wget -O /tmp/ttr.tar.gz \
 RUN mkdir /opt/ttr
 RUN tar -x -v --strip-components 1 -C /opt/ttr -f /tmp/ttr.tar.gz
-CMD ls -la /opt/ttr/Launcher
+RUN useradd player
+RUN usermod --shell /bin/sh player
+RUN usermod --append --groups video,audio player
+RUN chown -R player /opt/ttr
+RUN apt-get install -y libxrandr2
+RUN apt-get install -y libxcursor1
+USER player
+CMD whoami && cd /opt/ttr && ./Launcher