setHue($hue); $this->setSaturation($saturation); $this->setValue($value); } public function getHue() { return $this->_hue; } public function setHue($hue) { $hue = (float)$hue; if($hue < 0 || $hue >= 2 * pi()) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('value must be within [0, 2*pi)'); } $this->_hue = $hue; } public function getSaturation() { return $this->_saturation; } public function setSaturation($saturation) { $saturation = (float)$saturation; if($saturation < 0 || $saturation > 1) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('value must be within [0, 1]'); } $this->_saturation = $saturation; } public function getValue() { return $this->_value; } public function setValue($value) { $value = (float)$value; if($value < 0 || $value > 1) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('value must be within [0, 1]'); } $this->_value = $value; } public function getTuple() { return [$this->hue, $this->saturation, $this->value]; } public function equals(HSV $other) { return abs($this->hue - $other->hue) < self::comparison_precision && abs($this->saturation - $other->saturation) < self::comparison_precision && abs($this->value - $other->value) < self::comparison_precision; } public function toRGB() { // @see $chroma = $this->value * $this->saturation; // [0, 1] $basic_hue = $this->hue / deg2rad(60); // [0, 6] $x = $chroma * (1 - abs(fmod($basic_hue, 2.0) - 1)); if(0.0 <= $basic_hue && $basic_hue < 1.0) { $r = $chroma; $g = $x; $b = 0.0; } elseif(1.0 <= $basic_hue && $basic_hue < 2.0) { $r = $x; $g = $chroma; $b = 0.0; } elseif(2.0 <= $basic_hue && $basic_hue < 3.0) { $r = 0.0; $g = $chroma; $b = $x; } elseif(3.0 <= $basic_hue && $basic_hue < 4.0) { $r = 0.0; $g = $x; $b = $chroma; } elseif(4.0 <= $basic_hue && $basic_hue < 5.0) { $r = $x; $g = 0.0; $b = $chroma; } elseif(5.0 <= $basic_hue && $basic_hue < 6.0) { $r = $chroma; $g = 0.0; $b = $x; } else { $r = 0.0; $g = 0.0; $b = 0.0; } $m = $this->value - $chroma; return new RGB($r + $m, $g + $m, $b + $m); } }