```sh $ sudo docker build -t koel . $ sudo docker network create koel $ sudo docker create \ --name koel-db \ --env POSTGRES_DB=koel \ --env POSTGRES_USER=koel \ --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret \ --network koel --security-opt=no-new-privileges \ --cap-drop=all --cap-add=chown --cap-add=setuid --cap-add=setgid --cap-add=fowner \ postgres:10.5-alpine $ sudo docker start koel-db $ sudo docker run --rm --interactive --tty \ --env DB_CONNECTION=pgsql \ --env DB_HOST=koel-db \ --env DB_PORT=5432 \ --env DB_DATABASE=koel \ --env DB_PASSWORD=secret \ --network koel --publish=8080:8080 \ --security-opt=no-new-privileges --cap-drop=all \ koel + php artisan koel:init ... App key exists -- skipping Generating JWT secret Migrating database Let's create the admin account. Your name: > fabian peter Your email address: > fabian+koel@hammerle.me Your desired password: > Again, just to make sure: > Seeding initial data The absolute path to your media directory. If this is skipped (left blank) now, you can set it later via the web interface. Media path []: > Compiling front-end stuff yarn install v1.7.0 [1/4] Resolving packages... success Already up-to-date. $ yarn production yarn run v1.7.0 $ cross-env NODE_ENV=production node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --progress --hide-modules --config=node_modules/laravel-mix/setup/webpack.config.js ... Done in 21.61s. Done in 22.87s. 🎆 Success! Koel can now be run from localhost with `php artisan serve`. You can also scan for media with `php artisan koel:sync`. Again, for more configuration guidance, refer to 📙 https://koel.phanan.net/docs or open the .env file in the root installation folder. Thanks for using Koel. You rock! + php artisan serve '--host=' --port 8080 Laravel development server started: PHP 7.2.10 Development Server started at Sat Sep 15 19:41:27 2018 [Sat Sep 15 19:41:30 2018] [200]: /public/css/app.088d4f5eca71efdd5ffc.css ... ```