# create user 'mysql-backup'@localhost identified with auth_socket; # grant select, lock tables, show view on *.* to 'mysql-backup'@localhost; - name: generate commands set_fact: # escape % # $command .= ' | sed \'s/ AUTO_INCREMENT=[0-9]*\b//\''; backup_command: |- {% if item.source_host is defined %} ssh -i {{item.ssh_key_path}} {{item.ssh_user}}@{{item.source_host}} {%- endif %} /usr/bin/mysqldump --opt --order-by-primary --skip-dump-date {{item.database}} | sed 's$),($),\n($g' >"{{item.target_dir_path}}/$(date -u +'\%Y-\%m-\%dT\%H:\%M:\%SZ').sql" with_items: '{{mysql_backups}}' register: mysql_backup_commands - name: setup cron jobs blockinfile: dest: '/etc/crontab' marker: '# ANSIBLE MYSQL BACKUPS {mark}' block: |- {% for backup in mysql_backup_commands.results %} {% for backup_job in backup.item.cron_jobs %} {{backup_job.minute}} {{backup_job.hour}} * * * {{backup.item.local_user}} {{backup.ansible_facts.backup_command}} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} become: yes