123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117 |
- rankingtable = "spleefranks";
- game_short = "spleef";
- spleefed = map.new();
- resetblocks = list.new();
- resetblocks_type = list.new();
- gamename = "§9Spleef";
- air = material.getAir();
- minigame.initStart();
- goto("simplelobby");
- @finalstart
- player_list = minigame.getPlayers(script_id);
- all_size = list.getSize(player_list);
- for(i = 0; i < all_size; i++) {
- msg.prefix(p, gamename, "The game has started.");
- p_uuid = list.getIndex(player_list, i);
- p = player.get(p_uuid);
- sb.add(p, 99, gamename);
- sb.add(p, 98, string.concat("Remaining players: ", string.number(all_size)));
- sb.add(p, 97, sb.getSpacer());
- entity.teleport(p, list.getIndex(startlocs, i));
- player.setGamemode(p, "SURVIVAL");
- player.setFly(player, false);
- map.add(spleefed, p_uuid, 0);
- }
- @checkgame
- wait();
- if(event == "entity_damage") {
- if(!isPlayer(entity)) {
- goto("checkgame");
- }
- player = entity;
- }
- if(player.hasMinigameId(player, script_id)) {
- ignoreGoto(event);
- }
- goto("checkgame");
- @entity_damage
- cancel = true;
- if(damage.getType(damage_source) == "outOfWorld") {
- minigame.speakAll(gamename, string.concat("§6", player.getName(player), " §rfell down."));
- goto("loosegame");
- }
- goto("checkgame");
- @block_place
- @block_break
- cancel = true;
- goto("checkgame");
- @block_click
- if(slot.isOffHand(hand)) {
- goto("checkgame");
- }
- if(action == "LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK") {
- block_type = block.getType(block);
- if(list.contains(spleef_list, block_type)) {
- block.setMaterial(block, air);
- list.add(resetblocks, block);
- list.add(resetblocks_type, block_type);
- p_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
- map.add(spleefed, p_uuid, map.get(spleefed, p_uuid) + 1);
- }
- }
- goto("checkgame");
- @player_giveup
- @player_quit
- minigame.speakAll(gamename, string.concat("§6", player.getName(player), " §rhas left the game."));
- @loosegame
- script = script.getFromId(script_id);
- minigame.kickplayer(script, player);
- size = list.getSize(player_list);
- minigame.displayAll(98, string.concat("Remaining players: ", string.number(size)));
- showstats(player, false);
- if(size < minplayers) {
- winner_uuid = list.getIndex(player_list, 0);
- winner = player.get(winner_uuid);
- goto("win");
- }
- goto("checkgame");
- @win
- minigame.speakAll(gamename, string.concat("§6", player.getName(winner), " §rhas won the game."));
- for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(resetblocks); i++) {
- block.setMaterial(list.getIndex(resetblocks, i), list.getIndex(resetblocks_type, i));
- }
- showstats(winner, true);
- minigame.kickPlayer(script, winner);
- minigame.term(script, gamesignloc);
- term();
- function showstats(player, won) { //Player player, Boolean won
- player_id = player.getId(player);
- last_record = ranking.getPoints($rankingtable, player_id);
- if(won) {
- last_record++;
- }
- played_games = minigame.getPlayed(player_id, $game_short) + 1;
- if(last_record > played_games) {
- played_games = last_record;
- }
- minigame.setPlayed(player_id, $game_short, played_games);
- ranking.setPoints($rankingtable, player_id, last_record);
- minigame.statsHeader(player, $gamename, "§e");
- minigame.statsLine(player, "§e", "Won games", string.number(last_record));
- minigame.statsLine(player, "§e", "Played games", string.number(played_games));
- if(played_games != 0) {
- minigame.statsLine(player, "§e", "Win ratio", string.concat(string.number(math.roundComma((last_record / played_games) * 100, 2)), "%"));
- }
- }