123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159 |
- event.load("entity_click");
- event.load("snuvi_click");
- slot_head = slot.getHead();
- slot_chest = slot.getChest();
- slot_legs = slot.getLegs();
- slot_feet = slot.getFeet();
- amber = item.getAmber();
- ruby = item.getRuby();
- sapphire = item.getSapphire();
- air = item.getAir();
- arrow_right = item.custom.create("ARROW_RIGHT", 1, "§fConvert", null);
- prefix_commands = "§6Commands";
- hint_1 = item.create("minecraft:iron_chestplate", 1, "§fArmor Part", null);
- hint_2 = item.getRuby();
- hint_3 = item.custom.create("GOLD_COIN", 1, "§f4096 Snuvis", null);
- hint_4 = item.create("minecraft:iron_chestplate", 1, "§fArmor Part", null);
- hint_5 = item.create("minecraft:iron_chestplate", 1, "§fArmor Part", null);
- hint_6 = item.getSapphire();
- hint_7 = item.custom.create("GOLD_COIN", 1, "§f4096 Snuvis", null);
- hint_8 = item.create("minecraft:iron_chestplate", 1, "§fArmor Part", null);
- hint_9 = item.create("minecraft:iron_chestplate", 1, "§fArmor Part", null);
- hint_10 = item.getAmber();
- hint_11 = item.custom.create("GOLD_COIN", 1, "§f4096 Snuvis", null);
- hint_12 = item.create("minecraft:iron_chestplate", 1, "§fArmor Part", null);
- item.addFlag(hint_2, "HIDE_ATTRIBUTES");
- item.addFlag(hint_3, "HIDE_ATTRIBUTES");
- item.addFlag(hint_6, "HIDE_ATTRIBUTES");
- item.addFlag(hint_10, "HIDE_ATTRIBUTES");
- item.addFlag(hint_11, "HIDE_ATTRIBUTES");
- item.addDefaultTags(hint_4);
- item.addDefaultTags(hint_8);
- item.addDefaultTags(hint_12);
- item.addAttribute(hint_4, "GENERIC_MAX_HEALTH", slot_chest, 2, "ADD_NUMBER");
- item.addAttribute(hint_8, "GENERIC_ARMOR", slot_chest, 1, "ADD_NUMBER");
- item.addAttribute(hint_12, "GENERIC_KNOCKBACK_RESISTANCE", slot_chest, 0.1, "ADD_NUMBER");
- anvil_use = sound.get("BLOCK_ANVIL_USE");
- sc_master = sound.getCategory("MASTER");
- snuvis = 4096;
- tag_helmet = item.getTag("km:helmet");
- tag_chestplate = item.getTag("km:chestplate");
- tag_leggings = item.getTag("km:leggings");
- tag_boots = item.getTag("km:boots");
- msg.string("dev", "§bGemstones §rloaded.");
- @wait
- wait();
- if(event == "entity_click") {
- if(slot.isOffHand(hand)) {
- goto("wait");
- }
- if(!isCitizen(entity)) {
- goto("wait");
- }
- entity_name = entity.getName(entity);
- string_name = string.text(entity_name);
- if(string_name != "Ludwig") {
- goto("wait");
- }
- inv = inv.new("011020100022000000022000000022000000", text.new("Gemstone-Anvil"));
- inv.setItem(inv, 4, arrow_right);
- inv.setItem(inv, 10, hint_1);
- inv.setItem(inv, 11, hint_2);
- inv.setItem(inv, 12, hint_3);
- inv.setItem(inv, 15, hint_4);
- inv.setItem(inv, 19, hint_5);
- inv.setItem(inv, 20, hint_6);
- inv.setItem(inv, 21, hint_7);
- inv.setItem(inv, 24, hint_8);
- inv.setItem(inv, 28, hint_9);
- inv.setItem(inv, 29, hint_10);
- inv.setItem(inv, 30, hint_11);
- inv.setItem(inv, 33, hint_12);
- inv.open(inv, player);
- goto("wait");
- }
- if(event == "snuvi_click") {
- title_string = string.text(inv_title);
- if(title_string != "Gemstone-Anvil") {
- goto("wait");
- }
- if(inv_slot == 4) {
- //Ziel-slot muss leer sein
- item = inv.getItem(inv, 6);
- if(item != null) {
- msg.prefix(player, prefix_commands, "Result slot needs to be empty.");
- goto("wait");
- }
- //Quell-slots müssen belegt sein
- item_0 = inv.getItem(inv, 1);
- if(item_0 == null) {
- msg.prefix(player, prefix_commands, "First slot is empty.");
- goto("wait");
- }
- item_1 = inv.getItem(inv, 2);
- if(item_1 == null) {
- msg.prefix(player, prefix_commands, "Second slot is empty.");
- goto("wait");
- }
- if(item.hasTag(item_0, tag_helmet)) {
- slot = slot_head;
- } elseif(item.hasTag(item_0, tag_chestplate)) {
- slot = slot_chest;
- } elseif(item.hasTag(item_0, tag_leggings)) {
- slot = slot_legs;
- } elseif(item.hasTag(item_0, tag_boots)) {
- slot = slot_feet;
- } else {
- msg.prefix(player, prefix_commands, "First slot is not an armor part.");
- goto("wait");
- }
- if(item.getAmount(item_0) != 1) {
- msg.prefix(player, prefix_commands, "Only one armor part allowed.");
- goto("wait");
- }
- //which gemstone
- if(item.isRuby(item_1)) {
- gem = ruby;
- att_type = "GENERIC_MAX_HEALTH";
- att_amount = 2;
- }
- elseif(item.isSapphire(item_1)) {
- gem = sapphire;
- att_type = "GENERIC_ARMOR";
- att_amount = 1;
- }
- elseif(item.isAmber(item_1)) {
- gem = amber;
- att_amount = 0.1;
- } else {
- msg.prefix(player, prefix_commands, "Second slot needs to be one Gemstone (Amber, Ruby, ...).");
- goto("wait");
- }
- if(item.getAmount(item_1) != 1) {
- msg.prefix(player, prefix_commands, "Second slot needs to be one Gemstone (Amber, Ruby, ...).");
- goto("wait");
- }
- if(!hasEnoughMoney(player, snuvis)) {
- msg.prefix(player, prefix_plot, string.concat("You need ", money.getString(snuvis), " snuvis for this."));
- goto("wait");
- }
- money.sub(player, snuvis);
- sound.spawn(entity.getLocation(player), anvil_use, sc_master);
- if(!item.hasAttributes(item_0)) {
- item.addDefaultTags(item_0);
- }
- item.addAttribute(item_0, att_type, slot, att_amount, "ADD_NUMBER");
- inv.setItem(inv, 1, air);
- inv.removeItem(inv, item_1);
- inv.setItem(inv, 6, item_0);
- }
- }
- goto("wait");