footnote | |
* | writable |
** | can be null |
entity_change_block | an entity changes a block |
Variables | entity block change_data as blockdata for the new state *cancel |
entity_damage | an entity gets damage |
Variables | entity damage_source cause as string **damager_block **damager_entity damage raw_damage *cancel |
entity_heal | an entity gets healed |
Variables | entity *heal cause as string *cancel |
living_death | a living_entity dies |
Variables | living_entity damage_source *drops as list of itemstacks *experience *cancel |
block_drop | a destroyed block drops something |
Variables | player block old_material *drops as list with ItemEntities |
entity_click | an entity gets right_clicked |
Variables | player entity hand *cancel |
living_spawn | a living entity spawns |
Variables | living_entity cause as string location *cancel |
entity_spawn | an entity spawns |
Variables | entity location *cancel |
entity_remove | an entity is removed from a world |
Variables | entity |
living_tame | a living entity gets tamed |
Variables | living_entity tamer *cancel |
entity_mount | an entity mounts another entity |
Variables | entity mount as entity *cancel |
entity_dismount | an entity dismounts another entity |
Variables | entity mount as entity |
player_login | a player tries to connect to the server |
Variables | player result |
player_join | a player joins the server |
Variables | player *message as text |
Info | message = null means no message |
player_quit | a player leaves the server |
Variables | player *message as text |
Info | message = null means no message |
player_pre_respawn | a player will respawn |
Variables | player |
Info | devs can set the spawn-location on this event |
player_post_respawn | a player has respawned |
Variables | player |
Info | devs can refill the inventory on this event |
player_toggle_sneak | a player toggles sneak |
Variables | player sneak as boolean *cancel |
player_drop | a player drops an item |
Variables | player item_entity *cancel |
living_pickup | a living entity picks up an item |
Variables | living_entity item_entity *cancel |
player_move | a player moves in a before defined area |
Variables | player id |
block_break | a block is broken by a player |
Variables | player block *cancel |
block_place | a block is placed by a player |
Variables | player block hand *cancel |
block_click | a block gets clicked by a player |
Variables | player **block action as string hand *cancel |
block_burn | a block is burned |
Variables | block block_source *cancel |
block_spread | Paper API#BlockSpreadEvent |
Variables | block block_source *cancel |
block_fade | Paper API#BlockFadeEvent |
Variables | block *cancel |
bucket_use | a bucket is filled / vacated |
Variables | player block bucket as material hand *cancel |
inv_click | a slot in an container gets clicked |
Variables | player inv **inv_clicked inv_title as text inv_slot as double click as string action as string *cancel |
snuvi_click | a slot in an custom inventory gets clicked |
Variables | player inv inv_title as text inv_slot as double click as string action as string |
Info | Custom inventories are not script-across. |
inv_close | an inventory gets closed |
Variables | player inv inv_title as text |
item_consume | an item gets consumed by a player |
Variables | player item *cancel |
pre_craft | a player crafts an item |
Variables | players as list with players *item *inv |
Info | item can be set to null |
craft | a player takes the result item out of craft inventory |
Variables | player item *cancel |
player_change_world | a player changes the world |
Variables | player from world as string |
player_teleport | a player teleports |
Variables | player from as location to as location cause as string *cancel |
fishing | a player fishes something |
Variables | player **entity *experience hook as entity *cancel |
command | a player uses a non custom-command |
Variables | player command as string permission as string command_class as string *cancel |
custom_command | something uses a custom-command |
Variables | sender command as string args as list string_args as list with strings only |
Info | sender can be a player, console... |
chat | a player writes into chat |
Variables | player *message as text *cancel |
projectile_hit | a thrown projectile hits a block or an entity |
Variables | **shooter projectile **entity_hit **block_hit *cancel |
arm_swing | a player makes an arm_swing (might be a leftclick into air) |
Variables | player hand *cancel |
explosion | explosions are cancelled on default |
Variables | entity *fire as boolean *radius *cancel | true |
missing_command | a sender uses a non-existing command |
Variables | sender command |
missing_perm | a sender has no permissions for a used command |
Variables | sender command perm |
player_data_tick | thrown if a timer from data.setTimer reached 0 |
Variables | player var |
player_elytra_start | thrown if a player starts using an elytra |
Variables | player |
player_elytra_stop | thrown if a player stops using an elytra |
Variables | player |
player_item_held | a player changes their hotbar slot |
Variables | player from as double to as double *cancel |
player_swap_hand_items | a player swaps their items in their hands |
Variables | player *cancel |
player_jump | a player jumps |
Variables | player |
world_load | a world gets loaded |
Variables | world |
vote | a vote gets received |
Variables | from as string name as string ip as string timestamp as double |
vehicle_enter | an entity enters a vehicle |
Variables | vehicle entity |
vehicle_exit | an living_entity exits a vehicle |
Variables | vehicle living_entity |
block_shear | a player uses shears on a block |
Variables | player block hand *drops *cancel |
bell_ring | a bell is rung |
Variables | block **entity direction *cancel |
spectation_start | a player starts spectating |
Variables | player entity *cancel |
spectation_stop | a player stops spectating |
Variables | player entity *cancel |
player_pickup_exp | a player picks up XP |
Variables | player *cancel |
elytra_boost | a player boosts using elytra |
Variables | player hand firework as entity *consume as boolean *cancel |
event.addMoveData | creates an area for player_move events and returns the id |
Format | event.addMoveData(location1, location2, cooldown, livingtime, [uuid / uuid_string / player]) |
Arguments |
cooldown: -1 terminated after a single trigger cooldown: > 0 clock rate in ticks, no termination livingtime: -1 area lives forever livingtime: > 0 stays amount of ticks alive uuid / uuid_string / player: event only triggers for this player |
Info | on script termination this area will be removed |
removes an area for player_move events by id | |
Format | event.removeMoveData(id) |
ban.add | bans a player from the server |
Format | ban.add(player_name, reason, banner, [end_date]) |
Arguments |
reason as string banner as string (the person who bans, write what you want) end_date as calendar object |
ban.remove | unbans a player from the server |
Format | ban.remove(player_uuid) |
ban.addIp | bans an IP from the server |
Format | ban.addIp(ip, reason, banner, [end_date]) |
Arguments |
reason as string banner as string (the person who bans, write what you want) end_date as calendar object |
ban.removeIp | unbans an IP from the server |
Format | ban.removeIp(ip) |
ban.kick | kicks a player from the server |
Format | ban.kick(player, reason) |
Arguments | reason as text |
block.setData | set a block |
Format | block.setData(block, blockdata, [boolean | false]) |
Arguments | boolean true places with block update |
block.setMaterial | set a block |
Format | block.setMaterial(block, material, [boolean | false]) |
Arguments | boolean true places with block update |
block.clone | clone a block to a location |
Format | block.clone(block, location, [boolean | false]) |
Arguments | boolean true places with block update |
block.setSign | set text on a sign |
Format | block.setSign(block, side, row, text) |
Arguments | row from 0 to 3 side: "FRONT"/"BACK" |
block.getSign | returns the text of a sign from a specific row |
Format | block.getSign(block, side, row) |
Arguments | row from 0 to 3 side: "FRONT"/"BACK" |
block.signSetWaxed | wax/unwax a sign |
Format | block.signSetWaxed(block, boolean) |
block.get | returns a block |
Format | block.get(location) |
block.getData | returns the blockdata of a block |
Format | block.getData(block) |
block.getInventory | returns the inventory of a block or null if it is not a container |
Format | block.getInventory(block) |
block.getType | returns the material of a block |
Format | block.getType(block) |
block.getLocation | returns the location of a block |
Format | block.getLocation(block) |
block.setOpen | set the open property for a block |
Format | block.setOpen(block, boolean) |
block.isOpen | returns true if the block is open |
Format | block.isOpen(block) |
block.getTag | returns a tag |
Format | block.getTag(String tag_name) |
block.hasTag | returns true if a block has a tag |
Format | block.hasTag(block, tag) |
block.break | breaks a block and drops the item |
Format | block.break(block, [entity]) |
block.isOpenable | returns true if a block is openable |
Format | block.isOpenable(block) |
block.isDoor | returns true if a block is a door |
Format | block.isDoor(block) |
block.setDoorHinge | sets the door hinge of a block |
Format | block.setDoorHinge(block, door_hinge_string) |
block.getDoorHinge | returns the door hinge of a block as string |
Format | block.getDoorHinge(block) |
block.setBisectedHalf | sets the bisected half of a block |
Format | block.setBisectedHalf(block, bisected_half_string) |
block.getBisectedHalf | returns the bisected half of a block as string |
Format | block.getBisectedHalf(block) |
block.isBisected | returns true if a block is bisected |
Format | block.isBisected(block) |
block.setDirectionalFace | sets the directional face of a block |
Format | block.setDirectionalFace(block, directional_face_string) |
block.getDirectionalFace | returns the directional face of a block as string |
Format | block.getDirectionalFace(block) |
block.getDirectionalFaces | returns a list with directional faces as string of a block |
Format | block.getDirectionalFaces(block) |
block.isDirectional | returns true if a block is directional |
Format | block.isDirectional(block) |
block.setPersistent | sets the persistence of a block |
Format | block.setPersistent(block, boolean) |
block.isPersistent | returns true if a block is persistent |
Format | block.isPersistent(block) |
block.isLeaves | returns true if a block is a leaf |
Format | block.isLeaves(block) |
block.canHaveWater | returns true if a block can have water |
Format | block.canHaveWater(block) |
block.isWaterLogged | returns true if a block is waterlogged |
Format | block.isWaterLogged(block) |
block.setWaterLogged | set the waterlogged property of a block |
Format | block.setWaterLogged(block, boolean) |
databank.prepare | returns the prepared statement |
Format | databank.prepare(sql-query, [boolean autoclose | true]) |
databank.setInt | sets an int in a statement |
Format | databank.setInt(statement, index, int) |
databank.setDouble | sets a double in a statement |
Format | databank.setDouble(statement, index, double) |
databank.setLong | sets a long in a statement |
Format | databank.setLong(statement, index, long) |
databank.setString | sets a string in a statement |
Format | databank.setString(statement, index, string) |
databank.setBool | sets a boolean in a statement |
Format | databank.setBool(statement, index, boolean) |
databank.getInt | returns an int from a result set |
Format | databank.getInt(result-set, index) |
databank.getDouble | returns a double from a result set |
Format | databank.getDouble(result-set, index) |
databank.getLong | returns a long from a result set |
Format | databank.getLong(result-set, index) |
databank.getString | returns a string from a result set |
Format | databank.getString(result-set, index) |
databank.getBool | returns a boolean from a result set |
Format | databank.getBool(result-set, index) |
databank.execute | returns a result-set after executing a reading statement |
Format | databank.execute(statement) |
databank.workerExecute | executes a writing statement |
Format | databank.workerExecute(statement) | | returns true and jumps to the next entry if the result-set has a next entry |
Format | |
databank.close | manual closing of a result-set |
Format | databank.close(result-set) |
citizen.spawn | returns the spawned citizen |
Format | citizen.spawn(location, name) |
citizen.despawn | despawns a citizen |
Format | citizen.despawn(citizen) |
citizen.destroy | destroys a citizen |
Format | citizen.destroy(citizen) |
citizen.setSkin | sets the skin of a citizen |
Format | citizen.setSkin(citizen, texture_value, texture_signature) |
citizen.setName | sets the name of a citizen |
Format | citizen.setName(citizen, name) |
citizen.showNameplate | sets the nameplate visibility of a citizen |
Format | citizen.showNameplate(citizen, boolean) |
citizen.setEquip | equips a citizen |
Format | citizen.setEquip(citizen, slot_name, itemstack) |
citizen.getName | returns the name as string |
Format | citizen.getName(citizen) |
citizen.lookclose | makes a citizen look at nearby players |
Format | citizen.lookclose(citizen) |
config.saveAsync | saves a config asynchronous |
Format | config.saveAsync(config) |
damage.get | returns a damage_source |
Format | damage.get(damage_name) |
Arguments | damage_name: inFire, lightningBolt, onFire, lava, hotFloor, inWall, cramming, drown, starve, cactus, fall, flyIntoWall, outOfWorld, generic, magic, wither, anvil, fallingBlock, dragonBreath, dryout, sweetBerryBush, freeze, fallingStalactite, stalagmite, outsideBorder, genericKill |
damage.getType | returns the type of a damage_source as string |
Format | damage.getType(damage_source) |
damage.getImmediateSource | returns the direct damager entity of a damage_source |
Format | damage.getImmediateSource(damage_source) |
damage.getTrueSource | returns the indirect damager entity of a damage_source |
Format | damage.getTrueSource(damage_source) |
damage.isDifficultyscaled | returns true if the damage_source will have its damageamount scaled based on the current difficulty |
Format | damage.isDifficultyscaled(damage_source) |
damage.isIndirect | returns true if the damage_source is indirect |
Format | damage.isIndirect(damage_source) |
data.set | sets data for a player (script-across) |
Format | data.set(player, key, value) |
data.get | returns data from a player (script-across) |
Format | data.get(player, key) |
data.setTimer | sets timed data for a player (script-across) |
Format | data.setTimer(player, key, ticks) |
Arguments | set ticks to -1 to delete the timer when the timer expires the event player_data_tick is thrown |
data.getTimer | returns the remaining ticks of timed data (script-across) |
Format | data.getTimer(player, key) |
data.clear | deletes all data from a player (script-across) |
Format | data.clear(player) |
gamerule.getKey | returns a gamerule_key |
Format | gamerule.getKey(gamerule_string) |
gamerule.getValue | return a gamerule_value from a world |
Format | gamerule.getValue(world, gamerule_key) |
gamerule.setBool | sets a gamerule_value |
Format | gamerule.setBool(world, gamerule_value, boolean) |
gamerule.setInt | sets a gamerule_key |
Format | gamerule.setInt(world, gamerule_key, value) |
msg | sends a message |
Format | msg(receiver, text) |
Info | receiver: sender (player / console) "dev" (perm "script.debug" needed) "online" "server" |
isPlayer | returns true if the argument is a player |
Format | isPlayer(anything) |
isLiving | returns true if the argument is a living entity |
Format | isLiving(anything) |
isCitizen | returns true if the argument is a citizen |
Format | isCitizen(anything) |
setMOTD | sets the message of the day in the server list |
Format | setMOTD(string) |
getMOTD | returns the message of the day as text |
Format | getMOTD() |
stop | stops the server |
Format | stop() |
material.get | returns a material |
Format | material.get(material_name) |
material.getAll | returns an array with all materials |
Format | material.getAll() |
material.isItem | returns true if a material is an holdable item |
Format | material.isItem(material) |
material.isBlock | returns true if a material is an placeable block |
Format | material.isBlock(material) |
material.isSolid | returns true if a material is a block and solid (can be built upon) |
Format | material.isSolid(material) |
material.setCooldown | sets the cooldown of a material of a player |
Format | material.setCooldown(material, player, ticks) |
material.getSlot | returns the slot to use for an item attribute |
Format | material.getSlot(material) | | return an itemstack |
Format |, [amount | 1]) |
item.drop | drops an itemstack at a location and returns the item_entity |
Format | item.drop(itemstack, location) |
item.getType | returns the material of an itemstack |
Format | item.getType(itemstack) |
item.getMaxAmount | returns the maximum size of an itemstack |
Format | item.getMaxAmount(itemstack) |
item.getAmount | returns the size of an itemstack |
Format | item.getAmount(itemstack) |
item.setAmount | sets the size of an itemstack |
Format | item.setAmount(itemstack, size) |
item.hasName | returns true if the itemstack has a modified name |
Format | item.hasName(itemstack) |
item.getName | returns the name of an itemstack as text or null |
Format | item.getName(itemstack) |
item.setName | sets the name of an itemstack |
Format | item.setName(itemstack, text_name) |
item.getLore | returns a list of texts with all lores of an itemstack |
Format | item.getLore(itemstack) |
item.setLore | sets the lore of an itemstack |
Format | item.setLore(itemstack, list) |
Arguments | list of texts |
item.addAttribute | adds an attribute to an itemstack |
Format | item.addAttribute(itemstack, attribute, slot, double, operation) |
item.clearAttributes | removes all custom attributes from an itemstack |
Format | item.clearAttributes(itemstack) |
item.hasAttributes | returns true if an itemstack has attributes |
Format | item.hasAttributes(itemstack) |
item.addDefaultTags | adds the default attributes to an itemstack |
Format | item.addDefaultTags(itemstack) |
item.addFlag | adds a flag to an itemstack |
Format | item.addFlag(itemstack, flag) |
item.removeFlag | removes a flag from an itemstack |
Format | item.removeFlag(itemstack, flag) |
item.addPotion | adds a potion effect to an item |
Format | item.addPotion(itemstack, potion_name, duration, power) |
item.clone | returns a copy of an itemstack |
Format | item.clone(itemstack) |
item.getTag | returns an item tag |
Format | item.getTag(String tag_name) |
item.hasTag | returns true if an itemstack has an item tag |
Format | item.hasTag(itemstack, tag) |
item.isDamageable | returns true if the itemstack is damageable |
Format | item.isDamageable(itemstack) |
item.getMaxDamage | returns the maximum damage the itemstack can get |
Format | item.getMaxDamage(itemstack) |
item.setDamage | sets the damage of the itemstack |
Format | item.setDamage(itemstack, amount) |
item.getDamage | returns the damage of an itemstack |
Format | item.getDamage(itemstack) |
item.entity.get | returns the itemstack of an item_entity |
Format | item.entity.get(item_entity) |
item.entity.set | sets the itemstack of an item_entity |
Format | item.entity.set(item_entity, itemstack) |
item.entity.setPickupDelay | sets the pickupdelay for an item_entity |
Format | item.entity.setPickupDelay(item_entity, ticks) |
enchantment.get | returns an enchantment |
Format | enchantment.get(enchantment_string) |
Arguments | Minecraft Wiki Verzauberungen (ID-Name verwenden) |
enchantment.getMaxLevel | returns the maximum level of an enchantment |
Format | enchantment.getMaxLevel(enchantment) |
enchantment.add | adds an enchantment to an itemstack |
Format | enchantment.add(enchantment, itemstack, level) |
enchantment.getLevel | returns the level of an enchantment an itemstack has |
Format | enchantment.getLevel(enchantment, itemstack) |
enchantment.readFromItem | returns a map with all enchantments of an itemstack |
Format | enchantment.readFromItem(itemstack) |
Format | enchantment as key, level as value |
enchantment.writeToItem | writes all enchantments from the map on the itemstack |
Format | enchantment.writeToItem(map, itemstack) |
debug.clear | clears all cached debug messages |
Format | debug.clear() |
debug.getSize | returns the amount of all cached debug messages |
Format | debug.getSize() |
debug.getIndex | returns the debug message from an index |
Format | debug.getIndex(index) |
debug.setConsolePrint | true prints snuvi debug messages on console (not stack traces) |
Format | debug.setConsolePrint(boolean) |
debug.getIndexTime | returns the time of a debug message from an index |
Format | debug.getIndexTime(index) |
error.clear | clears all cached errors |
Format | error.clear() |
error.getSize | returns the amount of all cached errors |
Format | error.getSize() |
error.getIndex | returns the error from an index |
Format | error.getIndex(index) |
error.setConsolePrint | true prints snuvi errors on console (not stack traces) |
Format | error.setConsolePrint(boolean) |
error.getIndexTime | returns the time of an error from an index |
Format | error.getIndexTime(index) | | creates a location |
Format |, x, y, z), x, y, z, yaw, pitch) |
loc.getX | returns the x coordinate |
Format | loc.getX(location) |
loc.setX | sets the x coordinate |
Format | loc.setX(location, value) |
loc.addX | adds the value to the x coordinate |
Format | loc.addX(location, value) |
loc.getBlockX | returns the x block coordinate |
Format | loc.getBlockX(location) |
loc.getY | returns the y coordinate |
Format | loc.getY(location) |
loc.setY | sets the y coordinate |
Format | loc.setY(location, value) |
loc.addY | adds the value to the y coordinate |
Format | loc.addY(location, value) |
loc.getBlockY | returns the y block coordinate |
Format | loc.getBlockY(location) |
loc.getZ | returns the z coordinate |
Format | loc.getZ(location) |
loc.setZ | sets the z coordinate |
Format | loc.setZ(location, value) |
loc.addZ | adds the value to the z coordinate |
Format | loc.addZ(location, value) |
loc.getBlockZ | returns the z block coordinate |
Format | loc.getBlockZ(location) |
loc.setYaw | sets the yaw of a location |
Format | loc.setYaw(location, Yaw) |
loc.getYaw | returns the yaw of a location |
Format | loc.getYaw(location) |
loc.setPitch | sets the pitch of a location |
Format | loc.setPitch(location, Pitch) |
loc.getPitch | returns the pitch of a location |
Format | loc.getPitch(location) |
loc.getWorld | returns the world of a location as object |
Format | loc.getWorld(location) |
loc.distance | returns the difference between two locations |
Format | loc.distance(location1, location2) |
Info | there is an error if the two locations have not the same world |
loc.isBetween | returns true if the location is between two other locations |
Format | loc.isBetween(location, location1, location2) |
loc.mod | returns a modified copy of the location |
Format | loc.mod(location, x, y, z) |
loc.add | modifies the original location |
Format | loc.add(location, x, y, z) |
loc.set | modifies the original location |
Format | loc.set(location, x, y, z) |
loc.sort | sort in lowest and highest coordinates |
Format | loc.sort(location1, location2) |
loc.iterator | returns the iterator for the area |
Format | loc.iterator(world, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) |
loc.explode | makes an explosion at a location |
Format | loc.explode(location, entity, radius, fire_bool, block_damage_bool) |
Info | entity can be null |
read.player | returns a player or null |
Format | read.player(player_name) |
read.item | returns an itemstack or null |
Format | read.item(nbt_string) |
read.uuid | returns a uuid or null |
Format | read.uuid(uuid_string) |
read.slot | returns a slot or null |
Format | read.slot(slot_name) |
read.blockData | returns blockdata or null |
Format | read.blockData(blockdata_string) |
string.item | returns an nbt-tag from an itemstack as string |
Format | string.item(itemstack) |
string.entity | returns a serialized entity |
Format | string.entity(entity) |
string.text | returns a text converted to a string |
Format | string.text(text) |
string.blockData | returns blockdata converted to a string |
Format | string.blockData(blockdata) | | returns a text |
Format | | | returns a clickable text |
Format |, execute_string) |
text.hover | returns a hoverable text |
Format | text.hover(show_text, hover_text) | | returns a clickable text for links |
Format |, link_string) |
text.clipBoard | returns a clickable text to copy a string into the clipboard |
Format | text.clipBoard(text, string) |
text.merge | returns merged texts |
Format | text.merge(text, ...) |
text.item | returns a hoverable itemstack text |
Format | text.item(show_text, itemstack) |
text.suggest | returns a clickable text for chat/command line insertion |
Format | text.suggest(show_text, suggest_text) |
text.color | returns rgb colored text |
Format | text.color(text, red, green, blue) |
Info | red green blue from 0 to 255 |
plot.add | returns the created plot |
Format | plot.add(location1, location2, [plot_id]) |
plot.remove | removes a plot from a world |
Format | plot.remove(plot, world) |
plot.getId | returns the plot_id |
Format | plot.getId(plot) |
plot.setName | sets the name of a plot |
Format | plot.setName(plot, name) |
plot.getName | returns the name of a plot |
Format | plot.getName(plot) |
plot.get | returns a list with all plots at a location |
Format | plot.get(location) |
plot.getMinX | returns the lowest x coordinate of a plot |
Format | plot.getMinX(plot) |
plot.getMinY | returns the lowest y coordinate of a plot |
Format | plot.getMinY(plot) |
plot.getMinZ | returns the lowest z coordinate of a plot |
Format | plot.getMinZ(plot) |
plot.getMaxX | returns the lowest x coordinate of a plot |
Format | plot.getMaxX(plot) |
plot.getMaxY | returns the lowest y coordinate of a plot |
Format | plot.getMaxY(plot) |
plot.getMaxZ | returns the lowest z coordinate of a plot |
Format | plot.getMaxZ(plot) |
plot.intersecting | returns a list with all intersecting plots |
Format | plot.intersecting(world, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) |
plot.setFlags | sets all flags to the boolean |
Format | plot.setFlags(plot, flags, boolean) |
plot.getFlags | returns all flags as double |
Format | plot.getFlags(plot) |
plot.hasFlags | returns true if all flags existing |
Format | plot.hasFlags(plot, flags) |
plot.getOwners | returns a list with all owners as uuid |
Format | plot.getOwners(plot) |
Info | list can be modified |
plot.check | returns true if the player is owner of any plot from that location OR if any plot contains all given flags. returns empty if there is no plot |
Format | plot.check(location, player, Int flags, Boolean empty) |
Arguments | player can be null flags: 0 if not desired 1 PLACE_FLAG 2 BREAK_FLAG 4 BUCKET_FLAG 8 HIT_AMBIENT_FLAG 16 BLOCK_INTERACT_FLAG 32 ENTITY_INTERACT_FLAG |
Examples |
plot.check(loc, null, 1, false) ==> true if place_flag existing plot.check(loc, null, 2, false) ==> true if break_flag existing plot.check(loc, null, 3, false) ==> true if break_flag and place_flag existing plot.check(loc, player, 0, false) ==> true if player is owner plot.check(loc, player, 0, true) ==> true if player is owner or if there is no plot |
plot.iterator | returns the iterator for the plots in a world [for a player] |
Format | plot.iterator(world, [uuid]) |
plot.addBlock | makes a block public |
Format | plot.addBlock(location) |
plot.removeBlock | makes a block non-public |
Format | plot.removeBlock(location) |
plot.hasBlock | returns true if a block is public |
Format | plot.hasBlock(location) |
plot.blockIterator | returns the iterator for protected blocks in a world |
Format | plot.blockIterator(world) |
plot.position.getX | returns the x coordinate of a position |
Format | plot.position.getX(position) |
plot.position.getY | returns the y coordinate of a position |
Format | plot.position.getY(position) |
plot.position.getZ | returns the z coordinate of a position |
Format | plot.position.getZ(position) |
plot.savePlots | saves all plot changes |
Format | plot.savePlots(world) |
plot.saveBlocks | saves all block changes |
Format | plot.saveBlocks(world) | | returns a table object |
Format |, width, width, width, ...) |
table.getStart | returns the head of a table |
Format | table.getStart(table) |
table.getMiddle | returns the middle of a table |
Format | table.getMiddle(table) |
table.getEnd | returns the end of a table |
Format | table.getEnd(table) |
table.get | returns a line of a table |
Format | table.get(table, args...) |
table.setSize | defines the pixel size of a character |
Format | table.setSize("character", pixel_int) |
table.setEmpty1 | defines the 1 pixel empty character |
Format | table.setEmpty1(string) |
table.setEmpty2 | defines the 2 pixel empty character |
Format | table.setEmpty2(string) |
table.setEmpty4 | defines the 4 pixel empty character |
Format | table.setEmpty4(string) |
command.add | registers a custom command |
Format | command.add(string) |
command.remove | removes a custom command |
Format | command.remove(string) |
command.clear | removes all custom commands |
Format | command.clear() |
command.exists | returns true if a custom command exists |
Format | command.exists(string) |
command.newHelp | returns a help-object |
Format | command.newHelp(string, perm) |
command.newHelpLiteral | returns a help argument |
Format | command.newHelpLiteral(string, [perm]) |
command.newHelpBool | returns a help argument |
Format | command.newHelpBool(string, [perm]) |
command.newHelpDouble | returns a help argument |
Format | command.newHelpDouble(string, min, max, [perm]) |
command.newHelpFloat | returns a help argument |
Format | command.newHelpFloat(string, min, max, [perm]) |
command.newHelpInt | returns a help argument |
Format | command.newHelpInt(string, min, max, [perm]) |
command.newHelpLong | returns a help argument |
Format | command.newHelpLong(string, min, max, [perm]) |
command.newHelpString | returns a help argument |
Format | command.newHelpString(string, boolean, [perm]) |
Arguments | boolean true means greedy |
command.newHelpSpecial | returns a help argument |
Format | command.newHelpSpecial(type, string, [perm]) |
Arguments | type = "Item", "Particle", "Potion", "Sound", "Enchantment", "Player" |
command.registerHelp | registers a command-help |
Format | command.registerHelp(help-object) |
command.addHelpArgument | adds a help argument to a help |
Format | command.addHelpArgument(help, helpArgument) |
sb.add | adds text to the scoreboard |
Format | sb.add(player, unique_index, string) |
Arguments | index from 1 to 99 |
Info | vanilla: maximum 12 rows |
sb.remove | removes a row from the scoreboard |
Format | sb.remove(player, unique_index) |
Arguments | index as number from 1 to 99 |
sb.addRaw | adds text to the scoreboard |
Format | sb.addRaw(player, index, unique_string) |
Arguments | index from 1 to 99 |
Info | vanilla: maximum 12 rows |
sb.removeRaw | removes a row from the scoreboard |
Format | sb.removeRaw(player, unique_string) |
sb.setTitle | sets a scoreboard title |
Format | sb.setTitle(player, text) |
sb.clear | clears the scoreboard of a player |
Format | sb.clear(player) |
script.start | connects all scripts, starts them as one script and returns the script |
Format | script.start(scriptpath1, scriptpath2, ...) |
script.startNamed | connects all scripts, starts them as one script and returns the script |
Format | script.startNamed(custom_name, scriptpath1, scriptpath2, ...) | Info | named scripts can be selected with script.get by their custom_name |
script.callEvent | calls an event |
Format | script.callEvent(event, [script]) |
title.send | shows a player a title (and subtitle if set) |
Format | title.send(player, title, [subtitle], [fadeIn | 20], [stay | 60], [fadeOut | 20]) |
title.remove | removes the shown title |
Format | title.remove(player) |
perm.clear | removes all permissions from a player |
Format | perm.clear(player) |
perm.add | adds a permission to a player |
Format | perm.add(perm, player) |
perm.remove | removes a permission from a player |
Format | perm.remove(perm, player) |
perm.has | returns true if a player has the permission |
Format | perm.has(perm, player) |
perm.update | updates the permissions of a player |
Format | perm.update(player) |
Info | call this after adding all player permissions |
players.toList | returns a list with all players in a world |
Format | players.toList(World) |
players.near | returns a list with all players within a radius of a location |
Format | players.near(location, radius) |
players.getAmount | returns the number of online players |
Format | players.getAmount() |
player.getHead | returns the head of a player as an itemstack |
Format | player.getHead(uuid, name) |
Arguments | uuid and(!) name of the same(!) player |
player.getNearest | returns the next player to a location |
Format | player.getNearest(location) |
Info | searches in a radius of 10 blocks |
player.setDisplayName | sets the name of a player in the tab list |
Format | player.setDisplayName(player, text) |
player.action | shows a message in the action bar |
Format | player.action(receiver, text) |
Info | receiver: sender (player / console) "dev" (perm "script.debug" needed) "online" "server" |
player.getTargetBlock | returns the block a player is looking at |
Format | player.getTargetBlock(player, radius, [fluidmode|false]) |
Arguments |
Vanilla default radius: 5 radius will be cast to int fluidmode: true does not ignore water |
player.getName | returns the name of a player |
Format | player.getName(uuid / uuid_string / player) |
Info | uuid and uuid_string can return null |
player.getUuid | returns the uuid of a player |
Format | player.getUuid(player / player_name) |
Info | player_name can return null |
player.getUuidFromId | returns the uuid of a player from their id |
Format | player.getUuidFromId(player_id) |
player.getNameFromId | returns the name of a player from their id |
Format | player.getNameFromId(player_id) |
player.getId | returns the id of a player |
Format | player.getId(player / uuid / uuid_string) |
player.get | returns a player |
Format | player.get(player / uuid / uuid_string) |
player.respawn | forces the respawn of a dead player |
Format | player.respawn(player) |
player.setCompass | sets the target of a compass |
Format | player.setCompass(player, location) |
player.setHunger | sets the hunger of a player |
Format | player.setHunger(player, number) |
Info | Vanilla default: 0-20 |
player.getHunger | returns the hunger of a player |
Format | player.getHunger(player) |
player.setSaturation | sets the saturation of a player |
Format | player.setSaturation(player, number) |
Info | Vanilla default: 5, maximum: 20 |
player.getSaturation | returns the saturation of a player |
Format | player.getSaturation(player) |
player.setGamemode | set the gamemode for a player |
Format | player.setGamemode(player, gamemode) |
Arguments | gamemode as "SURVIVAL" / "CREATIVE" / "ADVENTURE" / "SPECTATOR" |
player.isSurvival | returns true if a player is in gamemode survival |
Format | player.isSurvival(player) |
player.isCreative | returns true if a player is in gamemode creative |
Format | player.isCreative(player) |
player.isAdventure | returns true if a player is in gamemode adventure |
Format | player.isAdventure(player) |
player.isSpectator | returns true if a player is in gamemode spectator |
Format | player.isSpectator(player) |
player.hasFly | returns true if a player is allowed to fly |
Format | player.hasFly(player) |
player.isFlying | returns true if a player is flying |
Format | player.isFlying(player) |
player.setFly | set if a player is allowed to fly |
Format | player.setFly(player, boolean) |
player.dropInventory | drops the inventory of a player at a location |
Format | player.dropInventory(player, location) |
player.getItemAmount | returns the amount of an exact itemstack from a players inventory |
Format | player.getItemAmount(player, itemstack) |
player.damageItem | damages the item in the hand of a player |
Format | player.damageItem(player, damage_amount) |
Info | unbreaking (and more) is considered |
player.setSpawn | sets the spawn location of a player |
Format | player.setSpawn(player, location) |
player.getSpawn | returns the spawn location of a player |
Format | player.getSpawn(player) |
Format | spawn is linked to the bed spawn, if no bed spawn exists the return value may be null |
player.giveItem | gives an itemstack to a player and returns the item amount which did not fit in a players inventory |
Format | player.giveItem(player, itemstack) |
player.addItem | returns 0 if the itemstack is added, otherwise the itemstack will not be added and the not fitting item amount is returned |
Format | player.addItem(player, itemstack) |
player.removeItem | returns 0 if the itemstack is removed, otherwise the itemstack will not be removed and the missing item amount is returned |
Format | player.removeItem(player, itemstack) |
player.getIP | returns the ip-address of a player as string |
Format | player.getIp(player) |
player.getInv | returns the (non-copy) inventory of a player |
Format | player.getInv(player) |
player.getEnderInv | returns the (non-copy) ender inventory of a player |
Format | player.getEnderInv(player) |
player.getTargetEntity | returns the targeted entity |
Format | player.getTargetEntity(player, radius) |
Arguments | radius will be cast to int |
player.getTargetCitizen | returns the targeted citizen |
Format | player.getTargetCitizen(player, radius) |
Arguments | radius will be cast to int |
player.getLevel | returns the level of a player |
Format | player.getLevel(player) |
player.setLevel | sets the level of a player |
Format | player.setLevel(player, level) |
Arguments | level is cast to int |
player.getExp | returns the experience of a player |
Format | player.getExp(player) |
player.setExp | sets the experience of a player |
Format | player.setExp(player, exp) |
Arguments | exp is cast to float |
player.addTotalExp | modifies the experience of a player |
Format | player.addTotalExp(player, exp) |
Arguments | exp is cast to int |
player.hide | hides a player from another player |
Format | player.hide(player, player_to_hide) | | shows a player or another player |
Format |, player_to_show) |
player.setFlySpeed | sets the fly speed of a player |
Format | player.setFlySpeed(player, speed) |
Arguments | speed is cast to float |
player.setWalkSpeed | sets the walk speed of a player |
Format | player.setWalkSpeed(player, speed) |
Arguments | speed is cast to float |
player.isSprinting | returns true if the player is sprinting |
Format | player.isSprinting(player) |
player.setSprinting | sets weather the player is sprinting or not |
Format | player.setSprinting(player) |
player.setSneaking | sets weather the player is sneaking or not |
Format | player.setSneaking(player) |
player.isSneaking | returns true if a player is sneaking |
Format | player.isSneaking(player) |
player.isBlocking | returns true if a player is blocking with their shield |
Format | player.isBlocking(player) |
player.setSlot | sets the active slot of a player |
Format | player.setSlot(player, slot) |
Arguments | slot from 0 to 8 |
player.resetSleep | resets the time since last rest |
Format | player.resetSleep(player) |
player.getSpectatorTarget | gets the Targetentity the player is spectating |
Format | player.getSpectatorTarget(player) |
player.setSpectatorTarget | sets the Targetentity the player is spectating, set entity to null to reset. |
Format | player.getSpectatorTarget(player, entity) |
player.getLastDeathLocation | gets the players last death location |
Format | player.getLastDeathLocation(player) |
player.showElderGuardian | if silent is true, the elder guardian animation if hidden |
Format | player.showElderGuardian(player, silent) |
player.setExpCooldown | Sets the player's cooldown between picking up experience orbs. |
Format | player.setExpCooldown(player, ticks) |
player.sendHurtAnimation | Fakes incoming damage, yaw from 0-270. 0 = straight, 90 = right |
Format | player.sendHurtAnimation(player, yaw) |
player.lookat | sets the player to look at an entity, LookAnchor = "EYES"/"FEET" |
Format | player.lookat(player, entity, playerLookAnchor, entityLookAnchor) |
player.getPing | returns the ping of a player |
Format | player.getPing(player) |
player.setPlayerListHeader | sets the TablistHeader for the receiver |
Format | player.setPlayerListHeader(receiver, text) |
player.setPlayerListFooter | sets the TablistFooter for the receiver |
Format | player.setPlayerListFooter(receiver, text) | | returns a new custom inventory |
Format |, title) |
Arguments |
slotdata as string: 0 = no slot, throws no event 1 = normal slot, throws inv_click event 2 = button slot, throws snuvi_click event |
Examples |"002122000", ...) |
inv.getSize | returns the size of an inventory |
Format | inv.getSize(inventory) |
inv.setItem | sets an itemstack on a specific slot in an inventory |
Format | inv.setItem(inventory, slotindex, itemstack) |
inv.getItem | returns an itemstack from a specific slot of an inventory |
Format | inv.getItem(inventory, slotindex) | | shows an inventory to a player |
Format |, player) |
inv.close | closes an inventory of a player |
Format | inv.close(player) |
inv.clear | clears an inventory |
Format | inv.clear(inv) |
inv.getID | returns the id of an inventory or -1 if no custom inventory |
Format | inv.getID(inventory) |
inv.closeAll() | closes all custom inventories of all players |
Format | inv.closeAll() |
world.get | returns a world |
Format | world.get(name) |
world.getName | returns the name of a world |
Format | world.getName(world) |
world.getPlayers | returns a list with all players in a world |
Format | world.getPlayers(world) |
world.setDifficulty | sets the difficulty of a world |
Format | world.setDifficulty(world, difficulty) |
world.setSpawn | sets the world spawn |
Format | world.setSpawn(location) |
world.getSpawn | returns the world spawn as location |
Format | world.getSpawn(world) |
world.getAll | returns a list with all loaded worlds |
Format | world.getAll() |
world.setTime | sets the time for a world |
Format | world.setTime(world, time) |
Arguments | time from 0 to 24000 |
world.getTime | returns the time of a world |
Format | world.getTime(world) |
world.hasRain | returns true if it is raining in the world |
Format | world.hasStorm(world) |
world.hasThunder | returns true if there is thunder in the world |
Format | world.hasThunder(world) |
world.clearWeather | clears the weather of a world |
Format | world.clearWeather(world, ticks) |
Info | ticks when the next rain is allowed to start |
world.setRain | sets the weather of a world to rain |
Format | world.setRain(world, ticks) |
Info | ticks how long the rain stays |
world.setThunder | sets the weather of a world to thunder |
Format | world.setThunder(world, ticks) |
Info | ticks how long the thunder stays |
world.getEntities | returns a list with all entities in a world |
Format | world.getEntities(world) |
world.load | returns the loaded world |
Format | world.load(name) |
world.unload | returns true if unloading a world is successful |
Format | world.unload(world) |
world.getLoadedChunks | returns an array with all loaded chunks |
Format | world.getLoadedChunks(world) |
world.unloadChunk | returns true if unloading a chunk is successful |
Format | world.unloadChunk(chunk) |
world.getChunkX | returns the x chunk coordinate |
Format | world.getChunkX(chunk) |
world.getChunkZ | returns the x chunk coordinate |
Format | world.getChunkZ(chunk) |
world.isForceLoadedChunk | returns true if a chunk is forced to be loaded |
Format | world.isForceLoadedChunk(chunk) |
entity.getUuid | returns the uuid of an entity |
Format | entity.getUuid(entity) |
entity.getType | returns the type of an entity as string |
Format | entity.getType(entity) |
entity.setName | sets the name of an entity |
Format | entity.setName(entity, text, [nameVisibility | false]) |
Info | nameVisibility true means an always visible name) |
entity.getName | returns the name of an entity as text |
Format | entity.getName(entity) |
entity.getLocation | returns the location of an entity |
Format | entity.getLocation(entity) |
entity.teleport | teleports an entity |
Format | entity.teleport(entity, location) |
entity.setInvulnerable | sets an entity (in)vulnerable |
Format | entity.setInvulnerable(entity, boolean) |
entity.remove | removes an entity |
Format | entity.remove(entity) |
entity.removeAll | remove specific entities from an area |
Format | entity.removeAll(entity_class, location, radius) |
entity.setSilent | true sets an entity silent |
Format | entity.setSilent(entity, boolean) |
entity.mount | lets an entity ride another entity |
Format | entity.mount(entity, mount_entity) |
entity.unmount | unmounts an entity |
Format | entity.unmount(entity) |
entity.getMount | returns the mount of an entity |
Format | entity.getMount(entity) |
entity.getPassengers | returns a list of passengers of an entity |
Format | entity.getPassengers(entity) |
entity.isWet | returns true if an entity is wet |
Format | entity.isWet(entity) |
entity.isBurning | returns true if an entity burns |
Format | entity.isBurning(entity) |
entity.setBurning | sets an entity on fire |
Format | entity.setBurning(entity, ticks) |
Info | 0 ticks extinguish the entity |
entity.setNoPickup | sets an arrow_entity not pickupable |
Format | entity.setNoPickup(arrow_entity) |
entity.get | returns the next entity to a location or null |
Format | entity.get(location, radius, entity_class) |
entity.spawn | spawns an entity and returns it |
Format | entity.spawn(location, type) |
entity.setGravity | toggles the gravity of an entity |
Format | entity.setGravity(entity, boolean) |
entity.setGrowingAge | sets the growing age of an entity |
Format | entity.setGrowingAge(entity, age_int) |
entity.getPotionType | returns the itemstack of a thrown potion |
Format | entity.getPotionType(potion_entity) |
entity.near | returns a list with all entities within a location / a radius of an entity |
Format | entity.near(location / entity, radius) |
entity.getLook | returns the look direction as array |
Format | entity.getLook(entity) |
entity.setLook | sets the look of an entity |
Format | entity.setLook(entity, x, y, z) |
entity.getMotion | returns the motion as array |
Format | entity.getMotion(entity) |
entity.setMotion | sets the motion of an entity |
Format | entity.setMotion(entity, x, y, z) |
Info | x/y/z is clamped in the interval from -3.9 to 3.9 by Minecraft |
entity.frame.spawn | spawns an itemframe with an itemstack |
Format | entity.frame.spawn(location, block_face, itemstack) |
entity.frame.getItem | returns the itemstack of an itemframe |
Format | entity.frame.getItem(entity_frame) |
entity.frame.hide | hides an itemframe |
Format | entity.frame.hide(entity_frame) | | shows an itemframe |
Format | |
entity.frame.setFixed | sets the fixed tag for an itemframe |
Format | entity.frame.setFixed(entity_frame, boolean) |
entity.frame.setFacing | sets the facing for an itemframe |
Format | entity.frame.setFacing(entity_frame, block_face) |
entity.spawnSeat | returns an itemframe (as a seat to mount another entity) |
Format | entity.spawnSeat(location) |
rabbit.spawnKillerBunny | spawns a killer bunny and returns it |
Format | rabbit.spawnKillerBunny(location) |
creeper.explode | lets a creeper explode |
Format | creeper.explode(entity) |
sheep.isSheared | returns true if a sheep is sheared |
Format | sheep.isSheared(entity) |
sheep.getColor | returns the color of a sheep as string |
Format | sheep.getColor(entity) |
pet.isTamed | returns true if a pet is tamed |
Format | pet.isTamed(tameable_entity) |
pet.setTamed | sets tame state for a tameable entity |
Format | pet.setTamed(tameable_entity, boolean, [owner]) |
Example |
pet.setTamed(horse, true) pet.setTamed(horse, false) pet.setTamed(horse, true, player) pet.setTamed(horse, false, player) |
pet.getOwner | returns the owner of a pet |
Format | pet.getOwner(tameable_entity) |
living.setHealth | sets the health points of a living entity |
Format | living.setHealth(living_entity, amount) |
living.getHealth | returns the health points of a living entity |
Format | living.getHealth(living_entity) |
living.damage | damages a living entity |
Format | living.damage(living_entity, damage_amount, damagesource) |
Info | triggers events on the next server tick |
living.heal | heals a living entity |
Format | living.heal(living_entity, heal_amount) |
Info | triggers events on the next server tick |
living.setEquip | sets the equipment of a living entity |
Format | living.setEquip(living_entity, slot, itemstack) |
living.getEquip | returns the equipment of a living_entity |
Format | living.getEquip(living_entity, slot) |
living.near | returns a list with all living entities within a location / a radius of a living entity |
Format | living.near(location / living_entity, radius) |
living.setAi | sets if the AI of an entity is active |
Format | living.setAi(living_entity, boolean) |
generic living commands | commands for living properties |
Format |
living.get...(living_entity) living.set...(living_entity, value) living.reset...(living_entity) |
Properties | attributes without "GENERIC." and "_" |
living.shootProjectile | returns the shooten entity |
Format | living.shootProjectile(living_entity, entity_class) |
living.setInvisible | sets a living_entity (in)visible |
Format | living.setInvisible(living_entity, boolean) |
living.addEffect | adds an effect to a living_entity |
Format | living.addEffect(living_entity, effect, ticks, amplifier, [particle | true]) |
Arguments | amplifier 0 means potion level 1 |
living.clearEffects | removes all effects from a living entity |
Format | living.clearEffects(living_entity) |
living.getEffectAmplifier | returns the amplifier (effect level), -1 if not existing |
Format | living.getEffectAmplifier(entity, effect) |
particle.get | returns a particle |
Format | particle.get(name) |
particle.getAll | returns an array of all particles |
Format | particle.getAll() |
particle.spawn | spawns a particle |
Format | particle.spawn(location, particle, [count | 1], [speed | 0.0], [offX | 0.0], [offY | 0.0], [offZ | 0.0]) |
particle.spawnPlayer | spawns a particle |
Format | particle.spawnPlayer(location, particle, player, [count | 1], [speed | 0.0], [offX | 0.0], [offY | 0.0], [offZ | 0.0]) |
sound.get | returns a sound |
Format | sound.get(name) |
sound.getCategory | returns a sound category |
Format | sound.getCategory(name) |
sound.spawn | plays a sound |
Format | sound.spawn(location, sound, sound_category, [volume | 1.0], [pitch | random from 0.9 to 1.0]) |
sound.spawnForPlayer | plays a sound for a player |
Format | sound.spawnForPlayer(player, sound, sound_category, [volume | 1.0], [pitch | random from 0.9 to 1.0]) |
boss.create | returns a bossbar |
Format | boss.create(title, color, barstyle) |
Arguments |
title as string color as string barstyle as string |
boss.addPlayer | add a player to the bossbar |
Format | boss.addPlayer(bossbar, player) |
boss.removePlayer | remove a player from the bossbar |
Format | boss.removePlayer(bossbar, player) |
boss.removeAll | remove all players from the bossbar |
Format | boss.removeAll(bossbar) |
boss.addFlag | adds a flag to the bossbar |
Format | boss.addFlag(bossbar, flag) |
Arguments | flag as string |
boss.removeFlag | removes a flag from the bossbar |
Format | boss.removeFlag(bossbar, flag) |
Arguments | flag as string |
boss.setTitle | sets the title for the bossbar |
Format | boss.setTitle(bossbar, string) |
boss.setProgress | sets the progress of the bossbar |
Format | boss.setProgress(bossbar, double) |
Arguments | double from 0 to 1 |
whitelist.enable | enables the whitelist |
Format | whitelist.enable() |
whitelist.disable | disables the whitelist |
Format | whitelist.disable() |
whitelist.add | adds a player to the whitelist |
Format | whitelist.add(uuid / uuid_string / player) |
whitelist.remove | removes a player from the whitelist |
Format | whitelist.remove(uuid / uuid_string / player) |
whitelist.clear | clears the whitelist |
Format | whitelist.clear() |
as.getBodyPose | returns the body pose of an armor stand |
Format | as.getBodyPose(armor_stand) |
as.getHeadPose | returns the head pose of an armor stand |
Format | as.getHeadPose(armor_stand) |
as.getLeftArmPose | returns the left arm pose of an armor stand |
Format | as.getLeftArmPose(armor_stand) |
as.getRightArmPose | returns the right arm pose of an armor stand |
Format | as.getRightArmPose(armor_stand) |
as.getLeftLegPose | returns the left leg pose of an armor stand |
Format | as.getLeftLegPose(armor_stand) |
as.getRightLegPose | returns the right leg pose of an armor stand |
Format | as.getRightLegPose(armor_stand) |
as.hasArms | returns true if an armor stand has arms |
Format | as.hasArms(armor_stand) |
as.hasBasePlate | returns true if an armor stand has a base plate |
Format | as.hasBasePlate(armor_stand) |
as.isMarker | returns true if an armor stand is a marker |
Format | as.isMarker(armor_stand) |
as.isSmall | returns true if an armor stand is small |
Format | as.isSmall(armor_stand) |
as.setArms | sets that an armor stand can have arms |
Format | as.setArms(armor_stand, boolean) |
as.setBasePlate | sets that an armor stand can have a base plate |
Format | as.setBasePlate(armor_stand, boolean) |
as.setMarker | sets that an armor stand can be a marker |
Format | as.setMarker(armor_stand, boolean) |
as.setSmall | sets that an armor stand is small |
Format | as.setSmall(armor_stand, boolean) |
as.canMove | sets that an armor stand can move |
Format | as.canMove(armor_stand, boolean) |
as.canTick | sets that an armor stand can tick |
Format | as.canTick(armor_stand, boolean) |
as.setBodyPose | sets the body pose of an armor stand |
Format | as.setBodyPose(armor_stand, euler_angle) |
as.setHeadPose | sets the head pose of an armor stand |
Format | as.setHeadPose(armor_stand, euler_angle) |
as.setLeftArmPose | sets the left arm pose of an armor stand |
Format | as.setLeftArmPose(armor_stand, euler_angle) |
as.setRightArmPose | sets the right arm pose of an armor stand |
Format | as.setRightArmPose(armor_stand, euler_angle) |
as.setLeftLegPose | sets the left leg pose of an armor stand |
Format | as.setLeftLegPose(armor_stand, euler_angle) |
as.setRightLegPose | sets the right leg pose of an armor stand |
Format | as.setRightLegPose(armor_stand, euler_angle) | | returns a new created euler angle |
Format |, y, z) |
euler.getX | returns the x angle of an euler angle |
Format | euler.getX(euler_angle) |
euler.getY | returns the y angle of an euler angle |
Format | euler.getY(euler_angle) |
euler.getZ | returns the z angle of an euler angle |
Format | euler.getZ(euler_angle) |
euler.setX | sets the x angle of an euler angle |
Format | euler.setX(euler_angle, value) |
euler.setY | sets the y angle of an euler angle |
Format | euler.setY(euler_angle, value) |
euler.setZ | sets the z angle of an euler angle |
Format | euler.setZ(euler_angle, value) |