sign.started(gamesignloc); event.load("player_move"); event.load("entity_damage"); event.load("player_quit"); event.load("player_giveup"); event.load("minigame_join"); event.load("block_break"); gamename = "§aPortal"; maxplayers = 1; //---------------------------------------------------- @wait wait(); if(event == "entity_damage") { if(!isPlayer(entity)) { goto("wait"); } player = entity; } if(!player.hasMinigameId(player, script_id)) { goto("wait"); } if(event == "minigame_join"){ player.clearInventory(player); entity.teleport(player, Start_Pos); } if(event == "player_move"){ move_type = map.getOrDefault(id_effects, id, "none"); if(move_type == "speed_gel"){ gel.speed(player); } elseif(move_type == "jump_gel"){ gel.jump(player); } elseif(move_type == "portal"){ portal.enter(player, id); } elseif(move_type == "end"){ game_stop("You did it!"); } } if(event == "block_break"){ cancel = true; goto("wait"); } if(event == "entity_damage") { cancel = true; goto("wait"); } if(event == "player_quit"){ game_stop(null); } if(event == "player_giveup"){ game_stop("You have left the game"); } goto("wait"); //---------------------------------------------------- function gel.speed(player){ living.addEffect(player,"SPEED",5,3,true); } function gel.jump(player){ if(!player.isSneaking(player)){ motion = entity.getMotion(player); look = entity.getLook(player); x = motion[0]+look[0]/3; y = 1.01; z = motion[2]+look[2]/3; entity.setMotion(player, x, y, z); } } function portal.create(to_loc, mid_loc, Direction_in, Direction_out){ array =; array[0] = Direction_in;//east // south array[1] = Direction_out;//east -> +X, west -> -X, south -> +Z, north -> -Z array[2] = to_loc; array[3] = mid_loc; return array; } function portal.enter(player, id){ array = map.get($portals, id); Direction_in = array[0]; Direction_out = array[1]; to_loc = array[2]; mid_loc = array[3]; player_loc = entity.getLocation(player); player_yaw = loc.getYaw(player_loc); if(Direction_in == "east"){ player_X = loc.getX(player_loc); mid_X = loc.getX(mid_loc); dif = mid_X - player_X; rel_yaw = player_yaw+90; } elseif(Direction_in == "south"){ player_Z = loc.getZ(player_loc); mid_Z = loc.getZ(mid_loc); dif = mid_Z - player_Z; rel_yaw = player_yaw; } if(Direction_out == "east"){ tp_loc = loc.mod(to_loc, 2*dif, 0, 0); rel_yaw += -90; } elseif(Direction_out == "south"){ tp_loc = loc.mod(to_loc, 0, 0, 2*dif); } elseif(Direction_out == "west"){ tp_loc = loc.mod(to_loc, -2*dif, 0, 0); rel_yaw += 90; } elseif(Direction_out == "north"){ tp_loc = loc.mod(to_loc, 0, 0, -2*dif); rel_yaw += 180; } if(rel_yaw > 180){ rel_yaw -= 360; }elseif(rel_yaw <= -180){ rel_yaw += 360; } loc.setYaw(tp_loc, rel_yaw); loc.setPitch(tp_loc, loc.getPitch(player_loc)); entity.teleport(player, tp_loc); } function game_stop(message){ if(message != null){ msg.prefix($player, $gamename, message); } script = script.getFromId($script_id); minigame.kickPlayer(script, $player); minigame.term(script, $gamesignloc); term(); }