@@ -0,0 +1,843 @@
+rankingtable = "dgaranks";
+gamename = "§cDontGetAngry";
+game_short = "dga";
+game_tab = "§cDGA";
+air_mat = material.getAir();
+player_team = map.new(); //player_uuid -> team
+team_player = map.new(); //team -> player_uuid
+active_teams = list.new(); //to see which team is next in row
+token_no_possible_move = set.new(); //to count the amount of tokens with no possible move. if the sum is 4, it's the next players turn
+rule_jump_over_tokens_in_target = false;
+amount_ai_players = 0;
+if(event == "block_click") {
+ if(block.getLocation(block) == rule_1_loc) {
+ rule_jump_over_tokens_in_target = !rule_jump_over_tokens_in_target;
+ if(rule_jump_over_tokens_in_target) {
+ s = "§aTrue";
+ } else {
+ s = "§cFalse";
+ }
+ sign.setString(block, 3, s);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(block.getLocation(block) == rule_2_loc) {
+ amount_ai_players++;
+ if(amount_ai_players >= minigame.getMaxPlayers()) {
+ amount_ai_players = 0;
+ }
+ sign.setString(block, 3, string.number(amount_ai_players));
+ if(!minigame.isStarting()) {
+ goto("startcountdown");
+ }
+ }
+function minigame.canStartIndiv() {
+ player_list = minigame.getPlayers($script_id);
+ p_amount = list.getSize(player_list) + $amount_ai_players;
+ return p_amount >= minigame.getMinPlayers();
+player_list = minigame.getPlayers(script_id);
+minigame.speakAll(gamename, "The game has started.");
+dice_item = read.item("{Count:1b,id:'minecraft:player_head',tag:{SkullOwner:{Id:[I;-635467755,-1356247480,-1843761069,-673139483],Properties:{textures:[{Signature:'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',Value:'eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1MTE0Njc0NDEzOTEsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6ImRhMWY4ODE1YWYyOTRlNDg5MjFhNzA1M2Q3ZTBiNGU1IiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJBekJhbmRpdDIwMDAiLCJzaWduYXR1cmVSZXF1aXJlZCI6dHJ1ZSwidGV4dHVyZXMiOnsiU0tJTiI6eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOi8vdGV4dHVyZXMubWluZWNyYWZ0Lm5ldC90ZXh0dXJlLzFmYTk2MDUwYTQ4M2JiODhhMWVkYmVhZDRkOWMxZGIzMWY3NTY3YjA3NjVkZTQ3ODk3YzU3MjI5MmZkZDcxYjEifX19'}]}}}}");
+amount_players = list.getSize(player_list);
+for(i = 0; i < amount_players; i++) {
+ //prepare players
+ p = player.get(list.getIndex(player_list, i));
+ entity.teleport(p, map.get($tploc, i));
+ player.setFly(p, true);
+ player.giveItem(p, dice_item);
+ //assign team
+ p_uuid = player.getUuid(p);
+ map.add(player_team, p_uuid, i);
+ map.add(team_player, i, p_uuid);
+ list.add(active_teams, i);
+ color = map.get(colorcode, i);
+ minigame.setTabName(p, game_tab, color);
+if(amount_players + amount_ai_players > minigame.getMaxPlayers()) {
+ amount_ai_players = minigame.getMaxPlayers() - amount_players;
+for(h = 0; h < amount_ai_players; h++) {
+ //assign team
+ team = h + i;
+ map.add(team_player, team, "AI");
+ list.add(active_teams, team);
+/* There are two phases.
+Phase 0: player needs to roll the dice
+Phase 1: player needs to move a token
+if(event == "entity_damage") {
+ if(!isPlayer(entity)) {
+ goto("wait");
+ }
+ player = entity;
+if(player.hasMinigameId(player, script_id)) {
+ ignoreGoto(event);
+if(slot.isOffHand(hand)) {
+ goto("wait");
+team = getTeamFromPlayer(player);
+if(action == "RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK") {
+ if(!isNextTeam(player)) {
+ msgTeam(team, "It's not your turn.");
+ goto("wait");
+ }
+ block_loc = block.getLocation(block);
+ //Phase 0
+ item = living.getHand(player);
+ own_mat = getTokenMat(team);
+ if((block_loc == dice_loc || item.isType(item, "PLAYER_HEAD")) && block.getType(block) != own_mat) {
+ if(phase != 0) {
+ msgTeam(team, "Already diced. Move a token.");
+ goto("wait");
+ }
+ rollDice(team);
+ goto("wait");
+ }
+ //Phase 1
+ if(phase != 1) {
+ msgTeam(team, "Roll the dice first. Then choose a token to move.");
+ goto("wait");
+ }
+ if(!isOwnToken(team, block)) {
+ msgTeam(team, "Choose one of your tokens to move.");
+ goto("wait");
+ }
+ tokens_in_stable = getTokensInOwnStable(team);
+ if(isOwnStartBlockedByOwnToken(team) && tokens_in_stable > 0) {
+ start_block = getOwnStartBlock(team);
+ if(block_loc != block.getLocation(start_block)) {
+ msgTeam(team, "You need to move with your token at the start block.");
+ goto("wait");
+ }
+ }
+ if(isTokenInOwnStable(block_loc, team)) {
+ if(diced_dots != 6) {
+ msgTeam(team, "You need a 6 to move a token out of the stable.");
+ goto("wait");
+ }
+ to_block = getOwnStartBlock(team);
+ doMove(team, block, to_block);
+ goto("wait");
+ }
+ if(isTokenInOwnTarget(block_loc, team)) {
+ to_block = getTargetBlockStartingInTarget(team, block);
+ goto("checkmove");
+ }
+ //token on route is clicked
+ if(diced_dots == 6) {
+ if(tokens_in_stable > 0 && !isOwnStartBlockedByOwnToken(team)) {
+ msgTeam(team, "You diced 6. Choose a token from the stable.");
+ goto("wait");
+ }
+ }
+ to_block = getTargetBlockStartingOnRoute(team, block);
+ goto("checkmove");
+if(action == "RIGHT_CLICK_AIR") {
+ item = living.getHand(player);
+ if(item.isType(item, "PLAYER_HEAD")) {
+ if(!isNextTeam(player)) {
+ msgTeam(team, "It's not your turn.");
+ goto("wait");
+ }
+ if(phase != 0) {
+ msgTeam(team, "Already diced. Move a token.");
+ goto("wait");
+ }
+ rollDice(team);
+ }
+ goto("wait");
+if(to_block != null) {
+ doMove(team, block, to_block);
+ goto("wait");
+set.add(token_no_possible_move, block_loc);
+if(getTotalBlockedTokens() != 4) {
+ msgTeam(team, "Move not possible. Choose another token.");
+ goto("wait");
+//all 4 tokens cannot do a possible move
+function nomovepossible(team) {
+ team_name = getTeamName(team);
+ $phase = 0;
+ if($diced_dots == 6) {
+ $dice_count--;
+ minigame.speakAll($gamename, string.concat("No move possible but diced a 6. Dice again ", team_name, "§r."));
+ if(isTeamAi(team)) {
+ rollDice(team);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if($totalblocked == 4) {
+ minigame.speakAll($gamename, string.concat("No move possible. Dice again ", team_name, "§r."));
+ if(isTeamAi(team)) {
+ rollDice(team);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ minigame.speakAll($gamename, string.concat("No move possible. Next player."));
+ setNextTeam(false);
+cancel = true;
+function isTeamAi(team) {
+ return getPlayerFromTeam(team) == "AI";
+function msgTeam(team, message) {
+ if(isTeamAi(team)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ player = getPlayerFromTeam(team);
+ msg.prefix(player, $gamename, message);
+function getTargetBlockStartingOnRoute(team, from_block) {
+ from_loc = block.getLocation(from_block);
+ route_index = array.getIndexOf($route, from_loc);
+ new_route_index = route_index + $diced_dots;
+ //if target index is passed, follow target route (but don't overjump in target)
+ if(isTargetIndexPassed(team, route_index, new_route_index)) {
+ target_index = getOwnTargetIndex(team);
+ rest_count = $diced_dots - (target_index - route_index);
+ to_index = rest_count - 1;
+ if(to_index > 3) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if(isWayToTargetOverjumped(team, 0, to_index)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ target_locs = getTargetLocs(team);
+ target_loc = target_locs[to_index];
+ } else {
+ route_size = array.getSize($route);
+ if(new_route_index >= route_size) {
+ new_route_index -= route_size;
+ }
+ target_loc = $route[new_route_index];
+ }
+ target_block = block.get(target_loc);
+ //check if target is free
+ if(isBlockOccupiedByOwnToken(target_block, team)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return target_block;
+function getTargetBlockStartingInTarget(team, from_block) {
+ target_locs = getTargetLocs(team);
+ from_loc = block.getLocation(from_block);
+ from_index = array.getIndexOf(target_locs, from_loc);
+ to_index = from_index + $diced_dots;
+ if(to_index > 3) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if(isWayToTargetOverjumped(team, from_index + 1, to_index)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ target_block = block.get(target_locs[to_index]);
+ if(isBlockOccupiedByOwnToken(target_block, team)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return target_block;
+function isWayToTargetOverjumped(team, from_index, to_index) {
+ if(!$rule_jump_over_tokens_in_target) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ target_locs = getTargetLocs(team);
+ for(i = from_index; i < to_index; i++) {
+ b = block.get(target_locs[i]);
+ if(!block.isAir(b)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+function doMove(team, from_block, to_block) {
+ //if block is occupied, throw token out of game. the condition to check if target is occupied by own token is checked earlier
+ if(!block.isAir(to_block)) {
+ token_mat = block.getType(to_block);
+ opp_team = getTeamFromToken(token_mat);
+ free_block = getFreeBlockInStable(opp_team);
+ block.setMaterial(free_block, token_mat);
+ minigame.speakAll($gamename, string.concat("A token from ", getTeamName(opp_team), " §rteam was thrown."));
+ }
+ //do move
+ block.setMaterial(from_block, $air_mat);
+ own_mat = getTokenMat(team);
+ block.setMaterial(to_block, own_mat);
+ if(isTargetFull(team)) {
+ list.remove($active_teams, team);
+ finished(team);
+ setNextTeam(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ if($diced_dots == 6) {
+ $phase = 0;
+ $dice_count = 0;
+ minigame.speakAll($gamename, string.concat(getTeamName(team), " §rdiced a 6 and can dice again."));
+ if(isTeamAi(team)) {
+ rollDice(team);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ setNextTeam(false);
+function finished(team) {
+ if($first_finish == null) {
+ $first_finish = team;
+ minigame.speakAll($gamename, string.concat(getTeamName(team), " §rhas won."));
+ }
+ size = list.getSize($active_teams);
+ if(size == 1) {
+ script = script.getFromId($script_id);
+ for(i = 0; i < list.getSize($player_list); i++) {
+ p = player.get(list.getIndex($player_list, i));
+ t = getTeamFromPlayer(p);
+ if(t == $first_finish) {
+ showstats(p, true);
+ } else {
+ showstats(p, false);
+ }
+ player.setFly(p, false);
+ }
+ minigame.kickAllPlayers(script);
+ minigame.term(script, $gamesignloc);
+ term();
+ }
+team = getTeamFromPlayer(player);
+if(first_finish != null && team == first_finish) {
+ showstats(p, true);
+ goto("wait");
+team = getTeamFromPlayer(player);
+minigame.speakAll(gamename, string.concat(getTeamName(team), " §ehas left the game."));
+player.setFly(player, false);
+showstats(player, false);
+script = script.getFromId(script_id);
+minigame.kickPlayer(script, player);
+//comment this block out to test the game with AI. start the game, set 2 or more AI players and then leave to run the game quickly through with AI
+if(list.getSize(player_list) == 0) {
+ minigame.term(script, $gamesignloc);
+ term();
+function removeSpecificToken(team) {
+ token_mat = getTokenMat(team);
+ for(i = 0; i < array.getSize($route); i++) {
+ b = block.get($route[i]);
+ if(block.getType(b) == token_mat) {
+ block.setMaterial(b, $air_mat);
+ }
+ }
+function showstats(player, won) { //Player player, Boolean won
+ player_id = player.getId(player);
+ last_record = ranking.getPoints($rankingtable, player_id);
+ team = getTeamFromPlayer(player);
+ finished_tokens = getTokensInOwnTarget(team);
+ new_record = last_record + finished_tokens;
+ ranking.setPoints($rankingtable, player_id, new_record);
+ won_games = minigame.getWon(player_id, $game_short);
+ if(won) {
+ won_games++;
+ minigame.setWon(player_id, $game_short, won_games);
+ }
+ played_games = minigame.getPlayed(player_id, $game_short) + 1;
+ minigame.setPlayed(player_id, $game_short, played_games);
+ minigame.statsHeader(player, $gamename, "§e");
+ minigame.statsLine(player, "§e", "Finished tokens", string.number(new_record));
+ minigame.statsLine(player, "§e", "Won games", string.number(won_games));
+ minigame.statsLine(player, "§e", "Played games", string.number(played_games));
+ if(played_games != 0) {
+ minigame.statsLine(player, "§e", "Win ratio", string.concat(string.number(math.roundComma((won_games / played_games) * 100, 2)), "%"));
+ }
+function getFreeBlockInStable(team) {
+ stable_locs = getStableLocs(team);
+ for(i = 0; i < array.getSize(stable_locs); i++) {
+ b = block.get(stable_locs[i]);
+ if(block.isAir(b)) {
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+function isTargetIndexPassed(team, from_route_index, to_route_index) {
+ target_index = getOwnTargetIndex(team);
+ if(from_route_index > target_index) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return to_route_index > target_index;
+function getOwnStartBlock(team) {
+ index = map.get($startindexes, team);
+ return block.get($route[index]);
+function getOwnStartIndex(team) {
+ return map.get($startindexes, team);
+function getOwnTargetIndex(team) {
+ return map.get($targetindexes, team);
+function isOwnToken(team, block) {
+ own_mat = getTokenMat(team);
+ block_mat = block.getType(block);
+ return own_mat == block_mat;
+function getStableLocs(team) {
+ return map.get($stables, team);
+function getTargetLocs(team) {
+ return map.get($target_routes, team);
+function isTargetFull(team) {
+ target_locs = getTargetLocs(team);
+ for(i = 0; i < array.getSize(target_locs); i++) {
+ b = block.get(target_locs[i]);
+ if(block.isAir(b)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+function isTokenInOwnStable(token_loc, team) {
+ stable_locs = getStableLocs(team);
+ return array.contains(stable_locs, token_loc);
+function isTokenInOwnTarget(token_loc, team) {
+ target_locs = getTargetLocs(team);
+ return array.contains(target_locs, token_loc);
+function getTeamFromToken(token_mat) {
+ return map.get($tokens_team, token_mat);
+function getTeamFromPlayer(player) {
+ return map.get($player_team, player.getUuid(player));
+function getPlayerFromTeam(team) {
+ p_uuid = map.get($team_player, team);
+ if(p_uuid == "AI") {
+ return p_uuid;
+ }
+ return player.get(p_uuid);
+/* Conzept of active team list
+next_team_index: team x
+0: team 0
+1: team 1
+2: team 3
+function setNextTeam(bool_actual_team_removed) {
+ $phase = 0;
+ $dice_count = 0;
+ amount_active_teams = list.getSize($active_teams);
+ if($next_team == null) {
+ //init at start
+ $next_team_index = math.random(0, amount_active_teams - 1);
+ $next_team = list.getIndex($active_teams, $next_team_index);
+ } else {
+ //set next during game
+ if(!bool_actual_team_removed) {
+ $next_team_index++;
+ }
+ if($next_team_index >= amount_active_teams) {
+ $next_team_index = 0;
+ }
+ $next_team = list.getIndex($active_teams, $next_team_index);
+ }
+ //announce
+ next_team_name = getTeamName($next_team);
+ if(string.endsWith(next_team_name, "s")) {
+ minigame.speakAll($gamename, string.concat("It's ", next_team_name, "' §rturn."));
+ } else {
+ minigame.speakAll($gamename, string.concat("It's ", next_team_name, "'s §rturn."));
+ }
+ if(isTeamAi($next_team)) {
+ rollDice($next_team);
+ return;
+ }
+ next_player = getPlayerFromTeam($next_team);
+ sound.spawnForPlayer(next_player, $pling_sound, $sound_category_ambient);
+function removeTeam(team) {
+ list.remove($active_teams, team);
+ size = list.getSize($active_teams);
+ if(size == 1) {
+ last_team = list.getIndex($active_teams, 0);
+ finished(last_team);
+ }
+ removeSpecificToken(team);
+ if(team == $next_team) {
+ setNextTeam(true);
+ }
+function isNextTeam(player) {
+ return getTeamFromPlayer(player) == $next_team;
+function getColorCode(team) {
+ return map.get($colorcode, team);
+function resetRuleSigns() {
+ sign.setString(block.get($rule_1_loc), 3, "§cFalse");
+ sign.setString(block.get($rule_2_loc), 3, "0");
+function resetGameField() {
+ //reset route
+ for(i = 0; i < array.getSize($route); i++) {
+ b = block.get($route[i]);
+ block.setMaterial(b, $air_mat);
+ }
+ for(team = 0; team < minigame.getMaxPlayers(); team++) {
+ //reset target routes
+ target_locs = getTargetLocs(team);
+ for(i = 0; i < array.getSize(target_locs); i++) {
+ b = block.get(target_locs[i]);
+ block.setMaterial(b, $air_mat);
+ }
+ //reset stables
+ stable_locs = getStableLocs(team);
+ for(i = 0; i < array.getSize(stable_locs); i++) {
+ b = block.get(stable_locs[i]);
+ token = getTokenMat(team);
+ block.setMaterial(b, token);
+ }
+ }
+function getTeamName(team) {
+ color = getColorCode(team);
+ if(isTeamAi(team)) {
+ return string.concat(color, "AI");
+ }
+ p_name = player.getName(getPlayerFromTeam(team));
+ return string.concat(color, p_name);
+function rollDice(team) {
+ tokens_in_stable = getTokensInOwnStable(team);
+ //if a token is at start block and other tokens are in the stable (there is the need to move with this token), the dice will throw only possible moves
+ if(isOwnStartBlockedByOwnToken(team) && tokens_in_stable > 0) {
+ poss_dots = getPossibleDots(team); //e.g. 2,3,5
+ r = math.random(0, list.getSize(poss_dots) - 1); //e.g. 1
+ $diced_dots = list.getIndex(poss_dots, r); //e.g. 3
+ } else {
+ $diced_dots = math.random(1, 6);
+ }
+ $dice_count++;
+ //announce
+ team_name = getTeamName(team);
+ minigame.speakAll($gamename, string.concat(team_name, " §rdiced §c", string.number($diced_dots), "§r."));
+ if(!isTeamAi(team)) {
+ player = getPlayerFromTeam(team);
+ title.send(player, text.new(string.concat("§c", string.number($diced_dots))));
+ }
+ //check if with this dice a move is possible
+ if($diced_dots != 6) {
+ not_movable_tokens = tokens_in_stable + getFinishedTokensInOwnTarget(team);
+ if(not_movable_tokens == 4) {
+ if($dice_count == 3) {
+ minigame.speakAll($gamename, string.concat("No move possible for 3 times. Next player."));
+ setNextTeam(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ minigame.speakAll($gamename, string.concat("No move possible. Dice again ", team_name, "§r."));
+ if(isTeamAi(team)) {
+ rollDice(team);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ $phase = 1;
+ $totalblocked = recountTotalBlockedTokens(team);
+ msgTeam(team, "Choose a token to move.");
+ if(isTeamAi(team)) {
+ a = calculateAiMove(team);
+ if(a == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ doMove(team, a[0], a[1]);
+ }
+function calculateAiMove(team) {
+ a = array.new(2);
+ //zugzwang from start block
+ tokens_in_stable = getTokensInOwnStable(team);
+ if(isOwnStartBlockedByOwnToken(team) && tokens_in_stable > 0) {
+ a[0] = getOwnStartBlock(team);
+ a[1] = getTargetBlockStartingOnRoute(team, a[0]);
+ return a;
+ }
+ //zugzwang from stable
+ if($diced_dots == 6 && tokens_in_stable > 0) {
+ stable_locs = getStableLocs(team);
+ for(i = 0; i < array.getSize(stable_locs); i++) {
+ loc = stable_locs[i];
+ from_block = block.get(loc);
+ if(!block.isAir(from_block)) {
+ a[0] = from_block;
+ a[1] = getOwnStartBlock(team);
+ return a;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //throw other tokens if possible
+ token_locs = getOwnTokenLocsOnRoute(team);
+ for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(token_locs); i++) {
+ from_block = block.get(list.getIndex(token_locs, i));
+ target_block = getTargetBlockStartingOnRoute(team, from_block);
+ if(target_block != null) {
+ if(!block.isAir(target_block) && !isOwnToken(team, target_block)) {
+ a[0] = from_block;
+ a[1] = target_block;
+ return a;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //do progress in target if possible
+ target_locs = getTargetLocs(team);
+ for(i = array.getSize(target_locs) - 1; i > -1; i--) {
+ from_block = block.get(target_locs[i]);
+ if(!block.isAir(from_block)) {
+ target_block = getTargetBlockStartingInTarget(team, from_block);
+ if(target_block != null) {
+ a[0] = from_block;
+ a[1] = target_block;
+ return a;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //choose token with most progress on route
+ for(i = list.getSize(token_locs) - 1; i > -1; i--) {
+ from_block = block.get(list.getIndex(token_locs, i));
+ target_block = getTargetBlockStartingOnRoute(team, from_block);
+ if(target_block != null) {
+ a[0] = from_block;
+ a[1] = target_block;
+ return a;
+ }
+ }
+ nomovepossible(team);
+ return null;
+//sorted by progress ascending
+function getOwnTokenLocsOnRoute(team) {
+ token_locs = list.new();
+ start_index = getOwnStartIndex(team);
+ target_index = getOwnTargetIndex(team);
+ own_mat = getTokenMat(team);
+ route_size = array.getSize($route);
+ for(i = 0; i < route_size; i++) {
+ route_index = start_index + i;
+ if(route_index >= route_size) {
+ route_index -= route_size;
+ }
+ loc = $route[route_index];
+ b = block.get(loc);
+ if(block.getType(b) == own_mat) {
+ list.add(token_locs, loc);
+ }
+ }
+ return token_locs;
+function getPossibleDots(team) {
+ poss_dots = list.new();
+ own_mat = getTokenMat(team);
+ s_index = getOwnStartIndex(team);
+ for(i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
+ b = block.get($route[s_index + i]);
+ if(block.getType(b) != own_mat) {
+ list.add(poss_dots, i);
+ }
+ }
+ return poss_dots;
+function recountTotalBlockedTokens(team) {
+ //clear
+ set.clear($token_no_possible_move);
+ //stable
+ if($diced_dots != 6) {
+ stable_locs = getStableLocs(team);
+ for(i = 0; i < array.getSize(stable_locs); i++) {
+ loc = stable_locs[i];
+ b = block.get(loc);
+ if(!block.isAir(b)) {
+ set.add($token_no_possible_move, loc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //target
+ target_locs = getTargetLocs(team);
+ for(i = array.getSize(target_locs) - 1; i > -1; i--) {
+ loc = target_locs[i];
+ b = block.get(loc);
+ if(!block.isAir(b)) {
+ set.add($token_no_possible_move, loc);
+ }
+ }
+ return set.getSize($token_no_possible_move);
+function getTotalBlockedTokens() {
+ return set.getSize($token_no_possible_move);
+function getTokenMat(team) {
+ return map.get($tokens, team);
+function isBlockOccupiedByOwnToken(block, team) {
+ own_mat = getTokenMat(team);
+ mat = block.getType(block);
+ return mat == own_mat;
+function isOwnStartBlockedByOwnToken(team) {
+ return isBlockOccupiedByOwnToken(getOwnStartBlock(team), team);
+function getTokensInOwnTarget(team) {
+ counter = 0;
+ target_locs = getTargetLocs(team);
+ for(i = 0; i < array.getSize(target_locs); i++) {
+ loc = target_locs[i];
+ b = block.get(loc);
+ if(!block.isAir(b)) {
+ counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ return counter;
+function getTokensInOwnStable(team) {
+ counter = 0;
+ stable_locs = getStableLocs(team);
+ for(i = 0; i < array.getSize(stable_locs); i++) {
+ loc = stable_locs[i];
+ b = block.get(loc);
+ if(!block.isAir(b)) {
+ counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ return counter;
+//a finished token is a token which reached its final position in the stable
+function getFinishedTokensInOwnTarget(team) {
+ counter = 0;
+ target_locs = getTargetLocs(team);
+ for(i = array.getSize(target_locs) - 1; i > -1; i--) {
+ loc = target_locs[i];
+ b = block.get(loc);
+ if(block.isAir(b)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ counter++;
+ }
+ return counter;