@@ -0,0 +1,5395 @@
+event function_key
+--- Version 2 ---
+Door Closing
+Visual Tasks
+Stay in lobby after win
+Trailer musik. JPB - Defeat the night (feat Ashley appollodor) _NCS Release
+rauswerf animation. mit no gravity stufenweise in die mitte tpen?
+vision durch rauch-partikel rund um den spieler (zylinder)
+geister vanishen, auch bei sich ändernden effekten
+cross_red_ = custom;
+player_colors = map.new();
+specific_lobby_handling = true;
+no_lobby_tp = true;
+no_core_reset = true;
+gamename = "§cAmong Us";
+game_short = "among_us";
+rankingtable = "among_us_ranks";
+settings_inv = inv.new("222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222", text.new("§cSettings"));
+for(i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(settings_inv, i, item_arrow_up);
+inv.setItem(settings_inv, 9, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§rImpostors: ", string.number(amount_impostors)), null));
+inv.setItem(settings_inv, 10, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§rShort Tasks: ", string.number(amount_short)), null));
+inv.setItem(settings_inv, 11, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§rCommon Tasks: ", string.number(amount_common)), null));
+inv.setItem(settings_inv, 12, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§rLong Tasks: ", string.number(amount_long)), null));
+inv.setItem(settings_inv, 13, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§rAmount Meetings: ", string.number(amount_meetings)), null));
+inv.setItem(settings_inv, 14, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§rMeeting Cooldown: ", string.number(meeting_cooldown)), null));
+inv.setItem(settings_inv, 15, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§rDiscussion Time: ", string.number(discuss_time)), null));
+inv.setItem(settings_inv, 16, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§rVoting Time: ", string.number(vote_time)), null));
+inv.setItem(settings_inv, 17, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§rSpeed: ", string.number(move_speed)), null));
+for(i = 18; i < 27; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(settings_inv, i, item_arrow_down);
+for(i = 27; i < 29; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(settings_inv, i, item_arrow_up);
+inv.setItem(settings_inv, 36, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§rKill Cooldown: ", string.number(kill_cooldown)), null));
+inv.setItem(settings_inv, 37, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§rConfirm Ejects: ", confirm_ejects), null));
+//inv.setItem(settings_inv, 38, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§r: ", string.number()), null));
+//inv.setItem(settings_inv, 39, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§r: ", string.number()), null));
+//inv.setItem(settings_inv, 40, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§r: ", string.number()), null));
+//inv.setItem(settings_inv, 41, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§r: ", string.number()), null));
+//inv.setItem(settings_inv, 42, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§r: ", string.number()), null));
+//inv.setItem(settings_inv, 43, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§r: ", string.number()), null));
+//inv.setItem(settings_inv, 44, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§r: ", string.number()), null));
+for(i = 45; i < 47; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(settings_inv, i, item_arrow_down);
+color_list = list.new();
+list.add(color_list, "dark_gray");
+list.add(color_list, "cyan");
+list.add(color_list, "red");
+list.add(color_list, "blue");
+list.add(color_list, "orange");
+list.add(color_list, "green");
+list.add(color_list, "gray");
+list.add(color_list, "white");
+list.add(color_list, "pink");
+list.add(color_list, "purple");
+list.add(color_list, "yellow");
+list.add(color_list, "lime");
+cloth_code_map = map.new();
+map.add(cloth_code_map, "dark_gray", 4673362);
+map.add(cloth_code_map, "cyan", 1481884);
+map.add(cloth_code_map, "red", 11546150);
+map.add(cloth_code_map, "blue", 3949738);
+map.add(cloth_code_map, "orange", 16351261);
+map.add(cloth_code_map, "green", 6192150);
+map.add(cloth_code_map, "gray", 10329495);
+map.add(cloth_code_map, "white", 16383998);
+map.add(cloth_code_map, "pink", 15961002);
+map.add(cloth_code_map, "purple", 8991416);
+map.add(cloth_code_map, "yellow", 16701501);
+map.add(cloth_code_map, "lime", 8439583);
+color_code_map = map.new();
+map.add(color_code_map, "dark_gray", "§8");
+map.add(color_code_map, "cyan", "§b");
+map.add(color_code_map, "red", "§c");
+map.add(color_code_map, "blue", "§9");
+map.add(color_code_map, "orange", "§6");
+map.add(color_code_map, "green", "§2");
+map.add(color_code_map, "gray", "§7");
+map.add(color_code_map, "white", "§f");
+map.add(color_code_map, "pink", "§d");
+map.add(color_code_map, "purple", "§5");
+map.add(color_code_map, "yellow", "§e");
+map.add(color_code_map, "lime", "§a");
+//color_choose_inv = inv.new("000000000 033333300 033333300 000000000");
+color_choose_inv = inv.new("000000000033333300033333300000000000");
+index = 0;
+iter = iterator(color_list);
+while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ color_name = next(iter);
+ cloth_code = map.get(cloth_code_map, color_name);
+ color_name = string.upperFirstLetter(color_name);
+ item = read.item(string.concat("{id:\"minecraft:leather_chestplate\",Count:1b,tag:{Damage:0,display:{color:", cloth_code, ",Name:'{\"text\":\"§r", color_name, "\"}'}}}"));
+ item.addFlag(item, "HIDE_ATTRIBUTES");
+ inv.setItem(color_choose_inv, index++, item);
+if(event == "player_join") {
+ resetplayer(player);
+ assignSeat(player);
+ if(lobby_leader == null) {
+ lobby_leader = player.getUuid(player);
+ stacks.set(player, 1, "km:gear");
+ }
+ sb.add(player, 99, "Lobby-Leader: ", player.getName(lobby_leader));
+ sb.add(player, 98, gamename);
+ sb.add(player, 97, "Impostors: ", string.number(amount_impostors));
+ sb.add(player, 96, "Short Tasks: ", string.number(amount_short));
+ sb.add(player, 95, "Common Tasks: ", string.number(amount_common));
+ sb.add(player, 94, "Long Tasks: ", string.number(amount_long));
+ sb.add(player, 93, "Amount Meetings: ", string.number(amount_meetings));
+ sb.add(player, 92, "Meeting Cooldown: ", string.number(meeting_cooldown), " s");
+ sb.add(player, 91, "Discussion Time: ", string.number(discuss_time), " s");
+ sb.add(player, 90, "Voting Time: ", string.number(vote_time), " s");
+ sb.add(player, 89, "Speed: ", string.number(move_speed));
+ sb.add(player, 88, "Kill Cooldown: ", string.number(kill_cooldown), " s");
+ sb.add(player, 87, "Confirm Ejects: ", confirm_ejects);
+ sb.add(player, 86, sb.getSpacer());
+ //TODO stacks.set(player, 0, "minecraft:leather_chestplate");
+ player.setSpeed(player, move_speed);
+ player.setHunger(player, 20);
+ player.setSaturation(player, 100);
+ return;
+if(event == "player_drop") {
+ cancel = true;
+ return;
+if(event == "block_click") {
+ if(block_loc == start_sign_loc) {
+ if(player.getUuid(player) != lobby_leader) {
+ msg.prefix(player, gamename, "You are not the Lobby-Leader.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!started) {
+ counterindex = 3;
+ goto("startcountdown");
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+if(event == "snuvi_click") {
+ inv_name = string.text(inv_title);
+ if(inv_name == "§cSettings") {
+ //amount_impostors
+ if(inv_slot == 0 || inv_slot == 9 || inv_slot == 18) {
+ if(inv_slot == 0 || inv_slot == 9) {
+ if(amount_impostors < amount_impostors_max) {
+ amount_impostors++;
+ }
+ } elseif(inv_slot == 18) {
+ if(amount_impostors > amount_impostors_min) {
+ amount_impostors--;
+ }
+ }
+ minigame.displayAll(2, string.concat("Impostors: ", string.number(amount_impostors)));
+ inv.setItem(settings_inv, 9, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§rImpostors: ", string.number(amount_impostors)), null));
+ return;
+ }
+ //short_tasks
+ if(inv_slot == 1 || inv_slot == 10 || inv_slot == 19) {
+ if(inv_slot == 1 || inv_slot == 10) {
+ if(amount_short < amount_short_max) {
+ amount_short++;
+ }
+ } elseif(inv_slot == 19) {
+ if(amount_short > amount_short_min) {
+ amount_short--;
+ }
+ }
+ minigame.displayAll(3, string.concat("Short Tasks: ", string.number(amount_short)));
+ inv.setItem(settings_inv, 10, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§rShort Tasks: ", string.number(amount_short)), null));
+ return;
+ }
+ //common_tasks
+ if(inv_slot == 2 || inv_slot == 11 || inv_slot == 20) {
+ if(inv_slot == 2 || inv_slot == 11) {
+ if(amount_common < amount_common_max) {
+ amount_common++;
+ }
+ } elseif(inv_slot == 20) {
+ if(amount_common > amount_common_min) {
+ amount_common--;
+ }
+ }
+ minigame.displayAll(4, string.concat("Common Tasks: ", string.number(amount_common)));
+ inv.setItem(settings_inv, 11, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§rCommon Tasks: ", string.number(amount_common)), null));
+ return;
+ }
+ //long_tasks
+ if(inv_slot == 3 || inv_slot == 12 || inv_slot == 21) {
+ if(inv_slot == 3 || inv_slot == 12) {
+ if(amount_long < amount_long_max) {
+ amount_long++;
+ }
+ } elseif(inv_slot == 21) {
+ if(amount_long > amount_long_min) {
+ amount_long--;
+ }
+ }
+ minigame.displayAll(5, string.concat("Long Tasks: ", string.number(amount_long)));
+ inv.setItem(settings_inv, 12, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§rLong Tasks: ", string.number(amount_long)), null));
+ return;
+ }
+ //amount_meetings
+ if(inv_slot == 4 || inv_slot == 13 || inv_slot == 22) {
+ if(inv_slot == 4 || inv_slot == 13) {
+ if(amount_meetings < amount_meetings_max) {
+ amount_meetings++;
+ }
+ } elseif(inv_slot == 22) {
+ if(amount_meetings > amount_meetings_min) {
+ amount_meetings--;
+ }
+ }
+ minigame.displayAll(6, string.concat("Amount Meetings: ", string.number(amount_meetings)));
+ inv.setItem(settings_inv, 13, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§rAmount Meetings: ", string.number(amount_meetings)), null));
+ return;
+ }
+ //meeting_cooldown
+ if(inv_slot == 5 || inv_slot == 14 || inv_slot == 23) {
+ if(inv_slot == 5 || inv_slot == 14) {
+ if(meeting_cooldown < meeting_cooldown_max) {
+ meeting_cooldown += 5;
+ }
+ } elseif(inv_slot == 23) {
+ if(meeting_cooldown > meeting_cooldown_min) {
+ meeting_cooldown -= 5;
+ }
+ }
+ minigame.displayAll(7, string.concat("Meeting Cooldown: ", string.number(meeting_cooldown), " s"));
+ inv.setItem(settings_inv, 14, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§rMeeting Cooldown: ", string.number(meeting_cooldown)), null));
+ return;
+ }
+ //discuss_time
+ if(inv_slot == 6 || inv_slot == 15 || inv_slot == 24) {
+ if(inv_slot == 6 || inv_slot == 15) {
+ if(discuss_time < discuss_time_max) {
+ discuss_time += 5;
+ }
+ } elseif(inv_slot == 24) {
+ if(discuss_time > discuss_time_min) {
+ discuss_time -= 5;
+ }
+ }
+ minigame.displayAll(8, string.concat("Discussion Time: ", string.number(discuss_time), " s"));
+ inv.setItem(settings_inv, 15, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§rDiscussion Time: ", string.number(discuss_time)), null));
+ return;
+ }
+ //vote_time
+ if(inv_slot == 7 || inv_slot == 16 || inv_slot == 25) {
+ if(inv_slot == 7 || inv_slot == 16) {
+ if(vote_time < vote_time_max) {
+ vote_time += 5;
+ }
+ } elseif(inv_slot == 25) {
+ if(vote_time > vote_time_min) {
+ vote_time -= 5;
+ }
+ }
+ minigame.displayAll(9, string.concat("Voting Time: ", string.number(vote_time), " s"));
+ inv.setItem(settings_inv, 16, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§rVoting Time: ", string.number(vote_time)), null));
+ return;
+ }
+ //move_speed
+ if(inv_slot == 8 || inv_slot == 17 || inv_slot == 26) {
+ if(inv_slot == 8 || inv_slot == 17) {
+ if(move_speed < move_speed_max) {
+ move_speed += 0.25;
+ }
+ } elseif(inv_slot == 26) {
+ if(move_speed > move_speed_min) {
+ move_speed -= 0.25;
+ }
+ }
+ iter = iterator(minigame.getPlayers(script_id));
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ player.setSpeed(p, move_speed);
+ }
+ minigame.displayAll(10, string.concat("Speed: ", string.number(move_speed)));
+ inv.setItem(settings_inv, 17, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§rSpeed: ", string.number(move_speed)), null));
+ return;
+ }
+ //kill_cooldown
+ if(inv_slot == 27 || inv_slot == 36 || inv_slot == 45) {
+ if(inv_slot == 27 || inv_slot == 36) {
+ if(kill_cooldown < kill_cooldown_max) {
+ kill_cooldown++;
+ }
+ } elseif(inv_slot == 45) {
+ if(kill_cooldown > kill_cooldown_min) {
+ kill_cooldown--;
+ }
+ }
+ minigame.displayAll(11, string.concat("Kill Cooldown: ", string.number(kill_cooldown), " s"));
+ inv.setItem(settings_inv, 36, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§rKill Cooldown: ", string.number(kill_cooldown)), null));
+ return;
+ }
+ //confirm_ejects
+ if(inv_slot == 28 || inv_slot == 37 || inv_slot == 46) {
+ if(confirm_ejects) {
+ confirm_ejects = false;
+ } else {
+ confirm_ejects = true;
+ }
+ minigame.displayAll(12, string.concat("Confirm Ejects: ", confirm_ejects));
+ inv.setItem(settings_inv, 37, item.custom.create("GEAR", 1, string.concat("§rConfirm Ejects: ", confirm_ejects), null));
+ return;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if(inv_name == "§cChoose your color") {
+ item_name = string.text(item.getName(item));
+ if(string.startsWith(item_name, "§cUsed", 0)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ color = amongus.getPlayerColor(player);
+ if(color != null) {
+ item.setName(inv.getItem(inv, list.getIndexOf(color_list, color)), string.concat("§r", string.upperFirstLetter(color)));
+ }
+ new_color = string.removeFormat(string.toLowerCase(item_name));
+ cloth_color = map.get(cloth_code_map, new_color);
+ amongus.setPlayerColor(player, new_color);
+ item.setName(item, string.concat("§cUsed by ", player.getName(player)));
+ amongus.forceEquip(player, new_color);
+ }
+ return;
+if(event == "function_key") {
+ if(key == 1) {
+ inv.open(color_choose_inv, player, "§cChoose your color");
+ return;
+ }
+ if(key == 2) {
+ if(player.getUuid(player) != lobby_leader) {
+ return;
+ }
+ inv.open(settings_inv, player);
+ return;
+ }
+ return;
+if(event == "entity_dismount") {
+ if(isPlayer(entity)) {
+ leaveSeat(entity);
+ }
+ return;
+if(event == "player_logout" || event == "player_giveup") {
+ leaveSeat(player);
+ if(lobby_leader == player.getUuid(player)) {
+ list = minigame.getPlayers(script_id);
+ if(list.getSize(list) != 0) {
+ lobby_leader = list.getIndex(list, 0);
+ }
+ }
+player_list = minigame.getPlayers(script_id);
+progress_bar = boss.create(text.new("TOTAL TASKS COMPLETED"), "GREEN", "SOLID");
+boss.setProgress(progress_bar, 0);
+wooden_trapdoors_tag = block.getTag("minecraft:wooden_trapdoors");
+shulker_tag = block.getTag("minecraft:shulker_boxes");
+master_sound_category = sound.getCategory("master");
+kill_sound = sound.get("entity.slime.hurt");
+task_sound = sound.get("minecraft:block.note_block.chime");
+vote_sound = sound.get("minecraft:block.note_block.pling");
+vote_ends_sound = sound.get("minecraft:block.note_block.bell");
+crit_sabo_sound = sound.get("minecraft:block.note_block.bell");
+all_list = list.new(); //All players (Ingame + Ghost + Left)
+vote_inv_map = map.new();
+sabo_par_list = list.new();
+ghosts = list.new();
+dead_bodies = list.new();
+roles = map.new();
+player_tasks = map.new();
+task_steps = map.new();
+all_tasks = map.new();
+auto_close_list = list.new();
+auto_close_list_2 = list.new();
+task_part_map = map.new();
+admin_table_map = map.new(); //In welchem Raum befindet sich ein Spieler? (Geister ausgenommen)
+admin_table_map_2 = map.new(); //Wie viele Spieler befinden sich in einem Raum? (Geister ausgenommen)
+impostors_list = list.new(); //Impostors (Ingame + Ghost + Left)
+impostors_list_2 = list.new(); //Impostors (Ingame + Ghost)
+holded_kill_cooldown = map.new();
+report_map = map.new();
+meeting_amounts = map.new();
+removed_perms = list.new(); //Spieler-Uuids, denen Building-Perms entfernt wurden
+short_tasks = list.new();
+list.addAll(short_tasks, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15, 17);
+common_tasks = list.new();
+list.addAll(common_tasks, 10, 11);
+long_tasks = list.new();
+list.addAll(long_tasks, 2, 4, 8, 12, 13, 16);
+amount_done_tasks = 0;
+sabo_list = list.new();
+comms_state_list = list.new();
+comms_fix_list = list.new();
+comms_fix_map = map.new();
+comms_state_map = map.new();
+comms_counter_map = map.new();
+comms_inv_map = map.new();
+oxygen_map = map.new();
+vent_list = list.new();
+vent_map_2 = map.new();
+vent_map_4 = map.new();
+vent_loop = false;
+cam_list = list.new();
+cam_map = map.new();
+cam_map_2 = map.new();
+cam_map_3 = map.new();
+cam_map_4 = map.new();
+align_engine_map = map.new(); //Position des Engine-Outputs für jeden Spieler
+align_engine_map_2 = map.new(); //Dient zur Zuordnung zur Engine-Location bei korrekt ausgerichtetem Engine-Output
+align_le_engine_set = set.new(); //Spieler, die Align-Engine bei Lower-Engine gemacht haben
+align_ue_engine_set = set.new(); //Spieler, die Align-Engine bei Upper-Engine gemacht haben
+submit_scan_list = list.new();
+submit_scan_list_2 = list.new();
+submit_scan_map = map.new();
+submit_scan_map_2 = map.new();
+ast_directions = array.new(8);
+ast_start_pos = list.new();
+ast_start_pos_dirs = map.new();
+clear_ast_list = list.new();
+clear_ast_list_2 = list.new();
+clear_ast_list_3 = list.new();
+clear_ast_map = map.new();
+clear_ast_map_2 = map.new();
+clear_ast_map_3 = map.new();
+fuel_counter = map.new();
+download_counter = map.new();
+download_map = map.new();
+download_map_3 = map.new();
+download_list = list.new();
+download_list_2 = list.new();
+chart_course_counter = map.new();
+chart_course_pattern = map.new();
+manifolds_counter = map.new();
+manifolds_list = list.new();
+manifolds_list_2 = list.new();
+reactor_draw_list_1 = list.new();
+reactor_draw_list_2 = list.new();
+reset_reactor_draw_list = list.new();
+reactor_block_list = list.new();
+reset_reactor_click_list = list.new();
+reset_reactor_click_list_2 = list.new();
+reactor_false_click_list = list.new();
+start_reactor_map = map.new();
+sample_list = list.new();
+sample_list_2 = list.new();
+empty_garb_list = list.new();
+empty_garb_list_2 = list.new();
+empty_garb_map = map.new();
+empty_garb_map_2 = map.new();
+empty_garb_map_3 = map.new();
+sample_map = map.new();
+calibrate_dist_list = list.new();
+calibrate_dist_list_2 = list.new();
+calibrate_dist_map = map.new();
+wires_map = map.new();
+wires_map_2 = map.new();
+wires_map_4 = map.new();
+swipe_card_map = map.new();
+divert_pow_map_3 = map.new();
+clean_o2_map = map.new();
+align_engine_array = array.new(11);
+temp_list = list.new();
+list.addAll(temp_list, 34, 42);
+align_engine_array[0] = temp_list;
+temp_list = list.new();
+list.addAll(temp_list, 25, 32, 33, 39, 40);
+align_engine_array[1] = temp_list;
+temp_list = list.new();
+list.addAll(temp_list, 24, 25, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38);
+align_engine_array[2] = temp_list;
+temp_list = list.new();
+list.addAll(temp_list, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 36);
+align_engine_array[3] = temp_list;
+temp_list = list.new();
+list.addAll(temp_list, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30);
+align_engine_array[4] = temp_list;
+temp_list = list.new();
+list.addAll(temp_list, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25);
+align_engine_array[5] = temp_list;
+temp_list = list.new();
+list.addAll(temp_list, 9, 10, 11, 12, 22, 23, 24, 25);
+align_engine_array[6] = temp_list;
+temp_list = list.new();
+list.addAll(temp_list, 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 23, 24, 25);
+align_engine_array[7] = temp_list;
+temp_list = list.new();
+list.addAll(temp_list, 0, 1, 2, 12, 13, 14, 24, 25);
+align_engine_array[8] = temp_list;
+temp_list = list.new();
+list.addAll(temp_list, 3, 4, 14, 15, 25);
+align_engine_array[9] = temp_list;
+temp_list = list.new();
+list.addAll(temp_list, 6, 16);
+align_engine_array[10] = temp_list;
+calibrate_dist_array = array.new(12);
+calibrate_dist_array[0] = 5;
+calibrate_dist_array[1] = 4;
+calibrate_dist_array[2] = 3;
+calibrate_dist_array[3] = 6;
+calibrate_dist_array[4] = 8;
+calibrate_dist_array[5] = 12;
+calibrate_dist_array[6] = 15;
+calibrate_dist_array[7] = 16;
+calibrate_dist_array[8] = 17;
+calibrate_dist_array[9] = 13;
+calibrate_dist_array[10] = 9;
+calibrate_dist_array[11] = 7;
+wires_list = list.new();
+list.add(wires_list, item.create("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rBlue Wire", null));
+list.add(wires_list, item.create("minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rGreen Wire", null));
+list.add(wires_list, item.create("minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rRed Wire", null));
+list.add(wires_list, item.create("minecraft:yellow_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rYellow Wire", null));
+garb_items = list.new();
+list.add(garb_items, item.new(material.get("minecraft:diamond")));
+list.add(garb_items, item.new(material.get("minecraft:dead_bush")));
+list.add(garb_items, item.new(material.get("minecraft:rotten_flesh")));
+list.add(garb_items, item.new(material.get("minecraft:totem_of_undying")));
+list.add(garb_items, item.new(material.get("minecraft:bone")));
+list.add(garb_items, item.new(material.get("minecraft:bone_meal")));
+addAstDirection(0, 1, 0); //rechts
+addAstDirection(1, -1, 0); //links
+addAstDirection(2, 0, -1); //oben
+addAstDirection(3, 0, 1); //unten
+addAstDirection(4, 1, -1); //rechts oben
+addAstDirection(5, -1, 1); //links unten
+addAstDirection(6, 1, 1); //rechts unten
+addAstDirection(7, -1, -1); //links oben
+addAstStartPos(0, 6, 6, 6);
+addAstStartPos(1, 3, 5, 6);
+addAstStartPos(2, 3, 5, 6);
+addAstStartPos(3, 3, 5, 6);
+addAstStartPos(4, 3, 5, 6);
+addAstStartPos(5, 3, 5, 6);
+addAstStartPos(6, 3, 5, 6);
+addAstStartPos(7, 3, 5, 6);
+addAstStartPos(8, 5, 5, 5);
+addAstStartPos(9, 0, 4, 6);
+addAstStartPos(17, 1, 5, 7);
+addAstStartPos(18, 0, 4, 6);
+addAstStartPos(26, 1, 5, 7);
+addAstStartPos(27, 0, 4, 6);
+addAstStartPos(35, 1, 5, 7);
+addAstStartPos(36, 0, 4, 6);
+addAstStartPos(44, 1, 5, 7);
+addAstStartPos(45, 4, 4, 4);
+addAstStartPos(46, 2, 4, 7);
+addAstStartPos(47, 2, 4, 7);
+addAstStartPos(48, 2, 4, 7);
+addAstStartPos(49, 2, 4, 7);
+addAstStartPos(50, 2, 4, 7);
+addAstStartPos(51, 2, 4, 7);
+addAstStartPos(52, 2, 4, 7);
+addAstStartPos(53, 7, 7, 7);
+air_item = item.getAir();
+lime_glass = item.create("minecraft:lime_stained_glass_pane", 1, "", null);
+green_glass = item.create("minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane", 1, "", null);
+red_glass = item.create("minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane", 1, "", null);
+gray_glass = item.create("minecraft:gray_stained_glass_pane", 1, "", null);
+black_glass = item.create("minecraft:black_stained_glass_pane", 1, "", null);
+yellow_glass = item.create("minecraft:yellow_stained_glass_pane", 1, "", null);
+blue_glass = item.create("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "", null);
+cyan_glass = item.create("minecraft:cyan_stained_glass_pane", 1, "", null);
+zombie_head = item.create("zombie_head", 1, "", null);
+zombie_head_mat = material.get("ZOMBIE_HEAD");
+player_head_mat = material.get("PLAYER_HEAD");
+space_par = particle.get("END_ROD");
+task_par = particle.get("COMPOSTER");
+cam_par = particle.get("SPELL_WITCH");
+sabo_par = particle.get("SPELL_WITCH");
+imp_par = particle.get("SPELL_WITCH");
+cam_loop = false;
+meeting = false;
+lights_sabotaged = false;
+comms_sabotaged = false;
+reactor_sabotaged = false;
+oxygen_sabotaged = false;
+reactor_used = false;
+lights_inv = inv.new("202020202", text.new("§cFix Lights"));
+reactor_inv_1 = inv.new("222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222", text.new("§cPRESS TO STOP MELTDOWN"));
+sabotage.holdReactor(reactor_inv_1, false);
+reactor_inv_2 = inv.new("222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222", text.new("§cPRESS TO STOP MELTDOWN"));
+sabotage.holdReactor(reactor_inv_2, false);
+reactor_hold_list_1 = list.new();
+reactor_hold_list_2 = list.new();
+common_tasks_2 = list.new();
+for(i = 0; i < amount_common; i++) {
+ index = math.random(0, list.getSize(common_tasks) - 1);
+ id = list.getIndex(common_tasks, index);
+ list.add(common_tasks_2, id);
+registerTask(1, "Storage", "Fuel Engines", 0, 4);
+registerTask(2, "[Room]", "Download Data", 0, 2);
+registerTask(3, "Shields", "Prime Shields", 0, 1);
+registerTask(4, "Reactor", "Start Reactor", 0, 1);
+registerTask(5, "Reactor", "Unlock Manifolds", 0, 1);
+registerTask(6, "Navigation", "Chart Course", 0, 1);
+registerTask(7, "Navigation", "Stabilize Steering", 0, 1);
+registerTask(8, "MedBay", "Inspect Sample", 0, 1);
+registerTask(9, "Electrical", "Calibrate Distributor", 0, 1);
+registerTask(10, "Cafeteria", "Fix Wiring", 0, 3);
+registerTask(11, "Admin", "Swipe Card", 0, 1);
+registerTask(12, "Cafeteria", "Empty Garbage", 0, 2);
+registerTask(13, "Weapons", "Clear Asteroids", 0, 20);
+registerTask(14, "Electrical", "Divert Power to [Room]", 0, 2);
+registerTask(15, "O2", "Clean O2 Filter", 0, 1);
+registerTask(16, "MedBay", "Submit Scan", 0, 1);
+registerTask(17, "UE/LE", "Align Engine Output", 0, 2);
+player_list_size = list.getSize(player_list);
+if(player_list_size < 6) {
+ amount_impostors = 1;
+imps = set.new();
+for(i = 0; i < amount_impostors; i++) {
+ index = math.random(0, player_list_size - 1);
+ while(set.contains(imps, index)) {
+ index = math.random(0, player_list_size - 1);
+ }
+ set.add(imps, index);
+if(player_list_size == 1) {
+ amount_all_tasks = 17;
+ freeplay = true;
+} else {
+ minplayers = multi_minplayers;
+ amount_crew = player_list_size - amount_impostors;
+ amount_all_tasks = (amount_short + amount_common + amount_long) * amount_crew;
+ freeplay = false;
+for(i = 0; i < player_list_size; i++) {
+ p_uuid = list.getIndex(player_list, i);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ if(amount_impostors > 1) {
+ msg.prefix(p, gamename, string.concat("There are §c", string.number(amount_impostors), " Impostors §ramong us."));
+ } else {
+ msg.prefix(p, gamename, string.concat("There is §c", string.number(amount_impostors), " Impostor §ramong us."));
+ }
+ entity.teleport(p, list.getIndex(spawn_locs, i));
+ sound.spawnForPlayer(p, pling_sound, sound_category_ambient);
+ player.setGamemode(p, "survival");
+ player.setFly(p, false);
+ entity.setName(p, "");
+for(h = 0; h < player_list_size; h++) {
+ p_uuid = list.getIndex(player_list, h);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ list.add(all_list, p_uuid);
+ boss.addPlayer(progress_bar, p);
+ data.setTimer(p, "Meeting Cooldown", $meeting_cooldown * 20);
+ status.addTimed(p, 0, $meeting_cooldown * 20, "Meeting Cooldown");
+ player.setSpeed(p, move_speed);
+ map.add(meeting_amounts, p_uuid, amount_meetings);
+ player.clearInventory(p);
+ player.giveItem(p, read.item("minecraft:map"));
+ inv.close(p);
+ player.gameMute(p, true);
+ //Building-Perms entfernen
+ if(perm.has(p, "plot.bypass")) {
+ perm.unregisterPlayer(p_uuid, 1);
+ perm.unregisterPlayer(p_uuid, 15);
+ list.add(removed_perms, p_uuid);
+ }
+ //Farbe zuweisen bzw. erneut forcen
+ color = amongus.getPlayerColor(p);
+ if(color == null) {
+ iter = iterator(color_list);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ color = next(iter);
+ if(!amongus.isUsedPlayerColor(color)) {
+ amongus.setPlayerColor(p, color);
+ amongus.forceEquip(p, color);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ amongus.forceEquip(p, color);
+ }
+ display.reset(p);
+ if(set.contains(imps, h)) {
+ setImpostor(p);
+ } else {
+ setCrewmate(p);
+ }
+ if(freeplay) {
+ giveTask(p, 1, "Storage", "Fuel Engines", 0, 4, null);
+ giveTask(p, 2, "[Room]", "Download Data", 0, 2, null);
+ giveTask(p, 3, "Shields", "Prime Shields", 0, 1, null);
+ giveTask(p, 4, "Reactor", "Start Reactor", 0, 1, null);
+ giveTask(p, 5, "Reactor", "Unlock Manifolds", 0, 1, null);
+ giveTask(p, 6, "Navigation", "Chart Course", 0, 1, null);
+ giveTask(p, 7, "Navigation", "Stabilize Steering", 0, 1, null);
+ giveTask(p, 8, "MedBay", "Inspect Sample", 0, 1, null);
+ giveTask(p, 9, "Electrical", "Calibrate Distributor", 0, 1, null);
+ giveTask(p, 10, "Cafeteria", "Fix Wiring", 0, 3, null);
+ giveTask(p, 11, "Admin", "Swipe Card", 0, 1, null);
+ giveTask(p, 12, "Cafeteria", "Empty Garbage", 0, 2, null);
+ giveTask(p, 13, "Weapons", "Clear Asteroids", 0, 20, null);
+ giveTask(p, 14, "Electrical", "Divert Power to [Room]", 0, 2, null);
+ giveTask(p, 15, "O2", "Clean O2 Filter", 0, 1, null);
+ giveTask(p, 16, "MedBay", "Submit Scan", 0, 1, null);
+ giveTask(p, 17, "UE/LE", "Align Engine Output", 0, 2, null);
+ } else {
+ for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(common_tasks_2); i++) {
+ id = list.getIndex(common_tasks_2, i);
+ a = map.get(all_tasks, id);
+ giveTask(p, id, a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], null);
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ while(i != amount_short) {
+ index = math.random(0, list.getSize(short_tasks) - 1);
+ id = list.getIndex(short_tasks, index);
+ if(hasTask(p, id)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ i++;
+ a = map.get(all_tasks, id);
+ giveTask(p, id, a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], null);
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ while(i != amount_long) {
+ index = math.random(0, list.getSize(long_tasks) - 1);
+ id = list.getIndex(long_tasks, index);
+ if(hasTask(p, id)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ i++;
+ a = map.get(all_tasks, id);
+ giveTask(p, id, a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], null);
+ }
+ }
+if(freeplay) {
+ starttime = time.getMillis();
+} else {
+ imp_string = "";
+ iter = iterator(impostors_list);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ p_name = player.getName(p_uuid);
+ if(imp_string == "") {
+ imp_string = p_name;
+ } else {
+ imp_string = string.concat(imp_string, ", ", amongus.getPlayerColorCode(p_uuid), p_name);
+ }
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(impostors_list); i++) {
+ p_uuid = list.getIndex(impostors_list, i);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ map.remove(player_tasks, p_uuid);
+ msg.prefix(p, gamename, string.concat("§4Impostors: §r", imp_string));
+ }
+sgoto(10, "space_loop");
+sgoto(10, "task_part_loop");
+sgoto(5, "imp_par_loop");
+if(event == "entity_damage") {
+ if(isPlayer(entity)) {
+ player = entity;
+ if(player.hasMinigameId(player, script_id)) {
+ cancel = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ player = player.getFromDamageSource(damage_source);
+ if(player == null) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(player.hasMinigameId(player, script_id)) {
+ cancel = true;
+ }
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(player.hasMinigameId(player, script_id)) {
+ ignoreGoto(event);
+cancel = true;
+if(player.isGhost(player)) {
+ iter = iterator(ghosts);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ if(!list.contains(player_list, p_uuid)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ msg.prefix(p, string.concat("Ghost ", amongus.getPlayerColorCode(player), player.getName(player)), message);
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(meeting) {
+ minigame.speakAll(string.concat(amongus.getPlayerColorCode(player), player.getName(player)), message);
+} else {
+ msg.prefix(player, "§6Commands", "You are muted.");
+player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+player.action(player, map.getOrDefault(move_id_map, id, ""));
+if(player.isOnCam(player)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(player.isGhost(player)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+old_room_id = map.getOrDefault(admin_table_map, player_uuid, "");
+if(old_room_id != id) {
+ map.add(admin_table_map, player_uuid, id);
+ //Neuer Raum
+ amount_players = map.getOrDefault(admin_table_map_2, id, 0) + 1;
+ map.add(admin_table_map_2, id, amount_players);
+ amongus.updateAdminTable(id, amount_players);
+ //Alter Raum
+ amount_players = map.getOrDefault(admin_table_map_2, old_room_id, 0) - 1;
+ map.add(admin_table_map_2, old_room_id, amount_players);
+ amongus.updateAdminTable(old_room_id, amount_players);
+function amongus.updateAdminTable(room_id, amount_players) {
+ if(amount_players == 0) {
+ if(room_id == $move_id_le) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 23, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rLower Engine"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_sec) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 14, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSecurity"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_ue) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 0, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rUpper Engine"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_reac) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 12, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rReactor"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_o2) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 10, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rO2"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_navi) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 18, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rNavigation"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_weap) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 6, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rWeapons"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_shie) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 29, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rShields"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_comm) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 30, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rCommunications"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_stor1 || room_id == $move_id_stor2) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 27, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rStorage"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_elec1 || room_id == $move_id_elec2) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 20, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rElectrical"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_med1 || room_id == $move_id_med2) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 8, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rMedBay"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_cafe) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 4, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rCafeteria"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_admin) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 16, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rAdmin"));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(room_id == move_id_le) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 23, read.item("minecraft:sticky_piston", amount_players, "§rLower Engine"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_sec) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 14, read.item("minecraft:observer", amount_players, "§rSecurity"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_ue) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 0, read.item("minecraft:sticky_piston", amount_players, "§rUpper Engine"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_reac) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 12, read.item("minecraft:tnt", amount_players, "§rReactor"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_o2) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 10, read.item("km:plum_sapling", amount_players, "§rO2"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_navi) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 18, read.item("minecraft:compass", amount_players, "§rNavigation"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_weap) {
+ sword_item = read.item("minecraft:golden_sword", amount_players, "§rWeapons");
+ item.addFlag(sword_item, "HIDE_ATTRIBUTES");
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 6, sword_item);
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_shie) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 29, read.item("minecraft:shield", amount_players, "§rShields"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_comm) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 30, read.item("minecraft:end_rod", amount_players, "§rCommunications"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_stor1 || room_id == $move_id_stor2) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 27, read.item("minecraft:red_shulker_box", amount_players, "§rStorage"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_elec1 || room_id == $move_id_elec2) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 20, read.item("minecraft:redstone", amount_players, "§rElectrical"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_med1 || room_id == $move_id_med2) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 8, read.item("km:plus_red", amount_players, "§rMedBay"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_cafe) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 4, read.item("minecraft:cake", amount_players, "§rCafeteria"));
+ } elseif(room_id == $move_id_admin) {
+ inv.setItem($admin_table_inv, 16, read.item("minecraft:lectern", amount_players, "§rAdmin"));
+ }
+ }
+if(action != "RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK") {
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(slot.isOffHand(hand)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(block.hasTag(block, shulker_tag)) {
+ cancel = true;
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(block.hasTag(block, wooden_trapdoors_tag)) {
+ cancel = true;
+ goto("checkgame");
+block_loc = block.getLocation(block);
+if(set.contains(cams_locs, block_loc)) {
+ cam_number = 0;
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ map.add(cam_map, player_uuid, cam_number);
+ player_loc = entity.getLocation(player);
+ map.add(cam_map_2, player_uuid, player_loc);
+ if(!player.isGhost(player)) {
+ ent = human.spawn(player_loc);
+ living.removeAi(ent);
+ map.add(cam_map_3, player_uuid, ent);
+ map.add(cam_map_4, ent, player_uuid);
+ human.setSkin(ent, player_uuid);
+ entity.setName(ent, "");
+ color = amongus.getPlayerColor(player);
+ amongus.forceEquip(ent, color);
+ }
+ cam.enter(player);
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(set.contains(med_scan_locs, block_loc)) {
+ task_id = 16;
+ if(!hasTask(player, task_id)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(loc.distance(entity.getLocation(player), block_loc) > 3) {
+ msg.prefix(player, gamename, "Get closer.");
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ //inv = inv.new("202222202 002222200 202222202 002222200 202222202 003333300");
+ inv = inv.new("202222202002222200202222202002222200202222202003333300");
+ inv.setItem(inv, 9, player.getHead(player_uuid, player.getName(player)));
+ color = amongus.getPlayerColor(player);
+ color_code = map.get(cloth_code_map, color);
+ item = read.item(string.concat("{id:\"minecraft:leather_chestplate\",Count:1b,tag:{Damage:0,display:{color:", color_code, "}}}"));
+ item.addFlag(item, "HIDE_ATTRIBUTES");
+ inv.setItem(inv, 15, item);
+ item = read.item(string.concat("{id:\"minecraft:leather_leggings\",Count:1b,tag:{Damage:0,display:{color:", color_code, "}}}"));
+ item.addFlag(item, "HIDE_ATTRIBUTES");
+ inv.setItem(inv, 21, item);
+ item = read.item(string.concat("{id:\"minecraft:leather_boots\",Count:1b,tag:{Damage:0,display:{color:", color_code, "}}}"));
+ item.addFlag(item, "HIDE_ATTRIBUTES");
+ inv.setItem(inv, 27, item);
+ inv.open(inv, player, "§cSubmit Scan");
+ list.add(submit_scan_list, player_uuid);
+ map.add(submit_scan_map, player_uuid, 0);
+ map.add(submit_scan_map_2, player_uuid, inv);
+ sgoto(20, "submit_scan");
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(set.contains(clear_ast_locs, block_loc)) {
+ task_id = 13;
+ if(!hasTask(player, task_id)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 20) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ //inv = inv.new("333333333 333333333 333333333 333333333 333333333 333333333");
+ inv = inv.new("333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333");
+ a = array.new(7);
+ a[0] = inv;
+ slot = list.getIndex(ast_start_pos, math.random(0, 25));
+ a[1] = slot;
+ inv.setItem(inv, slot, read.item("minecraft:bedrock", 1, "§rAsteroid"));
+ inv.open(inv, player, "§cClear Asteroids");
+ b = getAstDirection(slot);
+ a[2] = b[0]; //x_dir
+ a[3] = b[1]; //y_dir
+ a[4] = false; //reached end
+ a[5] = math.random(1, 2); //speed
+ a[6] = 0; //speed counter
+ my_list = list.new();
+ list.add(my_list, a);
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ map.add(clear_ast_map, player_uuid, my_list);
+ map.add(clear_ast_map_2, player_uuid, 0);
+ map.add(clear_ast_map_3, player_uuid, inv);
+ if(list.getSize(clear_ast_list) == 0) {
+ sgoto(5, "clear_ast");
+ }
+ list.add(clear_ast_list, player_uuid);
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(set.contains(inspect_sample_locs, block_loc)) {
+ task_id = 8;
+ if(!hasTask(player, task_id)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ inv = map.get(sample_map, player_uuid);
+ if(inv == null) {
+ //inv = inv.new("202020202 202020202 202020202 000000000 202020202 000000002");
+ inv = inv.new("202020202202020202202020202000000000202020202000000002");
+ for(i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, read.item("minecraft:white_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSample"));
+ }
+ for(i = 15; i < 20; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, read.item("minecraft:gray_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSelect sample"));
+ }
+ inv.setItem(inv, 20, read.item("minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rPress to start"));
+ }
+ inv.open(inv, player, "§cInspect Sample");
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(block_loc == admin_table_loc) {
+ if(comms_sabotaged) {
+ msg.prefix(player, gamename, "Communications disabled.");
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ inv.open(admin_table_inv, player);
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(block_loc == ue_align_loc || block_loc == le_align_loc) {
+ task_id = 17;
+ if(!hasTask(player, task_id)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 2) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ if(block_loc == ue_align_loc && set.contains(align_ue_engine_set, player_uuid)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(block_loc == le_align_loc && set.contains(align_le_engine_set, player_uuid)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ //inv = inv.new("333333332 333333333 222222222 333333333 333333332");
+ inv = inv.new("333333332333333333222222222333333333333333332");
+ inv.setItem(inv, 8, item_arrow_up);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 44, item_arrow_down);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 26, green_glass);
+ inv.open(inv, player, "§cAlign Engine Output");
+ pos = math.random(0, 10);
+ while(pos == 5) {
+ pos = math.random(0, 10);
+ }
+ map.add(align_engine_map, player_uuid, pos);
+ map.add(align_engine_map_2, player_uuid, block_loc);
+ set_engine(player, inv, null);
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(block_loc == clean_o2_loc) {
+ task_id = 15;
+ if(!hasTask(player, task_id)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ //inv = inv.new("222222222 222222222 222222222 222222222 222222222 222222222");
+ inv = inv.new("222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222");
+ inv.setItem(inv, 0, black_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 9, black_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 36, black_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 45, black_glass);
+ for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ slot = math.random(1, 53);
+ while(slot % 9 == 0 || item.getType(inv.getItem(inv, slot)) != "minecraft:air") {
+ slot = math.random(1, 53);
+ }
+ inv.setItem(inv, slot, read.item("minecraft:oak_leaves"));
+ if(slot < 18) {
+ if(item.getType(inv.getItem(inv, slot + 9)) == "minecraft:air") {
+ inv.setItem(inv, slot + 9, item_arrow_down);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if(slot > 36) {
+ if(item.getType(inv.getItem(inv, slot - 9)) == "minecraft:air") {
+ inv.setItem(inv, slot - 9, item_arrow_up);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if(item.getType(inv.getItem(inv, slot - 1)) == "minecraft:air") {
+ inv.setItem(inv, slot - 1, item_arrow_left);
+ }
+ }
+ inv.open(inv, player, "§cClean O2 Filter");
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(block_loc == elec_power_loc) {
+ task_id = 14;
+ if(!hasTask(player, task_id)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step != 0) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ //inv = inv.new("000020000 002222200 022222220 222222222 222222222 000000000");
+ inv = inv.new("000020000002222200022222220222222222222222222000000000");
+ gunpowder = read.item("minecraft:gunpowder");
+ for(i = 0; i < 22; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, gunpowder);
+ }
+ for(i = 22; i < 31; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, read.item("minecraft:lever", 1, map.get(divert_pow_map, i)));
+ }
+ r = map.get(divert_pow_map_3, player.getUuid(player));
+ inv.setItem(inv, r, read.item("minecraft:redstone_torch", 1, map.get(divert_pow_map, r)));
+ inv.open(inv, player, "§cDivert Power");
+ goto("checkgame");
+r = map.get(divert_pow_map_3, player.getUuid(player));
+if(r != null && block_loc == map.get(divert_pow_map_2, r)) {
+ task_id = 14;
+ if(!hasTask(player, task_id)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step != 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ //inv = inv.new("002200002 220200220 020202002 222222220 002002002 220000220");
+ inv = inv.new("002200002220200220020202002222222220002002002220000220");
+ gunpowder = read.item("minecraft:gunpowder");
+ redstone = read.item("minecraft:redstone");
+ inv.setItem(inv, 0, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 1, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 2, gunpowder);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 3, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 4, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 5, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 6, gunpowder);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 7, gunpowder);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 8, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 9, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 10, gunpowder);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 11, gunpowder);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 12, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 13, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 14, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 15, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 16, read.item("stone_button", 1, "§rConnect Grids"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 17, gunpowder);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 18, gunpowder);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 19, gunpowder);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 20, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 21, gunpowder);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 22, gunpowder);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 23, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 24, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 25, gunpowder);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 26, gunpowder);
+ inv.open(inv, player, "§cDivert Power");
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(block_loc == cafe_garb_loc || block_loc == o2_garb_loc) {
+ cancel = true;
+ task_id = 12;
+ if(!hasTask(player, task_id)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step != 0) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ r = map.get(empty_garb_map_3, player_uuid);
+ if(r == 0 && block_loc == o2_garb_loc) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ } elseif(r == 1 && block_loc == cafe_garb_loc) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ //inv = inv.new("033333330 033333330 033333330 033333330 033333332 033333330");
+ inv = inv.new("033333330033333330033333330033333330033333332033333330", text.new("§cEmpty Garbage"));
+ for(i = 7; i < 43; i++) {
+ r = math.random(1, 6);
+ if(r == 1) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, read.item("minecraft:oak_leaves"));
+ } elseif(r == 2) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, read.item("minecraft:birch_leaves"));
+ } elseif(r == 3) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, read.item("minecraft:spruce_leaves"));
+ } elseif(r == 4) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, read.item("minecraft:jungle_leaves"));
+ } elseif(r == 5) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, read.item("minecraft:acacia_leaves"));
+ } elseif(r == 6) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, read.item("minecraft:dark_oak_leaves"));
+ }
+ }
+ inv.setItem(inv, 35, item.custom.create("ARROW_DOWN", 1, "§rEmpty Garbage", null));
+ inv.open(inv, player);
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(block_loc == stor_garb_loc) {
+ cancel = true;
+ task_id = 12;
+ if(!hasTask(player, task_id)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step != 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ //inv = inv.new("033333330 033333330 033333330 033333330 033333332 033333330");
+ inv = inv.new("033333330033333330033333330033333330033333332033333330", text.new("§cEmpty Garbage"));
+ for(i = 7; i < 43; i++) {
+ r = math.random(1, 6);
+ if(r == 1) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, read.item("minecraft:oak_leaves"));
+ } elseif(r == 2) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, read.item("minecraft:birch_leaves"));
+ } elseif(r == 3) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, read.item("minecraft:spruce_leaves"));
+ } elseif(r == 4) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, read.item("minecraft:jungle_leaves"));
+ } elseif(r == 5) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, read.item("minecraft:acacia_leaves"));
+ } elseif(r == 6) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, read.item("minecraft:dark_oak_leaves"));
+ }
+ }
+ list.shuffle(garb_items);
+ inv.setItem(inv, math.random(7, 18), list.getIndex(garb_items, 0));
+ inv.setItem(inv, math.random(19, 30), list.getIndex(garb_items, 1));
+ inv.setItem(inv, math.random(31, 42), list.getIndex(garb_items, 2));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 35, item.custom.create("ARROW_DOWN", 1, "§rEmpty Garbage", null));
+ inv.open(inv, player);
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(block_loc == swipe_card_loc) {
+ task_id = 11;
+ if(!hasTask(player, task_id)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ //inv = inv.new("000000000 003333320 000000000");
+ inv = inv.new("000000000003333320000000000", text.new("§cSwipe Card"));
+ inv.open(inv, player);
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(block_loc == calibrate_dist_loc) {
+ task_id = 9;
+ if(!hasTask(player, task_id)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ //inv = inv.new("000222000 000333000 003000300 003000322 003000302 00033300");
+ inv = inv.new("00022200000033300000300030000300032200300030200033300", text.new("§cCalibrate Distributor"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 0, read.item("km:cross_red"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 1, read.item("km:cross_red"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 2, read.item("km:cross_red"));
+ for(i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, calibrate_dist_array[i], air_item);
+ }
+ inv.setItem(inv, 10, yellow_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 11, yellow_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 14, read.item("km:minus_green", 1, "§rPress"));
+ inv.open(inv, player);
+ start_index = math.random(0, 8);
+ a = array.new(5);
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ a[0] = player_uuid;
+ a[1] = inv;
+ a[2] = start_index;
+ a[3] = start_index; //index
+ a[4] = 0; //stage
+ list.add(calibrate_dist_list, player_uuid);
+ map.add(calibrate_dist_map, player_uuid, a);
+ sgoto(7, "calibrate_dist");
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(block_loc == steering_loc) {
+ task_id = 7;
+ if(!hasTask(player, task_id)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ //inv = inv.new("222222222 222222222 222222222 222222222 222222222");
+ inv = inv.new("222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222");
+ inv.setItem(inv, 22, read.item("km:plus_red"));
+ r = math.random(0, 3);
+ if(r == 0) {
+ slot = 6;
+ slot_left = 5;
+ slot_right = 7;
+ slot_down = 15;
+ slot_up = -1;
+ } elseif(r == 1) {
+ slot = 9;
+ slot_left = -1;
+ slot_right = 10;
+ slot_down = 18;
+ slot_up = 0;
+ } elseif(r == 2) {
+ slot = 28;
+ slot_left = 27;
+ slot_right = 29;
+ slot_down = 37;
+ slot_up = 19;
+ } else {
+ slot = 35;
+ slot_left = 34;
+ slot_right = -1;
+ slot_down = 44;
+ slot_up = 26;
+ }
+ if(slot_left != -1) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, slot_left, item_arrow_left);
+ }
+ if(slot_right != -1) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, slot_right, item_arrow_right);
+ }
+ if(slot_up != -1) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, slot_up, item_arrow_up);
+ }
+ if(slot_down != -1) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, slot_down, item_arrow_down);
+ }
+ inv.setItem(inv, slot, read.item("km:plus_red"));
+ inv.open(inv, player, "§cStabilize Steering");
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(block_loc == chart_course_loc) {
+ task_id = 6;
+ if(!hasTask(player, task_id)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ a = array.new(9);
+ r = math.random(0, 2);
+ if(r == 0) {
+ //inv = inv.new("000000000 000000300 030003030 303030003 000300000 000000002");
+ inv = inv.new("000000000000000300030003030303030003000300000000000002");
+ a[0] = 4;
+ a[1] = 1;
+ a[2] = 5;
+ a[3] = 8;
+ a[4] = 6;
+ a[5] = 2;
+ a[6] = 0;
+ a[7] = 3;
+ a[8] = 7;
+ } elseif(r == 1) {
+ //inv = inv.new("000000000 000000000 300030003 030303030 003000300 000000002");
+ inv = inv.new("000000000000000000300030003030303030003000300000000002");
+ a[0] = 0;
+ a[1] = 3;
+ a[2] = 7;
+ a[3] = 4;
+ a[4] = 1;
+ a[5] = 5;
+ a[6] = 8;
+ a[7] = 6;
+ a[8] = 2;
+ } else {
+ //inv = inv.new("000000000 000030000 003303033 030000300 300000000 000000002");
+ inv = inv.new("000000000000030000003303033030000300300000000000000002");
+ a[0] = 8;
+ a[1] = 6;
+ a[2] = 1;
+ a[3] = 2;
+ a[4] = 0;
+ a[5] = 3;
+ a[6] = 7;
+ a[7] = 4;
+ a[8] = 5;
+ }
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ map.add(chart_course_pattern, player_uuid, a);
+ inv.open(inv, player, "§cChart Course");
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(block_loc == unlock_manifolds_loc) {
+ task_id = 5;
+ if(!hasTask(player, task_id)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ //inv = inv.new("003333300 003333300");
+ inv = inv.new("003333300003333300");
+ list = list.new();
+ for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ list.add(list, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", i + 1));
+ }
+ list.shuffle(list);
+ for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, list.getIndex(list, i));
+ }
+ inv.open(inv, player, "§cUnlock Manifolds");
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(block_loc == start_reactor_loc) {
+ task_id = 4;
+ if(!hasTask(player, task_id)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(reactor_used) {
+ msg.prefix(player, gamename, "Another player already starts the reactor.");
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ reactor_used = true;
+ reactor_array = reactor.get(player);
+ if(reactor_array == null) {
+ //inv = inv.new("003333300 000000000 022202220 022202220 022202220 000000000");
+ inv = inv.new("003333300000000000022202220022202220022202220000000000");
+ reactor_array = array.new(5);
+ reactor.setInv(reactor_array, inv);
+ reactor.setStage(reactor_array, 0);
+ reactor.setPattern(reactor_array);
+ } else {
+ inv = reactor.getInv(reactor_array);
+ }
+ reactor.setCounter(reactor_array, 0);
+ reactor.setPhase(reactor_array, "draw");
+ reactor.save(reactor_array, player);
+ reactor.setHeader(inv, air_item);
+ reactor.setLeftSide(inv, black_glass);
+ reactor.setRightSide(inv, black_glass);
+ inv.open(inv, player, "§cStart Reactor");
+ list.add(reactor_draw_list_1, player.getUuid(player));
+ sgoto(20, "draw_pattern_1");
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(block_loc == prime_shields_loc) {
+ task_id = 3;
+ if(!hasTask(player, task_id)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ //inv = inv.new("000000000 000222000 002222200 002222200 000222000 000000000");
+ inv = inv.new("000000000000222000002222200002222200000222000000000000");
+ for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+ r = math.random(0, 1);
+ if(r == 0) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, green_glass);
+ } else {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, red_glass);
+ }
+ }
+ inv.open(inv, player, "§cPrime Shields");
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(block_loc == fix_o2_loc_1 || block_loc == fix_o2_loc_2) {
+ if(player.isGhost(player)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(oxygen_sabotaged) {
+ if(block_loc == fix_o2_loc_1) {
+ map.add(oxygen_map, player.getUuid(player), fix_o2_loc_1);
+ if(oxy_fixed_1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ } elseif(block_loc == fix_o2_loc_2) {
+ map.add(oxygen_map, player.getUuid(player), fix_o2_loc_2);
+ if(oxy_fixed_2) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ }
+ //oxygen_inv = inv.new("003333322 000000000 000222000 000222000 000222000 000222000");
+ oxygen_inv = inv.new("003333322000000000000222000000222000000222000000222000", text.new("§cENTER CODE"));
+ inv.setItem(oxygen_inv, 6, item.create("minecraft:paper", 1, string.concat("§r", string.number(oxy_code)), null));
+ inv.setItem(oxygen_inv, 7, item.custom.create("DIGIT_0", 1, "§f0", null));
+ inv.setItem(oxygen_inv, 8, item.custom.create("DIGIT_1", 1, "§f1", null));
+ inv.setItem(oxygen_inv, 9, item.custom.create("DIGIT_2", 1, "§f2", null));
+ inv.setItem(oxygen_inv, 10, item.custom.create("DIGIT_3", 1, "§f3", null));
+ inv.setItem(oxygen_inv, 11, item.custom.create("DIGIT_4", 1, "§f4", null));
+ inv.setItem(oxygen_inv, 12, item.custom.create("DIGIT_5", 1, "§f5", null));
+ inv.setItem(oxygen_inv, 13, item.custom.create("DIGIT_6", 1, "§f6", null));
+ inv.setItem(oxygen_inv, 14, item.custom.create("DIGIT_7", 1, "§f7", null));
+ inv.setItem(oxygen_inv, 15, item.custom.create("DIGIT_8", 1, "§f8", null));
+ inv.setItem(oxygen_inv, 16, read.item("km:cross_red"));
+ inv.setItem(oxygen_inv, 17, item.custom.create("DIGIT_9", 1, "§f9", null));
+ inv.setItem(oxygen_inv, 18, read.item("km:check_green"));
+ inv.open(oxygen_inv, player);
+ sabotage.openedInv(player);
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(block_loc == fix_reactor_loc_1 || block_loc == fix_reactor_loc_2) {
+ if(player.isGhost(player)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(reactor_sabotaged) {
+ if(block_loc == fix_reactor_loc_1) {
+ sabotage.openedInv(player);
+ inv.open(reactor_inv_1, player);
+ list.add(reactor_hold_list_1, player.getUuid(player));
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(block_loc == fix_reactor_loc_2) {
+ sabotage.openedInv(player);
+ inv.open(reactor_inv_2, player);
+ list.add(reactor_hold_list_2, player.getUuid(player));
+ }
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(block_loc == fix_comms_loc) {
+ if(player.isGhost(player)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(comms_sabotaged) {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ inv = inv.new("333333333333333333333333333333333333000000000000222002");
+ inv.setItem(inv, 36, read.item("km:arrow_left"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 37, read.item("minecraft:black_stained_glass_pane", 32));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 38, read.item("km:arrow_right"));
+ inv.open(inv, player, "§cFix Communications");
+ sabotage.openedInv(player);
+ diff = math.abs(32 - comms_fix_freq);
+ if(diff == 0) {
+ comms.drawCorrect(inv, player);
+ } elseif(diff < 4) {
+ comms.drawClose(inv, player);
+ } else {
+ comms.drawWorst(inv, player);
+ }
+ map.add(comms_inv_map, player_uuid, inv);
+ if(!list.contains(comms_state_list, player_uuid)) {
+ list.add(comms_state_list, player_uuid);
+ sgoto(5, "draw_comms");
+ }
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(block_loc == fix_lights_loc_1 || block_loc == fix_lights_loc_2) {
+ if(player.isGhost(player)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(lights_sabotaged) {
+ sabotage.openedInv(player);
+ inv.open(lights_inv, player);
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(block_loc == meeting_button_loc) {
+ if(player.isGhost(player)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(amongus.isAlert()) {
+ msg.prefix(player, gamename, "No meetings allowed while sabotaged.");
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(!meeting) {
+ callMeeting(player);
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+block_type = block.getType(block_loc);
+if(block_type == "minecraft:lever") {
+ cancel = true;
+if(block_type == "minecraft:redstone_lamp") {
+ task_id = 10;
+ if(!hasTask(player, task_id)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 3) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ my_list = map.get(wires_map_4, player.getUuid(player));
+ if(block_loc != list.getIndex(my_list, step)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ //inv = inv.new("000000000 002202200 002202200 002202200 002202200 000000000");
+ inv = inv.new("000000000002202200002202200002202200002202200000000000");
+ inv.setItem(inv, 1, read.item("km:cross_red", 1, "§rDisconnected"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 2, read.item("km:cross_red", 1, "§rDisconnected"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 5, read.item("km:cross_red", 1, "§rDisconnected"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 6, read.item("km:cross_red", 1, "§rDisconnected"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 9, read.item("km:cross_red", 1, "§rDisconnected"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 10, read.item("km:cross_red", 1, "§rDisconnected"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 13, read.item("km:cross_red", 1, "§rDisconnected"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 14, read.item("km:cross_red", 1, "§rDisconnected"));
+ list.shuffle(wires_list);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 0, list.getIndex(wires_list, 0));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 4, list.getIndex(wires_list, 1));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 8, list.getIndex(wires_list, 2));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 12, list.getIndex(wires_list, 3));
+ list.shuffle(wires_list);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 3, list.getIndex(wires_list, 0));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 7, list.getIndex(wires_list, 1));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 11, list.getIndex(wires_list, 2));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 15, list.getIndex(wires_list, 3));
+ inv.open(inv, player, "§cFix Wiring");
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(list.contains(download_list_3, block_loc) || block_loc == admin_upload_loc) {
+ cancel = true;
+ task_id = 2;
+ if(!hasTask(player, task_id)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(block_loc == admin_upload_loc) {
+ if(step != 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ //Upload
+ //inv = inv.new("222222222 200000002 000020000");
+ inv = inv.new("222222222200000002000020000", text.new("§cUpload Data"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 9, item.create("minecraft:birch_trapdoor", 1, "§rMy Laptop", null));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 17, item.create("minecraft:redstone_torch", 1, "§rHeadquarters", null));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 22, item.custom.create("ARROW_UP", 1, "§rUpload", null));
+ inv.open(inv, player);
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(step != 0) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ r = map.get(download_map_3, player.getUuid(player));
+ down_loc = list.getIndex(download_list_3, r);
+ if(down_loc != block_loc) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ //Download
+ inv = inv.new("222222222200000002000020000", text.new("§cDownload Data"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 9, item.create("minecraft:chest", 1, map.get(download_map_2, block_loc), null));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 17, item.create("minecraft:birch_trapdoor", 1, "§rMy Laptop", null));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 22, item.custom.create("ARROW_DOWN", 1, "§rDownload", null));
+ inv.open(inv, player);
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(block_loc == get_fuel_loc) {
+ task_id = 1;
+ if(!hasTask(player, task_id)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 1 || step == 3 || step == 4) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ inv = inv.new("333333302333333300333333300333333300333333300333333300");
+ //inv = inv.new(333333302 333333300 333333300 333333300 333333300 333333300);
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ c = map.getOrDefault(fuel_counter, player_uuid, 0);
+ for(i = 0; i < 43; i++) {
+ if(i >= c) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, read.item("minecraft:lime_terracotta"));
+ }
+ }
+ inv.setItem(inv, 7, item.custom.creat("ARROW_DOWN", 1, "§rGet fuel", null));
+ inv.open(inv, player, "§cFuel");
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(block_loc == upper_engine_loc || block_loc == lower_engine_loc) {
+ task_id = 1;
+ cancel = true;
+ if(!hasTask(player, task_id)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 0 || step == 2 || step == 4) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(step == 1 && block_loc != upper_engine_loc) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(step == 3 && block_loc != lower_engine_loc) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ inv = inv.new("333333302333333300333333300333333300333333300333333300");
+ //inv = inv.new(333333302 333333300 333333300 333333300 333333300 333333300);
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ c = map.getOrDefault(fuel_counter, player_uuid, 42);
+ for(i = 42; i > c; i--) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, read.item("minecraft:lime_terracotta"));
+ }
+ inv.setItem(inv, 7, read.item("km:arrow_up", 1, "§rFill engine"));
+ inv.open(inv, player, "§cEngine");
+ goto("checkgame");
+player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+if(list.contains(auto_close_list, player_uuid)) {
+ list.add(auto_close_list_2, player_uuid);
+if(amongus.isAlert()) {
+ sabotage.closedInv(player);
+if(reactor_sabotaged) {
+ if(inv_id == inv.getId(reactor_inv_1)) {
+ list.remove(reactor_hold_list_1, player_uuid);
+ if(list.getSize(reactor_hold_list_1) == 0) {
+ sabotage.holdReactor(reactor_inv_1, false);
+ hold_reactor_1 = false;
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(inv_id == inv.getId(reactor_inv_2)) {
+ list.remove(reactor_hold_list_2, player_uuid);
+ if(list.getSize(reactor_hold_list_2) == 0) {
+ sabotage.holdReactor(reactor_inv_2, false);
+ hold_reactor_2 = false;
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+if(inv_name == "§cFix Wiring") {
+ map.remove(wires_map, player_uuid);
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cFix Communications") {
+ map.remove(comms_inv_map, player_uuid);
+ map.remove(comms_fix_map, player_uuid);
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cClean O2 Filter") {
+ map.remove(clean_o2_map, player_uuid);
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cSubmit Scan") {
+ list.add(submit_scan_list_2, player_uuid);
+ sgoto(20, "unblock_submit_scan");
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cCalibrate Distributor") {
+ list.add(calibrate_dist_list_2, player_uuid);
+ sgoto(7, "unblock_calib_dist");
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cChart Course") {
+ map.remove(chart_course_counter, player_uuid);
+ map.remove(chart_course_pattern, player_uuid);
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cEmpty Garbage") {
+ list.add(empty_garb_list_2, player_uuid);
+ sgoto(25, "unblock_empty_garb");
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cClear Asteroids") {
+ list.add(clear_ast_list_2, player_uuid);
+ sgoto(5, "unblock_clear_ast");
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cUnlock Manifolds") {
+ map.remove(manifolds_counter, player_uuid);
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cStart Reactor") {
+ reactor_used = false;
+ list.add(reactor_block_list, player_uuid);
+ sgoto(20, "unblock_start_reactor");
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cDownload Data" || inv_name == "Upload Data") {
+ list.add(download_list_2, player_uuid);
+ sgoto(25, "unblock_download");
+if(inv_name == "§cVOTE") {
+ if(player.isGhost(player)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ if(map.contains(vote_count_map_2, player_uuid)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ item_type = item.getType(item);
+ if(item_type == "km:return_green" || item_type == player_head_mat && item.getType(inv.getItem(inv, inv_slot - 1)) != zombie_head_mat) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 2, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 3, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 6, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 7, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 10, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 11, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 14, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 15, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 18, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 19, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 22, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 23, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 26, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 27, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 30, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 31, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 34, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 35, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 38, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 39, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 41, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 42, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot + 1, read.item("km:check_green", 1, "§rConfirm"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot + 2, read.item("km:cross_red", 1, "§rCancel"));
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(item_type == "km:cross_red") {
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot - 1, air_item);
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(item_type == "km:check_green") {
+ if(item.getType(inv.getItem(inv, inv_slot - 2)) != zombie_head_mat) {
+ vote_item = inv.getItem(inv, inv_slot - 1);
+ if(item.getType(vote_item) == "km:return_green") {
+ map.add(vote_count_map, "skip", map.getOrDefault(vote_count_map, "skip", 0) + 1);
+ map.add(vote_count_map_2, player_uuid, "skip");
+ } else {
+ vote_item_name = string.text(item.getName(vote_item));
+ list = string.split(" ", vote_item_name);
+ vote_name = list.getIndex(list, 2);
+ vote_uuid = player.getUuid(string.removeFormat(vote_name));
+ map.add(vote_count_map, vote_uuid, map.getOrDefault(vote_count_map, vote_uuid, 0) + 1);
+ map.add(vote_count_map_2, player_uuid, vote_uuid);
+ }
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot + 1, air_item);
+ //Bei allen Spielern anzeigen, dass player gevoted hat
+ index = list.getIndexOf(all_list, player_uuid);
+ voted_slot = index * 4;
+ voted_item = read.item("km:skill33", 1, string.concat(amongus.getPlayerColorCode(player), player.getName(player), "§r has voted"));
+ iter = iterator(player_list);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ inv = getVoteInv(p);
+ inv.setItem(inv, voted_slot, voted_item);
+ }
+ sound.spawnForPlayer(player, vote_sound, master_sound_category);
+ //Haben bereits alle gevoted?
+ if(map.getSize(vote_count_map_2) == list.getSize(player_list) - list.getSize(ghosts)) {
+ goto("score_evaluation");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cENTER CODE") {
+ //CODE eingeben
+ if(item.isDigit(item)) {
+ number = string.text(item.getName(item));
+ for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ if(item.getType(inv.getItem(inv, i)) == null) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(i == 5) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 5, air_item);
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(inv_slot == 16) {
+ for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, air_item);
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(inv_slot == 18) {
+ number = "";
+ for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ item = inv.getItem(inv, i);
+ if(item.getType(item) == "minecraft:air") {
+ for(h = 0; h < 5; h++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, h, air_item);
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ number = string.concat(number, string.text(item.getName(item)));
+ }
+ number = read.number(string.removeFormat(number));
+ if(number == oxy_code) {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ sgoto_auto_close_inv(player_uuid);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 5, read.item("km:check_green", 1, "§rCorrect code"));
+ loc = map.get(oxygen_map, player_uuid);
+ if(loc == fix_o2_loc_1) {
+ oxy_fixed_1 = true;
+ removeSaboParticles(fix_o2_par_loc_1, null);
+ if(oxy_fixed_2) {
+ fix_oxygen();
+ }
+ } elseif(loc == fix_o2_loc_2) {
+ oxy_fixed_2 = true;
+ removeSaboParticles(fix_o2_par_loc_2, null);
+ if(oxy_fixed_1) {
+ fix_oxygen();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 5, read.item("km:cross_red", 1, "§rFalse code"));
+ for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, air_item);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cAlign Engine Output") {
+ task_id = 17;
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 2) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ loc = map.get(align_engine_map_2, player_uuid);
+ if(block_loc == ue_align_loc && set.contains(align_ue_engine_set, player_uuid)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(block_loc == le_align_loc && set.contains(align_le_engine_set, player_uuid)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ item_type = item.getType(item);
+ if(item_type == "km:arrow_up") {
+ temp = set_engine(player, inv, "up");
+ } elseif(item_type == "km:arrow_down") {
+ temp = set_engine(player, inv, "down");
+ } else {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(temp) {
+ if(loc == le_align_loc) {
+ set.add(align_le_engine_set, player_uuid);
+ removeTaskParticle(player, le_align_par_loc);
+ } else {
+ set.add(align_ue_engine_set, player_uuid);
+ removeTaskParticle(player, ue_align_par_loc);
+ }
+ step = task.stepIncrease(player, task_id);
+ giveTask(player, 17, "UE/LE", "Align Engine Output", step, 2, null);
+ sgoto_auto_close_inv(player_uuid);
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cClean O2 Filter") {
+ task_id = 15;
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ item_type = item.getType(item);
+ if(item_type == "km:arrow_up") {
+ old_slot = inv_slot + 9;
+ } elseif(item_type == "km:arrow_left") {
+ old_slot = inv_slot + 1;
+ } elseif(item_type == "km:arrow_down") {
+ old_slot = inv_slot - 9;
+ } else {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot, read.item("minecraft:oak_leaves"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, old_slot, air_item);
+ if(inv_slot == 18 || inv_slot == 27) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot, air_item);
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ c = map.getOrDefault(clean_o2_map, player_uuid, 0) + 1;
+ map.add(clean_o2_map, player_uuid, c);
+ if(c == 6) {
+ removeTaskParticle(player, clean_o2_par_loc);
+ step = task.stepIncrease(player, task_id);
+ giveTask(player, 15, "O2", "Clean O2 Filter", 1, 1, null);
+ sgoto_auto_close_inv(player_uuid);
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ }
+ for(slot = 1; slot < 53; slot++) {
+ if(item.getType(inv.getItem(inv, slot)) == "minecraft:oak_leaves") {
+ if(slot < 18) {
+ temp_type = item.getType(inv.getItem(inv, slot + 9));
+ temp_type_2 = item.getType(inv.getItem(inv, slot - 1));
+ if(temp_type == "km:arrow_down" || temp_type_2 == "km:arrow_left") {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(temp_type == "minecraft:air") {
+ inv.setItem(inv, slot + 9, item_arrow_down);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if(slot > 36) {
+ temp_type = item.getType(inv.getItem(inv, slot - 9));
+ temp_type_2 = item.getType(inv.getItem(inv, slot - 1));
+ if(temp_type == "km:arrow_up" || temp_type_2 == "km:arrow_left") {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(temp_type == "minecraft:air") {
+ inv.setItem(inv, slot - 9, item_arrow_up);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if(item.getType(inv.getItem(inv, slot - 1)) == "minecraft:air") {
+ inv.setItem(inv, slot - 1, item_arrow_left);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cDivert Power") {
+ task_id = 14;
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 2) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ item_type = item.getType(item);
+ if(item_type == "minecraft:redstone_torch") {
+ if(step == 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ redstone = read.item("minecraft:redstone");
+ inv.setItem(inv, 0, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 3, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot - 9, redstone);
+ if(inv_slot < 26) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot - 16, redstone);
+ if(inv_slot < 24) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot - 20, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot - 21, redstone);
+ }
+ } elseif(inv_slot > 26) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot - 18, redstone);
+ if(inv_slot > 28) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot - 25, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot - 26, redstone);
+ }
+ } else {
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot - 17, redstone);
+ }
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ removeTaskParticle(player, elec_power_par_loc);
+ r = map.get(divert_pow_map_3, player_uuid);
+ addTaskParticle(player, map.get(divert_pow_map_4, r));
+ step = task.stepIncrease(player, task_id);
+ giveTask(player, task_id, "[Room]", "Divert power to [Room]", step, 2, null);
+ sgoto_auto_close_inv(player_uuid);
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(item_type == "minecraft:stone_button") {
+ redstone = read.item("minecraft:redstone");
+ inv.setItem(inv, 2, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 6, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 7, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 10, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 11, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 17, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 18, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 19, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 21, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 22, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 25, redstone);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 26, redstone);
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ r = map.get(divert_pow_map_3, player_uuid);
+ removeTaskParticle(player, map.get(divert_pow_map_4, r));
+ step = task.stepIncrease(player, task_id);
+ giveTask(player, task_id, "[Room]", "Divert power to [Room]", step, 2, null);
+ inv.open(inv, player, "§cDivert Power");
+ sgoto_auto_close_inv(player.getUuid(player));
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cClear Asteroids") {
+ task_id = 13;
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 20) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(item.getType(item) == "minecraft:bedrock") {
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot, air_item);
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ my_list = map.get(clear_ast_map, player_uuid);
+ iter = iterator(my_list);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ a = next(iter);
+ slot = a[1];
+ if(slot == inv_slot) {
+ step = task.stepIncrease(player, task_id);
+ giveTask(player, 13, "Weapons", "Clear Asteroids", step, 20, null);
+ if(step == 20) {
+ removeTaskParticle(player, clear_ast_par_loc);
+ sgoto_auto_close_inv(player_uuid);
+ list.add(clear_ast_list_3, player_uuid);
+ break;
+ } else {
+ remove(iter);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cEmpty Garbage") {
+ task_id = 12;
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 2) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(item.getType(item) == "km:arrow_down") {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 35, air_item);
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ list.add(empty_garb_list, player_uuid);
+ map.add(empty_garb_map, player_uuid, 0);
+ map.add(empty_garb_map_2, player_uuid, inv);
+ sgoto(20, "empty_garb");
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cSwipe Card") {
+ task_id = 11;
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(inv_slot == 0 || (item.getType(item) == "minecraft:air" && item.getType(inv.getItem(inv, inv_slot - 1)) == "minecraft:lime_stained_glass_pane")) {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ if(inv_slot == 0) {
+ map.add(swipe_card_map, player_uuid, time.getMillis());
+ }
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot, lime_glass);
+ if(inv_slot == 4) {
+ start_time = map.get(swipe_card_map, player_uuid);
+ time = (time.getMillis() - start_time) / 1000;
+ if(time < 1.8) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 5, read.item("km:cross_red", 1, string.concat("§rToo fast ", math.roundComma(time, 1), "s")));
+ for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, air_item);
+ }
+ } elseif(time > 2.2) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 5, read.item("km:cross_red", 1, string.concat("§rToo slow ", math.roundComma(time, 1), "s")));
+ for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, air_item);
+ }
+ } else {
+ removeTaskParticle(player, swipe_card_par_loc);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 5, read.item("km:check_green", 1, "§rTask completed"));
+ step = task.stepIncrease(player, task_id);
+ giveTask(player, 11, "Admin", "Swipe Card", 1, 1, null);
+ sgoto_auto_close_inv(player_uuid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cFix Wiring") {
+ task_id = 10;
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 3) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ if(inv_slot == 0 || inv_slot == 4 || inv_slot == 8 || inv_slot == 12) {
+ map.add(wires_map_2, player_uuid, inv_slot);
+ }
+ if(inv_slot == 3 || inv_slot == 7 || inv_slot == 11 || inv_slot == 15) {
+ slot = map.get(wires_map_2, player_uuid);
+ if(slot == null) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ map.remove(wires_map_2, player_uuid);
+ if(item.getType(inv.getItem(inv, slot)) == item.getType(item) && item.getType(inv.getItem(inv, inv_slot - 1)) == "km:cross_red") {
+ inv.setItem(inv, slot + 1, read.item("km:check_green", 1, "§rConnected"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot - 1, read.item("km:check_green", 1, "§rConnected"));
+ c = map.getOrDefault(wires_map, player_uuid, 0) + 1;
+ map.add(wires_map, player_uuid, c);
+ if(c == 4) {
+ map.remove(wires_map, player_uuid);
+ step = task.stepIncrease(player, task_id);
+ giveTask(player, 10, "Cafeteria", "Fix Wiring", step, 3, null);
+ sgoto_auto_close_inv(player_uuid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cCalibrate Distributor") {
+ task_id = 9;
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(inv_slot == 14) {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ a = map.get(calibrate_dist_map, player_uuid);
+ if(item.getType(inv.getItem(inv, 9)) == item.getType(inv.getItem(inv, 10))) {
+ stage = a[4] + 1;
+ a[4] = stage;
+ if(stage == 1) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 0, read.item("km:check_green"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 10, blue_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 11, blue_glass);
+ } elseif(stage == 2) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 1, read.item("km:check_green"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 10, cyan_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 11, cyan_glass);
+ } elseif(stage == 3) {
+ removeTaskParticle(player, calibrate_dist_par_loc);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 2, read.item("km:check_green"));
+ step = task.stepIncrease(player, task_id);
+ giveTask(player, 9, "Electrical", "Calibrate Distributor", 1, 1, null);
+ sgoto_auto_close_inv(player_uuid);
+ }
+ } else {
+ a[4] = 0;
+ inv.setItem(inv, 0, read.item("km:cross_red"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 1, read.item("km:cross_red"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 2, read.item("km:cross_red"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 10, yellow_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 11, yellow_glass);
+ }
+ a[3] = a[2]; //Index = Start_index
+ map.add(calibrate_dist_map, player_uuid, a);
+ for(h = 0; h < 12; h++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, calibrate_dist_array[h], air_item);
+ }
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cInspect Sample") {
+ task_id = 8;
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ item_type = item.getType(item);
+ if(item_type == "minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane") {
+ if(inv_slot == 20) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 20, read.item("minecraft:gray_stained_glass_pane", 59, "§rGo grab a coffee"));
+ giveTask(player, 8, "MedBay", "Inspect Sample", 0, 1, 59);
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ list.add(sample_list, player_uuid);
+ list.add(sample_list_2, 59);
+ map.add(sample_map, player_uuid, inv);
+ sgoto(20, "countdown_sample");
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(inv_slot >= 15) {
+ if(item.getType(inv.getItem(inv, inv_slot - 5)) == "minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane") {
+ removeTaskParticle(player, inspect_par_loc);
+ step = task.stepIncrease(player, task_id);
+ giveTask(player, 8, "MedBay", "Inspect Sample", 1, 1, null);
+ sgoto_auto_close_inv(player.getUuid(player));
+ } else {
+ for(i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, read.item("minecraft:white_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSample"));
+ }
+ for(i = 15; i < 20; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, read.item("minecraft:gray_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSelect sample"));
+ }
+ inv.setItem(inv, 20, read.item("minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rPress to start"));
+ giveTask(player, 8, "MedBay", "Inspect Sample", 0, 1, null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cStabilize Steering") {
+ task_id = 7;
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ item_type = item.getType(item);
+ new_cross_slot = inv_slot;
+ if(item_type == "km:arrow_down") {
+ cross_slot = inv_slot - 9;
+ if(cross_slot == 22) {
+ new_cross_slot = cross_slot;
+ cross_slot -= 9;
+ }
+ } elseif(item_type == "km:arrow_up") {
+ cross_slot = inv_slot + 9;
+ if(cross_slot == 22) {
+ new_cross_slot = cross_slot;
+ cross_slot += 9;
+ }
+ } elseif(item_type == "km:arrow_left") {
+ cross_slot = inv_slot + 1;
+ if(cross_slot == 22) {
+ new_cross_slot = cross_slot;
+ cross_slot++;
+ }
+ } elseif(item_type == "km:arrow_right") {
+ cross_slot = inv_slot - 1;
+ if(cross_slot == 22) {
+ new_cross_slot = cross_slot;
+ cross_slot--;
+ }
+ } else {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ //remove old plus
+ if(cross_slot != 22) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, cross_slot, air_item);
+ }
+ temp_slot = cross_slot - 1;
+ if(temp_slot == 22) {
+ temp_slot--;
+ }
+ if(temp_slot >= 0 && cross_slot % 9 != 0) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, temp_slot, air_item);
+ }
+ temp_slot = cross_slot + 1;
+ if(temp_slot == 22) {
+ temp_slot++;
+ }
+ if(temp_slot >= 0 && temp_slot % 9 != 0) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, temp_slot, air_item);
+ }
+ temp_slot = cross_slot - 9;
+ if(temp_slot == 22) {
+ temp_slot -= 9;
+ }
+ if(temp_slot >= 0) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, temp_slot, air_item);
+ }
+ temp_slot = cross_slot + 9;
+ if(temp_slot == 22) {
+ temp_slot += 9;
+ }
+ if(temp_slot < 45) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, temp_slot, air_item);
+ }
+ //set new plus
+ inv.setItem(inv, new_cross_slot, read.item("km:plus_red"));
+ temp_slot = new_cross_slot - 1;
+ if(temp_slot == 22) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, temp_slot - 1, item_arrow_left);
+ } else {
+ if(temp_slot >= 0 && new_cross_slot % 9 != 0) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, temp_slot, item_arrow_left);
+ }
+ }
+ temp_slot = new_cross_slot + 1;
+ if(temp_slot == 22) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, temp_slot + 1, item_arrow_right);
+ } else {
+ if(temp_slot >= 0 && temp_slot % 9 != 0) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, temp_slot, item_arrow_right);
+ }
+ }
+ temp_slot = new_cross_slot - 9;
+ if(temp_slot == 22) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, temp_slot - 9, item_arrow_up);
+ } else {
+ if(temp_slot >= 0) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, temp_slot, item_arrow_up);
+ }
+ }
+ temp_slot = new_cross_slot + 9;
+ if(temp_slot == 22) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, temp_slot + 9, item_arrow_down);
+ } else {
+ if(temp_slot < 45) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, temp_slot, item_arrow_down);
+ }
+ }
+ //finish task
+ if(new_cross_slot == 22) {
+ removeTaskParticle(player, steering_par_loc);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 44, read.item("km:check_green", 1, "§rTask completed"));
+ step = task.stepIncrease(player, task_id);
+ giveTask(player, task_id, "Navigation", "Stabilize Steering", 1, 1, null);
+ sgoto_auto_close_inv(player.getUuid(player));
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cChart Course") {
+ task_id = 6;
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ a = map.get(chart_course_pattern, player_uuid);
+ c = map.getOrDefault(chart_course_counter, player_uuid, 0);
+ if(a[c] == inv_slot) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot, green_glass);
+ map.add(chart_course_counter, player_uuid, c + 1);
+ if(c == 8) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv.getSize(inv) - 1, read.item("km:check_green", 1, "§rTask completed"));
+ removeTaskParticle(player, chart_course_par_loc);
+ step = task.stepIncrease(player, task_id);
+ giveTask(player, task_id, "Navigation", "Chart Course", 1, 1, null);
+ sgoto_auto_close_inv(player_uuid);
+ }
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cUnlock Manifolds") {
+ task_id = 5;
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ item_type = item.getType(item);
+ if(item_type == "minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane") {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ amount = map.getOrDefault(manifolds_counter, player_uuid, 1);
+ if(amount == item.getAmount(item)) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot, read.item("minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane", amount));
+ map.add(manifolds_counter, player_uuid, amount + 1);
+ if(amount == 10) {
+ removeTaskParticle(player, unlock_manifolds_par_loc);
+ step = task.stepIncrease(player, task_id);
+ giveTask(player, task_id, "Reactor", "Unlock Manifolds", 1, 1, null);
+ sgoto_auto_close_inv(player_uuid);
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ goto("false_manifolds_click");
+ }
+ if(item_type == "minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane") {
+ goto("false_manifolds_click");
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cStart Reactor") {
+ task_id = 4;
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(!(inv_slot > 7 && inv_slot < 11 || inv_slot > 13 && inv_slot < 17 || inv_slot > 19 && inv_slot < 23)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ item_type = item.getType(item);
+ if(item_type == "minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane") {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(item_type == "minecraft:black_stained_glass_pane") {
+ goto("false_reactor_click");
+ }
+ if(reactor.getPhase(reactor_array) == "draw") {
+ goto("false_reactor_click");
+ }
+ reactor_array = reactor.get(player);
+ stage = reactor.getStage(reactor_array);
+ counter = reactor.getCounter(reactor_array);
+ pattern = reactor.getPattern(reactor_array);
+ if(inv_slot - 3 != pattern[counter]) {
+ goto("false_reactor_click");
+ }
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot, blue_glass);
+ list.add(reset_reactor_click_list, player_uuid);
+ list.add(reset_reactor_click_list_2, inv_slot);
+ sgoto(10, "reset_reactor_click");
+ if(counter == stage && stage < 5) {
+ stage++;
+ reactor.setStage(reactor_array, stage);
+ reactor.setCounter(reactor_array, 0);
+ reactor.setPhase(reactor_array, "draw");
+ reactor.save(reactor_array, player);
+ if(stage == 5) {
+ removeTaskParticle(player, start_reactor_par_loc);
+ step = task.stepIncrease(player, task_id);
+ giveTask(player, task_id, "Reactor", "Start Reactor", 1, 1, null);
+ sgoto_auto_close_inv(player_uuid);
+ reactor_used = false;
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ list.add(reactor_draw_list_1, player_uuid);
+ sgoto(20, "draw_pattern_1");
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ reactor.setCounter(reactor_array, ++counter);
+ reactor.save(reactor_array, player);
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cPrime Shields") {
+ task_id = 3;
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ item_type = item.getType(item);
+ if(item_type == "minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane") {
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot, green_glass);
+ c = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+ if(item.getType(inv.getitem(inv, i)) == "minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane") {
+ c++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(c == 16) {
+ removeTaskParticle(player, prime_shields_par_loc);
+ step = task.stepIncrease(player, task_id);
+ giveTask(player, task_id, "Shields", "Prime Shields", 1, 1, null);
+ sgoto_auto_close_inv(player.getUuid(player));
+ }
+ }
+ if(item_type == "minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane") {
+ inv.setItem(inv, inv_slot, red_glass);
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_id == inv.getId(reactor_inv_1)) {
+ if(reactor_sabotaged) {
+ sabotage.holdReactor(reactor_inv_1, true);
+ hold_reactor_1 = true;
+ if(hold_reactor_2) {
+ fix_meltdown();
+ }
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_id == inv.getId(reactor_inv_2)) {
+ if(reactor_sabotaged) {
+ sabotage.holdReactor(reactor_inv_2, true);
+ hold_reactor_2 = true;
+ if(hold_reactor_1) {
+ fix_meltdown();
+ }
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cFix Communications") {
+ if(!comms_sabotaged) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(inv_slot == 36) {
+ comms_freq = item.getAmount(inv.getItem(inv, 37)) - 1;
+ } elseif(inv_slot == 38) {
+ comms_freq = item.getAmount(inv.getItem(inv, 37)) + 1;
+ } else {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(comms_freq < 1 || comms_freq > 64) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ inv.setItem(inv, 37, read.item("minecraft:black_stained_glass_pane", comms_freq));
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ comms_state = map.get(comms_state_map, player_uuid);
+ diff = math.abs(comms_freq - comms_fix_freq);
+ if(diff == 0) {
+ if(comms_state != 2) {
+ comms.drawCorrect(inv, player);
+ }
+ list.add(comms_fix_list, player_uuid);
+ map.add(comms_fix_map, player_uuid, time.getMillis());
+ sgoto(40, "scheduled_fix_comms");
+ goto("checkgame");
+ } elseif(diff < 4) {
+ if(comms_state != 1) {
+ comms.drawClose(inv, player);
+ }
+ map.remove(comms_fix_map, player_uuid);
+ } else {
+ if(comms_state != 0) {
+ comms.drawWorst(inv, player);
+ }
+ map.remove(comms_fix_map, player_uuid);
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cFix Lights") {
+ if(!lights_sabotaged) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ item_type = item.getType(item);
+ if(item_type == "minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane") {
+ inv.setItem(lights_inv, inv_slot, read.item("minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rOn"));
+ c = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ if(item.getType(inv.getitem(lights_inv, i)) == "minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane") {
+ c++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(c == 5) {
+ fix_light();
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(item_type == "minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane") {
+ inv.setItem(lights_inv, inv_slot, read.item("minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rOff"));
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cDownload Data") {
+ if(string.text(item.getName(item)) == "§rDownload") {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 11, air_item);
+ goto("download_data_2");
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cUpload Data") {
+ if(string.text(item.getName(item)) == "§rUpload") {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 11, air_item);
+ goto("download_data_2");
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cFuel") {
+ task_id = 1;
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 1 || step == 3 || step == 4) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(string.text(item.getName(item)) == "§rGet fuel") {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ c = map.getOrDefault(fuel_counter, player_uuid, 0);
+ if(c == 7) {
+ c++;
+ }
+ inv.setItem(inv, c++, air_item);
+ map.add(fuel_counter, player_uuid, c);
+ if(c == 43) {
+ step = task.stepIncrease(player, task_id);
+ map.remove(fuel_counter, player_uuid);
+ removeTaskParticle(player, get_fuel_par_loc);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ addTaskParticle(player, upper_engine_par_loc);
+ giveTask(player, task_id, "Upper engine", "Fuel Engines", 1, 4, null);
+ sgoto_auto_close_inv(player_uuid);
+ } elseif(step == 3) {
+ addTaskParticle(player, lower_engine_par_loc);
+ giveTask(player, task_id, "Lower engine", "Fuel Engines", 3, 4, null);
+ sgoto_auto_close_inv(player_uuid);
+ }
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ cancel = true;
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(inv_name == "§cEngine") {
+ task_id = 1;
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 0 || step == 2 || step == 4) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(string.text(item.getName(item)) == "§rFill engine") {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ c = map.getOrDefault(fuel_counter, player_uuid, 42);
+ if(c == 7) {
+ c--;
+ }
+ inv.setItem(inv, c--, read.item("minecraft:lime_terracotta"));
+ map.add(fuel_counter, player_uuid, c);
+ if(c == -1) {
+ map.remove(fuel_counter, player_uuid);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ removeTaskParticle(player, upper_engine_par_loc);
+ addTaskParticle(player, get_fuel_par_loc);
+ giveTask(player, task_id, "Storage", "Fuel Engines", 2, 4, null);
+ sgoto_auto_close_inv(player_uuid);
+ } elseif(step == 3) {
+ removeTaskParticle(player, lower_engine_par_loc);
+ giveTask(player, task_id, "Lower engine", "Fuel Engines", 4, 4, null);
+ sgoto_auto_close_inv(player_uuid);
+ }
+ step = task.stepIncrease(player, task_id);
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ cancel = true;
+sort_array = map.sort(vote_count_map, false);
+//Ausgabe der Votes
+minigame.speakAll(gamename, "§0------------------------");
+sort_array_size = array.getSize(sort_array);
+for(i = 0; i < sort_array_size; i++) {
+ p_uuid = sort_array[i, 0];
+ value = sort_array[i, 1];
+ if(p_uuid == "skip") {
+ minigame.speakAll(gamename, string.concat("Skipped: ", string.number(value)));
+ } else {
+ minigame.speakAll(gamename, string.concat(amongus.getPlayerColorCode(p_uuid), player.getName(p_uuid), "§r ", string.number(value)));
+ }
+//Auswertung der Votes
+if(sort_array_size == 0) {
+ message = "Nobody voted (Skipped).";
+ minigame.speakAll(gamename, message);
+ minigame.titleAll("Voting ended", message, 20, 60, 20);
+ continueGame();
+ goto("checkgame");
+} elseif(sort_array_size == 1) {
+ kick_uuid = sort_array[0, 0];
+} else {
+ value_0 = sort_array[0, 1];
+ value_1 = sort_array[1, 1];
+ if(value_0 > value_1) {
+ kick_uuid = sort_array[0, 0];
+ } else {
+ message = "No one ejected (Tie).";
+ minigame.speakAll(gamename, message);
+ minigame.titleAll("Voting ended", message, 20, 60, 20);
+ continueGame();
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+if(kick_uuid == "skip") {
+ message = "No one ejected (Skipped).";
+ minigame.speakAll(gamename, message);
+ minigame.titleAll("Voting ended", message, 20, 60, 20);
+ continueGame();
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(confirm_ejects) {
+ if(isImpostor(kick_uuid)) {
+ message = "§r was an §cimpostor§r.";
+ } else {
+ message = "§r was a §bcrewmate§r.";
+ }
+} else {
+ message = "§r was ejected.";
+message = string.concat(amongus.getPlayerColorCode(kick_uuid), player.getName(kick_uuid), message);
+minigame.speakAll(gamename, message);
+list.add(ghosts, kick_uuid);
+kick_player = player.get(kick_uuid);
+stacks.clearIndex(kick_player, 0);
+stacks.clearIndex(kick_player, 1);
+stacks.clearIndex(kick_player, 3);
+stacks.clearIndex(kick_player, 4);
+entity.addEffect(kick_player, "invisibility", 999999, 1, false);
+minigame.titleAll("Voting ended", message, 20, 60, 20);
+imps_alive = 0;
+crew_alive = 0;
+iter = iterator(player_list);
+while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ if(!player.isGhost(p)) {
+ if(isImpostor(p)) {
+ imps_alive++;
+ } else {
+ crew_alive++;
+ }
+ }
+if(imps_alive == 0) {
+ winners = "§bCrewmates";
+ goto("win");
+if(imps_alive >= crew_alive) {
+ winners = "§cImpostors";
+ goto("win");
+minigame.speakAll(gamename, string.concat(amongus.getPlayerColorCode(player), player.getName(player), " §rhas left the game."));
+player.setGamemode(player, "survival");
+script = script.getFromId(script_id);
+minigame.kickplayer(script, player);
+player.gameMute(player, false);
+if(isImpostor(player)) {
+ list.remove(impostors_list_2, player_uuid);
+//Building-Perms wieder geben
+player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+if(list.contains(removed_perms, player_uuid)) {
+ list.remove(removed_perms, player_uuid);
+ perm.registerPlayer(player_uuid, 1);
+ perm.registerPlayer(player_uuid, 15);
+if(freeplay) {
+ removeDeadBodies();
+ removeCamBodies();
+ minigame.kickAllPlayers(script);
+ minigame.term(script, gamesignloc);
+ term();
+imps_alive = 0;
+crew_alive = 0;
+iter = iterator(player_list);
+while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ if(!player.isGhost(p)) {
+ if(isImpostor(p)) {
+ imps_alive++;
+ } else {
+ crew_alive++;
+ }
+ }
+if(imps_alive == 0) {
+ winners = "§bCrewmates";
+ goto("win");
+if(imps_alive >= crew_alive) {
+ winners = "§cImpostors";
+ goto("win");
+if(!player.isGhost(player)) {
+ amongus.removeFromAdminTable(player);
+amount_all_tasks = (amount_short + amount_common + amount_long) * crew_alive;
+pct = amount_done_tasks / amount_all_tasks;
+boss.setProgress(progress_bar, pct);
+if(meeting) {
+ //Vote des leavenden Spielers entfernen
+ vote_uuid = map.get(vote_count_map_2, player_uuid);
+ if(vote_uuid != null) {
+ votes = map.get(vote_count_map, vote_uuid) - 1;
+ if(votes == 0) {
+ map.remove(vote_count_map, vote_uuid);
+ } else {
+ map.add(vote_count_map, vote_uuid, votes);
+ }
+ map.remove(vote_count_map_2, player_uuid);
+ }
+ //Alle Votes entfernen, die auf den leavenden Spieler lauten
+ iter = map.iterator(vote_count_map_2);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ element = next(iter);
+ vote_uuid = map.getValue(element);
+ if(vote_uuid == player_uuid) {
+ //Spieler neu voten lassen
+ voter_uuid = map.getKey(element);
+ remove(iter);
+ map.remove(vote_count_map_2, voter_uuid);
+ //Vote-Menu aktualisieren
+ index = list.getIndexOf(all_list, voter_uuid);
+ voted_slot = index * 4;
+ setItemInVoteInv(voted_slot, air_item);
+ }
+ }
+ //Vote-Menu aktualisieren
+ index = list.getIndexOf(all_list, player_uuid);
+ voted_slot = index * 4;
+ setItemInVoteInv(voted_slot, zombie_head);
+cancel = true;
+if(var == "Discussion Time") {
+ stacks.set(player, 4, "km:skill33");
+ tick_time = vote_time * 20; //s
+ status.addTimed(player, 2, tick_time, "Voting Time");
+ data.setTimer(player, "Voting Time", tick_time - 20);
+ vote_inv = getVoteInv(player);
+ inv.open(vote_inv, player, "§cVOTE");
+ data.setTimer(player, "sound.vote.end.10", tick_time - 200);
+ data.setTimer(player, "sound.vote.end.5", tick_time - 100);
+ data.setTimer(player, "sound.vote.end.4", tick_time - 80);
+ data.setTimer(player, "sound.vote.end.3", tick_time - 60);
+ data.setTimer(player, "sound.vote.end.2", tick_time - 40);
+ data.setTimer(player, "sound.vote.end.1", tick_time - 20);
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(!meeting) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(var == "Voting Time") {
+ goto("score_evaluation");
+if(var == "sound.vote.end.10") {
+ sound.spawnForPlayer(player, vote_ends_sound, master_sound_category);
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(var == "sound.vote.end.5") {
+ sound.spawnForPlayer(player, vote_ends_sound, master_sound_category);
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(var == "sound.vote.end.4") {
+ sound.spawnForPlayer(player, vote_ends_sound, master_sound_category);
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(var == "sound.vote.end.3") {
+ sound.spawnForPlayer(player, vote_ends_sound, master_sound_category);
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(var == "sound.vote.end.2") {
+ sound.spawnForPlayer(player, vote_ends_sound, master_sound_category);
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(var == "sound.vote.end.1") {
+ sound.spawnForPlayer(player, vote_ends_sound, master_sound_category);
+ goto("checkgame");
+player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+if(player.isOnCam(player)) {
+ cam_number = map.get(cam_map, player_uuid);
+ number_of_cams = set.getSize(cams_locs);
+ if(key == 1) {
+ cam_number--;
+ if(cam_number < 0) {
+ cam_number = number_of_cams - 1;
+ }
+ } elseif(key == 2) {
+ cam_number++;
+ if(cam_number >= number_of_cams) {
+ cam_number = 0;
+ }
+ } elseif(key == 9) {
+ cam.leave(player);
+ } else {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ map.add(cam_map, player_uuid, cam_number);
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(meeting) {
+ if(key == 5) {
+ if(data.getTimer(player, "Discussion Time") < 0) {
+ vote_inv = getVoteInv(player);
+ inv.open(vote_inv, player, "§cVOTE");
+ }
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(list.contains(vent_list, player_uuid)) {
+ if(player.isGhost(player)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ //vent button 1
+ if(key == 5) {
+ vent_leave(player);
+ } elseif(key == 6) {
+ vent_loc = map.get(vent_map_4, player_uuid);
+ a = map.get($vent_map_3, vent_loc);
+ vent_loc_1 = a[1];
+ if(vent_loc_1 != null) {
+ vent_enter(player, vent_loc_1);
+ }
+ } elseif(key == 7) {
+ //vent button 2
+ vent_loc = map.get(vent_map_4, player_uuid);
+ a = map.get($vent_map_3, vent_loc);
+ vent_loc_2 = a[3];
+ if(vent_loc_2 != null) {
+ vent_enter(player, vent_loc_2);
+ }
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+//report body
+if(key == 1) {
+ if(player.isGhost(player)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ ent = player.getTargetEntity(player, 4, "net.minecraft.entity.monster.ZombieEntity");
+ if(ent == null) {
+ ent = entity.get(entity.getLocation(player), 4, "net.minecraft.entity.monster.ZombieEntity");
+ if(ent == null) {
+ msg.prefix(player, gamename, "No body detected.");
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ }
+ found_player_uuid = map.get(report_map, ent);
+ reportBody(player, found_player_uuid);
+ goto("checkgame");
+//call meeting
+if(key == 2) {
+ if(player.isGhost(player)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(loc.distance(entity.getLocation(player), meeting_button_loc) > 3) {
+ msg.prefix(player, gamename, "Too far away.");
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ if(amongus.isAlert()) {
+ msg.prefix(player, gamename, "No meetings allowed while sabotaged.");
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ callMeeting(player);
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(isCrewmate(player)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(key == 4) {
+ if(player.isGhost(player)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ //kill crewmate
+ cooldown = data.getTimer(player, "Kill Cooldown");
+ if(cooldown == null || cooldown == -1) {
+ //Schaut der Spieler einen anderen Spieler an?
+ p = player.getTargetEntity(player, 4, "net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity");
+ if(p != null) {
+ //Angeschauten Spieler töten
+ if(!player.isOnCam(p) && !player.isGhost(p)) {
+ if(isCrewmate(p)) {
+ killCrewmate(player, p);
+ goto("checkwin");
+ }
+ msg.prefix(player, gamename, string.concat("Not a crewmate."));
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ }
+ //Schaut der Spieler einen Kamera-Human an?
+ human = player.getTargetEntity(player, 4, "me.km.entities.EntityHuman");
+ if(human != null) {
+ p_uuid = map.get(cam_map_4, human);
+ if(p_uuid == null) {
+ entity.remove(human);
+ msg.prefix(player, gamename, string.concat("Fehlerhaftes Human-Entity entfernt."));
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ //Angeschauten Spieler töten
+ cam.leave(p);
+ if(isCrewmate(p)) {
+ killCrewmate(player, p);
+ goto("checkwin");
+ }
+ msg.prefix(player, gamename, string.concat("Not a crewmate."));
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ //Spieler nearby suchen und töten
+ nearest_player = null;
+ lowest_dist = 10;
+ player_loc = entity.getLocation(player);
+ iter = iterator(player_list);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ if(p_uuid == player_uuid) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ if(player.isGhost(p) || player.isOnCam(p)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(isImpostor(p)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ p_loc = entity.getLocation(p);
+ dist = loc.distance(player_loc, p_loc);
+ if(dist < 4 && dist < lowest_dist) {
+ nearest_player = p;
+ lowest_dist = dist;
+ }
+ }
+ if(nearest_player != null) {
+ if(isCrewmate(nearest_player)) {
+ killCrewmate(player, nearest_player);
+ goto("checkwin");
+ }
+ msg.prefix(player, gamename, string.concat("Not a crewmate."));
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ //Human nearby suchen und töten
+ nearest_human = null;
+ lowest_dist = 10;
+ near_list = entity.near(player, 4);
+ iter = iterator(near_list);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ ent = next(iter);
+ if(entity.getType(ent) != "human") {
+ continue;
+ }
+ p_uuid = map.get(cam_map_4, ent);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ if(isImpostor(p)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ent_loc = entity.getLocation(ent);
+ dist = loc.distance(player_loc, ent_loc);
+ if(dist < lowest_dist) {
+ nearest_human = ent;
+ lowest_dist = dist;
+ }
+ if(nearest_player != null) {
+ if(isCrewmate(nearest_player)) {
+ killCrewmate(player, nearest_player);
+ goto("checkwin");
+ }
+ msg.prefix(player, gamename, string.concat("Not a crewmate."));
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ }
+ msg.prefix(player, gamename, "No player targeted.");
+ goto("checkgame");
+ } else {
+ msg.prefix(player, gamename, string.concat("Remaining kill cooldown: ", string.number(math.roundDown(cooldown / 20)), "s"));
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+//enter vent
+if(key == 5) {
+ if(player.isGhost(player)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ loc = player.getTarget(player, 5);
+ if(list.contains(all_vent_locs, loc)) {
+ cooldown = data.getTimer(player, "Kill Cooldown");
+ map.add(holded_kill_cooldown, player_uuid, cooldown);
+ amongus.removeEquip(player);
+ stacks.clearIndex(player, 3);
+ stacks.clearIndex(player, 7);
+ stacks.clearIndex(player, 8);
+ vent_enter(player, loc);
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ player_loc = entity.getLocation(player);
+ iter = iterator(all_vent_center_locs);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ center_loc = next(iter);
+ if(loc.distance(player_loc, center_loc) < 2) {
+ vent_loc = map.get(vent_map_5, center_loc);
+ cooldown = data.getTimer(player, "Kill Cooldown");
+ map.add(holded_kill_cooldown, player_uuid, cooldown);
+ amongus.removeEquip(player);
+ stacks.clearIndex(player, 3);
+ stacks.clearIndex(player, 7);
+ stacks.clearIndex(player, 8);
+ vent_enter(player, vent_loc);
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+ }
+ msg.prefix(player, gamename, "No vent nearby.");
+ goto("checkgame");
+//Keine Sabotagen während bestehender Sabotage möglich
+if(amongus.isAlert()) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+cooldown = data.getTimer(player, "Sabotage Cooldown");
+if(cooldown != null && cooldown != -1) {
+ msg.prefix(player, gamename, string.concat("Remaining sabotage cooldown: ", string.number(math.roundDown(cooldown / 20)), "s"));
+ goto("checkgame");
+//sabotage light
+if(key == 6) {
+ sabotage_light();
+ goto("checkgame");
+//sabotage reactor
+if(key == 7) {
+ sabotage_reactor();
+ goto("checkgame");
+//sabotage oxygen
+if(key == 8) {
+ sabotage_oxygen();
+ goto("checkgame");
+//sabotage communication
+if(key == 9) {
+ sabotage_comms();
+ goto("checkgame");
+cancel = true;
+function setCrewmateIcons(player) {
+ stacks.clear(player);
+ stacks.set(player, 0, "km:skill32");
+ stacks.set(player, 1, "km:skill50");
+function setImpostorIcons(player) {
+ stacks.clear(player);
+ stacks.set(player, 0, "km:skill32");
+ stacks.set(player, 1, "km:skill50");
+ stacks.set(player, 3, "km:skill48");
+ stacks.set(player, 4, "minecraft:iron_trapdoor");
+ stacks.set(player, 5, "km:skill47");
+ stacks.set(player, 6, "km:skill49");
+ stacks.set(player, 7, "km:skill46");
+ stacks.set(player, 8, "km:skill36");
+function setImpostor(player) {
+ data.setTimer(player, "Kill Cooldown", $start_kill_cooldown * 20);
+ status.addTimed(player, 1, $start_kill_cooldown * 20, "Kill Cooldown");
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ map.add($roles, player_uuid, "impostor");
+ list.add($impostors_list, player_uuid);
+ list.add($impostors_list_2, player_uuid);
+ msg.prefix(player, $gamename, "You are §cImpostor!");
+ setImpostorIcons(player);
+ display.add(player, 0, "You are §cImpostor");
+ display.add(player, 1, "§cFake Tasks:");
+function setCrewmate(player) {
+ map.add($roles, player.getUuid(player), "crewmate");
+ msg.prefix(player, $gamename, "You are §bCrewmate.");
+ setCrewmateIcons(player);
+ display.add(player, 0, "You are §bCrewmate");
+function isImpostor(player_or_uuid) {
+ if(isPlayer(player_or_uuid)) {
+ player_or_uuid = player.getUuid(player_or_uuid);
+ }
+ role = map.get($roles, player_or_uuid);
+ if(role == "impostor") {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+function isCrewmate(player_or_uuid) {
+ if(isPlayer(player_or_uuid)) {
+ player_or_uuid = player.getUuid(player_or_uuid);
+ }
+ role = map.get($roles, player_or_uuid);
+ if(role == "crewmate") {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+function player.isGhost(player_or_uuid) {
+ if(isPlayer(player_or_uuid)) {
+ player_or_uuid = player.getUuid(player_or_uuid);
+ }
+ return list.contains($ghosts, player_or_uuid);
+function tpAllMiddle(reporter) {
+ $vote_count_map = map.new(); //Wieviel Spieler haben einen Spieler gevoted
+ $vote_count_map_2 = map.new(); //Welcher Spieler hat für wen gevoted
+ $meeting = true;
+ $reactor_used = false;
+ removeDeadBodies();
+ amongus.clearAdminTable();
+ for(i = 0; i < list.getSize($player_list); i++) {
+ p_uuid = list.getIndex($player_list, i);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ createVoteInv(p, player.getUuid(reporter));
+ if(list.contains($vent_list, p_uuid)) {
+ vent_leave(p);
+ }
+ if(player.isOnCam(p)) {
+ cam.leave(p);
+ }
+ stacks.clear(p);
+ if(!player.isGhost(p)) {
+ entity.clearEffects(p);
+ entity.setName(p, player.getName(p));
+ }
+ entity.teleport(p, list.getIndex($spawn_locs, i));
+ time = $discuss_time * 20 + $vote_time * 20;
+ entity.addEffect(p, "jump_boost", time, 128, false);
+ player.setSpeed(p, 0);
+ inv.close(p);
+ status.addTimed(p, 2, $discuss_time * 20, "Discussion Time");
+ data.setTimer(p, "Discussion Time", $discuss_time * 20);
+ }
+function fix_oxygen() {
+ if($oxygen_sabotaged) {
+ amongus.setAlert(false);
+ $oxygen_sabotaged = false;
+ minigame.displayRemoveAll(20);
+ setSaboCooldown(30);
+ sgoto(40, "scheduled_sabo_close");
+ }
+function fix_light() {
+ amongus.setAlert(false);
+ $lights_sabotaged = false;
+ removeSaboParticles($fix_lights_par_loc_1, $fix_lights_par_loc_2);
+ iter = iterator($player_list);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ display.remove(p, 20);
+ if(!player.isGhost(p)) {
+ if(!player.isOnCam(p)) {
+ entity.clearEffects(p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ setSaboCooldown(30);
+ switchLights(true);
+ sgoto(40, "scheduled_sabo_close");
+function sabotage_oxygen() {
+ amongus.setAlert(true);
+ $oxygen_sabotaged = true;
+ $oxy_fixed_1 = false;
+ $oxy_fixed_2 = false;
+ $depletion_time = 30;
+ addSaboParticles($fix_o2_par_loc_1, $fix_o2_par_loc_2);
+ displaySabotage("§cO2/Admin: Oxygen Depleted in ", 0, 2, $depletion_time);
+ $oxy_code = math.random(10000, 99999);
+ sgoto(20, "oxygen_depletion");
+ iter = iterator($player_list);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ title.send(p, text.new("§cSabotage!!!"), text.new("Oxygen Depletion"));
+ }
+ sgoto(20, "crit_sabo_sound_loop");
+if(!oxygen_sabotaged) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+fixed = 0;
+if(oxy_fixed_1) {
+ fixed++;
+if(oxy_fixed_2) {
+ fixed++;
+displaySabotage("§cO2/Admin: Oxygen Depleted in ", fixed, 2, depletion_time);
+if(depletion_time == 0) {
+ if(freeplay) {
+ minigame.speakAll($gamename, "Normally the impostors would have just won because of the critical sabotage. Instead we just shut it off.");
+ removeSaboParticles(fix_o2_par_loc_1, fix_o2_par_loc_2);
+ fix_oxygen();
+ } else {
+ winners = "§cImpostors";
+ goto("win");
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+sgoto(20, "oxygen_depletion");
+if(!amongus.isAlert()) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+iter = iterator(player_list);
+while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ sound.spawnForPlayer(p, crit_sabo_sound, master_sound_category);
+sgoto(20, "crit_sabo_sound_loop");
+function sabotage_reactor() {
+ amongus.setAlert(true);
+ $reactor_sabotaged = true;
+ $hold_reactor_1 = false;
+ $hold_reactor_2 = false;
+ addSaboParticles($fix_reactor_par_loc_1, $fix_reactor_par_loc_2);
+ $meltdown_time = 30;
+ displaySabotage("§cReactor: Reactor Meltdown in ", 0, 2, $meltdown_time);
+ sgoto(20, "meltdown");
+ iter = iterator($player_list);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ title.send(p, text.new("§cSabotage!!!"), text.new("Reactor Meltdown"));
+ }
+ sgoto(20, "crit_sabo_sound_loop");
+if(!reactor_sabotaged) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+holded = 0;
+if(hold_reactor_1) {
+ holded++;
+if(hold_reactor_2) {
+ holded++;
+displaySabotage("§cReactor: Reactor Meltdown in ", holded, 2, meltdown_time);
+if(meltdown_time == 0) {
+ if(freeplay) {
+ minigame.speakAll($gamename, "Normally the impostors would have just won because of the critical sabotage. Instead we just shut it off.");
+ fix_meltdown();
+ } else {
+ winners = "§cImpostors";
+ goto("win");
+ }
+ goto("checkgame");
+sgoto(20, "meltdown");
+function setSaboCooldown(sabotage_cooldown) {
+ iter = iterator($impostors_list_2);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ data.setTimer(p, "Sabotage Cooldown", sabotage_cooldown * 20);
+ status.addTimed(p, 2, sabotage_cooldown * 20, "Sabotage Cooldown");
+ }
+function fix_meltdown() {
+ $reactor_sabotaged = false;
+ amongus.setAlert(false);
+ removeSaboParticles($fix_reactor_par_loc_1, $fix_reactor_par_loc_2);
+ minigame.displayRemoveAll(20);
+ setSaboCooldown(30);
+ sgoto(40, "scheduled_sabo_close");
+function fix_comms() {
+ $comms_sabotaged = false;
+ amongus.setAlert(false);
+ removeSaboParticles($fix_comms_par_loc, null);
+ minigame.displayRemoveAll(20);
+ setSaboCooldown(30);
+ showTasks();
+ sgoto(40, "scheduled_sabo_close");
+function sabotage_comms() {
+ amongus.setAlert(true);
+ $comms_sabotaged = true;
+ addSaboParticles($fix_comms_par_loc, null);
+ $comms_fix_freq = math.random(1, 64);
+ while($comms_fix_freq == 32) {
+ $comms_fix_freq = math.random(1, 64);
+ }
+ displaySabotage("§cComms Sabotaged", 1, 1, null);
+ boss.setTitle($progress_bar, text.new("COMMS DISABLED"));
+ boss.setProgress($progress_bar, 0);
+ hideTasks();
+function hideTasks() {
+ iter = iterator($player_list);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ if(isCrewmate(p) || $freeplay) {
+ for(i = 2; i < 19; i++) {
+ display.remove(p, i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function showTasks() {
+ boss.setProgress($progress_bar, $amount_done_tasks / $amount_all_tasks);
+ boss.setTitle(text.new("TOTAL TASKS COMPLETED"));
+ iter = iterator($player_list);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ player_uuid = next(iter);
+ player = player.get(player_uuid);
+ if(isCrewmate(player) || $freeplay) {
+ set = map.get($player_tasks, player_uuid);
+ iterator(set);
+ task_iter = iterator(set);
+ while(hasNext(task_iter)) {
+ task_id = next(task_iter);
+ a = map.get($all_tasks, task_id);
+ room = a[0];
+ description = a[1];
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ number_2 = a[3];
+ time = null;
+ if(time != null) {
+ color = "§e";
+ } elseif(step == 0) {
+ color = "§r";
+ } elseif(step == number_2) {
+ color = "§a";
+ } else {
+ color = "§e";
+ }
+ if(step == 0) {
+ if(task_id == 2) {
+ r = map.get($download_map_3, player_uuid);
+ room = map.get($download_map_2, list.getIndex($download_list_3, r));
+ } elseif(task_id == 12) {
+ r = map.get($empty_garb_map_3, player_uuid);
+ if(r == 0) {
+ room = "Cafeteria";
+ } else {
+ room = "O2";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(task_id == 10) {
+ my_list = map.get($wires_map_4, player_uuid);
+ if(step == 3) {
+ wire_loc = list.getIndex(my_list, 2);
+ } else {
+ wire_loc = list.getIndex(my_list, step);
+ }
+ room = map.get($wires_map_3, wire_loc);
+ } elseif(task_id == 14) {
+ r = map.get($divert_pow_map_3, player_uuid);
+ room_2 = map.get($divert_pow_map, r);
+ description = string.concat("Divert power to ", room_2);
+ if(step != 0) {
+ room = room_2;
+ }
+ }
+ if((number_2 == 1 && time == null) || time == 0) {
+ display.add(player, task_id + 1, string.concat(color, room, ": ", description));
+ } elseif(time != null) {
+ display.add(player, task_id + 1, string.concat(color, room, ": ", description, " (", string.number(time), ")"));
+ } else {
+ display.add(player, task_id + 1, string.concat(color, room, ": ", description, " (", string.number(step), "/", string.number(number_2), ")"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function sabotage_light() {
+ amongus.setAlert(true);
+ $lights_sabotaged = true;
+ addSaboParticles($fix_lights_par_loc_1, $fix_lights_par_loc_2);
+ iter = iterator($player_list);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ if(!player.isOnCam(p)) {
+ if(isCrewmate(p)) {
+ if(!player.isGhost(p)) {
+ entity.addEffect(p, "blindness", 999999, 7, false);
+ }
+ } else {
+ entity.addEffect(p, "night_vision", 999999, 0, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ displaySabotage("§cElectrical: Fix Lights", 1, 1, null);
+ inv.setItem($lights_inv, 0, read.item("minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rOff"));
+ for(i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
+ r = math.random(0, 1);
+ if(r == 0) {
+ inv.setItem($lights_inv, i, read.item("minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rOn"));
+ } else {
+ inv.setItem($lights_inv, i, read.item("minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rOff"));
+ }
+ }
+ switchLights(false);
+function displaySabotage(text, number_1, number_2, time) {
+ if(time == null) {
+ if(number_2 == 1) {
+ minigame.displayAll(20, text);
+ } else {
+ minigame.displayAll(20, string.concat(text, " (", string.number(number_1), "/", string.number(number_2), ")"));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(number_2 == 1) {
+ minigame.displayAll(20, text, string.number(time));
+ } else {
+ minigame.displayAll(20, string.concat(text, string.number(time), " (", string.number(number_1), "/", string.number(number_2), ")"));
+ }
+ }
+function callMeeting(reporter) {
+ reporter_uuid = player.getUuid(reporter);
+ amount = map.get($meeting_amounts, reporter_uuid);
+ if(amount <= 0) {
+ msg.prefix(reporter, $gamename, "You have no emergency meetings left.");
+ return;
+ }
+ cooldown = data.getTimer(reporter, "Meeting Cooldown");
+ if(cooldown == null || cooldown == -1) {
+ tpAllMiddle(reporter);
+ reporter_name = player.getName(reporter);
+ color_code = amongus.getPlayerColorCode(reporter);
+ minigame.titleAll("§cEMERGENY MEETING", string.concat("called by ", color_code, reporter_name), 20, 60, 20);
+ minigame.speakAll($gamename, string.concat(color_code, reporter_name, " §rcalls an emergency meeting!"));
+ new_amount = amount - 1;
+ map.add($meeting_amounts, reporter_uuid, new_amount);
+ msg.prefix(reporter, $gamename, string.concat("You have §c", string.number(new_amount), "§r emergeny meetings left."));
+ } else {
+ msg.prefix(reporter, $gamename, string.concat("Remaining meeting cooldown: ", string.number(math.roundDown(cooldown / 20)), "s"));
+ }
+function reportBody(reporter, found_player_uuid) {
+ tpAllMiddle(reporter);
+ reporter_name = player.getName(reporter);
+ found_player_name = player.getName(found_player_uuid);
+ minigame.titleAll("§cREPORT", string.concat(reporter_name, " found ", found_player_name), 20, 60, 20);
+ minigame.speakAll($gamename, string.concat(amongus.getPlayerColorCode(reporter), reporter_name, " §rfound the body of ", amongus.getPlayerColorCode(found_player_uuid), found_player_name, "."));
+ if(amongus.isAlert()) {
+ if($lights_sabotaged) {
+ switchLights(true);
+ }
+ if($oxygen_sabotaged) {
+ fix_oxygen();
+ }
+ if($reactor_sabotaged) {
+ fix_meltdown();
+ }
+ }
+function continueGame() {
+ $meeting = false;
+ iter = iterator($player_list);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ inv.close(p);
+ if(player.isGhost(p)) {
+ entity.addEffect(p, "jump_boost", 0, 128, false);
+ player.setSpeed(p, $move_speed * 1.5);
+ } else {
+ entity.setName(p, "");
+ entity.clearEffects(p);
+ player.setSpeed(p, $move_speed);
+ if(isImpostor(p) && !player.isGhost(p)) {
+ data.setTimer(p, "Kill Cooldown", $kill_cooldown * 20);
+ status.addTimed(p, 1, $kill_cooldown * 20, "Kill Cooldown");
+ setImpostorIcons(p);
+ } else {
+ setCrewmateIcons(p);
+ }
+ }
+ status.remove(p, 2);
+ data.setTimer(p, "Voting Time", -1);
+ data.setTimer(p, "Meeting Cooldown", $meeting_cooldown * 20);
+ status.addTimed(p, 0, $meeting_cooldown * 20, "Meeting Cooldown");
+ }
+ if($lights_sabotaged) {
+ sabotage_light();
+ }
+function killCrewmate(killer, crewmate) {
+ loc = entity.getLocation(crewmate);
+ sound.spawnForPlayer(killer, $kill_sound, $master_sound_category);
+ sound.spawnForPlayer(crewmate, $kill_sound, $master_sound_category);
+ killer_name = player.getName(killer);
+ killer_color_code = amongus.getPlayerColorCode(killer);
+ msg.prefix(crewmate, $gamename, string.concat(killer_color_code, killer_name, "§r killed you."));
+ msg.prefix(killer, $gamename, string.concat("You killed ", amongus.getPlayerColorCode(crewmate), player.getName(crewmate), "§r."));
+ //Killer zu Mord-Location teleportieren
+ entity.teleport(killer, loc);
+ data.setTimer(killer, "Kill Cooldown", $kill_cooldown * 20);
+ status.addTimed(killer, 1, $kill_cooldown * 20, "Kill Cooldown");
+ //Crewmate zum Geist machen
+ entity.clearEffects(crewmate);
+ entity.addEffect(crewmate, "invisibility", 999999, 1, false);
+ crew_uuid = player.getUuid(crewmate);
+ list.add($ghosts, crew_uuid);
+ stacks.clear(crewmate);
+ amongus.removeEquip(crewmate);
+ title.send(crewmate, text.new("§cKILLED!!!"), text.new(string.concat("by ", killer_color_code, killer_name)));
+ inv.close(crewmate);
+ $reactor_used = false;
+ sabotage.closedInv(crewmate);
+ player.setSpeed(crewmate, $move_speed * 1.5);
+ //Leiche an Mord-Location platzieren
+ ent = entity.spawn("zombie", loc, "{IsBaby:0}");
+ list.add($dead_bodies, ent);
+ map.add($report_map, ent, crew_uuid);
+ living.removeAi(ent);
+ entity.setName(ent, "");
+ living.setEquip(ent, "hand", $air_item);
+ entity.setSilent(ent, true);
+ color = amongus.getPlayerColor(crewmate);
+ amongus.forceEquip(ent, color);
+function amongus.clearAdminTable() {
+ map.clear($admin_table_map);
+ map.clear($admin_table_map_2);
+function amongus.removeFromAdminTable(player) {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ room_id = map.get($admin_table_map, player_uuid);
+ if(room_id == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ map.remove($admin_table_map, player_uuid);
+ map.add($admin_table_map_2, room_id, map.get($admin_table_map_2, room_id) - 1);
+function removeCamBodies() {
+ iter = map.iterator($cam_map_3);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ element = next(iter);
+ entity.remove(map.getValue(element));
+ }
+function removeDeadBodies() {
+ iter = iterator($dead_bodies);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ entity.remove(next(iter));
+ }
+function registerTask(task_id, room, description, number_1, number_2) {
+ a = array.new(4);
+ a[0] = room;
+ a[1] = description;
+ a[2] = number_1;
+ a[3] = number_2;
+ map.add($all_tasks, task_id, a);
+function giveTask(player, task_id, room, description, number_1, number_2, time) {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ if(time != null) {
+ color = "§e";
+ } elseif(number_1 == 0) {
+ color = "§r";
+ } elseif(number_1 == number_2) {
+ sound.spawnForPlayer(player, $task_sound, $master_sound_category);
+ $amount_done_tasks++;
+ color = "§a";
+ if(!$comms_sabotaged) {
+ iter = iterator($player_list);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ pct = $amount_done_tasks / $amount_all_tasks;
+ boss.setProgress($progress_bar, pct);
+ if(pct == 1) {
+ sgoto(2, "crewmate_win");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ color = "§e";
+ }
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 0) {
+ if(task_id == 1) {
+ addTaskParticle(player, $get_fuel_par_loc);
+ } elseif(task_id == 2) {
+ r = map.getOrDefault($download_map_3, player_uuid, math.random(0, 4));
+ map.add($download_map_3, player_uuid, r);
+ addTaskParticle(player, list.getIndex($download_list_4, r));
+ room = map.get($download_map_2, list.getIndex($download_list_3, r));
+ } elseif(task_id == 3) {
+ addTaskParticle(player, $prime_shields_par_loc);
+ } elseif(task_id == 4) {
+ addTaskParticle(player, $start_reactor_par_loc);
+ } elseif(task_id == 5) {
+ addTaskParticle(player, $unlock_manifolds_par_loc);
+ } elseif(task_id == 6) {
+ addTaskParticle(player, $chart_course_par_loc);
+ } elseif(task_id == 7) {
+ addTaskParticle(player, $steering_par_loc);
+ } elseif(task_id == 8 && time == null) {
+ addTaskParticle(player, $inspect_par_loc);
+ } elseif(task_id == 9) {
+ addTaskParticle(player, $calibrate_dist_par_loc);
+ } elseif(task_id == 11) {
+ addTaskParticle(player, $swipe_card_par_loc);
+ } elseif(task_id == 12) {
+ r = map.getOrDefault($empty_garb_map_3, player_uuid, math.random(0, 1));
+ map.add($empty_garb_map_3, player_uuid, r);
+ if(r == 0) {
+ addTaskParticle(player, $cafe_garb_par_loc);
+ room = "Cafeteria";
+ } else {
+ addTaskParticle(player, $o2_garb_par_loc);
+ room = "O2";
+ }
+ } elseif(task_id == 13) {
+ addTaskParticle(player, $clear_ast_par_loc);
+ } elseif(task_id == 15) {
+ addTaskParticle(player, $clean_o2_par_loc);
+ } elseif(task_id == 16) {
+ addTaskParticle(player, $scan_par_loc);
+ } elseif(task_id == 17) {
+ addTaskParticle(player, $ue_align_par_loc);
+ addTaskParticle(player, $le_align_par_loc);
+ }
+ }
+ if(task_id == 10) {
+ my_list = map.getOrDefault($wires_map_4, player_uuid, list.new());
+ if(step == 0) {
+ //Electrical > Storage > Admin > Navigation > Cafeteria > Security
+ //1.Wire
+ index_1 = math.random(0, 3);
+ wire_loc_1 = list.getIndex($wires_list_2, index_1);
+ list.add(my_list, wire_loc_1);
+ //2.Wire
+ index_2 = math.random(1 + index_1, 4);
+ wire_loc_2 = list.getIndex($wires_list_2, index_2);
+ while(list.contains(my_list, wire_loc_2)) {
+ index_2 = math.random(1 + index_1, 4);
+ wire_loc_2 = list.getIndex($wires_list_2, index_2);
+ }
+ list.add(my_list, wire_loc_2);
+ //3.Wire
+ index_3 = math.random(1 + index_2, 5);
+ wire_loc_3 = list.getIndex($wires_list_2, index_3);
+ while(list.contains(my_list, wire_loc_3)) {
+ index_3 = math.random(1 + index_2, 5);
+ wire_loc_3 = list.getIndex($wires_list_2, index_3);
+ }
+ list.add(my_list, wire_loc_3);
+ map.add($wires_map_4, player_uuid, my_list);
+ }
+ if(step < 3) {
+ wire_loc = list.getIndex(my_list, step);
+ room = map.get($wires_map_3, wire_loc);
+ addTaskParticle(player, map.get($wires_map_5, wire_loc));
+ if(step > 0) {
+ old_wire_loc = list.getIndex(my_list, step - 1);
+ removeTaskParticle(player, map.get($wires_map_5, old_wire_loc));
+ }
+ } else {
+ wire_loc = list.getIndex(my_list, 2);
+ removeTaskParticle(player, map.get($wires_map_5, wire_loc));
+ }
+ } elseif(task_id == 14) {
+ r = map.getOrDefault($divert_pow_map_3, player_uuid, math.random(22, 29));
+ map.add($divert_pow_map_3, player_uuid, r);
+ room_2 = map.get($divert_pow_map, r);
+ description = string.concat("Divert power to ", room_2);
+ if(step == 0) {
+ addTaskParticle(player, $elec_power_par_loc);
+ } else {
+ room = room_2;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$comms_sabotaged) {
+ if((number_2 == 1 && time == null) || time == 0) {
+ display.add(player, task_id + 1, string.concat(color, room, " §8| ", color, description));
+ } elseif(time != null) {
+ display.add(player, task_id + 1, string.concat(color, room, " §8| ", color, description, " (", string.number(time), ")"));
+ } else {
+ display.add(player, task_id + 1, string.concat(color, room, " §8| ", color, description, " (", string.number(number_1), "/", string.number(number_2), ")"));
+ }
+ }
+ set = map.get($player_tasks, player_uuid);
+ if(set == null) {
+ set = set.new();
+ }
+ set.add(set, task_id);
+ map.add($player_tasks, player_uuid, set);
+function sgoto_auto_close_inv(player_uuid) {
+ list.add($auto_close_list, player_uuid);
+ sgoto(40, "auto_close_inv");
+p_uuid = list.getIndex(auto_close_list, 0);
+list.removeIndex(auto_close_list, 0);
+if(list.contains(auto_close_list_2, p_uuid)) {
+ list.remove(auto_close_list_2, p_uuid);
+} else {
+ inv.close(player.get(p_uuid));
+function hasTask(player, task_id) {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ set = map.getOrDefault($player_tasks, player_uuid, set.new());
+ return set.contains(set, task_id);
+function addAstDirection(id, x, y) {
+ a = array.new(2);
+ a[0] = x;
+ a[1] = y;
+ $ast_directions[id] = a;
+function addAstStartPos(slot, dir_id_1, dir_id_2, dir_id_3) {
+ list.add($ast_start_pos, slot);
+ my_list = list.new();
+ list.add(my_list, dir_id_1);
+ list.add(my_list, dir_id_2);
+ list.add(my_list, dir_id_3);
+ map.add($ast_start_pos_dirs, slot, my_list);
+function getAstDirection(slot) {
+ my_list = map.get($ast_start_pos_dirs, slot);
+ dir_id = list.getIndex(my_list, math.random(0, 2));
+ a = $ast_directions[dir_id];
+ return a;
+iter = iterator(player_list);
+while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ player.setHunger(p, 4);
+ player.setSaturation(p, 0);
+ color = amongus.getPlayerColor(p);
+ if(player.isGhost(p)) {
+ amongus.removeEquip(p);
+ } else {
+ if(!list.contains(vent_list, p_uuid)) {
+ if(!player.isOnCam(p)) {
+ amongus.equip(p, color);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sgoto(20, "loop");
+iter = iterator(impostors_list_2);
+while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid_1 = next(iter);
+ p_1 = player.get(p_uuid_1);
+ iter_2 = iterator(impostors_list_2);
+ while(hasNext(iter_2)) {
+ p_uuid_2 = next(iter_2);
+ p_2 = player.get(p_uuid_2);
+ if(!player.isGhost(p_2)) {
+ p_2_loc = entity.getLocation(p_2);
+ loc.add(p_2_loc, 0, 2.3, 0);
+ particle.spawnPlayer(p_2_loc, imp_par, p_1);
+ }
+ }
+sgoto(5, "imp_par_loop");
+player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+c = 0;
+inv.setItem(inv, c++, lime_glass);
+map.add(download_counter, player_uuid, c);
+list.add(download_list, player_uuid);
+map.add(download_map, player_uuid, inv);
+sgoto(20, "download_data");
+task_id = 2;
+player_uuid = list.getIndex(download_list, 0);
+inv = map.get(download_map, player_uuid);
+player = player.get(player_uuid);
+list.removeIndex(download_list, 0);
+c = map.get(download_counter, player_uuid);
+if(list.contains(download_list_2, player_uuid)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+inv.setItem(inv, c++, lime_glass);
+map.add(download_counter, player_uuid, c);
+if(c < 9) {
+ list.add(download_list, player_uuid);
+ map.add(download_map, player_uuid, inv);
+ sgoto(20, "download_data");
+} else {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 11, read.item("km:check_green", 1, "§rTask completed"));
+ map.remove(download_counter, player_uuid);
+ step = task.getStep(player, task_id);
+ step = task.stepIncrease(player, task_id);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ r = map.get(download_map_3, player_uuid);
+ removeTaskParticle(player, list.getIndex(download_list_4, r));
+ addTaskParticle(player, admin_upload_par_loc);
+ } else {
+ removeTaskParticle(player, admin_upload_par_loc);
+ }
+ giveTask(player, task_id, "Admin", "Upload Data", step, 2, null);
+ sgoto_auto_close_inv(player_uuid);
+player_uuid = list.getIndex(reactor_draw_list_1, 0);
+list.removeIndex(reactor_draw_list_1, 0);
+if(list.contains(reactor_block_list, player_uuid)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+reactor_array = reactor.get(player_uuid);
+inv = reactor.getInv(reactor_array);
+stage = reactor.getStage(reactor_array);
+for(i = 0; i <= stage; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, green_glass);
+reactor.setRightSide(inv, black_glass);
+player = player.get(player_uuid);
+list.add(reactor_draw_list_2, player_uuid);
+player_uuid = list.getIndex(reactor_draw_list_2, 0);
+list.removeIndex(reactor_draw_list_2, 0);
+if(list.contains(reactor_block_list, player_uuid)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+reactor_array = reactor.get(player_uuid);
+inv = reactor.getInv(reactor_array);
+stage = reactor.getStage(reactor_array);
+counter = reactor.getCounter(reactor_array);
+pattern = reactor.getPattern(reactor_array);
+player = player.get(player_uuid);
+if(counter > stage) {
+ reactor.setCounter(reactor_array, 0);
+ reactor.setPhase(reactor_array, "click");
+ reactor.save(reactor_array, player);
+ reactor.setRightSide(inv, gray_glass);
+ goto("checkgame");
+inv.setItem(inv, pattern[counter], blue_glass);
+reactor.setCounter(reactor_array, counter);
+reactor.save(reactor_array, player);
+if(counter < 6) {
+ list.add(reactor_draw_list_2, player_uuid);
+ list.add(reset_reactor_draw_list, player_uuid);
+ sgoto(10, "reset_reactor_draw");
+ sgoto(12, "draw_pattern_2");
+player_uuid = list.getIndex(reset_reactor_draw_list, 0);
+list.removeIndex(reset_reactor_draw_list, 0);
+reactor_array = reactor.get(player_uuid);
+inv = reactor.getInv(reactor_array);
+counter = reactor.getCounter(reactor_array) - 1;
+pattern = reactor.getPattern(reactor_array);
+if(counter >= 0) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, pattern[counter], black_glass);
+ player = player.get(player_uuid);
+player_uuid = list.getIndex(reset_reactor_click_list, 0);
+slot = list.getIndex(reset_reactor_click_list_2, 0);
+list.removeIndex(reset_reactor_click_list, 0);
+list.removeIndex(reset_reactor_click_list_2, 0);
+if(list.contains(reactor_block_list, player_uuid)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+reactor_array = reactor.get(player_uuid);
+inv = reactor.getInv(reactor_array);
+inv.setItem(inv, slot, gray_glass);
+player = player.get(player_uuid);
+list.removeIndex(reactor_block_list, 0);
+list.removeIndex(submit_scan_list_2, 0);
+list.removeIndex(calibrate_dist_list_2, 0);
+list.removeIndex(empty_garb_list_2, 0);
+list.removeIndex(download_list_2, 0);
+list.removeIndex(clear_ast_list_2, 0);
+player_uuid = list.getIndex(reactor_false_click_list, 0);
+list.removeIndex(reactor_false_click_list, 0);
+reactor_array = reactor.get(player_uuid);
+inv = reactor.getInv(reactor_array);
+reactor.setHeader(inv, air_item);
+reactor.setLeftSide(inv, black_glass);
+reactor.setRightSide(inv, black_glass);
+player = player.get(player_uuid);
+reactor_array = array.new(5);
+reactor.setInv(reactor_array, inv);
+reactor.setStage(reactor_array, 0);
+reactor.setCounter(reactor_array, 0);
+reactor.save(reactor_array, player);
+list.add(reactor_draw_list_1, player_uuid);
+sgoto(20, "draw_pattern_1");
+reactor.setHeader(inv, red_glass);
+reactor.setRightSide(inv, red_glass);
+list.add(reactor_block_list, player_uuid);
+list.add(reactor_false_click_list, player_uuid);
+sgoto(20, "unblock_start_reactor");
+sgoto(40, "new_reactor");
+for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, read.item("minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane", item.getAmount(inv.getItem(inv, i))));
+list.add(manifolds_list, inv);
+list.add(manifolds_list_2, player);
+sgoto(30, "redo_manifolds");
+inv = list.getIndex(manifolds_list, 0);
+player_uuid = player.getUuid(list.getIndex(manifolds_list_2, 0));
+list.removeIndex(manifolds_list, 0);
+list.removeIndex(manifolds_list_2, 0);
+map.remove(manifolds_counter, player_uuid);
+for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", item.getAmount(inv.getItem(inv, i))));
+player_uuid = list.getIndex(sample_list, 0);
+player = player.get(player_uuid);
+time = list.getIndex(sample_list_2, 0) - 1;
+list.removeIndex(sample_list, 0);
+list.removeIndex(sample_list_2, 0);
+inv = map.get(sample_map, player_uuid);
+if(time == 58) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 0, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSample"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 5, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSample"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 10, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSample"));
+} elseif(time == 57) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 1, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSample"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 6, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSample"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 11, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSample"));
+} elseif(time == 56) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 2, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSample"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 7, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSample"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 12, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSample"));
+} elseif(time == 55) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 3, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSample"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 8, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSample"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 13, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSample"));
+} elseif(time == 54) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 4, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSample"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 9, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSample"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 14, read.item("minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSample"));
+if(time == 0) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 20, read.item("minecraft:gray_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSelect anomaly"));
+ r = math.random(0, 4);
+ inv.setItem(inv, r, read.item("minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSample"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, r + 5, read.item("minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSample"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, r + 10, read.item("minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSample"));
+ for(i = 15; i < 20; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, read.item("minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rSelect sample"));
+ }
+ giveTask(player, 8, "MedBay", "Inspect Sample", 0, 1, 0);
+ goto("checkgame");
+giveTask(player, 8, "MedBay", "Inspect Sample", 0, 1, time);
+inv.setItem(inv, 20, read.item("minecraft:gray_stained_glass_pane", time, "§rGo grab a coffee"));
+list.add(sample_list, player_uuid);
+list.add(sample_list_2, time);
+sgoto(20, "countdown_sample");
+p_uuid = list.getIndex(calibrate_dist_list, 0);
+list.removeIndex(calibrate_dist_list, 0);
+if(list.contains(calibrate_dist_list_2, p_uuid)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+a = map.get(calibrate_dist_map, p_uuid);
+inv = a[1];
+index = a[3];
+stage = a[4];
+inv.setItem(inv, calibrate_dist_array[index++], air_item);
+if(index == 12) {
+ index = 0;
+a[3] = index;
+if(stage == 0) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, calibrate_dist_array[index], yellow_glass);
+} elseif(stage == 1) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, calibrate_dist_array[index], blue_glass);
+} elseif(stage == 2) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, calibrate_dist_array[index], cyan_glass);
+if(stage < 3) {
+ map.add(calibrate_dist_map, p_uuid, a);
+ list.add(calibrate_dist_list, p_uuid);
+ sgoto(7, "calibrate_dist");
+p_uuid = list.getIndex(empty_garb_list, 0);
+list.removeIndex(empty_garb_list, 0);
+c = map.get(empty_garb_map, p_uuid);
+inv = map.get(empty_garb_map_2, p_uuid);
+if(list.contains(empty_garb_list_2, p_uuid)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+for(slot = 42; slot > 6; slot--) {
+ if(slot == 35) {
+ continue;
+ } elseif(slot > 35) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, slot, inv.getItem(inv, slot - 8));
+ } else {
+ inv.setItem(inv, slot, inv.getItem(inv, slot - 7));
+ }
+p = player.get(p_uuid);
+if(++c == 5) {
+ step = task.stepIncrease(p, 12);
+ if(step == 1) {
+ addTaskParticle(p, stor_garb_par_loc);
+ r = map.get(empty_garb_map_3, player_uuid);
+ if(r == 0) {
+ removeTaskParticle(p, cafe_garb_par_loc);
+ } else {
+ removeTaskParticle(p, o2_garb_par_loc);
+ }
+ } else {
+ removeTaskParticle(p, stor_garb_par_loc);
+ }
+ inv.setItem(inv, 35, read.item("km:check_green", 1, "§rTask completed"));
+ map.remove(empty_garb_map, p_uuid);
+ giveTask(p, 12, "Storage", "Empty Garbage", step, 2, null);
+ sgoto_auto_close_inv(p_uuid);
+} else {
+ map.add(empty_garb_map, p_uuid, c);
+ map.add(empty_garb_map_2, p_uuid, inv);
+ list.add(empty_garb_list, p_uuid);
+ sgoto(20, "empty_garb");
+p_uuid = list.getIndex(clear_ast_list, 0);
+list.removeIndex(clear_ast_list, 0);
+if(list.contains(clear_ast_list_2, p_uuid)) {
+ if(list.getSize(clear_ast_list) == 0) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+ }
+inv = map.get(clear_ast_map_3, p_uuid);
+my_list = map.get(clear_ast_map, p_uuid);
+iter = iterator(my_list);
+while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ a = next(iter);
+ slot = a[1];
+ x_dir = a[2];
+ y_dir = a[3];
+ reached_end = a[4];
+ speed = a[5];
+ speed_counter = a[6];
+ if(speed_counter == speed) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, slot, air_item);
+ if(reached_end) {
+ remove(iter);
+ continue;
+ }
+ slot += x_dir;
+ slot += (y_dir * 9);
+ a[1] = slot;
+ if(list.contains(ast_start_pos, slot)) {
+ a[4] = true;
+ }
+ inv.setItem(inv, slot, read.item("minecraft:bedrock", 1, "§rAsteroid"));
+ a[6] = 0;
+ } else {
+ a[6] = speed_counter + 1;
+ }
+c = map.get(clear_ast_map_2, p_uuid) + 1;
+if(c == 3 && !list.contains(clear_ast_list_3, p_uuid)) {
+ c = 0;
+ //new asteroid
+ a = array.new(7);
+ slot = list.getIndex(ast_start_pos, math.random(0, 25));
+ a[1] = slot;
+ inv.setItem(inv, slot, read.item("minecraft:bedrock", 1, "§rAsteroid"));
+ b = getAstDirection(slot);
+ a[2] = b[0]; //x_dir
+ a[3] = b[1]; //y_dir
+ a[4] = false; //reached end
+ a[5] = math.random(1, 2); //speed
+ a[6] = 0; //speed counter
+ list.add(my_list, a);
+map.add(clear_ast_map, p_uuid, my_list);
+map.add(clear_ast_map_2, p_uuid, c);
+list.add(clear_ast_list, p_uuid);
+sgoto(5, "clear_ast");
+function assignSeat(player) {
+ for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ if($seat_array[i] == null) {
+ entity.teleport(player, $lobbyspawnloc);
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ $seat_array[i] = player_uuid;
+ map.add($seat_map_index, player_uuid, i);
+ list.add($seat_list_join, player_uuid);
+ sgoto(10, "lobby_join_seat");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+player_uuid = list.getIndex(seat_list_join, 0);
+list.removeIndex(seat_list_join, 0);
+i = map.get(seat_map_index, player_uuid);
+loc = list.getIndex(seat_locs, i);
+ent = entity.spawn("km:nobody", loc.mod(loc, 0.5, 0, 0.5), "{NoGravity:true}");
+map.add(seat_map, player_uuid, ent);
+player = player.get(player_uuid);
+if(player != null) {
+ entity.mount(player, ent);
+ list.add(seat_list_leave, player_uuid);
+ sgoto(60, "lobby_leave_seat");
+player_uuid = list.getIndex(seat_list_leave, 0);
+list.removeIndex(seat_list_leave, 0);
+function leaveSeat(player_or_uuid) {
+ if(isPlayer(player_or_uuid)) {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player_or_uuid);
+ } else {
+ player_uuid = player_or_uuid;
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ if($seat_array[i] == player_uuid) {
+ $seat_array[i] = null;
+ ent = map.get($seat_map, player_uuid);
+ if(ent != null) {
+ entity.remove(ent);
+ map.remove($seat_map, player_uuid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+p_uuid = list.getIndex(submit_scan_list, 0);
+list.removeIndex(submit_scan_list, 0);
+if(list.contains(submit_scan_list_2, p_uuid)) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+c = map.get(submit_scan_map, p_uuid);
+inv = map.get(submit_scan_map_2, p_uuid);
+p = player.get(p_uuid);
+if(c == 0) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 1, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 2, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 3, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 4, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 5, lime_glass);
+} elseif(c == 1) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 0, read.item("minecraft:black_stained_glass_pane", 1, string.concat("§rID: ", string.toUpperCase(amongus.getPlayerColor(p), "P0"))));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 1, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 2, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 3, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 4, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 5, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 7, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 8, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 10, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 11, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 31, green_glass);
+} elseif(c == 2) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 7, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 8, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 10, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 11, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 13, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 14, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 16, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 17, lime_glass);
+} elseif(c == 3) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 6, read.item("minecraft:black_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rHT: 3' 6''"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 13, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 14, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 16, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 17, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 19, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 20, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 22, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 23, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 32, green_glass);
+} elseif(c == 4) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 19, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 20, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 22, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 23, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 25, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 26, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 28, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 29, lime_glass);
+} elseif(c == 5) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 12, read.item("minecraft:black_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rWT: 92 lbs"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 25, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 26, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 28, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 29, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 19, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 20, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 22, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 23, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 33, green_glass);
+} elseif(c == 6) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 19, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 20, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 22, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 23, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 13, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 14, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 16, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 17, lime_glass);
+} elseif(c == 7) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 18, read.item("minecraft:black_stained_glass_pane", 1, string.concat("§rC: ", string.toUpperCase(amongus.getPlayerColor(p)))));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 13, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 14, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 16, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 17, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 7, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 8, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 10, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 11, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 34, green_glass);
+} elseif(c == 8) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 7, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 8, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 10, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 11, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 1, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 2, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 3, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 4, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 5, lime_glass);
+} elseif(c == 9) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 24, read.item("minecraft:black_stained_glass_pane", 1, "§rBT: O-"));
+ inv.setItem(inv, 1, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 2, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 3, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 4, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 5, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 35, green_glass);
+} else {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 30, read.item("km:check_green", 1, "§rTask completed"));
+ removeTaskParticle(p, scan_par_loc);
+ step = task.stepIncrease(p, 16);
+ giveTask(p, 16, "MedBay", "Submit Scan", 1, 1, null);
+ sgoto_auto_close_inv(p_uuid);
+ goto("checkgame");
+map.add(submit_scan_map, p_uuid, c + 1);
+list.add(submit_scan_list, p_uuid);
+sgoto(20, "submit_scan");
+function set_engine(player, inv, direction) {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ pos = map.get($align_engine_map, player_uuid);
+ if(direction == "up") {
+ new_pos = pos + 1;
+ } elseif(direction == "down") {
+ new_pos = pos - 1;
+ } else {
+ new_pos = pos;
+ }
+ if(new_pos < 0 || new_pos > 10) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ map.add($align_engine_map, player_uuid, new_pos);
+ //remove old pattern
+ temp_list = $align_engine_array[pos];
+ iter = iterator(temp_list);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, next(iter), $air_item);
+ }
+ //set new pattern
+ temp_list = $align_engine_array[new_pos];
+ iter = iterator(temp_list);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ slot = next(iter);
+ if(slot < 18 || slot > 26) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, slot, $red_glass);
+ } else {
+ inv.setItem(inv, slot, $green_glass);
+ }
+ }
+ if(new_pos == 5) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+function cam.enter(player) {
+ if(player.isOnCam(player)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ entity.clearEffects(player);
+ entity.addEffect(player, "invisibility", 999999, 1, false);
+ entity.addEffect(player, "night_vision", 999999, 0, false);
+ entity.setGravity(player, false);
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ list.add($cam_list, player_uuid);
+ stacks.set(player, 0, "km:arrow_left");
+ stacks.set(player, 1, "km:arrow_right");
+ stacks.set(player, 8, "km:cross_red");
+ if(!player.isGhost(player)) {
+ amongus.removeEquip(player);
+ }
+ if(isImpostor(player)) {
+ stacks.clearIndex(player, 3);
+ stacks.clearIndex(player, 4);
+ stacks.clearIndex(player, 5);
+ stacks.clearIndex(player, 6);
+ stacks.clearIndex(player, 7);
+ cooldown = data.getTimer(player, "Kill Cooldown");
+ map.add($holded_kill_cooldown, player_uuid, cooldown);
+ }
+ if($cam_loop == false) {
+ $cam_loop = true;
+ sgoto(10, "cam_tp_loop");
+ }
+function cam.leave(player) {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ list.remove($cam_list, player_uuid);
+ map.remove($cam_map, player_uuid);
+ ent = map.get($cam_map_3, player_uuid);
+ if(ent != null) {
+ map.remove($cam_map_3, ent);
+ map.remove($cam_map_4, ent);
+ entity.remove(ent);
+ }
+ entity.clearEffects(player);
+ entity.setGravity(player, true);
+ entity.teleport(player, map.get($cam_map_2, player_uuid));
+ if(list.getSize($cam_list) == 0) {
+ $cam_loop = false;
+ }
+ if(player.isGhost(player)) {
+ entity.addEffect(player, "invisibility", 999999, 1, false);
+ stacks.clear(player);
+ } else {
+ color = amongus.getPlayerColor(player);
+ amongus.equip(player, color);
+ setCrewmateIcons(player);
+ if(isImpostor(player)) {
+ setImpostorIcons(player);
+ } else {
+ stacks.clearIndex(player, 8);
+ }
+ if($lights_sabotaged) {
+ if(isCrewmate(player)) {
+ entity.addEffect(player, "blindness", 999999, 7, false);
+ } else {
+ entity.addEffect(player, "night_vision", 999999, 0, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function player.isOnCam(player) {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ return list.contains($cam_list, player_uuid);
+show_cam_pars = false;
+iter = iterator(cam_list);
+while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ cam_number = map.get(cam_map, p_uuid);
+ tp_loc = list.getIndex(cams_locs_tp, cam_number);
+ entity.teleport(p, tp_loc);
+ if(isImpostor(p)) {
+ cooldown = map.getOrDefault(holded_kill_cooldown, player_uuid, -1);
+ if(cooldown != -1) {
+ data.setTimer(p, "Kill Cooldown", cooldown);
+ status.addTimed(p, 1, cooldown, "Kill Cooldown");
+ }
+ }
+ if(!player.isGhost(p)) {
+ show_cam_pars = true;
+ }
+if(show_cam_pars) {
+ iter = iterator(cams_par_locs);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ particle.spawn(next(iter), cam_par);
+ }
+if(cam_loop) {
+ sgoto(10, "cam_tp_loop");
+function vent_enter(player, vent_loc) {
+ tp_loc = map.get($vent_map, vent_loc);
+ entity.teleport(player, tp_loc);
+ entity.addEffect(player, "invisibility", 999999, 1, false);
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ map.add($vent_map_2, player_uuid, tp_loc);
+ map.add($vent_map_4, player_uuid, vent_loc);
+ a = map.get($vent_map_3, vent_loc);
+ icon_1 = a[0];
+ icon_2 = a[2];
+ if(icon_1 == null) {
+ stacks.clearIndex(player, 5);
+ } else {
+ stacks.set(player, 5, icon_1);
+ }
+ if(!list.contains($vent_list, player_uuid)) {
+ list.add($vent_list, player_uuid);
+ }
+ if(icon_2 == null) {
+ stacks.clearIndex(player, 6);
+ } else {
+ stacks.set(player, 6, icon_2);
+ }
+ if($vent_loop == false) {
+ $vent_loop = true;
+ sgoto(10, "vent_tp_loop");
+ }
+function vent_leave(player) {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ list.remove($vent_list, player_uuid);
+ map.remove($vent_map_2, player_uuid);
+ map.remove($vent_map_4, player_uuid);
+ entity.clearEffects(player);
+ if($lights_sabotaged) {
+ entity.addEffect(player, "night_vision", 999999, 0, false);
+ }
+ if(list.getSize($vent_list) == 0) {
+ $vent_loop = false;
+ }
+ color = amongus.getPlayerColor(player);
+ amongus.equip(player, color);
+ setImpostorIcons(player);
+iter = iterator(vent_list);
+while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ tp_loc = map.get(vent_map_2, p_uuid);
+ entity.teleport(p, tp_loc);
+ if(isImpostor(p)) {
+ cooldown = map.getOrDefault(holded_kill_cooldown, player_uuid, -1);
+ if(cooldown != -1) {
+ data.setTimer(p, "Kill Cooldown", cooldown);
+ status.addTimed(p, 1, cooldown, "Kill Cooldown");
+ }
+ }
+if(vent_loop) {
+ sgoto(10, "vent_tp_loop");
+loc_iter = iterator(space_locs);
+while(hasNext(loc_iter)) {
+ particle.spawn(next(loc_iter), space_par);
+sgoto(50, "space_loop");
+iter = iterator(player_list);
+while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ my_list = map.get(task_part_map, p_uuid);
+ if(my_list != null) {
+ loc_iter = iterator(my_list);
+ while(hasNext(loc_iter)) {
+ particle.spawnPlayer(next(loc_iter), task_par, p, 1, 0, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05);
+ }
+ }
+sgoto(10, "task_part_loop");
+function addSaboParticles(location1, location2) {
+ list.add($sabo_par_list, location1);
+ if(location2 != null) {
+ list.add($sabo_par_list, location2);
+ }
+ sgoto(10, "sabo_par_loop");
+function removeSaboParticles(location1, location2) {
+ list.remove($sabo_par_list, location1);
+ if(location2 != null) {
+ list.remove($sabo_par_list, location2);
+ }
+if(!amongus.isAlert()) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+loc_iter = iterator(sabo_par_list);
+while(hasNext(loc_iter)) {
+ particle.spawn(next(loc_iter), sabo_par);
+sgoto(10, "sabo_par_loop");
+function addTaskParticle(player, location) {
+ if(isCrewmate(player) || $freeplay) {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ my_list = map.get($task_part_map, player_uuid);
+ if(my_list == null) {
+ my_list = list.new();
+ map.add($task_part_map, player_uuid, my_list);
+ }
+ list.add(my_list, location);
+ }
+function removeTaskParticle(player, location) {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ my_list = map.get($task_part_map, player_uuid);
+ if(my_list == null) {
+ my_list = list.new();
+ map.add($task_part_map, player_uuid, my_list);
+ }
+ list.remove(my_list, location);
+function reactor.setHeader(inv, item) {
+ for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, item);
+ }
+function reactor.setLeftSide(inv, item) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 5, item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 6, item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 7, item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 11, item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 12, item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 13, item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 17, item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 18, item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 19, item);
+function reactor.setRightSide(inv, item) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 8, item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 9, item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 10, item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 14, item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 15, item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 16, item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 20, item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 21, item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 22, item);
+function reactor.get(player_or_uuid) {
+ if(isPlayer(player_or_uuid)) {
+ player_or_uuid = player.getUuid(player_or_uuid);
+ }
+ reactor_array = map.get($start_reactor_map, player_or_uuid);
+ return reactor_array;
+function reactor.save(reactor_array, player) {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ map.add($start_reactor_map, player_uuid, reactor_array);
+function reactor.setInv(reactor_array, inv) {
+ reactor_array[0] = inv;
+function reactor.getInv(reactor_array) {
+ return reactor_array[0];
+function reactor.setStage(reactor_array, stage) {
+ reactor_array[1] = stage;
+function reactor.getStage(reactor_array) {
+ return reactor_array[1];
+function reactor.setCounter(reactor_array, counter) {
+ reactor_array[2] = counter;
+function reactor.getCounter(reactor_array) {
+ return reactor_array[2];
+function reactor.setPattern(reactor_array) {
+ pattern = array.new(5);
+ for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ r = math.random(1, 9);
+ if(r < 4) {
+ r += 4;
+ } elseif(r < 7) {
+ r += 7;
+ } else {
+ r += 10;
+ }
+ pattern[i] = r;
+ }
+ reactor_array[3] = pattern;
+function reactor.getPattern(reactor_array) {
+ return reactor_array[3];
+function reactor.setPhase(reactor_array, phase) {
+ reactor_array[4] = phase;
+function reactor.getPhase(reactor_array) {
+ return reactor_array[4];
+function sabotage.holdReactor(inv, hold) {
+ if(hold) {
+ item = $lime_glass;
+ } else {
+ item = $red_glass;
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < 54; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, item);
+ }
+function switchLights(boolean) {
+ if(boolean) {
+ item = "minecraft:sea_lantern";
+ } else {
+ item = "minecraft:smooth_stone";
+ }
+ iter = iterator($lights_locs);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ block.set(next(iter), item);
+ }
+player_uuid = list.getIndex(comms_state_list, 0);
+list.removeIndex(comms_state_list, 0);
+if(!comms_sabotaged) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+inv = map.get(comms_inv_map, player_uuid);
+if(inv == null) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+comms_state = map.get(comms_state_map, player_uuid);
+counter = map.getOrDefault(comms_counter_map, player_uuid, 0);
+if(comms_state == 0) {
+ //worst
+ for(i = 26; i >= 9; i--) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, inv.getItem(inv, i - 1));
+ }
+ if(counter == 1) {
+ counter = 0;
+ } else {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 9, red_glass);
+ counter++;
+ }
+} elseif(comms_state == 1) {
+ //close
+ for(i = 26; i >= 0; i--) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, inv.getItem(inv, i - 1));
+ }
+ if(counter == 3) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 0, yellow_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 18, air_item);
+ counter = 0;
+ } elseif(counter == 2) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 9, yellow_glass);
+ counter++;
+ } else {
+ counter++;
+ }
+} elseif(comms_state == 2) {
+ //correct
+ for(i = 35; i >= 0; i--) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, inv.getItem(inv, i - 1));
+ }
+ if(counter == 5) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 0, lime_glass);
+ counter = 0;
+ } elseif(counter == 4) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 9, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 27, air_item);
+ counter++;
+ } elseif(counter == 2) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 9, air_item);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 27, lime_glass);
+ counter++;
+ } elseif(counter == 0) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, 9, lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 27, air_item);
+ counter++;
+ } else {
+ counter++;
+ }
+map.add(comms_counter_map, player_uuid, counter);
+list.add(comms_state_list, player_uuid);
+sgoto(5, "draw_comms");
+function comms.drawCorrect(inv, player) {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ map.add($comms_state_map, player_uuid, 2);
+ map.remove($comms_counter_map, player_uuid);
+ for(i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, $air_item);
+ }
+ inv.setItem(inv, 0, $lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 6, $lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 10, $lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 14, $lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 16, $lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 20, $lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 22, $lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 26, $lime_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 30, $lime_glass);
+function comms.drawClose(inv, player) {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ map.add($comms_state_map, player_uuid, 1);
+ map.remove($comms_counter_map, player_uuid);
+ for(i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, $air_item);
+ }
+ inv.setItem(inv, 0, $yellow_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 4, $yellow_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 8, $yellow_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 10, $yellow_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 12, $yellow_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 14, $yellow_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 16, $yellow_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 20, $yellow_glass);
+ inv.setItem(inv, 24, $yellow_glass);
+function comms.drawWorst(inv, player) {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ map.add($comms_state_map, player_uuid, 0);
+ map.remove($comms_counter_map, player_uuid);
+ for(i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, $air_item);
+ }
+ for(i = 27; i < 36; i++) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, $air_item);
+ }
+ for(i = 9; i < 27; i = i + 2) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, $air_item);
+ }
+ for(i = 10; i < 27; i = i + 2) {
+ inv.setItem(inv, i, $red_glass);
+ }
+player_uuid = list.getIndex(comms_fix_list, 0);
+list.removeIndex(comms_fix_list, 0);
+time = map.get(comms_fix_map, player_uuid);
+if(time == null) {
+ goto("checkgame");
+if(time.getMillis() - time <= 2000) {
+ fix_comms();
+function sabotage.openedInv(player) {
+ list.add($sabo_list, player.getUuid(player));
+function sabotage.closedInv(player) {
+ list.remove($sabo_list, player.getUuid(player));
+function sabotage.closeInvs() {
+ iter = iterator($sabo_list);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ inv.close(player.get(next(iter)));
+ }
+function task.stepIncrease(player, task_id) {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ map = map.get($task_steps, player_uuid);
+ if(map == null) {
+ map = map.new();
+ }
+ step = map.getOrDefault(map, task_id, 0) + 1;
+ map.add(map, task_id, step);
+ map.add($task_steps, player_uuid, map);
+ return step;
+function task.getStep(player, task_id) {
+ map = map.get($task_steps, player.getUuid(player));
+ if(map == null) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return map.getOrDefault(map, task_id, 0);
+function task.resetSteps(player) {
+ map.add($task_steps, player.getUuid(player), map.new());
+function amongus.setPlayerColor(player, color) {
+ player_uuid = player.getUuid(player);
+ map.add($player_colors, player_uuid, color);
+function amongus.getPlayerColor(player_or_uuid) {
+ if(isPlayer(player_or_uuid)) {
+ player_or_uuid = player.getUuid(player_or_uuid);
+ }
+ return map.get($player_colors, player_or_uuid);
+function amongus.getPlayerColorCode(player_or_uuid) {
+ color = amongus.getPlayerColor(player_or_uuid);
+ return map.getOrDefault($color_code_map, color, "§r");
+function amongus.isUsedPlayerColor(color) {
+ iter = map.iterator($player_colors);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ element = next(iter);
+ value = map.getValue(element);
+ if(value == color) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+function amongus.removeEquip(player) {
+ living.setEquip(player, "head", $air_item);
+ living.setEquip(player, "chest", $air_item);
+ living.setEquip(player, "legs", $air_item);
+ living.setEquip(player, "feet", $air_item);
+function amongus.forceEquip(entity, color) {
+ color_code = map.get($cloth_code_map, color);
+ item = read.item(string.concat("{id:\"minecraft:leather_helmet\",Count:1b,tag:{Damage:0,display:{color:", color_code, "}}}"));
+ item.addFlag(item, "HIDE_ATTRIBUTES");
+ living.setEquip(entity, "head", item);
+ item = read.item(string.concat("{id:\"minecraft:leather_chestplate\",Count:1b,tag:{Damage:0,display:{color:", color_code, "}}}"));
+ item.addFlag(item, "HIDE_ATTRIBUTES");
+ living.setEquip(entity, "chest", item);
+ item = read.item(string.concat("{id:\"minecraft:leather_leggings\",Count:1b,tag:{Damage:0,display:{color:", color_code, "}}}"));
+ item.addFlag(item, "HIDE_ATTRIBUTES");
+ living.setEquip(entity, "legs", item);
+ item = read.item(string.concat("{id:\"minecraft:leather_boots\",Count:1b,tag:{Damage:0,display:{color:", color_code, "}}}"));
+ item.addFlag(item, "HIDE_ATTRIBUTES");
+ living.setEquip(entity, "feet", item);
+function amongus.equip(entity, color) {
+ color_code = map.get($cloth_code_map, color);
+ if(item.getType(living.getEquip(entity, "head")) == "minecraft:air") {
+ item = read.item(string.concat("{id:\"minecraft:leather_helmet\",Count:1b,tag:{Damage:0,display:{color:", color_code, "}}}"));
+ item.addFlag(item, "HIDE_ATTRIBUTES");
+ living.setEquip(entity, "head", item);
+ }
+ if(item.getType(living.getEquip(entity, "chest")) == "minecraft:air") {
+ item = read.item(string.concat("{id:\"minecraft:leather_chestplate\",Count:1b,tag:{Damage:0,display:{color:", color_code, "}}}"));
+ item.addFlag(item, "HIDE_ATTRIBUTES");
+ living.setEquip(entity, "chest", item);
+ }
+ if(item.getType(living.getEquip(entity, "legs")) == "minecraft:air") {
+ item = read.item(string.concat("{id:\"minecraft:leather_leggings\",Count:1b,tag:{Damage:0,display:{color:", color_code, "}}}"));
+ item.addFlag(item, "HIDE_ATTRIBUTES");
+ living.setEquip(entity, "legs", item);
+ }
+ if(item.getType(living.getEquip(entity, "feet")) == "minecraft:air") {
+ item = read.item(string.concat("{id:\"minecraft:leather_boots\",Count:1b,tag:{Damage:0,display:{color:", color_code, "}}}"));
+ item.addFlag(item, "HIDE_ATTRIBUTES");
+ living.setEquip(entity, "feet", item);
+ }
+function createVoteInv(player, reporter_uuid) {
+ //inv = inv.new("232202322 232202322 232202322 232202322 232202322 032200000");
+ inv = inv.new("232202322232202322232202322232202322232202322032200000");
+ index = 1;
+ iter = iterator($all_list);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ p_name = player.getName(p_uuid);
+ head = player.getHead(p_uuid, p_name);
+ if(player.isGhost(p_uuid)) {
+ item.setName(head, string.concat("§r", amongus.getPlayerColorCode(p_uuid), p_name));
+ inv.setItem(inv, index - 1, $zombie_head);
+ } else {
+ item.setName(head, string.concat("§rVote for ", amongus.getPlayerColorCode(p_uuid), p_name));
+ if(p_uuid == reporter_uuid) {
+ item.setAmount(head, 2);
+ }
+ }
+ inv.setItem(inv, index, head);
+ index = index + 4;
+ }
+ inv.setItem(inv, 40, read.item("km:return_green", 1, "§rSkip Vote"));
+ map.add($vote_inv_map, player.getUuid(player), inv);
+function getVoteInv(player) {
+ return map.get($vote_inv_map, player.getUuid(player));
+function setItemInVoteInv(slot, item) {
+ iter = iterator($player_list);
+ while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p = player.get(next(iter));
+ inv = getVoteInv(p);
+ inv.setItem(inv, slot, item);
+ }
+function amongus.isAlert() {
+ return $alert;
+function amongus.setAlert(bool) {
+ $alert = bool;
+function addVentIcons(vent_loc, icon_1, vent_tp_loc_1, icon_2, vent_tp_loc_2) {
+ a = array.new(4);
+ a[0] = icon_1;
+ a[1] = vent_tp_loc_1;
+ a[2] = icon_2;
+ a[3] = vent_tp_loc_2;
+ map.add($vent_map_3, vent_loc, a);
+winners = "§bCrewmates";
+if(freeplay) {
+ endtime = time.getMillis();
+ p_uuid = list.getIndex(player_list, 0);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ time = math.round((endtime - starttime) / 1000);
+ last_record = ranking.getPoints(rankingtable, p);
+ if(last_record == 0 || time < last_record) {
+ record = time;
+ diff = last_record - time;
+ } else {
+ record = last_record;
+ }
+ ranking.setPoints(rankingtable, p, record);
+ mins = math.roundDown(time / 60);
+ secs = math.roundComma(time % 60, 2);
+ rec_mins = math.roundDown(record / 60);
+ rec_secs = math.roundComma(record % 60, 2);
+ minigame.statsHeader(p, gamename, "§e");
+ minigame.statsLine(p, "§e", "Time", string.concat(string.number(mins), " min ", string.number(secs), " s"));
+ minigame.statsLine(p, "§e", "Your record", string.concat(string.number(rec_mins), " min ", string.number(rec_secs), " s"));
+ if(diff != null) {
+ msg(p, " §e- §rBeat own record by §e", string.concat(string.number(diff), " s"));
+ }
+imps_alive = 0;
+crew_alive = 0;
+iter = iterator(player_list);
+while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ if(!player.isGhost(p)) {
+ if(isImpostor(p)) {
+ imps_alive++;
+ } else {
+ crew_alive++;
+ }
+ }
+if(imps_alive == 0) {
+ winners = "§bCrewmates";
+ goto("win");
+if(imps_alive >= crew_alive) {
+ winners = "§cImpostors";
+ goto("win");
+imp_string = "";
+iter = iterator(impostors_list);
+while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ p_name = player.getName(p_uuid);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ string = string.concat(amongus.getPlayerColorCode(p_uuid), p_name);
+ if(imp_string == "") {
+ imp_string = string;
+ } else {
+ imp_string = string.concat(imp_string, ", ", string);
+ }
+ if(winners == "§cImpostors") {
+ money.addBoost(p, 128);
+ } else {
+ money.addBoost(p, 32);
+ }
+iter = iterator(player_list);
+while(hasNext(iter)) {
+ p_uuid = next(iter);
+ p = player.get(p_uuid);
+ msg.prefix(p, $gamename, string.concat("The ", winners, "§r have won the game."));
+ msg.prefix(p, $gamename, string.concat("§4Impostors: §r", imp_string));
+ inv.close(p);
+ player.gameMute(p, false);
+ if(winners == "§bCrewmates") {
+ money.addBoost(p, 128);
+ } else {
+ money.addBoost(p, 32);
+ }
+//Building-Perms wieder geben
+for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(removed_perms); i++) {
+ player_uuid = list.getIndex(removed_perms, i);
+ perm.registerPlayer(player_uuid, 1);
+ perm.registerPlayer(player_uuid, 15);
+script = script.getFromId(script_id);
+minigame.term(script, gamesignloc);