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new images, changed texts, deactivated guild pvp sections

Kajetan Johannes Hammerle 4 anni fa
10 ha cambiato i file con 86 aggiunte e 105 eliminazioni
  1. 2 2
  2. 10 9
  3. BIN
  4. BIN
  5. BIN
      images/meme_no progress.jpg
  6. BIN
  7. 1 1
  8. 69 89
  9. 4 4
  10. 0 0

+ 2 - 2

@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ $carouselData = [
         "Play classic Minecraft survival extended by our mod."],
     ["path" => "bedwars.png", "alt" => "Minigames", "title" => "Minigames", "class" => "", "text" =>
         "Mundus Crassus features own creations like Chinese Checkers and Parcours but also well-known minigames like BedWars and Spleef."],
-    ["path" => "gpvp.png", "alt" => "Guild PVP", "title" => "Guild PVP", "class" => "", "text" =>
-        "Create a guild, build a base and fight together with your friends."]
+    //["path" => "gpvp.png", "alt" => "Guild PVP", "title" => "Guild PVP", "class" => "", "text" =>
+    //    "Create a guild, build a base and fight together with your friends."]
 include "home.view.php";

+ 10 - 9

@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
         <?php foreach($carouselData as $data) : ?>
             <div class="carousel-item <?= $data["class"] ?>">
                 <img class="d-block w-100" src="images/<?= $data["path"] ?>" alt="<?= $data["alt"] ?>">
-                    <div class="carousel-caption d-md-block text-left">
-                        <h1><?= $data["title"] ?></h1>
-                        <p class="lead"><?= $data["text"] ?></p>
-                    </div>
+                <div class="carousel-caption d-md-block text-left">
+                    <h1><?= $data["title"] ?></h1>
+                    <p class="lead"><?= $data["text"] ?></p>
+                </div>
         <?php endforeach; ?>
@@ -56,18 +56,19 @@
-    <hr class="featurette-divider"/>
+    <!--<hr class="featurette-divider"/>
     <div class="row featurette">
         <div class="col-lg-7 vertical-center">
             <h2 class="featurette-heading">Guild PVP</h2>
             <p class="lead">
-                Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. 
-                Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo.
+				Guild PVP is all about choosing a class and level to unlock new skills.
+				You can found guilds to play together with your friends and start sieging the guilds of others.
+				Are you ready for the battlefields of Mundus Crassus?
             <a class="btn btn-secondary" href="?site=gpvp">Learn more</a>
         <div class="col-lg-5">
             <img class="img-fluid rounded" src="images/gpvp_dungeon.png" alt="Guild PVP Dungeon">
-    </div>
+    </div>-->



images/meme_no progress.jpg


+ 1 - 1

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ $navData = [
     "home" => ["name" => "Home", "class" => "", "show" => true],
     "survival" => ["name" => "Survival", "class" => "", "show" => true],
     "games" => ["name" => "Minigames", "class" => "", "show" => true],
-    "gpvp" => ["name" => "Guild PVP", "class" => "", "show" => true],
+    //"gpvp" => ["name" => "Guild PVP", "class" => "", "show" => true],
     "rules" => ["name" => "Fake Rules", "class" => "", "show" => true],
     "team" => ["name" => "Our Team", "class" => "", "show" => true],
     "contact" => ["name" => "Wusi", "class" => "", "show" => false],

+ 69 - 89

@@ -1,91 +1,71 @@
 <div class="container mt-4">
-	<ul>
-		<dt>rules for owners</dt>
-		<ol style="list-style-type:decimal">
-		<li>fuck rules, you are owner</li>
-		<li>people do not really like you, they just want permissions from you</li>
-		<li>let bugs sink through to everybody before fixing them</li>
-	</ul>
+    <h3>Rules for the Owner</h3>
+    <ol>
+        <li>Fuck rules, you are owner.</li>
+        <li>People do not really like you. They just want permissions from you.</li>
+        <li>Let bugs sink through to everybody before fixing them.</li>
+    </ol>
+    <h3>Rules for Admins</h3>
+    <ol>
+        <li>Feel bad because you have less permissions than developers.</li>
+        <li>Temporary ban users if you are in a bad mood.</li>
+        <li>Abuse the summon command at least once.</li>
+        <li>Never pay the server bill on time. This would make the owners life easier.</li>
+        <li>Beg for permissions, it works.</li>
+        <li>Occasionally write wrong commands like <span class="text-monospace font-italic">7ban *insert annoying player*.</span></li>
+        <li>You can not pretend to be a girl because people know you.</li>
+        <li>Answer no before you hear the question.</li>
+    </ol>
+    <h3>Rules for Snuvi Developers</h3>
+    <ol>
+        <li>You can do whatever you want.</li>
+        <li>Temporary ban admins with the help of SnuviScript because you can.</li>
+        <li>You can control permissions. Do not ask for them.</li>
+        <li>Request already built in features at least once.</li>
+        <li>Complain about bugs you made.</li>
+        <li>Blame your bugs on the owner.</li>
+        <li>If you cannot blame your bugs on the owner try other developers.</li>
+        <li>People will never notice your efforts.</li>
+        <li>Pretend something is impossible if you do not want to program it.</li>
+        <li>Program things like you want them. You do not care about others.</li>
+        <li>You have no idea what the user wants.</li>
+    </ol>
+    <h3>Rules for Builders</h3>
+    <ol>
+        <li>Nobody is allowed to touch your buildings. You are the best.</li>
+        <li>If you haven't got any motivation to build play another game.</li>
+        <li>If a Snuvi developer needs buildings for quests pretend to be AFK.</li>
+        <li>People will notice your efforts but claim they could do it better.</li>
+        <li>Use spruce or dark oak wood.</li>
+    </ol>
+    <h3>Rules for VIPs</h3>
+    <ol>
+        <li>You seem to be a very special snowflake. Maybe you are just a girl and the team likes you.</li>
+        <li>Users hate ya cause they aint ya.</li>
+        <li>Show off with your real life connections to the staff.</li>
+    </ol>
+    <h3>Rules for Users</h3>
+    <ol>
+        <li>Never mess with Snuvi developers. They are like god and have connections to god.</li>
+        <li>First rule about permissions don't talk about permissions.</li>
+        <li>Wear a girl skin to get presents.</li>
+        <li>Wear a girl skin to get attention from desperate boys.</li>
+        <li>Be a girl or pretend to. People will be nicer to you.</li>
+        <li>Ask before you think.</li>
+        <li>Ask for an admin on first join. In general ask for an admin.</li>
+        <li>Never appreciate what a developer has done.</li>
+        <li>Never say things like great server to anybody else than the admins. Only admins work on the server.</li>
+        <li>Blame your wrong usage of things on the developers.</li>
+        <li>Never see the problem in yourself. Feel free to say things like stupid server.</li>
+        <li>Try breaking blocks on your first join to show dominance.</li>
+        <li>Wear a stupid skin on your first join to make a good first impression.</li>
+        <li>Give yourself a name containing HD, LP or something else. This way everybody knows you are a great YouTuber.</li>
+        <li>Ask things at least twice. Pretend on having not seen the first answer.</li>
+        <li>Tell everybody your microphone is broken to get rid of others who want to voice chat with you.</li>
+        <li>Try <span class="text-monospace font-italic">/op</span> on yourself at least once.</li>
+        <li>Ask when the next update is released right after an update.</li>
+        <li>If you don´t unterstand something spam the chat. Expect immediate answers.</li>
+	<li>"It doesn't work" is your only phrase when you tell developers about a bug you've found.</li>
+	<li>If you died and lost your stuff ask an admin for help.</li>
+    </ol>
-<div class="container mt-4">
-	<ul>
-		<dt>rules for admins</dt>
-		<ol style="list-style-type:decimal">
-		<li>feel bad because you have less permissions than devs</li>
-		<li>temp ban users if you are in a bad mood</li>
-		<li>abuse the summon command at least once</li>
-		<li>never pay the server bill on time, this would make owners life easier</li>
-		<li>beg for permissions, it works</li>
-		<li>occasionally write wrong commands like 7ban *insert annoying player*</li>
-		<li>you can not pretend to be a girl because people know you</li>
-		<li>answer no before you hear the question</li>
-	</ul>
-<div class="container mt-4">
-	<ul>
-		<dt>rules for snuvi developers</dt>
-		<ol style="list-style-type:decimal">
-		<li>you can do whatever shit you want</li>
-		<li>temp ban admins with the help of snuvi script, because you can</li>
-		<li>you can control permissions, do not ask for them</li>
-		<li>request already built in features at least once</li>
-		<li>complain about bugs you made</li>
-		<li>blame your bugs on the owner</li>
-		<li>if you can not blame your bugs on the owner, try other developers</li>
-		<li>people will never notice your efforts</li>
-		<li>pretend something is impossible if you do not want to program it</li>
-		<li>program things like you want them, you do not care about others</li>
-		<li>you have no idea what the user wants</li>
-	</ul>
-<div class="container mt-4">
-	<ul>
-		<dt>rules for builders</dt>
-		<ol style="list-style-type:decimal">
-		<li>nobody is allowed to touch your buildings, except you and eropster</li>
-		<li>if you haven't got any motivation to build, play LoL</li>
-		<li>if snuvi devs need buildings for quests, pretend to be afk</li>
-		<li>people will notice your efforts, but claim they could do it better</li>
-		<li>if you are using wood, use spruce, dark oak is also allowed</li>
-	</ul>
-<div class="container mt-4">
-	<ul>
-		<dt>rules for vips</dt>
-		<ol style="list-style-type:decimal">
-		<li>you seem to be a very special snowflake, maybe you are just a girl and the team likes you</li>
-		<li>users hate ya cause they aint ya</li>
-		<li>show off with your real life connections to the staff</li>
-	</ul>
-<div class="container mt-4">
-	<ul>
-		<dt>rules for users</dt>
-		<ol style="list-style-type:decimal">
-		<li>never fuck with snuvi devs, they are like god and have connections to god</li>
-		<li>first rule about permissions, dont talk about permissions</li>
-		<li>wear a girl skin to get presents</li>
-		<li>wear a girl skin to get attention from desperate boys</li>
-		<li>be a girl or pretend to, people will be nicer to you, some will hate you though</li>
-		<li>ask before you think</li>
-		<li>ask for an admin on first join, in general ask for an admin</li>
-		<li>never appreciate what a developer has done</li>
-		<li>never say things like great server to anybody else than the admins, only admins work on the server</li>
-		<li>blame your wrong usage of things on the developers</li>
-		<li>never see the problem in yourself, feel free to say things like stupid server</li>
-		<li>try griefing blocks on your first join to show dominance</li>
-		<li>wear a stupid skin on your first join to make a good first impression</li>
-		<li>give yourself a name containing HD, LP or something else, this way staff knows you are a great youtuber</li>
-		<li>ask things at least twice, pretend on having not seen the first answer</li>
-		<li>tell everbody your microphone is broken to get rid of others who want to voice chat with you</li>
-		<li>try /op on yourself at least once</li>
-		<li>ask when the next update comes, right after an update</li>
-		<li>if you don´t unterstand something, take up position and write "?????" in chat</li>
-		<li>"it doesn't work" is your only phrase when telling developers about a bug you've found</li>
-	</ul>

+ 4 - 4

@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 $teamData = [
     ["name" => "Kajetan", "age" => "23", "ingame" => "kajetanjohannes", "text" => "Developer, Founder, Builder"],
-    ["name" => "Marvin", "age" => "22", "ingame" => "marvinius", "text" => "Developer, Head of Survival and Minigames"],
-    ["name" => "Luca", "age" => "22", "ingame" => "eropster", "text" => "Head of Guild PVP, Builder"],
-    ["name" => "Fabio", "age" => "22", "ingame" => "wertibaldi", "text" => "Admin Guild PVP, Builder"],
+    ["name" => "Marvin", "age" => "22", "ingame" => "marvinius", "text" => "Developer"],
+    ["name" => "Luca", "age" => "22", "ingame" => "eropster", "text" => "Builder"],
+    ["name" => "Fabio", "age" => "22", "ingame" => "wertibaldi", "text" => "Builder"],
     ["name" => "Jan", "age" => "17", "ingame" => "SirTerence7", "text" => "Moderator, Builder"],
     ["name" => "Lucas", "age" => "17", "ingame" => "MentorMentos", "text" => "Moderator"]
-include "team.view.php";
+include "team.view.php";

+ 0 - 0