function snuvi.debug(message) { msg("dev", concat("[§eDebug§r] ", message)); } function, perm) { msg.prefix(player, "§6§zPerms", concat("You have no permission for §c", perm, "§r.")); } function checkIfEverOnline(player_name) { if(player.getUuid(player_name) == null) { return false; } return true; } function isOnline(player_name) { if(read.player(player_name) == null) { return false; } return true; } function list.copy(list) { list_new =; iter = list.iterator(list); while(hasNext(iter)) { list.add(list_new, next(iter)); } return list_new; } function array.sort(my_array, ascending) { size = array.getSize(my_array); if(ascending) { for(i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) { for(j = i + 1; j < size; j++) { if(my_array[j] < my_array[i]) { temp = my_array[i]; my_array[i] = my_array[j]; my_array[j] = temp; } } } } else { for(i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) { for(j = i + 1; j < size; j++) { if(my_array[j] > my_array[i]) { temp = my_array[i]; my_array[i] = my_array[j]; my_array[j] = temp; } } } } return my_array; } function map.sort(map, ascending) { size = map.getSize(map); my_array =, 2); //Map in Array umwandeln i = 0; iter = map.iterator(map); while(hasNext(iter)) { element = next(iter); key = map.getKey(element); value = map.getValue(element); my_array[i, 0] = key; my_array[i, 1] = value; i++; } //Array sortieren if(ascending) { for(i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) { for(j = i + 1; j < size; j++) { if(my_array[j, 1] < my_array[i, 1]) { g = my_array[i, 0]; h = my_array[i, 1]; my_array[i, 0] = my_array[j, 0]; my_array[i, 1] = my_array[j, 1]; my_array[j, 0] = g; my_array[j, 1] = h; } } } } else { for(i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) { for(j = i + 1; j < size; j++) { if(my_array[j, 1] > my_array[i, 1]) { g = my_array[i, 0]; h = my_array[i, 1]; my_array[i, 0] = my_array[j, 0]; my_array[i, 1] = my_array[j, 1]; my_array[j, 0] = g; my_array[j, 1] = h; } } } } return my_array; } function getSpacer() { return("§0-------------------------------------------------"); } function getDirection(yaw) { while(yaw < 0) { yaw += 360; } while(yaw >= 360) { yaw -= 360; } if(yaw > 60 && yaw < 120) { direction = "west"; } elseif(yaw > 150 && yaw < 210) { direction = "north"; } elseif(yaw > 240 && yaw < 300) { direction = "east"; } elseif(yaw > 330 || yaw < 30) { direction = "south"; } else { return null; } return direction; } function correctTimeFormat(textnumber) { if(text.length(textnumber) == 1) { textnumber = concat("0", textnumber); } return textnumber; } function player.giveSingleItem(player, item, boolean) { amount = player.getItemAmount(player, boolean, item); if(amount == 0) { player.safeGiveItem(player, item); } } function player.safeGiveItem(player, item) { rest_item = player.giveItem(player, item); item.drop(entity.getLocation(player), rest_item); } function setBlockIfNotAir(location, block) { if(block.getType(location) == "minecraft:air") { block.set(location, block, true); return true; } return false; } //Gesamte Spielzeit eines Spielers inkl. der Online-Spielzeit function playtime.getPlayerTotal(player_or_id) { player_id = player.getValidId(player_or_id); minutes = playtime.getPlayerOnlineMinutes(player_id); stmt = databank.prepare("SELECT SUM(leave_time - join_time) FROM playtime WHERE player_id = ?;"); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, player_id); result = databank.execute(stmt); if( { minutes += databank.getLong(result, 1) / 1000 / 60; } databank.close(result); databank.close(stmt); return minutes; } //Spielzeit eines Online-Spielers function playtime.getPlayerOnlineMinutes(player_id) { stmt = databank.prepare("SELECT join_time FROM playtime WHERE player_id = ? AND leave_time IS NULL;"); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, player_id); result = databank.execute(stmt); if( { minutes = (time.getMillis() - databank.getLong(result, 1)) / 1000 / 60; } else { minutes = 0; } databank.close(result); databank.close(stmt); return minutes; } function grow(center_loc, radius) { crops_tag = block.getTag("minecraft:crops"); for(x = radius * -1; x <= radius; x++) { for(z = radius * -1; z <= radius; z++) { for(y = radius * -1; y <= radius; y++) { length = math.hypot(x, math.hypot(y, z)); if(length <= radius) { mod_loc = loc.mod(center_loc, x, y, z); block = block.get(mod_loc); if(block.hasTag(crops_tag, block)) { if(block.getType(mod_loc) == "minecraft:beetroots") { block.set(mod_loc, concat(block.getType(mod_loc), "[age=3]")); } else { block.set(mod_loc, concat(block.getType(mod_loc), "[age=7]")); } } } } } } } function getBlockLocation(location) { world = loc.getWorld(location, "w"); bx = loc.getCoord(location, "bx"); by = loc.getCoord(location, "by"); bz = loc.getCoord(location, "bz"); return, bx, by, bz); } function getDateString(time) { calendar =; return concat(text.number(time.getDay(calendar)), ".", text.number(time.getMonth(calendar)), ".", text.number(time.getYear(calendar))); } function time.getClockString(time) { return concat(text.number(math.roundDown(time / 60)), " min ", text.number(math.round(time % 60)), " s"); } function getTimeString(millis) { calendar =; day = time.getDay(calendar); month = time.getMonth(calendar); year = time.getYear(calendar); hour = time.getHour(calendar); minute = time.getMinute(calendar); if(month < 10) { month = concat("0", text.number(month)); } else { month = text.number(month); } if(day < 10) { day = concat("0", text.number(day)); } else { day = text.number(day); } if(hour < 10) { hour = concat("0", text.number(hour)); } else { hour = text.number(hour); } if(minute < 10) { minute = concat("0", text.number(minute)); } else { minute = text.number(minute); } timestring = concat(day, ".", month, ".", text.number(year), " ", hour, ":", minute); return timestring; } function player.hasMinigame(player) { id_set = player.getMinigameIds(player); if(set.getSize(id_set) > 0) { return true; } return false; } function player.getMinigameIds(player) { set = data.get(player, "minigames_set"); if(set == null) { set =; data.set(player, "minigames_set", set); } return set; } function tjr.getWholeModule(player_or_id) { return ranking.getPoints("tjrranks", player_or_id); } function tjr.getWholeTime(player_or_id) { return ranking.getSecPoints("tjrranks", player_or_id); } function ranking.getPoints(rankingtable, player_or_id) { player_id = player.getValidId(player_or_id); stmt = databank.prepare(concat("SELECT points FROM ", rankingtable, " WHERE player_id = ?;")); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, player_id); result = databank.execute(stmt); if( { points = databank.getInt(result, 1); } else { points = 0; } databank.close(result); databank.close(stmt); return points; } function ranking.getSecPoints(rankingtable, player_or_id) { player_id = player.getValidId(player_or_id); stmt = databank.prepare(concat("SELECT sec_points FROM ", rankingtable, " WHERE player_id = ?;")); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, player_id); result = databank.execute(stmt); if( { sec_points = databank.getInt(result, 1); } else { sec_points = 0; } databank.close(result); databank.close(stmt); return sec_points; } function isAdminShop(sign_loc) { return block.getSign(sign_loc, 0) == "[Admin Shop]"; } //-------------------------------------------------- //World-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function world.getServerSpawn() { return read.location(config.getString(getScriptVar("server_config"), "serverspawn", "overworld:0:100:0")); } function world.getGamesSpawn() { return read.location(config.getString(getScriptVar("server_config"), "gamesspawn", "games:0:100:0")); } function world.getCreativeSpawn() { return read.location(config.getString(getScriptVar("server_config"), "creativespawn", "creative:0:100:0")); } function world.getStorySpawn() { return read.location(config.getString(getScriptVar("server_config"), "storyspawn", "story:0:100:0")); } function world.getOverWorld() { return world.get("overworld"); } function world.getGames() { return world.get("games"); } function world.getCreative() { return world.get("creative"); } function world.getStory() { return world.get("story"); } function world.isCreativeName(world_name) { return world_name == "creative"; } function world.isGamesName(world_name) { return world_name == "games"; } function world.isStoryName(world_name) { return world_name == "story"; } function word.isSurvName(world_name) { if(world_name == "overworld") { return true; } elseif(world_name == "the_end") { return true; } elseif(world_name == "the_nether") { return true; } return false; } function world.canUsePlots(world) { world_name = world.getName(world); if(word.isSurvName(world_name)) { return true; } if(world.isCreativeName(world_name)) { return true; } return false; } function world.addTimedStatus(world, index, time, message) { world_name = world.getName(world); if(word.isSurvName(world_name)) { worldlist = players.toWorldList(world.getOverWorld()); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(worldlist); i++) { status.addTimed(list.getIndex(worldlist, i), index, time, message); } worldlist = players.toWorldList(world.get("the_end")); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(worldlist); i++) { status.addTimed(list.getIndex(worldlist, i), index, time, message); } worldlist = players.toWorldList(world.get("the_nether")); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(worldlist); i++) { status.addTimed(list.getIndex(worldlist, i), index, time, message); } return; } worldlist = players.toWorldList(world); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(worldlist); i++) { status.addTimed(list.getIndex(worldlist, i), index, time, message); } } //-------------------------------------------------- //Inv-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function player.checkForWorldChange(player, location) { from_world = loc.getWorld(entity.getLocation(player)); to_world = loc.getWorld(location); //Wenn ignore aktiviert --> kein Wechsel if(player.hasInvIgnore(player)) { return false; } from_world_name = world.getName(from_world); to_world_name = world.getName(to_world); //Wenn in selber Welt --> kein Wechsel if(from_world == to_world) { return false; } //Wenn beide Welten in derselben Liste sind --> kein Wechsel if(word.isSurvName(from_world_name) && word.isSurvName(to_world_name)) { return false; } return true; } function player.changeInv(player, from_world, to_world) { from_world_name = world.getName(from_world); to_world_name = world.getName(to_world); //Inventory inv.saveForPlayer(player, player, from_world); inv.loadFromPlayer(player, player, to_world); if(!perm.has(player, "isTeam")) { if(!player.isSpectator(player)) { if(to_world_name == "creative") { if(perm.has(player, "creative")) { gm = "creative"; } else { gm = "adventure"; scheduler.addFly(1, player, true); } } else { gm = "survival"; } player.setGamemode(player, gm); } } if(word.isSurvName(to_world_name)) { if(player.hasFly(player)) { scheduler.addFly(1, player, true); } } } function inv.saveForPlayer(sec_player, for_player_or_id, world) { if(isPlayer(for_player_or_id)) { for_player_or_id = player.getId(for_player_or_id); } world_name = world.getName(world); if(word.isSurvName(world_name)) { pfad = "scripts/configs/inv_data/survival"; } else { pfad = concat("scripts/configs/inv_data/", world_name); } config =, for_player_or_id); //Allgemeine Daten if(for_player_or_id == player.getId(sec_player)) { config.set(config, "health", living.getHealth(sec_player)); config.set(config, "hunger", player.getHunger(sec_player)); config.set(config, "saturation", player.getSaturation(sec_player)); config.set(config, "xp", player.getExp(sec_player)); config.set(config, "lvl", player.getLevel(sec_player)); } //Inventare inv = player.getInv(sec_player); for(i = 0; i < 36; i++) { item_string = text.item(inv.getItem(inv, i)); config.set(config, concat("slot-", i), item_string); } ender_inv = player.getInv(sec_player); for(i = 0; i < 27; i++) { item_string = text.item(inv.getItem(ender_inv, i)); config.set(config, concat("eslot-", i), item_string); } config.set(config, "offhand", text.item(living.getEquip(sec_player, "offhand"))); config.set(config, "head", text.item(living.getEquip(sec_player, "head"))); config.set(config, "chest", text.item(living.getEquip(sec_player, "chest"))); config.set(config, "legs", text.item(living.getEquip(sec_player, "legs"))); config.set(config, "feet", text.item(living.getEquip(sec_player, "feet"))); config.saveAsync(config); } function inv.loadFromPlayer(sec_player, from_player_or_id, world) { if(isPlayer(from_player_or_id)) { from_player_or_id = player.getId(from_player_or_id); } world_name = world.getName(world); if(word.isSurvName(world_name)) { pfad = "scripts/configs/inv_data/survival"; } else { pfad = concat("scripts/configs/inv_data/", world_name); } config =, from_player_or_id); if(config.exists(config)) { config.load(config); } //Allgemeine Daten if(from_player_or_id == player.getId(sec_player)) { living.setHealth(sec_player, config.getDouble(config, "health", 20)); player.setHunger(sec_player, config.getDouble(config, "hunger", 20)); player.setSaturation(sec_player, config.getDouble(config, "saturation", 5)); player.setExp(sec_player, config.getDouble(config, "xp", 0)); player.setLevel(sec_player, config.getDouble(config, "lvl", 0)); } //Inventare for(i = 0; i <= 35; i++) { item_string = config.getString(config, concat("slot-", i), "minecraft:air"); item = read.item(item_string); if(item != null) { inv = player.getInv(sec_player); inv.setItem(inv, i, item); } } for(i = 0; i <= 26; i++) { item_string = config.getString(config, concat("eslot-", i), "minecraft:air"); item = read.item(item_string); if(item != null) { ender_inv = player.getInv(sec_player); inv.setItem(ender_inv, i, item); } } living.setEquip(sec_player, "offhand", read.item(config.getString(config, "offhand", "minecraft:air"))); living.setEquip(sec_player, "head", read.item(config.getString(config, "head", "minecraft:air"))); living.setEquip(sec_player, "chest", read.item(config.getString(config, "chest", "minecraft:air"))); living.setEquip(sec_player, "legs", read.item(config.getString(config, "legs", "minecraft:air"))); living.setEquip(sec_player, "feet", read.item(config.getString(config, "feet", "minecraft:air"))); } //-------------------------------------------------- //Text-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function text.upperFirstLetter(string) { length = text.length(string); first_letter = text.subString(string, 0, 1); rest = text.substring(string, 1, length); return concat(text.toUpperCase(first_letter), rest); } //connects all list elements as objects function text.concatList2(list, connector, fromIndex, toIndex) { string = ""; iter = list.iterator(list); for(i = fromIndex; i <= toIndex; i++) { element = list.getIndex(list, i); if(string == "") { string = element; } else { string = text.concat2(string, connector, element); } } return string; } //-------------------------------------------------- //Showcoords-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function showCoords.get(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); return config.getBool(config, "showcoords", false); } function showCoords.set(player_or_id, bool) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "showcoords", bool); config.saveAsync(config); } //-------------------------------------------------- //Quest-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function quest.display(player, quest_name, stage, all_stages) { sb.add(player, 1, concat("§dQuest: ", quest_name, " [", text.number(stage), "/", text.number(all_stages), "]")); } function quest.removeDisplay(player) { sb.remove(player, 1); } function quest.addPlayer(script, player) { quest_ids = getScriptVar("quest_ids"); map.add(quest_ids, player.getUuid(player), script.getId(script)); } function quest.removePlayer(player) { quest_ids = getScriptVar("quest_ids"); map.remove(quest_ids, player.getUuid(player)); } function player.hasQuest2(player) { quest_ids = getScriptVar("quest_ids"); return map.contains(quest_ids, player.getUuid(player)); } function quest.getFromPlayer(player) { quest_ids = getScriptVar("quest_ids"); return map.get(quest_ids, player.getUuid(player)); } function player.isQuester(player, script) { script_id = script.getId(script); quest_ids = getScriptVar("quest_ids"); return map.get(quest_ids, player.getUuid(player)) == script_id; } function quest.getCounter(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); return config.getDouble(config, "quests_solved", 0); } function quest.setCounter(player_or_id, amount) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "quests_solved", amount); config.saveAsync(config); } function quest.addCounter(player, amount) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player); new_amount = config.getDouble(config, "quests_solved", 0) + amount; config.set(config, "quests_solved", new_amount); config.saveAsync(config); if(new_amount == 500) { offerRank(player, "rank.altruist"); } elseif(new_amount == 50) { offerRank(player, "rank.friend"); } elseif(new_amount == 15) { offerRank(player, "rank.volunteer"); } } function quest.finish(script, player) { sound = sound.get("entity.experience_orb.pickup"); category = sound.getCategory("master"); sound.spawnForPlayer(player, sound, category); quest.addCounter(player, 1); quest.term(script, player); } function quest.term(script, player) { quest.removeDisplay(player); quest.removePlayer(player); script.term(script); } function script.isActiveName(script_name) { script = script.get(script_name); if(script == null) { return false; } return true; } //-------------------------------------------------- //Teleporter-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function isATpTransmitter(chest_loc) { loc = loc.mod(chest_loc, 0, 0 ,0); loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:glowstone") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 2, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:glowstone") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:glowstone") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, 2); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:glowstone") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 2, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, -2); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -2, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, 1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, 1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, 1); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:stone_brick_slab") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:stone_brick_slab") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:stone_brick_slab") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:stone_brick_slab") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 1, 2); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, 2); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 1, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:copper_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 1, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:copper_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -2, -4, -2); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, -1, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, -1, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, 4); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 1, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 1, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 4, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, -1, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, -1, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, -4); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 1, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 1, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, -3, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, 1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, 1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, 1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, 1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:stone_bricks") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -2, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:stone_bricks") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, 2); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:stone_bricks") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 2, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:stone_bricks") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:bronze_block") { return false; } return true; } function isATpReceiver(chest_loc) { loc = loc.mod(chest_loc, 0, 0 ,0); loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:glowstone") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 2, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:glowstone") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:glowstone") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, 2); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:glowstone") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 2, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, -2); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -2, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, 1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, 1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, 1); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:stone_brick_slab") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:stone_brick_slab") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:stone_brick_slab") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:stone_brick_slab") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 1, 2); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, 2); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -2, -2, -3); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, -1, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, -1, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, 4); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 1, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 1, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 4, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, -1, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, -1, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, -4); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 1, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 1, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, -3, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, 1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, 1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, 1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, 1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:stone_bricks") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -2, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:stone_bricks") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 0, 0, 2); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:stone_bricks") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 2, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "minecraft:stone_bricks") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, 1, 0, 0); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } loc.add(loc, -1, 0, -1); if(block.getType(loc) != "km:tin_block") { return false; } return true; } function setTpWallX(chest_loc, item_type) { block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 2, -1, -1), item_type); //block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 2, -1, 0), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 2, -1, 1), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -2, -1, -1), item_type); //block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -2, -1, 0), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -2, -1, 1), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -1, -1, 2), item_type); //block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 0, -1, 2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 1, -1, 2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -1, -1, -2), item_type); //block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 0, -1, -2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 1, -1, -2), item_type); //block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 2, -2, -1), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 2, -2, 0), item_type); //block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 2, -2, 1), item_type); //block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -2, -2, -1), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -2, -2, 0), item_type); //block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -2, -2, 1), item_type); //block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -1, -2, 2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 0, -2, 2), item_type); //block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 1, -2, 2), item_type); //block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -1, -2, -2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 0, -2, -2), item_type); //block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 1, -2, -2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 2, -3, -1), item_type); //block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 2, -3, 0), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 2, -3, 1), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -2, -3, -1), item_type); //block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -2, -3, 0), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -2, -3, 1), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -1, -3, 2), item_type); //block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 0, -3, 2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 1, -3, 2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -1, -3, -2), item_type); //block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 0, -3, -2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 1, -3, -2), item_type); } function setTpWallFull(chest_loc, item_type) { block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 2, -1, -1), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 2, -1, 0), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 2, -1, 1), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -2, -1, -1), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -2, -1, 0), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -2, -1, 1), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -1, -1, 2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 0, -1, 2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 1, -1, 2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -1, -1, -2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 0, -1, -2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 1, -1, -2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 2, -2, -1), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 2, -2, 0), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 2, -2, 1), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -2, -2, -1), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -2, -2, 0), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -2, -2, 1), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -1, -2, 2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 0, -2, 2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 1, -2, 2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -1, -2, -2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 0, -2, -2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 1, -2, -2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 2, -3, -1), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 2, -3, 0), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 2, -3, 1), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -2, -3, -1), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -2, -3, 0), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -2, -3, 1), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -1, -3, 2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 0, -3, 2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 1, -3, 2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, -1, -3, -2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 0, -3, -2), item_type); block.set(loc.mod(chest_loc, 1, -3, -2), item_type); } function removeAdventureDisplay(player) { display.remove(player, 10); } function addAdventureDisplay(player, location) { x = text.number(loc.getX(location)); y = text.number(loc.getY(location)); z = text.number(loc.getZ(location)); display.add(player, 10, concat("§2Adventure Target: §r", x, " ", y, " ", z)); } //-------------------------------------------------- //Player-Data-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function player.teleport(player, location, setBackPos) { player_uuid = player.getUuid(player); if(player.isOnAdventure(player)) { msg(player, "[§5Adventure§r] Teleport blocked. ","[§5Cancel Adventure?§r]", concat("/stopadventure ", player))); return false; } if(setBackPos) { player.setBackPos(player); } player_loc = entity.getLocation(player); from_world = loc.getWorld(player_loc); from_world_name = world.getName(from_world); to_world = loc.getWorld(location); to_world_name = world.getName(to_world); world_change = player.checkForWorldChange(player, location); if(world_change) { //Inventory player.changeInv(player, from_world, to_world); //Party if(player.isInParty(player) && player.isPartyLeader(player)) { party_id = player.getPartyId(player); party_list = party.getList(party_id); iter = list.iterator(party_list); while(hasNext(iter)) { p = player.get(next(iter)); if(player_uuid == player.getUuid(p)) { continue; } p_name = player.getName(p); if(!loc.isSameWorld(player_loc, entity.getLocation(p))) { msg.prefix(player, "§5Party", concat(p_name, "§c is in another world.")); continue; } if(player.hasMinigame(p)) { msg.prefix(player, "§5Party", concat(p_name, "§c is in a game.")); continue; } if(player.hasQuest2(p)) { msg.prefix(player, "§5Party", concat(p_name, "§c is doing a quest.")); continue; } if(player.isOnAdventure(p)) { msg.prefix(player, "§5Party", concat(p_name, "§c is on an adventure.")); continue; } if(player.isAfk(p)) { msg.prefix(player, "§5Party", concat(p_name, "§c is afk.")); continue; } player.teleport(p, location, setBackPos); } } //Quests script_id = quest.getFromPlayer(player); if(script_id != null) { script = script.getFromId(script_id); if(script != null) { setScriptVar("player", player); script.callEvent("quest_term", script); quest.term(script, player); msg.prefix(player, "§dQuest", "Quest termed."); } } } entity.teleport(player, location); player.setHeadName(player); player.showDefaultStacks(player); if(world.isGamesName(to_world_name)) { player.clearInventory(player); inv = player.getInv(player); inv.setItem(inv, 0, read.item("minecraft:compass")); } player.setTabName(player); return true; } function playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id) { player_id = player.getValidId(player_or_id); if(player_id == null) { snuvi.debug(concat("invalid player_id ", player_id, " on playerdata.getSurvival")); return; } map = getScriptVar("survival_data"); config = map.get(map, player_id); if(config == null) { playerdata.load(player_id, map, "survival_data"); config = map.get(map, player_id); } return config; } function playerdata.getGames(player_or_id) { player_id = player.getValidId(player_or_id); if(player_id == null) { snuvi.debug(concat("invalid player_id ", player_id, " on playerdata.getGames")); return; } map = getScriptVar("games_data"); config = map.get(map, player_id); if(config == null) { playerdata.load(player_id, map, "games_data"); config = map.get(map, player_id); } return config; } function playerdata.getStory(player_or_id) { player_id = player.getValidId(player_or_id); if(player_id == null) { snuvi.debug(concat("invalid player_id ", player_id, " on playerdata.getStory")); return; } map = getScriptVar("story_data"); config = map.get(map, player_id); if(config == null) { playerdata.load(player_id, map, "story_data"); config = map.get(map, player_id); } return config; } function playerdata.load(player_or_id, map, name) { player_id = player.getValidId(player_or_id); if(player_id == null) { snuvi.debug(concat("invalid player_id ", player_id, " on playerdata.load")); return; } config = map.get(map, player_id); if(config == null) { config ="scripts/configs/player_data/", name), player_id); if(config.exists(config)) { config.load(config); } map.add(map, player_id, config); } } function player.getValidId(player_or_id) { if(isPlayer(player_or_id)) { return player.getId(player_or_id); } if(isDouble(player_or_id)) { if(player.getNameFromId(player_or_id) != null) { return player_or_id; } } return null; } function player.getValid(player_or_id) { if(isPlayer(player_or_id)) { return player_or_id; } player = player.get(player.getUuidFromId(player_or_id)); if(player == null) { return null; } return player; } //-------------------------------------------------- //Msg-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function, speaker, line_now, line_max, message) { msg(player, concat("[§b", text.number(line_now), "§r/§b", text.number(line_max), "§r] §a", speaker, " §r| ", concat("§e", message))); } function sendMessageToWorld(world, message) { world_name = world.getName(world); if(word.isSurvName(world_name)) { worldlist = players.toWorldList(world.getOverWorld()); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(worldlist); i++) { msg(list.getIndex(worldlist, i), message); } worldlist = players.toWorldList(world.get("the_end")); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(worldlist); i++) { msg(list.getIndex(worldlist, i), message); } worldlist = players.toWorldList(world.get("the_nether")); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(worldlist); i++) { msg(list.getIndex(worldlist, i), message); } return; } worldlist = players.toWorldList(world); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(worldlist); i++) { msg(list.getIndex(worldlist, i), message); } } function sendMessageToWorld2(world, message1, message2) { world_name = world.getName(world); if(word.isSurvName(world_name)) { worldlist = players.toWorldList(world.getOverWorld()); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(worldlist); i++) { msg(list.getIndex(worldlist, i), message1, message2); } worldlist = players.toWorldList(world.get("the_end")); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(worldlist); i++) { msg(list.getIndex(worldlist, i), message1, message2); } worldlist = players.toWorldList(world.get("the_nether")); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(worldlist); i++) { msg(list.getIndex(worldlist, i), message1, message2); } return; } worldlist = players.toWorldList(world); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(worldlist); i++) { msg(list.getIndex(worldlist, i), message1, message2); } } function sendOnlineMessage(player, message) { nickname = player.getNickName(player); rank = getRank(player); colorcode = text.subString(rank, 0, 2); player_id = player.getId(player); if(player_id == 35 || player_id == 62) { nickname = concat(nickname, "§r][§e§l★"); rank = concat(rank, "\n§eSpecial VIP for Special Services"); } live_tag = ""; if(player.isLive(player)) { live_tag = "§f[§dLive§f]"; } online_list = players.toList(); iter = list.iterator(online_list); while(hasNext(iter)) { p = next(iter); if(player.hasMinigame(p) && player.isMuted(p)) { continue; } msg(p, live_tag, "[", text.hover(concat(colorcode, nickname), rank), "§r] §r", message); } } function msg.send(from_player, to_name, prefix, message, send_mail) { p = read.player(to_name); if(p == null) { if(send_mail) { mail.send(player.getName(from_player), to_name, message); } } else { msg.prefix(p, prefix, message); } } function msg.prefix(player, prefix, message) { msg(player, concat("§r[", prefix, "§r] ", message)); } function msg.radius(prefix, message, location, radius) { list = players.near(location, radius); iter = list.iterator(list); while(hasNext(iter)) { msg.prefix(next(iter), prefix, message); } } //-------------------------------------------------- //Item-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function item.getAir() { return read.item("minecraft:air"); } //-------------------------------------------------- //Player-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function player.hasClearInventory(player) { inv = player.getInv(player); for(slot = 0; slot < 36; slot++) { if(item.getType(inv.getItem(inv, slot)) != "minecraft:air") { return false; } } if(item.getType(living.getEquip(player, "head")) != "minecraft:air") { return false; } if(item.getType(living.getEquip(player, "chest")) != "minecraft:air") { return false; } if(item.getType(living.getEquip(player, "legs")) != "minecraft:air") { return false; } if(item.getType(living.getEquip(player, "feet")) != "minecraft:air") { return false; } if(item.getType(living.getEquip(player, "offhand")) != "minecraft:air") { return false; } return true; } function player.getJoinMessage(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); temp = config.getString(config, "message.join", "null"); if(temp == "null") { return null; } return temp; } function player.setJoinMessage(player_or_id, message) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "message.join", message); config.saveAsync(config); } function player.getLeaveMessage(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); temp = config.getString(config, "message.leave", "null"); if(temp == "null") { return null; } return temp; } function player.setLeaveMessage(player_or_id, message) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "message.leave", message); config.saveAsync(config); } function player.isLive(player) { player_uuid = player.getUuid(player); live_set = getScriptVar("live_set"); return set.contains(live_set, player_uuid); } function player.setLive(player, boolean) { player_uuid = player.getUuid(player); live_set = getScriptVar("live_set"); if(boolean) { set.add(live_set, player_uuid); } else { set.remove(live_set, player_uuid); } } function player.getFullName(player) { player_name = player.getName(player); nickname = removeFormat(player.getNickname(player)); if(nickname == player_name) { personally_messages = true; } else { personally_messages = false; } if(personally_messages) { full_name = concat("[", getRank(player), "§r] ", nickname); } else { full_name = concat("[§3User§r] ", nickname); } return full_name; } function player.setTabName(player) { nickname = player.getNickname(player); if(player.isAfk(player)) { tab_name = concat("§7§m", nickname); } else { rank = getRank(player); if(text.startswith(rank, "§", 0)) { colorcode = text.subString(rank, 0, 2); tab_name = concat(colorcode, nickname); } else { tab_name = nickname; } } if(player.isLive(player)) { tab_name = concat(tab_name, " §f[§dLive§f]"); } player.setDisplayName(player, tab_name); } function player.removeItemNbt(player, itemstack) { //Make a copy item_type = item.getType(itemstack); amount = item.getAmount(itemstack); my_item = read.item(item_type, amount); //Loop the inventory inv = player.getInv(player); for(slot = 0; slot < inv.getSize(inv); slot++) { item = inv.getItem(inv, slot); if(item.getType(item) == item_type) { diff = amount - item.getAmount(item); if(diff > 0) { amount = diff; item.setAmount(item, 0); } else { item.setAmount(item, math.abs(diff)); air = item.getAir(); item.setAmount(air, 0); return air; } } } item.setAmount(my_item, amount); return my_item; } function player.removeItemTag(player, tag, amount) { air = item.getAir(); inv = player.getInv(player); for(slot = 0; slot < inv.getSize(inv); slot++) { item = inv.getItem(inv, slot); if(item.hasTag(tag, item)) { diff = amount - item.getAmount(item); if(diff > 0) { item.setAmount(item, 0); amount = diff; } else { item.setAmount(item, math.abs(diff)); amount = 0; break; } } } item.setAmount(air, amount); return air; } function player.showDebug(player, boolean) { player_uuid = player.getUuid(player); if(boolean) { perm.registerPlayer(player_uuid, 16); } else { perm.unregisterPlayer(player_uuid, 16); } } function player.showDefaultStacks(player) { player_loc = entity.getLocation(player); world_name = world.getName(loc.getWorld(player_loc)); stacks.clear(player); if(word.isSurvName(world_name)) { stacks.set(player, 0, "km:gear"); stacks.set(player, 1, "km:golden_scepter"); stacks.set(player, 2, "minecraft:red_bed"); } elseif(world_name == "games") { stacks.set(player, 0, "km:gear"); } elseif(world_name == "story") { stacks.set(player, 0, "km:gear"); stacks.set(player, 1, "km:golden_scepter"); } elseif(world_name == "creative") { stacks.set(player, 0, "km:gear"); } stacks.setActive(player, true); } function player.setSpeed(player, speed) { living.setPersistentMovementSpeed(player, speed / 10); living.setPersistentFlyingSpeed(player, speed / 10 * 4); } function player.hasBigPlotCreated(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); return config.getBool(config, "plot.big", false); } function player.setBigPlotCreated(player_or_id, boolean) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "plot.big", boolean); config.saveAsync(config); } function player.hasPlotRaised(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); return config.getBool(config, "plot.raised", false); } function player.setPlotRaised(player_or_id, boolean) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "plot.raised", boolean); config.saveAsync(config); } function player.usedHisFreePlot(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); return config.getBool(config, "plot.usedFree", false); } function player.setUsedFreePlot(player_or_id, boolean) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "plot.usedFree", boolean); config.saveAsync(config); } function player.activateSitting(player_or_id, boolean) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "sitting", boolean); config.saveAsync(config); } function player.hasSittingActivated(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); return config.getBool(config, "sitting", true); } function player.acceptTpaRequests(player_or_id, boolean) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "tptoggle", boolean); config.saveAsync(config); } function player.doesAcceptTpaRequests(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); return config.getBool(config, "tptoggle", true); } function player.getBackPos(player) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player); location = config.getString(config, "backpos", "null"); if(location == "null") { return null; } return read.location(location); } function player.setBackPos(player) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player); config.set(config, "backpos", text.location(entity.getLocation(player))); config.saveAsync(config); } function player.setBackPosLoc(player, location) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player); config.set(config, "backpos", text.location(location)); config.saveAsync(config); } function player.clearBackPos(player) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player); config.set(config, "backpos", "null"); config.saveAsync(config); } function entity.getFromDamageSource(damage_source) { entity = damage.getImmediateSource(damage_source); if(entity == null) { return damage.getTrueSource(damage_source); } return entity; } function player.getFromDamageSource(damage_source) { entity = damage.getImmediateSource(damage_source); if(isPlayer(entity)) { return entity; } entity = damage.getTrueSource(damage_source); if(isPlayer(entity)) { return entity; } return null; } function player.getJoins(player_or_id) { if(isPlayer(player_or_id)) { player_id = player.getId(player_or_id); } else { player_id = player_or_id; } stmt = databank.prepare("SELECT COUNT(join_time) FROM playtime WHERE player_id = ?;"); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, player_id); result = databank.execute(stmt); if( { amount = databank.getLong(result, 1); } databank.close(result); databank.close(stmt); return amount; } function player.getTotalPlaytime(player_or_id) { if(isPlayer(player_or_id)) { player_id = player.getId(player_or_id); } else { player_id = player_or_id; } //Online seit since_minutes = 0; if(isOnline(player.getNameFromId(player_id))) { stmt = databank.prepare("SELECT join_time FROM playtime WHERE player_id = ? AND leave_time IS NULL;"); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, player_id); result = databank.execute(stmt); while( { since_minutes = (time.getMillis() - databank.getLong(result, 1)) / 1000 / 60; } databank.close(result); databank.close(stmt); } //Spielzeit gesamt stmt2 = databank.prepare("SELECT SUM(leave_time - join_time) FROM playtime WHERE player_id = ?;"); databank.setInt(stmt2, 1, player_id); result = databank.execute(stmt2); while( { minutes = databank.getLong(result, 1) / 1000 / 60 + since_minutes; } databank.close(result); databank.close(stmt2); return minutes; } function player.hasInvIgnore(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); return config.getBool(config, "invignore", false); } function player.invIgnore(player_or_id, boolean) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "invignore", boolean); config.saveAsync(config); } function player.getClanId(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); return config.getDouble(config, "clan_id", -1); } function player.setClanId(player_or_id, clan_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "clan_id", clan_id); config.saveAsync(config); } function player.getClanRole(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); temp = config.getString(config, "clan_role", "null"); if(temp == "null") { return null; } return temp; } function player.setClanRole(player_or_id, clan_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "clan_role", clan_id); config.saveAsync(config); } function player.isInClan(player_or_id) { return player.getClanId(player_or_id) >= 0; } function player.isClanLeader(player_or_id) { return player.getClanRole(player_or_id) == "leader"; } function player.isClanMod(player_or_id) { return player.getClanRole(player_or_id) == "mod"; } function player.isClanMember(player_or_id) { return player.getClanRole(player_or_id) == "member"; } function player.isSameClan(player_or_id_1, player_or_id_2) { id_1 = player.getClanId(player_or_id_1); id_2 = player.getClanId(player_or_id_2); if(id_1 < 0 || id_2 < 0) { return false; } return id_1 == id_2; } function player.setHeadName(player) { player_name = player.getName(player); clan_string = ""; if(player.isInClan(player)) { clan_id = player.getClanId(player); clan_string = text.concat(" [§6", clan.getTag(clan_id), "§r]"); } live_string = ""; if(player.isLive(player)) { live_string = "§f[§dLive§f] "; } entity.setName(player, text.concat(live_string, player_name, clan_string)); } function player.setAdventureAmounts(player_or_id, amount) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "adventures", amount); config.saveAsync(config); } function player.getAdventureAmounts(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); return config.getDouble(config, "adventures", 0); } function player.isOnAdventure(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); return config.getBool(config, "onadventure", false); } function player.setAdventure(player_or_id, boolean) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "onadventure", boolean); config.saveAsync(config); } function player.getAdventureStart(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); location = config.getString(config, "adventureloc", "null"); if(location == "null") { return world.getServerSpawn(); } return read.location(location); } function player.setAdventureStart(player_or_id, location) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "adventureloc", text.location(location)); config.saveAsync(config); } function player.isMuted(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); return config.getBool(config, "muted", false); } function player.mute(player_or_id, boolean) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "muted", boolean); config.saveAsync(config); } function player.getSilentJoin(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); return config.getBool(config, "silentjoin", false); } function player.setSilentJoin(player_or_id, boolean) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "silentjoin", boolean); config.saveAsync(config); } function player.getAutoCloseDoor(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); return config.getBool(config, "door_auto_close", true); } function player.setAutoCloseDoor(player_or_id, boolean) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "door_auto_close", boolean); config.saveAsync(config); } function player.getNoPetDamage(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); return config.getBool(config, "pet_damage", true); } function player.setNoPetDamage(player_or_id, boolean) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "pet_damage", boolean); config.saveAsync(config); } function player.setVotePoints(player_or_id, amount) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "votepoints", amount); config.saveAsync(config); } function player.getVotePoints(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); return config.getDouble(config, "votepoints", 0); } function player.addVotePoints(player_or_id, amount) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); points = config.getDouble(config, "votepoints", 0) + amount; config.set(config, "votepoints", points); config.saveAsync(config); } function player.hasFirstJoin(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); return config.getBool(config, "firstjoin", true); } function player.setFirstJoin(player_or_id, boolean) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "firstjoin", !boolean); config.saveAsync(config); } function player.getFirstJoin(player_or_id) { if(isPlayer(player_or_id)) { player_id = player.getId(player_or_id); } else { player_id = player_or_id; } stmt = databank.prepare("SELECT MIN(join_time) FROM playtime WHERE player_id = ?;"); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, player_id); result = databank.execute(stmt); if( { time = databank.getLong(result, 1); } databank.close(result); databank.close(stmt); return time; } function player.getLastJoin(player_or_id) { if(isPlayer(player_or_id)) { player_id = player.getId(player_or_id); } else { player_id = player_or_id; } stmt = databank.prepare("SELECT MAX(join_time) FROM playtime WHERE player_id = ?;"); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, player_id); result = databank.execute(stmt); if( { time = databank.getLong(result, 1); } databank.close(result); databank.close(stmt); return time; } function player.blockCommands(player) { list = getScriptVar("block_commands_list"); list.add(list, player.getUuid(player)); } function player.unblockCommands(player) { list = getScriptVar("block_commands_list"); player_uuid = player.getUuid(player); while(list.contains(list, player_uuid)) { list.remove(list, player_uuid); } } function player.isCommandBlocked(player) { list = getScriptVar("block_commands_list"); return list.contains(list, player.getUuid(player)); } function player.checkHandsForItem(player, item_or_type) { if(text.class(item_or_type) != "String") { item_or_type = item.getType(item_or_type); } hand = living.getEquip(player, "hand"); if(item.getType(hand) == item_or_type) { return true; } offhand = living.getEquip(player, "offhand"); return item.getType(offhand) == item_or_type; } function player.checkHandsForTag(player, tag) { hand = living.getEquip(player, "hand"); if(item.hasTag(tag, hand)) { return true; } offhand = living.getEquip(player, "offhand"); return item.hasTag(tag, offhand); } //-------------------------------------------------- //Block-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function block.gotWater(block, block_type, block_loc) { if(block_type == "minecraft:water") { return true; } return, block.getProperty("waterlogged")); } function block.getSecondDoor(door_loc_1) { prop_h_facing = block.getProperty("horizontal_facing"); state_facing =, prop_h_facing); prop_hinge = block.getProperty("hinge"); state_hinge =, prop_hinge); if(state_facing == "north") { if(state_hinge == "right") { door_loc_2 = loc.mod(door_loc_1, -1, 0, 0); } else { door_loc_2 = loc.mod(door_loc_1, 1, 0, 0); } } elseif(state_facing == "east") { if(state_hinge == "right") { door_loc_2 = loc.mod(door_loc_1, 0, 0, -1); } else { door_loc_2 = loc.mod(door_loc_1, 0, 0, 1); } } elseif(state_facing == "south") { if(state_hinge == "right") { door_loc_2 = loc.mod(door_loc_1, 1, 0, 0); } else { door_loc_2 = loc.mod(door_loc_1, -1, 0, 0); } } else { if(state_hinge == "right") { door_loc_2 = loc.mod(door_loc_1, 0, 0, 1); } else { door_loc_2 = loc.mod(door_loc_1, 0, 0, -1); } } if(block.hasTag(block.getTag("minecraft:wooden_doors"), block.get(door_loc_2))) { if(block.isSameDoorHalf(door_loc_1, door_loc_2)) { state_hinge_2 =, prop_hinge); if(state_hinge == "left" && state_hinge_2 == "right" || state_hinge == "right" && state_hinge_2 == "left") { return door_loc_2; } } } return null; } function block.isSameDoorHalf(door_loc_1, door_loc_2) { prop_d_half = block.getProperty("double_block_half"); state_half =, prop_d_half); state_half_2 =, prop_d_half); return state_half == state_half_2; } //-------------------------------------------------- //Money-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function hasEnoughMoney(player_or_id, price) { return getMoney(player_or_id) >= price; } function getMoney(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); return config.getDouble(config, "money", 0); } function setMoney(player_or_id, money) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "money", money); config.saveAsync(config); player = player.getValid(player_or_id); if(player == null) { return; } displayMoney(player, new_money); } function money.getBoostFactor() { return getScriptVar("money_factor"); } function money.setBoostFactor(factor) { setScriptVar("money_factor", factor); } function money.addBoost(player_or_id, money) { money *= money.getBoostFactor(); player = player.getValid(player_or_id); if(player == null) { return; } if(money.getBoostFactor() > 1) { money.popUp(player, money, true); } addMoney(player, money); } function addMoney(player_or_id, money) { if(money == 0) { return; } config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); new_money = config.getDouble(config, "money", 0) + money; config.set(config, "money", new_money); config.saveAsync(config); player = player.getValid(player_or_id); if(player == null) { return; } displayMoney(player, new_money); money.popUp(player, money, false); } function subMoney(player_or_id, money) { if(money == 0) { return; } config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); new_money = config.getDouble(config, "money", 0) - money; config.set(config, "money", new_money); config.saveAsync(config); player = player.getValid(player_or_id); if(player == null) { return; } displayMoney(player, new_money); money.popUp(player, money * -1, false); } function money.popUp(player, money, boosted) { if($boost_blocker == null) { $boost_blocker = false; } if($boost_blocker) { $boost_blocker = false; return; } if(money == 0) { return; } if(money > 0) { pre = "+"; } if(money < 0) { pre = "-"; money *= -1; } if(boosted) { $boost_blocker = true; post = " §6§k#§rBoosted§6§k#"; } else { post = ""; } player.action(player, concat(pre, "§6", text.number(money), " §rsnuvi", post)); } function displayMoney(player, money) { a = money.split(money); display.add(player, 0, concat("#23-1- ", text.number(a[0]))); display.add(player, 1, concat("#24-1- ", text.number(a[1]))); display.add(player, 2, concat("#25-1- ", text.number(a[2]))); } function money.split(money) { array =; gold = math.roundDown(money / 4096); pre_silver = money % 4096;; silver = math.roundDown(pre_silver / 64); bronze = pre_silver % 64; array[0] = gold; array[1] = silver; array[2] = bronze; return array; } //-------------------------------------------------- //Plot-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function plot.getFromId(plot_id, world) { iter = plot.iterator(world); while(hasNext(iter)) { plot = next(iter); if(plot.getId(plot) == plot_id) { return plot; } } return null; } function plot.calcCost(world, arg1, arg2) { //function plot.calcCost(world, length, width) { //function plot.calcCost(world, loc1, loc2) { if(isDouble(arg1)) { length = arg1; width = arg2; } else { x1 = loc.getX(arg1); z1 = loc.getZ(arg1); x2 = loc.getX(arg2); z2 = loc.getZ(arg2); length = math.abs(x1 - x2) + 1; width = math.abs(z1 - z2) + 1; } if(world.getName(world) == "creative") { factor = 1; } else { factor = 3; } return length * width * factor; } function plot.getIdFromLocation(location) { list = plot.get(location); if(list.getSize(list) == 0) { plot_id = null; } else { plot = list.getIndex(list, 0); plot_id = plot.getId(plot); } return plot_id; } function plot.getIdListFromLocation(location) { list = plot.get(location); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(list); i++) { plot = list.getIndex(list, i); list.setIndex(list, i, plot.getId(plot)); } return list; } function plot.addPlayer(plot, player_name) { list = plot.getOwners(plot); uuid = player.getUuid(player_name); if(!list.contains(list, uuid)) { list.add(list, uuid); } } function plot.removePlayer(plot, player_name) { list = plot.getOwners(plot); uuid = player.getUuid(player_name); list.remove(list, uuid); player_id = player.getId(player.getUuid(player_name)); plot.removeRank(plot, player_id); } function plot.getOwnersString(plot) { list = plot.getOwners(plot); if(list.getSize(list) == 0) { return ""; } owners_list =; for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(list); i++) { list.add(owners_list, player.getName(list.getIndex(list, i))); } return text.concatList(owners_list, " / ", 0, list.getSize(owners_list) - 1); } function plot.isLeader(plot, player_or_id) { return plot.getRank(plot, player_or_id) == "leader"; } function plot.getLeaderName(plot) { plot_leader_id = plot.getLeaderId(plot); if(plot_leader_id == null) { return ""; } return player.getNameFromId(plot_leader_id); } function plot.getLeaderId(plot) { plot_id = plot.getId(plot); stmt = databank.prepare("SELECT player_id FROM plotranks WHERE plot_id = ? AND rank = ?;"); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, plot_id); databank.setString(stmt, 2, "leader"); result = databank.execute(stmt); while( { player_id = databank.getInt(result, 1); } databank.close(result); databank.close(stmt); return player_id; } function plot.setLeader(plot, player_or_id) { plot.setRank(plot, player_or_id, "leader"); } function plot.isMod(plot, player_or_id) { return plot.getRank(plot, player_or_id) == "mod"; } function plot.getMods(plot) { list =; plot_id = plot.getId(plot); stmt = databank.prepare("SELECT player_id FROM plotranks WHERE plot_id = ? AND rank = ?;"); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, plot_id); databank.setString(stmt, 2, "mod"); result = databank.execute(stmt); while( { list.add(list, databank.getInt(result, 1)); } databank.close(result); databank.close(stmt); return list; } function plot.setMod(plot, player_or_id) { plot.setRank(plot, player_or_id, "mod"); } function plot.canOpenChests(plot, player_or_id) { return plot.getRank(plot, player_or_id) == "chest"; } function plot.setChest(plot, player_or_id) { plot.setRank(plot, player_or_id, "chest"); } function plot.getChestRanks(plot) { list =; plot_id = plot.getId(plot); stmt = databank.prepare("SELECT player_id FROM plotranks WHERE plot_id = ? AND rank = ?;"); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, plot_id); databank.setString(stmt, 2, "chest"); result = databank.execute(stmt); while( { list.add(list, databank.getInt(result, 1)); } databank.close(result); databank.close(stmt); return list; } function plot.getRank(plot, player_or_id) { if(isPlayer(player_or_id)) { player_id = player.getId(player_or_id); } else { player_id = player_or_id; } plot_id = plot.getId(plot); stmt = databank.prepare("SELECT rank FROM plotranks WHERE player_id = ? AND plot_id = ?;"); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, player_id); databank.setInt(stmt, 2, plot_id); result = databank.execute(stmt); while( { rank = databank.getString(result, 1); } databank.close(result); databank.close(stmt); return rank; } function plot.setRank(plot, player_or_id, rank) { if(isPlayer(player_or_id)) { player_id = player.getId(player_or_id); } else { player_id = player_or_id; } plot_id = plot.getId(plot); stmt = databank.prepare("INSERT INTO plotranks (plot_id, player_id, rank) VALUES (?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE rank = ?"); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, plot_id); databank.setInt(stmt, 2, player_id); databank.setString(stmt, 3, rank); databank.setString(stmt, 4, rank); databank.workerExecute(stmt); } function plot.removeRank(plot, player_or_id) { if(isPlayer(player_or_id)) { player_id = player.getId(player_or_id); } else { player_id = player_or_id; } plot_id = plot.getId(plot); stmt = databank.prepare("DELETE FROM plotranks WHERE player_id = ? AND plot_id = ?;"); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, player_id); databank.setInt(stmt, 2, plot_id); databank.workerExecute(stmt); } function plot.transferRanks(old_plot_id, new_plot_id) { stmt = databank.prepare("UPDATE plotranks SET plot_id = ? WHERE plot_id = ?;"); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, new_plot_id); databank.setInt(stmt, 2, old_plot_id); databank.workerExecute(stmt); } function plot.removeAllPlayers(plot) { list = plot.getOwners(plot); iter = list.iterator(list); while(hasNext(iter)) { plot.removeRank(plot, player.getId(next(iter))); } } function plot.setEdges(plot, location1, location2) { //Alte Daten abrufen plot_name = plot.getName(plot); list = plot.getOwners(plot); flags = plot.getFlags(plot); //Neues Plot erstellen und altes Plot löschen new_plot = plot.add(location1, location2); plot.remove(plot, loc.getWorld(location1)); //Alte Daten auf neuem Plot setzen plot.transferRanks(plot.getId(plot), plot.getId(new_plot)); plot.setName(new_plot, plot_name); new_list = plot.getOwners(new_plot); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(list); i++) { list.add(new_list, list.getIndex(list, i)); } plot.setFlags(new_plot, flags, true); return new_plot; } function getFlags(plot, getActive) { //getActive = true means getActiveFlags flags = plot.getFlags(plot); flags_true =; flags_false =; array =; array[0] = 512; array[1] = "SUB_PLOT_FLAG"; if(flags >= 512) { list.add(flags_true, array); flags -= 512; } else { list.add(flags_false, array); } array =; array[0] = 256; array[1] = "FREE_FLAG"; if(flags >= 256) { list.add(flags_true, array); flags -= 256; } else { list.add(flags_false, array); } array =; array[0] = 128; array[1] = "CITY_FLAG"; if(flags >= 128) { list.add(flags_true, array); flags -= 128; } else { list.add(flags_false, array); } array =; array[0] = 64; array[1] = "EXPLOSION_FLAG"; if(flags >= 64) { list.add(flags_true, array); flags -= 64; } else { list.add(flags_false, array); } array =; array[0] = 32; array[1] = "ENTITY_INTERACT_FLAG"; if(flags >= 32) { list.add(flags_true, array); flags -= 32; } else { list.add(flags_false, array); } array =; array[0] = 16; array[1] = "BLOCK_INTERACT_FLAG"; if(flags >= 16) { list.add(flags_true, array); flags -= 16; } else { list.add(flags_false, array); } array =; array[0] = 8; array[1] = "HIT_AMBIENT_FLAG"; if(flags >= 8) { list.add(flags_true, array); flags -= 8; } else { list.add(flags_false, array); } array =; array[0] = 4; array[1] = "BUCKET_FLAG"; if(flags >= 4) { list.add(flags_true, array); flags -= 4; } else { list.add(flags_false, array); } array =; array[0] = 2; array[1] = "BREAK_FLAG"; if(flags >= 2) { list.add(flags_true, array); flags -= 2; } else { list.add(flags_false, array); } array =; array[0] = 1; array[1] = "PLACE_FLAG"; if(flags >= 1) { list.add(flags_true, array); } else { list.add(flags_false, array); } if(getActive) { return flags_true; } else { return flags_false; } } function plot.getType(plot) { if(plot.isCity(plot)) { type = "§4[§cCity§4]"; } elseif(plot.isFree(plot)) { type = "§3[§bFree§3]"; } elseif(plot.isSub(plot)) { type = "§6[§eSubPlot§6]"; } else { type = "§6[§ePlot§6]"; } return type; } function plot.isPlot(plot) { return !plot.isCity(plot) && !plot.isFree(plot) && !plot.isSub(plot); } function plot.isExplosive(plot) { return plot.hasFlags(plot, 64); } function plot.isCity(plot) { return plot.hasFlags(plot, 128); } function plot.isFree(plot) { return plot.hasFlags(plot, 256); } function plot.isSub(plot) { return plot.hasFlags(plot, 512); } function plot.setCity(plot, boolean) { plot.setFlags(plot, 128, boolean); } function plot.setFree(plot, boolean) { plot.setFlags(plot, 256, boolean); plot.setFlags(plot, 512, !boolean); //Sub-Plot entfernen } function plot.setSub(plot, boolean) { plot.setFlags(plot, 512, boolean); plot.setFlags(plot, 256, !boolean); //Free-Plot entfernen } //-------------------------------------------------- //Skill-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function skill.getAmount(player_or_id, tech_name) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); return config.getDouble(config, tech_name, 0); } function skill.setAmount(player_or_id, tech_name, amount) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, tech_name, amount); config.saveAsync(config); } function skill.addAmount(player_or_id, tech_name, amount) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, tech_name, config.getDouble(config, tech_name, 0) + amount); config.saveAsync(config); } function skill.isActivated(player_or_id, tech_name) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); return config.getBool(config, concat(tech_name, ".active"), true); } function skill.setActivated(player_or_id, tech_name, bool) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, concat(tech_name, ".active"), bool); } function skill.add(skill_name, tech_name, item, description, cost, permanent, active, toggleable) { skill =; skill[0] = skill_name; skill[1] = tech_name; skill[2] = item; skill[3] = description; skill[4] = cost; skill[5] = permanent; skill[6] = active; skill[7] = toggleable; list.add(getScriptVar("skills"), skill); } function skill.get(tech_name) { skill_list = getScriptVar("skills"); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(skill_list); i++) { array = list.getIndex(skill_list, i); temp_tech_name = array[1]; if(temp_tech_name == tech_name) { return array; } } } function skill.getShopItem(player, tech_name) { if(tech_name == null) { return item.getAir(); } skill = skill.get(tech_name); amount = skill.getAmount(player, tech_name); permanent = skill[5]; if(permanent) { if(amount == 0) { text_property = concat("§fBought: §cNo §f(Permanent)"); } else { text_property = concat("§fBought: §aYes §f(Permanent)"); } } else { text_property = concat("§fAmount you have: §e", text.number(amount)); } active = skill[6]; if(active) { type = "§fActive skill"; } else { type = "§fPassive skill"; } toggleable = skill[7]; if(toggleable) { if(skill.isActivated(player, tech_name)) { tog = "§fToggleable: §aActive"; } else { tog = "§fToggleable: §cInactive"; } } else { tog = "§fNot toggleable"; } skill_name = skill.getName(tech_name); item = read.item(skill[2], 1, concat("§e§o", skill_name), concat("§fCost: §e", text.number(skill[4])), skill[3], type, tog, text_property); return item; } function skill.getName(tech_name) { skill_list = getScriptVar("skills"); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(skill_list); i++) { array = list.getIndex(skill_list, i); temp_tech_name = array[1]; if(temp_tech_name == tech_name) { return array[0]; } } } function skill.getTechName(skill_name) { skill_list = getScriptVar("skills"); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(skill_list); i++) { array = list.getIndex(skill_list, i); temp_skill_name = array[0]; if(temp_skill_name == skill_name) { return array[1]; } } } function skill.getItem(skill_name) { skill_list = getScriptVar("skills"); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(skill_list); i++) { array = list.getIndex(skill_list, i); temp_skill_name = array[0]; if(temp_skill_name == skill_name) { return array[2]; } } } function skill.getDescription(skill_name) { skill_list = getScriptVar("skills"); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(skill_list); i++) { array = list.getIndex(skill_list, i); temp_skill_name = array[0]; if(temp_skill_name == skill_name) { return array[3]; } } } function skill.getCost(skill_name) { skill_list = getScriptVar("skills"); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(skill_list); i++) { array = list.getIndex(skill_list, i); temp_skill_name = array[0]; if(temp_skill_name == skill_name) { return array[4]; } } } function skill.isPermanent(skill_name) { skill_list = getScriptVar("skills"); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(skill_list); i++) { array = list.getIndex(skill_list, i); temp_skill_name = array[0]; if(temp_skill_name == skill_name) { return array[5]; } } } function skill.isActive(skill_name) { skill_list = getScriptVar("skills"); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(skill_list); i++) { array = list.getIndex(skill_list, i); temp_skill_name = array[0]; if(temp_skill_name == skill_name) { return array[6]; } } } function skill.isToggleable(skill_name) { skill_list = getScriptVar("skills"); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(skill_list); i++) { array = list.getIndex(skill_list, i); temp_skill_name = array[0]; if(temp_skill_name == skill_name) { return array[7]; } } } function skill.showShop(player, tech_name1, tech_name2, tech_name3, tech_name4, tech_name5, tech_name6, tech_name7, tech_name8, tech_name9, tech_name10, tech_name11, tech_name12, tech_name13, tech_name14, tech_name15, tech_name16, tech_name17, tech_name18) { inv ="333333333333333333"); inv.setItem(inv, 0, skill.getShopItem(player, tech_name1)); inv.setItem(inv, 1, skill.getShopItem(player, tech_name2)); inv.setItem(inv, 2, skill.getShopItem(player, tech_name3)); inv.setItem(inv, 3, skill.getShopItem(player, tech_name4)); inv.setItem(inv, 4, skill.getShopItem(player, tech_name5)); inv.setItem(inv, 5, skill.getShopItem(player, tech_name6)); inv.setItem(inv, 6, skill.getShopItem(player, tech_name7)); inv.setItem(inv, 7, skill.getShopItem(player, tech_name8)); inv.setItem(inv, 8, skill.getShopItem(player, tech_name9)); inv.setItem(inv, 9, skill.getShopItem(player, tech_name10)); inv.setItem(inv, 10, skill.getShopItem(player, tech_name11)); inv.setItem(inv, 11, skill.getShopItem(player, tech_name12)); inv.setItem(inv, 12, skill.getShopItem(player, tech_name13)); inv.setItem(inv, 13, skill.getShopItem(player, tech_name14)); inv.setItem(inv, 14, skill.getShopItem(player, tech_name15)); inv.setItem(inv, 15, skill.getShopItem(player, tech_name16)); inv.setItem(inv, 16, skill.getShopItem(player, tech_name17)); inv.setItem(inv, 17, skill.getShopItem(player, tech_name18));, player, "Skillshop"); } function skill.showAll(player) { inv ="333333333333333333333333333"); skill_list = getScriptVar("skills"); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(skill_list); i++) { a = list.getIndex(skill_list, i); tech_name = a[1]; inv.setItem(inv, i, skill.getShopItem(player, tech_name)); }, player, "Skills"); } //-------------------------------------------------- //Loc-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function loc.getStringColon(loc) { world_name = world.getName(loc.getWorld(loc)); x = text.number(loc.getX(loc)); y = text.number(loc.getY(loc)); z = text.number(loc.getZ(loc)); return concat(world_name, ":", x, ":", y, ":", z); } function loc.getStringSpace(loc) { world_name = world.getName(loc.getWorld(loc)); x = text.number(loc.getX(loc)); y = text.number(loc.getY(loc)); z = text.number(loc.getZ(loc)); return concat(world_name, " ", x, " ", y, " ", z); } function loc.isSameWorld(loc1, loc2) { return world.getName(loc.getWorld(loc1)) == world.getName(loc.getWorld(loc2)); } function loc.getSubPlot(location) { list = plot.get(location); iter = list.iterator(list); while(hasNext(iter)) { plot = next(iter); if(plot.isSub(plot)) { return plot; } } return null; } function loc.isCity(location) { list = plot.get(location); iter = list.iterator(list); while(hasNext(iter)) { plot = next(iter); if(plot.isCity(plot)) { return true; } } return false; } function loc.hasPlotId(location, plot_id) { return list.contains(plot.getIdListFromLocation(location), plot_id); } function loc.hasPlotName(location, plot_name) { list = plot.get(location); iter = list.iterator(list); while(hasNext(iter)) { plot = next(iter); if(plot.getName(plot) == plot_name) { return true; } } return false; } function loc.isAir(location) { type = block.getType(location); return type == "minecraft:air" || type == "minecraft:cave_air"; } function loc.isInSurvWorld(location) { world_name = world.getName(loc.getWorld(location)); if(world_name == "overworld") { return true; } elseif(world_name == "the_end") { return true; } elseif(world_name == "the_nether") { return true; } return false; } function loc.isInGamesWorld(location) { return loc.getWorld(location) == world.getGames(); } function loc.isInCreativeWorld(location) { return loc.getWorld(location) == world.getCreative(); } function loc.isInStoryWorld(location) { return loc.getWorld(location) == world.getStory(); } function loc.round(location) { world = loc.getWorld(location); x = math.round(loc.getX(location)); y = math.round(loc.getY(location)); z = math.round(loc.getZ(location)); return, x, y, z); } //-------------------------------------------------- //Survival-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function living.setAi(bool) { config = getScriptVar("server_config"); config.set(config, "spawnWithAi", bool); config.saveAsync(config); } function living.getAi() { config = getScriptVar("server_config"); return config.getBool(config, "spawnWithAi", true); } function living.getHand(living) { return living.getEquip(living, "hand"); } //-------------------------------------------------- //Afk-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function player.isAfk(player) { player_uuid = player.getUuid(player); afk_map = getScriptVar("afk_map"); return map.contains(afk_map, player_uuid); } function player.setAfk(player, boolean) { player_uuid = player.getUuid(player); afk_map = getScriptVar("afk_map"); if(boolean) { map.add(afk_map, player_uuid, loc.getYaw(entity.getLocation(player))); } else { map.remove(afk_map, player_uuid); } } //-------------------------------------------------- //PvP-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function hasPvpOn(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); return config.getBool(config, "pvp", false); } function setPvp(player_or_id, bool) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "pvp", bool); config.saveAsync(config); } //-------------------------------------------------- //Rank-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function getRank(player_or_id) { config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); return config.getString(config, "rank", "§3User"); } function setRank(player_or_id, rank) { rank = text.replace(rank, "&", "§"); config = playerdata.getSurvival(player_or_id); config.set(config, "rank", rank); config.saveAsync(config); } function offerRank(player, tech_name) { rank = rank.getFromTechName(tech_name); msg(player, "§r[§6Commands§r] New rank available: ", text.hover("[§", rank, "§r]"), concat("/setrank ", player.getName(player), " &", rank)), "Click to set")); } function rank.offerClan(clan_id, tech_name) { leader_uuid = clan.getLeader(clan_id); leader = player.get(leader_uuid); if(leader == null) { mail.send("marvinius", player.getName(leader_uuid), concat("New rank available: ", tech_name)); } else { offerRank(leader, tech_name); } } function rank.checkCriteria(player, tech_name) { //Playtime if(tech_name == "rank.newcomer") { return player.getTotalPlaytime(player) >= 1200; //20 Stunden } if(tech_name == "rank.frequenter") { return player.getTotalPlaytime(player) >= 6000; //100 Stunden } if(tech_name == "rank.legend") { return player.getTotalPlaytime(player) >= 42000; //700 Stunden } //Adventure if(tech_name == "rank.adventurer") { return player.getAdventureAmounts(player) >= 1; } if(tech_name == "rank.explorer") { return player.getAdventureAmounts(player) >= 5; } if(tech_name == "") { return player.getAdventureAmounts(player) >= 10; } //Clans if(tech_name == "rank.commander") { if(player.isClanLeader(player)) { clan_id = player.getClanId(player); return clan.getMembersAmount(clan_id) >= 5; } } if(tech_name == "rank.chief") { if(player.isClanLeader(player)) { clan_id = player.getClanId(player); return clan.getMembersAmount(clan_id) >= 10; } } if(tech_name == "rank.lord") { if(player.isClanLeader(player)) { clan_id = player.getClanId(player); return clan.getMembersAmount(clan_id) >= 15; } } //Quests if(tech_name == "rank.volunteer") { return quest.getCounter(player) >= 15; } if(tech_name == "rank.friend") { return quest.getCounter(player) >= 50; } if(tech_name == "rank.altruist") { return quest.getCounter(player) >= 500; } //Plots if(tech_name == "rank.settler") { return player.usedHisFreePlot(player); } if(tech_name == "rank.colonizer") { return player.hasBigPlotCreated(player); } if(tech_name == "rank.major") { return player.hasPlotRaised(player); } //Team if(tech_name == "rank.owner") { return perm.has(player, "isOwner"); } if(tech_name == "rank.admin") { return perm.has(player, "isAdmin"); } if(tech_name == "rank.builder") { return perm.has(player, "isBuilder"); } if(tech_name == "") { return perm.has(player, "isDev"); } if(tech_name == "rank.moderator") { return perm.has(player, "isMod"); } if(tech_name == "rank.supporter") { return perm.has(player, "isSupporter"); } //Other if(tech_name == "") { return perm.has(player, "isVIP"); } if(tech_name == "rank.influencer") { return perm.has(player, "isYT") || perm.has(player, "isStreamer"); } if(tech_name == "rank.sponsor") { return perm.has(player, "isSponsor"); } if(tech_name == "rank.user") { return true; } return perm.has(player, "setrank.other"); } function rank.getRankArray() { return getScriptVar("ranks"); } function rank.getFromTechName(tech_name) { a = rank.getRankArray(); a_size = array.getSize(a); for(i = 0; i < a_size; i++) { if(a[i, 0] == tech_name) { return a[i, 1]; } } return null; } function rank.getTechName(rank) { a = rank.getRankArray(); a_size = array.getSize(a); for(i = 0; i < a_size; i++) { if(a[i, 1] == rank) { return a[i, 0]; } } return null; } function rank.choose(player, tech_name) { rank = rank.getFromTechName(tech_name); msg(player," [§", rank, "§r]"), concat("/setrank ", player.getName(player), " &", rank))); } function rank.showAll(player) { a = rank.getRankArray(); a_size = array.getSize(a); for(i = 0; i < a_size; i++) { tech_name = a[i, 0]; if(rank.checkCriteria(player, tech_name)) { rank.choose(player, tech_name); } } } //-------------------------------------------------- //Perm-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function givePerm(player_id, perm_id) { stmt = databank.prepare("INSERT INTO playerperms (player_id, perm_id) VALUES (?,?);"); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, player_id); databank.setInt(stmt, 2, perm_id); databank.workerExecute(stmt); perm.registerPlayer(player.getUuidFromID(player_id), perm_id); } function removePerm(player_id, perm_id) { stmt = databank.prepare("DELETE FROM playerperms WHERE player_id = ? AND perm_id = ?;"); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, player_id); databank.setInt(stmt, 2, perm_id); databank.workerExecute(stmt); perm.unregisterPlayer(player.getUuidFromID(player_id), perm_id); } function removeAllPermsTemporarly(player_id) { perm.registerPlayer(player.getUuidFromID(player_id), 8); permslist = getPermsFromPlayer(player_id); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(permslist); i++) { perm_id = list.getIndex(permslist, i); perm.unregisterPlayer(player.getUuidFromID(player_id), perm_id); } } function reloadAllPerms(player_id) { perm.unregisterPlayer(player.getUuidFromID(player_id), 8); permslist = getPermsFromPlayer(player_id); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(permslist); i++) { perm_id = list.getIndex(permslist, i); perm.registerPlayer(player.getUuidFromID(player_id), perm_id); } } function removeAllPerms(player_id) { permslist = getPermsFromPlayer(player_id); for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(permslist); i++) { removePerm(player_id, list.getIndex(permslist, i)); } } function getPermsFromPlayer(player_id) { permslist =; stmt = databank.prepare("SELECT perm_id FROM playerperms WHERE player_id = ?;"); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, player_id); result = databank.execute(stmt); while( { list.add(permslist, databank.getInt(result, 1)); } databank.close(result); databank.close(stmt); return permslist; } function registerAllPerms() { stmt = databank.prepare("SELECT * FROM playerperms;"); result = databank.execute(stmt); while( { player_id = databank.getInt(result, 1); perm_id = databank.getInt(result, 2); perm.registerPlayer(player.getUuidFromID(player_id), perm_id); } databank.close(result); databank.close(stmt); } function perm.setGroups(permgroups) { setScriptVar("permgroups", permgroups); } function perm.getGroups() { return getScriptVar("permgroups"); } function perm.getNameFromId(permgroup_id) { a = perm.getGroups(); for(i = 0; i < array.getSize(a); i++) { if(a[i, 0] == permgroup_id) { return a[i, 1]; } } return null; } function perm.getRankFromId(permgroup_id) { a = perm.getGroups(); for(i = 0; i < array.getSize(a); i++) { if(a[i, 0] == permgroup_id) { return a[i, 2]; } } return null; } function perm.getIdFromGroupname(permgroup_name) { a = perm.getGroups(); for(i = 0; i < array.getSize(a); i++) { if(a[i, 1] == permgroup_name) { return a[i, 0]; } } return null; } function perm.getRankFromGroupname(permgroup_name) { a = perm.getGroups(); for(i = 0; i < array.getSize(a); i++) { if(a[i, 1] == permgroup_name) { return a[i, 2]; } } return null; } function perm.isGroupName(permgroup_name) { a = perm.getGroups(); for(i = 0; i < array.getSize(a); i++) { if(a[i, 1] == permgroup_name) { return true; } } return false; } function player.hasPermGroup(player_id, perm_id) { permslist = getPermsFromPlayer(player_id); return list.contains(permslist, perm_id); } //-------------------------------------------------- //Nickname-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function player.setNickName(player, nickname) { map.add(getScriptVar("nicknames"), player.getUuid(player), nickname); } function player.getNickName(player) { return map.getOrDefault(getScriptVar("nicknames"), player.getUuid(player), player.getName(player)); } function player.removeNickName(player) { map.remove(getScriptVar("nicknames"), player.getUuid(player)); } //-------------------------------------------------- //Mail-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function mail.send(from_name, to_name, message) { server_config = getScriptVar("server_config"); mail_id = config.getDouble(server_config, "mail_id", 0) + 1; config.set(server_config, "mail_id", mail_id); config.saveAsync(server_config); from_id = player.getId(player.getUuid(from_name)); to_id = player.getId(player.getUuid(to_name)); stmt = databank.prepare("INSERT INTO mails (mail_id, from_id, to_id, readed, time, message) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, mail_id); databank.setInt(stmt, 2, from_id); databank.setInt(stmt, 3, to_id); databank.setBool(stmt, 4, false); databank.setLong(stmt, 5, time.getMillis()); databank.setString(stmt, 6, message); databank.workerExecute(stmt); //Wenn Spieler online, dann Pushmeldung veranlassen p = read.player(to_name); if(p != null) { msg.prefix(p, "§bMail", concat("§rYou´ve got a new mail from §b", from_name, ".")); } } function mail.checkForNew(player) { stmt = databank.prepare("SELECT mail_id, from_id, time, message FROM mails WHERE to_id = ? AND readed = false;"); to_id = player.getId(player); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, to_id); result = databank.execute(stmt); nextrow =; if(!nextrow) { databank.close(result); databank.close(stmt); return; } newmails = 0; while(nextrow) { newmails++; nextrow =; } databank.close(result); databank.close(stmt); if(newmails > 0) { if(newmails > 1) { msg.prefix(player, "§bMail", concat("§rYou´ve got §b", text.number(newmails), "§r new mails.")); } else { msg.prefix(player, "§bMail", "§rYou´ve got §b1 §rnew mail."); } } } //-------------------------------------------------- //Friend-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function friend.check(player_id, friend_id) { stmt = databank.prepare("SELECT friend_id FROM friends WHERE player_id = ? AND friend_id = ?;"); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, player_id); databank.setInt(stmt, 2, friend_id); result = databank.execute(stmt); temp = false; while( { temp = true; } databank.close(result); databank.close(stmt); return temp; } function friend.add(player_id, friend_id) { nowtime = time.getMillis(); stmt1 = databank.prepare("INSERT INTO friends (player_id, friend_id, time) VALUES (?, ?, ?);"); databank.setInt(stmt1, 1, player_id); databank.setInt(stmt1, 2, friend_id); databank.setLong(stmt1, 3, nowtime); databank.workerExecute(stmt1); stmt2 = databank.prepare("INSERT INTO friends (player_id, friend_id, time) VALUES (?, ?, ?);"); databank.setInt(stmt2, 1, friend_id); databank.setInt(stmt2, 2, player_id); databank.setLong(stmt2, 3, nowtime); databank.workerExecute(stmt2); } function friend.delete(player_id, friend_id) { stmt1 = databank.prepare("DELETE FROM friends WHERE player_id = ? AND friend_id = ?;"); databank.setInt(stmt1, 1, player_id); databank.setInt(stmt1, 2, friend_id); databank.workerExecute(stmt1); stmt2 = databank.prepare("DELETE FROM friends WHERE player_id = ? AND friend_id = ?;"); databank.setInt(stmt2, 1, friend_id); databank.setInt(stmt2, 2, player_id); databank.workerExecute(stmt2); } function friend.getList(player_id) { list =; stmt = databank.prepare("SELECT friend_id FROM friends WHERE player_id = ?;"); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, player_id); result = databank.execute(stmt); while( { friend_id = databank.getInt(result, 1); list.add(list, player.getNameFromId(friend_id)); } databank.close(result); databank.close(stmt); return list; } //-------------------------------------------------- //Clan-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function clan.getIdList() { file ="scripts/configs/clan_data"); if(file.exists(file) && file.isDirectory(file)) { list = file.getList(file); } id_list =; iter = list.iterator(list); while(hasNext(iter)) { element = next(iter); file_name = file.getName(element); file_name = text.replace(file_name, ".0.snuvic", ""); list.add(id_list, read.number(file_name)); } return id_list; } function clan.loadData() { list = clan.getIdList(); iter = list.iterator(list); map =; while(hasNext(iter)) { clan_id = next(iter); config ="scripts/configs/clan_data", clan_id); if(config.exists(config)) { config.load(config); } map.add(map, clan_id, config); } setScriptVar("clan_data", map); } function clan.getData(clan_id) { if(clan_id == null) { snuvi.debug("script termed. clan_id was null"); term(); } map = getScriptVar("clan_data"); config = map.get(map, clan_id); if(config == null) { config ="scripts/configs/clan_data", clan_id); if(config.exists(config)) { config.load(config); } map.add(map, clan_id, config); } return config; } function clan.setName(clan_id, name) { config = clan.getData(clan_id); config.set(config, "name", name); config.saveAsync(config); } function clan.getName(clan_id) { config = clan.getData(clan_id); temp = config.getString(config, "name", "null"); if(temp == "null") { return null; } return temp; } function clan.setTag(clan_id, tag) { config = clan.getData(clan_id); config.set(config, "tag", tag); config.saveAsync(config); } function clan.getTag(clan_id) { config = clan.getData(clan_id); temp = config.getString(config, "tag", "null"); if(temp == "null") { return null; } return temp; } function clan.setMoney(clan_id, money) { config = clan.getData(clan_id); config.set(config, "money", money); config.saveAsync(config); } function clan.getMoney(clan_id) { config = clan.getData(clan_id); return config.getDouble(config, "money", 0); } function clan.addMoney(clan_id, money) { config = clan.getData(clan_id); new_money = config.getDouble(config, "money", 0) + money; config.set(config, "money", new_money); config.saveAsync(config); } function clan.subMoney(clan_id, money) { config = clan.getData(clan_id); new_money = config.getDouble(config, "money", 0) - money; config.set(config, "money", new_money); config.saveAsync(config); } function clan.setSpawn(clan_id, location) { config = clan.getData(clan_id); config.set(config, "spawn", text.location(location)); config.saveAsync(config); } function clan.getSpawn(clan_id) { config = clan.getData(clan_id); location = config.getString(config, "spawn", "null"); if(location == "null") { return null; } return read.location(location); } function clan.getIdFromName(name) { list = clan.getIdList(); iter = list.iterator(list); while(hasNext(iter)) { clan_id = next(iter); if(clan.getName(clan_id) == name) { return clan_id; } } return null; } function clan.getIdFromTag(clan_tag) { list = clan.getIdList(); iter = list.iterator(list); while(hasNext(iter)) { clan_id = next(iter); if(clan.getTag(clan_id) == clan_tag) { return clan_id; } } return null; } function clan.isExistingTag(clan_tag) { return !(clan.getIdFromTag(clan_tag) == null); } function clan.isExistingName(name) { return !(clan.getIdFromName(name) == null); } function clan.getNextFreeId() { server_config = getScriptVar("server_config"); id = config.getDouble(server_config, "", 0) + 1; config.set(server_config, "", id); config.saveAsync(server_config); return id; } function clan.create(name, tag) { clan_id = clan.getNextFreeId(); config = clan.getData(clan_id); config.set(config, "name", name); config.set(config, "tag", tag); config.set(config, "members", 0);; return clan_id; } function clan.getLeader(clan_id) { list = clan.getMembersList(clan_id); iter = list.iterator(list); while(hasNext(iter)) { player_uuid = next(iter); player_id = player.getId(player_uuid); if(player.isClanLeader(player_id)) { return player_uuid; } } return null; } function clan.getMembersAmount(clan_id) { config = clan.getData(clan_id); return config.getDouble(config, "members", 0); } function clan.setMembersAmount(clan_id, amount) { config = clan.getData(clan_id); config.set(config, "members", amount); config.saveAsync(config); } function clan.addMember(clan_id, player_or_id, role) { //Player player.setClanId(player_or_id, clan_id); player.setClanRole(player_or_id, role); //Clan new_amount = clan.getMembersAmount(clan_id) + 1; if(isPlayer(player_or_id)) { player_uuid = player.getUuid(player_or_id); } else { player_uuid = player.getUuidFromId(player_or_id); } config = clan.getData(clan_id); config.set(config, text.concat("player_", new_amount), text(player_uuid)); config.set(config, "members", new_amount); config.saveAsync(config); } function clan.removeMember(clan_id, player_or_id) { //Player player.setClanId(player_or_id, -1); player.setClanRole(player_or_id, "null"); if(isPlayer(player_or_id)) { player_uuid = player.getUuid(player_or_id); } else { player_uuid = player.getUuidFromId(player_or_id); } //Clan config = clan.getData(clan_id); amount = config.getDouble(config, "members", 0); for(i = 1; i <= amount; i++) { if(config.getString(config, text.concat("player_", i), "null") == text(player_uuid)) { break; } } if(i != amount) { config.set(config, text.concat("player_", i), config.getString(config, text.concat("player_", amount), "null")); } config.set(config, text.concat("player_", amount), "null"); config.set(config, "members", amount - 1); config.saveAsync(config); } function clan.delete(clan_id) { //Members list = clan.getMembersList(clan_id); iter = list.iterator(list); while(hasNext(iter)) { player_uuid = next(iter); player_id = player.getId(player_uuid); player.setClanId(player_id, -1); player.setClanRole(player_id, "null"); } //Clan config.delete(clan.getData(clan_id)); map.remove(getScriptVar("clan_data"), clan_id); } function clan.getMembersList(clan_id) { list =; config = clan.getData(clan_id); amount = config.getDouble(config, "members", 0); for(i = 1; i <= amount; i++) { player_uuid = read.uuid(config.getString(config, text.concat("player_", i), "null")); list.add(list, player_uuid); } return list; } function clan.updateHeadNames(clan_id) { list = clan.getMembersList(clan_id); iter = list.iterator(list); while(hasNext(iter)) { p = player.get(next(iter)); if(p != null) { player.setHeadName(p); } } } function clan.msg(clan_id, message) { list = clan.getMembersList(clan_id); iter = list.iterator(list); while(hasNext(iter)) { p = player.get(next(iter)); if(p != null) { msg.prefix(p, "§2Clan", message); } } } function clan.mail(clan_id, from_name, message) { list = clan.getMembersList(clan_id); iter = list.iterator(list); while(hasNext(iter)) { to_name = player.getName(next(iter)); mail.send(from_name, to_name, message); } } //-------------------------------------------------- //Party-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function player.isInParty(player) { return player.getPartyId(player) != null; } function party.same(player1, player2) { return player.getPartyId(player1) == player.getPartyId(player2); } function player.isPartyLeader(player) { return player.getPartyRank(player) == "Leader"; } function player.isPartyLeaderOrMod(player) { return player.getPartyRank(player) != "Player"; } function player.getPartyId(player) { return map.get(getScriptVar("party_ids"), player.getUuid(player)); } function player.setPartyId(player, party_id) { map.add(getScriptVar("party_ids"), player.getUuid(player), party_id); } function player.delPartyId(player) { map.remove(getScriptVar("party_ids"), player.getUuid(player)); } function player.getPartyRank(player) { return map.get(getScriptVar("party_ranks"), player.getUuid(player)); } function player.setPartyRank(player, rank) { map.add(getScriptVar("party_ranks"), player.getUuid(player), rank); } function player.delPartyRank(player) { map.remove(getScriptVar("party_ranks"), player.getUuid(player)); } function party.getList(party_id) { return map.get(getScriptVar("party_lists"), party_id); } function party.setList(party_id, list) { map = getScriptVar("party_lists"); map.add(map, party_id, list); setScriptVar("party_lists", map); } function party.addPlayer(party_id, player) { list.add(party.getList(party_id), player.getUuid(player)); player.setPartyId(player, party_id); } //-------------------------------------------------- //Scheduler-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function scheduler.add(data_array) { list.add(getScriptVar("scheduler_list"), data_array); } function scheduler.addFly(ticks, player, bool) { a =; a[0] = 0; a[1] = ticks; a[2] = player; a[3] = bool; scheduler.add(a); } function scheduler.msgPrefix(ticks, player, prefix, message) { a =; a[0] = 1; a[1] = ticks; a[2] = player; a[3] = prefix; a[4] = message; scheduler.add(a); } function scheduler.msg(ticks, player, message) { a =; a[0] = 2; a[1] = ticks; a[2] = player; a[3] = message; scheduler.add(a); } function scheduler.setBlock(ticks, location, item_string, block_update) { a =; a[0] = 3; a[1] = ticks; a[2] = location; a[3] = item_string; a[4] = block_update; scheduler.add(a); } function scheduler.questFinish(ticks, script, player) { a =; a[0] = 4; a[1] = ticks; a[2] = script; a[3] = player; scheduler.add(a); } function scheduler.setBurning(ticks, entity, seconds) { a =; a[0] = 5; a[1] = ticks; a[2] = entity; a[3] = seconds; scheduler.add(a); } function scheduler.spawnEntity(ticks, type, location) { a =; a[0] = 6; a[1] = ticks; a[2] = type; a[3] = location; scheduler.add(a); } function scheduler.removeEntity(ticks, entity) { a =; a[0] = 7; a[1] = ticks; a[2] = entity; scheduler.add(a); } function scheduler.giveItem(ticks, player, item) { a =; a[0] = 8; a[1] = ticks; a[2] = player; a[3] = item; scheduler.add(a); } function scheduler.giveSingleItem(ticks, player, item, boolean) { a =; a[0] = 9; a[1] = ticks; a[2] = player; a[3] = item; a[4] = boolean; scheduler.add(a); } //-------------------------------------------------- //Hawkeye-Utils //-------------------------------------------------- function hawkeye.getData(timeFrom, timeTo, location, radius, events, players, order) { base_query = "SELECT * FROM hawkeye WHERE "; and_query = " AND "; //Events where_query = hawkeye.getEventQuery(events); if(where_query == -1) { return "False input at e:"; } //Players player_query = hawkeye.getPlayerQuery(players); if(player_query == -1) { return "False input at p:"; } if(text.length(where_query) == 0) { where_query = player_query; } elseif(text.length(player_query) != 0) { where_query = concat(where_query, and_query, player_query); } //Location location_query = hawkeye.getLocationQuery(location, radius); if(text.length(where_query) == 0) { where_query = location_query; } elseif(text.length(location_query) != 0) { where_query = concat(where_query, and_query, location_query); } //Time time_query = hawkeye.getTimeQuery(timeFrom, timeTo); if(text.length(where_query) == 0) { where_query = time_query; } elseif(text.length(time_query) != 0) { where_query = concat(where_query, and_query, time_query); } //Safety check if(text.length(where_query) == 0) { return "No parameters found"; } //Final Statement stmt = databank.prepare(concat(base_query, where_query, " ORDER BY time ", order, ";")); index = 1; if(events != null) { iter = list.iterator(events); while(hasNext(iter)) { databank.setString(stmt, index, next(iter)); index++; } } if(players != null) { iter = list.iterator(players); while(hasNext(iter)) { databank.setInt(stmt, index, player.getId(player.getUuid(next(iter)))); index++; } } if(location != null && radius != null) { databank.setInt(stmt, index++, loc.getX(location)); databank.setInt(stmt, index++, loc.getY(location)); databank.setInt(stmt, index++, loc.getZ(location)); databank.setInt(stmt, index++, radius); } if(timeFrom != null && timeTo != null) { databank.setLong(stmt, index++, timeFrom); databank.setLong(stmt, index++, timeTo); } l =; result = databank.execute(stmt); while( { a =; id = databank.getInt(result, 1); a[0] = id; //id a[1] = databank.getInt(result, 2); //player_id a[2] = databank.getString(result, 3); //event a[3] =, 4)), databank.getInt(result, 5), databank.getInt(result, 6), databank.getInt(result, 7)); //location a[4] = databank.getLong(result, 8); //time a[5] = hawkeye.getDetailData(id); list.add(l, a); } databank.close(result); databank.close(stmt); return l; } function hawkeye.getEventQuery(events) { if(events == null) { return ""; } query = "event IN("; c = 0; iter = list.iterator(events); while(hasNext(iter)) { event = next(iter); if(event != "block_break" && event != "block_place") { return -1; } if(c == 0) { query = concat(query, "?"); } else { query = concat(query, ",?"); } c++; } return concat(query, ")"); } function hawkeye.getPlayerQuery(players) { if(players == null) { return ""; } query = "player_id IN("; c = 0; iter = list.iterator(players); while(hasNext(iter)) { player_name = next(iter); player_uuid = player.getUuid(player_name); if(player_uuid == null) { return -1; } if(c == 0) { query = concat(query, "?"); } else { query = concat(query, ",?"); } c++; } return concat(query, ")"); } function hawkeye.getLocationQuery(player_loc, radius) { if(player_loc == null || radius == null) { return ""; } return "POWER(x - ?, 2) + POWER(y - ?, 2) + POWER(z - ?, 2) < POWER(?, 2)"; } function hawkeye.getTimeQuery(timeFrom, timeTo) { if(timeFrom == null || timeTo == null) { return ""; } return "time > ? AND time < ?"; } function hawkeye.getDetailData(hawkeye_id) { stmt = databank.prepare("SELECT name,value FROM hawkeye_data WHERE hawkeye_id = ?;"); databank.setInt(stmt, 1, hawkeye_id); l =; result = databank.execute(stmt); while( { a =; a[0] = databank.getString(result, 1); //name a[1] = databank.getString(result, 2); //value list.add(l, a); } databank.close(result); databank.close(stmt); return l; } function hawkeye.print(player, list, side) { amount = list.getSize(list); a = list.getIndex(list, side - 1); msg.prefix(player, "§cHawkeye", concat("§7----- Page (§c", text.number(side), "§7/§c", text.number(amount), "§7) -----")); msg(player, concat("§7| ID:", text.number(a[0]), " ", getTimeString(a[4]))); msg(player, concat("§7| §c", a[2], " ", player.getNameFromId(a[1]))); msg(player, concat("§7| ", loc.getStringSpace(a[3]))); detail_l = a[5]; detail_iter = list.iterator(detail_l); while(hasNext(detail_iter)) { detail_a = next(detail_iter); msg(player, concat("§7| - ", detail_a[0], ": ", detail_a[1])); } if(side == 1) { backward = "§7<<<<"; if(amount == 1) { forward = "§7>>>>"; } else { forward ="§c>>>>", concat("/hawkeye print ", side + 1)); } } elseif(side >= amount) { backward ="§c<<<<", concat("/hawkeye print ", side - 1)); forward = "§7>>>>"; } else { backward ="§c<<<<", concat("/hawkeye print ", side - 1)); forward ="§c>>>>", concat("/hawkeye print ", side + 1)); } msg(player, backward, " ", forward); msg(player, "§7-----------------------------"); } function hawkeye.setDataList(player, list) { map.add(getScriptVar("ha_data_lists"), player.getUuid(player), list); } function hawkeye.getDataList(player) { return map.get(getScriptVar("ha_data_lists"), player.getUuid(player)); } function hawkeye.setUndoList(player, list) { map.add(getScriptVar("ha_undo_lists"), player.getUuid(player), list); } function hawkeye.getUndoList(player) { return map.get(getScriptVar("ha_undo_lists"), player.getUuid(player)); } function hawkeye.rollback(list) { counter = 0; for(i = 0; i < list.getSize(list); i++) { a = list.getIndex(list, i); event = a[2]; loc = a[3]; detail_l = a[5]; str = ""; detail_iter = list.iterator(detail_l); while(hasNext(detail_iter)) { detail_a = next(detail_iter); name = detail_a[0]; value = detail_a[1]; if(name == "block_type") { block_type = value; } else { str = concat(str, name, "=", value,","); } } if(event == "block_place") { block.set(loc, "minecraft:air", true); counter++; } elseif(event == "block_break") { block.set(loc, concat(block_type, "[", str, "]"), true); counter++; } } return counter; } function hawkeye.undo(list) { for(i = list.getSize(list) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { a = list.getIndex(list, i); event = a[2]; loc = a[3]; detail_l = a[5]; str = ""; detail_iter = list.iterator(detail_l); while(hasNext(detail_iter)) { detail_a = next(detail_iter); name = detail_a[0]; value = detail_a[1]; if(name == "block_type") { block_type = value; } else { str = concat(str, name, "=", value,","); } } if(event == "block_place") { block.set(loc, concat(block_type, "[", str, "]"), true); } elseif(event == "block_break") { block.set(loc, "minecraft:air", true); } } } //-------------------------------------------------- // //-------------------------------------------------- function yeet (player, strength){ array = entity.getLook(player); x = array[0] * (math.log(strength)+1); y = math.abs(array[1]) * (math.log(strength)+1); z = array[2] * (math.log(strength)+1); entity.throw(player, x, y, z); }