* writable
** can be null
receiver sender (player / console)
"dev" (perm "script.debug" needed)
entity_change_block an entity changes a block
Variables entity
change_data as blockdata for the new state
entity_damage an entity gets damage
Variables entity
cause as string
entity_heal an entity gets healed
Variables entity
cause as string
living_death a living_entity dies
Variables living_entity
*drops as list of itemstacks
block_drop a destroyed block drops something
Variables player
*drops as list with ItemEntities
entity_click an entity gets right_clicked
Variables player
living_spawn a living entity spawns
Variables living_entity
cause as string
entity_spawn an entity spawns
Variables entity
entity_remove an entity is removed from a world
Variables entity
living_tame a living entity gets tamed
Variables living_entity
entity_mount an entity mounts another entity
Variables entity
mount as entity
player_login a player tries to connect to the server
Variables player
player_join a player joins the server
Variables player
*message as text
Info message = null means no message
player_quit a player leaves the server
Variables player
*message as text
Info message = null means no message
player_pre_respawn a player will respawn
Variables player
Info devs can set the spawn-location on this event
player_post_respawn a player has respawned
Variables player
Info devs can refill the inventory on this event
player_toggle_sneak a player toggles sneak
Variables player
sneak as boolean
player_drop a player drops an item
Variables player
living_pickup a living entity picks up an item
Variables living_entity
player_move a player moves in a before defined area
Variables player
block_break a block is broken
Variables player
block_place a block is placed
Variables player
block_click a block gets clicked
Variables player
action as string
bucket_use a bucket is filled / vacated
Variables player
bucket as material
inv_click a slot in an container gets clicked
Variables player
inv_title as text
inv_slot as double
click as string
action as string
snuvi_click a slot in an custom inventory gets clicked
Variables player
inv_title as text
inv_slot as double
click as string
action as string
Info Custom inventories are not script-across.
inv_close an inventory gets closed
Variables player
inv_title as text
item_consume an item gets consumed by a player
Variables player
pre_craft a player crafts an item
Variables players as list with players
Info item can be set to null
craft a player takes the result item out of craft inventory
Variables player
player_change_world a player changes the world
Variables player
from world as string
player_teleport a player teleports
Variables player
from as location
to as location
cause as string
fishing a player fishes something
Variables player
hook as entity
command a player uses a non custom-command
Variables player
command as string
custom_command something uses a custom-command
Variables sender
command as string
args as list
string_args as list with strings only
Info sender can be a player, console...
chat a player writes into chat
Variables player
*message as text
Info This event is fired asynchronous
projectile_hit a thrown projectile hits a block or an entity
Variables **shooter
arm_swing a player makes an arm_swing (might be a leftclick into air)
Variables player
human_damage a human gets damage
Variables human
*cancel | true
explosion explosions are cancelled on default
Variables entity
*fire as boolean
*cancel | true
missing_command a sender uses a non-existing command
Variables sender
missing_perm a sender has no permissions for a used command
Variables sender
player_data_tick thrown if a timer from data.setTimer reached 0
Variables player
player_elytra_start thrown if a player starts using an elytra
Variables player
player_elytra_stop thrown if a player stops using an elytra
Variables player
player_item_held a player changes their hotbar slot
Variables player
from as double
to as double
player_swap_hand_items a player swaps their items in their hands
Variables player
world_load a world gets loaded
Variables world
vote a vote gets received
Variables from as string
name as string
ip as string
timestamp as double
event.addMoveData creates an area for player_move events and returns the id
Format event.addMoveData(location1, location2, cooldown, livingtime, [uuid / string_uuid / player])
Arguments cooldown: -1 terminated after a single trigger
cooldown: > 0 clock rate in ticks, no termination
livingtime: -1 area lives forever
livingtime: > 0 stays amount of ticks alive
uuid / string_uuid / player: event only triggers for this player
Info on script termination this area will be removed
removes an area for player_move events by id
Format event.removeMoveData(id)
ban.add bans a player from the server
Format ban.add(player_name, reason, banner, [end_date])
Arguments reason as string
banner as string (the person who bans, write what you want)
end_date as calendar object
ban.remove unbans a player from the server
Format ban.remove(player_name)
ban.kick kicks a player from the server
Format ban.kick(player, reason)
Arguments reason as text
block.setData set a block
Format block.setData(block, blockdata, [boolean | false])
Arguments boolean true places with block update
block.setMaterial set a block
Format block.setMaterial(block, material, [boolean | false])
Arguments boolean true places with block update
block.clone clone a block to a location
Format block.clone(block, location, [boolean | false])
Arguments boolean true places with block update
block.setSign set text on a sign
Format block.setSign(block, row, text)
Arguments row from 0 to 3
block.getSign returns the text of a sign from a specific row
Format block.getSign(block, row)
Arguments row from 0 to 3
block.get returns a block
Format block.get(location)
block.getData returns the blockdata of a block
Format block.getData(block)
block.getInventory returns the inventory of a block or null if it is not a container
Format block.getInventory(block)
block.getType returns the material of a block
Format block.getType(block)
block.getLocation returns the location of a block
Format block.getLocation(block)
block.setOpen set the open property for a block
Format block.setOpen(block, boolean)
block.isOpen returns true if the block is open
Format block.isOpen(block)
block.getTag returns a tag
Format block.getTag(String tag_name)
block.hasTag returns true if a block has a tag
Format block.hasTag(block, tag)
block.break breaks a block and drops the item
Format block.break(block, [entity])
block.getEntity return the tile entity of a block
Format block.getEntity(block)
block.setEntity set the tile entity for a block
Format block.setEntity(block, entity)
databank.prepare returns the prepared statement
Format databank.prepare(sql-query, [boolean autoclose | true])
databank.setInt sets an int in a statement
Format databank.setInt(statement, index, int)
databank.setDouble sets a double in a statement
Format databank.setDouble(statement, index, double)
databank.setLong sets a long in a statement
Format databank.setLong(statement, index, long)
databank.setString sets a string in a statement
Format databank.setString(statement, index, string)
databank.setBool sets a boolean in a statement
Format databank.setBool(statement, index, boolean)
databank.getInt returns an int from a result set
Format databank.getInt(result-set, index)
databank.getDouble returns a double from a result set
Format databank.getDouble(result-set, index)
databank.getLong returns a long from a result set
Format databank.getLong(result-set, index)
databank.getString returns a string from a result set
Format databank.getString(result-set, index)
databank.getBool returns a boolean from a result set
Format databank.getBool(result-set, index)
databank.execute returns a result-set after executing a reading statement
Format databank.execute(statement)
databank.workerExecute executes a writing statement
Format databank.workerExecute(statement) returns true and jumps to the next entry if the result-set has a next entry
databank.close manual closing of a result-set
Format databank.close(result-set)
config.saveAsync saves a config asynchronous
Format config.saveAsync(config)
gamerule.getKey returns a gamerule_key
Format gamerule.getKey(gamerule_string)
gamerule.getValue return a gamerule_value from a world
Format gamerule.getValue(world, gamerule_key)
gamerule.setBool sets a gamerule_value
Format gamerule.setBool(gamerule_value, boolean)
gamerule.setInt sets a gamerule_key
Format gamerule.setInt(gamerule_key, value)
msg sends a message
Format msg(receiver, text)
isPlayer returns true if the argument is a player
Format isPlayer(anything)
isLiving returns true if the argument is a living entity
Format isLiving(anything)
setMOTD sets the message of the day in the server list
Format setMOTD(string)
Xitem.drop drops an itemstack at a location
Format item.drop(location, itemstack)
Xitem.get returns an item as object
Format item.get(itemstack)
Xitem.getType returns the type of an itemstack
Format item.getType(itemstack)
Examples "minecraft:wool" / "km:artefact"
Xitem.getAmount returns the amount of items in an itemstack
Format item.getAmount(itemstack)
Xitem.setAmount sets the amount of items for an itemstack
Format item.setAmount(itemstack, value)
Xitem.getName returns the name of an itemstack
Format item.getName(itemstack)
Xitem.setName sets the name of an itemstack
Format item.setName(itemstack, name)
Xitem.getLore returns a list with all lores of an itemstack
Format item.getLore(ItemStack)
Xitem.setLore sets the lore for an itemstack with the elements in the list
Format item.setLore(itemstack, List)
Xitem.addLore sets the lore for an itemstack for a specific row
Format item.addLore(itemstack, lore, row)
Xitem.addAttribute adds an attribute to an itemstack
Format item.addAttribute(itemstack, attribute, slot, double, operation)
Info attributes: generic.max_health, generic.follow_range, generic.knockback_resistance, generic.movement_speed, generic.flying_speed, generic.attack_damage, generic.attack_damage, generic.attack_knockback, generic.attack_speed, generic.armor, generic.armor_toughness, generic.luck, zombie.spawn_reinforcements, horse.jump_strength
slots: mainhand, offhand, head, chest, legs, feet
Xitem.clearAttributes removes all custom attributes from an itemstack
Format item.clearAttributes(itemstack)
Xitem.hasAttributes returns true if an itemstack has custom attributes
Format item.hasAttributes(itemstack)
Xitem.addDefaultTags adds the default attributes to an itemstack
Format item.addDefaultTags(itemstack)
Xitem.hide hides something on an itemstack and returns true on success
Format item.hide(itemstack, name)
Info name: "enchantments" / "attributes" / "unbreakable" / "destroys" / "placed_on" / "potion_effects"
Xitem.addPotion unknown
Format item.addPotion(itemstack, potion_name, duration, power)
Xitem.setCoolDown sets the cooldown for an item-type
Format item.setCoolDown(player, itemstack, ticks)
Xitem.clone returns a copy of an itemstack
Format item.clone(itemstack)
Xitem.getTag returns a tag
Format item.getTag(String tag_name)
Xitem.hasTag returns true if an itemstack has a tag
Format item.hasTag(tag, itemstack)
Xitem.hasName returns true if the itemstack has a modified name
Format item.hasName(itemstack)
Xitem.getFullText returns the full text object
Format item.getFullText(itemstack)
Xitem.isDamageable returns true if the itemstack is damageable
Format item.isDamageable(itemstack)
Xitem.getMaxDamage returns the maximum damage the itemstack can get
Format item.getMaxDamage(itemstack)
Xitem.setDamage sets the damage of the itemstack
Format item.setDamage(itemstack, amount)
Xitem.getDamage returns the damage of an itemstack
Format item.getDamage(itemstack)
Xitem.getMaxAmount returns the maximum amount of stackable items
Format item.getMaxAmount(itemstack)
Xitem.entity.get returns an itemstack from an item-entity
Format item.entity.get(item-entity)
Xitem.entity.set sets an itemstack to an item-entity
Format item.entity.set(item-entity, itemstack) creates an item-entity from an itemstack and returns the item-entity
Format, itemstack)
Xitem.entity.spawn spawns an item-entity
Format item.entity.spawn(entity)
Xitem.entity.setLifespan sets the lifespan of an item-entity
Format item.entity.setLifespan(item-entity, ticks)
Xenchantment.get returns an enchantment
Format enchantment.get(enchantment_string)
Arguments Minecraft Wiki Verzauberungen (ID-Name verwenden)
Xenchantment.add adds an enchantment to an itemstack
Format enchantment.add(enchantment, itemstack, level)
Xenchantment.getLevel returns the level of an enchantment an itemstack has
Format enchantment.getLevel(enchantment, itemstack)
Xenchantment.readFromItem returns a map with all enchantments from an item with the level as value
Format enchantment.readFromItem(itemstack)
Xenchantment.writeToItem transfers all enchantments from the map on the itemstack
Format enchantment.writeToItem(map, itemstack)
debug.clear clears all cached debug-messages
Format debug.clear()
debug.getSize returns the amount of all cached debug-messages
Format debug.getSize()
debug.getIndex returns the debug-message from an index
Format debug.getIndex(index)
debug.setConsolePrint true prints snuvi debug-messages on console (not stack traces)
Format debug.setConsolePrint(boolean)
error.clear clears all cached errors
Format error.clear()
error.getSize returns the amount of all cached errors
Format error.getSize()
error.getIndex returns the error from an index
Format error.getIndex(index)
error.setConsolePrint true prints snuvi errors on console (not stack traces)
Format error.setConsolePrint(boolean) creates a location
Format, x, y, z), x, y, z, yaw, pitch)
loc.getX returns the x coordinate
Format loc.getX(location)
loc.setX sets the x coordinate
Format loc.setX(location, value)
loc.addX adds the value to the x coordinate
Format loc.addX(location, value)
loc.getBlockX returns the x block coordinate
Format loc.getBlockX(location)
loc.getY returns the y coordinate
Format loc.getY(location)
loc.setY sets the y coordinate
Format loc.setY(location, value)
loc.addY adds the value to the y coordinate
Format loc.addY(location, value)
loc.getBlockY returns the y block coordinate
Format loc.getBlockY(location)
loc.getZ returns the z coordinate
Format loc.getZ(location)
loc.setZ sets the z coordinate
Format loc.setZ(location, value)
loc.addZ adds the value to the z coordinate
Format loc.addZ(location, value)
loc.getBlockZ returns the z block coordinate
Format loc.getBlockZ(location)
loc.setYaw sets the yaw of a location
Format loc.setYaw(location, Yaw)
loc.getYaw returns the yaw of a location
Format loc.getYaw(location)
loc.setPitch sets the pitch of a location
Format loc.setPitch(location, Pitch)
loc.getPitch returns the pitch of a location
Format loc.getPitch(location)
loc.getWorld returns the world of a location as object
Format loc.getWorld(location)
loc.distance returns the difference between two locations
Format loc.distance(location1, location2)
Info there is an error if the two locations have not the same world
loc.isBetween returns true if the location is between two other locations
Format loc.isBetween(location, location1, location2)
loc.mod returns a modified copy of the location
Format loc.mod(location, x, y, z)
loc.add modifies the original location
Format loc.add(location, x, y, z)
loc.set modifies the original location
Format loc.set(location, x, y, z)
loc.sort sort in lowest and highest coordinates
Format loc.sort(location1, location2)
loc.iterator returns the iterator for the area
Format loc.iterator(world, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
loc.explode makes an explosion at a location
Format loc.explode(location, entity, radius, fire_bool, block_damage_bool)
Info entity can be null
Xread.spawnMob spawns a mob and returns the entity
Format read.spawnMob(location, nbt-tag)
Xread.player returns the object player
Format read.player(playername)
Xread.item returns an itemstack
Format read.item(nbt-tag)
read.item(item_type, item_amount)
read.item(item_type, item_amount)
read.item(item_type, item_amount, name)
read.item(item_type, item_amount, name, lore1, lore2, ...)
Info returns null if the item does not exist
Xread.uuid returns a uuid
Format read.uuid("uuid")
Xread.slot returns a slot
Format read.slot(slot)
Info slot: "head" / "chest" / "legs" / "feet" / "hand" / "offhand"
string.item returns an nbt-tag from an itemstack as string
Format string.item(itemstack)
string.entity returns a serialized entity
Format string.entity(entity)
string.text returns a text converted to a string
Format string.text(text)
string.blockData returns blockdata converted to a string
Format string.blockData(blockdata)
string.blockEntity returns a blockentity converted to a string
Format string.blockEntity(blockentity) returns a text
Format returns a clickable text
Format, execute_string)
text.hover returns a hoverable text
Format text.hover(show_text, hover_text) returns a clickable text for links
Format, link_string)
text.clipBoard returns a clickable text to copy a string into the clipboard
Format text.clipBoard(text, string)
text.merge returns merged texts
Format text.merge(text, ...)
plot.add returns the created plot
Format plot.add(location1, location2, [plot_id])
plot.remove removes a plot from a world
Format plot.remove(plot, world)
plot.getId returns the plot_id
Format plot.getId(plot)
plot.setName sets the name of a plot
Format plot.setName(plot, name)
plot.getName returns the name of a plot
Format plot.getName(plot)
plot.get returns a list with all plots at a location
Format plot.get(location)
plot.getMinX returns the lowest x coordinate of a plot
Format plot.getMinX(plot)
plot.getMinY returns the lowest y coordinate of a plot
Format plot.getMinY(plot)
plot.getMinZ returns the lowest z coordinate of a plot
Format plot.getMinZ(plot)
plot.getMaxX returns the lowest x coordinate of a plot
Format plot.getMaxX(plot)
plot.getMaxY returns the lowest y coordinate of a plot
Format plot.getMaxY(plot)
plot.getMaxZ returns the lowest z coordinate of a plot
Format plot.getMaxZ(plot)
plot.intersecting returns a list with all intersecting plots
Format plot.intersecting(world, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
plot.setFlags sets all flags to the boolean
Format plot.setFlags(plot, flags, boolean)
plot.getFlags returns all flags as double
Format plot.getFlags(plot)
plot.hasFlags returns true if all flags existing
Format plot.hasFlags(plot, flags)
plot.getOwners returns a list with all owners as uuid
Format plot.getOwners(plot)
Info list can be modified
plot.check returns true if the player is owner of any plot from that location OR if any plot contains all given flags. returns empty if there is no plot
Format plot.check(location, player, Int flags, Boolean empty)
Arguments player can be null
flags: 0 if not desired
Examples plot.check(loc, null, 1, false) ==> true if place_flag existing
plot.check(loc, null, 2, false) ==> true if break_flag existing
plot.check(loc, null, 3, false) ==> true if break_flag and place_flag existing
plot.check(loc, player, 0, false) ==> true if player is owner
plot.check(loc, player, 0, true) ==> true if player is owner or if there is no plot
plot.iterator returns the iterator for the plots in a world [for a player]
Format plot.iterator(world, [uuid]) returns a table object
Format, width, width, width, ...)
table.getStart returns the head of a table
Format table.getStart(table)
table.getMiddle returns the middle of a table
Format table.getMiddle(table)
table.getEnd returns the end of a table
Format table.getEnd(table)
table.get returns a line of a table
Format table.get(table, args...)
table.setSize defines the pixel size of a character
Format table.setSize("character", pixel_int)
table.setEmpty1 defines the 1 pixel empty character
Format table.setEmpty1(string)
table.setEmpty2 defines the 2 pixel empty character
Format table.setEmpty2(string)
table.setEmpty4 defines the 4 pixel empty character
Format table.setEmpty4(string)
command.add registers a custom command
Format command.add(string)
command.remove removes a custom command
Format command.remove(string)
command.clear removes all custom commands
Format command.clear()
command.exists returns true if a custom command exists
Format command.exists(string)
command.addIgnored ignores a (vanilla) command-help
Format command.addIgnored(string)
command.clearIgnored removes all ignored command-helps
Format command.clearIgnored()
command.newHelp returns a help-object
Format command.newHelp(string, perm)
command.newHelpLiteral returns a help-sub-object
Format command.newHelpLiteral(string, [perm])
command.newHelpBool returns a help-sub-object
Format command.newHelpBool(string, [perm])
command.newHelpDouble returns a help-sub-object
Format command.newHelpDouble(string, min, max, [perm])
command.newHelpFloat returns a help-sub-object
Format command.newHelpFloat(string, min, max, [perm])
command.newHelpInt returns a help-sub-object
Format command.newHelpInt(string, min, max, [perm])
command.newHelpLong returns a help-sub-object
Format command.newHelpLong(string, min, max, [perm])
command.newHelpString returns a help-sub-object
Format command.newHelpString(string, boolean, [perm])
Arguments boolean true means greedy
command.newHelpSpecial returns a help-sub-object
Format command.newHelpSpecial(type, string, [perm])
Arguments type = "Item", "Block", "Potion", "Enchantment", "Player"
command.addHelp registers a command-help
Format command.addHelp(help-object)
command.addHelpChild help-sub-object2 is added tp help-(sub-)object1 as a new argument
Format command.addHelpChild(help-(sub-)object1, help-sub-object2)
command.addHelpAlias help-object1 refers to help-object2
Format command.addHelpAlias(help-object1, help-object2)
command.sendHelp sends all registered command-helps to all players
Format command.sendHelp([player])
command.clearHelp removes all registered command-helps
Format command.clearHelp()
sb.add adds text to the scoreboard
Format sb.add(player, unique_index, string)
Arguments index from 1 to 99
Info vanilla: maximum 12 rows
sb.remove removes a row from the scoreboard
Format sb.remove(player, unique_index)
Arguments index as number from 1 to 99
sb.addRaw adds text to the scoreboard
Format sb.addRaw(player, index, unique_string)
Arguments index from 1 to 99
Info vanilla: maximum 12 rows
sb.removeRaw removes a row from the scoreboard
Format sb.removeRaw(player, unique_string)
sb.setTitle sets a scoreboard title
Format sb.setTitle(player, text)
sb.clear clears the scoreboard of a player
Format sb.clear(player)
script.start connects all scripts, starts them as one script and returns the script
Format script.start(scriptpath1, scriptpath2, ...)
script.startNamed connects all scripts, starts them as one script and returns the script
Format script.startNamed(custom_name, scriptpath1, scriptpath2, ...)
Info named scripts can be selected with script.get by their custom_name
script.callEvent calls an event
Format script.callEvent(event, [script])
title.send shows a player a title (and subtitle if set)
Format title.send(player, title, [subtitle], [fadeIn | 20], [stay | 60], [fadeOut | 20])
title.remove removes the shown title
Format title.remove(player)
perm.clear removes all permissions from a player
Format perm.clear(player)
perm.add adds a permission to a player
Format perm.add(perm, player)
perm.has returns true if a player has the permission
Format perm.has(perm, player)
perm.update updates the permissions of a player
Format perm.update(player)
Info call this after adding all player permissions
players.toWorldList returns a list with all players in a world
Format players.toWorldList(World)
players.near returns a list with all players within a radius of a location
Format players.near(location, radius)
players.getAmount returns the number of online players
Format players.getAmount()
player.damageArmor damages the armor of a player, portioned on all armor parts
Format player.damageArmor(player, damage, damage_source)
Arguments damage is cast to float
player.getHead returns the head of a player as an itemstack
Format player.getHead(uuid, name)
Arguments uuid and(!) name of the same(!) player
player.getNearest returns the next player to a location
Format player.getNearest(location)
Info searches in a radius of 10 blocks
player.setDisplayName sets the name of a player in the tab list
Format player.setDisplayName(player, text)
player.action shows a message in the action bar
Format player.action(receiver, text)
player.getTargetBlock returns the block a player is looking at
Format player.getTargetBlock(player, radius, [fluidmode|false])
Arguments Vanilla default radius: 5
radius will be cast to int
fluidmode: true does not ignore water
player.getName returns the name of a player
Format player.getName(uuid / string_uuid / player)
Info uuid and string_uuid can return null
player.getUuid returns the uuid of a player
Format player.getUuid(player / player_name)
Info player_name can return null
player.getUuidFromId returns the uuid of a player from their id
Format player.getUuidFromId(player_id)
player.getNameFromId returns the name of a player from their id
Format player.getNameFromId(player_id)
player.getId returns the id of a player
Format player.getId(player / uuid / string_uuid)
player.get returns a player
Format player.get(player / uuid / string_uuid)
player.respawn forces the respawn of a dead player
Format player.respawn(player)
player.setCompass sets the target of a compass
Format player.setCompass(player, location)
player.setHunger sets the hunger of a player
Format player.setHunger(player, number)
Info Vanilla default: 0-20
player.getHunger returns the hunger of a player
Format player.getHunger(player)
player.setSaturation sets the saturation of a player
Format player.setSaturation(player, number)
Info Vanilla default: 5, maximum: 20
player.getSaturation returns the saturation of a player
Format player.getSaturation(player)
player.setGamemode set the gamemode for a player
Format player.setGamemode(player, gamemode)
Arguments gamemode as "SURVIVAL" / "CREATIVE" / "ADVENTURE" / "SPECTATOR"
player.isSurvival returns true if a player is in gamemode survival
Format player.isSurvival(player)
player.isCreative returns true if a player is in gamemode creative
Format player.isCreative(player)
player.isAdventure returns true if a player is in gamemode adventure
Format player.isAdventure(player)
player.isSpectator returns true if a player is in gamemode spectator
Format player.isSpectator(player)
player.hasFly returns true if a player is allowed to fly
Format player.hasFly(player)
player.isFlying returns true if a player is flying
Format player.isFlying(player)
player.setFly set if a player is allowed to fly
Format player.setFly(player, boolean)
player.dropInventory drops the inventory of a player at a location
Format player.dropInventory(player, location)
player.getItemAmount returns the amount of an exact itemstack from a players inventory
Format player.getItemAmount(player, itemstack)
player.damageItem damages the item in the hand of a player
Format player.damageItem(player, damage_amount)
Info unbreaking (and more) is considered
player.setSpawn sets the spawn location of a player
Format player.setSpawn(player, location)
player.getSpawn returns the spawn location of a player
Format player.getSpawn(player)
Format spawn is linked to the bed spawn, if no bed spawn exists the return value may be null
player.giveItem gives an itemstack to a player and returns the item amount which didn't fit in a players inventory
Format player.giveItem(player, itemstack)
player.addItem returns 0 if the itemstack is added, otherwise the itemstack won't be added and the not fitting item amount is returned
Format player.addItem(player, itemstack)
player.removeItem returns 0 if the itemstack is removed, otherwise the itemstack won't be removed and the missing item amount is returned
Format player.removeItem(player, itemstack)
player.getIP returns the ip-address of a player as string
Format player.getIp(player)
player.getInv returns the (non-copy) inventory of a player
Format player.getInv(player)
player.getEnderInv returns the (non-copy) ender inventory of a player
Format player.getEnderInv(player)
player.getTargetEntity returns the targeted entity
Format player.getTargetEntity(player, radius)
Arguments radius will be cast to int
player.getLevel returns the level of a player
Format player.getLevel(player)
player.setLevel sets the level of a player
Format player.setLevel(player, level)
Arguments level is cast to int
player.getExp returns the experience of a player
Format player.getExp(player)
player.setExp sets the experience of a player
Format player.setExp(player, exp)
Arguments exp is cast to float
player.addTotalExp modifies the experience of a player
Format player.addTotalExp(player, exp)
Arguments exp is cast to int
player.hide hides a player
Format player.hide(player) shows a player
player.setFlySpeed sets the fly speed of a player
Format player.setFlySpeed(player, speed)
Arguments speed is cast to float
player.setWalkSpeed sets the walk speed of a player
Format player.setWalkSpeed(player, speed)
Arguments speed is cast to float
player.isSneaking returns true if a player is sneaking
Format player.isSneaking(player)
player.isBlocking returns true if a player is blocking with their shield
Format player.isBlocking(player)
player.setSlot sets the active slot of a player
Format player.setSlot(player, slot)
Arguments slot from 0 to 8 returns a new custom inventory
Format, title)
Arguments slotdata as string:
0 = no slot, throws no event
1 = normal slot, throws inv_click event
2 = button slot, throws snuvi_click event
inv.getSize returns the size of an inventory
Format inv.getSize(inventory)
inv.setItem sets an itemstack on a specific slot in an inventory
Format inv.setItem(inventory, slotindex, itemstack)
inv.getItem returns an itemstack from a specific slot of an inventory
Format inv.getItem(inventory, slotindex) shows an inventory to a player
Format, player)
inv.close closes an inventory of a player
Format inv.close(player)
inv.clear clears an inventory
Format inv.clear(inv)
inv.getID returns the id of an inventory or -1 if no custom inventory
Format inv.getID(inventory)
world.get returns a world
Format world.get(name)
world.getName returns the name of a world
Format world.getName(world)
world.getPlayers returns a list with all players in a world
Format world.getPlayers(world)
world.setDifficulty sets the difficulty of a world
Format world.setDifficulty(world, difficulty)
world.setSpawn sets the world spawn
Format world.setSpawn(world, location)
world.getSpawn returns the world spawn as location
Format world.getSpawn(world)
world.getAll returns a list with all loaded worlds
Format world.getAll()
world.setTime sets the time for a world
Format world.setTime(world, time)
Arguments time from 0 to 24000
world.getTime returns the time of a world
Format world.getTime(world)
world.hasRain returns true if it is raining in the world
Format world.hasStorm(world)
world.hasThunder returns true if there is thunder in the world
Format world.hasThunder(world)
world.clearWeather clears the weather of a world
Format world.clearWeather(world, ticks)
Info ticks when the next rain is allowed to start
world.setRain sets the weather of a world to rain
Format world.setRain(world, ticks)
Info ticks how long the rain stays
world.setThunder sets the weather of a world to thunder
Format world.setThunder(world, ticks)
Info ticks how long the thunder stays
world.getEntities returns a list with all entities in a world
Format world.getEntities(world)
world.load returns the loaded world
Format world.load(name)
world.unload returns true if unloading a world is successful
Format world.unload(world)
Xentity.getType returns the type of an entity
Format entity.getType(entity)
Xentity.setName sets the name of an entity, true for an always visible name
Format entity.setName(entity, name, nameVisibility|false)
Xentity.getName returns the name of an entity
Format entity.getName(entity)
Xentity.getLocation returns the location of an entity
Format entity.getLocation(entity / player)
Xentity.teleport teleports an entity
Format entity.teleport(entity / player, location)
Xentity.setInvulnerable sets an entity (in)vulverable
Format entity.setInvulnerable(entity / player, boolean)
Xentity.throw throws an entity in relative direction to the entity
Format entity.throw(entity / player, x, y, z)
Info x/y/z is claimed in the interval from -3.9 to 3.9 by minecraft
Xentity.setInvisible sets an entity (in)visible
Format entity.setInvisible(entity / player, boolean)
Xentity.clearEffects remove all effects from an entity
Format entity.clearEffects(entity)
Xentity.remove removes an entity
Format entity.remove(entity)
Xentity.removeAll remove specific entities from an area
Format entity.removeAll(entity_class, location, radius)
Info not all entity_classes are allowed (filtered and blocked)
Examples entity.removeAll("net.minecraft.entity.passive.CowEntity", location, radius)
Xentity.setSilent true sets an entity silent
Format entity.setSilent(entity, boolean)
Xentity.mount let an entity ride another entity (for any living entities)
Format entity.mount(entity, horse_entity)
Xentity.unmount unmounts the rider
Format entity.unmount(entity)
Xentity.isWet returns true if an entity is wet
Format entity.isWet(entity)
Xentity.isBurning returns true if an entity burns
Format entity.isBurning(entity)
Xentity.setBurning sets an entity on fire
Format entity.setBurning(entity, seconds)
Info 0 seconds extinguish the entity
Xentity.setNoPickup this arrow-entity cannot be picked up
Format entity.setNoPickup(arrow-entity)
Xentity.get returns the next entity to a location
Format entity.get(location, radius, entity_class)
Examples entity.get(location, radius, "net.minecraft.entity.passive.CowEntity")
Xentity.getItemFromFrame returns the itemstack of an itemframe
Format entity.getItemFromFrame(itemframe-entity)
Xentity.spawnItemFrame sets an itemframe with an itemstack
Format entity.spawnItemFrame(location, direction, itemstack)
Arguments direction "north" / "east" / "south" / "west"
Xentity.spawn spawns an entity and returns the entity
Format entity.spawn(type, location, [daten])
Xentity.getEnchantmentModifier returns the summarized enchantment modificator of the armor for the damagesource
Format entity.getEnchantmentModifier(entity, damagesource)
Xentity.setGravity toggles the gravity of an entity
Format entity.setGravity(entity, boolean)
Xentity.setPickupDelay unknown
Format entity.setPickupDelay(item-entity, ticks)
Xentity.setGrowingAge sets the growing age of an entity
Format entity.setGrowingAge(entity, age_int)
Xentity.getEffectAmplifier returns the amplifier (effect level), 0 if not existing
Format entity.hasEffect(entity / player, effect)
Arguments String effect
Xentity.addEffect adds an effect to an entity
Format entity.addEffect(entity / player, effect, ticks, amplifier, [particle|true])
Arguments String effect / number ticks (infinite: 32760) / number amplifier (1 means potion-level 1)
Xentity.getPotionType returns the type of a potion
Format entity.getPotionType(potion-entity)
Xentity.near returns a list with all entities within a location / a radius of an entity
Format entity.near(location / entity, radius)
Xentity.getLook returns an array with vectors
Format entity.getLook(entity / player)
Examples array[0] = x
array[1] = y
array[2] = z
Xentity.getMotion returns an array with vectors
Format entity.getMotion(entity)
Xentity.addTag adds a tag to an entity
Format entity.addTag(entity, tag as string)
Xentity.removeTag removes a tag from an entity
Format entity.removeTag(entity, tag as string)
Xentity.clearTag removes all tags from an entity
Format entity.clearTag(entity)
Xentity.hasTag returns true if an entity has a tag
Format entity.hasTag(entity, tag as string)
Info default entity-tags: no_tick, mod_spawned
entity.frame.hide hides an item frame
Format entity.frame.hide(entity_frame) shows an item frame
entity.frame.setFixed sets the fix tag for an item frame
Format entity.frame.setFixed(entity_frame, boolean)
Xcreeper.explode let a creeper explode
Format creeper.explode(entity)
Xsheep.isSheared returns true if a sheep is sheared
Format sheep.isSheared(entity)
Xsheep.getColor(entity) returns the color of a sheep
Format sheep.getColor(entity)
Xpet.isTamed returns true if a pet is tamed
Format pet.isTamed(tamable_entity)
Xpet.setTamed set tame state for a tamable entity
Format pet.setTamed(tamable_entity, boolean, [owner])
Example pet.setTamed(horse, true)
pet.setTamed(horse, false)
pet.setTamed(horse, true, owner)
pet.setTamed(horse, false, owner)
Xpet.getOwner returns the owner's uuid from an pet
Format pet.getOwner(tamable_entity)
Xliving.setHealth sets the health points for a living entity
Format living.setHealth(living_entity, amount)
Xliving.getHealth returns the health points from a living entity
Format living.getHealth(living_entity)
Xliving.damage damages a living entity
Format living.damage(living_entity, damage_amount, [damagesource])
Info triggers events on the next server tick
Xliving.heal heals a living entity
Format living.heal(living_entity, heal_amount)
Info triggers events on the next server tick
Xliving.setEquip set the equipment of a living entity
Format living.setEquip(living_entity, bodypart, itemstack)
Info bodypart: "head" / "chest" / "legs" / "feet" / "hand" / "offhand"
Xliving.getEquip returns the equipment of a living_entity
Format living.getEquip(living_entity, bodypart)
Arguments bodypart: "head" / "chest" / "legs" / "feet" / "hand" / "offhand"
Xliving.near returns a list with all living entities within a location / a radius of an entity
Format living.near(location / entity, radius)
Xliving.removeAi removes the AI of an entity
Format living.removeAi(living_entity)
X commands for living properties
Format living.get...(living_entity)
living.set..(living_entity, value)
living.setPersistent...(living_entity, value)
Properties ...maxHealth
Xliving.shootProjectile returns the shooten entity. A projectile is shooten into viewing direction of the player
Format living.shootProjectile(living_entity, String entity_class, Number power, [data])
Arguments data: always null, except for arrows and potions use itemstacks

Xliving.isBlocking returns true if an entity is blocking (e.g. activated shield)
Format living.isBlocking(entity)
particle.get returns a particle
Format particle.get(name)
particle.getAll returns an array of all particles
Format particle.getAll()
particle.spawn spawns a particle
Format particle.spawn(location, particle, [count | 1], [speed | 0.0], [offX | 0.0], [offY | 0.0], [offZ | 0.0])
particle.spawnPlayer spawns a particle
Format particle.spawnPlayer(location, particle, player, [count | 1], [speed | 0.0], [offX | 0.0], [offY | 0.0], [offZ | 0.0])
sound.get returns a sound
Format sound.get(name)
sound.getCategory returns a sound category
Format sound.getCategory(name)
sound.spawn plays a sound
Format sound.spawn(location, sound, sound_category, [volume | 1.0], [pitch | random from 0.9 to 1.0])
sound.spawnForPlayer plays a sound for a player
Format sound.spawnForPlayer(player, sound, sound_category, [volume | 1.0], [pitch | random from 0.9 to 1.0])
human.spawn returns the spawned human
Format human.spawn(location, name)
human.setSkin sets the skin of a human
Format human.setSkin(human, texture_value, texture_signature)
human.setName sets the name of a human
Format human.setName(human, name)
damage.get returns a damage_source
Format damage.get(damage_name)
Arguments damage_name: inFire, lightningBolt, onFire, lava, hotFloor, inWall, cramming, drown, starve, cactus, fall, flyIntoWall, outOfWorld, generic, magic, wither, anvil, fallingBlock, dragonBreath, dryout, sweetBerryBush, freeze, fallingStalactite, stalagmite
damage.getType returns the type of a damage_source as string
Format damage.getType(damage_source)
damage.getImmediateSource returns the direct damager entity of a damage_source
Format damage.getImmediateSource(damage_source)
damage.getTrueSource returns the indirect damager entity of a damage_source
Format damage.getTrueSource(damage_source)
damage.isCreativePlayer returns true if the damage_source can damage an creative player
Format damage.isCreativePlayer(damage_source)
damage.isAbsolute returns true if the damage ignores modifications by potion effects or enchantments
Format damage.isAbsolute(damage_source)
damage.isDifficultyscaled returns true if the damage_source will have its damageamount scaled based on the current difficulty
Format damage.isDifficultyscaled(damage_source)
damage.isExplosion returns true if the damage is explosion based
Format damage.isExplosion(damage_source)
damage.isFire returns true if the damage is fire based
Format damage.isFire(damage_source)
damage.isMagic returns true if the damage is magic based
Format damage.isMagic(damage_source)
damage.isProjectile returns true if the damage is projectile based
Format damage.isProjectile(damage_source)
damage.isUnblockable returns true if the damage cannot be blocked by armor
Format damage.isUnblockable(damage_source)
damage.isFall returns true if the damage is fall based
Format damage.isFall(damage_source)
damage.isDamagingHelmet returns true if the damage is damaging helmet based
Format damage.isDamagingHelmet(damage_source)
damage.isSweep returns true if the damage is sweep based
Format damage.isSweep(damage_source)
damage.sting returns a sting damage_source
Format damage.sting(living_entity)
damage.mobAttack returns a mob attack damage_source
Format damage.mobAttack(living_entity)
damage.indirect returns a indirect damage_source
Format damage.indirect(entity, living_entity)
damage.playerAttack returns a player attack damage_source
Format damage.playerAttack(player)
damage.arrow returns a arrow damage_source
Format damage.arrow(arrow, entity)
damage.trident returns a trident damage_source
Format damage.trident(entity1, entity2)
damage.firework returns a firework damage_source
Format damage.firework(firework, entity)
damage.fireball returns a fireball damage_source
Format damage.fireball(large_fireball, entity)
damage.witherSkull returns a wither skull damage_source
Format damage.witherSkull(wither_skull, entity)
damage.projectile returns a projectile damage_source
Format damage.projectile(entity1, entity2)
damage.indirectMagic returns a indirect magic damage_source
Format damage.indirectMagic(entity1, entity2)
damage.thorns returns a thorns damage_source
Format damage.thorns(entity)
damage.explosion returns a explosion damage_source
Format damage.explosion(living_entity)
damage.explosionBed returns a explosion bed damage_source
Format damage.explosionBed()
data.set sets data for a player (script-across)
Format data.set(player, key, value)
data.get returns data from a player (script-across)
Format data.get(player, key)
data.setTimer sets timed data for a player (script-across)
Format data.setTimer(player, key, ticks)
Arguments set ticks to -1 to delete the timer
when the timer expires the event player_data_tick is thrown
data.getTimer returns the remaining ticks of timed data (script-across)
Format data.getTimer(player, key)
data.clear deletes all data from a player (script-across)
Format data.clear(player) returns a new shop
Xshop.addOffer adds an offer to a shop
Format shop.addOffer(shop, buy_item, sell_item, max_uses)
Xshop.addDoubleOffer adds a double offer to a shop
Format shop.addDoubleOffer(shop, buy_item_1, buy_item_2, sell_item, max_uses) shows a shop to a player
Format, player, shop_name)
boss.create returns a bossbar
Format boss.create(title, color, barstyle)
Arguments title as string
color as string
barstyle as string
boss.addPlayer add a player to the bossbar
Format boss.addPlayer(bossbar, player)
boss.removePlayer remove a player from the bossbar
Format boss.removePlayer(bossbar, player)
boss.removeAll remove all players from the bossbar
Format boss.removeAll(bossbar)
boss.addFlag adds a flag to the bossbar
Format boss.addFlag(bossbar, flag)
Arguments flag as string
boss.removeFlag removes a flag from the bossbar
Format boss.removeFlag(bossbar, flag)
Arguments flag as string
boss.setTitle sets the title for the bossbar
Format boss.setTitle(string)
boss.setProgress sets the progress of the bossbar
Format boss.setProgress(double)
Arguments double from 0 to 1