package me.hammerle.snuviscript.code; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import me.hammerle.snuviscript.constants.ConstantFraction; import me.hammerle.snuviscript.constants.ConstantNull; import me.hammerle.snuviscript.constants.ConstantString; import me.hammerle.snuviscript.array.DynamicArray; import me.hammerle.snuviscript.constants.ConstantBoolean; import me.hammerle.snuviscript.variable.ArrayVariable; import me.hammerle.snuviscript.variable.LocalArrayVariable; import me.hammerle.snuviscript.variable.LocalVariable; import me.hammerle.snuviscript.variable.Variable; import me.hammerle.snuviscript.exceptions.PreScriptException; import me.hammerle.snuviscript.math.Fraction; public class Compiler { public static Instruction[] compile(Script sc, List sCode, HashMap labels, boolean locale, int lineOffset) { Compiler compiler = new Compiler(sc, sCode, labels, locale); compiler.lineOffset = lineOffset; Instruction[] instructions = compiler.compile(); sc.vars = compiler.vars; return instructions; } private final List sCode; private final HashMap vars; private final HashMap localVars; private final HashMap labels; private final LinkedList code; private int line; private int lineOffset; private int layer; private JumpData tryState; private class JumpWrapper { private final JumpData data; private final String function; public JumpWrapper(JumpData data, String function) { = data; this.function = function; } } private final Stack jumps; private final Stack loopJumps; private final LinkedList breakContinueJumps; private final Script parentScript; private final HashMap strings; private int stringCounter; private final boolean locale; private Compiler(Script sc, List sCode, HashMap labels, boolean locale) { this.parentScript = sc; this.sCode = sCode; this.vars = new HashMap<>(); this.localVars = new HashMap<>(); this.labels = labels; this.code = new LinkedList<>(); this.line = 0; this.layer = 0; this.tryState = null; this.jumps = new Stack<>(); this.loopJumps = new Stack<>(); this.breakContinueJumps = new LinkedList<>(); this.strings = new HashMap<>(); this.stringCounter = 0; this.locale = locale; } private void addCodeInstruction(String function, InputProvider[] input) { code.add(new Instruction(line + lineOffset + 1, (byte) layer, FunctionLoader.getFunction(function), input)); } private void addLabel(String name, int line) { if(labels.put(name, line) != null) { throw new PreScriptException("label duplicate", line); } } private Instruction[] compile() { int size = sCode.size(); //System.out.println("__________________________________"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String replacement; String check; int pos; int old = 0; boolean text = false; boolean comment = false; int labelIndex; for(line = 0; line < size; line++) { pos = sb.length(); sb.append(sCode.get(line)); while(pos < sb.length()) { if(comment) { if(pos + 1 < sb.length() && sb.charAt(pos) == '*' && sb.charAt(pos + 1) == '/') { comment = false; sb.delete(old, pos + 2); } pos++; continue; } else if(text) { if(sb.charAt(pos) == '"') { replacement = "#" + stringCounter++; strings.put(replacement, sb.substring(old, pos + 1)); text = false; sb.replace(old, pos + 1, replacement); pos = old - 1 + replacement.length(); } pos++; continue; } switch(sb.charAt(pos)) { case '/': if(pos + 1 < sb.length()) { switch(sb.charAt(pos + 1)) { case '/': sb.delete(pos, sb.length()); break; case '*': comment = true; old = pos; pos++; break; } } break; case '}': sb.delete(0, pos + 1); pos = -1; layer--; if(jumps.isEmpty()) { throw new PreScriptException("} without a corresponding function and / or {", line); } JumpWrapper data = jumps.pop(); switch(data.function) { case "try": { tryState =; break; } case "catch": {; break; } case "else": case "elseif": case "if": {; break; } case "for": { loopJumps.pop(); createBreakContinue(code.size()); JumpData jump =; jump.setRelativeJump(code.size()); addCodeInstruction("next", new InputProvider[] {new JumpData(-jump.getInt(null) - 1)}); break; } case "while": { loopJumps.pop(); createBreakContinue(code.size()); JumpData jump =; jump.setRelativeJump(code.size() + 1); addCodeInstruction("wend", new InputProvider[] {new JumpData(-jump.getInt(null) - 1)}); break; } } break; case '{': int currentJumps = jumps.size(); check = sb.toString(); if(check.startsWith("function ")) { if(parentScript.subScript) { throw new PreScriptException("function not allowed in another function", line); } int index = check.indexOf("("); if(index == -1) { throw new PreScriptException("missing function syntax", line); } String function = check.substring(9, index); int endIndex = check.indexOf(")", index); if(index == -1) { throw new PreScriptException("missing function syntax", line); } String[] inputs; if(index + 1 == endIndex) { inputs = new String[0]; } else { inputs = check.substring(index + 1, endIndex).split("[ ]*,[ ]*"); } ArrayList subList = new ArrayList<>(); int bCounter = 1; String subLine = check; pos++; int oldLine = line; out: while(true) { old = pos; while(pos < subLine.length()) { switch(subLine.charAt(pos)) { case '"': text = !text; break; case '{': if(!text) { bCounter++; } break; case '}': if(!text) { bCounter--; if(bCounter == 0) { subList.add(subLine.substring(old, pos).trim()); sb = new StringBuilder(); sCode.set(line, subLine.substring(pos + 1)); line--; break out; } } break; } pos++; } subList.add(subLine.substring(old, pos).trim()); line++; if(line >= sCode.size()) { throw new PreScriptException("{ without }", line); } pos = 0; subLine = sCode.get(line); } Script sub = new Script(subList, inputs, parentScript, oldLine); parentScript.subScripts.put(function, sub); } else { check = sb.substring(0, pos); compileLine(check); sb.delete(0, pos + 1); layer++; if(currentJumps == jumps.size()) { throw new PreScriptException("{ without a corresponding function", line); } } pos = -1; break; case ';': compileLine(sb.substring(0, pos).trim()); sb.delete(0, pos + 1); pos = -1; break; case '"': text = true; old = pos; break; } pos++; } if(!text && !comment) { labelIndex = sb.indexOf("@"); if(labelIndex != -1) { String label = sb.toString().trim(); if(label.charAt(0) != '@') { throw new PreScriptException("you seriously fucked up the syntax here", line); } addLabel(label.substring(1), code.size() - 1); sb = new StringBuilder(); } } } //System.out.println("__________________________________"); Instruction[] input = code.toArray(new Instruction[code.size()]); /* for(Instruction in : input) { System.out.println(in); } System.out.println("__________________________________");*/ /*labels.entrySet().stream().forEach((e) -> { System.out.println("LABEL " + e.getKey() + " " + e.getValue()); });*/ //System.out.println("__________________________________"); return input; } private void compileLine(String currentCode) { //System.out.println(">>>" + currentCode); String[] parts = SnuviUtils.split(strings, currentCode, line); //System.out.println(">>> " + String.join("_", parts)); if(tryState != null) { switch(parts.length) { case 0: return; case 1: if(!parts[0].equals("catch")) { throw new PreScriptException("no catch after try", line); } if(tryState == null) { throw new PreScriptException("catch without try", line); } tryState.setRelativeJump(code.size()); JumpData jump = new JumpData(code.size()); addCodeInstruction("catch", new InputProvider[] {jump}); jumps.push(new JumpWrapper(jump, "catch")); tryState = null; return; default: throw new PreScriptException("invalid catch after try", line); } } if(parts.length == 0) { return; } else if(parts[0].equals("return")) { addCodeInstruction("return", compileFunction(parts, true)); return; } else if(parts[0].startsWith("@")) { if(parts.length > 1) { throw new PreScriptException("arguments after label", line); } addLabel(parts[0].substring(1), code.size() - 1); return; } String input; if(parts.length == 1) { int bPos = parts[0].indexOf('('); if(bPos != -1) { input = parts[0].substring(0, bPos); parts = SnuviUtils.split(strings, parts[0].substring(bPos + 1, parts[0].length() - 1), line); } else { switch(parts[0]) { case "try": { JumpData jump = new JumpData(code.size()); addCodeInstruction("try", new InputProvider[] {jump}); jumps.push(new JumpWrapper(jump, "try")); return; } case "else": { JumpData jump = new JumpData(code.size()); addCodeInstruction("else", new InputProvider[] {jump}); jumps.push(new JumpWrapper(jump, "else")); return; } case "while": throw new PreScriptException("missing syntax at while", line); case "if": throw new PreScriptException("missing syntax at if", line); case "elseif": throw new PreScriptException("missing syntax at elseif", line); case "for": throw new PreScriptException("missing syntax at for", line); case "break": { if(loopJumps.isEmpty()) { throw new PreScriptException("break without a loop", line); } JumpData jump = new JumpData(code.size() - 1); breakContinueJumps.add(jump); addCodeInstruction("break", new InputProvider[] {jump}); return; } case "continue": { if(loopJumps.isEmpty()) { throw new PreScriptException("continue without a loop", line); } JumpData jump = new JumpData(code.size()); breakContinueJumps.add(jump); addCodeInstruction("continue", new InputProvider[] {jump}); return; } } return; } } else { switch(parts[0]) { case "++": addCodeInstruction("p+", compileFunction(new String[] {parts[1]}, false)); return; case "--": addCodeInstruction("p-", compileFunction(new String[] {parts[1]}, false)); return; } switch(parts[1]) { case "++": case "--": input = parts[1]; parts = new String[] {parts[0]}; break; case "=": case "+=": case "-=": case "*=": case "/=": case "%=": case "<<=": case ">>=": case "&=": case "^=": case "|=": { input = parts[1]; parts[1] = ","; break; } default: throw new PreScriptException("unknown operation " + parts[1], line); } } switch(input) { case "break": throw new PreScriptException("break does not accept arguments", line); case "continue": throw new PreScriptException("continue does not accept arguments", line); } //System.out.println(input + " " + String.join("__", parts)); switch(input) { case "elseif": createIf("elseif", parts); break; case "if": createIf("if", parts); break; case "for": createFor(parts); break; case "while": createWhile(parts); break; default: addCodeInstruction(input, compileFunction(parts, false)); } } private void addSyntax(LinkedList list, Syntax sy) { int pars = sy.getParameters(); if(pars > list.size()) { throw new PreScriptException("missing syntax argument", line); } if(sy == Syntax.UNARY_SUB) { list.add(new SignInverter(list.pollLast())); return; } InputProvider[] input = new InputProvider[pars]; for(int j = input.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { input[j] = list.pollLast(); } list.add(new Function(FunctionLoader.getFunction(sy.getFunction()), input)); } private void validateStackCounter(int stackCounter) { if(stackCounter < 0) { throw new PreScriptException("missing syntax argument", line); } } private InputProvider[] compileFunction(String[] parts, boolean first) { LinkedList list = new LinkedList<>(); int stackCounter = 0; Stack syntax = new Stack<>(); int bottom = first ? 1 : 0; Syntax sy; for(int i = bottom; i < parts.length; i++) { if(parts[i].equals(",")) { // finding a comma means pushing all syntax functions while(!syntax.isEmpty()) { addSyntax(list, syntax.pop()); } stackCounter = 0; continue; } sy = Syntax.getSyntax(parts[i]); if(sy != Syntax.UNKNOWN && sy != Syntax.MAYBE) { if(stackCounter <= 0) { switch(sy) { case SUB: sy = Syntax.UNARY_SUB; break; case INC: sy = Syntax.POST_INC; break; case DEC: sy = Syntax.POST_DEC; break; default: throw new PreScriptException("missing syntax argument", line); } } // pushing weaker functions int weight = sy.getWeight(); while(!syntax.isEmpty() && syntax.peek().getWeight() <= weight) { addSyntax(list, syntax.pop()); } validateStackCounter(stackCounter); syntax.add(sy); stackCounter -= sy.getParameters() - 1; continue; } stackCounter++; list.add(convertString(parts[i])); } // pushing left over syntax functions because no comma happened while(!syntax.isEmpty()) { addSyntax(list, syntax.pop()); } validateStackCounter(stackCounter); return list.toArray(new InputProvider[list.size()]); } private InputProvider convertString(String input) { if(input.startsWith("@")) { return new ConstantString(input.substring(1)); } else if(input.startsWith("\"") && input.endsWith("\"")) { return new ConstantString(input.substring(1, input.length() - 1)); } else if(input.equals("true")) { return ConstantBoolean.TRUE; } else if(input.equals("false")) { return ConstantBoolean.FALSE; } else if(input.equals("null")) { return ConstantNull.NULL; } else if(SnuviUtils.isNumber(input)) { return new ConstantFraction(Fraction.fromDouble(Double.parseDouble(input))); } else if(SnuviUtils.isFunction(input)) { int bPos = input.indexOf('('); String[] parts = SnuviUtils.split(strings, input.substring(bPos + 1, input.length() - 1), line); if(parts.length > 0) { return new Function(FunctionLoader.getFunction(input.substring(0, bPos)), compileFunction(parts, false)); } else { return new Function(FunctionLoader.getFunction(input.substring(0, bPos)), new InputProvider[0]); } } else if(SnuviUtils.isArray(input)) { int bPos = input.indexOf('['); String[] parts = SnuviUtils.split(strings, input.substring(bPos + 1, input.length() - 1), line); if(parts.length > 0) { return createArray(input.substring(0, bPos), compileFunction(parts, false)); } else { return createArray(input.substring(0, bPos), new InputProvider[0]); } } else { return getOrCreateVariable(input); } } public static Object convert(String input) { if(input.equals("true")) { return true; } else if(input.equals("false")) { return false; } else if(input.equals("null")) { return null; } else if(SnuviUtils.isNumber(input)) { return Fraction.fromDouble(Double.parseDouble(input)); } return input; } private Variable getOrCreateVariable(String var) { if(locale) { Variable oldVar = localVars.get(var); if(oldVar == null) { oldVar = new LocalVariable(var); localVars.put(var, oldVar); } return oldVar; } else { Variable oldVar = vars.get(var); if(oldVar == null) { oldVar = new Variable(var); vars.put(var, oldVar); } return oldVar; } } private DynamicArray createArray(String var, InputProvider[] in) { if(locale) { Variable oldVar = localVars.get(var); if(oldVar == null) { oldVar = new LocalArrayVariable(var); localVars.put(var, oldVar); } return new DynamicArray(oldVar, in); } else { Variable oldVar = vars.get(var); if(oldVar == null) { oldVar = new ArrayVariable(var); vars.put(var, oldVar); } return new DynamicArray(oldVar, in); } } private void createIf(String name, String[] parts) { InputProvider[] input = compileFunction(parts, false); InputProvider[] realInput = new InputProvider[input.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(input, 0, realInput, 0, input.length); JumpData jump = new JumpData(code.size()); realInput[input.length] = jump; jumps.push(new JumpWrapper(jump, name)); addCodeInstruction(name, realInput); } private void createFor(String[] parts) { // expected syntax // for(var, start, end, step) // for(var, start, end) InputProvider[] input = compileFunction(parts, false); if(input.length != 3 && input.length != 4) { throw new PreScriptException("missing 'for' syntax at", line); } InputProvider[] realInput = new InputProvider[5]; System.arraycopy(input, 0, realInput, 0, input.length); if(input.length == 3) { realInput[3] = new ConstantFraction(new Fraction(1)); } JumpData jump = new JumpData(code.size()); realInput[4] = jump; JumpWrapper wrapper = new JumpWrapper(jump, "for"); jumps.push(wrapper); loopJumps.push(wrapper); addCodeInstruction("for", realInput); } private void createWhile(String[] parts) { // expected syntax // while(condition) InputProvider[] input = compileFunction(parts, false); if(input.length != 1) { throw new PreScriptException("invalid conditions at 'while'", line); } InputProvider[] realInput = new InputProvider[2]; realInput[0] = input[0]; JumpData jump = new JumpData(code.size()); realInput[1] = jump; JumpWrapper wrapper = new JumpWrapper(jump, "while"); jumps.push(wrapper); loopJumps.push(wrapper); addCodeInstruction("while", realInput); } private void createBreakContinue(int current) { breakContinueJumps.forEach(jump -> jump.setRelativeJump(current)); breakContinueJumps.clear(); } }