package me.hammerle.snuviscript.code; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.time.ZonedDateTime; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import; import me.hammerle.snuviscript.array.DynamicArray; import me.hammerle.snuviscript.config.SnuviConfig; import me.hammerle.snuviscript.variable.ArrayVariable; import me.hammerle.snuviscript.variable.Variable; public class FunctionLoader { private static final HashMap FUNCTIONS = new HashMap<>(); protected static void registerFunction(String name, String fname, ExceptionBiFunction f) { FUNCTIONS.put(name, new BasicFunction(fname, f)); } protected static void registerFunction(String name, ExceptionBiFunction f) { registerFunction(name, name, f); } protected static void registerAlias(String original, String alias) { FUNCTIONS.put(alias, FUNCTIONS.get(original)); } public static BasicFunction getFunction(String f) { final String function = f.toLowerCase(); return FUNCTIONS.getOrDefault(function, new BasicFunction(function, (sc, in) -> { Integer sub = sc.functions.get(function); if(sub == null) { throw new NullPointerException("function " + function + " does not exist"); } InputProvider[] arguments = sc.code[sub].getArguments(); // push storage for local vars HashMap vars = new HashMap<>(); if(in.length != arguments.length - 1) { throw new NullPointerException("invalid number of arguments at function '" + function + "'"); } // generate local vars String s; Variable v; for(int i = 0; i < in.length; i++) { s = arguments[i + 1].getString(sc); if(in[i].isArray(sc)) { v = new ArrayVariable(s); v.set(sc, in[i].getArray(sc)); } else { v = new Variable(s); v.set(sc, in[i].get(sc)); } vars.put(s, v); } sc.currentFunction = function; sc.localVars.push(vars); sc.returnStack.push(sc.currentLine); sc.currentLine = sub + 1; Object r =; sc.currentLine = sc.returnStack.pop(); sc.localVars.pop(); sc.currentFunction = null; return r; })); } static { // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // system stuff // --------------------------------------------------------------------- registerFunction("nothing", (sc, in) -> Void.TYPE); registerFunction("error", (sc, in) -> { sc.printStackTrace = !sc.printStackTrace; return sc.printStackTrace; }); registerFunction("", (sc, in) -> in[0].get(sc)); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // event // --------------------------------------------------------------------- registerFunction("event.load", (sc, in) -> {[0].getString(sc)); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("event.unload", (sc, in) -> {[0].getString(sc)); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("event.isloaded", (sc, in) -> sc.isEventLoaded(in[0].getString(sc))); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // script // --------------------------------------------------------------------- registerFunction("script.get", (sc, in) -> { String name = in[0].getString(sc); for(Script script : sc.parser.getScripts()) { if(script.getName().equals(name)) { return script; } } return null; }); registerFunction("script.getall", (sc, in) -> { String name = in[0].getString(sc); return sc.parser.getScripts().stream() .filter(script -> script.getName().equals(name)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); }); registerFunction("script.term", (sc, in) -> { sc.parser.termSafe((Script) in[0].get(sc)); return Void.TYPE; }); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // bit // --------------------------------------------------------------------- registerFunction(">>", (sc, in) -> (double) (in[0].getInt(sc) >> in[1].getInt(sc))); registerFunction("<<", (sc, in) -> (double) (in[0].getInt(sc) << in[1].getInt(sc))); registerFunction("&", (sc, in) -> (double) (in[0].getInt(sc) & in[1].getInt(sc))); registerFunction("|", (sc, in) -> (double) (in[0].getInt(sc) | in[1].getInt(sc))); registerFunction("^", (sc, in) -> (double) (in[0].getInt(sc) ^ in[1].getInt(sc))); registerFunction("~", (sc, in) -> (double) (~in[0].getInt(sc))); registerFunction("bit.set", (sc, in) -> (double) (in[0].getInt(sc) | (1 << (in[1].getInt(sc))))); registerFunction("bit.unset", (sc, in) -> (double) (in[0].getInt(sc) & (~(1 << (in[1].getInt(sc)))))); registerFunction("bit.get", (sc, in) -> (in[0].getInt(sc) & (1 << (in[1].getInt(sc)))) != 0); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // math // --------------------------------------------------------------------- registerFunction("%", (sc, in) -> (double) (in[0].getInt(sc) % in[1].getInt(sc))); registerAlias("%", "math.mod"); registerFunction("math.abs", (sc, in) -> Math.abs(in[0].getDouble(sc))); registerFunction("math.pow", (sc, in) -> Math.pow(in[0].getDouble(sc), in[1].getDouble(sc))); registerFunction("math.root", (sc, in) -> Math.pow(in[0].getDouble(sc), 1.0 / in[1].getDouble(sc))); registerFunction("math.sqrt", (sc, in) -> Math.sqrt(in[0].getDouble(sc))); registerFunction("math.hypot", (sc, in) -> Math.hypot(in[0].getDouble(sc), in[1].getDouble(sc))); registerFunction("math.sin", (sc, in) -> Math.sin(in[0].getDouble(sc))); registerFunction("math.cos", (sc, in) -> Math.cos(in[0].getDouble(sc))); registerFunction("math.tan", (sc, in) -> Math.tan(in[0].getDouble(sc))); registerFunction("math.asin", (sc, in) -> Math.asin(in[0].getDouble(sc))); registerFunction("math.acos", (sc, in) -> Math.acos(in[0].getDouble(sc))); registerFunction("math.atan", (sc, in) -> Math.atan(in[0].getDouble(sc))); registerFunction("math.e", (sc, in) -> Math.E); registerFunction("math.pi", (sc, in) -> Math.PI); registerFunction("math.ln", (sc, in) -> Math.log(in[0].getDouble(sc))); registerFunction("math.log", (sc, in) -> Math.log10(in[0].getDouble(sc))); registerFunction("math.random", (sc, in) -> (double) SnuviUtils.randomInt(in[0].getInt(sc), in[1].getInt(sc))); registerFunction("math.round", (sc, in) -> (double) Math.round(in[0].getDouble(sc))); registerFunction("math.rounddown", (sc, in) -> Math.floor(in[0].getDouble(sc))); registerFunction("math.roundup", (sc, in) -> Math.ceil(in[0].getDouble(sc))); registerFunction("math.roundcomma", (sc, in) -> { double d = in[0].getDouble(sc); int factor = (int) Math.pow(10, in[1].getInt(sc)); return (double) (((double) Math.round(d * factor)) / factor); }); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // lists // --------------------------------------------------------------------- registerFunction("", (sc, in) -> { if(in.length == 0) { return new ArrayList<>(); } in[0].set(sc, new ArrayList<>()); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("list.exists", (sc, in) -> in[0].get(sc) instanceof List); registerFunction("list.add", (sc, in) -> ((List) in[0].get(sc)).add(in[1].get(sc))); registerFunction("list.addall", (sc, in) -> { List list = ((List) in[0].get(sc)); for(int i = 1; i < in.length; i++) { list.add(in[i].get(sc)); } return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("list.remove", (sc, in) -> ((List) in[0].get(sc)).remove(in[1].get(sc))); registerFunction("list.removeindex", (sc, in) -> ((List) in[0].get(sc)).remove(in[1].getInt(sc))); registerFunction("list.contains", (sc, in) -> ((List) in[0].get(sc)).contains(in[1].get(sc))); registerFunction("list.getsize", (sc, in) -> (double) ((List) in[0].get(sc)).size()); registerFunction("list.getindex", (sc, in) -> ((List) in[0].get(sc)).get(in[1].getInt(sc))); registerAlias("list.getindex", "list.get"); registerFunction("list.setindex", (sc, in) -> ((List) in[0].get(sc)).set(in[1].getInt(sc), in[2].get(sc))); registerFunction("list.clear", (sc, in) -> { ((List) in[0].get(sc)).clear(); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("list.getindexof", (sc, in) -> (double) ((List) in[0].get(sc)).indexOf(in[1].get(sc))); registerFunction("list.sort", (sc, in) -> { Collections.sort(((List) in[0].get(sc)), (Object o1, Object o2) -> ((Comparable) o1).compareTo(o2)); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("list.reverse", (sc, in) -> { Collections.reverse((List) in[0].get(sc)); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("list.shuffle", (sc, in) -> { Collections.shuffle((List) in[0].get(sc)); return Void.TYPE; }); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // arrays // --------------------------------------------------------------------- registerFunction("", (sc, in) -> { for(InputProvider input : in) { ((DynamicArray) input).init(sc); } return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("array.getsize", (sc, in) -> (double) Array.getLength(in[0].getArray(sc))); /* registerFunction("array.swap", (sc, in) -> { Object[] o = (Object[]) args[0]; int first = ScriptUtils.getInt(args[1]); int sec = ScriptUtils.getInt(args[2]); Object helper = o[first]; o[first] = o[sec]; o[sec] = helper; }); registerFunction("array.sort", (sc, in) -> { if(args.length <= 1) { Arrays.sort((Object[]) args[0]); } else { Arrays.sort((Object[]) args[0], ScriptUtils.getInt(args[1]), ScriptUtils.getInt(args[2])); } }); registerFunction("array.copy", (sc, in) -> { int first = ScriptUtils.getInt(args[2]); System.arraycopy((Object[]) args[0], first, (Object[]) args[1], ScriptUtils.getInt(args[4]), ScriptUtils.getInt(args[3]) - first + 1); }); registerFunction("array.rsort", (sc, in) -> { if(args.length <= 1) { Arrays.sort((Object[]) args[0], (Object o, Object o1) -> -((Comparable) o).compareTo(o)); } else { Arrays.sort((Object[]) args[0], ScriptUtils.getInt(args[1]), ScriptUtils.getInt(args[2]), (Object o, Object o1) -> -((Comparable) o).compareTo(o)); } }); registerFunction("array.fill", (sc, in) -> { if(args.length <= 2) { Arrays.fill((Object[]) args[0], args[1]); } else { Arrays.fill((Object[]) args[0], ScriptUtils.getInt(args[2]), ScriptUtils.getInt(args[3]), args[1]); } });*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // maps // --------------------------------------------------------------------- registerFunction("", (sc, in) -> { if(in.length == 0) { return new HashMap<>(); } in[0].set(sc, new HashMap<>()); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("map.exists", (sc, in) -> in[0].get(sc) instanceof Map); registerFunction("map.add", (sc, in) -> ((Map) in[0].get(sc)).put(in[1].get(sc), in[2].get(sc))); registerFunction("map.remove", (sc, in) -> ((Map) in[0].get(sc)).remove(in[1].get(sc))); registerFunction("map.contains", (sc, in) -> ((Map) in[0].get(sc)).containsKey(in[1].get(sc))); registerFunction("map.getsize", (sc, in) -> (double) ((Map) in[0].get(sc)).size()); registerFunction("map.get", (sc, in) -> ((Map) in[0].get(sc)).get(in[1].get(sc))); registerFunction("map.getordefault", (sc, in) -> ((Map) in[0].get(sc)).getOrDefault(in[1].get(sc), in[2].get(sc))); registerFunction("map.clear", (sc, in) -> { ((Map) in[0].get(sc)).clear(); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("map.keys", (sc, in) -> ((Map) in[0].get(sc)).keySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toList())); registerFunction("map.values", (sc, in) -> ((Map) in[0].get(sc)).values().stream().collect(Collectors.toList())); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // sets // --------------------------------------------------------------------- registerFunction("", (sc, in) -> { if(in.length == 0) { return new HashSet<>(); } in[0].set(sc, new HashSet<>()); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("set.exists", (sc, in) -> in[0].get(sc) instanceof Set); registerFunction("set.add", (sc, in) -> ((Set) in[0].get(sc)).add(in[1].get(sc))); registerFunction("set.addall", (sc, in) -> { Set set = ((Set) in[0].get(sc)); for(int i = 1; i < in.length; i++) { set.add(in[i].get(sc)); } return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("set.remove", (sc, in) -> ((Set) in[0].get(sc)).remove(in[1].get(sc))); registerFunction("set.contains", (sc, in) -> ((Set) in[0].get(sc)).contains(in[1].get(sc))); registerFunction("set.getsize", (sc, in) -> (double) ((Set) in[0].get(sc)).size()); registerFunction("set.tolist", (sc, in) -> ((Set) in[0].get(sc)).stream().collect(Collectors.toList())); registerFunction("set.clear", (sc, in) -> { ((Set) in[0].get(sc)).clear(); return Void.TYPE; }); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // time // --------------------------------------------------------------------- registerFunction("", (sc, in) -> { if(in.length <= 1) { GregorianCalendar cal = GregorianCalendar.from(; cal.setTimeInMillis(in[0].getLong(sc)); return cal; } else { GregorianCalendar cal = GregorianCalendar.from(; cal.setTimeInMillis(in[1].getLong(sc)); in[0].set(sc, cal); return Void.TYPE; } }); registerFunction("time.getmillis", (sc, in) -> (double) System.currentTimeMillis()); registerFunction("time.getnanos", (sc, in) -> (double) System.nanoTime()); registerFunction("time.from", (sc, in) -> (double) ((GregorianCalendar) in[0].get(sc)).getTimeInMillis()); registerFunction("time.nextday", (sc, in) -> { GregorianCalendar cal = (GregorianCalendar) in[0].get(sc); cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1); cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("time.getyear", (sc, in) -> (double) ((GregorianCalendar) in[0].get(sc)).get(Calendar.YEAR)); registerFunction("time.getmonth", (sc, in) -> (double) (((GregorianCalendar) in[0].get(sc)).get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1)); registerFunction("time.getday", (sc, in) -> (double) (((GregorianCalendar) in[0].get(sc)).get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))); registerFunction("time.gethour", (sc, in) -> (double) ((GregorianCalendar) in[0].get(sc)).get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)); registerFunction("time.getminute", (sc, in) -> (double) ((GregorianCalendar) in[0].get(sc)).get(Calendar.MINUTE)); registerFunction("time.getsecond", (sc, in) -> (double) ((GregorianCalendar) in[0].get(sc)).get(Calendar.SECOND)); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // text // --------------------------------------------------------------------- registerFunction("text.matches", (sc, in) -> in[0].getString(sc).matches(in[1].getString(sc))); registerFunction("text.number", (sc, in) -> SnuviUtils.toString(in[0].getDouble(sc))); registerFunction("text.class", (sc, in) -> in[0].get(sc).getClass().getSimpleName()); registerFunction("text.tolowercase", (sc, in) -> SnuviUtils.connect(sc, in, 0).toLowerCase()); registerAlias("text.tolowercase", "tolowercase"); registerFunction("text.touppercase", (sc, in) -> SnuviUtils.connect(sc, in, 0).toUpperCase()); registerAlias("text.touppercase", "touppercase"); registerFunction("text.split", (sc, in) -> { if(in.length <= 2) { String[] parts = in[1].getString(sc).split(in[0].getString(sc)); ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>(); for(String part : parts) { list.add(Compiler.convert(part)); } return list; } else { String[] parts = in[2].getString(sc).split(in[1].getString(sc)); ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>(); for(String part : parts) { list.add(Compiler.convert(part)); } in[0].set(sc, list); return Void.TYPE; } }); registerAlias("text.split", "split"); registerFunction("text.concatlist", (sc, in) -> { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List list = (List) in[0].get(sc); String splitter = in[1].getString(sc); Iterator iter = list.iterator(); int from = in[2].getInt(sc); int to = Math.min(in[3].getInt(sc), list.size() - 1); to -= from; while(iter.hasNext() && from > 0) {; from--; } while(iter.hasNext() && to > 0) { sb.append(; sb.append(splitter); to--; } if(iter.hasNext() && to == 0) { sb.append(; } return sb.toString(); }); registerAlias("text.concatlist", "concatlist"); registerFunction("text.concat", (sc, in) -> SnuviUtils.connect(sc, in, 0)); registerAlias("text.concat", "concat"); registerFunction("text.concatspace", (sc, in) -> SnuviUtils.connect(sc, in, " ", 0)); registerFunction("text", (sc, in) -> String.valueOf(in[0].get(sc))); registerFunction("text.substring", (sc, in) -> in[0].getString(sc).substring(in[1].getInt(sc), in[2].getInt(sc))); registerFunction("text.length", (sc, in) -> (double) in[0].getString(sc).length()); registerFunction("text.startswith", (sc, in) -> in[0].getString(sc).startsWith(in[1].getString(sc), in[2].getInt(sc))); registerFunction("text.endswith", (sc, in) -> in[0].getString(sc).endsWith(in[1].getString(sc))); registerFunction("text.contains", (sc, in) -> in[0].getString(sc).contains(in[1].getString(sc))); registerFunction("text.indexof", (sc, in) -> in[0].getString(sc).indexOf(in[1].getString(sc), in[2].getInt(sc))); registerFunction("text.lastindexof", (sc, in) -> in[0].getString(sc).lastIndexOf(in[1].getString(sc), in[2].getInt(sc))); registerFunction("text.replace", (sc, in) -> in[0].getString(sc).replace(in[1].getString(sc), in[2].getString(sc))); registerFunction("text.trim", (sc, in) -> in[0].getString(sc).trim()); registerFunction("text.charat", (sc, in) -> String.valueOf(in[0].getString(sc).charAt(in[1].getInt(sc)))); registerFunction("text.charcode", (sc, in) -> (double) in[0].getString(sc).charAt(in[1].getInt(sc))); registerFunction("text.fromcode", (sc, in) -> String.valueOf((char) in[0].getInt(sc))); registerFunction("text.onlyletters", (sc, in) -> { for(char c : in[0].getString(sc).toCharArray()) { if(!Character.isLetter(c)) { return false; } } return true; }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // files // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- registerFunction("", (sc, in) -> new File(in[0].getString(sc))); registerFunction("file.exists", (sc, in) -> ((File) in[0].get(sc)).exists()); registerFunction("file.isfile", (sc, in) -> ((File) in[0].get(sc)).isFile()); registerFunction("file.isdirectory", (sc, in) -> ((File) in[0].get(sc)).isDirectory()); registerFunction("file.delete", (sc, in) -> ((File) in[0].get(sc)).delete()); registerFunction("file.getname", (sc, in) -> ((File) in[0].get(sc)).getName()); registerFunction("file.getlist", (sc, in) -> Arrays.asList(((File) in[0].get(sc)).listFiles())); registerFunction("", (sc, in) -> Files.readAllLines(((File) in[0].get(sc)).toPath())); registerFunction("file.write", (sc, in) -> { File f = (File) in[0].get(sc); if(f.getParentFile() != null) { f.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } if(!f.exists()) { f.createNewFile(); } Files.write(Paths.get(f.toURI()), ((List) in[1].get(sc)) .stream().map(o -> String.valueOf(o)).collect(Collectors.toList()), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); return Void.TYPE; }); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // config // --------------------------------------------------------------------- registerFunction("", (sc, in) -> new SnuviConfig(sc, in[0].getString(sc), in[1].getString(sc))); registerFunction("config.exists", (sc, in) -> ((SnuviConfig) in[0].get(sc)).exists()); registerFunction("", (sc, in) -> ((SnuviConfig) in[0].get(sc)).save()); registerFunction("config.load", (sc, in) -> { ((SnuviConfig) in[0].get(sc)).load(); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("config.delete", (sc, in) -> ((SnuviConfig) in[0].get(sc)).delete()); registerFunction("config.set", (sc, in) -> { ((SnuviConfig) in[0].get(sc)).set(in[1].getString(sc), in[2].get(sc)); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("config.getbool", (sc, in) -> ((SnuviConfig) in[0].get(sc)).getBoolean(in[1].getString(sc), in[2].getBoolean(sc))); registerFunction("config.getdouble", (sc, in) -> ((SnuviConfig) in[0].get(sc)).getDouble(in[1].getString(sc), in[2].getDouble(sc))); registerFunction("config.getstring", (sc, in) -> ((SnuviConfig) in[0].get(sc)).getString(in[1].getString(sc), in[2].getString(sc))); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // read library // --------------------------------------------------------------------- registerFunction("read.number", (sc, in) -> Double.parseDouble(in[0].getString(sc))); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // commands without library // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // elementary calculating registerFunction("+", (sc, in) -> in[0].getDouble(sc) + in[1].getDouble(sc)); registerAlias("+", "add"); registerFunction("-", (sc, in) -> in[0].getDouble(sc) - in[1].getDouble(sc)); registerAlias("-", "sub"); registerFunction("*", (sc, in) -> in[0].getDouble(sc) * in[1].getDouble(sc)); registerAlias("*", "mul"); registerFunction("/", (sc, in) -> in[0].getDouble(sc) / in[1].getDouble(sc)); registerAlias("/", "div"); // var setter registerFunction("=", (sc, in) -> { Object o = in[1].get(sc); in[0].set(sc, o); return o; }); registerFunction("+=", (sc, in) -> { Object o = in[0].getDouble(sc) + in[1].getDouble(sc); in[0].set(sc, o); return o; }); registerFunction("p++", (sc, in) -> { double d = in[0].getDouble(sc); in[0].set(sc, d + 1.0); return d; }); registerAlias("p++", "inc"); registerFunction("++", (sc, in) -> { double d = in[0].getDouble(sc) + 1.0; in[0].set(sc, d); return d; }); registerFunction("-=", (sc, in) -> { Object o = in[0].getDouble(sc) - in[1].getDouble(sc); in[0].set(sc, o); return o; }); registerFunction("p--", (sc, in) -> { double d = in[0].getDouble(sc); in[0].set(sc, d - 1.0); return d; }); registerAlias("p--", "dec"); registerFunction("--", (sc, in) -> { double d = in[0].getDouble(sc) - 1.0; in[0].set(sc, d); return d; }); registerFunction("*=", (sc, in) -> { Object o = in[0].getDouble(sc) * in[1].getDouble(sc); in[0].set(sc, o); return o; }); registerFunction("/=", (sc, in) -> { Object o = in[0].getDouble(sc) / in[1].getDouble(sc); in[0].set(sc, o); return o; }); registerFunction("%=", (sc, in) -> { Object o = (double) (in[0].getInt(sc) % in[1].getInt(sc)); in[0].set(sc, o); return o; }); registerFunction("<<=", (sc, in) -> { Object o = (double) (in[0].getInt(sc) << in[1].getInt(sc)); in[0].set(sc, o); return o; }); registerFunction(">>=", (sc, in) -> { Object o = (double) (in[0].getInt(sc) >> in[1].getInt(sc)); in[0].set(sc, o); return o; }); registerFunction("&=", (sc, in) -> { Object o = (double) (in[0].getInt(sc) & in[1].getInt(sc)); in[0].set(sc, o); return o; }); registerFunction("^=", (sc, in) -> { Object o = (double) (in[0].getInt(sc) ^ in[1].getInt(sc)); in[0].set(sc, o); return o; }); registerFunction("|=", (sc, in) -> { Object o = (double) (in[0].getInt(sc) | in[1].getInt(sc)); in[0].set(sc, o); return o; }); // var stuff registerFunction("getvar", (sc, in) -> sc.getVar(in[0].getString(sc)).get(sc)); registerFunction("setvar", (sc, in) -> { sc.getVar(in[0].getString(sc)).set(sc, in[1].get(sc)); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("removevar", (sc, in) -> { sc.getVar(in[0].getString(sc)).set(sc, null); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("wait", (sc, in) -> { sc.isWaiting = true; return Void.TYPE; }); // try - catch registerFunction("try", (sc, in) -> { sc.catchLine = sc.currentLine + in[0].getInt(sc); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("catch", (sc, in) -> { if(sc.catchLine != -1) { sc.currentLine += in[0].getInt(sc); } return Void.TYPE; }); // branching registerFunction("function", (sc, in) -> { sc.currentLine += in[0].getInt(sc); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("goto", (sc, in) -> { sc.currentLine = sc.getLabel(in[0].getString(sc)); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("ignoregoto", (sc, in) -> { Integer i = sc.getLabel(in[0].getString(sc)); if(i != null) { sc.currentLine = i; } return Void.TYPE; }); registerAlias("ignoregoto", "igoto"); registerFunction("sgoto", (sc, in) -> { int time = in[0].getInt(sc); if(time < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("time units can't be negative"); } int label = sc.getLabel(in[1].getString(sc)); sc.scheduler.scheduleTask(() -> { if(!sc.isValid || sc.isHolded) { return; } sc.currentLine = label + 1;; if(!sc.isValid) { sc.parser.termUnsafe(sc); } }, time); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("gosub", (sc, in) -> { sc.returnStack.push(sc.currentLine); sc.currentLine = sc.getLabel(in[0].getString(sc)); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("return", (sc, in) -> { if(sc.returnStack.isEmpty()) { sc.end(); sc.returnValue = in.length > 0 ? in[0].get(sc) : null; } else { if(sc.localVars.empty()) { sc.currentLine = sc.returnStack.pop(); } else { sc.end(); sc.returnValue = in.length > 0 ? in[0].get(sc) : null; } } return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("if", (sc, in) -> { sc.ifState = in[0].getBoolean(sc); if(!sc.ifState) { sc.currentLine += in[1].getInt(sc); } return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("endif", (sc, in) -> { sc.ifState = true; return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("elseif", (sc, in) -> { if(sc.ifState) { sc.currentLine += in[1].getInt(sc); } else { sc.ifState = in[0].getBoolean(sc); if(!sc.ifState) { sc.currentLine += in[1].getInt(sc); } } return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("else", (sc, in) -> { if(sc.ifState) { sc.currentLine += in[0].getInt(sc); } sc.ifState = true; return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("while", (sc, in) -> { if(!in[0].getBoolean(sc)) { sc.currentLine += in[1].getInt(sc); } return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("wend", (sc, in) -> { sc.currentLine += in[0].getInt(sc); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("for", (sc, in) -> { // for(var, start, end, step) double start = in[1].getDouble(sc); in[0].set(sc, start); if(start > in[2].getDouble(sc)) { sc.currentLine += in[4].getInt(sc); } return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("next", (sc, in) -> { int line = sc.currentLine + in[0].getInt(sc); InputProvider[] f = sc.code[line].getArguments(); // for(var, start, end, step) double current = f[0].getDouble(sc) + f[3].getDouble(sc); f[0].set(sc, current); if(current <= f[2].getDouble(sc)) { sc.currentLine = line; } return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("continue", (sc, in) -> { sc.currentLine += in[0].getInt(sc); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("break", (sc, in) -> { sc.currentLine += in[0].getInt(sc); return Void.TYPE; }); // comparing registerFunction("==", (sc, in) -> Objects.equals(in[0].get(sc), in[1].get(sc))); registerAlias("==", "equal"); registerAlias("==", "equals"); registerFunction("!=", (sc, in) -> !Objects.equals(in[0].get(sc), in[1].get(sc))); registerAlias("!=", "notequal"); registerFunction("<", (sc, in) -> in[0].getDouble(sc) < in[1].getDouble(sc)); registerAlias("<", "less"); registerFunction(">", (sc, in) -> in[0].getDouble(sc) > in[1].getDouble(sc)); registerAlias(">", "greater"); registerFunction("<=", (sc, in) -> in[0].getDouble(sc) <= in[1].getDouble(sc)); registerAlias("<=", "lessequal"); registerFunction(">=", (sc, in) -> in[0].getDouble(sc) >= in[1].getDouble(sc)); registerAlias(">=", "greaterequal"); registerFunction("!", (sc, in) -> !in[0].getBoolean(sc)); registerAlias("!", "invert"); // logical stuff registerFunction("&&", (sc, in) -> { for(InputProvider i : in) { if(!i.getBoolean(sc)) { return false; } } return true; }); registerAlias("&&", "and"); registerFunction("||", (sc, in) -> { for(InputProvider i : in) { if(i.getBoolean(sc)) { return true; } } return false; }); registerAlias( "||", "or"); // non grouped stuff registerFunction("swap", (sc, in) -> { Object o = in[0].get(sc); in[0].set(sc, in[1].get(sc)); in[1].set(sc, o); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("print", (sc, in) -> { System.out.println(SnuviUtils.connect(sc, in, 0)); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("waitfor", (sc, in) -> { long l = in[0].getInt(sc); if(l < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("time units can't be negative"); } sc.isHolded = true; sc.scheduler.scheduleTask(() -> { // activate this again on NullPointerException // if(sc == null || !sc.isValid) if(sc.isValid) { sc.isHolded = false;; if(!sc.isValid) { sc.parser.termUnsafe(sc); } } }, l); sc.isWaiting = true; return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("term", (sc, in) -> { sc.parser.termSafe(sc); return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("isdouble", (sc, in) -> { return in[0].get(sc) instanceof Double; }); registerFunction("islong", (sc, in) -> { Object o = in[0].get(sc); if(o instanceof Double) { double d = (Double) o; return d == (long) d; } return false; }); registerFunction("assert", (sc, in) -> { if(!in[0].getBoolean(sc)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("assertion failed"); } return Void.TYPE; }); registerFunction("class", (sc, in) -> in[0].get(sc).getClass()); registerFunction("usedmemory", (sc, in) -> { Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); double usedMemory = (runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()) / 1048576; return usedMemory; }); registerFunction("allocatedmemory", (sc, in) -> Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() / 1048576.0); } }