#include "Game.h" #include "Engine.h" #include "input/Controller.h" #include "utils/List.h" #include "utils/Utils.h" struct Line final { Vector2 a; Vector2 b; Color4 color; float friction; Line(const Vector2& a, const Vector2& b, Color4 color, float friction) : a(a), b(b), color(color), friction(friction) { } Line(const Vector2& a, const Vector2& b) : a(a), b(b), color(Color4(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)), friction(0.0f) { } }; static List lines; static constexpr float SPEED = 2.5f; static constexpr float GRAVITY = 0.5f; static constexpr float COLLISION_STEP = 0.005f; static Vector2 windowSize; static Vector2 lastPosition; static Vector2 position{150.0f, 50.0f}; static Vector2 size{50.0f, 50.0f}; static Vector2 velocity; static Vector2 acceleration; static Vector2 drag; static float mass = 5.0f; static bool onGround = false; static float jumpPower = 0.0f; static float steepness = 0.0f; static float friction = 0.0f; static bool physicsToggle = true; static Vector2 waterPosition; static Vector2 waterSize; static Vector2 projectileLastPosition; static Vector2 projectilePosition; static Vector2 projectileVelocity; static Vector2 projectileSize{20.0f, 20.0f}; static float lastAngle; static float angle; static float angleVelocity = 5.0f; static void addForce(const Vector2& force) { acceleration += force / mass; } static void addMovement() { physicsToggle = physicsToggle ^ Controller::start.wasReleased(); float movement = Controller::right.isDown() - Controller::left.isDown(); float actualSpeed = SPEED * (1.0f - steepness * onGround); if(physicsToggle) { addForce(Vector2(actualSpeed, 0.0f) * movement); } else { // movement by velocity should have the same terminal velocity as // movement by force float terminalFactor = 1.0f / ((1.0 - drag[0]) * drag[0]); velocity[0] = (actualSpeed / mass) * terminalFactor * movement; } } static bool isIn(const Vector2& posA, const Vector2& sizeA, const Vector2& posB, const Vector2& sizeB) { Vector2 maxA = posA + sizeA; Vector2 maxB = posB + sizeB; return posA[0] < maxB[0] && maxA[0] > posB[0] && posA[1] < maxB[1] && maxA[1] > posB[1]; } float ERROR = 1.0f / 512.0f; static bool isBetween(float y, float y1, float y2) { return y >= std::min(y1, y2) && y <= std::max(y1, y2); } static bool compareFloats(float a, float b) { return std::abs(a - b) < ERROR; } static bool intersect(float x11, float y11, float x12, float y12, float x21, float y21, float x22, float y22) { if(compareFloats(x11, x12)) { if(compareFloats(x21, x22)) { return false; } else { if(!isBetween(x11, x21, x22)) { return false; } float k = (y21 - y22) / (x21 - x22); float d = y22 - k * x22; float y = d + x11 * k; return isBetween(y, y11, y12) && isBetween(y, y21, y22); } } else { if(compareFloats(x21, x22)) { if(!isBetween(x21, x11, x12)) { return false; } float k = (y11 - y12) / (x11 - x12); float d = y12 - k * x12; float y = d + x21 * k; return isBetween(y, y11, y12) && isBetween(y, y21, y22); } else { float k1 = (y11 - y12) / (x11 - x12); float k2 = (y21 - y22) / (x21 - x22); if(compareFloats(k1, k2)) { return false; } float d1 = y12 - k1 * x12; float d2 = y22 - k2 * x22; float x = (d1 - d2) / (k2 - k1); if(!isBetween(x, x11, x12) || !isBetween(x, x21, x22)) { return false; } float y = k1 * x + d1; return isBetween(y, y11, y12) && isBetween(y, y21, y22); } } } static bool areColliding(const Line& a, const Line& b) { return intersect(a.a[0], a.a[1], a.b[0], a.b[1], b.a[0], b.a[1], b.b[0], b.b[1]); } static bool doesPlayerCollide() { Vector2 posX = position + Vector2(size[0], 0.0f); Vector2 posY = position + Vector2(0.0f, size[1]); Vector2 posXY = position + size; for(const Line& line : lines) { if(areColliding(line, {position, posX}) || areColliding(line, {position, posY}) || areColliding(line, {posX, posXY}) || areColliding(line, {posY, posXY})) { return true; } } return false; } static void slopeSteepnessAndFriction() { Line left{position - Vector2(0.0f, 10.0f * COLLISION_STEP), position + Vector2(0.0f, size[1])}; Line right{position + Vector2(size[0], -10.0f * COLLISION_STEP), position + size}; float min = 100.0f; float value = 100.0f; for(const Line& line : lines) { if(areColliding(line, left) || areColliding(line, right)) { float f = (line.a[1] - line.b[1]) / (line.a[0] - line.b[0]); if(std::abs(f) < min) { min = std::abs(f); value = f; friction = line.friction; } } } steepness = value; } static void applyDrag() { waterPosition = windowSize * Vector2(0.5f, 0.0f); waterSize = windowSize * Vector2(0.5f, 0.125f); drag = Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f); if(isIn(position, size, waterPosition, waterSize)) { drag *= 4.0f; } acceleration -= velocity * drag; } static void applyGravity() { acceleration -= Vector2(0.0f, GRAVITY); } static void handleJump() { bool justJumped = false; if(Controller::a.isDown() && onGround) { jumpPower = 15.0f; onGround = false; justJumped = true; } addForce(Vector2(0.0f, jumpPower)); jumpPower *= 0.9f; jumpPower *= Controller::a.isDown() && (velocity[1] > 0.0f || justJumped); } static void relaunchProjectile() { if(projectilePosition[1] >= 0.0f && !isIn(position, size, projectilePosition, projectileSize)) { return; } projectilePosition = windowSize * Vector2(0.0f, 0.5f); projectileLastPosition = projectilePosition; Vector2 start = projectilePosition; Vector2 end = position + size * 0.5f; constexpr float strengh = 25.0f; float best = 100000000.0f; float bestRad = 0.0f; for(float angle = -30.0f; angle < 90.0f; angle += 0.25f) { float rad = angle * 0.017453293f; Vector2 v(strengh * cosf(rad), strengh * sinf(rad)); float t = (end[0] - start[0]) / v[0]; float y = v[1] * t - GRAVITY * t * t * 0.5f + start[1]; float diff = std::abs(y - end[1]); if(diff < best) { bestRad = rad; best = diff; } } projectileVelocity = Vector2(strengh * cosf(bestRad), strengh * sinf(bestRad)); } static float sign(float f) { return (f > 0.0f) - (f < 0.0f); } static void applyFriction() { if(!onGround) { return; } float rad = atanf(steepness); float c = cosf(rad); float fnLength = mass * GRAVITY * c; Vector2 fn(fnLength * c, fnLength * sinf(rad)); // already swapt Vector2 fullFriction = fn * friction; fullFriction = Vector2(std::abs(fullFriction[0]), std::abs(fullFriction[1])); float signX = sign(acceleration[0]); float signY = sign(acceleration[1]); fullFriction *= -Vector2(signX, signY); addForce(fullFriction); if(sign(acceleration[0]) != signX) { acceleration[0] = 0.0f; } if(sign(acceleration[1]) != signY) { acceleration[1] = 0.0f; } } static void addLines() { lines.clear(); lines.add({{0.0f, 0.0f}, windowSize * Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f)}); lines.add({{0.0f, 0.0f}, windowSize * Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f)}); lines.add({windowSize, windowSize * Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f)}); lines.add( {windowSize * Vector2(0.75f, 0.0f), windowSize * Vector2(1.0f, 0.5f)}); lines.add({{0.0f, 30.0f}, {400.0f, 0.0f}}); lines.add({{0.0f, 60.0f}, {300.0f, 0.0f}}); lines.add({{0.0f, 90.0f}, {200.0f, 0.0f}}); lines.add({{0.0f, 120.0f}, {100.0f, 0.0f}}); lines.add({{100.0f, 180.0f}, {200.0f, 180.0f}}); lines.add({{200.0f, 180.0f}, {300.0f, 230.0f}, Color4(0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF), 0.2f}); lines.add({{300.0f, 230.0f}, {400.0f, 280.0f}, Color4(0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF), 0.4f}); lines.add({{400.0f, 280.0f}, {500.0f, 330.0f}, Color4(0x90, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF), 0.6f}); lines.add({{500.0f, 330.0f}, {600.0f, 380.0f}, Color4(0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF), 0.8f}); lines.add({{300.0f, 140.0f}, {400.0f, 200.0f}, Color4(0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF), 0.2f}); lines.add({{400.0f, 200.0f}, {500.0f, 220.0f}, Color4(0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF), 0.4f}); lines.add({{500.0f, 220.0f}, {600.0f, 240.0f}, Color4(0x90, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF), 0.6f}); lines.add({{600.0f, 240.0f}, {700.0f, 260.0f}, Color4(0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF), 0.8f}); lines.add({{600.0f, 380.0f}, {1000.0f, 580.0f}}); } void Game::tick() { windowSize = Vector2(static_cast(Engine::getSize().width), static_cast(Engine::getSize().height)); lastPosition = position; acceleration = Vector2(); applyGravity(); addMovement(); handleJump(); applyFriction(); applyDrag(); if(steepness != 100.0f) { if(steepness < -1.0f) { acceleration[0] += 0.1f; } else if(steepness > 1.0f) { acceleration[0] -= 0.1f; } } addLines(); velocity += acceleration; onGround = false; Vector2 energy = velocity; while(energy[0] != 0.0f || energy[1] != 0.0f) { for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if(energy[i] != 0.0f) { float old = position[i]; if(energy[i] > COLLISION_STEP) { position[i] += COLLISION_STEP; energy[i] -= COLLISION_STEP; } else if(energy[i] < -COLLISION_STEP) { position[i] -= COLLISION_STEP; energy[i] += COLLISION_STEP; } else { position[i] += energy[i]; energy[i] = 0.0f; } if(doesPlayerCollide()) { if(i == 0) { float oldY = position[1]; position[1] += COLLISION_STEP; if(!doesPlayerCollide()) { continue; } position[1] = oldY; } energy[i] = 0.0f; velocity[i] = 0.0f; position[i] = old; } } } } float oldSteepness = steepness; slopeSteepnessAndFriction(); onGround = std::abs(steepness) < 1.0f; if(onGround) { velocity[1] = 0.0f; } if(steepness == 100.0f) { steepness = oldSteepness; } projectileLastPosition = projectilePosition; projectileVelocity -= Vector2(0.0f, GRAVITY); projectilePosition += projectileVelocity; relaunchProjectile(); lastAngle = angle; angle += angleVelocity; } void Game::render(float lag, Renderer& r) { r.translateTo(0.0f, 0.0f) .scale(1.0f, -1.0f) .translateY(Engine::getSize().height) .update(); r.drawRectangle(waterPosition, waterSize, Color4(0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF)); Vector2 pos = Utils::interpolate(lastPosition, position, lag); r.push(); r.translateTo(0.0f, 0.0f) .translate(-size * 0.5f) .rotate(atanf(steepness) * 180.0f / M_PI) .translate(pos) .translate(size * 0.5f) .scale(1.0f, -1.0f) .translateY(Engine::getSize().height) .update(); r.drawRectangle(Vector2(), size, Color4(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF)); r.pop(); r.update(); for(int i = 0; i < 360; i += 120) { r.push(); r.translateTo(0.0f, 0.0f) .translate(size * 0.75f) .rotate(angle + i) .translate(pos + size * 0.5f) .scale(1.0f, -1.0f) .translateY(Engine::getSize().height) .update(); r.drawRectangle(Vector2(), size * 0.25f, Color4(0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF)); r.pop(); r.update(); } r.drawRectangle( Utils::interpolate(projectileLastPosition, projectilePosition, lag), projectileSize, Color4(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF)); for(const Line& line : lines) { Vector2 dir = line.b - line.a; Vector2 normal(dir[1], -dir[0]); normal.normalize(); normal *= 2.0f; Vector2 ap = line.a + normal; Vector2 bp = line.b + normal; Vector2 an = line.a - normal; Vector2 bn = line.b - normal; r.drawTriangle(ap, bp, an, line.color); r.drawTriangle(bp, an, bn, line.color); } r.translateTo(0.0f, 0.0f).update(); r.setStringSize(2); float y = 10.0f; y = r.drawString(10.0f, y, physicsToggle ? "Force Physics" : "Velocity Physics"); StringBuffer<100> s("a = "); s.append(acceleration).append(" before collision"); y = r.drawString(10.0f, y, s); s.clear().append("v = ").append(velocity).append(" after collision"); y = r.drawString(10.0f, y, s); s.clear().append("Ground = ").append(onGround); y = r.drawString(10.0f, y, s); s.clear().append("Angle = ").append(atanf(steepness) * 57.295779513f); y = r.drawString(10.0f, y, s); s.clear().append("Friction = ").append(friction); y = r.drawString(10.0f, y, s); } bool Game::isRunning() { return !Controller::select.isDown(); }