@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
+ * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package gameplay;
+import me.hammerle.snuviengine.api.KeyBinding;
+import me.hammerle.snuviengine.api.KeyHandler;
+import me.hammerle.snuviengine.api.Renderer;
+import me.hammerle.snuviengine.api.Texture;
+import org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW;
+ *
+ * @author Julia
+ */
+public class Hiker {
+ private float oldX = 0;
+ private float oldY = 0;
+ private float x = 0;
+ private float y = 0;
+ private static final float speed = 2;
+ private static final float maxWidth = 1024;
+ private static final float maxHeight = 1024;
+ private enum moveStates {
+ still, left, right, up, down
+ };
+ private moveStates moveState = moveStates.still;
+ private static final Texture characterFront = new Texture("res\\character\\characterFront.png");
+ private static final Texture characterLeft = new Texture("res\\character\\characterLeft.png");
+ private static final Texture characterRight = new Texture("res\\character\\characterRight.png");
+ private static final Texture characterBack = new Texture("res\\character\\characterBack.png");
+ private static final KeyBinding UP_KEY = KeyHandler.register(GLFW.GLFW_KEY_W);
+ private static final KeyBinding DOWN_KEY = KeyHandler.register(GLFW.GLFW_KEY_S);
+ private static final KeyBinding LEFT_KEY = KeyHandler.register(GLFW.GLFW_KEY_A);
+ private static final KeyBinding RIGHT_KEY = KeyHandler.register(GLFW.GLFW_KEY_D);
+ public void Hiker() {
+ }
+ public void tick() {
+ calcMoveState();
+ animate();
+ oldX = x;
+ oldY = y;
+ if (LEFT_KEY.isDown() && moveState != moveStates.up && moveState != moveStates.down && x > 0) {
+ x -= speed;
+ } else if (RIGHT_KEY.isDown() && moveState != moveStates.up && moveState != moveStates.down && x < maxWidth) {
+ x += speed;
+ } else if (UP_KEY.isDown() && moveState != moveStates.left && moveState != moveStates.right && y > 0) {
+ y -= speed;
+ } else if (DOWN_KEY.isDown() && moveState != moveStates.left && moveState != moveStates.right && y < maxHeight) {
+ y += speed;
+ } else {
+ if (x % 32 != 0 || y % 32 != 0) {
+ if (moveState == moveStates.left) {
+ x -= speed;
+ } else if (moveState == moveStates.right) {
+ x += speed;
+ } else if (moveState == moveStates.up) {
+ y -= speed;
+ } else if (moveState == moveStates.down) {
+ y += speed;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void renderTick(Renderer r, float lag) {
+ r.setMixColorEnabled(false);
+ renderTestBackground(r);
+ r.setColorEnabled(false);
+ r.setTextureEnabled(true);
+ r.translateTo(0.0f, 0.0f);
+ r.updateMatrix();
+ float ix = oldX + (x - oldX) * lag;
+ float iy = oldY + (y - oldY) * lag;
+ r.getTextureRenderer().drawRectangle(ix, iy, ix + 32, iy + 32, 0, 0, 1, 1);
+ }
+ private void calcMoveState() {
+ if (oldX == x && oldY == y) {
+ moveState = moveStates.still;
+ } else if (oldX > x) {
+ moveState = moveStates.left;
+ } else if (oldX < x) {
+ moveState = moveStates.right;
+ } else if (oldY > y) {
+ moveState = moveStates.up;
+ } else if (oldY < y) {
+ moveState = moveStates.down;
+ }
+ }
+ private void animate() {
+ if (moveState == moveStates.still || moveState == moveStates.down) {
+ characterFront.bind();
+ } else if (moveState == moveStates.left) {
+ characterLeft.bind();
+ } else if (moveState == moveStates.right) {
+ characterRight.bind();
+ } else if (moveState == moveStates.up) {
+ characterBack.bind();
+ }
+ }
+ private void renderTestBackground(Renderer r) {
+ r.setColorEnabled(true);
+ r.setTextureEnabled(false);
+ r.getColorRenderer().drawRectangle(0, 0, 32, 32, 0xFF0000FF);
+ r.getColorRenderer().drawRectangle(32, 0, 64, 32, 0xFF00FF00);
+ r.getColorRenderer().drawRectangle(0, 32, 32, 64, 0xFF00FF00);
+ r.getColorRenderer().drawRectangle(32, 32, 64, 64, 0xFF0000FF);
+ r.getColorRenderer().drawRectangle(64, 0, 96, 32, 0xFF0000FF);
+ r.getColorRenderer().drawRectangle(0, 64, 32, 96, 0xFF0000FF);
+ r.getColorRenderer().drawRectangle(64, 32, 96, 64, 0xFF00FF00);
+ r.getColorRenderer().drawRectangle(32, 64, 64, 96, 0xFF00FF00);
+ r.getColorRenderer().drawRectangle(64, 64, 96, 96, 0xFF0000FF);
+ }