package; import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d; import; public class BlockProtectionBank extends SimpleDataBank { public BlockProtectionBank(Module m, Connection c) { super(m, c); } @Override protected void init() { // BlockProtectionBank - Coords und ID if(!this.doesTableExist("block")) { this.getModule().sendToConsole("Die Block-Protection-Bank wurde nicht gefunden, erstelle ..."); if(this.update("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS block (" + "id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, " + "x int(11) NOT NULL, " + "y int(11) NOT NULL, " + "z int(11) NOT NULL, " + "world_name varchar(20) NOT NULL, " + "UNIQUE KEY uniq_block_pos (world_name,x,y,z));", false)) { this.getModule().sendToConsole("Die Block-Protection-Bank wurde erstellt."); } } else { this.getModule().sendToConsole("Die Block-Protection-Bank wurde gefunden."); } // BlockProtectionDataBank - Coords und ID if(!this.doesTableExist("block_grant")) { this.getModule().sendToConsole("Die Block-Protection-Data-Bank wurde nicht gefunden, erstelle ..."); if(this.update("CREATE TABLE block_grant (" + "id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, " + "block_id int(11) NOT NULL, " + "player_id int(11) NOT NULL, " + "INDEX block_id (block_id), " + "UNIQUE KEY (block_id, player_id), " + "CONSTRAINT block_grant_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY (block_id) REFERENCES block (id) ON DELETE CASCADE);", false)) { this.getModule().sendToConsole("Die Block-Protection-Data-Bank wurde erstellt."); } } else { this.getModule().sendToConsole("Die Block-Protection-Data-Bank wurde gefunden."); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Allgemeine Texte //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void printError(EntityPlayer p) { this.getModule().sendWarning(p, "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten."); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Block-Methoden //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void addBlock(BlockPos pos, World w, EntityPlayer p, String pname) { if(doesExist(pos, w)) { this.getModule().send(p, "Der Block ist bereits gesichert."); return; } Integer id; pname = makeStringSafe(pname); if(pname != null) { id = KajetansMod.playerbank.getDataBank(PlayerBank.class).getIdByName(pname); if(id == null) { this.getModule().send(p, GlobalText.cantFindPlayer(pname)); return; } } else { id = KajetansMod.playerbank.getDataBank(PlayerBank.class).getIdByUUID(p.getUniqueID().toString()); if(id == null) { this.getModule().send(p, GlobalText.cantFindPlayer(pname)); return; } } if(this.update("INSERT INTO block (x,y,z,world_name) " + "VALUES (" + pos.getX() + "," + pos.getY() + "," + pos.getZ() + ",'" + ModDimensions.getWorldName(w) + "');", false) && this.update("INSERT INTO block_grant (block_id,player_id) VALUES (LAST_INSERT_ID(), " + id + ");", false)) { this.getModule().send(p, "Der Block wurde gesichert."); return; } printError(p); } public void removeBlock(BlockPos pos, World w, EntityPlayer p) { if(this.update("DELETE FROM block WHERE x=" + pos.getX() + " AND y=" + pos.getY() + " AND z=" + pos.getZ() + " AND world_name='" + ModDimensions.getWorldName(w) + "';", false)) { this.getModule().send(p, "Die Block-Sicherung wurde gelöscht."); return; } printError(p); } public void addPlayer(BlockPos pos, World w, GameProfile p, EntityPlayer executor) { if(hasAccess(pos, w, p, false)) { this.getModule().send(executor, "Der Spieler '" + p.getName() + "' ist bereits vorhanden."); return; } Integer id = KajetansMod.playerbank.getDataBank(PlayerBank.class).getIdByUUID(p.getId().toString()); if(id == null) { this.getModule().send(executor, GlobalText.cantFindPlayer(p.getName())); return; } if(this.update("INSERT INTO block_grant (block_id,player_id) " + "SELECT id, " + id + " FROM block WHERE world_name='" + ModDimensions.getWorldName(w) + "' AND x=" + pos.getX() + " AND y=" + pos.getY() + " AND z=" + pos.getZ() + ";", false)) { this.getModule().send(executor, "Der Spieler '" + p.getName() + "' wurde hinzugefügt."); return; } printError(executor); } public void removePlayer(BlockPos pos, World w, GameProfile p, EntityPlayer executor) { if(!hasAccess(pos, w, p, false)) { this.getModule().send(executor, "Der Spieler '" + p.getName() + "' ist nicht vorhanden."); return; } Integer id = KajetansMod.playerbank.getDataBank(PlayerBank.class).getIdByUUID(p.getId().toString()); if(id == null) { this.getModule().send(executor, GlobalText.cantFindPlayer(p.getName())); return; } if(this.update( "DELETE block_grant FROM block_grant " + "LEFT JOIN block ON = block_grant.block_id " + "WHERE block_grant.player_id = " + id + " AND " + "block.world_name='" + ModDimensions.getWorldName(w) + "' AND block.x=" + pos.getX() + " AND block.y=" + pos.getY() + " AND block.z=" + pos.getZ() + ";", false)) { this.getModule().send(executor, "Der Spieler '" + p.getName() + "' wurde entfernt."); return; } printError(executor); } public boolean hasAccess(BlockPos pos, World w, GameProfile p, boolean check) { if(check && !doesExist(pos, w)) { return true; } return this.getFirst( "Select from block_grant " + "LEFT JOIN players ON = block_grant.player_id LEFT JOIN block ON = block_grant.block_id " + "WHERE players.uuid = '" + p.getId().toString() + "' AND " + "block.world_name='" + ModDimensions.getWorldName(w) + "' AND block.x=" + pos.getX() + " AND block.y=" + pos.getY() + " AND block.z=" + pos.getZ() + ";", Integer.class) != null; } public boolean hasAccess(BlockPos pos, World w, EntityPlayer p, boolean check) { return hasAccess(pos, w, p.getGameProfile(), check); } public boolean doesExist(BlockPos pos, World w) { return this.getFirst( "SELECT id FROM block WHERE world_name='" + ModDimensions.getWorldName(w) + "' AND x=" + pos.getX() + " AND y=" + pos.getY() + " AND z=" + pos.getZ() + ";", Integer.class) != null; } public void printInfo(BlockPos pos, World w, EntityPlayer p) { Module m = this.getModule(); if(!doesExist(pos, w)) { m.send(p, "Dieser Block ist nicht gesichert."); return; } ArrayList list = this.getFirstColumn( "Select block_grant.player_id from block_grant " + "LEFT JOIN block ON = block_grant.block_id " + "WHERE block.world_name='" + ModDimensions.getWorldName(w) + "' AND block.x=" + pos.getX() + " AND block.y=" + pos.getY() + " AND block.z=" + pos.getZ() + ";"); if(list == null) { printError(p); return; } if(list.isEmpty()) { m.send(p, "Dieser Block ist gesichert, gehört aber niemanden."); return; } m.send(p, "Dieser Block gehört den folgenden Spielern:"); PlayerBank pb = KajetansMod.playerbank.getDataBank(PlayerBank.class); -> pb.getNameById((int) id)).filter(name -> name != null).forEach(name -> { m.sendListElement(p, name); }); } public List getAll() { return this.get("Select x,y,z,world_name from block;").stream().map(li -> { try { return new Location(ModDimensions.getWorldFromName(li.get(3).toString()), new Vec3d((int) li.get(0), (int) li.get(1), (int) li.get(2))); } catch(Exception ex) { return null; } }).filter(l -> l != null && l.getWorld() != null).collect(Collectors.toList()); } private String makeStringSafe(String s) { if(s == null) { return null; } return s.replace("'", "").replace("\"", ""); } }