#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "Operation.h"
#include "Script.h"

static void sError(Script* sc, const char* format, ...) {
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, format);
    vsnprintf(sc->error, SCRIPT_ERROR_SIZE, format, args);

static bool sPrinter(Object* o) {
    switch(o->type) {
        case OT_INT: printf("%d\n", o->data.intValue); return false;
        case OT_FLOAT: printf("%.2f\n", o->data.floatValue); return false;
        case OT_CONST_STRING: printf("%s\n", o->data.stringValue); return false;
        case OT_NULL: printf("null\n"); return false;
        case OT_BOOL:
            printf(o->data.intValue ? "true\n" : "false\n");
            return false;
        case OT_ARRAY: printf("array\n"); return false;
        default: return true;

static ObjectPrinter printer = sPrinter;

static bool sRead(Script* sc, void* buffer, int length) {
    if(sc->readIndex + length > sc->code->length) {
               "cannot read expected %d bytes of data from bytecode on line %d",
        return true;
    memcpy(buffer, sc->code->code + sc->readIndex, length);
    sc->readIndex += length;
    return false;

static Operation sReadOperation(Script* sc) {
    unsigned char c;
    if(sRead(sc, &c, 1)) {
        return OP_NOTHING;
    return c;

static bool sReadInt(Script* sc, int* i) {
    return !sRead(sc, i, sizeof(int));

static bool sCheckType(Script* sc, Object* o, ObjectType ot) {
    if(o->type == ot) {
        return true;
    sError(sc, "object is not of type %s on line %d", oGetName(ot), sc->line);
    return false;

static bool sPush(Script* sc, Object* o) {
    if(sc->stackIndex >= SCRIPT_STACK_SIZE) {
        sError(sc, "stack overflow on line %d", sc->line);
        return false;
    sc->stack[sc->stackIndex++] = *o;
    return true;

static bool sPop(Script* sc, Object* o) {
    if(sc->stackIndex <= 0) {
        sError(sc, "stack underflow on line %d", sc->line);
        return true;
    *o = sc->stack[--sc->stackIndex];
    return false;

static void sPopEmpty(Script* sc) {
    Object o;
    sPop(sc, &o);

static Object* sPeek(Script* sc) {
    if(sc->stackIndex <= 0) {
        sError(sc, "stack underflow on line %d", sc->line);
        return NULL;
    return sc->stack + (sc->stackIndex - 1);

static bool sPushInt(Script* sc, int value) {
    Object o = {.type = OT_INT, .data.intValue = value};
    return sPush(sc, &o);

static void sPushFloat(Script* sc, float value) {
    Object o = {.type = OT_FLOAT, .data.floatValue = value};
    sPush(sc, &o);

static void sPushNull(Script* sc) {
    Object o = {.type = OT_NULL};
    sPush(sc, &o);

static void sPushBool(Script* sc, bool value) {
    Object o = {.type = OT_BOOL, .data.intValue = value};
    sPush(sc, &o);

static void sPushReference(Script* sc, int pointer, int index) {
    Object o = {.type = OT_REFERENCE,
                .data.reference.pointer = pointer,
                .data.reference.index = index};
    sPush(sc, &o);

static void sPushVars(Script* sc) {
    int vars = 0;
    int offset = 0;
    if(sReadInt(sc, &vars) && sReadInt(sc, &offset)) {
        int stackVarIndex = sc->stackVarIndex;
        sc->stackVarIndex = sc->stackIndex - offset;
        for(int i = 0; i < vars - offset; i++) {
        sPushInt(sc, stackVarIndex);

static void sPopVars(Script* sc) {
    int value = 0;
    Object o;
    if(sReadInt(sc, &value) && !sPop(sc, &o) && sCheckType(sc, &o, OT_INT)) {
        sc->stackVarIndex = o.data.intValue;
        if(sc->stackIndex < value) {
            sError(sc, "stack underflow on line %d", sc->line);
        } else {
            sc->stackIndex -= value;

static void sReferenceFromVar(Script* sc) {
    int value = 0;
    if(sReadInt(sc, &value)) {
        sPushReference(sc, -1, value + sc->stackVarIndex);

static void sReferenceFromArray(Script* sc) {
    int value = 0;
    Object o;
    if(sReadInt(sc, &value) && !sPop(sc, &o) && sCheckType(sc, &o, OT_INT)) {
        sPushReference(sc, value, o.data.intValue);

static Object* sDereference(Script* sc, Object* reference) {
    int pointer = reference->data.reference.pointer;
    int index = reference->data.reference.index;
    if(pointer == -1) {
        if(index < 0 || index >= sc->stackIndex) {
            sError(sc, "variable reference index exceeds stack on line %d",
            return NULL;
        return sc->stack + index;
    } else {
        if(pointer < 0 || pointer >= sc->allocator.capacity) {
            sError(sc, "array reference pointer is out of range on line %d\n",
            return NULL;
        } else if(index < 0 || index >= sc->allocator.data[pointer].length) {
            sError(sc, "array reference index is out of bounds on line %d\n",
            return NULL;
        return sc->allocator.data[pointer].data + index;

static Object* sPopAndDereference(Script* sc) {
    Object o;
    if(!sPop(sc, &o) && sCheckType(sc, &o, OT_REFERENCE)) {
        return sDereference(sc, &o);
    return NULL;

static void sDereferencePush(Script* sc) {
    Object* o = sPopAndDereference(sc);
    if(o != NULL) {
        sPush(sc, o);

static void sSet(Script* sc) {
    Object value;
    if(sPop(sc, &value)) {
    Object* o = sPopAndDereference(sc);
    if(o != NULL) {
        *o = value;

static void sAllocateArray(Script* sc) {
    Object length;
    if(!sPop(sc, &length) && sCheckType(sc, &length, OT_INT)) {
        if(length.data.intValue < 0) {
            sError(sc, "negative array length on line %d", sc->line);
        Object o = {.type = OT_ARRAY,
                    .data.intValue =
                        aAllocate(&sc->allocator, length.data.intValue)};
        sPush(sc, &o);

static void sArrayLength(Script* sc) {
    Object* o = sPopAndDereference(sc);
    if(o != NULL && sCheckType(sc, o, OT_ARRAY)) {
        int arrayPointer = o->data.intValue;
        if(arrayPointer < 0 || arrayPointer >= sc->allocator.capacity) {
            sError(sc, "array pointer is out of range on line %d\n", sc->line);
        sPushInt(sc, sc->allocator.data[arrayPointer].length);

static void sPreChange(Script* sc, int change) {
    Object* o = sPopAndDereference(sc);
    if(o != NULL) {
        if(o->type == OT_INT) {
            o->data.intValue += change;
        } else if(o->type == OT_FLOAT) {
            o->data.floatValue += change;
        } else {
            sError(sc, "variable is '%s' not a number on line %d",
                   oGetName(o->type), sc->line);
        sPush(sc, o);

static void sPreIncrement(Script* sc) {
    sPreChange(sc, 1);

static void sPreDecrement(Script* sc) {
    sPreChange(sc, -1);

static void sPostChange(Script* sc, int change) {
    Object* o = sPopAndDereference(sc);
    if(o != NULL) {
        if(o->type == OT_INT) {
            sPush(sc, o);
            o->data.intValue += change;
        } else if(o->type == OT_FLOAT) {
            sPush(sc, o);
            o->data.floatValue += change;
        } else {
            sError(sc, "variable is '%s' not a number on line %d",
                   oGetName(o->type), sc->line);

static void sPostIncrement(Script* sc) {
    sPostChange(sc, 1);

static void sPostDecrement(Script* sc) {
    sPostChange(sc, -1);

static void sPushCodeInt(Script* sc) {
    int value = 0;
    if(sReadInt(sc, &value)) {
        sPushInt(sc, value);

static void sPushCodeFloat(Script* sc) {
    float value = 0;
    if(sRead(sc, &value, sizeof(float))) {
        sError(sc, "cannot read a float from the bytecode on line %d",
    sPushFloat(sc, value);

static void sPushCodeString(Script* sc) {
    int value = 0;
    if(sReadInt(sc, &value)) {
        char* s = (char*)(sc->code->code + sc->readIndex);
        sc->readIndex += value;
        Object o = {.type = OT_CONST_STRING, .data.stringValue = s};
        sPush(sc, &o);

#define CHECKED_NUMBER_OP(check, op, typeA, typeB)                             \
    {                                                                          \
        Object o[2];                                                           \
        if(sPop(sc, o) || sPop(sc, o + 1)) {                                   \
            return;                                                            \
        } else if(o[0].type == OT_INT && o[1].type == OT_INT) {                \
            check sPush##typeA(sc, o[1].data.intValue op o[0].data.intValue);  \
        } else if(o[0].type == OT_INT && o[1].type == OT_FLOAT) {              \
            sPush##typeB(sc, o[1].data.floatValue op o[0].data.intValue);      \
        } else if(o[0].type == OT_FLOAT && o[1].type == OT_INT) {              \
            sPush##typeB(sc, o[1].data.intValue op o[0].data.floatValue);      \
        } else if(o[0].type == OT_FLOAT && o[1].type == OT_FLOAT) {            \
            sPush##typeB(sc, o[1].data.floatValue op o[0].data.floatValue);    \
        } else {                                                               \
            sError(sc, "object is not a number on line %d", sc->line);         \
        }                                                                      \
#define NUMBER_NUMBER_OP(op) CHECKED_NUMBER_OP(, op, Int, Float)
#define NUMBER_BOOL_OP(op) CHECKED_NUMBER_OP(, op, Bool, Bool)
#define CHECKED_INT_OP(check, op)                                              \
    {                                                                          \
        Object o[2];                                                           \
        if(!sPop(sc, o) && !sPop(sc, o + 1) && sCheckType(sc, o, OT_INT) &&    \
           sCheckType(sc, o + 1, OT_INT)) {                                    \
            check sPushInt(sc, o[1].data.intValue op o[0].data.intValue);      \
        }                                                                      \
#define INT_OP(op) CHECKED_INT_OP(, op)
#define ZERO_CHECK(op)                                                         \
    if(o[0].data.intValue == 0) {                                              \
        sError(sc, op " by 0 on line %d", sc->line);                           \
        return;                                                                \
#define DIVISION CHECKED_NUMBER_OP(ZERO_CHECK("division"), /, Int, Float)
#define MODULE CHECKED_INT_OP(ZERO_CHECK("module"), %);

static void sInvertSign(Script* sc) {
    Object* o = sPeek(sc);
    if(o == NULL) {
    } else if(o->type == OT_INT) {
        o->data.intValue = -o->data.intValue;
    } else if(o->type == OT_FLOAT) {
        o->data.floatValue = -o->data.floatValue;
    } else {
        sError(sc, "object is not a number on line %d", sc->line);

static void sEqual(Script* sc) {
    Object o[2];
    if(sPop(sc, o) || sPop(sc, o + 1)) {
    } else if(o[0].type == OT_INT && o[1].type == OT_INT) {
        sPushBool(sc, o[0].data.intValue == o[1].data.intValue);
    } else if(o[0].type == OT_INT && o[1].type == OT_FLOAT) {
        sPushBool(sc, o[0].data.intValue == o[1].data.floatValue);
    } else if(o[0].type == OT_FLOAT && o[1].type == OT_INT) {
        sPushBool(sc, o[0].data.floatValue == o[1].data.intValue);
    } else if(o[0].type == OT_FLOAT && o[1].type == OT_FLOAT) {
        sPushBool(sc, o[0].data.floatValue == o[1].data.floatValue);
    } else if(o[0].type == OT_BOOL && o[1].type == OT_BOOL) {
        sPushBool(sc, o[0].data.intValue == o[1].data.intValue);
    } else if(o[0].type == OT_NULL && o[1].type == OT_NULL) {
        sPushBool(sc, true);
    } else {
        sError(sc, "object types do not match on line %d", sc->line);

static void sNot(Script* sc) {
    Object* o = sPeek(sc);
    if(o != NULL && sCheckType(sc, o, OT_BOOL)) {
        o->data.intValue = !o->data.intValue;

static void sBitNot(Script* sc) {
    Object* o = sPeek(sc);
    if(o != NULL && sCheckType(sc, o, OT_INT)) {
        o->data.intValue = ~o->data.intValue;

static void sAnd(Script* sc) {
    Object o[2];
    if(!sPop(sc, o) && !sPop(sc, o + 1) && sCheckType(sc, o, OT_BOOL) &&
       sCheckType(sc, o + 1, OT_BOOL)) {
        sPushBool(sc, o[0].data.intValue && o[1].data.intValue);

static void sOr(Script* sc) {
    Object o[2];
    if(!sPop(sc, o) && !sPop(sc, o + 1) && sCheckType(sc, o, OT_BOOL) &&
       sCheckType(sc, o + 1, OT_BOOL)) {
        sPushBool(sc, o[0].data.intValue || o[1].data.intValue);

static void sPrint(Script* sc) {
    Object o;
    if(!sPop(sc, &o) && printer(&o)) {
        sError(sc, "cannot print given object on line %d", sc->line);

static void sLine(Script* sc) {
    if(sRead(sc, &sc->line, 2)) {
        sError(sc, "line operation without a line near line %d", sc->line);

static void sGoTo(Script* sc) {
    int gotoIndex;
    if(sReadInt(sc, &gotoIndex)) {
        sc->readIndex = gotoIndex;

static void sGoSub(Script* sc) {
    int gotoIndex;
    int arguments;
    if(sReadInt(sc, &gotoIndex) && sReadInt(sc, &arguments)) {
        int returnStackIndex = sc->stackIndex - arguments - 1;
        if(returnStackIndex < 0 || sc->stack[returnStackIndex].type != OT_INT) {
            sError(sc, "cannot find return address entry on stack on line %d",
        sc->stack[returnStackIndex].data.intValue = sc->readIndex;
        sc->readIndex = gotoIndex;

static void sIfGoTo(Script* sc) {
    int gotoIndex;
    Object o;
    if(sReadInt(sc, &gotoIndex) && !sPop(sc, &o) &&
       sCheckType(sc, &o, OT_BOOL) && !o.data.intValue) {
        sc->readIndex = gotoIndex;

static void sSetReturn(Script* sc) {
    sPop(sc, &sc->returnValue);

static void sReturn(Script* sc) {
    Object o;
    if(!sPop(sc, &o) && sCheckType(sc, &o, OT_INT)) {
        sc->readIndex = o.data.intValue;
        if(sc->returnValue.type != OT_VOID) {
            sPush(sc, &sc->returnValue);
            sc->returnValue.type = OT_VOID;

static void sDuplicate(Script* sc) {
    Object* o = sPeek(sc);
    if(o != NULL) {
        sPush(sc, o);

static void sConsumeInstruction(Script* sc) {
    switch(sReadOperation(sc)) {
        case OP_NOTHING: break;
        case OP_PUSH_INT: sPushCodeInt(sc); break;
        case OP_PUSH_FLOAT: sPushCodeFloat(sc); break;
        case OP_PUSH_CONST_STRING: sPushCodeString(sc); break;
        case OP_PUSH_NULL: sPushNull(sc); break;
        case OP_PUSH_TRUE: sPushBool(sc, true); break;
        case OP_PUSH_FALSE: sPushBool(sc, false); break;
        case OP_PUSH_VARS: sPushVars(sc); break;
        case OP_POP_VARS: sPopVars(sc); break;
        case OP_POP: sPopEmpty(sc); break;
        case OP_SET: sSet(sc); break;
        case OP_PRE_INCREMENT: sPreIncrement(sc); break;
        case OP_POST_INCREMENT: sPostIncrement(sc); break;
        case OP_PRE_DECREMENT: sPreDecrement(sc); break;
        case OP_POST_DECREMENT: sPostDecrement(sc); break;
        case OP_ADD: NUMBER_NUMBER_OP(+); break;
        case OP_SUB: NUMBER_NUMBER_OP(-); break;
        case OP_MUL: NUMBER_NUMBER_OP(*); break;
        case OP_DIV: DIVISION; break;
        case OP_MOD: MODULE; break;
        case OP_INVERT_SIGN: sInvertSign(sc); break;
        case OP_LESS: NUMBER_BOOL_OP(<); break;
        case OP_GREATER: NUMBER_BOOL_OP(>); break;
        case OP_EQUAL: sEqual(sc); break;
        case OP_NOT: sNot(sc); break;
        case OP_AND: sAnd(sc); break;
        case OP_OR: sOr(sc); break;
        case OP_BIT_NOT: sBitNot(sc); break;
        case OP_BIT_AND: INT_OP(&); break;
        case OP_BIT_OR: INT_OP(|); break;
        case OP_BIT_XOR: INT_OP(^); break;
        case OP_LEFT_SHIFT: INT_OP(<<); break;
        case OP_RIGHT_SHIFT: INT_OP(>>); break;
        case OP_PRINT: sPrint(sc); break;
        case OP_LINE: sLine(sc); break;
        case OP_GOTO: sGoTo(sc); break;
        case OP_GOSUB: sGoSub(sc); break;
        case OP_IF_GOTO: sIfGoTo(sc); break;
        case OP_SET_RETURN: sSetReturn(sc); break;
        case OP_RETURN: sReturn(sc); break;
        case OP_DUPLICATE: sDuplicate(sc); break;
        case OP_ALLOCATE_ARRAY: sAllocateArray(sc); break;
        case OP_ARRAY_LENGTH: sArrayLength(sc); break;
        case OP_REFERENCE_FROM_VAR: sReferenceFromVar(sc); break;
        case OP_REFERENCE_FROM_ARRAY: sReferenceFromArray(sc); break;
        case OP_DEREFERENCE: sDereferencePush(sc); break;

static bool sHasData(Script* sc) {
    return sc->readIndex < sc->code->length;

Script* sInit(ByteCode* code) {
    Script* sc = malloc(sizeof(Script));
    sc->error[0] = '\0';
    sc->code = code;
    sc->readIndex = 0;
    sc->returnValue.type = OT_VOID;
    sc->stackIndex = 0;
    sc->stackVarIndex = 0;
    sc->line = 0;
    return sc;

void sDelete(Script* sc) {

void sRun(Script* sc) {
    while(sHasData(sc)) {
        if(sc->error[0] != '\0') {

void sSetPrinter(ObjectPrinter p) {
    printer = p;

static void sMark(Script* sc, Object* o) {
    if(o->type == OT_ARRAY) {
        Array* a = sc->allocator.data + o->data.intValue;
        a->marked = true;
        for(int i = 0; i < a->length; i++) {
            sMark(sc, a->data + i);

void sCollectGarbage(Script* sc) {
    for(int i = 0; i < sc->stackIndex; i++) {
        sMark(sc, sc->stack + i);

static void sPrintInt(Script* sc, const char* msg) {
    int value = 0;
    sReadInt(sc, &value);
    printf("%s %d\n", msg, value);

static void sPrint2Int(Script* sc, const char* msg) {
    int a = 0;
    sReadInt(sc, &a);
    int b = 0;
    sReadInt(sc, &b);
    printf("%s %d %d\n", msg, a, b);

static void sPrintInt16(Script* sc, const char* msg) {
    int value = 0;
    sRead(sc, &value, 2);
    printf("%s %d\n", msg, value);

static void sPrintFloat(Script* sc, const char* msg) {
    float value = 0;
    sRead(sc, &value, sizeof(float));
    printf("%s %.2f\n", msg, value);

static void sPrintString(Script* sc, const char* msg) {
    int length = 0;
    sReadInt(sc, &length);
    char* s = (char*)(sc->code->code + sc->readIndex);
    sc->readIndex += length;
    printf("%s %d \"%s\"\n", msg, length, s);

void sPrintCode(Script* sc) {
    int oldRead = sc->readIndex;
    sc->readIndex = 0;
    while(sHasData(sc)) {
        printf(" %3d | ", sc->readIndex);
        switch(sReadOperation(sc)) {
            case OP_NOTHING: puts("Nothing"); break;
            case OP_PUSH_INT: sPrintInt(sc, "Push Int"); break;
            case OP_PUSH_FLOAT: sPrintFloat(sc, "Push Float"); break;
            case OP_PUSH_CONST_STRING:
                sPrintString(sc, "Push Const String");
            case OP_PUSH_NULL: puts("Push null"); break;
            case OP_PUSH_TRUE: puts("Push true"); break;
            case OP_PUSH_FALSE: puts("Push false"); break;
            case OP_PUSH_VARS: sPrint2Int(sc, "Push Vars"); break;
            case OP_POP_VARS: sPrintInt(sc, "Pop Vars"); break;
            case OP_POP: puts("Pop"); break;
            case OP_SET: puts("Set"); break;
            case OP_PRE_INCREMENT: puts("Pre Increment"); break;
            case OP_POST_INCREMENT: puts("Post Increment"); break;
            case OP_PRE_DECREMENT: puts("Pre Decrement"); break;
            case OP_POST_DECREMENT: puts("Post Decrement"); break;
            case OP_ADD: puts("Add"); break;
            case OP_SUB: puts("Sub"); break;
            case OP_MUL: puts("Mul"); break;
            case OP_DIV: puts("Div"); break;
            case OP_MOD: puts("Mod"); break;
            case OP_INVERT_SIGN: puts("Invert Sign"); break;
            case OP_LESS: puts("Less"); break;
            case OP_GREATER: puts("Greater"); break;
            case OP_EQUAL: puts("Equal"); break;
            case OP_NOT: puts("Not"); break;
            case OP_AND: puts("And"); break;
            case OP_OR: puts("Or"); break;
            case OP_BIT_NOT: puts("Bit Not"); break;
            case OP_BIT_AND: puts("Bit And"); break;
            case OP_BIT_OR: puts("Bit Or"); break;
            case OP_BIT_XOR: puts("Bit Xor"); break;
            case OP_LEFT_SHIFT: puts("Left Shift"); break;
            case OP_RIGHT_SHIFT: puts("Right Shift"); break;
            case OP_PRINT: puts("Print"); break;
            case OP_LINE: sPrintInt16(sc, "------------ Line"); break;
            case OP_GOTO: sPrintInt(sc, "GoTo"); break;
            case OP_GOSUB: sPrint2Int(sc, "GoSub"); break;
            case OP_IF_GOTO: sPrintInt(sc, "If GoTo"); break;
            case OP_SET_RETURN: puts("Set Return"); break;
            case OP_RETURN: puts("Return"); break;
            case OP_DUPLICATE: puts("Duplicate"); break;
            case OP_ALLOCATE_ARRAY: puts("Allocate Array"); break;
            case OP_ARRAY_LENGTH: puts("Array Length"); break;
            case OP_REFERENCE_FROM_VAR:
                sPrintInt(sc, "Reference From Var");
            case OP_REFERENCE_FROM_ARRAY:
                sPrintInt(sc, "Reference From Array");
            case OP_DEREFERENCE: puts("Dereference"); break;
    sc->readIndex = oldRead;