level_reset the level is reseted either because it is loaded the first time or the hero died
Information the hero is already spawned and can be modified
tile_interact an entity interacts with an interactable tile
Input entity
Information currently only the hero actively interacts with tiles
auto_tile_interact an entity automatically interacts with an interactable tile
Input entity
tile_hit a head hit tile is hit by an entity
Input entity
entity_spawn an entity is spawned
Input entity
Information entity.spawn throws this event delayed
entity_despawn an entity is despawned
Input entity
level.getName returns the name of the level
Format level.getName()
level.getWidth returns the width of the level
Format level.getWidth()
level.getHeight returns the height of the level
Format level.getHeight()
level.getLayers returns the amount of layers of the level
Format level.getLayers()
level.getBackgroundIndex returns the background index of the level
Format level.getBackgroundIndex()
level.getTile returns a tile id of a specified position in the level
Format level.getTile(layer, x, y)
level.setTile sets a tile id at a specified position in the level
Format level.setTile(layer, x, y, tile_id)
level.addMessage adds a message to the level message queue
Format level.settile(message)
level.finish marks the level as done and jumps back to the level navigation
Format level.finish()
tile.toTileCoord returns a level coordinate tranformed to a tile coordinate
Format tile.toTileCoord(level_coord)
tile.toLevelCoord returns a tile coordinate tranformed to a level coordinate
Format tile.toLevelCoord(tile_coord)
tile.scale returns a value scaled by the tile size factor
Format tile.scale(value)
Information this allows motion to be modified independent from tile size
Example entity.setMotionY(entity.getHero(), tile.scale(-40));
entity.getHero returns the hero of a level
Format entity.getHero()
entity.getX returns the x coordinate of an entity
Format entity.getX(entity)
entity.getY returns the y coordinate of an entity
Format entity.getY(entity)
entity.teleport moves an entity to a specified position
Format entity.teleport(entity, x, y)
entity.getMotionX returns the motion of an entity along the x axis
Format entity.getMotionX(entity)
entity.getMotionY returns the motion of an entity along the y axis
Format entity.getMotionY(entity)
entity.setMotionX sets the motion of an entity along the x axis
Format entity.setMotionX(entity, motion_x)
entity.setMotionY sets the motion of an entity along the y axis
Format entity.setMotionY(entity, motion_y)
entity.isHero returns true if an entity is the hero
Format entity.isHero(entity)
entity.getHealth returns the health of an entity
Format entity.getHealth(entity)
Information health is a value between 0 and 1 including both
entity.addHealth adds a value to the health of an entity
Format entity.addHealth(entity, value)
Information health will always stay within the range 0 to 1 including both
entity.getEnergy returns the energy of an entity
Format entity.getHealth(entity)
Information energy is a value between 0 and 1 including both
entity.addEnergy adds a value to the energy of an entity
Format entity.addEnergy(entity, value)
Information energy will always stay within the range 0 to 1 including both
entity.spawn spawns and returns an entity or null if the entity id is invalid
Format entity.spawn(entity_id, x, y)
entity.getType returns the type of an entity
Format entity.getType(entity)
platform.spawn spawns and returns a platform
Format platform.spawn(x, y, tile_width)
Arguments tile_width should be greater than or equal to 2
platform.addMove adds move data to a platform
Format platform.addMove(platform, x, y, speedX, speedY, wait_ticks)
Information a platform will loop through its move data by moving from one specified position to the next position with the specified speed
Arguments speedX and speedY are taken absolute and can therefore be either negative or positive
platform.clear removes all move data from a platform
Format platform.clear(platform)
light.setAmbient sets the ambient lighting of a level
Format light.setAmbient(red, green, blue)
Arguments red, green and blue are within the range 0 to 1 including both
light.setColor sets the color of a light in a level
Format light.setColor(index, red, green, blue)
Arguments index is a value from 0 to 31
red, green and blue are within the range 0 to 1 including both
light.setPosition sets the position of a light in a level
Format light.setPosition(index, x, y)
Arguments index is a value from 0 to 31
light.setPositionSmooth sets the position of a light in a level and remembers the old position for interpolation
Format light.setPositionSmooth(index, x, y)
Arguments index is a value from 0 to 31
light.setStrength sets the strength of a light in a level
Format light.setStrength(index, strength)
Arguments index is a value from 0 to 31
strength is the loose of lighting per pixel, therefore a higher value means a smaller light