#ifndef BITARRAY_H #define BITARRAY_H #include #include "utils/StringBuffer.h" template class BitArray final { static constexpr int INT_BITS = sizeof (int) * 8; static_assert(BITS >= 1, "each bit array element must have at least one bit"); static_assert(BITS <= INT_BITS, "each bit array element can have at most as much bits as an int"); static constexpr int MASK = (1 << BITS) - 1; static constexpr int LENGTH = (N * BITS) / INT_BITS + (((N * BITS) % INT_BITS) > 0); static constexpr bool ALIGNED = (INT_BITS % BITS) == 0; constexpr static int getDivideBits() { int c = 0; int i = INT_BITS - 1; while(i > 0) { i >>= 1; c++; } return c; } static constexpr int DIVIDE_BITS = getDivideBits(); int data[LENGTH]; static int readBits(const int* data, int index) { int dataIndexA = (index * BITS) >> DIVIDE_BITS; int dataIndexB = ((index + 1) * BITS) >> DIVIDE_BITS; int shifts = (index * BITS) & (INT_BITS - 1); if(dataIndexA == dataIndexB || ALIGNED) { return (data[dataIndexA] >> shifts) & MASK; } int bitsInA = INT_BITS - shifts; int r = (data[dataIndexA] >> shifts) & ((1 << bitsInA) - 1); r |= (data[dataIndexB] & ((1 << (BITS - bitsInA)) - 1)) << bitsInA; return r; } public: class BitInt { friend BitArray; int* data; int index; BitInt(int* data, int index) : data(data), index(index) { } BitInt(const BitInt& other) = default; BitInt(BitInt&& other) = default; public: BitInt& operator=(const BitInt& other) { return (*this) = static_cast (other); } BitInt& operator=(BitInt&& other) { return (*this) = static_cast (other); } BitInt& operator=(int i) { i &= MASK; int dataIndexA = (index * BITS) >> DIVIDE_BITS; int dataIndexB = ((index + 1) * BITS) >> DIVIDE_BITS; int shifts = (index * BITS) & (INT_BITS - 1); data[dataIndexA] &= ~(MASK << shifts); data[dataIndexA] |= (i << shifts); if(dataIndexA != dataIndexB && !ALIGNED) { int leftBits = BITS - (INT_BITS - shifts); int mask = (1 << leftBits) - 1; data[dataIndexB] &= ~mask; data[dataIndexB] |= (i >> (INT_BITS - shifts)); } return *this; } operator int() const { return readBits(data, index); } }; BitArray(int bits = 0) { fill(bits); } void fill(int bits) { for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { (*this)[i] = bits; } } BitInt operator[](int index) { return BitInt(data, index); } int operator[](int index) const { return readBits(data, index); } constexpr int getLength() const { return N; } template void toString(StringBuffer& s) const { s.append("["); for(int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) { s.append((*this)[i]); s.append(", "); } if(N > 0) { s.append((*this)[N - 1]); } s.append("]"); } }; #endif