/** * include/enet.h - a Single-Header auto-generated variant of enet.h library. * * Usage: * #define ENET_IMPLEMENTATION exactly in ONE source file right BEFORE including the library, like: * * #define ENET_IMPLEMENTATION * #include * */ #ifdef ENET_IMPLEMENTATION #define ENET_BUILDING_LIB 1 #endif /** @file enet.h @brief ENet public header file */ #ifndef __ENET_ENET_H__ #define __ENET_ENET_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include #ifdef _WIN32 /** @file win32.h @brief ENet Win32 header */ #ifndef __ENET_WIN32_H__ #define __ENET_WIN32_H__ #ifdef _MSC_VER #ifdef ENET_BUILDING_LIB #pragma warning (disable: 4267) // size_t to int conversion #pragma warning (disable: 4244) // 64bit to 32bit int #pragma warning (disable: 4018) // signed/unsigned mismatch #pragma warning (disable: 4146) // unary minus operator applied to unsigned type #endif #endif #include typedef SOCKET ENetSocket; #define ENET_SOCKET_NULL INVALID_SOCKET #define ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16(value) (htons (value)) #define ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32(value) (htonl (value)) #define ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16(value) (ntohs (value)) #define ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32(value) (ntohl (value)) typedef struct { size_t dataLength; void * data; } ENetBuffer; #define ENET_CALLBACK __cdecl #ifdef ENET_DLL #ifdef ENET_BUILDING_LIB #define ENET_API __declspec( dllexport ) #else #define ENET_API __declspec( dllimport ) #endif /* ENET_BUILDING_LIB */ #else /* !ENET_DLL */ #define ENET_API extern #endif /* ENET_DLL */ typedef fd_set ENetSocketSet; #define ENET_SOCKETSET_EMPTY(sockset) FD_ZERO (& (sockset)) #define ENET_SOCKETSET_ADD(sockset, socket) FD_SET (socket, & (sockset)) #define ENET_SOCKETSET_REMOVE(sockset, socket) FD_CLR (socket, & (sockset)) #define ENET_SOCKETSET_CHECK(sockset, socket) FD_ISSET (socket, & (sockset)) #endif /* __ENET_WIN32_H__ */ #else /** @file unix.h @brief ENet Unix header */ #ifndef __ENET_UNIX_H__ #define __ENET_UNIX_H__ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef MSG_MAXIOVLEN #define ENET_BUFFER_MAXIMUM MSG_MAXIOVLEN #endif typedef int ENetSocket; #define ENET_SOCKET_NULL -1 #define ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16(value) (htons (value)) /**< macro that converts host to net byte-order of a 16-bit value */ #define ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32(value) (htonl (value)) /**< macro that converts host to net byte-order of a 32-bit value */ #define ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16(value) (ntohs (value)) /**< macro that converts net to host byte-order of a 16-bit value */ #define ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32(value) (ntohl (value)) /**< macro that converts net to host byte-order of a 32-bit value */ typedef struct { void * data; size_t dataLength; } ENetBuffer; #define ENET_CALLBACK #define ENET_API extern typedef fd_set ENetSocketSet; #define ENET_SOCKETSET_EMPTY(sockset) FD_ZERO (& (sockset)) #define ENET_SOCKETSET_ADD(sockset, socket) FD_SET (socket, & (sockset)) #define ENET_SOCKETSET_REMOVE(sockset, socket) FD_CLR (socket, & (sockset)) #define ENET_SOCKETSET_CHECK(sockset, socket) FD_ISSET (socket, & (sockset)) #endif /* __ENET_UNIX_H__ */ #endif /** @file types.h @brief type definitions for ENet */ #ifndef __ENET_TYPES_H__ #define __ENET_TYPES_H__ #include typedef unsigned char enet_uint8; /**< unsigned 8-bit type */ typedef unsigned short enet_uint16; /**< unsigned 16-bit type */ typedef unsigned int enet_uint32; /**< unsigned 32-bit type */ typedef uint64_t enet_uint64; #endif /* __ENET_TYPES_H__ */ /** @file protocol.h @brief ENet protocol */ #ifndef __ENET_PROTOCOL_H__ #define __ENET_PROTOCOL_H__ enum { ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_MTU = 576, ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_MTU = 4096, ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_PACKET_COMMANDS = 32, ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE = 4096, ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE = 65536, ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_CHANNEL_COUNT = 1, ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_CHANNEL_COUNT = 255, ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_PEER_ID = 0xFFF, ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_FRAGMENT_COUNT = 1024 * 1024 }; typedef enum _ENetProtocolCommand { ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_NONE = 0, ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_ACKNOWLEDGE = 1, ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_CONNECT = 2, ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_VERIFY_CONNECT = 3, ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_DISCONNECT = 4, ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_PING = 5, ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_RELIABLE = 6, ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_UNRELIABLE = 7, ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_FRAGMENT = 8, ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_UNSEQUENCED = 9, ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT = 10, ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_THROTTLE_CONFIGURE = 11, ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_UNRELIABLE_FRAGMENT = 12, ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_COUNT = 13, ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_MASK = 0x0F } ENetProtocolCommand; typedef enum _ENetProtocolFlag { ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_FLAG_ACKNOWLEDGE = (1 << 7), ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_FLAG_UNSEQUENCED = (1 << 6), ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_FLAG_COMPRESSED = (1 << 14), ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_FLAG_SENT_TIME = (1 << 15), ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_FLAG_MASK = ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_FLAG_COMPRESSED | ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_FLAG_SENT_TIME, ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_SESSION_MASK = (3 << 12), ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_SESSION_SHIFT = 12 } ENetProtocolFlag; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma pack(push, 1) #define ENET_PACKED #elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) #define ENET_PACKED __attribute__ ((packed)) #else #define ENET_PACKED #endif typedef struct _ENetProtocolHeader { enet_uint16 peerID; enet_uint16 sentTime; } ENET_PACKED ENetProtocolHeader; typedef struct _ENetProtocolCommandHeader { enet_uint8 command; enet_uint8 channelID; enet_uint16 reliableSequenceNumber; } ENET_PACKED ENetProtocolCommandHeader; typedef struct _ENetProtocolAcknowledge { ENetProtocolCommandHeader header; enet_uint16 receivedReliableSequenceNumber; enet_uint16 receivedSentTime; } ENET_PACKED ENetProtocolAcknowledge; typedef struct _ENetProtocolConnect { ENetProtocolCommandHeader header; enet_uint16 outgoingPeerID; enet_uint8 incomingSessionID; enet_uint8 outgoingSessionID; enet_uint32 mtu; enet_uint32 windowSize; enet_uint32 channelCount; enet_uint32 incomingBandwidth; enet_uint32 outgoingBandwidth; enet_uint32 packetThrottleInterval; enet_uint32 packetThrottleAcceleration; enet_uint32 packetThrottleDeceleration; enet_uint32 connectID; enet_uint32 data; } ENET_PACKED ENetProtocolConnect; typedef struct _ENetProtocolVerifyConnect { ENetProtocolCommandHeader header; enet_uint16 outgoingPeerID; enet_uint8 incomingSessionID; enet_uint8 outgoingSessionID; enet_uint32 mtu; enet_uint32 windowSize; enet_uint32 channelCount; enet_uint32 incomingBandwidth; enet_uint32 outgoingBandwidth; enet_uint32 packetThrottleInterval; enet_uint32 packetThrottleAcceleration; enet_uint32 packetThrottleDeceleration; enet_uint32 connectID; } ENET_PACKED ENetProtocolVerifyConnect; typedef struct _ENetProtocolBandwidthLimit { ENetProtocolCommandHeader header; enet_uint32 incomingBandwidth; enet_uint32 outgoingBandwidth; } ENET_PACKED ENetProtocolBandwidthLimit; typedef struct _ENetProtocolThrottleConfigure { ENetProtocolCommandHeader header; enet_uint32 packetThrottleInterval; enet_uint32 packetThrottleAcceleration; enet_uint32 packetThrottleDeceleration; } ENET_PACKED ENetProtocolThrottleConfigure; typedef struct _ENetProtocolDisconnect { ENetProtocolCommandHeader header; enet_uint32 data; } ENET_PACKED ENetProtocolDisconnect; typedef struct _ENetProtocolPing { ENetProtocolCommandHeader header; } ENET_PACKED ENetProtocolPing; typedef struct _ENetProtocolSendReliable { ENetProtocolCommandHeader header; enet_uint16 dataLength; } ENET_PACKED ENetProtocolSendReliable; typedef struct _ENetProtocolSendUnreliable { ENetProtocolCommandHeader header; enet_uint16 unreliableSequenceNumber; enet_uint16 dataLength; } ENET_PACKED ENetProtocolSendUnreliable; typedef struct _ENetProtocolSendUnsequenced { ENetProtocolCommandHeader header; enet_uint16 unsequencedGroup; enet_uint16 dataLength; } ENET_PACKED ENetProtocolSendUnsequenced; typedef struct _ENetProtocolSendFragment { ENetProtocolCommandHeader header; enet_uint16 startSequenceNumber; enet_uint16 dataLength; enet_uint32 fragmentCount; enet_uint32 fragmentNumber; enet_uint32 totalLength; enet_uint32 fragmentOffset; } ENET_PACKED ENetProtocolSendFragment; typedef union _ENetProtocol { ENetProtocolCommandHeader header; ENetProtocolAcknowledge acknowledge; ENetProtocolConnect connect; ENetProtocolVerifyConnect verifyConnect; ENetProtocolDisconnect disconnect; ENetProtocolPing ping; ENetProtocolSendReliable sendReliable; ENetProtocolSendUnreliable sendUnreliable; ENetProtocolSendUnsequenced sendUnsequenced; ENetProtocolSendFragment sendFragment; ENetProtocolBandwidthLimit bandwidthLimit; ENetProtocolThrottleConfigure throttleConfigure; } ENET_PACKED ENetProtocol; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma pack(pop) #endif #endif /* __ENET_PROTOCOL_H__ */ /** @file list.h @brief ENet list management */ #ifndef __ENET_LIST_H__ #define __ENET_LIST_H__ typedef struct _ENetListNode { struct _ENetListNode * next; struct _ENetListNode * previous; } ENetListNode; typedef ENetListNode * ENetListIterator; typedef struct _ENetList { ENetListNode sentinel; } ENetList; extern void enet_list_clear (ENetList *); extern ENetListIterator enet_list_insert (ENetListIterator, void *); extern void * enet_list_remove (ENetListIterator); extern ENetListIterator enet_list_move (ENetListIterator, void *, void *); extern size_t enet_list_size (ENetList *); #define enet_list_begin(list) ((list) -> sentinel.next) #define enet_list_end(list) (& (list) -> sentinel) #define enet_list_empty(list) (enet_list_begin (list) == enet_list_end (list)) #define enet_list_next(iterator) ((iterator) -> next) #define enet_list_previous(iterator) ((iterator) -> previous) #define enet_list_front(list) ((void *) (list) -> sentinel.next) #define enet_list_back(list) ((void *) (list) -> sentinel.previous) #endif /* __ENET_LIST_H__ */ /** @file time.h @brief ENet time constants and macros */ #ifndef __ENET_TIME_H__ #define __ENET_TIME_H__ #define ENET_TIME_OVERFLOW 86400000 #define ENET_TIME_LESS(a, b) ((a) - (b) >= ENET_TIME_OVERFLOW) #define ENET_TIME_GREATER(a, b) ((b) - (a) >= ENET_TIME_OVERFLOW) #define ENET_TIME_LESS_EQUAL(a, b) (! ENET_TIME_GREATER (a, b)) #define ENET_TIME_GREATER_EQUAL(a, b) (! ENET_TIME_LESS (a, b)) #define ENET_TIME_DIFFERENCE(a, b) ((a) - (b) >= ENET_TIME_OVERFLOW ? (b) - (a) : (a) - (b)) #endif /* __ENET_TIME_H__ */ /** @file utility.h @brief ENet utility header */ #ifndef __ENET_UTILITY_H__ #define __ENET_UTILITY_H__ #define ENET_MAX(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y)) #define ENET_MIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y)) #endif /* __ENET_UTILITY_H__ */ /** @file callbacks.h @brief ENet callbacks */ #ifndef __ENET_CALLBACKS_H__ #define __ENET_CALLBACKS_H__ typedef struct _ENetCallbacks { void * (ENET_CALLBACK * malloc) (size_t size); void (ENET_CALLBACK * free) (void * memory); void (ENET_CALLBACK * no_memory) (void); } ENetCallbacks; /** @defgroup callbacks ENet internal callbacks @{ @ingroup private */ extern void * enet_malloc (size_t); extern void enet_free (void *); /** @} */ #endif /* __ENET_CALLBACKS_H__ */ #define ENET_VERSION_MAJOR 1 #define ENET_VERSION_MINOR 4 #define ENET_VERSION_PATCH 3 #define ENET_VERSION_CREATE(major, minor, patch) (((major)<<16) | ((minor)<<8) | (patch)) #define ENET_VERSION_GET_MAJOR(version) (((version)>>16)&0xFF) #define ENET_VERSION_GET_MINOR(version) (((version)>>8)&0xFF) #define ENET_VERSION_GET_PATCH(version) ((version)&0xFF) #define ENET_VERSION ENET_VERSION_CREATE(ENET_VERSION_MAJOR, ENET_VERSION_MINOR, ENET_VERSION_PATCH) typedef enet_uint32 ENetVersion; struct _ENetHost; struct _ENetEvent; struct _ENetPacket; typedef enum _ENetSocketType { ENET_SOCKET_TYPE_STREAM = 1, ENET_SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM = 2 } ENetSocketType; typedef enum _ENetSocketWait { ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_NONE = 0, ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_SEND = (1 << 0), ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_RECEIVE = (1 << 1), ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_INTERRUPT = (1 << 2) } ENetSocketWait; typedef enum _ENetSocketOption { ENET_SOCKOPT_NONBLOCK = 1, ENET_SOCKOPT_BROADCAST = 2, ENET_SOCKOPT_RCVBUF = 3, ENET_SOCKOPT_SNDBUF = 4, ENET_SOCKOPT_REUSEADDR = 5, ENET_SOCKOPT_RCVTIMEO = 6, ENET_SOCKOPT_SNDTIMEO = 7, ENET_SOCKOPT_ERROR = 8, ENET_SOCKOPT_NODELAY = 9 } ENetSocketOption; typedef enum _ENetSocketShutdown { ENET_SOCKET_SHUTDOWN_READ = 0, ENET_SOCKET_SHUTDOWN_WRITE = 1, ENET_SOCKET_SHUTDOWN_READ_WRITE = 2 } ENetSocketShutdown; #define ENET_HOST_ANY 0 #define ENET_HOST_BROADCAST 0xFFFFFFFFU #define ENET_PORT_ANY 0 /** * Portable internet address structure. * * The host must be specified in network byte-order, and the port must be in host * byte-order. The constant ENET_HOST_ANY may be used to specify the default * server host. The constant ENET_HOST_BROADCAST may be used to specify the * broadcast address ( This makes sense for enet_host_connect, * but not for enet_host_create. Once a server responds to a broadcast, the * address is updated from ENET_HOST_BROADCAST to the server's actual IP address. */ typedef struct _ENetAddress { enet_uint32 host; enet_uint16 port; } ENetAddress; /** * Packet flag bit constants. * * The host must be specified in network byte-order, and the port must be in * host byte-order. The constant ENET_HOST_ANY may be used to specify the * default server host. @sa ENetPacket */ typedef enum _ENetPacketFlag { /** packet must be received by the target peer and resend attempts should be * made until the packet is delivered */ ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE = (1 << 0), /** packet will not be sequenced with other packets * not supported for reliable packets */ ENET_PACKET_FLAG_UNSEQUENCED = (1 << 1), /** packet will not allocate data, and user must supply it instead */ ENET_PACKET_FLAG_NO_ALLOCATE = (1 << 2), /** packet will be fragmented using unreliable (instead of reliable) sends * if it exceeds the MTU */ ENET_PACKET_FLAG_UNRELIABLE_FRAGMENT = (1 << 3), /** whether the packet has been sent from all queues it has been entered into */ ENET_PACKET_FLAG_SENT = (1<<8) } ENetPacketFlag; typedef void (ENET_CALLBACK * ENetPacketFreeCallback) (struct _ENetPacket *); /** * ENet packet structure. * * An ENet data packet that may be sent to or received from a peer. The shown * fields should only be read and never modified. The data field contains the * allocated data for the packet. The dataLength fields specifies the length * of the allocated data. The flags field is either 0 (specifying no flags), * or a bitwise-or of any combination of the following flags: * * ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE - packet must be received by the target peer * and resend attempts should be made until the packet is delivered * * ENET_PACKET_FLAG_UNSEQUENCED - packet will not be sequenced with other packets * (not supported for reliable packets) * * ENET_PACKET_FLAG_NO_ALLOCATE - packet will not allocate data, and user must supply it instead * * ENET_PACKET_FLAG_UNRELIABLE_FRAGMENT - packet will be fragmented using unreliable * (instead of reliable) sends if it exceeds the MTU * * ENET_PACKET_FLAG_SENT - whether the packet has been sent from all queues it has been entered into @sa ENetPacketFlag */ typedef struct _ENetPacket { size_t referenceCount; /**< internal use only */ enet_uint32 flags; /**< bitwise-or of ENetPacketFlag constants */ enet_uint8 * data; /**< allocated data for packet */ size_t dataLength; /**< length of data */ ENetPacketFreeCallback freeCallback; /**< function to be called when the packet is no longer in use */ void * userData; /**< application private data, may be freely modified */ } ENetPacket; typedef struct _ENetAcknowledgement { ENetListNode acknowledgementList; enet_uint32 sentTime; ENetProtocol command; } ENetAcknowledgement; typedef struct _ENetOutgoingCommand { ENetListNode outgoingCommandList; enet_uint16 reliableSequenceNumber; enet_uint16 unreliableSequenceNumber; enet_uint32 sentTime; enet_uint32 roundTripTimeout; enet_uint32 roundTripTimeoutLimit; enet_uint32 fragmentOffset; enet_uint16 fragmentLength; enet_uint16 sendAttempts; ENetProtocol command; ENetPacket * packet; } ENetOutgoingCommand; typedef struct _ENetIncomingCommand { ENetListNode incomingCommandList; enet_uint16 reliableSequenceNumber; enet_uint16 unreliableSequenceNumber; ENetProtocol command; enet_uint32 fragmentCount; enet_uint32 fragmentsRemaining; enet_uint32 * fragments; ENetPacket * packet; } ENetIncomingCommand; typedef enum _ENetPeerState { ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECTED = 0, ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTING = 1, ENET_PEER_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGING_CONNECT = 2, ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTION_PENDING = 3, ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTION_SUCCEEDED = 4, ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED = 5, ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER = 6, ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECTING = 7, ENET_PEER_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGING_DISCONNECT = 8, ENET_PEER_STATE_ZOMBIE = 9 } ENetPeerState; #ifndef ENET_BUFFER_MAXIMUM #define ENET_BUFFER_MAXIMUM (1 + 2 * ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_PACKET_COMMANDS) #endif enum { ENET_HOST_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE = 256 * 1024, ENET_HOST_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE = 256 * 1024, ENET_HOST_BANDWIDTH_THROTTLE_INTERVAL = 1000, ENET_HOST_DEFAULT_MTU = 1400, ENET_HOST_DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_PACKET_SIZE = 32 * 1024 * 1024, ENET_HOST_DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_WAITING_DATA = 32 * 1024 * 1024, ENET_PEER_DEFAULT_ROUND_TRIP_TIME = 500, ENET_PEER_DEFAULT_PACKET_THROTTLE = 32, ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_SCALE = 32, ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_COUNTER = 7, ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_ACCELERATION = 2, ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_DECELERATION = 2, ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_INTERVAL = 5000, ENET_PEER_PACKET_LOSS_SCALE = (1 << 16), ENET_PEER_PACKET_LOSS_INTERVAL = 10000, ENET_PEER_WINDOW_SIZE_SCALE = 64 * 1024, ENET_PEER_TIMEOUT_LIMIT = 32, ENET_PEER_TIMEOUT_MINIMUM = 5000, ENET_PEER_TIMEOUT_MAXIMUM = 30000, ENET_PEER_PING_INTERVAL = 500, ENET_PEER_UNSEQUENCED_WINDOWS = 64, ENET_PEER_UNSEQUENCED_WINDOW_SIZE = 1024, ENET_PEER_FREE_UNSEQUENCED_WINDOWS = 32, ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOWS = 16, ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOW_SIZE = 0x1000, ENET_PEER_FREE_RELIABLE_WINDOWS = 8 }; typedef struct _ENetChannel { enet_uint16 outgoingReliableSequenceNumber; enet_uint16 outgoingUnreliableSequenceNumber; enet_uint16 usedReliableWindows; enet_uint16 reliableWindows [ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOWS]; enet_uint16 incomingReliableSequenceNumber; enet_uint16 incomingUnreliableSequenceNumber; ENetList incomingReliableCommands; ENetList incomingUnreliableCommands; } ENetChannel; /** * An ENet peer which data packets may be sent or received from. * * No fields should be modified unless otherwise specified. */ typedef struct _ENetPeer { ENetListNode dispatchList; struct _ENetHost * host; enet_uint16 outgoingPeerID; enet_uint16 incomingPeerID; enet_uint32 connectID; enet_uint8 outgoingSessionID; enet_uint8 incomingSessionID; ENetAddress address; /**< Internet address of the peer */ void * data; /**< Application private data, may be freely modified */ ENetPeerState state; ENetChannel * channels; size_t channelCount; /**< Number of channels allocated for communication with peer */ enet_uint32 incomingBandwidth; /**< Downstream bandwidth of the client in bytes/second */ enet_uint32 outgoingBandwidth; /**< Upstream bandwidth of the client in bytes/second */ enet_uint32 incomingBandwidthThrottleEpoch; enet_uint32 outgoingBandwidthThrottleEpoch; enet_uint32 incomingDataTotal; enet_uint32 outgoingDataTotal; enet_uint32 lastSendTime; enet_uint32 lastReceiveTime; enet_uint32 nextTimeout; enet_uint32 earliestTimeout; enet_uint32 packetLossEpoch; enet_uint32 packetsSent; enet_uint32 packetsLost; enet_uint32 packetLoss; /**< mean packet loss of reliable packets as a ratio with respect to the constant ENET_PEER_PACKET_LOSS_SCALE */ enet_uint32 packetLossVariance; enet_uint32 packetThrottle; enet_uint32 packetThrottleLimit; enet_uint32 packetThrottleCounter; enet_uint32 packetThrottleEpoch; enet_uint32 packetThrottleAcceleration; enet_uint32 packetThrottleDeceleration; enet_uint32 packetThrottleInterval; enet_uint32 pingInterval; enet_uint32 timeoutLimit; enet_uint32 timeoutMinimum; enet_uint32 timeoutMaximum; enet_uint32 lastRoundTripTime; enet_uint32 lowestRoundTripTime; enet_uint32 lastRoundTripTimeVariance; enet_uint32 highestRoundTripTimeVariance; enet_uint32 roundTripTime; /**< mean round trip time (RTT), in milliseconds, between sending a reliable packet and receiving its acknowledgement */ enet_uint32 roundTripTimeVariance; enet_uint32 mtu; enet_uint32 windowSize; enet_uint32 reliableDataInTransit; enet_uint16 outgoingReliableSequenceNumber; ENetList acknowledgements; ENetList sentReliableCommands; ENetList sentUnreliableCommands; ENetList outgoingReliableCommands; ENetList outgoingUnreliableCommands; ENetList dispatchedCommands; int needsDispatch; enet_uint16 incomingUnsequencedGroup; enet_uint16 outgoingUnsequencedGroup; enet_uint32 unsequencedWindow [ENET_PEER_UNSEQUENCED_WINDOW_SIZE / 32]; enet_uint32 eventData; size_t totalWaitingData; } ENetPeer; /** An ENet packet compressor for compressing UDP packets before socket sends or receives. */ typedef struct _ENetCompressor { /** Context data for the compressor. Must be non-NULL. */ void * context; /** Compresses from inBuffers[0:inBufferCount-1], containing inLimit bytes, to outData, outputting at most outLimit bytes. Should return 0 on failure. */ size_t (ENET_CALLBACK * compress) (void * context, const ENetBuffer * inBuffers, size_t inBufferCount, size_t inLimit, enet_uint8 * outData, size_t outLimit); /** Decompresses from inData, containing inLimit bytes, to outData, outputting at most outLimit bytes. Should return 0 on failure. */ size_t (ENET_CALLBACK * decompress) (void * context, const enet_uint8 * inData, size_t inLimit, enet_uint8 * outData, size_t outLimit); /** Destroys the context when compression is disabled or the host is destroyed. May be NULL. */ void (ENET_CALLBACK * destroy) (void * context); } ENetCompressor; /** Callback that computes the checksum of the data held in buffers[0:bufferCount-1] */ typedef enet_uint32 (ENET_CALLBACK * ENetChecksumCallback) (const ENetBuffer * buffers, size_t bufferCount); /** Callback for intercepting received raw UDP packets. Should return 1 to intercept, 0 to ignore, or -1 to propagate an error. */ typedef int (ENET_CALLBACK * ENetInterceptCallback) (struct _ENetHost * host, struct _ENetEvent * event); /** An ENet host for communicating with peers. * * No fields should be modified unless otherwise stated. @sa enet_host_create() @sa enet_host_destroy() @sa enet_host_connect() @sa enet_host_service() @sa enet_host_flush() @sa enet_host_broadcast() @sa enet_host_compress() @sa enet_host_compress_with_range_coder() @sa enet_host_channel_limit() @sa enet_host_bandwidth_limit() @sa enet_host_bandwidth_throttle() */ typedef struct _ENetHost { ENetSocket socket; ENetAddress address; /**< Internet address of the host */ enet_uint32 incomingBandwidth; /**< downstream bandwidth of the host */ enet_uint32 outgoingBandwidth; /**< upstream bandwidth of the host */ enet_uint32 bandwidthThrottleEpoch; enet_uint32 mtu; enet_uint32 randomSeed; int recalculateBandwidthLimits; ENetPeer * peers; /**< array of peers allocated for this host */ size_t peerCount; /**< number of peers allocated for this host */ size_t channelLimit; /**< maximum number of channels allowed for connected peers */ enet_uint32 serviceTime; ENetList dispatchQueue; int continueSending; size_t packetSize; enet_uint16 headerFlags; ENetProtocol commands [ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_PACKET_COMMANDS]; size_t commandCount; ENetBuffer buffers [ENET_BUFFER_MAXIMUM]; size_t bufferCount; ENetChecksumCallback checksum; /**< callback the user can set to enable packet checksums for this host */ ENetCompressor compressor; enet_uint8 packetData [2][ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_MTU]; ENetAddress receivedAddress; enet_uint8 * receivedData; size_t receivedDataLength; enet_uint32 totalSentData; /**< total data sent, user should reset to 0 as needed to prevent overflow */ enet_uint32 totalSentPackets; /**< total UDP packets sent, user should reset to 0 as needed to prevent overflow */ enet_uint32 totalReceivedData; /**< total data received, user should reset to 0 as needed to prevent overflow */ enet_uint32 totalReceivedPackets; /**< total UDP packets received, user should reset to 0 as needed to prevent overflow */ ENetInterceptCallback intercept; /**< callback the user can set to intercept received raw UDP packets */ size_t connectedPeers; size_t bandwidthLimitedPeers; size_t duplicatePeers; /**< optional number of allowed peers from duplicate IPs, defaults to ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_PEER_ID */ size_t maximumPacketSize; /**< the maximum allowable packet size that may be sent or received on a peer */ size_t maximumWaitingData; /**< the maximum aggregate amount of buffer space a peer may use waiting for packets to be delivered */ } ENetHost; /** * An ENet event type, as specified in @ref ENetEvent. */ typedef enum _ENetEventType { /** no event occurred within the specified time limit */ ENET_EVENT_TYPE_NONE = 0, /** a connection request initiated by enet_host_connect has completed. * The peer field contains the peer which successfully connected. */ ENET_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECT = 1, /** a peer has disconnected. This event is generated on a successful * completion of a disconnect initiated by enet_peer_disconnect, if * a peer has timed out, or if a connection request intialized by * enet_host_connect has timed out. The peer field contains the peer * which disconnected. The data field contains user supplied data * describing the disconnection, or 0, if none is available. */ ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT = 2, /** a packet has been received from a peer. The peer field specifies the * peer which sent the packet. The channelID field specifies the channel * number upon which the packet was received. The packet field contains * the packet that was received; this packet must be destroyed with * enet_packet_destroy after use. */ ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE = 3 } ENetEventType; /** * An ENet event as returned by enet_host_service(). @sa enet_host_service */ typedef struct _ENetEvent { ENetEventType type; /**< type of the event */ ENetPeer * peer; /**< peer that generated a connect, disconnect or receive event */ enet_uint8 channelID; /**< channel on the peer that generated the event, if appropriate */ enet_uint32 data; /**< data associated with the event, if appropriate */ ENetPacket * packet; /**< packet associated with the event, if appropriate */ } ENetEvent; /** @defgroup global ENet global functions @{ */ /** Initializes ENet globally. Must be called prior to using any functions in ENet. @returns 0 on success, < 0 on failure */ ENET_API int enet_initialize (void); /** Initializes ENet globally and supplies user-overridden callbacks. Must be called prior to using any functions in ENet. Do not use enet_initialize() if you use this variant. Make sure the ENetCallbacks structure is zeroed out so that any additional callbacks added in future versions will be properly ignored. @param version the constant ENET_VERSION should be supplied so ENet knows which version of ENetCallbacks struct to use @param inits user-overridden callbacks where any NULL callbacks will use ENet's defaults @returns 0 on success, < 0 on failure */ ENET_API int enet_initialize_with_callbacks (ENetVersion version, const ENetCallbacks * inits); /** Shuts down ENet globally. Should be called when a program that has initialized ENet exits. */ ENET_API void enet_deinitialize (void); /** Gives the linked version of the ENet library. @returns the version number */ ENET_API ENetVersion enet_linked_version (void); /** @} */ /** @defgroup private ENet private implementation functions */ /** Returns the wall-time in milliseconds. Its initial value is unspecified unless otherwise set. */ ENET_API enet_uint64 enet_time_get (void); /** Sets the current wall-time in milliseconds. */ ENET_API void enet_time_set (enet_uint64); /** @defgroup socket ENet socket functions @{ */ ENET_API ENetSocket enet_socket_create (ENetSocketType); ENET_API int enet_socket_bind (ENetSocket, const ENetAddress *); ENET_API int enet_socket_get_address (ENetSocket, ENetAddress *); ENET_API int enet_socket_listen (ENetSocket, int); ENET_API ENetSocket enet_socket_accept (ENetSocket, ENetAddress *); ENET_API int enet_socket_connect (ENetSocket, const ENetAddress *); ENET_API int enet_socket_send (ENetSocket, const ENetAddress *, const ENetBuffer *, size_t); ENET_API int enet_socket_receive (ENetSocket, ENetAddress *, ENetBuffer *, size_t); ENET_API int enet_socket_wait (ENetSocket, enet_uint32 *, enet_uint64); ENET_API int enet_socket_set_option (ENetSocket, ENetSocketOption, int); ENET_API int enet_socket_get_option (ENetSocket, ENetSocketOption, int *); ENET_API int enet_socket_shutdown (ENetSocket, ENetSocketShutdown); ENET_API void enet_socket_destroy (ENetSocket); ENET_API int enet_socketset_select (ENetSocket, ENetSocketSet *, ENetSocketSet *, enet_uint32); /** @} */ /** @defgroup Address ENet address functions @{ */ /** Attempts to parse the printable form of the IP address in the parameter hostName and sets the host field in the address parameter if successful. @param address destination to store the parsed IP address @param hostName IP address to parse @retval 0 on success @retval < 0 on failure @returns the address of the given hostName in address on success */ ENET_API int enet_address_set_host_ip (ENetAddress * address, const char * hostName); /** Attempts to resolve the host named by the parameter hostName and sets the host field in the address parameter if successful. @param address destination to store resolved address @param hostName host name to lookup @retval 0 on success @retval < 0 on failure @returns the address of the given hostName in address on success */ ENET_API int enet_address_set_host (ENetAddress * address, const char * hostName); /** Gives the printable form of the IP address specified in the address parameter. @param address address printed @param hostName destination for name, must not be NULL @param nameLength maximum length of hostName. @returns the null-terminated name of the host in hostName on success @retval 0 on success @retval < 0 on failure */ ENET_API int enet_address_get_host_ip (const ENetAddress * address, char * hostName, size_t nameLength); /** Attempts to do a reverse lookup of the host field in the address parameter. @param address address used for reverse lookup @param hostName destination for name, must not be NULL @param nameLength maximum length of hostName. @returns the null-terminated name of the host in hostName on success @retval 0 on success @retval < 0 on failure */ ENET_API int enet_address_get_host (const ENetAddress * address, char * hostName, size_t nameLength); /** @} */ ENET_API ENetPacket * enet_packet_create (const void *, size_t, enet_uint32); ENET_API ENetPacket * enet_packet_create_offset (const void *, size_t, size_t, enet_uint32); ENET_API void enet_packet_destroy (ENetPacket *); ENET_API int enet_packet_resize (ENetPacket *, size_t); ENET_API enet_uint32 enet_crc32 (const ENetBuffer *, size_t); ENET_API ENetHost * enet_host_create (const ENetAddress *, size_t, size_t, enet_uint32, enet_uint32); ENET_API void enet_host_destroy (ENetHost *); ENET_API ENetPeer * enet_host_connect (ENetHost *, const ENetAddress *, size_t, enet_uint32); ENET_API int enet_host_check_events (ENetHost *, ENetEvent *); ENET_API int enet_host_service (ENetHost *, ENetEvent *, enet_uint32); ENET_API void enet_host_flush (ENetHost *); ENET_API void enet_host_broadcast (ENetHost *, enet_uint8, ENetPacket *); ENET_API void enet_host_compress (ENetHost *, const ENetCompressor *); ENET_API int enet_host_compress_with_range_coder (ENetHost * host); ENET_API void enet_host_channel_limit (ENetHost *, size_t); ENET_API void enet_host_bandwidth_limit (ENetHost *, enet_uint32, enet_uint32); extern void enet_host_bandwidth_throttle (ENetHost *); extern enet_uint64 enet_host_random_seed (void); ENET_API int enet_peer_send (ENetPeer *, enet_uint8, ENetPacket *); ENET_API ENetPacket * enet_peer_receive (ENetPeer *, enet_uint8 * channelID); ENET_API void enet_peer_ping (ENetPeer *); ENET_API void enet_peer_ping_interval (ENetPeer *, enet_uint32); ENET_API void enet_peer_timeout (ENetPeer *, enet_uint32, enet_uint32, enet_uint32); ENET_API void enet_peer_reset (ENetPeer *); ENET_API void enet_peer_disconnect (ENetPeer *, enet_uint32); ENET_API void enet_peer_disconnect_now (ENetPeer *, enet_uint32); ENET_API void enet_peer_disconnect_later (ENetPeer *, enet_uint32); ENET_API void enet_peer_throttle_configure (ENetPeer *, enet_uint32, enet_uint32, enet_uint32); extern int enet_peer_throttle (ENetPeer *, enet_uint32); extern void enet_peer_reset_queues (ENetPeer *); extern void enet_peer_setup_outgoing_command (ENetPeer *, ENetOutgoingCommand *); extern ENetOutgoingCommand * enet_peer_queue_outgoing_command (ENetPeer *, const ENetProtocol *, ENetPacket *, enet_uint32, enet_uint16); extern ENetIncomingCommand * enet_peer_queue_incoming_command (ENetPeer *, const ENetProtocol *, const void *, size_t, enet_uint32, enet_uint32); extern ENetAcknowledgement * enet_peer_queue_acknowledgement (ENetPeer *, const ENetProtocol *, enet_uint16); extern void enet_peer_dispatch_incoming_unreliable_commands (ENetPeer *, ENetChannel *); extern void enet_peer_dispatch_incoming_reliable_commands (ENetPeer *, ENetChannel *); extern void enet_peer_on_connect (ENetPeer *); extern void enet_peer_on_disconnect (ENetPeer *); ENET_API void * enet_range_coder_create (void); ENET_API void enet_range_coder_destroy (void *); ENET_API size_t enet_range_coder_compress (void *, const ENetBuffer *, size_t, size_t, enet_uint8 *, size_t); ENET_API size_t enet_range_coder_decompress (void *, const enet_uint8 *, size_t, enet_uint8 *, size_t); extern size_t enet_protocol_command_size (enet_uint8); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #if defined(ENET_IMPLEMENTATION) && !defined(ENET_IMPLEMENTATION_DONE) #define ENET_IMPLEMENTATION_DONE #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // @from_file: src/callbacks.c /** @file callbacks.c @brief ENet callback functions */ #define ENET_BUILDING_LIB 1 static ENetCallbacks callbacks = { malloc, free, abort }; int enet_initialize_with_callbacks (ENetVersion version, const ENetCallbacks * inits) { if (version < ENET_VERSION_CREATE (1, 3, 0)) return -1; if (inits -> malloc != NULL || inits -> free != NULL) { if (inits -> malloc == NULL || inits -> free == NULL) return -1; callbacks.malloc = inits -> malloc; callbacks.free = inits -> free; } if (inits -> no_memory != NULL) callbacks.no_memory = inits -> no_memory; return enet_initialize (); } ENetVersion enet_linked_version (void) { return ENET_VERSION; } void * enet_malloc (size_t size) { void * memory = callbacks.malloc (size); if (memory == NULL) callbacks.no_memory (); return memory; } void enet_free (void * memory) { callbacks.free (memory); } // @from_file: src/compress.c /** @file compress.c @brief An adaptive order-2 PPM range coder */ #define ENET_BUILDING_LIB 1 #include typedef struct _ENetSymbol { /* binary indexed tree of symbols */ enet_uint8 value; enet_uint8 count; enet_uint16 under; enet_uint16 left, right; /* context defined by this symbol */ enet_uint16 symbols; enet_uint16 escapes; enet_uint16 total; enet_uint16 parent; } ENetSymbol; /* adaptation constants tuned aggressively for small packet sizes rather than large file compression */ enum { ENET_RANGE_CODER_TOP = 1<<24, ENET_RANGE_CODER_BOTTOM = 1<<16, ENET_CONTEXT_SYMBOL_DELTA = 3, ENET_CONTEXT_SYMBOL_MINIMUM = 1, ENET_CONTEXT_ESCAPE_MINIMUM = 1, ENET_SUBCONTEXT_ORDER = 2, ENET_SUBCONTEXT_SYMBOL_DELTA = 2, ENET_SUBCONTEXT_ESCAPE_DELTA = 5 }; /* context exclusion roughly halves compression speed, so disable for now */ #undef ENET_CONTEXT_EXCLUSION typedef struct _ENetRangeCoder { /* only allocate enough symbols for reasonable MTUs, would need to be larger for large file compression */ ENetSymbol symbols[4096]; } ENetRangeCoder; void * enet_range_coder_create (void) { ENetRangeCoder * rangeCoder = (ENetRangeCoder *) enet_malloc (sizeof (ENetRangeCoder)); if (rangeCoder == NULL) return NULL; return rangeCoder; } void enet_range_coder_destroy (void * context) { ENetRangeCoder * rangeCoder = (ENetRangeCoder *) context; if (rangeCoder == NULL) return; enet_free (rangeCoder); } #define ENET_SYMBOL_CREATE(symbol, value_, count_) \ { \ symbol = & rangeCoder -> symbols [nextSymbol ++]; \ symbol -> value = value_; \ symbol -> count = count_; \ symbol -> under = count_; \ symbol -> left = 0; \ symbol -> right = 0; \ symbol -> symbols = 0; \ symbol -> escapes = 0; \ symbol -> total = 0; \ symbol -> parent = 0; \ } #define ENET_CONTEXT_CREATE(context, escapes_, minimum) \ { \ ENET_SYMBOL_CREATE (context, 0, 0); \ (context) -> escapes = escapes_; \ (context) -> total = escapes_ + 256*minimum; \ (context) -> symbols = 0; \ } static enet_uint16 enet_symbol_rescale (ENetSymbol * symbol) { enet_uint16 total = 0; for (;;) { symbol -> count -= symbol->count >> 1; symbol -> under = symbol -> count; if (symbol -> left) symbol -> under += enet_symbol_rescale (symbol + symbol -> left); total += symbol -> under; if (! symbol -> right) break; symbol += symbol -> right; } return total; } #define ENET_CONTEXT_RESCALE(context, minimum) \ { \ (context) -> total = (context) -> symbols ? enet_symbol_rescale ((context) + (context) -> symbols) : 0; \ (context) -> escapes -= (context) -> escapes >> 1; \ (context) -> total += (context) -> escapes + 256*minimum; \ } #define ENET_RANGE_CODER_OUTPUT(value) \ { \ if (outData >= outEnd) \ return 0; \ * outData ++ = value; \ } #define ENET_RANGE_CODER_ENCODE(under, count, total) \ { \ encodeRange /= (total); \ encodeLow += (under) * encodeRange; \ encodeRange *= (count); \ for (;;) \ { \ if((encodeLow ^ (encodeLow + encodeRange)) >= ENET_RANGE_CODER_TOP) \ { \ if(encodeRange >= ENET_RANGE_CODER_BOTTOM) break; \ encodeRange = -encodeLow & (ENET_RANGE_CODER_BOTTOM - 1); \ } \ ENET_RANGE_CODER_OUTPUT (encodeLow >> 24); \ encodeRange <<= 8; \ encodeLow <<= 8; \ } \ } #define ENET_RANGE_CODER_FLUSH \ { \ while (encodeLow) \ { \ ENET_RANGE_CODER_OUTPUT (encodeLow >> 24); \ encodeLow <<= 8; \ } \ } #define ENET_RANGE_CODER_FREE_SYMBOLS \ { \ if (nextSymbol >= sizeof (rangeCoder -> symbols) / sizeof (ENetSymbol) - ENET_SUBCONTEXT_ORDER ) \ { \ nextSymbol = 0; \ ENET_CONTEXT_CREATE (root, ENET_CONTEXT_ESCAPE_MINIMUM, ENET_CONTEXT_SYMBOL_MINIMUM); \ predicted = 0; \ order = 0; \ } \ } #define ENET_CONTEXT_ENCODE(context, symbol_, value_, under_, count_, update, minimum) \ { \ under_ = value*minimum; \ count_ = minimum; \ if (! (context) -> symbols) \ { \ ENET_SYMBOL_CREATE (symbol_, value_, update); \ (context) -> symbols = symbol_ - (context); \ } \ else \ { \ ENetSymbol * node = (context) + (context) -> symbols; \ for (;;) \ { \ if (value_ < node -> value) \ { \ node -> under += update; \ if (node -> left) { node += node -> left; continue; } \ ENET_SYMBOL_CREATE (symbol_, value_, update); \ node -> left = symbol_ - node; \ } \ else \ if (value_ > node -> value) \ { \ under_ += node -> under; \ if (node -> right) { node += node -> right; continue; } \ ENET_SYMBOL_CREATE (symbol_, value_, update); \ node -> right = symbol_ - node; \ } \ else \ { \ count_ += node -> count; \ under_ += node -> under - node -> count; \ node -> under += update; \ node -> count += update; \ symbol_ = node; \ } \ break; \ } \ } \ } #ifdef ENET_CONTEXT_EXCLUSION static const ENetSymbol emptyContext = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; #define ENET_CONTEXT_WALK(context, body) \ { \ const ENetSymbol * node = (context) + (context) -> symbols; \ const ENetSymbol * stack [256]; \ size_t stackSize = 0; \ while (node -> left) \ { \ stack [stackSize ++] = node; \ node += node -> left; \ } \ for (;;) \ { \ body; \ if (node -> right) \ { \ node += node -> right; \ while (node -> left) \ { \ stack [stackSize ++] = node; \ node += node -> left; \ } \ } \ else \ if (stackSize <= 0) \ break; \ else \ node = stack [-- stackSize]; \ } \ } #define ENET_CONTEXT_ENCODE_EXCLUDE(context, value_, under, total, minimum) \ ENET_CONTEXT_WALK(context, { \ if (node -> value != value_) \ { \ enet_uint16 parentCount = rangeCoder -> symbols [node -> parent].count + minimum; \ if (node -> value < value_) \ under -= parentCount; \ total -= parentCount; \ } \ }) #endif size_t enet_range_coder_compress (void * context, const ENetBuffer * inBuffers, size_t inBufferCount, size_t inLimit, enet_uint8 * outData, size_t outLimit) { ENetRangeCoder * rangeCoder = (ENetRangeCoder *) context; enet_uint8 * outStart = outData, * outEnd = & outData [outLimit]; const enet_uint8 * inData, * inEnd; enet_uint32 encodeLow = 0, encodeRange = ~0; ENetSymbol * root; enet_uint16 predicted = 0; size_t order = 0, nextSymbol = 0; if (rangeCoder == NULL || inBufferCount <= 0 || inLimit <= 0) return 0; inData = (const enet_uint8 *) inBuffers -> data; inEnd = & inData [inBuffers -> dataLength]; inBuffers ++; inBufferCount --; ENET_CONTEXT_CREATE (root, ENET_CONTEXT_ESCAPE_MINIMUM, ENET_CONTEXT_SYMBOL_MINIMUM); for (;;) { ENetSymbol * subcontext, * symbol; #ifdef ENET_CONTEXT_EXCLUSION const ENetSymbol * childContext = & emptyContext; #endif enet_uint8 value; enet_uint16 count, under, * parent = & predicted, total; if (inData >= inEnd) { if (inBufferCount <= 0) break; inData = (const enet_uint8 *) inBuffers -> data; inEnd = & inData [inBuffers -> dataLength]; inBuffers ++; inBufferCount --; } value = * inData ++; for (subcontext = & rangeCoder -> symbols [predicted]; subcontext != root; #ifdef ENET_CONTEXT_EXCLUSION childContext = subcontext, #endif subcontext = & rangeCoder -> symbols [subcontext -> parent]) { ENET_CONTEXT_ENCODE (subcontext, symbol, value, under, count, ENET_SUBCONTEXT_SYMBOL_DELTA, 0); * parent = symbol - rangeCoder -> symbols; parent = & symbol -> parent; total = subcontext -> total; #ifdef ENET_CONTEXT_EXCLUSION if (childContext -> total > ENET_SUBCONTEXT_SYMBOL_DELTA + ENET_SUBCONTEXT_ESCAPE_DELTA) ENET_CONTEXT_ENCODE_EXCLUDE (childContext, value, under, total, 0); #endif if (count > 0) { ENET_RANGE_CODER_ENCODE (subcontext -> escapes + under, count, total); } else { if (subcontext -> escapes > 0 && subcontext -> escapes < total) ENET_RANGE_CODER_ENCODE (0, subcontext -> escapes, total); subcontext -> escapes += ENET_SUBCONTEXT_ESCAPE_DELTA; subcontext -> total += ENET_SUBCONTEXT_ESCAPE_DELTA; } subcontext -> total += ENET_SUBCONTEXT_SYMBOL_DELTA; if (count > 0xFF - 2*ENET_SUBCONTEXT_SYMBOL_DELTA || subcontext -> total > ENET_RANGE_CODER_BOTTOM - 0x100) ENET_CONTEXT_RESCALE (subcontext, 0); if (count > 0) goto nextInput; } ENET_CONTEXT_ENCODE (root, symbol, value, under, count, ENET_CONTEXT_SYMBOL_DELTA, ENET_CONTEXT_SYMBOL_MINIMUM); * parent = symbol - rangeCoder -> symbols; parent = & symbol -> parent; total = root -> total; #ifdef ENET_CONTEXT_EXCLUSION if (childContext -> total > ENET_SUBCONTEXT_SYMBOL_DELTA + ENET_SUBCONTEXT_ESCAPE_DELTA) ENET_CONTEXT_ENCODE_EXCLUDE (childContext, value, under, total, ENET_CONTEXT_SYMBOL_MINIMUM); #endif ENET_RANGE_CODER_ENCODE (root -> escapes + under, count, total); root -> total += ENET_CONTEXT_SYMBOL_DELTA; if (count > 0xFF - 2*ENET_CONTEXT_SYMBOL_DELTA + ENET_CONTEXT_SYMBOL_MINIMUM || root -> total > ENET_RANGE_CODER_BOTTOM - 0x100) ENET_CONTEXT_RESCALE (root, ENET_CONTEXT_SYMBOL_MINIMUM); nextInput: if (order >= ENET_SUBCONTEXT_ORDER) predicted = rangeCoder -> symbols [predicted].parent; else order ++; ENET_RANGE_CODER_FREE_SYMBOLS; } ENET_RANGE_CODER_FLUSH; return (size_t) (outData - outStart); } #define ENET_RANGE_CODER_SEED \ { \ if (inData < inEnd) decodeCode |= * inData ++ << 24; \ if (inData < inEnd) decodeCode |= * inData ++ << 16; \ if (inData < inEnd) decodeCode |= * inData ++ << 8; \ if (inData < inEnd) decodeCode |= * inData ++; \ } #define ENET_RANGE_CODER_READ(total) ((decodeCode - decodeLow) / (decodeRange /= (total))) #define ENET_RANGE_CODER_DECODE(under, count, total) \ { \ decodeLow += (under) * decodeRange; \ decodeRange *= (count); \ for (;;) \ { \ if((decodeLow ^ (decodeLow + decodeRange)) >= ENET_RANGE_CODER_TOP) \ { \ if(decodeRange >= ENET_RANGE_CODER_BOTTOM) break; \ decodeRange = -decodeLow & (ENET_RANGE_CODER_BOTTOM - 1); \ } \ decodeCode <<= 8; \ if (inData < inEnd) \ decodeCode |= * inData ++; \ decodeRange <<= 8; \ decodeLow <<= 8; \ } \ } #define ENET_CONTEXT_DECODE(context, symbol_, code, value_, under_, count_, update, minimum, createRoot, visitNode, createRight, createLeft) \ { \ under_ = 0; \ count_ = minimum; \ if (! (context) -> symbols) \ { \ createRoot; \ } \ else \ { \ ENetSymbol * node = (context) + (context) -> symbols; \ for (;;) \ { \ enet_uint16 after = under_ + node -> under + (node -> value + 1)*minimum, before = node -> count + minimum; \ visitNode; \ if (code >= after) \ { \ under_ += node -> under; \ if (node -> right) { node += node -> right; continue; } \ createRight; \ } \ else \ if (code < after - before) \ { \ node -> under += update; \ if (node -> left) { node += node -> left; continue; } \ createLeft; \ } \ else \ { \ value_ = node -> value; \ count_ += node -> count; \ under_ = after - before; \ node -> under += update; \ node -> count += update; \ symbol_ = node; \ } \ break; \ } \ } \ } #define ENET_CONTEXT_TRY_DECODE(context, symbol_, code, value_, under_, count_, update, minimum, exclude) \ ENET_CONTEXT_DECODE (context, symbol_, code, value_, under_, count_, update, minimum, return 0, exclude (node -> value, after, before), return 0, return 0) #define ENET_CONTEXT_ROOT_DECODE(context, symbol_, code, value_, under_, count_, update, minimum, exclude) \ ENET_CONTEXT_DECODE (context, symbol_, code, value_, under_, count_, update, minimum, \ { \ value_ = code / minimum; \ under_ = code - code%minimum; \ ENET_SYMBOL_CREATE (symbol_, value_, update); \ (context) -> symbols = symbol_ - (context); \ }, \ exclude (node -> value, after, before), \ { \ value_ = node->value + 1 + (code - after)/minimum; \ under_ = code - (code - after)%minimum; \ ENET_SYMBOL_CREATE (symbol_, value_, update); \ node -> right = symbol_ - node; \ }, \ { \ value_ = node->value - 1 - (after - before - code - 1)/minimum; \ under_ = code - (after - before - code - 1)%minimum; \ ENET_SYMBOL_CREATE (symbol_, value_, update); \ node -> left = symbol_ - node; \ }) \ #ifdef ENET_CONTEXT_EXCLUSION typedef struct _ENetExclude { enet_uint8 value; enet_uint16 under; } ENetExclude; #define ENET_CONTEXT_DECODE_EXCLUDE(context, total, minimum) \ { \ enet_uint16 under = 0; \ nextExclude = excludes; \ ENET_CONTEXT_WALK (context, { \ under += rangeCoder -> symbols [node -> parent].count + minimum; \ nextExclude -> value = node -> value; \ nextExclude -> under = under; \ nextExclude ++; \ }); \ total -= under; \ } #define ENET_CONTEXT_EXCLUDED(value_, after, before) \ { \ size_t low = 0, high = nextExclude - excludes; \ for(;;) \ { \ size_t mid = (low + high) >> 1; \ const ENetExclude * exclude = & excludes [mid]; \ if (value_ < exclude -> value) \ { \ if (low + 1 < high) \ { \ high = mid; \ continue; \ } \ if (exclude > excludes) \ after -= exclude [-1].under; \ } \ else \ { \ if (value_ > exclude -> value) \ { \ if (low + 1 < high) \ { \ low = mid; \ continue; \ } \ } \ else \ before = 0; \ after -= exclude -> under; \ } \ break; \ } \ } #endif #define ENET_CONTEXT_NOT_EXCLUDED(value_, after, before) size_t enet_range_coder_decompress (void * context, const enet_uint8 * inData, size_t inLimit, enet_uint8 * outData, size_t outLimit) { ENetRangeCoder * rangeCoder = (ENetRangeCoder *) context; enet_uint8 * outStart = outData, * outEnd = & outData [outLimit]; const enet_uint8 * inEnd = & inData [inLimit]; enet_uint32 decodeLow = 0, decodeCode = 0, decodeRange = ~0; ENetSymbol * root; enet_uint16 predicted = 0; size_t order = 0, nextSymbol = 0; #ifdef ENET_CONTEXT_EXCLUSION ENetExclude excludes [256]; ENetExclude * nextExclude = excludes; #endif if (rangeCoder == NULL || inLimit <= 0) return 0; ENET_CONTEXT_CREATE (root, ENET_CONTEXT_ESCAPE_MINIMUM, ENET_CONTEXT_SYMBOL_MINIMUM); ENET_RANGE_CODER_SEED; for (;;) { ENetSymbol * subcontext, * symbol, * patch; #ifdef ENET_CONTEXT_EXCLUSION const ENetSymbol * childContext = & emptyContext; #endif enet_uint8 value = 0; enet_uint16 code, under, count, bottom, * parent = & predicted, total; for (subcontext = & rangeCoder -> symbols [predicted]; subcontext != root; #ifdef ENET_CONTEXT_EXCLUSION childContext = subcontext, #endif subcontext = & rangeCoder -> symbols [subcontext -> parent]) { if (subcontext -> escapes <= 0) continue; total = subcontext -> total; #ifdef ENET_CONTEXT_EXCLUSION if (childContext -> total > 0) ENET_CONTEXT_DECODE_EXCLUDE (childContext, total, 0); #endif if (subcontext -> escapes >= total) continue; code = ENET_RANGE_CODER_READ (total); if (code < subcontext -> escapes) { ENET_RANGE_CODER_DECODE (0, subcontext -> escapes, total); continue; } code -= subcontext -> escapes; #ifdef ENET_CONTEXT_EXCLUSION if (childContext -> total > 0) { ENET_CONTEXT_TRY_DECODE (subcontext, symbol, code, value, under, count, ENET_SUBCONTEXT_SYMBOL_DELTA, 0, ENET_CONTEXT_EXCLUDED); } else #endif { ENET_CONTEXT_TRY_DECODE (subcontext, symbol, code, value, under, count, ENET_SUBCONTEXT_SYMBOL_DELTA, 0, ENET_CONTEXT_NOT_EXCLUDED); } bottom = symbol - rangeCoder -> symbols; ENET_RANGE_CODER_DECODE (subcontext -> escapes + under, count, total); subcontext -> total += ENET_SUBCONTEXT_SYMBOL_DELTA; if (count > 0xFF - 2*ENET_SUBCONTEXT_SYMBOL_DELTA || subcontext -> total > ENET_RANGE_CODER_BOTTOM - 0x100) ENET_CONTEXT_RESCALE (subcontext, 0); goto patchContexts; } total = root -> total; #ifdef ENET_CONTEXT_EXCLUSION if (childContext -> total > 0) ENET_CONTEXT_DECODE_EXCLUDE (childContext, total, ENET_CONTEXT_SYMBOL_MINIMUM); #endif code = ENET_RANGE_CODER_READ (total); if (code < root -> escapes) { ENET_RANGE_CODER_DECODE (0, root -> escapes, total); break; } code -= root -> escapes; #ifdef ENET_CONTEXT_EXCLUSION if (childContext -> total > 0) { ENET_CONTEXT_ROOT_DECODE (root, symbol, code, value, under, count, ENET_CONTEXT_SYMBOL_DELTA, ENET_CONTEXT_SYMBOL_MINIMUM, ENET_CONTEXT_EXCLUDED); } else #endif { ENET_CONTEXT_ROOT_DECODE (root, symbol, code, value, under, count, ENET_CONTEXT_SYMBOL_DELTA, ENET_CONTEXT_SYMBOL_MINIMUM, ENET_CONTEXT_NOT_EXCLUDED); } bottom = symbol - rangeCoder -> symbols; ENET_RANGE_CODER_DECODE (root -> escapes + under, count, total); root -> total += ENET_CONTEXT_SYMBOL_DELTA; if (count > 0xFF - 2*ENET_CONTEXT_SYMBOL_DELTA + ENET_CONTEXT_SYMBOL_MINIMUM || root -> total > ENET_RANGE_CODER_BOTTOM - 0x100) ENET_CONTEXT_RESCALE (root, ENET_CONTEXT_SYMBOL_MINIMUM); patchContexts: for (patch = & rangeCoder -> symbols [predicted]; patch != subcontext; patch = & rangeCoder -> symbols [patch -> parent]) { ENET_CONTEXT_ENCODE (patch, symbol, value, under, count, ENET_SUBCONTEXT_SYMBOL_DELTA, 0); * parent = symbol - rangeCoder -> symbols; parent = & symbol -> parent; if (count <= 0) { patch -> escapes += ENET_SUBCONTEXT_ESCAPE_DELTA; patch -> total += ENET_SUBCONTEXT_ESCAPE_DELTA; } patch -> total += ENET_SUBCONTEXT_SYMBOL_DELTA; if (count > 0xFF - 2*ENET_SUBCONTEXT_SYMBOL_DELTA || patch -> total > ENET_RANGE_CODER_BOTTOM - 0x100) ENET_CONTEXT_RESCALE (patch, 0); } * parent = bottom; ENET_RANGE_CODER_OUTPUT (value); if (order >= ENET_SUBCONTEXT_ORDER) predicted = rangeCoder -> symbols [predicted].parent; else order ++; ENET_RANGE_CODER_FREE_SYMBOLS; } return (size_t) (outData - outStart); } /** @defgroup host ENet host functions @{ */ /** Sets the packet compressor the host should use to the default range coder. @param host host to enable the range coder for @returns 0 on success, < 0 on failure */ int enet_host_compress_with_range_coder (ENetHost * host) { ENetCompressor compressor; memset (& compressor, 0, sizeof (compressor)); compressor.context = enet_range_coder_create(); if (compressor.context == NULL) return -1; compressor.compress = enet_range_coder_compress; compressor.decompress = enet_range_coder_decompress; compressor.destroy = enet_range_coder_destroy; enet_host_compress (host, & compressor); return 0; } /** @} */ // @from_file: src/host.c /** @file host.c @brief ENet host management functions */ #define ENET_BUILDING_LIB 1 /** @defgroup host ENet host functions @{ */ /** Creates a host for communicating to peers. @param address the address at which other peers may connect to this host. If NULL, then no peers may connect to the host. @param peerCount the maximum number of peers that should be allocated for the host. @param channelLimit the maximum number of channels allowed; if 0, then this is equivalent to ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_CHANNEL_COUNT @param incomingBandwidth downstream bandwidth of the host in bytes/second; if 0, ENet will assume unlimited bandwidth. @param outgoingBandwidth upstream bandwidth of the host in bytes/second; if 0, ENet will assume unlimited bandwidth. @returns the host on success and NULL on failure @remarks ENet will strategically drop packets on specific sides of a connection between hosts to ensure the host's bandwidth is not overwhelmed. The bandwidth parameters also determine the window size of a connection which limits the amount of reliable packets that may be in transit at any given time. */ ENetHost * enet_host_create (const ENetAddress * address, size_t peerCount, size_t channelLimit, enet_uint32 incomingBandwidth, enet_uint32 outgoingBandwidth) { ENetHost * host; ENetPeer * currentPeer; if (peerCount > ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_PEER_ID) return NULL; host = (ENetHost *) enet_malloc (sizeof (ENetHost)); if (host == NULL) return NULL; memset (host, 0, sizeof (ENetHost)); host -> peers = (ENetPeer *) enet_malloc (peerCount * sizeof (ENetPeer)); if (host -> peers == NULL) { enet_free (host); return NULL; } memset (host -> peers, 0, peerCount * sizeof (ENetPeer)); host -> socket = enet_socket_create (ENET_SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM); if (host -> socket == ENET_SOCKET_NULL || (address != NULL && enet_socket_bind (host -> socket, address) < 0)) { if (host -> socket != ENET_SOCKET_NULL) enet_socket_destroy (host -> socket); enet_free (host -> peers); enet_free (host); return NULL; } enet_socket_set_option (host -> socket, ENET_SOCKOPT_NONBLOCK, 1); enet_socket_set_option (host -> socket, ENET_SOCKOPT_BROADCAST, 1); enet_socket_set_option (host -> socket, ENET_SOCKOPT_RCVBUF, ENET_HOST_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE); enet_socket_set_option (host -> socket, ENET_SOCKOPT_SNDBUF, ENET_HOST_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE); if (address != NULL && enet_socket_get_address (host -> socket, & host -> address) < 0) host -> address = * address; if (! channelLimit || channelLimit > ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_CHANNEL_COUNT) channelLimit = ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_CHANNEL_COUNT; else if (channelLimit < ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_CHANNEL_COUNT) channelLimit = ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_CHANNEL_COUNT; host -> randomSeed = (enet_uint32) (size_t) host; host -> randomSeed += enet_host_random_seed (); host -> randomSeed = (host -> randomSeed << 16) | (host -> randomSeed >> 16); host -> channelLimit = channelLimit; host -> incomingBandwidth = incomingBandwidth; host -> outgoingBandwidth = outgoingBandwidth; host -> bandwidthThrottleEpoch = 0; host -> recalculateBandwidthLimits = 0; host -> mtu = ENET_HOST_DEFAULT_MTU; host -> peerCount = peerCount; host -> commandCount = 0; host -> bufferCount = 0; host -> checksum = NULL; host -> receivedAddress.host = ENET_HOST_ANY; host -> receivedAddress.port = 0; host -> receivedData = NULL; host -> receivedDataLength = 0; host -> totalSentData = 0; host -> totalSentPackets = 0; host -> totalReceivedData = 0; host -> totalReceivedPackets = 0; host -> connectedPeers = 0; host -> bandwidthLimitedPeers = 0; host -> duplicatePeers = ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_PEER_ID; host -> maximumPacketSize = ENET_HOST_DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_PACKET_SIZE; host -> maximumWaitingData = ENET_HOST_DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_WAITING_DATA; host -> compressor.context = NULL; host -> compressor.compress = NULL; host -> compressor.decompress = NULL; host -> compressor.destroy = NULL; host -> intercept = NULL; enet_list_clear (& host -> dispatchQueue); for (currentPeer = host -> peers; currentPeer < & host -> peers [host -> peerCount]; ++ currentPeer) { currentPeer -> host = host; currentPeer -> incomingPeerID = currentPeer - host -> peers; currentPeer -> outgoingSessionID = currentPeer -> incomingSessionID = 0xFF; currentPeer -> data = NULL; enet_list_clear (& currentPeer -> acknowledgements); enet_list_clear (& currentPeer -> sentReliableCommands); enet_list_clear (& currentPeer -> sentUnreliableCommands); enet_list_clear (& currentPeer -> outgoingReliableCommands); enet_list_clear (& currentPeer -> outgoingUnreliableCommands); enet_list_clear (& currentPeer -> dispatchedCommands); enet_peer_reset (currentPeer); } return host; } /** Destroys the host and all resources associated with it. @param host pointer to the host to destroy */ void enet_host_destroy (ENetHost * host) { ENetPeer * currentPeer; if (host == NULL) return; enet_socket_destroy (host -> socket); for (currentPeer = host -> peers; currentPeer < & host -> peers [host -> peerCount]; ++ currentPeer) { enet_peer_reset (currentPeer); } if (host -> compressor.context != NULL && host -> compressor.destroy) (* host -> compressor.destroy) (host -> compressor.context); enet_free (host -> peers); enet_free (host); } /** Initiates a connection to a foreign host. @param host host seeking the connection @param address destination for the connection @param channelCount number of channels to allocate @param data user data supplied to the receiving host @returns a peer representing the foreign host on success, NULL on failure @remarks The peer returned will have not completed the connection until enet_host_service() notifies of an ENET_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECT event for the peer. */ ENetPeer * enet_host_connect (ENetHost * host, const ENetAddress * address, size_t channelCount, enet_uint32 data) { ENetPeer * currentPeer; ENetChannel * channel; ENetProtocol command; if (channelCount < ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_CHANNEL_COUNT) channelCount = ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_CHANNEL_COUNT; else if (channelCount > ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_CHANNEL_COUNT) channelCount = ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_CHANNEL_COUNT; for (currentPeer = host -> peers; currentPeer < & host -> peers [host -> peerCount]; ++ currentPeer) { if (currentPeer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECTED) break; } if (currentPeer >= & host -> peers [host -> peerCount]) return NULL; currentPeer -> channels = (ENetChannel *) enet_malloc (channelCount * sizeof (ENetChannel)); if (currentPeer -> channels == NULL) return NULL; currentPeer -> channelCount = channelCount; currentPeer -> state = ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTING; currentPeer -> address = * address; currentPeer -> connectID = ++ host -> randomSeed; if (host -> outgoingBandwidth == 0) currentPeer -> windowSize = ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE; else currentPeer -> windowSize = (host -> outgoingBandwidth / ENET_PEER_WINDOW_SIZE_SCALE) * ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE; if (currentPeer -> windowSize < ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE) currentPeer -> windowSize = ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE; else if (currentPeer -> windowSize > ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE) currentPeer -> windowSize = ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE; for (channel = currentPeer -> channels; channel < & currentPeer -> channels [channelCount]; ++ channel) { channel -> outgoingReliableSequenceNumber = 0; channel -> outgoingUnreliableSequenceNumber = 0; channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber = 0; channel -> incomingUnreliableSequenceNumber = 0; enet_list_clear (& channel -> incomingReliableCommands); enet_list_clear (& channel -> incomingUnreliableCommands); channel -> usedReliableWindows = 0; memset (channel -> reliableWindows, 0, sizeof (channel -> reliableWindows)); } command.header.command = ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_CONNECT | ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_FLAG_ACKNOWLEDGE; command.header.channelID = 0xFF; command.connect.outgoingPeerID = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16 (currentPeer -> incomingPeerID); command.connect.incomingSessionID = currentPeer -> incomingSessionID; command.connect.outgoingSessionID = currentPeer -> outgoingSessionID; command.connect.mtu = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (currentPeer -> mtu); command.connect.windowSize = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (currentPeer -> windowSize); command.connect.channelCount = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (channelCount); command.connect.incomingBandwidth = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (host -> incomingBandwidth); command.connect.outgoingBandwidth = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (host -> outgoingBandwidth); command.connect.packetThrottleInterval = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (currentPeer -> packetThrottleInterval); command.connect.packetThrottleAcceleration = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (currentPeer -> packetThrottleAcceleration); command.connect.packetThrottleDeceleration = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (currentPeer -> packetThrottleDeceleration); command.connect.connectID = currentPeer -> connectID; command.connect.data = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (data); enet_peer_queue_outgoing_command (currentPeer, & command, NULL, 0, 0); return currentPeer; } /** Queues a packet to be sent to all peers associated with the host. @param host host on which to broadcast the packet @param channelID channel on which to broadcast @param packet packet to broadcast */ void enet_host_broadcast (ENetHost * host, enet_uint8 channelID, ENetPacket * packet) { ENetPeer * currentPeer; for (currentPeer = host -> peers; currentPeer < & host -> peers [host -> peerCount]; ++ currentPeer) { if (currentPeer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED) continue; enet_peer_send (currentPeer, channelID, packet); } if (packet -> referenceCount == 0) enet_packet_destroy (packet); } /** Sets the packet compressor the host should use to compress and decompress packets. @param host host to enable or disable compression for @param compressor callbacks for for the packet compressor; if NULL, then compression is disabled */ void enet_host_compress (ENetHost * host, const ENetCompressor * compressor) { if (host -> compressor.context != NULL && host -> compressor.destroy) (* host -> compressor.destroy) (host -> compressor.context); if (compressor) host -> compressor = * compressor; else host -> compressor.context = NULL; } /** Limits the maximum allowed channels of future incoming connections. @param host host to limit @param channelLimit the maximum number of channels allowed; if 0, then this is equivalent to ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_CHANNEL_COUNT */ void enet_host_channel_limit (ENetHost * host, size_t channelLimit) { if (! channelLimit || channelLimit > ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_CHANNEL_COUNT) channelLimit = ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_CHANNEL_COUNT; else if (channelLimit < ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_CHANNEL_COUNT) channelLimit = ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_CHANNEL_COUNT; host -> channelLimit = channelLimit; } /** Adjusts the bandwidth limits of a host. @param host host to adjust @param incomingBandwidth new incoming bandwidth @param outgoingBandwidth new outgoing bandwidth @remarks the incoming and outgoing bandwidth parameters are identical in function to those specified in enet_host_create(). */ void enet_host_bandwidth_limit (ENetHost * host, enet_uint32 incomingBandwidth, enet_uint32 outgoingBandwidth) { host -> incomingBandwidth = incomingBandwidth; host -> outgoingBandwidth = outgoingBandwidth; host -> recalculateBandwidthLimits = 1; } void enet_host_bandwidth_throttle (ENetHost * host) { enet_uint32 timeCurrent = enet_time_get (), elapsedTime = timeCurrent - host -> bandwidthThrottleEpoch, peersRemaining = (enet_uint32) host -> connectedPeers, dataTotal = ~0, bandwidth = ~0, throttle = 0, bandwidthLimit = 0; int needsAdjustment = host -> bandwidthLimitedPeers > 0 ? 1 : 0; ENetPeer * peer; ENetProtocol command; if (elapsedTime < ENET_HOST_BANDWIDTH_THROTTLE_INTERVAL) return; host -> bandwidthThrottleEpoch = timeCurrent; if (peersRemaining == 0) return; if (host -> outgoingBandwidth != 0) { dataTotal = 0; bandwidth = (host -> outgoingBandwidth * elapsedTime) / 1000; for (peer = host -> peers; peer < & host -> peers [host -> peerCount]; ++ peer) { if (peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED && peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER) continue; dataTotal += peer -> outgoingDataTotal; } } while (peersRemaining > 0 && needsAdjustment != 0) { needsAdjustment = 0; if (dataTotal <= bandwidth) throttle = ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_SCALE; else throttle = (bandwidth * ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_SCALE) / dataTotal; for (peer = host -> peers; peer < & host -> peers [host -> peerCount]; ++ peer) { enet_uint32 peerBandwidth; if ((peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED && peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER) || peer -> incomingBandwidth == 0 || peer -> outgoingBandwidthThrottleEpoch == timeCurrent) continue; peerBandwidth = (peer -> incomingBandwidth * elapsedTime) / 1000; if ((throttle * peer -> outgoingDataTotal) / ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_SCALE <= peerBandwidth) continue; peer -> packetThrottleLimit = (peerBandwidth * ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_SCALE) / peer -> outgoingDataTotal; if (peer -> packetThrottleLimit == 0) peer -> packetThrottleLimit = 1; if (peer -> packetThrottle > peer -> packetThrottleLimit) peer -> packetThrottle = peer -> packetThrottleLimit; peer -> outgoingBandwidthThrottleEpoch = timeCurrent; peer -> incomingDataTotal = 0; peer -> outgoingDataTotal = 0; needsAdjustment = 1; -- peersRemaining; bandwidth -= peerBandwidth; dataTotal -= peerBandwidth; } } if (peersRemaining > 0) { if (dataTotal <= bandwidth) throttle = ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_SCALE; else throttle = (bandwidth * ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_SCALE) / dataTotal; for (peer = host -> peers; peer < & host -> peers [host -> peerCount]; ++ peer) { if ((peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED && peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER) || peer -> outgoingBandwidthThrottleEpoch == timeCurrent) continue; peer -> packetThrottleLimit = throttle; if (peer -> packetThrottle > peer -> packetThrottleLimit) peer -> packetThrottle = peer -> packetThrottleLimit; peer -> incomingDataTotal = 0; peer -> outgoingDataTotal = 0; } } if (host -> recalculateBandwidthLimits) { host -> recalculateBandwidthLimits = 0; peersRemaining = (enet_uint32) host -> connectedPeers; bandwidth = host -> incomingBandwidth; needsAdjustment = 1; if (bandwidth == 0) bandwidthLimit = 0; else while (peersRemaining > 0 && needsAdjustment != 0) { needsAdjustment = 0; bandwidthLimit = bandwidth / peersRemaining; for (peer = host -> peers; peer < & host -> peers [host -> peerCount]; ++ peer) { if ((peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED && peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER) || peer -> incomingBandwidthThrottleEpoch == timeCurrent) continue; if (peer -> outgoingBandwidth > 0 && peer -> outgoingBandwidth >= bandwidthLimit) continue; peer -> incomingBandwidthThrottleEpoch = timeCurrent; needsAdjustment = 1; -- peersRemaining; bandwidth -= peer -> outgoingBandwidth; } } for (peer = host -> peers; peer < & host -> peers [host -> peerCount]; ++ peer) { if (peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED && peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER) continue; command.header.command = ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT | ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_FLAG_ACKNOWLEDGE; command.header.channelID = 0xFF; command.bandwidthLimit.outgoingBandwidth = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (host -> outgoingBandwidth); if (peer -> incomingBandwidthThrottleEpoch == timeCurrent) command.bandwidthLimit.incomingBandwidth = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (peer -> outgoingBandwidth); else command.bandwidthLimit.incomingBandwidth = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (bandwidthLimit); enet_peer_queue_outgoing_command (peer, & command, NULL, 0, 0); } } } /** @} */ // @from_file: src/list.c /** @file list.c @brief ENet linked list functions */ #define ENET_BUILDING_LIB 1 /** @defgroup list ENet linked list utility functions @ingroup private @{ */ void enet_list_clear (ENetList * list) { list -> sentinel.next = & list -> sentinel; list -> sentinel.previous = & list -> sentinel; } ENetListIterator enet_list_insert (ENetListIterator position, void * data) { ENetListIterator result = (ENetListIterator) data; result -> previous = position -> previous; result -> next = position; result -> previous -> next = result; position -> previous = result; return result; } void * enet_list_remove (ENetListIterator position) { position -> previous -> next = position -> next; position -> next -> previous = position -> previous; return position; } ENetListIterator enet_list_move (ENetListIterator position, void * dataFirst, void * dataLast) { ENetListIterator first = (ENetListIterator) dataFirst, last = (ENetListIterator) dataLast; first -> previous -> next = last -> next; last -> next -> previous = first -> previous; first -> previous = position -> previous; last -> next = position; first -> previous -> next = first; position -> previous = last; return first; } size_t enet_list_size (ENetList * list) { size_t size = 0; ENetListIterator position; for (position = enet_list_begin (list); position != enet_list_end (list); position = enet_list_next (position)) ++ size; return size; } /** @} */ // @from_file: src/packet.c /** @file packet.c @brief ENet packet management functions */ #define ENET_BUILDING_LIB 1 /** @defgroup Packet ENet packet functions @{ */ /** Creates a packet that may be sent to a peer. @param data initial contents of the packet's data; the packet's data will remain uninitialized if data is NULL. @param dataLength size of the data allocated for this packet @param flags flags for this packet as described for the ENetPacket structure. @returns the packet on success, NULL on failure */ ENetPacket * enet_packet_create (const void * data, size_t dataLength, enet_uint32 flags) { ENetPacket * packet = (ENetPacket *) enet_malloc (sizeof (ENetPacket)); if (packet == NULL) return NULL; if (flags & ENET_PACKET_FLAG_NO_ALLOCATE) packet -> data = (enet_uint8 *) data; else if (dataLength <= 0) packet -> data = NULL; else { packet -> data = (enet_uint8 *) enet_malloc (dataLength); if (packet -> data == NULL) { enet_free (packet); return NULL; } if (data != NULL) memcpy (packet -> data, data, dataLength); } packet -> referenceCount = 0; packet -> flags = flags; packet -> dataLength = dataLength; packet -> freeCallback = NULL; packet -> userData = NULL; return packet; } ENetPacket * enet_packet_create_offset (const void * data, size_t dataLength, size_t dataOffset, enet_uint32 flags) { ENetPacket * packet = (ENetPacket *) enet_malloc (sizeof (ENetPacket)); if (packet == NULL) return NULL; if (flags & ENET_PACKET_FLAG_NO_ALLOCATE) packet -> data = (enet_uint8 *) data; else if ((dataLength + dataOffset) <= 0) packet -> data = NULL; else { packet -> data = (enet_uint8 *) enet_malloc (dataLength + dataOffset); if (packet -> data == NULL) { enet_free (packet); return NULL; } if (data != NULL) memcpy (packet -> data + dataOffset, data, dataLength); } packet -> referenceCount = 0; packet -> flags = flags; packet -> dataLength = dataLength + dataOffset; packet -> freeCallback = NULL; packet -> userData = NULL; return packet; } /** Destroys the packet and deallocates its data. @param packet packet to be destroyed */ void enet_packet_destroy (ENetPacket * packet) { if (packet == NULL) return; if (packet -> freeCallback != NULL) (* packet -> freeCallback) (packet); if (! (packet -> flags & ENET_PACKET_FLAG_NO_ALLOCATE) && packet -> data != NULL) enet_free (packet -> data); enet_free (packet); } /** Attempts to resize the data in the packet to length specified in the dataLength parameter @param packet packet to resize @param dataLength new size for the packet data @returns 0 on success, < 0 on failure */ int enet_packet_resize (ENetPacket * packet, size_t dataLength) { enet_uint8 * newData; if (dataLength <= packet -> dataLength || (packet -> flags & ENET_PACKET_FLAG_NO_ALLOCATE)) { packet -> dataLength = dataLength; return 0; } newData = (enet_uint8 *) enet_malloc (dataLength); if (newData == NULL) return -1; memcpy (newData, packet -> data, packet -> dataLength); enet_free (packet -> data); packet -> data = newData; packet -> dataLength = dataLength; return 0; } static int initializedCRC32 = 0; static enet_uint32 crcTable [256]; static enet_uint32 reflect_crc (int val, int bits) { int result = 0, bit; for (bit = 0; bit < bits; bit ++) { if(val & 1) result |= 1 << (bits - 1 - bit); val >>= 1; } return result; } static void initialize_crc32 (void) { int byte; for (byte = 0; byte < 256; ++ byte) { enet_uint32 crc = reflect_crc (byte, 8) << 24; int offset; for(offset = 0; offset < 8; ++ offset) { if (crc & 0x80000000) crc = (crc << 1) ^ 0x04c11db7; else crc <<= 1; } crcTable [byte] = reflect_crc (crc, 32); } initializedCRC32 = 1; } enet_uint32 enet_crc32 (const ENetBuffer * buffers, size_t bufferCount) { enet_uint32 crc = 0xFFFFFFFF; if (! initializedCRC32) initialize_crc32 (); while (bufferCount -- > 0) { const enet_uint8 * data = (const enet_uint8 *) buffers -> data, * dataEnd = & data [buffers -> dataLength]; while (data < dataEnd) { crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crcTable [(crc & 0xFF) ^ *data++]; } ++ buffers; } return ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (~ crc); } /** @} */ // @from_file: src/peer.c /** @file peer.c @brief ENet peer management functions */ #define ENET_BUILDING_LIB 1 /** @defgroup peer ENet peer functions @{ */ /** Configures throttle parameter for a peer. Unreliable packets are dropped by ENet in response to the varying conditions of the Internet connection to the peer. The throttle represents a probability that an unreliable packet should not be dropped and thus sent by ENet to the peer. The lowest mean round trip time from the sending of a reliable packet to the receipt of its acknowledgement is measured over an amount of time specified by the interval parameter in milliseconds. If a measured round trip time happens to be significantly less than the mean round trip time measured over the interval, then the throttle probability is increased to allow more traffic by an amount specified in the acceleration parameter, which is a ratio to the ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_SCALE constant. If a measured round trip time happens to be significantly greater than the mean round trip time measured over the interval, then the throttle probability is decreased to limit traffic by an amount specified in the deceleration parameter, which is a ratio to the ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_SCALE constant. When the throttle has a value of ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_SCALE, no unreliable packets are dropped by ENet, and so 100% of all unreliable packets will be sent. When the throttle has a value of 0, all unreliable packets are dropped by ENet, and so 0% of all unreliable packets will be sent. Intermediate values for the throttle represent intermediate probabilities between 0% and 100% of unreliable packets being sent. The bandwidth limits of the local and foreign hosts are taken into account to determine a sensible limit for the throttle probability above which it should not raise even in the best of conditions. @param peer peer to configure @param interval interval, in milliseconds, over which to measure lowest mean RTT; the default value is ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_INTERVAL. @param acceleration rate at which to increase the throttle probability as mean RTT declines @param deceleration rate at which to decrease the throttle probability as mean RTT increases */ void enet_peer_throttle_configure (ENetPeer * peer, enet_uint32 interval, enet_uint32 acceleration, enet_uint32 deceleration) { ENetProtocol command; peer -> packetThrottleInterval = interval; peer -> packetThrottleAcceleration = acceleration; peer -> packetThrottleDeceleration = deceleration; command.header.command = ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_THROTTLE_CONFIGURE | ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_FLAG_ACKNOWLEDGE; command.header.channelID = 0xFF; command.throttleConfigure.packetThrottleInterval = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (interval); command.throttleConfigure.packetThrottleAcceleration = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (acceleration); command.throttleConfigure.packetThrottleDeceleration = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (deceleration); enet_peer_queue_outgoing_command (peer, & command, NULL, 0, 0); } int enet_peer_throttle (ENetPeer * peer, enet_uint32 rtt) { if (peer -> lastRoundTripTime <= peer -> lastRoundTripTimeVariance) { peer -> packetThrottle = peer -> packetThrottleLimit; } else if (rtt < peer -> lastRoundTripTime) { peer -> packetThrottle += peer -> packetThrottleAcceleration; if (peer -> packetThrottle > peer -> packetThrottleLimit) peer -> packetThrottle = peer -> packetThrottleLimit; return 1; } else if (rtt > peer -> lastRoundTripTime + 2 * peer -> lastRoundTripTimeVariance) { if (peer -> packetThrottle > peer -> packetThrottleDeceleration) peer -> packetThrottle -= peer -> packetThrottleDeceleration; else peer -> packetThrottle = 0; return -1; } return 0; } /** Queues a packet to be sent. @param peer destination for the packet @param channelID channel on which to send @param packet packet to send @retval 0 on success @retval < 0 on failure */ int enet_peer_send (ENetPeer * peer, enet_uint8 channelID, ENetPacket * packet) { ENetChannel * channel = & peer -> channels [channelID]; ENetProtocol command; size_t fragmentLength; if (peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED || channelID >= peer -> channelCount || packet -> dataLength > peer -> host -> maximumPacketSize) return -1; fragmentLength = peer -> mtu - sizeof (ENetProtocolHeader) - sizeof (ENetProtocolSendFragment); if (peer -> host -> checksum != NULL) fragmentLength -= sizeof(enet_uint32); if (packet -> dataLength > fragmentLength) { enet_uint32 fragmentCount = (packet -> dataLength + fragmentLength - 1) / fragmentLength, fragmentNumber, fragmentOffset; enet_uint8 commandNumber; enet_uint16 startSequenceNumber; ENetList fragments; ENetOutgoingCommand * fragment; if (fragmentCount > ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_FRAGMENT_COUNT) return -1; if ((packet -> flags & (ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE | ENET_PACKET_FLAG_UNRELIABLE_FRAGMENT)) == ENET_PACKET_FLAG_UNRELIABLE_FRAGMENT && channel -> outgoingUnreliableSequenceNumber < 0xFFFF) { commandNumber = ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_UNRELIABLE_FRAGMENT; startSequenceNumber = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16 (channel -> outgoingUnreliableSequenceNumber + 1); } else { commandNumber = ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_FRAGMENT | ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_FLAG_ACKNOWLEDGE; startSequenceNumber = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16 (channel -> outgoingReliableSequenceNumber + 1); } enet_list_clear (& fragments); for (fragmentNumber = 0, fragmentOffset = 0; fragmentOffset < packet -> dataLength; ++ fragmentNumber, fragmentOffset += fragmentLength) { if (packet -> dataLength - fragmentOffset < fragmentLength) fragmentLength = packet -> dataLength - fragmentOffset; fragment = (ENetOutgoingCommand *) enet_malloc (sizeof (ENetOutgoingCommand)); if (fragment == NULL) { while (! enet_list_empty (& fragments)) { fragment = (ENetOutgoingCommand *) enet_list_remove (enet_list_begin (& fragments)); enet_free (fragment); } return -1; } fragment -> fragmentOffset = fragmentOffset; fragment -> fragmentLength = fragmentLength; fragment -> packet = packet; fragment -> command.header.command = commandNumber; fragment -> command.header.channelID = channelID; fragment -> command.sendFragment.startSequenceNumber = startSequenceNumber; fragment -> command.sendFragment.dataLength = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16 (fragmentLength); fragment -> command.sendFragment.fragmentCount = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (fragmentCount); fragment -> command.sendFragment.fragmentNumber = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (fragmentNumber); fragment -> command.sendFragment.totalLength = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (packet -> dataLength); fragment -> command.sendFragment.fragmentOffset = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (fragmentOffset); enet_list_insert (enet_list_end (& fragments), fragment); } packet -> referenceCount += fragmentNumber; while (! enet_list_empty (& fragments)) { fragment = (ENetOutgoingCommand *) enet_list_remove (enet_list_begin (& fragments)); enet_peer_setup_outgoing_command (peer, fragment); } return 0; } command.header.channelID = channelID; if ((packet -> flags & (ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE | ENET_PACKET_FLAG_UNSEQUENCED)) == ENET_PACKET_FLAG_UNSEQUENCED) { command.header.command = ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_UNSEQUENCED | ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_FLAG_UNSEQUENCED; command.sendUnsequenced.dataLength = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16 (packet -> dataLength); } else if (packet -> flags & ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE || channel -> outgoingUnreliableSequenceNumber >= 0xFFFF) { command.header.command = ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_RELIABLE | ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_FLAG_ACKNOWLEDGE; command.sendReliable.dataLength = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16 (packet -> dataLength); } else { command.header.command = ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_UNRELIABLE; command.sendUnreliable.dataLength = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16 (packet -> dataLength); } if (enet_peer_queue_outgoing_command (peer, & command, packet, 0, packet -> dataLength) == NULL) return -1; return 0; } /** Attempts to dequeue any incoming queued packet. @param peer peer to dequeue packets from @param channelID holds the channel ID of the channel the packet was received on success @returns a pointer to the packet, or NULL if there are no available incoming queued packets */ ENetPacket * enet_peer_receive (ENetPeer * peer, enet_uint8 * channelID) { ENetIncomingCommand * incomingCommand; ENetPacket * packet; if (enet_list_empty (& peer -> dispatchedCommands)) return NULL; incomingCommand = (ENetIncomingCommand *) enet_list_remove (enet_list_begin (& peer -> dispatchedCommands)); if (channelID != NULL) * channelID = incomingCommand -> command.header.channelID; packet = incomingCommand -> packet; -- packet -> referenceCount; if (incomingCommand -> fragments != NULL) enet_free (incomingCommand -> fragments); enet_free (incomingCommand); peer -> totalWaitingData -= packet -> dataLength; return packet; } static void enet_peer_reset_outgoing_commands (ENetList * queue) { ENetOutgoingCommand * outgoingCommand; while (! enet_list_empty (queue)) { outgoingCommand = (ENetOutgoingCommand *) enet_list_remove (enet_list_begin (queue)); if (outgoingCommand -> packet != NULL) { -- outgoingCommand -> packet -> referenceCount; if (outgoingCommand -> packet -> referenceCount == 0) enet_packet_destroy (outgoingCommand -> packet); } enet_free (outgoingCommand); } } static void enet_peer_remove_incoming_commands (ENetList * queue, ENetListIterator startCommand, ENetListIterator endCommand) { ENetListIterator currentCommand; for (currentCommand = startCommand; currentCommand != endCommand; ) { ENetIncomingCommand * incomingCommand = (ENetIncomingCommand *) currentCommand; currentCommand = enet_list_next (currentCommand); enet_list_remove (& incomingCommand -> incomingCommandList); if (incomingCommand -> packet != NULL) { -- incomingCommand -> packet -> referenceCount; if (incomingCommand -> packet -> referenceCount == 0) enet_packet_destroy (incomingCommand -> packet); } if (incomingCommand -> fragments != NULL) enet_free (incomingCommand -> fragments); enet_free (incomingCommand); } } static void enet_peer_reset_incoming_commands (ENetList * queue) { enet_peer_remove_incoming_commands(queue, enet_list_begin (queue), enet_list_end (queue)); } void enet_peer_reset_queues (ENetPeer * peer) { ENetChannel * channel; if (peer -> needsDispatch) { enet_list_remove (& peer -> dispatchList); peer -> needsDispatch = 0; } while (! enet_list_empty (& peer -> acknowledgements)) enet_free (enet_list_remove (enet_list_begin (& peer -> acknowledgements))); enet_peer_reset_outgoing_commands (& peer -> sentReliableCommands); enet_peer_reset_outgoing_commands (& peer -> sentUnreliableCommands); enet_peer_reset_outgoing_commands (& peer -> outgoingReliableCommands); enet_peer_reset_outgoing_commands (& peer -> outgoingUnreliableCommands); enet_peer_reset_incoming_commands (& peer -> dispatchedCommands); if (peer -> channels != NULL && peer -> channelCount > 0) { for (channel = peer -> channels; channel < & peer -> channels [peer -> channelCount]; ++ channel) { enet_peer_reset_incoming_commands (& channel -> incomingReliableCommands); enet_peer_reset_incoming_commands (& channel -> incomingUnreliableCommands); } enet_free (peer -> channels); } peer -> channels = NULL; peer -> channelCount = 0; } void enet_peer_on_connect (ENetPeer * peer) { if (peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED && peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER) { if (peer -> incomingBandwidth != 0) ++ peer -> host -> bandwidthLimitedPeers; ++ peer -> host -> connectedPeers; } } void enet_peer_on_disconnect (ENetPeer * peer) { if (peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED || peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER) { if (peer -> incomingBandwidth != 0) -- peer -> host -> bandwidthLimitedPeers; -- peer -> host -> connectedPeers; } } /** Forcefully disconnects a peer. @param peer peer to forcefully disconnect @remarks The foreign host represented by the peer is not notified of the disconnection and will timeout on its connection to the local host. */ void enet_peer_reset (ENetPeer * peer) { enet_peer_on_disconnect (peer); peer -> outgoingPeerID = ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_PEER_ID; peer -> connectID = 0; peer -> state = ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECTED; peer -> incomingBandwidth = 0; peer -> outgoingBandwidth = 0; peer -> incomingBandwidthThrottleEpoch = 0; peer -> outgoingBandwidthThrottleEpoch = 0; peer -> incomingDataTotal = 0; peer -> outgoingDataTotal = 0; peer -> lastSendTime = 0; peer -> lastReceiveTime = 0; peer -> nextTimeout = 0; peer -> earliestTimeout = 0; peer -> packetLossEpoch = 0; peer -> packetsSent = 0; peer -> packetsLost = 0; peer -> packetLoss = 0; peer -> packetLossVariance = 0; peer -> packetThrottle = ENET_PEER_DEFAULT_PACKET_THROTTLE; peer -> packetThrottleLimit = ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_SCALE; peer -> packetThrottleCounter = 0; peer -> packetThrottleEpoch = 0; peer -> packetThrottleAcceleration = ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_ACCELERATION; peer -> packetThrottleDeceleration = ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_DECELERATION; peer -> packetThrottleInterval = ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_INTERVAL; peer -> pingInterval = ENET_PEER_PING_INTERVAL; peer -> timeoutLimit = ENET_PEER_TIMEOUT_LIMIT; peer -> timeoutMinimum = ENET_PEER_TIMEOUT_MINIMUM; peer -> timeoutMaximum = ENET_PEER_TIMEOUT_MAXIMUM; peer -> lastRoundTripTime = ENET_PEER_DEFAULT_ROUND_TRIP_TIME; peer -> lowestRoundTripTime = ENET_PEER_DEFAULT_ROUND_TRIP_TIME; peer -> lastRoundTripTimeVariance = 0; peer -> highestRoundTripTimeVariance = 0; peer -> roundTripTime = ENET_PEER_DEFAULT_ROUND_TRIP_TIME; peer -> roundTripTimeVariance = 0; peer -> mtu = peer -> host -> mtu; peer -> reliableDataInTransit = 0; peer -> outgoingReliableSequenceNumber = 0; peer -> windowSize = ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE; peer -> incomingUnsequencedGroup = 0; peer -> outgoingUnsequencedGroup = 0; peer -> eventData = 0; peer -> totalWaitingData = 0; memset (peer -> unsequencedWindow, 0, sizeof (peer -> unsequencedWindow)); enet_peer_reset_queues (peer); } /** Sends a ping request to a peer. @param peer destination for the ping request @remarks ping requests factor into the mean round trip time as designated by the roundTripTime field in the ENetPeer structure. ENet automatically pings all connected peers at regular intervals, however, this function may be called to ensure more frequent ping requests. */ void enet_peer_ping (ENetPeer * peer) { ENetProtocol command; if (peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED) return; command.header.command = ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_PING | ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_FLAG_ACKNOWLEDGE; command.header.channelID = 0xFF; enet_peer_queue_outgoing_command (peer, & command, NULL, 0, 0); } /** Sets the interval at which pings will be sent to a peer. Pings are used both to monitor the liveness of the connection and also to dynamically adjust the throttle during periods of low traffic so that the throttle has reasonable responsiveness during traffic spikes. @param peer the peer to adjust @param pingInterval the interval at which to send pings; defaults to ENET_PEER_PING_INTERVAL if 0 */ void enet_peer_ping_interval (ENetPeer * peer, enet_uint32 pingInterval) { peer -> pingInterval = pingInterval ? pingInterval : ENET_PEER_PING_INTERVAL; } /** Sets the timeout parameters for a peer. The timeout parameter control how and when a peer will timeout from a failure to acknowledge reliable traffic. Timeout values use an exponential backoff mechanism, where if a reliable packet is not acknowledge within some multiple of the average RTT plus a variance tolerance, the timeout will be doubled until it reaches a set limit. If the timeout is thus at this limit and reliable packets have been sent but not acknowledged within a certain minimum time period, the peer will be disconnected. Alternatively, if reliable packets have been sent but not acknowledged for a certain maximum time period, the peer will be disconnected regardless of the current timeout limit value. @param peer the peer to adjust @param timeoutLimit the timeout limit; defaults to ENET_PEER_TIMEOUT_LIMIT if 0 @param timeoutMinimum the timeout minimum; defaults to ENET_PEER_TIMEOUT_MINIMUM if 0 @param timeoutMaximum the timeout maximum; defaults to ENET_PEER_TIMEOUT_MAXIMUM if 0 */ void enet_peer_timeout (ENetPeer * peer, enet_uint32 timeoutLimit, enet_uint32 timeoutMinimum, enet_uint32 timeoutMaximum) { peer -> timeoutLimit = timeoutLimit ? timeoutLimit : ENET_PEER_TIMEOUT_LIMIT; peer -> timeoutMinimum = timeoutMinimum ? timeoutMinimum : ENET_PEER_TIMEOUT_MINIMUM; peer -> timeoutMaximum = timeoutMaximum ? timeoutMaximum : ENET_PEER_TIMEOUT_MAXIMUM; } /** Force an immediate disconnection from a peer. @param peer peer to disconnect @param data data describing the disconnection @remarks No ENET_EVENT_DISCONNECT event will be generated. The foreign peer is not guaranteed to receive the disconnect notification, and is reset immediately upon return from this function. */ void enet_peer_disconnect_now (ENetPeer * peer, enet_uint32 data) { ENetProtocol command; if (peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECTED) return; if (peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_ZOMBIE && peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECTING) { enet_peer_reset_queues (peer); command.header.command = ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_DISCONNECT | ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_FLAG_UNSEQUENCED; command.header.channelID = 0xFF; command.disconnect.data = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (data); enet_peer_queue_outgoing_command (peer, & command, NULL, 0, 0); enet_host_flush (peer -> host); } enet_peer_reset (peer); } /** Request a disconnection from a peer. @param peer peer to request a disconnection @param data data describing the disconnection @remarks An ENET_EVENT_DISCONNECT event will be generated by enet_host_service() once the disconnection is complete. */ void enet_peer_disconnect (ENetPeer * peer, enet_uint32 data) { ENetProtocol command; if (peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECTING || peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECTED || peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGING_DISCONNECT || peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_ZOMBIE) return; enet_peer_reset_queues (peer); command.header.command = ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_DISCONNECT; command.header.channelID = 0xFF; command.disconnect.data = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (data); if (peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED || peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER) command.header.command |= ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_FLAG_ACKNOWLEDGE; else command.header.command |= ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_FLAG_UNSEQUENCED; enet_peer_queue_outgoing_command (peer, & command, NULL, 0, 0); if (peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED || peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER) { enet_peer_on_disconnect (peer); peer -> state = ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECTING; } else { enet_host_flush (peer -> host); enet_peer_reset (peer); } } /** Request a disconnection from a peer, but only after all queued outgoing packets are sent. @param peer peer to request a disconnection @param data data describing the disconnection @remarks An ENET_EVENT_DISCONNECT event will be generated by enet_host_service() once the disconnection is complete. */ void enet_peer_disconnect_later (ENetPeer * peer, enet_uint32 data) { if ((peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED || peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER) && ! (enet_list_empty (& peer -> outgoingReliableCommands) && enet_list_empty (& peer -> outgoingUnreliableCommands) && enet_list_empty (& peer -> sentReliableCommands))) { peer -> state = ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER; peer -> eventData = data; } else enet_peer_disconnect (peer, data); } ENetAcknowledgement * enet_peer_queue_acknowledgement (ENetPeer * peer, const ENetProtocol * command, enet_uint16 sentTime) { ENetAcknowledgement * acknowledgement; if (command -> header.channelID < peer -> channelCount) { ENetChannel * channel = & peer -> channels [command -> header.channelID]; enet_uint16 reliableWindow = command -> header.reliableSequenceNumber / ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOW_SIZE, currentWindow = channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber / ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOW_SIZE; if (command -> header.reliableSequenceNumber < channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber) reliableWindow += ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOWS; if (reliableWindow >= currentWindow + ENET_PEER_FREE_RELIABLE_WINDOWS - 1 && reliableWindow <= currentWindow + ENET_PEER_FREE_RELIABLE_WINDOWS) return NULL; } acknowledgement = (ENetAcknowledgement *) enet_malloc (sizeof (ENetAcknowledgement)); if (acknowledgement == NULL) return NULL; peer -> outgoingDataTotal += sizeof (ENetProtocolAcknowledge); acknowledgement -> sentTime = sentTime; acknowledgement -> command = * command; enet_list_insert (enet_list_end (& peer -> acknowledgements), acknowledgement); return acknowledgement; } void enet_peer_setup_outgoing_command (ENetPeer * peer, ENetOutgoingCommand * outgoingCommand) { ENetChannel * channel = & peer -> channels [outgoingCommand -> command.header.channelID]; peer -> outgoingDataTotal += enet_protocol_command_size (outgoingCommand -> command.header.command) + outgoingCommand -> fragmentLength; if (outgoingCommand -> command.header.channelID == 0xFF) { ++ peer -> outgoingReliableSequenceNumber; outgoingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber = peer -> outgoingReliableSequenceNumber; outgoingCommand -> unreliableSequenceNumber = 0; } else if (outgoingCommand -> command.header.command & ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_FLAG_ACKNOWLEDGE) { ++ channel -> outgoingReliableSequenceNumber; channel -> outgoingUnreliableSequenceNumber = 0; outgoingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber = channel -> outgoingReliableSequenceNumber; outgoingCommand -> unreliableSequenceNumber = 0; } else if (outgoingCommand -> command.header.command & ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_FLAG_UNSEQUENCED) { ++ peer -> outgoingUnsequencedGroup; outgoingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber = 0; outgoingCommand -> unreliableSequenceNumber = 0; } else { if (outgoingCommand -> fragmentOffset == 0) ++ channel -> outgoingUnreliableSequenceNumber; outgoingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber = channel -> outgoingReliableSequenceNumber; outgoingCommand -> unreliableSequenceNumber = channel -> outgoingUnreliableSequenceNumber; } outgoingCommand -> sendAttempts = 0; outgoingCommand -> sentTime = 0; outgoingCommand -> roundTripTimeout = 0; outgoingCommand -> roundTripTimeoutLimit = 0; outgoingCommand -> command.header.reliableSequenceNumber = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16 (outgoingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber); switch (outgoingCommand -> command.header.command & ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_MASK) { case ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_UNRELIABLE: outgoingCommand -> command.sendUnreliable.unreliableSequenceNumber = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16 (outgoingCommand -> unreliableSequenceNumber); break; case ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_UNSEQUENCED: outgoingCommand -> command.sendUnsequenced.unsequencedGroup = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16 (peer -> outgoingUnsequencedGroup); break; default: break; } if (outgoingCommand -> command.header.command & ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_FLAG_ACKNOWLEDGE) enet_list_insert (enet_list_end (& peer -> outgoingReliableCommands), outgoingCommand); else enet_list_insert (enet_list_end (& peer -> outgoingUnreliableCommands), outgoingCommand); } ENetOutgoingCommand * enet_peer_queue_outgoing_command (ENetPeer * peer, const ENetProtocol * command, ENetPacket * packet, enet_uint32 offset, enet_uint16 length) { ENetOutgoingCommand * outgoingCommand = (ENetOutgoingCommand *) enet_malloc (sizeof (ENetOutgoingCommand)); if (outgoingCommand == NULL) return NULL; outgoingCommand -> command = * command; outgoingCommand -> fragmentOffset = offset; outgoingCommand -> fragmentLength = length; outgoingCommand -> packet = packet; if (packet != NULL) ++ packet -> referenceCount; enet_peer_setup_outgoing_command (peer, outgoingCommand); return outgoingCommand; } void enet_peer_dispatch_incoming_unreliable_commands (ENetPeer * peer, ENetChannel * channel) { ENetListIterator droppedCommand, startCommand, currentCommand; for (droppedCommand = startCommand = currentCommand = enet_list_begin (& channel -> incomingUnreliableCommands); currentCommand != enet_list_end (& channel -> incomingUnreliableCommands); currentCommand = enet_list_next (currentCommand)) { ENetIncomingCommand * incomingCommand = (ENetIncomingCommand *) currentCommand; if ((incomingCommand -> command.header.command & ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_MASK) == ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_UNSEQUENCED) continue; if (incomingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber == channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber) { if (incomingCommand -> fragmentsRemaining <= 0) { channel -> incomingUnreliableSequenceNumber = incomingCommand -> unreliableSequenceNumber; continue; } if (startCommand != currentCommand) { enet_list_move (enet_list_end (& peer -> dispatchedCommands), startCommand, enet_list_previous (currentCommand)); if (! peer -> needsDispatch) { enet_list_insert (enet_list_end (& peer -> host -> dispatchQueue), & peer -> dispatchList); peer -> needsDispatch = 1; } droppedCommand = currentCommand; } else if (droppedCommand != currentCommand) droppedCommand = enet_list_previous (currentCommand); } else { enet_uint16 reliableWindow = incomingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber / ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOW_SIZE, currentWindow = channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber / ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOW_SIZE; if (incomingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber < channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber) reliableWindow += ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOWS; if (reliableWindow >= currentWindow && reliableWindow < currentWindow + ENET_PEER_FREE_RELIABLE_WINDOWS - 1) break; droppedCommand = enet_list_next (currentCommand); if (startCommand != currentCommand) { enet_list_move (enet_list_end (& peer -> dispatchedCommands), startCommand, enet_list_previous (currentCommand)); if (! peer -> needsDispatch) { enet_list_insert (enet_list_end (& peer -> host -> dispatchQueue), & peer -> dispatchList); peer -> needsDispatch = 1; } } } startCommand = enet_list_next (currentCommand); } if (startCommand != currentCommand) { enet_list_move (enet_list_end (& peer -> dispatchedCommands), startCommand, enet_list_previous (currentCommand)); if (! peer -> needsDispatch) { enet_list_insert (enet_list_end (& peer -> host -> dispatchQueue), & peer -> dispatchList); peer -> needsDispatch = 1; } droppedCommand = currentCommand; } enet_peer_remove_incoming_commands (& channel -> incomingUnreliableCommands, enet_list_begin (& channel -> incomingUnreliableCommands), droppedCommand); } void enet_peer_dispatch_incoming_reliable_commands (ENetPeer * peer, ENetChannel * channel) { ENetListIterator currentCommand; for (currentCommand = enet_list_begin (& channel -> incomingReliableCommands); currentCommand != enet_list_end (& channel -> incomingReliableCommands); currentCommand = enet_list_next (currentCommand)) { ENetIncomingCommand * incomingCommand = (ENetIncomingCommand *) currentCommand; if (incomingCommand -> fragmentsRemaining > 0 || incomingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber != (enet_uint16) (channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber + 1)) break; channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber = incomingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber; if (incomingCommand -> fragmentCount > 0) channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber += incomingCommand -> fragmentCount - 1; } if (currentCommand == enet_list_begin (& channel -> incomingReliableCommands)) return; channel -> incomingUnreliableSequenceNumber = 0; enet_list_move (enet_list_end (& peer -> dispatchedCommands), enet_list_begin (& channel -> incomingReliableCommands), enet_list_previous (currentCommand)); if (! peer -> needsDispatch) { enet_list_insert (enet_list_end (& peer -> host -> dispatchQueue), & peer -> dispatchList); peer -> needsDispatch = 1; } if (! enet_list_empty (& channel -> incomingUnreliableCommands)) enet_peer_dispatch_incoming_unreliable_commands (peer, channel); } ENetIncomingCommand * enet_peer_queue_incoming_command (ENetPeer * peer, const ENetProtocol * command, const void * data, size_t dataLength, enet_uint32 flags, enet_uint32 fragmentCount) { static ENetIncomingCommand dummyCommand; ENetChannel * channel = & peer -> channels [command -> header.channelID]; enet_uint32 unreliableSequenceNumber = 0, reliableSequenceNumber = 0; enet_uint16 reliableWindow, currentWindow; ENetIncomingCommand * incomingCommand; ENetListIterator currentCommand; ENetPacket * packet = NULL; if (peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER) goto discardCommand; if ((command -> header.command & ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_MASK) != ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_UNSEQUENCED) { reliableSequenceNumber = command -> header.reliableSequenceNumber; reliableWindow = reliableSequenceNumber / ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOW_SIZE; currentWindow = channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber / ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOW_SIZE; if (reliableSequenceNumber < channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber) reliableWindow += ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOWS; if (reliableWindow < currentWindow || reliableWindow >= currentWindow + ENET_PEER_FREE_RELIABLE_WINDOWS - 1) goto discardCommand; } switch (command -> header.command & ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_MASK) { case ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_FRAGMENT: case ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_RELIABLE: if (reliableSequenceNumber == channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber) goto discardCommand; for (currentCommand = enet_list_previous (enet_list_end (& channel -> incomingReliableCommands)); currentCommand != enet_list_end (& channel -> incomingReliableCommands); currentCommand = enet_list_previous (currentCommand)) { incomingCommand = (ENetIncomingCommand *) currentCommand; if (reliableSequenceNumber >= channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber) { if (incomingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber < channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber) continue; } else if (incomingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber >= channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber) break; if (incomingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber <= reliableSequenceNumber) { if (incomingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber < reliableSequenceNumber) break; goto discardCommand; } } break; case ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_UNRELIABLE: case ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_UNRELIABLE_FRAGMENT: unreliableSequenceNumber = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16 (command -> sendUnreliable.unreliableSequenceNumber); if (reliableSequenceNumber == channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber && unreliableSequenceNumber <= channel -> incomingUnreliableSequenceNumber) goto discardCommand; for (currentCommand = enet_list_previous (enet_list_end (& channel -> incomingUnreliableCommands)); currentCommand != enet_list_end (& channel -> incomingUnreliableCommands); currentCommand = enet_list_previous (currentCommand)) { incomingCommand = (ENetIncomingCommand *) currentCommand; if ((command -> header.command & ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_MASK) == ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_UNSEQUENCED) continue; if (reliableSequenceNumber >= channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber) { if (incomingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber < channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber) continue; } else if (incomingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber >= channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber) break; if (incomingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber < reliableSequenceNumber) break; if (incomingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber > reliableSequenceNumber) continue; if (incomingCommand -> unreliableSequenceNumber <= unreliableSequenceNumber) { if (incomingCommand -> unreliableSequenceNumber < unreliableSequenceNumber) break; goto discardCommand; } } break; case ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_UNSEQUENCED: currentCommand = enet_list_end (& channel -> incomingUnreliableCommands); break; default: goto discardCommand; } if (peer -> totalWaitingData >= peer -> host -> maximumWaitingData) goto notifyError; packet = enet_packet_create (data, dataLength, flags); if (packet == NULL) goto notifyError; incomingCommand = (ENetIncomingCommand *) enet_malloc (sizeof (ENetIncomingCommand)); if (incomingCommand == NULL) goto notifyError; incomingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber = command -> header.reliableSequenceNumber; incomingCommand -> unreliableSequenceNumber = unreliableSequenceNumber & 0xFFFF; incomingCommand -> command = * command; incomingCommand -> fragmentCount = fragmentCount; incomingCommand -> fragmentsRemaining = fragmentCount; incomingCommand -> packet = packet; incomingCommand -> fragments = NULL; if (fragmentCount > 0) { if (fragmentCount <= ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_FRAGMENT_COUNT) incomingCommand -> fragments = (enet_uint32 *) enet_malloc ((fragmentCount + 31) / 32 * sizeof (enet_uint32)); if (incomingCommand -> fragments == NULL) { enet_free (incomingCommand); goto notifyError; } memset (incomingCommand -> fragments, 0, (fragmentCount + 31) / 32 * sizeof (enet_uint32)); } if (packet != NULL) { ++ packet -> referenceCount; peer -> totalWaitingData += packet -> dataLength; } enet_list_insert (enet_list_next (currentCommand), incomingCommand); switch (command -> header.command & ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_MASK) { case ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_FRAGMENT: case ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_RELIABLE: enet_peer_dispatch_incoming_reliable_commands (peer, channel); break; default: enet_peer_dispatch_incoming_unreliable_commands (peer, channel); break; } return incomingCommand; discardCommand: if (fragmentCount > 0) goto notifyError; if (packet != NULL && packet -> referenceCount == 0) enet_packet_destroy (packet); return & dummyCommand; notifyError: if (packet != NULL && packet -> referenceCount == 0) enet_packet_destroy (packet); return NULL; } /** @} */ // @from_file: src/protocol.c /** @file protocol.c @brief ENet protocol functions */ #include #define ENET_BUILDING_LIB 1 static size_t commandSizes [ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_COUNT] = { 0, sizeof (ENetProtocolAcknowledge), sizeof (ENetProtocolConnect), sizeof (ENetProtocolVerifyConnect), sizeof (ENetProtocolDisconnect), sizeof (ENetProtocolPing), sizeof (ENetProtocolSendReliable), sizeof (ENetProtocolSendUnreliable), sizeof (ENetProtocolSendFragment), sizeof (ENetProtocolSendUnsequenced), sizeof (ENetProtocolBandwidthLimit), sizeof (ENetProtocolThrottleConfigure), sizeof (ENetProtocolSendFragment) }; size_t enet_protocol_command_size (enet_uint8 commandNumber) { return commandSizes [commandNumber & ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_MASK]; } static void enet_protocol_change_state (ENetHost * host, ENetPeer * peer, ENetPeerState state) { if (state == ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED || state == ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER) enet_peer_on_connect (peer); else enet_peer_on_disconnect (peer); peer -> state = state; } static void enet_protocol_dispatch_state (ENetHost * host, ENetPeer * peer, ENetPeerState state) { enet_protocol_change_state (host, peer, state); if (! peer -> needsDispatch) { enet_list_insert (enet_list_end (& host -> dispatchQueue), & peer -> dispatchList); peer -> needsDispatch = 1; } } static int enet_protocol_dispatch_incoming_commands (ENetHost * host, ENetEvent * event) { while (! enet_list_empty (& host -> dispatchQueue)) { ENetPeer * peer = (ENetPeer *) enet_list_remove (enet_list_begin (& host -> dispatchQueue)); peer -> needsDispatch = 0; switch (peer -> state) { case ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTION_PENDING: case ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTION_SUCCEEDED: enet_protocol_change_state (host, peer, ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED); event -> type = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECT; event -> peer = peer; event -> data = peer -> eventData; return 1; case ENET_PEER_STATE_ZOMBIE: host -> recalculateBandwidthLimits = 1; event -> type = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT; event -> peer = peer; event -> data = peer -> eventData; enet_peer_reset (peer); return 1; case ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED: if (enet_list_empty (& peer -> dispatchedCommands)) continue; event -> packet = enet_peer_receive (peer, & event -> channelID); if (event -> packet == NULL) continue; event -> type = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE; event -> peer = peer; if (! enet_list_empty (& peer -> dispatchedCommands)) { peer -> needsDispatch = 1; enet_list_insert (enet_list_end (& host -> dispatchQueue), & peer -> dispatchList); } return 1; default: break; } } return 0; } static void enet_protocol_notify_connect (ENetHost * host, ENetPeer * peer, ENetEvent * event) { host -> recalculateBandwidthLimits = 1; if (event != NULL) { enet_protocol_change_state (host, peer, ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED); event -> type = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECT; event -> peer = peer; event -> data = peer -> eventData; } else enet_protocol_dispatch_state (host, peer, peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTING ? ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTION_SUCCEEDED : ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTION_PENDING); } static void enet_protocol_notify_disconnect (ENetHost * host, ENetPeer * peer, ENetEvent * event) { if (peer -> state >= ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTION_PENDING) host -> recalculateBandwidthLimits = 1; if (peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTING && peer -> state < ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTION_SUCCEEDED) enet_peer_reset (peer); else if (event != NULL) { event -> type = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT; event -> peer = peer; event -> data = 0; enet_peer_reset (peer); } else { peer -> eventData = 0; enet_protocol_dispatch_state (host, peer, ENET_PEER_STATE_ZOMBIE); } } static void enet_protocol_remove_sent_unreliable_commands (ENetPeer * peer) { ENetOutgoingCommand * outgoingCommand; while (! enet_list_empty (& peer -> sentUnreliableCommands)) { outgoingCommand = (ENetOutgoingCommand *) enet_list_front (& peer -> sentUnreliableCommands); enet_list_remove (& outgoingCommand -> outgoingCommandList); if (outgoingCommand -> packet != NULL) { -- outgoingCommand -> packet -> referenceCount; if (outgoingCommand -> packet -> referenceCount == 0) { outgoingCommand -> packet -> flags |= ENET_PACKET_FLAG_SENT; enet_packet_destroy (outgoingCommand -> packet); } } enet_free (outgoingCommand); } } static ENetProtocolCommand enet_protocol_remove_sent_reliable_command (ENetPeer * peer, enet_uint16 reliableSequenceNumber, enet_uint8 channelID) { ENetOutgoingCommand * outgoingCommand = NULL; ENetListIterator currentCommand; ENetProtocolCommand commandNumber; int wasSent = 1; for (currentCommand = enet_list_begin (& peer -> sentReliableCommands); currentCommand != enet_list_end (& peer -> sentReliableCommands); currentCommand = enet_list_next (currentCommand)) { outgoingCommand = (ENetOutgoingCommand *) currentCommand; if (outgoingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber == reliableSequenceNumber && outgoingCommand -> command.header.channelID == channelID) break; } if (currentCommand == enet_list_end (& peer -> sentReliableCommands)) { for (currentCommand = enet_list_begin (& peer -> outgoingReliableCommands); currentCommand != enet_list_end (& peer -> outgoingReliableCommands); currentCommand = enet_list_next (currentCommand)) { outgoingCommand = (ENetOutgoingCommand *) currentCommand; if (outgoingCommand -> sendAttempts < 1) return ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_NONE; if (outgoingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber == reliableSequenceNumber && outgoingCommand -> command.header.channelID == channelID) break; } if (currentCommand == enet_list_end (& peer -> outgoingReliableCommands)) return ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_NONE; wasSent = 0; } if (outgoingCommand == NULL) return ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_NONE; if (channelID < peer -> channelCount) { ENetChannel * channel = & peer -> channels [channelID]; enet_uint16 reliableWindow = reliableSequenceNumber / ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOW_SIZE; if (channel -> reliableWindows [reliableWindow] > 0) { -- channel -> reliableWindows [reliableWindow]; if (! channel -> reliableWindows [reliableWindow]) channel -> usedReliableWindows &= ~ (1 << reliableWindow); } } commandNumber = (ENetProtocolCommand) (outgoingCommand -> command.header.command & ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_MASK); enet_list_remove (& outgoingCommand -> outgoingCommandList); if (outgoingCommand -> packet != NULL) { if (wasSent) peer -> reliableDataInTransit -= outgoingCommand -> fragmentLength; -- outgoingCommand -> packet -> referenceCount; if (outgoingCommand -> packet -> referenceCount == 0) { outgoingCommand -> packet -> flags |= ENET_PACKET_FLAG_SENT; enet_packet_destroy (outgoingCommand -> packet); } } enet_free (outgoingCommand); if (enet_list_empty (& peer -> sentReliableCommands)) return commandNumber; outgoingCommand = (ENetOutgoingCommand *) enet_list_front (& peer -> sentReliableCommands); peer -> nextTimeout = outgoingCommand -> sentTime + outgoingCommand -> roundTripTimeout; return commandNumber; } static ENetPeer * enet_protocol_handle_connect (ENetHost * host, ENetProtocolHeader * header, ENetProtocol * command) { enet_uint8 incomingSessionID, outgoingSessionID; enet_uint32 mtu, windowSize; ENetChannel * channel; size_t channelCount, duplicatePeers = 0; ENetPeer * currentPeer, * peer = NULL; ENetProtocol verifyCommand; channelCount = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> connect.channelCount); if (channelCount < ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_CHANNEL_COUNT || channelCount > ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_CHANNEL_COUNT) return NULL; for (currentPeer = host -> peers; currentPeer < & host -> peers [host -> peerCount]; ++ currentPeer) { if (currentPeer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECTED) { if (peer == NULL) peer = currentPeer; } else if (currentPeer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTING && currentPeer -> address.host == host -> receivedAddress.host) { if (currentPeer -> address.port == host -> receivedAddress.port && currentPeer -> connectID == command -> connect.connectID) return NULL; ++ duplicatePeers; } } if (peer == NULL || duplicatePeers >= host -> duplicatePeers) return NULL; if (channelCount > host -> channelLimit) channelCount = host -> channelLimit; peer -> channels = (ENetChannel *) enet_malloc (channelCount * sizeof (ENetChannel)); if (peer -> channels == NULL) return NULL; peer -> channelCount = channelCount; peer -> state = ENET_PEER_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGING_CONNECT; peer -> connectID = command -> connect.connectID; peer -> address = host -> receivedAddress; peer -> outgoingPeerID = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16 (command -> connect.outgoingPeerID); peer -> incomingBandwidth = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> connect.incomingBandwidth); peer -> outgoingBandwidth = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> connect.outgoingBandwidth); peer -> packetThrottleInterval = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> connect.packetThrottleInterval); peer -> packetThrottleAcceleration = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> connect.packetThrottleAcceleration); peer -> packetThrottleDeceleration = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> connect.packetThrottleDeceleration); peer -> eventData = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> connect.data); incomingSessionID = command -> connect.incomingSessionID == 0xFF ? peer -> outgoingSessionID : command -> connect.incomingSessionID; incomingSessionID = (incomingSessionID + 1) & (ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_SESSION_MASK >> ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_SESSION_SHIFT); if (incomingSessionID == peer -> outgoingSessionID) incomingSessionID = (incomingSessionID + 1) & (ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_SESSION_MASK >> ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_SESSION_SHIFT); peer -> outgoingSessionID = incomingSessionID; outgoingSessionID = command -> connect.outgoingSessionID == 0xFF ? peer -> incomingSessionID : command -> connect.outgoingSessionID; outgoingSessionID = (outgoingSessionID + 1) & (ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_SESSION_MASK >> ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_SESSION_SHIFT); if (outgoingSessionID == peer -> incomingSessionID) outgoingSessionID = (outgoingSessionID + 1) & (ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_SESSION_MASK >> ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_SESSION_SHIFT); peer -> incomingSessionID = outgoingSessionID; for (channel = peer -> channels; channel < & peer -> channels [channelCount]; ++ channel) { channel -> outgoingReliableSequenceNumber = 0; channel -> outgoingUnreliableSequenceNumber = 0; channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber = 0; channel -> incomingUnreliableSequenceNumber = 0; enet_list_clear (& channel -> incomingReliableCommands); enet_list_clear (& channel -> incomingUnreliableCommands); channel -> usedReliableWindows = 0; memset (channel -> reliableWindows, 0, sizeof (channel -> reliableWindows)); } mtu = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> connect.mtu); if (mtu < ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_MTU) mtu = ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_MTU; else if (mtu > ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_MTU) mtu = ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_MTU; peer -> mtu = mtu; if (host -> outgoingBandwidth == 0 && peer -> incomingBandwidth == 0) peer -> windowSize = ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE; else if (host -> outgoingBandwidth == 0 || peer -> incomingBandwidth == 0) peer -> windowSize = (ENET_MAX (host -> outgoingBandwidth, peer -> incomingBandwidth) / ENET_PEER_WINDOW_SIZE_SCALE) * ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE; else peer -> windowSize = (ENET_MIN (host -> outgoingBandwidth, peer -> incomingBandwidth) / ENET_PEER_WINDOW_SIZE_SCALE) * ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE; if (peer -> windowSize < ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE) peer -> windowSize = ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE; else if (peer -> windowSize > ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE) peer -> windowSize = ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE; if (host -> incomingBandwidth == 0) windowSize = ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE; else windowSize = (host -> incomingBandwidth / ENET_PEER_WINDOW_SIZE_SCALE) * ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE; if (windowSize > ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> connect.windowSize)) windowSize = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> connect.windowSize); if (windowSize < ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE) windowSize = ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE; else if (windowSize > ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE) windowSize = ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE; verifyCommand.header.command = ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_VERIFY_CONNECT | ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_FLAG_ACKNOWLEDGE; verifyCommand.header.channelID = 0xFF; verifyCommand.verifyConnect.outgoingPeerID = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16 (peer -> incomingPeerID); verifyCommand.verifyConnect.incomingSessionID = incomingSessionID; verifyCommand.verifyConnect.outgoingSessionID = outgoingSessionID; verifyCommand.verifyConnect.mtu = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (peer -> mtu); verifyCommand.verifyConnect.windowSize = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (windowSize); verifyCommand.verifyConnect.channelCount = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (channelCount); verifyCommand.verifyConnect.incomingBandwidth = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (host -> incomingBandwidth); verifyCommand.verifyConnect.outgoingBandwidth = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (host -> outgoingBandwidth); verifyCommand.verifyConnect.packetThrottleInterval = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (peer -> packetThrottleInterval); verifyCommand.verifyConnect.packetThrottleAcceleration = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (peer -> packetThrottleAcceleration); verifyCommand.verifyConnect.packetThrottleDeceleration = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_32 (peer -> packetThrottleDeceleration); verifyCommand.verifyConnect.connectID = peer -> connectID; enet_peer_queue_outgoing_command (peer, & verifyCommand, NULL, 0, 0); return peer; } static int enet_protocol_handle_send_reliable (ENetHost * host, ENetPeer * peer, const ENetProtocol * command, enet_uint8 ** currentData) { size_t dataLength; if (command -> header.channelID >= peer -> channelCount || (peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED && peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER)) return -1; dataLength = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16 (command -> sendReliable.dataLength); * currentData += dataLength; if (dataLength > host -> maximumPacketSize || * currentData < host -> receivedData || * currentData > & host -> receivedData [host -> receivedDataLength]) return -1; if (enet_peer_queue_incoming_command (peer, command, (const enet_uint8 *) command + sizeof (ENetProtocolSendReliable), dataLength, ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE, 0) == NULL) return -1; return 0; } static int enet_protocol_handle_send_unsequenced (ENetHost * host, ENetPeer * peer, const ENetProtocol * command, enet_uint8 ** currentData) { enet_uint32 unsequencedGroup, index; size_t dataLength; if (command -> header.channelID >= peer -> channelCount || (peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED && peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER)) return -1; dataLength = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16 (command -> sendUnsequenced.dataLength); * currentData += dataLength; if (dataLength > host -> maximumPacketSize || * currentData < host -> receivedData || * currentData > & host -> receivedData [host -> receivedDataLength]) return -1; unsequencedGroup = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16 (command -> sendUnsequenced.unsequencedGroup); index = unsequencedGroup % ENET_PEER_UNSEQUENCED_WINDOW_SIZE; if (unsequencedGroup < peer -> incomingUnsequencedGroup) unsequencedGroup += 0x10000; if (unsequencedGroup >= (enet_uint32) peer -> incomingUnsequencedGroup + ENET_PEER_FREE_UNSEQUENCED_WINDOWS * ENET_PEER_UNSEQUENCED_WINDOW_SIZE) return 0; unsequencedGroup &= 0xFFFF; if (unsequencedGroup - index != peer -> incomingUnsequencedGroup) { peer -> incomingUnsequencedGroup = unsequencedGroup - index; memset (peer -> unsequencedWindow, 0, sizeof (peer -> unsequencedWindow)); } else if (peer -> unsequencedWindow [index / 32] & (1 << (index % 32))) return 0; if (enet_peer_queue_incoming_command (peer, command, (const enet_uint8 *) command + sizeof (ENetProtocolSendUnsequenced), dataLength, ENET_PACKET_FLAG_UNSEQUENCED, 0) == NULL) return -1; peer -> unsequencedWindow [index / 32] |= 1 << (index % 32); return 0; } static int enet_protocol_handle_send_unreliable (ENetHost * host, ENetPeer * peer, const ENetProtocol * command, enet_uint8 ** currentData) { size_t dataLength; if (command -> header.channelID >= peer -> channelCount || (peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED && peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER)) return -1; dataLength = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16 (command -> sendUnreliable.dataLength); * currentData += dataLength; if (dataLength > host -> maximumPacketSize || * currentData < host -> receivedData || * currentData > & host -> receivedData [host -> receivedDataLength]) return -1; if (enet_peer_queue_incoming_command (peer, command, (const enet_uint8 *) command + sizeof (ENetProtocolSendUnreliable), dataLength, 0, 0) == NULL) return -1; return 0; } static int enet_protocol_handle_send_fragment (ENetHost * host, ENetPeer * peer, const ENetProtocol * command, enet_uint8 ** currentData) { enet_uint32 fragmentNumber, fragmentCount, fragmentOffset, fragmentLength, startSequenceNumber, totalLength; ENetChannel * channel; enet_uint16 startWindow, currentWindow; ENetListIterator currentCommand; ENetIncomingCommand * startCommand = NULL; if (command -> header.channelID >= peer -> channelCount || (peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED && peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER)) return -1; fragmentLength = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16 (command -> sendFragment.dataLength); * currentData += fragmentLength; if (fragmentLength > host -> maximumPacketSize || * currentData < host -> receivedData || * currentData > & host -> receivedData [host -> receivedDataLength]) return -1; channel = & peer -> channels [command -> header.channelID]; startSequenceNumber = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16 (command -> sendFragment.startSequenceNumber); startWindow = startSequenceNumber / ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOW_SIZE; currentWindow = channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber / ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOW_SIZE; if (startSequenceNumber < channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber) startWindow += ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOWS; if (startWindow < currentWindow || startWindow >= currentWindow + ENET_PEER_FREE_RELIABLE_WINDOWS - 1) return 0; fragmentNumber = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> sendFragment.fragmentNumber); fragmentCount = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> sendFragment.fragmentCount); fragmentOffset = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> sendFragment.fragmentOffset); totalLength = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> sendFragment.totalLength); if (fragmentCount > ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_FRAGMENT_COUNT || fragmentNumber >= fragmentCount || totalLength > host -> maximumPacketSize || fragmentOffset >= totalLength || fragmentLength > totalLength - fragmentOffset) return -1; for (currentCommand = enet_list_previous (enet_list_end (& channel -> incomingReliableCommands)); currentCommand != enet_list_end (& channel -> incomingReliableCommands); currentCommand = enet_list_previous (currentCommand)) { ENetIncomingCommand * incomingCommand = (ENetIncomingCommand *) currentCommand; if (startSequenceNumber >= channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber) { if (incomingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber < channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber) continue; } else if (incomingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber >= channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber) break; if (incomingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber <= startSequenceNumber) { if (incomingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber < startSequenceNumber) break; if ((incomingCommand -> command.header.command & ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_MASK) != ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_FRAGMENT || totalLength != incomingCommand -> packet -> dataLength || fragmentCount != incomingCommand -> fragmentCount) return -1; startCommand = incomingCommand; break; } } if (startCommand == NULL) { ENetProtocol hostCommand = * command; hostCommand.header.reliableSequenceNumber = startSequenceNumber; startCommand = enet_peer_queue_incoming_command (peer, & hostCommand, NULL, totalLength, ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE, fragmentCount); if (startCommand == NULL) return -1; } if ((startCommand -> fragments [fragmentNumber / 32] & (1 << (fragmentNumber % 32))) == 0) { -- startCommand -> fragmentsRemaining; startCommand -> fragments [fragmentNumber / 32] |= (1 << (fragmentNumber % 32)); if (fragmentOffset + fragmentLength > startCommand -> packet -> dataLength) fragmentLength = startCommand -> packet -> dataLength - fragmentOffset; memcpy (startCommand -> packet -> data + fragmentOffset, (enet_uint8 *) command + sizeof (ENetProtocolSendFragment), fragmentLength); if (startCommand -> fragmentsRemaining <= 0) enet_peer_dispatch_incoming_reliable_commands (peer, channel); } return 0; } static int enet_protocol_handle_send_unreliable_fragment (ENetHost * host, ENetPeer * peer, const ENetProtocol * command, enet_uint8 ** currentData) { enet_uint32 fragmentNumber, fragmentCount, fragmentOffset, fragmentLength, reliableSequenceNumber, startSequenceNumber, totalLength; enet_uint16 reliableWindow, currentWindow; ENetChannel * channel; ENetListIterator currentCommand; ENetIncomingCommand * startCommand = NULL; if (command -> header.channelID >= peer -> channelCount || (peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED && peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER)) return -1; fragmentLength = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16 (command -> sendFragment.dataLength); * currentData += fragmentLength; if (fragmentLength > host -> maximumPacketSize || * currentData < host -> receivedData || * currentData > & host -> receivedData [host -> receivedDataLength]) return -1; channel = & peer -> channels [command -> header.channelID]; reliableSequenceNumber = command -> header.reliableSequenceNumber; startSequenceNumber = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16 (command -> sendFragment.startSequenceNumber); reliableWindow = reliableSequenceNumber / ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOW_SIZE; currentWindow = channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber / ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOW_SIZE; if (reliableSequenceNumber < channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber) reliableWindow += ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOWS; if (reliableWindow < currentWindow || reliableWindow >= currentWindow + ENET_PEER_FREE_RELIABLE_WINDOWS - 1) return 0; if (reliableSequenceNumber == channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber && startSequenceNumber <= channel -> incomingUnreliableSequenceNumber) return 0; fragmentNumber = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> sendFragment.fragmentNumber); fragmentCount = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> sendFragment.fragmentCount); fragmentOffset = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> sendFragment.fragmentOffset); totalLength = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> sendFragment.totalLength); if (fragmentCount > ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_FRAGMENT_COUNT || fragmentNumber >= fragmentCount || totalLength > host -> maximumPacketSize || fragmentOffset >= totalLength || fragmentLength > totalLength - fragmentOffset) return -1; for (currentCommand = enet_list_previous (enet_list_end (& channel -> incomingUnreliableCommands)); currentCommand != enet_list_end (& channel -> incomingUnreliableCommands); currentCommand = enet_list_previous (currentCommand)) { ENetIncomingCommand * incomingCommand = (ENetIncomingCommand *) currentCommand; if (reliableSequenceNumber >= channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber) { if (incomingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber < channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber) continue; } else if (incomingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber >= channel -> incomingReliableSequenceNumber) break; if (incomingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber < reliableSequenceNumber) break; if (incomingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber > reliableSequenceNumber) continue; if (incomingCommand -> unreliableSequenceNumber <= startSequenceNumber) { if (incomingCommand -> unreliableSequenceNumber < startSequenceNumber) break; if ((incomingCommand -> command.header.command & ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_MASK) != ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_UNRELIABLE_FRAGMENT || totalLength != incomingCommand -> packet -> dataLength || fragmentCount != incomingCommand -> fragmentCount) return -1; startCommand = incomingCommand; break; } } if (startCommand == NULL) { startCommand = enet_peer_queue_incoming_command (peer, command, NULL, totalLength, ENET_PACKET_FLAG_UNRELIABLE_FRAGMENT, fragmentCount); if (startCommand == NULL) return -1; } if ((startCommand -> fragments [fragmentNumber / 32] & (1 << (fragmentNumber % 32))) == 0) { -- startCommand -> fragmentsRemaining; startCommand -> fragments [fragmentNumber / 32] |= (1 << (fragmentNumber % 32)); if (fragmentOffset + fragmentLength > startCommand -> packet -> dataLength) fragmentLength = startCommand -> packet -> dataLength - fragmentOffset; memcpy (startCommand -> packet -> data + fragmentOffset, (enet_uint8 *) command + sizeof (ENetProtocolSendFragment), fragmentLength); if (startCommand -> fragmentsRemaining <= 0) enet_peer_dispatch_incoming_unreliable_commands (peer, channel); } return 0; } static int enet_protocol_handle_ping (ENetHost * host, ENetPeer * peer, const ENetProtocol * command) { if (peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED && peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER) return -1; return 0; } static int enet_protocol_handle_bandwidth_limit (ENetHost * host, ENetPeer * peer, const ENetProtocol * command) { if (peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED && peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER) return -1; if (peer -> incomingBandwidth != 0) -- host -> bandwidthLimitedPeers; peer -> incomingBandwidth = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> bandwidthLimit.incomingBandwidth); peer -> outgoingBandwidth = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> bandwidthLimit.outgoingBandwidth); if (peer -> incomingBandwidth != 0) ++ host -> bandwidthLimitedPeers; if (peer -> incomingBandwidth == 0 && host -> outgoingBandwidth == 0) peer -> windowSize = ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE; else if (peer -> incomingBandwidth == 0 || host -> outgoingBandwidth == 0) peer -> windowSize = (ENET_MAX (peer -> incomingBandwidth, host -> outgoingBandwidth) / ENET_PEER_WINDOW_SIZE_SCALE) * ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE; else peer -> windowSize = (ENET_MIN (peer -> incomingBandwidth, host -> outgoingBandwidth) / ENET_PEER_WINDOW_SIZE_SCALE) * ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE; if (peer -> windowSize < ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE) peer -> windowSize = ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE; else if (peer -> windowSize > ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE) peer -> windowSize = ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE; return 0; } static int enet_protocol_handle_throttle_configure (ENetHost * host, ENetPeer * peer, const ENetProtocol * command) { if (peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED && peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER) return -1; peer -> packetThrottleInterval = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> throttleConfigure.packetThrottleInterval); peer -> packetThrottleAcceleration = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> throttleConfigure.packetThrottleAcceleration); peer -> packetThrottleDeceleration = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> throttleConfigure.packetThrottleDeceleration); return 0; } static int enet_protocol_handle_disconnect (ENetHost * host, ENetPeer * peer, const ENetProtocol * command) { if (peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECTED || peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_ZOMBIE || peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGING_DISCONNECT) return 0; enet_peer_reset_queues (peer); if (peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTION_SUCCEEDED || peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECTING || peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTING) enet_protocol_dispatch_state (host, peer, ENET_PEER_STATE_ZOMBIE); else if (peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED && peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER) { if (peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTION_PENDING) host -> recalculateBandwidthLimits = 1; enet_peer_reset (peer); } else if (command -> header.command & ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_FLAG_ACKNOWLEDGE) enet_protocol_change_state (host, peer, ENET_PEER_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGING_DISCONNECT); else enet_protocol_dispatch_state (host, peer, ENET_PEER_STATE_ZOMBIE); if (peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECTED) peer -> eventData = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> disconnect.data); return 0; } static int enet_protocol_handle_acknowledge (ENetHost * host, ENetEvent * event, ENetPeer * peer, const ENetProtocol * command) { enet_uint32 roundTripTime, receivedSentTime, receivedReliableSequenceNumber; ENetProtocolCommand commandNumber; if (peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECTED || peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_ZOMBIE) return 0; receivedSentTime = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16 (command -> acknowledge.receivedSentTime); receivedSentTime |= host -> serviceTime & 0xFFFF0000; if ((receivedSentTime & 0x8000) > (host -> serviceTime & 0x8000)) receivedSentTime -= 0x10000; if (ENET_TIME_LESS (host -> serviceTime, receivedSentTime)) return 0; peer -> lastReceiveTime = host -> serviceTime; peer -> earliestTimeout = 0; roundTripTime = ENET_TIME_DIFFERENCE (host -> serviceTime, receivedSentTime); enet_peer_throttle (peer, roundTripTime); peer -> roundTripTimeVariance -= peer -> roundTripTimeVariance / 4; if (roundTripTime >= peer -> roundTripTime) { peer -> roundTripTime += (roundTripTime - peer -> roundTripTime) / 8; peer -> roundTripTimeVariance += (roundTripTime - peer -> roundTripTime) / 4; } else { peer -> roundTripTime -= (peer -> roundTripTime - roundTripTime) / 8; peer -> roundTripTimeVariance += (peer -> roundTripTime - roundTripTime) / 4; } if (peer -> roundTripTime < peer -> lowestRoundTripTime) peer -> lowestRoundTripTime = peer -> roundTripTime; if (peer -> roundTripTimeVariance > peer -> highestRoundTripTimeVariance) peer -> highestRoundTripTimeVariance = peer -> roundTripTimeVariance; if (peer -> packetThrottleEpoch == 0 || ENET_TIME_DIFFERENCE (host -> serviceTime, peer -> packetThrottleEpoch) >= peer -> packetThrottleInterval) { peer -> lastRoundTripTime = peer -> lowestRoundTripTime; peer -> lastRoundTripTimeVariance = peer -> highestRoundTripTimeVariance; peer -> lowestRoundTripTime = peer -> roundTripTime; peer -> highestRoundTripTimeVariance = peer -> roundTripTimeVariance; peer -> packetThrottleEpoch = host -> serviceTime; } receivedReliableSequenceNumber = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16 (command -> acknowledge.receivedReliableSequenceNumber); commandNumber = enet_protocol_remove_sent_reliable_command (peer, receivedReliableSequenceNumber, command -> header.channelID); switch (peer -> state) { case ENET_PEER_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGING_CONNECT: if (commandNumber != ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_VERIFY_CONNECT) return -1; enet_protocol_notify_connect (host, peer, event); break; case ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECTING: if (commandNumber != ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_DISCONNECT) return -1; enet_protocol_notify_disconnect (host, peer, event); break; case ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER: if (enet_list_empty (& peer -> outgoingReliableCommands) && enet_list_empty (& peer -> outgoingUnreliableCommands) && enet_list_empty (& peer -> sentReliableCommands)) enet_peer_disconnect (peer, peer -> eventData); break; default: break; } return 0; } static int enet_protocol_handle_verify_connect (ENetHost * host, ENetEvent * event, ENetPeer * peer, const ENetProtocol * command) { enet_uint32 mtu, windowSize; size_t channelCount; if (peer -> state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTING) return 0; channelCount = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> verifyConnect.channelCount); if (channelCount < ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_CHANNEL_COUNT || channelCount > ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_CHANNEL_COUNT || ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> verifyConnect.packetThrottleInterval) != peer -> packetThrottleInterval || ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> verifyConnect.packetThrottleAcceleration) != peer -> packetThrottleAcceleration || ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> verifyConnect.packetThrottleDeceleration) != peer -> packetThrottleDeceleration || command -> verifyConnect.connectID != peer -> connectID) { peer -> eventData = 0; enet_protocol_dispatch_state (host, peer, ENET_PEER_STATE_ZOMBIE); return -1; } enet_protocol_remove_sent_reliable_command (peer, 1, 0xFF); if (channelCount < peer -> channelCount) peer -> channelCount = channelCount; peer -> outgoingPeerID = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16 (command -> verifyConnect.outgoingPeerID); peer -> incomingSessionID = command -> verifyConnect.incomingSessionID; peer -> outgoingSessionID = command -> verifyConnect.outgoingSessionID; mtu = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> verifyConnect.mtu); if (mtu < ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_MTU) mtu = ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_MTU; else if (mtu > ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_MTU) mtu = ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_MTU; if (mtu < peer -> mtu) peer -> mtu = mtu; windowSize = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> verifyConnect.windowSize); if (windowSize < ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE) windowSize = ENET_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE; if (windowSize > ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE) windowSize = ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE; if (windowSize < peer -> windowSize) peer -> windowSize = windowSize; peer -> incomingBandwidth = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> verifyConnect.incomingBandwidth); peer -> outgoingBandwidth = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_32 (command -> verifyConnect.outgoingBandwidth); enet_protocol_notify_connect (host, peer, event); return 0; } static int enet_protocol_handle_incoming_commands (ENetHost * host, ENetEvent * event) { ENetProtocolHeader * header; ENetProtocol * command; ENetPeer * peer; enet_uint8 * currentData; size_t headerSize; enet_uint16 peerID, flags; enet_uint8 sessionID; if (host -> receivedDataLength < (size_t) & ((ENetProtocolHeader *) 0) -> sentTime) return 0; header = (ENetProtocolHeader *) host -> receivedData; peerID = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16 (header -> peerID); sessionID = (peerID & ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_SESSION_MASK) >> ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_SESSION_SHIFT; flags = peerID & ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_FLAG_MASK; peerID &= ~ (ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_FLAG_MASK | ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_SESSION_MASK); headerSize = (flags & ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_FLAG_SENT_TIME ? sizeof (ENetProtocolHeader) : (size_t) & ((ENetProtocolHeader *) 0) -> sentTime); if (host -> checksum != NULL) headerSize += sizeof (enet_uint32); if (peerID == ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_PEER_ID) peer = NULL; else if (peerID >= host -> peerCount) return 0; else { peer = & host -> peers [peerID]; if (peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECTED || peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_ZOMBIE || ((host -> receivedAddress.host != peer -> address.host || host -> receivedAddress.port != peer -> address.port) && peer -> address.host != ENET_HOST_BROADCAST) || (peer -> outgoingPeerID < ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_PEER_ID && sessionID != peer -> incomingSessionID)) return 0; } if (flags & ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_FLAG_COMPRESSED) { size_t originalSize; if (host -> compressor.context == NULL || host -> compressor.decompress == NULL) return 0; originalSize = host -> compressor.decompress (host -> compressor.context, host -> receivedData + headerSize, host -> receivedDataLength - headerSize, host -> packetData [1] + headerSize, sizeof (host -> packetData [1]) - headerSize); if (originalSize <= 0 || originalSize > sizeof (host -> packetData [1]) - headerSize) return 0; memcpy (host -> packetData [1], header, headerSize); host -> receivedData = host -> packetData [1]; host -> receivedDataLength = headerSize + originalSize; } if (host -> checksum != NULL) { enet_uint32 * checksum = (enet_uint32 *) & host -> receivedData [headerSize - sizeof (enet_uint32)], desiredChecksum = * checksum; ENetBuffer buffer; * checksum = peer != NULL ? peer -> connectID : 0; buffer.data = host -> receivedData; buffer.dataLength = host -> receivedDataLength; if (host -> checksum (& buffer, 1) != desiredChecksum) return 0; } if (peer != NULL) { peer -> address.host = host -> receivedAddress.host; peer -> address.port = host -> receivedAddress.port; peer -> incomingDataTotal += host -> receivedDataLength; } currentData = host -> receivedData + headerSize; while (currentData < & host -> receivedData [host -> receivedDataLength]) { enet_uint8 commandNumber; size_t commandSize; command = (ENetProtocol *) currentData; if (currentData + sizeof (ENetProtocolCommandHeader) > & host -> receivedData [host -> receivedDataLength]) break; commandNumber = command -> header.command & ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_MASK; if (commandNumber >= ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_COUNT) break; commandSize = commandSizes [commandNumber]; if (commandSize == 0 || currentData + commandSize > & host -> receivedData [host -> receivedDataLength]) break; currentData += commandSize; if (peer == NULL && commandNumber != ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_CONNECT) break; command -> header.reliableSequenceNumber = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16 (command -> header.reliableSequenceNumber); switch (commandNumber) { case ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_ACKNOWLEDGE: if (enet_protocol_handle_acknowledge (host, event, peer, command)) goto commandError; break; case ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_CONNECT: if (peer != NULL) goto commandError; peer = enet_protocol_handle_connect (host, header, command); if (peer == NULL) goto commandError; break; case ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_VERIFY_CONNECT: if (enet_protocol_handle_verify_connect (host, event, peer, command)) goto commandError; break; case ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_DISCONNECT: if (enet_protocol_handle_disconnect (host, peer, command)) goto commandError; break; case ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_PING: if (enet_protocol_handle_ping (host, peer, command)) goto commandError; break; case ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_RELIABLE: if (enet_protocol_handle_send_reliable (host, peer, command, & currentData)) goto commandError; break; case ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_UNRELIABLE: if (enet_protocol_handle_send_unreliable (host, peer, command, & currentData)) goto commandError; break; case ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_UNSEQUENCED: if (enet_protocol_handle_send_unsequenced (host, peer, command, & currentData)) goto commandError; break; case ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_FRAGMENT: if (enet_protocol_handle_send_fragment (host, peer, command, & currentData)) goto commandError; break; case ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT: if (enet_protocol_handle_bandwidth_limit (host, peer, command)) goto commandError; break; case ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_THROTTLE_CONFIGURE: if (enet_protocol_handle_throttle_configure (host, peer, command)) goto commandError; break; case ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_SEND_UNRELIABLE_FRAGMENT: if (enet_protocol_handle_send_unreliable_fragment (host, peer, command, & currentData)) goto commandError; break; default: goto commandError; } if (peer != NULL && (command -> header.command & ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_FLAG_ACKNOWLEDGE) != 0) { enet_uint16 sentTime; if (! (flags & ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_FLAG_SENT_TIME)) break; sentTime = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16 (header -> sentTime); switch (peer -> state) { case ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECTING: case ENET_PEER_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGING_CONNECT: case ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECTED: case ENET_PEER_STATE_ZOMBIE: break; case ENET_PEER_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGING_DISCONNECT: if ((command -> header.command & ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_MASK) == ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_DISCONNECT) enet_peer_queue_acknowledgement (peer, command, sentTime); break; default: enet_peer_queue_acknowledgement (peer, command, sentTime); break; } } } commandError: if (event != NULL && event -> type != ENET_EVENT_TYPE_NONE) return 1; return 0; } static int enet_protocol_receive_incoming_commands (ENetHost * host, ENetEvent * event) { int packets; for (packets = 0; packets < 256; ++ packets) { int receivedLength; ENetBuffer buffer; buffer.data = host -> packetData [0]; buffer.dataLength = sizeof (host -> packetData [0]); receivedLength = enet_socket_receive (host -> socket, & host -> receivedAddress, & buffer, 1); if (receivedLength < 0) return -1; if (receivedLength == 0) return 0; host -> receivedData = host -> packetData [0]; host -> receivedDataLength = receivedLength; host -> totalReceivedData += receivedLength; host -> totalReceivedPackets ++; if (host -> intercept != NULL) { switch (host -> intercept (host, event)) { case 1: if (event != NULL && event -> type != ENET_EVENT_TYPE_NONE) return 1; continue; case -1: return -1; default: break; } } switch (enet_protocol_handle_incoming_commands (host, event)) { case 1: return 1; case -1: return -1; default: break; } } return -1; } static void enet_protocol_send_acknowledgements (ENetHost * host, ENetPeer * peer) { ENetProtocol * command = & host -> commands [host -> commandCount]; ENetBuffer * buffer = & host -> buffers [host -> bufferCount]; ENetAcknowledgement * acknowledgement; ENetListIterator currentAcknowledgement; enet_uint16 reliableSequenceNumber; currentAcknowledgement = enet_list_begin (& peer -> acknowledgements); while (currentAcknowledgement != enet_list_end (& peer -> acknowledgements)) { if (command >= & host -> commands [sizeof (host -> commands) / sizeof (ENetProtocol)] || buffer >= & host -> buffers [sizeof (host -> buffers) / sizeof (ENetBuffer)] || peer -> mtu - host -> packetSize < sizeof (ENetProtocolAcknowledge)) { host -> continueSending = 1; break; } acknowledgement = (ENetAcknowledgement *) currentAcknowledgement; currentAcknowledgement = enet_list_next (currentAcknowledgement); buffer -> data = command; buffer -> dataLength = sizeof (ENetProtocolAcknowledge); host -> packetSize += buffer -> dataLength; reliableSequenceNumber = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16 (acknowledgement -> command.header.reliableSequenceNumber); command -> header.command = ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_ACKNOWLEDGE; command -> header.channelID = acknowledgement -> command.header.channelID; command -> header.reliableSequenceNumber = reliableSequenceNumber; command -> acknowledge.receivedReliableSequenceNumber = reliableSequenceNumber; command -> acknowledge.receivedSentTime = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16 (acknowledgement -> sentTime); if ((acknowledgement -> command.header.command & ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_MASK) == ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_DISCONNECT) enet_protocol_dispatch_state (host, peer, ENET_PEER_STATE_ZOMBIE); enet_list_remove (& acknowledgement -> acknowledgementList); enet_free (acknowledgement); ++ command; ++ buffer; } host -> commandCount = command - host -> commands; host -> bufferCount = buffer - host -> buffers; } static void enet_protocol_send_unreliable_outgoing_commands (ENetHost * host, ENetPeer * peer) { ENetProtocol * command = & host -> commands [host -> commandCount]; ENetBuffer * buffer = & host -> buffers [host -> bufferCount]; ENetOutgoingCommand * outgoingCommand; ENetListIterator currentCommand; currentCommand = enet_list_begin (& peer -> outgoingUnreliableCommands); while (currentCommand != enet_list_end (& peer -> outgoingUnreliableCommands)) { size_t commandSize; outgoingCommand = (ENetOutgoingCommand *) currentCommand; commandSize = commandSizes [outgoingCommand -> command.header.command & ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_MASK]; if (command >= & host -> commands [sizeof (host -> commands) / sizeof (ENetProtocol)] || buffer + 1 >= & host -> buffers [sizeof (host -> buffers) / sizeof (ENetBuffer)] || peer -> mtu - host -> packetSize < commandSize || (outgoingCommand -> packet != NULL && peer -> mtu - host -> packetSize < commandSize + outgoingCommand -> fragmentLength)) { host -> continueSending = 1; break; } currentCommand = enet_list_next (currentCommand); if (outgoingCommand -> packet != NULL && outgoingCommand -> fragmentOffset == 0) { peer -> packetThrottleCounter += ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_COUNTER; peer -> packetThrottleCounter %= ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_SCALE; if (peer -> packetThrottleCounter > peer -> packetThrottle) { enet_uint16 reliableSequenceNumber = outgoingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber, unreliableSequenceNumber = outgoingCommand -> unreliableSequenceNumber; for (;;) { -- outgoingCommand -> packet -> referenceCount; if (outgoingCommand -> packet -> referenceCount == 0) enet_packet_destroy (outgoingCommand -> packet); enet_list_remove (& outgoingCommand -> outgoingCommandList); enet_free (outgoingCommand); if (currentCommand == enet_list_end (& peer -> outgoingUnreliableCommands)) break; outgoingCommand = (ENetOutgoingCommand *) currentCommand; if (outgoingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber != reliableSequenceNumber || outgoingCommand -> unreliableSequenceNumber != unreliableSequenceNumber) break; currentCommand = enet_list_next (currentCommand); } continue; } } buffer -> data = command; buffer -> dataLength = commandSize; host -> packetSize += buffer -> dataLength; * command = outgoingCommand -> command; enet_list_remove (& outgoingCommand -> outgoingCommandList); if (outgoingCommand -> packet != NULL) { ++ buffer; buffer -> data = outgoingCommand -> packet -> data + outgoingCommand -> fragmentOffset; buffer -> dataLength = outgoingCommand -> fragmentLength; host -> packetSize += buffer -> dataLength; enet_list_insert (enet_list_end (& peer -> sentUnreliableCommands), outgoingCommand); } else enet_free (outgoingCommand); ++ command; ++ buffer; } host -> commandCount = command - host -> commands; host -> bufferCount = buffer - host -> buffers; if (peer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECT_LATER && enet_list_empty (& peer -> outgoingReliableCommands) && enet_list_empty (& peer -> outgoingUnreliableCommands) && enet_list_empty (& peer -> sentReliableCommands)) enet_peer_disconnect (peer, peer -> eventData); } static int enet_protocol_check_timeouts (ENetHost * host, ENetPeer * peer, ENetEvent * event) { ENetOutgoingCommand * outgoingCommand; ENetListIterator currentCommand, insertPosition; currentCommand = enet_list_begin (& peer -> sentReliableCommands); insertPosition = enet_list_begin (& peer -> outgoingReliableCommands); while (currentCommand != enet_list_end (& peer -> sentReliableCommands)) { outgoingCommand = (ENetOutgoingCommand *) currentCommand; currentCommand = enet_list_next (currentCommand); if (ENET_TIME_DIFFERENCE (host -> serviceTime, outgoingCommand -> sentTime) < outgoingCommand -> roundTripTimeout) continue; if (peer -> earliestTimeout == 0 || ENET_TIME_LESS (outgoingCommand -> sentTime, peer -> earliestTimeout)) peer -> earliestTimeout = outgoingCommand -> sentTime; if (peer -> earliestTimeout != 0 && (ENET_TIME_DIFFERENCE (host -> serviceTime, peer -> earliestTimeout) >= peer -> timeoutMaximum || (outgoingCommand -> roundTripTimeout >= outgoingCommand -> roundTripTimeoutLimit && ENET_TIME_DIFFERENCE (host -> serviceTime, peer -> earliestTimeout) >= peer -> timeoutMinimum))) { enet_protocol_notify_disconnect (host, peer, event); return 1; } if (outgoingCommand -> packet != NULL) peer -> reliableDataInTransit -= outgoingCommand -> fragmentLength; ++ peer -> packetsLost; outgoingCommand -> roundTripTimeout *= 2; enet_list_insert (insertPosition, enet_list_remove (& outgoingCommand -> outgoingCommandList)); if (currentCommand == enet_list_begin (& peer -> sentReliableCommands) && ! enet_list_empty (& peer -> sentReliableCommands)) { outgoingCommand = (ENetOutgoingCommand *) currentCommand; peer -> nextTimeout = outgoingCommand -> sentTime + outgoingCommand -> roundTripTimeout; } } return 0; } static int enet_protocol_send_reliable_outgoing_commands (ENetHost * host, ENetPeer * peer) { ENetProtocol * command = & host -> commands [host -> commandCount]; ENetBuffer * buffer = & host -> buffers [host -> bufferCount]; ENetOutgoingCommand * outgoingCommand; ENetListIterator currentCommand; ENetChannel *channel; enet_uint16 reliableWindow; size_t commandSize; int windowExceeded = 0, windowWrap = 0, canPing = 1; currentCommand = enet_list_begin (& peer -> outgoingReliableCommands); while (currentCommand != enet_list_end (& peer -> outgoingReliableCommands)) { outgoingCommand = (ENetOutgoingCommand *) currentCommand; channel = outgoingCommand -> command.header.channelID < peer -> channelCount ? & peer -> channels [outgoingCommand -> command.header.channelID] : NULL; reliableWindow = outgoingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber / ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOW_SIZE; if (channel != NULL) { if (! windowWrap && outgoingCommand -> sendAttempts < 1 && ! (outgoingCommand -> reliableSequenceNumber % ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOW_SIZE) && (channel -> reliableWindows [(reliableWindow + ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOWS - 1) % ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOWS] >= ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOW_SIZE || channel -> usedReliableWindows & ((((1 << ENET_PEER_FREE_RELIABLE_WINDOWS) - 1) << reliableWindow) | (((1 << ENET_PEER_FREE_RELIABLE_WINDOWS) - 1) >> (ENET_PEER_RELIABLE_WINDOWS - reliableWindow))))) windowWrap = 1; if (windowWrap) { currentCommand = enet_list_next (currentCommand); continue; } } if (outgoingCommand -> packet != NULL) { if (! windowExceeded) { enet_uint32 windowSize = (peer -> packetThrottle * peer -> windowSize) / ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_SCALE; if (peer -> reliableDataInTransit + outgoingCommand -> fragmentLength > ENET_MAX (windowSize, peer -> mtu)) windowExceeded = 1; } if (windowExceeded) { currentCommand = enet_list_next (currentCommand); continue; } } canPing = 0; commandSize = commandSizes [outgoingCommand -> command.header.command & ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_MASK]; if (command >= & host -> commands [sizeof (host -> commands) / sizeof (ENetProtocol)] || buffer + 1 >= & host -> buffers [sizeof (host -> buffers) / sizeof (ENetBuffer)] || peer -> mtu - host -> packetSize < commandSize || (outgoingCommand -> packet != NULL && (enet_uint16) (peer -> mtu - host -> packetSize) < (enet_uint16) (commandSize + outgoingCommand -> fragmentLength))) { host -> continueSending = 1; break; } currentCommand = enet_list_next (currentCommand); if (channel != NULL && outgoingCommand -> sendAttempts < 1) { channel -> usedReliableWindows |= 1 << reliableWindow; ++ channel -> reliableWindows [reliableWindow]; } ++ outgoingCommand -> sendAttempts; if (outgoingCommand -> roundTripTimeout == 0) { outgoingCommand -> roundTripTimeout = peer -> roundTripTime + 4 * peer -> roundTripTimeVariance; outgoingCommand -> roundTripTimeoutLimit = peer -> timeoutLimit * outgoingCommand -> roundTripTimeout; } if (enet_list_empty (& peer -> sentReliableCommands)) peer -> nextTimeout = host -> serviceTime + outgoingCommand -> roundTripTimeout; enet_list_insert (enet_list_end (& peer -> sentReliableCommands), enet_list_remove (& outgoingCommand -> outgoingCommandList)); outgoingCommand -> sentTime = host -> serviceTime; buffer -> data = command; buffer -> dataLength = commandSize; host -> packetSize += buffer -> dataLength; host -> headerFlags |= ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_FLAG_SENT_TIME; * command = outgoingCommand -> command; if (outgoingCommand -> packet != NULL) { ++ buffer; buffer -> data = outgoingCommand -> packet -> data + outgoingCommand -> fragmentOffset; buffer -> dataLength = outgoingCommand -> fragmentLength; host -> packetSize += outgoingCommand -> fragmentLength; peer -> reliableDataInTransit += outgoingCommand -> fragmentLength; } ++ peer -> packetsSent; ++ command; ++ buffer; } host -> commandCount = command - host -> commands; host -> bufferCount = buffer - host -> buffers; return canPing; } static int enet_protocol_send_outgoing_commands (ENetHost * host, ENetEvent * event, int checkForTimeouts) { enet_uint8 headerData [sizeof (ENetProtocolHeader) + sizeof (enet_uint32)]; ENetProtocolHeader * header = (ENetProtocolHeader *) headerData; ENetPeer * currentPeer; int sentLength; size_t shouldCompress = 0; host -> continueSending = 1; while (host -> continueSending) for (host -> continueSending = 0, currentPeer = host -> peers; currentPeer < & host -> peers [host -> peerCount]; ++ currentPeer) { if (currentPeer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_DISCONNECTED || currentPeer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_ZOMBIE) continue; host -> headerFlags = 0; host -> commandCount = 0; host -> bufferCount = 1; host -> packetSize = sizeof (ENetProtocolHeader); if (! enet_list_empty (& currentPeer -> acknowledgements)) enet_protocol_send_acknowledgements (host, currentPeer); if (checkForTimeouts != 0 && ! enet_list_empty (& currentPeer -> sentReliableCommands) && ENET_TIME_GREATER_EQUAL (host -> serviceTime, currentPeer -> nextTimeout) && enet_protocol_check_timeouts (host, currentPeer, event) == 1) { if (event != NULL && event -> type != ENET_EVENT_TYPE_NONE) return 1; else continue; } if ((enet_list_empty (& currentPeer -> outgoingReliableCommands) || enet_protocol_send_reliable_outgoing_commands (host, currentPeer)) && enet_list_empty (& currentPeer -> sentReliableCommands) && ENET_TIME_DIFFERENCE (host -> serviceTime, currentPeer -> lastReceiveTime) >= currentPeer -> pingInterval && currentPeer -> mtu - host -> packetSize >= sizeof (ENetProtocolPing)) { enet_peer_ping (currentPeer); enet_protocol_send_reliable_outgoing_commands (host, currentPeer); } if (! enet_list_empty (& currentPeer -> outgoingUnreliableCommands)) enet_protocol_send_unreliable_outgoing_commands (host, currentPeer); if (host -> commandCount == 0) continue; if (currentPeer -> packetLossEpoch == 0) currentPeer -> packetLossEpoch = host -> serviceTime; else if (ENET_TIME_DIFFERENCE (host -> serviceTime, currentPeer -> packetLossEpoch) >= ENET_PEER_PACKET_LOSS_INTERVAL && currentPeer -> packetsSent > 0) { enet_uint32 packetLoss = currentPeer -> packetsLost * ENET_PEER_PACKET_LOSS_SCALE / currentPeer -> packetsSent; #ifdef ENET_DEBUG printf ("peer %u: %f%%+-%f%% packet loss, %u+-%u ms round trip time, %f%% throttle, %u/%u outgoing, %u/%u incoming\n", currentPeer -> incomingPeerID, currentPeer -> packetLoss / (float) ENET_PEER_PACKET_LOSS_SCALE, currentPeer -> packetLossVariance / (float) ENET_PEER_PACKET_LOSS_SCALE, currentPeer -> roundTripTime, currentPeer -> roundTripTimeVariance, currentPeer -> packetThrottle / (float) ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_SCALE, enet_list_size (& currentPeer -> outgoingReliableCommands), enet_list_size (& currentPeer -> outgoingUnreliableCommands), currentPeer -> channels != NULL ? enet_list_size (& currentPeer -> channels -> incomingReliableCommands) : 0, currentPeer -> channels != NULL ? enet_list_size (& currentPeer -> channels -> incomingUnreliableCommands) : 0); #endif currentPeer -> packetLossVariance -= currentPeer -> packetLossVariance / 4; if (packetLoss >= currentPeer -> packetLoss) { currentPeer -> packetLoss += (packetLoss - currentPeer -> packetLoss) / 8; currentPeer -> packetLossVariance += (packetLoss - currentPeer -> packetLoss) / 4; } else { currentPeer -> packetLoss -= (currentPeer -> packetLoss - packetLoss) / 8; currentPeer -> packetLossVariance += (currentPeer -> packetLoss - packetLoss) / 4; } currentPeer -> packetLossEpoch = host -> serviceTime; currentPeer -> packetsSent = 0; currentPeer -> packetsLost = 0; } host -> buffers -> data = headerData; if (host -> headerFlags & ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_FLAG_SENT_TIME) { header -> sentTime = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16 (host -> serviceTime & 0xFFFF); host -> buffers -> dataLength = sizeof (ENetProtocolHeader); } else host -> buffers -> dataLength = (size_t) & ((ENetProtocolHeader *) 0) -> sentTime; shouldCompress = 0; if (host -> compressor.context != NULL && host -> compressor.compress != NULL) { size_t originalSize = host -> packetSize - sizeof(ENetProtocolHeader), compressedSize = host -> compressor.compress (host -> compressor.context, & host -> buffers [1], host -> bufferCount - 1, originalSize, host -> packetData [1], originalSize); if (compressedSize > 0 && compressedSize < originalSize) { host -> headerFlags |= ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_FLAG_COMPRESSED; shouldCompress = compressedSize; #ifdef ENET_DEBUG_COMPRESS printf ("peer %u: compressed %u -> %u (%u%%)\n", currentPeer -> incomingPeerID, originalSize, compressedSize, (compressedSize * 100) / originalSize); #endif } } if (currentPeer -> outgoingPeerID < ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_PEER_ID) host -> headerFlags |= currentPeer -> outgoingSessionID << ENET_PROTOCOL_HEADER_SESSION_SHIFT; header -> peerID = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16 (currentPeer -> outgoingPeerID | host -> headerFlags); if (host -> checksum != NULL) { enet_uint32 * checksum = (enet_uint32 *) & headerData [host -> buffers -> dataLength]; * checksum = currentPeer -> outgoingPeerID < ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_PEER_ID ? currentPeer -> connectID : 0; host -> buffers -> dataLength += sizeof (enet_uint32); * checksum = host -> checksum (host -> buffers, host -> bufferCount); } if (shouldCompress > 0) { host -> buffers [1].data = host -> packetData [1]; host -> buffers [1].dataLength = shouldCompress; host -> bufferCount = 2; } currentPeer -> lastSendTime = host -> serviceTime; sentLength = enet_socket_send (host -> socket, & currentPeer -> address, host -> buffers, host -> bufferCount); enet_protocol_remove_sent_unreliable_commands (currentPeer); if (sentLength < 0) return -1; host -> totalSentData += sentLength; host -> totalSentPackets ++; } return 0; } /** Sends any queued packets on the host specified to its designated peers. @param host host to flush @remarks this function need only be used in circumstances where one wishes to send queued packets earlier than in a call to enet_host_service(). @ingroup host */ void enet_host_flush (ENetHost * host) { host -> serviceTime = enet_time_get (); enet_protocol_send_outgoing_commands (host, NULL, 0); } /** Checks for any queued events on the host and dispatches one if available. @param host host to check for events @param event an event structure where event details will be placed if available @retval > 0 if an event was dispatched @retval 0 if no events are available @retval < 0 on failure @ingroup host */ int enet_host_check_events (ENetHost * host, ENetEvent * event) { if (event == NULL) return -1; event -> type = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_NONE; event -> peer = NULL; event -> packet = NULL; return enet_protocol_dispatch_incoming_commands (host, event); } /** Waits for events on the host specified and shuttles packets between the host and its peers. @param host host to service @param event an event structure where event details will be placed if one occurs if event == NULL then no events will be delivered @param timeout number of milliseconds that ENet should wait for events @retval > 0 if an event occurred within the specified time limit @retval 0 if no event occurred @retval < 0 on failure @remarks enet_host_service should be called fairly regularly for adequate performance @ingroup host */ int enet_host_service (ENetHost * host, ENetEvent * event, enet_uint32 timeout) { enet_uint32 waitCondition; if (event != NULL) { event -> type = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_NONE; event -> peer = NULL; event -> packet = NULL; switch (enet_protocol_dispatch_incoming_commands (host, event)) { case 1: return 1; case -1: #ifdef ENET_DEBUG perror ("Error dispatching incoming packets"); #endif return -1; default: break; } } host -> serviceTime = enet_time_get (); timeout += host -> serviceTime; do { if (ENET_TIME_DIFFERENCE (host -> serviceTime, host -> bandwidthThrottleEpoch) >= ENET_HOST_BANDWIDTH_THROTTLE_INTERVAL) enet_host_bandwidth_throttle (host); switch (enet_protocol_send_outgoing_commands (host, event, 1)) { case 1: return 1; case -1: #ifdef ENET_DEBUG perror ("Error sending outgoing packets"); #endif return -1; default: break; } switch (enet_protocol_receive_incoming_commands (host, event)) { case 1: return 1; case -1: #ifdef ENET_DEBUG perror ("Error receiving incoming packets"); #endif return -1; default: break; } switch (enet_protocol_send_outgoing_commands (host, event, 1)) { case 1: return 1; case -1: #ifdef ENET_DEBUG perror ("Error sending outgoing packets"); #endif return -1; default: break; } if (event != NULL) { switch (enet_protocol_dispatch_incoming_commands (host, event)) { case 1: return 1; case -1: #ifdef ENET_DEBUG perror ("Error dispatching incoming packets"); #endif return -1; default: break; } } if (ENET_TIME_GREATER_EQUAL (host -> serviceTime, timeout)) return 0; do { host -> serviceTime = enet_time_get (); if (ENET_TIME_GREATER_EQUAL (host -> serviceTime, timeout)) return 0; waitCondition = ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_RECEIVE | ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_INTERRUPT; if (enet_socket_wait (host -> socket, & waitCondition, ENET_TIME_DIFFERENCE (timeout, host -> serviceTime)) != 0) return -1; } while (waitCondition & ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_INTERRUPT); host -> serviceTime = enet_time_get (); } while (waitCondition & ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_RECEIVE); return 0; } // @from_file: src/unix.c /** @file unix.c @brief ENet Unix system specific functions */ #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ENET_BUILDING_LIB 1 #ifdef __APPLE__ #ifdef HAS_POLL #undef HAS_POLL #endif #ifndef HAS_FCNTL #define HAS_FCNTL 1 #endif #ifndef HAS_INET_PTON #define HAS_INET_PTON 1 #endif #ifndef HAS_INET_NTOP #define HAS_INET_NTOP 1 #endif #ifndef HAS_MSGHDR_FLAGS #define HAS_MSGHDR_FLAGS 1 #endif #ifndef HAS_SOCKLEN_T #define HAS_SOCKLEN_T 1 #endif #ifndef HAS_GETADDRINFO #define HAS_GETADDRINFO 1 #endif #ifndef HAS_GETNAMEINFO #define HAS_GETNAMEINFO 1 #endif #endif #ifdef HAS_FCNTL #include #endif #ifdef HAS_POLL #include #endif #ifndef HAS_SOCKLEN_T typedef int socklen_t; #endif #ifndef MSG_NOSIGNAL #define MSG_NOSIGNAL 0 #endif static enet_uint64 timeBase = 0; int enet_initialize (void) { return 0; } void enet_deinitialize (void) { } enet_uint64 enet_host_random_seed (void) { return (enet_uint32) time (NULL); } enet_uint64 enet_time_get (void) { struct timeval timeVal; gettimeofday (& timeVal, NULL); return timeVal.tv_sec * 1000 + timeVal.tv_usec / 1000 - timeBase; } void enet_time_set (enet_uint64 newTimeBase) { struct timeval timeVal; gettimeofday (& timeVal, NULL); timeBase = timeVal.tv_sec * 1000 + timeVal.tv_usec / 1000 - newTimeBase; } int enet_address_set_host_ip (ENetAddress * address, const char * name) { #ifdef HAS_INET_PTON if (! inet_pton (AF_INET, name, & address -> host)) #else if (! inet_aton (name, (struct in_addr *) & address -> host)) #endif return -1; return 0; } int enet_address_set_host (ENetAddress * address, const char * name) { #ifdef HAS_GETADDRINFO struct addrinfo hints, * resultList = NULL, * result = NULL; memset (& hints, 0, sizeof (hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_INET; if (getaddrinfo (name, NULL, NULL, & resultList) != 0) return -1; for (result = resultList; result != NULL; result = result -> ai_next) { if (result -> ai_family == AF_INET && result -> ai_addr != NULL && result -> ai_addrlen >= sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)) { struct sockaddr_in * sin = (struct sockaddr_in *) result -> ai_addr; address -> host = sin -> sin_addr.s_addr; freeaddrinfo (resultList); return 0; } } if (resultList != NULL) freeaddrinfo (resultList); #else struct hostent * hostEntry = NULL; #ifdef HAS_GETHOSTBYNAME_R struct hostent hostData; char buffer [2048]; int errnum; #if defined(linux) || defined(__linux) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) gethostbyname_r (name, & hostData, buffer, sizeof (buffer), & hostEntry, & errnum); #else hostEntry = gethostbyname_r (name, & hostData, buffer, sizeof (buffer), & errnum); #endif #else hostEntry = gethostbyname (name); #endif if (hostEntry != NULL && hostEntry -> h_addrtype == AF_INET) { address -> host = * (enet_uint32 *) hostEntry -> h_addr_list [0]; return 0; } #endif return enet_address_set_host_ip (address, name); } int enet_address_get_host_ip (const ENetAddress * address, char * name, size_t nameLength) { #ifdef HAS_INET_NTOP if (inet_ntop (AF_INET, & address -> host, name, nameLength) == NULL) #else char * addr = inet_ntoa (* (struct in_addr *) & address -> host); if (addr != NULL) { size_t addrLen = strlen(addr); if (addrLen >= nameLength) return -1; memcpy (name, addr, addrLen + 1); } else #endif return -1; return 0; } int enet_address_get_host (const ENetAddress * address, char * name, size_t nameLength) { #ifdef HAS_GETNAMEINFO struct sockaddr_in sin; int err; memset (& sin, 0, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16 (address -> port); sin.sin_addr.s_addr = address -> host; err = getnameinfo ((struct sockaddr *) & sin, sizeof (sin), name, nameLength, NULL, 0, NI_NAMEREQD); if (! err) { if (name != NULL && nameLength > 0 && ! memchr (name, '\0', nameLength)) return -1; return 0; } if (err != EAI_NONAME) return -1; #else struct in_addr in; struct hostent * hostEntry = NULL; #ifdef HAS_GETHOSTBYADDR_R struct hostent hostData; char buffer [2048]; int errnum; in.s_addr = address -> host; #if defined(linux) || defined(__linux) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) gethostbyaddr_r ((char *) & in, sizeof (struct in_addr), AF_INET, & hostData, buffer, sizeof (buffer), & hostEntry, & errnum); #else hostEntry = gethostbyaddr_r ((char *) & in, sizeof (struct in_addr), AF_INET, & hostData, buffer, sizeof (buffer), & errnum); #endif #else in.s_addr = address -> host; hostEntry = gethostbyaddr ((char *) & in, sizeof (struct in_addr), AF_INET); #endif if (hostEntry != NULL) { size_t hostLen = strlen (hostEntry -> h_name); if (hostLen >= nameLength) return -1; memcpy (name, hostEntry -> h_name, hostLen + 1); return 0; } #endif return enet_address_get_host_ip (address, name, nameLength); } int enet_socket_bind (ENetSocket socket, const ENetAddress * address) { struct sockaddr_in sin; memset (& sin, 0, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; if (address != NULL) { sin.sin_port = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16 (address -> port); sin.sin_addr.s_addr = address -> host; } else { sin.sin_port = 0; sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; } return bind (socket, (struct sockaddr *) & sin, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)); } int enet_socket_get_address (ENetSocket socket, ENetAddress * address) { struct sockaddr_in sin; socklen_t sinLength = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in); if (getsockname (socket, (struct sockaddr *) & sin, & sinLength) == -1) return -1; address -> host = (enet_uint32) sin.sin_addr.s_addr; address -> port = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16 (sin.sin_port); return 0; } int enet_socket_listen (ENetSocket socket, int backlog) { return listen (socket, backlog < 0 ? SOMAXCONN : backlog); } ENetSocket enet_socket_create (ENetSocketType type) { return socket (PF_INET, type == ENET_SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM ? SOCK_DGRAM : SOCK_STREAM, 0); } int enet_socket_set_option (ENetSocket socket, ENetSocketOption option, int value) { int result = -1; switch (option) { case ENET_SOCKOPT_NONBLOCK: #ifdef HAS_FCNTL result = fcntl (socket, F_SETFL, (value ? O_NONBLOCK : 0) | (fcntl (socket, F_GETFL) & ~O_NONBLOCK)); #else result = ioctl (socket, FIONBIO, & value); #endif break; case ENET_SOCKOPT_BROADCAST: result = setsockopt (socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (char *) & value, sizeof (int)); break; case ENET_SOCKOPT_REUSEADDR: result = setsockopt (socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) & value, sizeof (int)); break; case ENET_SOCKOPT_RCVBUF: result = setsockopt (socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char *) & value, sizeof (int)); break; case ENET_SOCKOPT_SNDBUF: result = setsockopt (socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char *) & value, sizeof (int)); break; case ENET_SOCKOPT_RCVTIMEO: { struct timeval timeVal; timeVal.tv_sec = value / 1000; timeVal.tv_usec = (value % 1000) * 1000; result = setsockopt (socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char *) & timeVal, sizeof (struct timeval)); break; } case ENET_SOCKOPT_SNDTIMEO: { struct timeval timeVal; timeVal.tv_sec = value / 1000; timeVal.tv_usec = (value % 1000) * 1000; result = setsockopt (socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (char *) & timeVal, sizeof (struct timeval)); break; } case ENET_SOCKOPT_NODELAY: result = setsockopt (socket, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char *) & value, sizeof (int)); break; default: break; } return result == -1 ? -1 : 0; } int enet_socket_get_option (ENetSocket socket, ENetSocketOption option, int * value) { int result = -1; socklen_t len; switch (option) { case ENET_SOCKOPT_ERROR: len = sizeof (int); result = getsockopt (socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, value, & len); break; default: break; } return result == -1 ? -1 : 0; } int enet_socket_connect (ENetSocket socket, const ENetAddress * address) { struct sockaddr_in sin; int result; memset (& sin, 0, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16 (address -> port); sin.sin_addr.s_addr = address -> host; result = connect (socket, (struct sockaddr *) & sin, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)); if (result == -1 && errno == EINPROGRESS) return 0; return result; } ENetSocket enet_socket_accept (ENetSocket socket, ENetAddress * address) { int result; struct sockaddr_in sin; socklen_t sinLength = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in); result = accept (socket, address != NULL ? (struct sockaddr *) & sin : NULL, address != NULL ? & sinLength : NULL); if (result == -1) return ENET_SOCKET_NULL; if (address != NULL) { address -> host = (enet_uint32) sin.sin_addr.s_addr; address -> port = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16 (sin.sin_port); } return result; } int enet_socket_shutdown (ENetSocket socket, ENetSocketShutdown how) { return shutdown (socket, (int) how); } void enet_socket_destroy (ENetSocket socket) { if (socket != -1) close (socket); } int enet_socket_send (ENetSocket socket, const ENetAddress * address, const ENetBuffer * buffers, size_t bufferCount) { struct msghdr msgHdr; struct sockaddr_in sin; int sentLength; memset (& msgHdr, 0, sizeof (struct msghdr)); if (address != NULL) { memset (& sin, 0, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16 (address -> port); sin.sin_addr.s_addr = address -> host; msgHdr.msg_name = & sin; msgHdr.msg_namelen = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in); } msgHdr.msg_iov = (struct iovec *) buffers; msgHdr.msg_iovlen = bufferCount; sentLength = sendmsg (socket, & msgHdr, MSG_NOSIGNAL); if (sentLength == -1) { if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) return 0; return -1; } return sentLength; } int enet_socket_receive (ENetSocket socket, ENetAddress * address, ENetBuffer * buffers, size_t bufferCount) { struct msghdr msgHdr; struct sockaddr_in sin; int recvLength; memset (& msgHdr, 0, sizeof (struct msghdr)); if (address != NULL) { msgHdr.msg_name = & sin; msgHdr.msg_namelen = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in); } msgHdr.msg_iov = (struct iovec *) buffers; msgHdr.msg_iovlen = bufferCount; recvLength = recvmsg (socket, & msgHdr, MSG_NOSIGNAL); if (recvLength == -1) { if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) return 0; return -1; } #ifdef HAS_MSGHDR_FLAGS if (msgHdr.msg_flags & MSG_TRUNC) return -1; #endif if (address != NULL) { address -> host = (enet_uint32) sin.sin_addr.s_addr; address -> port = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16 (sin.sin_port); } return recvLength; } int enet_socketset_select (ENetSocket maxSocket, ENetSocketSet * readSet, ENetSocketSet * writeSet, enet_uint32 timeout) { struct timeval timeVal; timeVal.tv_sec = timeout / 1000; timeVal.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000; return select (maxSocket + 1, readSet, writeSet, NULL, & timeVal); } int enet_socket_wait (ENetSocket socket, enet_uint32 * condition, enet_uint64 timeout) { #ifdef HAS_POLL struct pollfd pollSocket; int pollCount; pollSocket.fd = socket; pollSocket.events = 0; if (* condition & ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_SEND) pollSocket.events |= POLLOUT; if (* condition & ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_RECEIVE) pollSocket.events |= POLLIN; pollCount = poll (& pollSocket, 1, timeout); if (pollCount < 0) { if (errno == EINTR && * condition & ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_INTERRUPT) { * condition = ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_INTERRUPT; return 0; } return -1; } * condition = ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_NONE; if (pollCount == 0) return 0; if (pollSocket.revents & POLLOUT) * condition |= ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_SEND; if (pollSocket.revents & POLLIN) * condition |= ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_RECEIVE; return 0; #else fd_set readSet, writeSet; struct timeval timeVal; int selectCount; timeVal.tv_sec = timeout / 1000; timeVal.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000; FD_ZERO (& readSet); FD_ZERO (& writeSet); if (* condition & ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_SEND) FD_SET (socket, & writeSet); if (* condition & ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_RECEIVE) FD_SET (socket, & readSet); selectCount = select (socket + 1, & readSet, & writeSet, NULL, & timeVal); if (selectCount < 0) { if (errno == EINTR && * condition & ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_INTERRUPT) { * condition = ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_INTERRUPT; return 0; } return -1; } * condition = ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_NONE; if (selectCount == 0) return 0; if (FD_ISSET (socket, & writeSet)) * condition |= ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_SEND; if (FD_ISSET (socket, & readSet)) * condition |= ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_RECEIVE; return 0; #endif } #endif // @from_file: src/win32.c /** @file win32.c @brief ENet Win32 system specific functions */ #ifdef _WIN32 #define ENET_BUILDING_LIB 1 #include #include static enet_uint64 timeBase = 0; int enet_initialize (void) { WORD versionRequested = MAKEWORD (1, 1); WSADATA wsaData; if (WSAStartup (versionRequested, & wsaData)) return -1; if (LOBYTE (wsaData.wVersion) != 1|| HIBYTE (wsaData.wVersion) != 1) { WSACleanup (); return -1; } timeBeginPeriod (1); return 0; } void enet_deinitialize (void) { timeEndPeriod (1); WSACleanup (); } enet_uint64 enet_host_random_seed (void) { return (enet_uint64) timeGetTime (); } enet_uint64 enet_time_get (void) { return (enet_uint64) timeGetTime () - timeBase; } void enet_time_set (enet_uint64 newTimeBase) { timeBase = (enet_uint64) timeGetTime () - newTimeBase; } int enet_address_set_host_ip (ENetAddress * address, const char * name) { enet_uint8 vals [4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; ++ i) { const char * next = name + 1; if (* name != '0') { long val = strtol (name, (char **) & next, 10); if (val < 0 || val > 255 || next == name || next - name > 3) return -1; vals [i] = (enet_uint8) val; } if (* next != (i < 3 ? '.' : '\0')) return -1; name = next + 1; } memcpy (& address -> host, vals, sizeof (enet_uint32)); return 0; } int enet_address_set_host (ENetAddress * address, const char * name) { struct hostent * hostEntry; hostEntry = gethostbyname (name); if (hostEntry == NULL || hostEntry -> h_addrtype != AF_INET) return enet_address_set_host_ip (address, name); address -> host = * (enet_uint32 *) hostEntry -> h_addr_list [0]; return 0; } int enet_address_get_host_ip (const ENetAddress * address, char * name, size_t nameLength) { char * addr = inet_ntoa (* (struct in_addr *) & address -> host); if (addr == NULL) return -1; else { size_t addrLen = strlen(addr); if (addrLen >= nameLength) return -1; memcpy (name, addr, addrLen + 1); } return 0; } int enet_address_get_host (const ENetAddress * address, char * name, size_t nameLength) { struct in_addr in; struct hostent * hostEntry; in.s_addr = address -> host; hostEntry = gethostbyaddr ((char *) & in, sizeof (struct in_addr), AF_INET); if (hostEntry == NULL) return enet_address_get_host_ip (address, name, nameLength); else { size_t hostLen = strlen (hostEntry -> h_name); if (hostLen >= nameLength) return -1; memcpy (name, hostEntry -> h_name, hostLen + 1); } return 0; } int enet_socket_bind (ENetSocket socket, const ENetAddress * address) { struct sockaddr_in sin; memset (& sin, 0, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; if (address != NULL) { sin.sin_port = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16 (address -> port); sin.sin_addr.s_addr = address -> host; } else { sin.sin_port = 0; sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; } return bind (socket, (struct sockaddr *) & sin, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)) == SOCKET_ERROR ? -1 : 0; } int enet_socket_get_address (ENetSocket socket, ENetAddress * address) { struct sockaddr_in sin; int sinLength = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in); if (getsockname (socket, (struct sockaddr *) & sin, & sinLength) == -1) return -1; address -> host = (enet_uint32) sin.sin_addr.s_addr; address -> port = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16 (sin.sin_port); return 0; } int enet_socket_listen (ENetSocket socket, int backlog) { return listen (socket, backlog < 0 ? SOMAXCONN : backlog) == SOCKET_ERROR ? -1 : 0; } ENetSocket enet_socket_create (ENetSocketType type) { return socket (PF_INET, type == ENET_SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM ? SOCK_DGRAM : SOCK_STREAM, 0); } int enet_socket_set_option (ENetSocket socket, ENetSocketOption option, int value) { int result = SOCKET_ERROR; switch (option) { case ENET_SOCKOPT_NONBLOCK: { u_long nonBlocking = (u_long) value; result = ioctlsocket (socket, FIONBIO, & nonBlocking); break; } case ENET_SOCKOPT_BROADCAST: result = setsockopt (socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (char *) & value, sizeof (int)); break; case ENET_SOCKOPT_REUSEADDR: result = setsockopt (socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) & value, sizeof (int)); break; case ENET_SOCKOPT_RCVBUF: result = setsockopt (socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char *) & value, sizeof (int)); break; case ENET_SOCKOPT_SNDBUF: result = setsockopt (socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char *) & value, sizeof (int)); break; case ENET_SOCKOPT_RCVTIMEO: result = setsockopt (socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char *) & value, sizeof (int)); break; case ENET_SOCKOPT_SNDTIMEO: result = setsockopt (socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (char *) & value, sizeof (int)); break; case ENET_SOCKOPT_NODELAY: result = setsockopt (socket, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char *) & value, sizeof (int)); break; default: break; } return result == SOCKET_ERROR ? -1 : 0; } int enet_socket_get_option (ENetSocket socket, ENetSocketOption option, int * value) { int result = SOCKET_ERROR, len; switch (option) { case ENET_SOCKOPT_ERROR: len = sizeof(int); result = getsockopt (socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char *) value, & len); break; default: break; } return result == SOCKET_ERROR ? -1 : 0; } int enet_socket_connect (ENetSocket socket, const ENetAddress * address) { struct sockaddr_in sin; int result; memset (& sin, 0, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16 (address -> port); sin.sin_addr.s_addr = address -> host; result = connect (socket, (struct sockaddr *) & sin, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)); if (result == SOCKET_ERROR && WSAGetLastError () != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) return -1; return 0; } ENetSocket enet_socket_accept (ENetSocket socket, ENetAddress * address) { SOCKET result; struct sockaddr_in sin; int sinLength = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in); result = accept (socket, address != NULL ? (struct sockaddr *) & sin : NULL, address != NULL ? & sinLength : NULL); if (result == INVALID_SOCKET) return ENET_SOCKET_NULL; if (address != NULL) { address -> host = (enet_uint32) sin.sin_addr.s_addr; address -> port = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16 (sin.sin_port); } return result; } int enet_socket_shutdown (ENetSocket socket, ENetSocketShutdown how) { return shutdown (socket, (int) how) == SOCKET_ERROR ? -1 : 0; } void enet_socket_destroy (ENetSocket socket) { if (socket != INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket (socket); } int enet_socket_send (ENetSocket socket, const ENetAddress * address, const ENetBuffer * buffers, size_t bufferCount) { struct sockaddr_in sin; DWORD sentLength; if (address != NULL) { memset (& sin, 0, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = ENET_HOST_TO_NET_16 (address -> port); sin.sin_addr.s_addr = address -> host; } if (WSASendTo (socket, (LPWSABUF) buffers, (DWORD) bufferCount, & sentLength, 0, address != NULL ? (struct sockaddr *) & sin : NULL, address != NULL ? sizeof (struct sockaddr_in) : 0, NULL, NULL) == SOCKET_ERROR) { if (WSAGetLastError () == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) return 0; return -1; } return (int) sentLength; } int enet_socket_receive (ENetSocket socket, ENetAddress * address, ENetBuffer * buffers, size_t bufferCount) { INT sinLength = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in); DWORD flags = 0, recvLength; struct sockaddr_in sin; if (WSARecvFrom (socket, (LPWSABUF) buffers, (DWORD) bufferCount, & recvLength, & flags, address != NULL ? (struct sockaddr *) & sin : NULL, address != NULL ? & sinLength : NULL, NULL, NULL) == SOCKET_ERROR) { switch (WSAGetLastError ()) { case WSAEWOULDBLOCK: case WSAECONNRESET: return 0; } return -1; } if (flags & MSG_PARTIAL) return -1; if (address != NULL) { address -> host = (enet_uint32) sin.sin_addr.s_addr; address -> port = ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16 (sin.sin_port); } return (int) recvLength; } int enet_socketset_select (ENetSocket maxSocket, ENetSocketSet * readSet, ENetSocketSet * writeSet, enet_uint32 timeout) { struct timeval timeVal; timeVal.tv_sec = timeout / 1000; timeVal.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000; return select (maxSocket + 1, readSet, writeSet, NULL, & timeVal); } int enet_socket_wait (ENetSocket socket, enet_uint32 * condition, enet_uint64 timeout) { fd_set readSet, writeSet; struct timeval timeVal; int selectCount; timeVal.tv_sec = timeout / 1000; timeVal.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000; FD_ZERO (& readSet); FD_ZERO (& writeSet); if (* condition & ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_SEND) FD_SET (socket, & writeSet); if (* condition & ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_RECEIVE) FD_SET (socket, & readSet); selectCount = select (socket + 1, & readSet, & writeSet, NULL, & timeVal); if (selectCount < 0) return -1; * condition = ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_NONE; if (selectCount == 0) return 0; if (FD_ISSET (socket, & writeSet)) * condition |= ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_SEND; if (FD_ISSET (socket, & readSet)) * condition |= ENET_SOCKET_WAIT_RECEIVE; return 0; } #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif #endif /* __ENET_ENET_H__ */