#include #include "client/math/Camera3D.h" #include "client/engine/Wrapper.h" #include "client/engine/Utils.h" Camera3D::Camera3D() { } Camera3D::~Camera3D() { } const Vector3D& Camera3D::getFlatFront() const { return flatFront; } const Vector3D& Camera3D::getFlatBack() const { return flatBack; } const Vector3D& Camera3D::getFlatRight() const { return flatRight; } const Vector3D& Camera3D::getFlatLeft() const { return flatLeft; } const Vector3D& Camera3D::getFlatUp() const { return flatUp; } const Vector3D& Camera3D::getFlatDown() const { return flatDown; } void Camera3D::addToOldLengthAngle(float f) { oldLengthAngle += f; } void Camera3D::storePosition() { oldCamera.set(camera); oldLengthAngle = lengthAngle; oldWidthAngle = widthAngle; } void Camera3D::setPosition(float x, float y, float z, float length, float width) { camera.set(x, y, z); lengthAngle = length; widthAngle = width; } float old = 0; float current = 0; void Camera3D::update(float lag) { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // calculate vectors for the view matrix // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // front front.setAngles(interpolate(lag, oldLengthAngle, lengthAngle), interpolate(lag, oldWidthAngle, widthAngle)); // back back.setInverse(front); // right right.set(front); right.cross(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); right.normalize(); // left left.setInverse(right); // up up.set(front); up.cross(left); up.normalize(); // down down.setInverse(up); Vector3D interCamera = oldCamera; interCamera.addMul(camera, lag); interCamera.addMul(oldCamera, -lag); view.set(0, 0, right.getX()); view.set(0, 1, right.getY()); view.set(0, 2, right.getZ()); view.set(0, 3, right.dotInverse(interCamera)); view.set(1, 0, up.getX()); view.set(1, 1, up.getY()); view.set(1, 2, up.getZ()); view.set(1, 3, up.dotInverse(interCamera)); view.set(2, 0, back.getX()); view.set(2, 1, back.getY()); view.set(2, 2, back.getZ()); view.set(2, 3, back.dotInverse(interCamera)); view.set(3, 0, 0.0f); view.set(3, 1, 0.0f); view.set(3, 0, 0.0f); view.set(3, 3, 1.0f); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // calculate flat vectors for movement // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // front flatFront.set(front); flatFront.setY(0.0f); flatFront.normalize(); // back flatBack.setInverse(flatFront); // right flatRight.set(flatFront); flatRight.cross(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); flatRight.normalize(); // left flatLeft.setInverse(flatRight); // up flatUp.set(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // down flatDown.setInverse(flatUp); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // update frustum planes // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // http://cgvr.informatik.uni-bremen.de/teaching/cg_literatur/lighthouse3d_view_frustum_culling/index.html float tan = tanf((0.5f * Engine::getFieldOfView()) * M_PI / 180.0f); float aspect = (float) Engine::getWidth() / Engine::getHeight(); float nearHigh = tan * Engine::getNearClip(); float nearWidth = nearHigh * aspect; float farHigh = tan * Engine::getFarClip(); float farWidth = farHigh * aspect; Vector3D fc = interCamera; fc.addMul(front, Engine::getFarClip()); Vector3D ftl = fc; ftl.addMul(left, farWidth); ftl.addMul(up, farHigh); Vector3D fbl = fc; fbl.addMul(left, farWidth); fbl.addMul(down, farHigh); Vector3D fbr = fc; fbr.addMul(right, farWidth); fbr.addMul(down, farHigh); Vector3D nc = interCamera; nc.addMul(front, Engine::getNearClip()); Vector3D ntl = nc; ntl.addMul(left, nearWidth); ntl.addMul(down, nearHigh); Vector3D ntr = nc; ntr.addMul(right, nearWidth); ntr.addMul(up, nearHigh); Vector3D nbr = nc; nbr.addMul(right, nearWidth); nbr.addMul(down, nearHigh); // generating planes with counter clockwise vector order frustumPlanes[0].set(fbl, ftl, fbr); // far frustumPlanes[1].set(ntl, ftl, fbl); // left frustumPlanes[2].set(fbr, ntr, nbr); // right frustumPlanes[3].set(fbl, fbr, nbr); // bottom frustumPlanes[4].set(ntr, ftl, ntl); // top frustumPlanes[5].set(nbr, ntr, ntl); // near } const float* Camera3D::getViewMatrix() { return view.getValues(); } bool Camera3D::isInFrustum(float x, float y, float z, float x2, float y2, float z2) const { // some tolerance x -= 1; y -= 1; z -= 1; x2 += 1; y2 += 1; z2 += 1; //return true; // http://cgvr.informatik.uni-bremen.de/teaching/cg_literatur/lighthouse3d_view_frustum_culling/index.html // for each plane do ... for(int fp = 0; fp < 6; fp++) { // reset counters for corners in and out int out = 0; int in = 0; // for each corner of the box do ... // get out of the cycle as soon as a box as corners // both inside and out of the frustum for(int i = 0; i < 8 && (in == 0 || out == 0); i++) { // is the corner outside or inside if(frustumPlanes[fp].getSignedDistance(((i >> 2) & 1) ? x : x2, ((i >> 1) & 1) ? y : y2, (i & 1) ? z : z2) > 0) { out++; } else { in++; } } //if all corners are out if(in == 0) { return false; } } return true; }