# yamify - define family trees in YAML # # Copyright (C) 2020 Fabian Peter Hammerle # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import datetime from yamily import Person, PersonCollection from yamily._graphviz import digraph def test_digraph_person_details(): collection = PersonCollection() person = Person("bob") person.name = "Bob Test" person.birth_date = datetime.date(1923, 4, 5) person.death_date = datetime.date(2012, 3, 4) collection.add_person(person) graph = digraph(collection) expected_graph = r"""digraph yamily { subgraph cluster_bob { rank=same style=invisible bob [label="Bob Test\n*1923-04-05\n†2012-03-04" shape=box] } }""" assert graph.source == expected_graph def test_digraph_single_family(): collection = PersonCollection() child = Person("child") child.father = Person("father") child.mother = Person("mother") collection.add_person(child) graph = digraph(collection) expected_graph = """digraph yamily { subgraph cluster_mother { rank=same style=invisible mother [label=mother shape=box] "relation-father-mother" [shape=point width=0] father -> "relation-father-mother" [arrowhead=none constraint=False] mother -> "relation-father-mother" [arrowhead=none constraint=False] father [label=father shape=box] } subgraph cluster_child { rank=same style=invisible child [label=child shape=box] } "relation-father-mother" -> child }""" assert graph.source == expected_graph def test_digraph_grandparents(): collection = PersonCollection() father = Person("father") father.father = Person("grandfather") father.mother = Person("grandmother") child_a = Person("child-a") child_a.father = father child_a.mother = Person("mother") collection.add_person(child_a) child_b = Person("child-b") child_b.father = father child_b.mother = Person("mother") collection.add_person(child_b) graph = digraph(collection) expected_graph = """digraph yamily { subgraph cluster_mother { rank=same style=invisible mother [label=mother shape=box] "relation-father-mother" [shape=point width=0] father -> "relation-father-mother" [arrowhead=none constraint=False] mother -> "relation-father-mother" [arrowhead=none constraint=False] father [label=father shape=box] } subgraph cluster_grandmother { rank=same style=invisible grandmother [label=grandmother shape=box] "relation-grandfather-grandmother" [shape=point width=0] grandfather -> "relation-grandfather-grandmother" [arrowhead=none constraint=False] grandmother -> "relation-grandfather-grandmother" [arrowhead=none constraint=False] grandfather [label=grandfather shape=box] } subgraph "cluster_child-a" { rank=same style=invisible "child-a" [label="child-a" shape=box] } subgraph "cluster_child-b" { rank=same style=invisible "child-b" [label="child-b" shape=box] } "relation-grandfather-grandmother" -> father "relation-father-mother" -> "child-a" "relation-father-mother" -> "child-b" }""" assert graph.source == expected_graph