# systemctl-mqtt [](https://github.com/psf/black) [](https://github.com/fphammerle/systemctl-mqtt/actions)  [](https://pypi.org/project/systemctl-mqtt/#history) [](https://pypi.org/project/systemctl-mqtt/) [](https://zenodo.org/badge/latestdoi/272405671) MQTT client triggering & reporting shutdown on [systemd](https://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/)-based systems ## Setup ### Via Pip ```sh $ pip3 install --user --upgrade systemctl-mqtt ``` On debian-based systems, a subset of dependencies can optionally be installed via: ```sh $ sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends python3-jeepney python3-paho-mqtt ``` ### Via Docker Compose 🐳 1. Clone this repository. 2. Load [AppArmor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AppArmor) profile: `sudo apparmor_parser ./docker-apparmor-profile` 3. `sudo docker-compose up --build` Pre-built docker image are available at https://hub.docker.com/r/fphammerle/systemctl-mqtt/tags Annotation of signed tags `docker/*` contains docker image digests: https://github.com/fphammerle/systemctl-mqtt/tags ## Usage ```sh $ systemctl-mqtt --mqtt-host HOSTNAME_OR_IP_ADDRESS ``` `systemctl-mqtt --help` explains all available command-line options / parameters. ### MQTT via TLS TLS is enabled by default. Run `systemctl-mqtt --mqtt-disable-tls …` to disable TLS. ### MQTT Authentication ```sh systemctl-mqtt --mqtt-username me --mqtt-password-file /run/secrets/password … # or for testing (unsafe): systemctl-mqtt --mqtt-username me --mqtt-password secret … ``` ### Schedule Poweroff Schedule poweroff by sending a MQTT message to topic `systemctl/hostname/poweroff`. ```sh $ mosquitto_pub -h MQTT_BROKER -t systemctl/hostname/poweroff -n ``` Adapt delay via: `systemctl-mqtt --poweroff-delay-seconds 60 …` ### Shutdown Report `systemctl-mqtt` subscribes to [logind](https://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/logind/)'s `PrepareForShutdown` signal. `systemctl halt|poweroff|reboot` triggers a message with payload `true` on topic `systemctl/hostname/preparing-for-shutdown`. ### Lock Screen Lock screen by sending a MQTT message to topic `systemctl/hostname/lock-all-sessions`. ``` $ mosquitto_pub -h MQTT_BROKER -t systemctl/hostname/lock-all-sessions -n ``` ### Suspend ``` $ mosquitto_pub -h MQTT_BROKER -t systemctl/hostname/suspend -n ``` ### Monitor `ActiveState` of System Units ``` $ mosquitto_pub --monitor-system-unit foo.service \ --monitor-system-unit bar.service … ``` enables reports on topic `systemctl/[hostname]/unit/system/[unit_name]/active-state`. ## Home Assistant 🏡 ### Automatic Discovery When [MQTT Discovery](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/mqtt/#mqtt-discovery) is enabled (default in Home Assistant ≥0.117.0), the following entities will be added automatically: - `binary_sensor.[hostname]_logind_preparing_for_shutdown` - `button.[hostname]_logind_lock_all_sessions` - `button.[hostname]_logind_poweroff` - `button.[hostname]_logind_suspend` - `sensor.[hostname]_unit_system_[unit_name]_active_state` for `--monitor-system-unit [unit_name]`  Pass `--homeassistant-discovery-prefix custom-prefix` to `systemctl-mqtt` when using a custom discovery topic prefix. ### Manual YAML Configuration #### Send Poweroff Command ```yaml # https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/mqtt/broker/#configuration-variables mqtt: broker: BROKER_HOSTNAME_OR_IP_ADDRESS # credentials, additional options… script: poweroff_raspberry_pi: sequence: service: mqtt.publish data: topic: systemctl/raspberrypi/poweroff homeassistant: customize: script.poweroff_raspberry_pi: friendly_name: poweroff pi icon: mdi:power ``` #### Trigger Automation on Shutdown ```yaml automation: - trigger: platform: mqtt topic: systemctl/raspberrypi/preparing-for-shutdown payload: 'true' action: service: switch.turn_off entity_id: switch.desk_lamp ```