1.7 KB


automates toontown rewritten's login process


$ pip3 install --user --upgrade tooncher

Optional: Install cpulimit to enable use of parameter --cpu-limit

$ sudo apt-get install cpulimit

Optional: Install xlib for python to enable extended controls:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-xlib


$ pip3 install --user xlib


# default path: $HOME/.tooncher
- username: toon
  password: secret
- username: ceo
  password: golf
- username: cfo
  password: train
engine_path: '/opt/Toontown Rewritten/TTREngine'


$ tooncher [username]

tooncher --help shows all available options.

Extended Controls

To enable the use of WASD keys for walking, launch tooncher with the --extended-controls option:

$ tooncher --extended-controls username

While in the game press ` (grave) to enable extended controls. Press ` again to disable.

The command line parameter --extended-controls-toggle may be used to change the toggling key:

$ tooncher --extended-controls --extended-controls-toggle slash username

Extended controls require the X Window System (X11).


$ tooncher toon
$ tooncher --extended-controls ceo
$ tooncher --cpu-limit 70 cfo

Extended Controls Default Mappings

Key Action
` turn Extended Controls on / off
w walk forward
s walk backward
a turn left
d turn right
e select elephant trunk in battle
f select fog in battle