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readme: drop tooncher specifics

Fabian Peter Hammerle 4 ani în urmă
1 a modificat fișierele cu 11 adăugiri și 81 ștergeri
  1. 11 81

+ 11 - 81

@@ -1,105 +1,35 @@
-# tooncher
-automates toontown rewritten's login process
+# rescriptoon
+TODO add description
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 ## Installation
-$ pip3 install --user --upgrade tooncher
-$ pip3 install --user --upgrade git+https://github.com/fphammerle/tooncher@master
-Optional: Install cpulimit to enable use of parameter `--cpu-limit`
-$ sudo apt-get install cpulimit
-Optional: Install xlib and psutil for python to enable extended controls:
-$ sudo apt-get install python3-xlib python3-psutil
+Compatible with X Window System (X11)
-$ pip3 install --user xlib psutil
-## Configuration
-# default path: $HOME/.tooncher
-- username: toon
-  password: secret
-- username: ceo
-  password: golf
-- username: cfo
-  password: train
-engine_path: '/opt/Toontown Rewritten/TTREngine'
+$ sudo apt-get install python3-xlib python3-psutil `# optional`
+$ pip3 install --user --upgrade rescriptoon
 ## Usage
-$ tooncher [username]
+$ rescriptoon TODO
-`tooncher --help` shows all available options.
-### Extended Controls
-To enable the use of WASD keys for walking,
-launch tooncher with the `--extended-controls` option:
-$ tooncher --extended-controls username
+`rescriptoon --help` shows all available options.
 While in the game press `` ` `` (grave) to enable extended controls.
 Press `` ` `` again to disable.
-The command line parameter `--extended-controls-toggle` may be used
-to change the toggling key:
-$ tooncher --extended-controls --extended-controls-toggle slash username
-Extended controls require the X Window System (X11).
-### Examples
-$ tooncher toon
-$ tooncher --extended-controls ceo
-$ tooncher --cpu-limit 70 cfo
-### Python Interface
-import pathlib
-import tooncher
-    engine_path=pathlib.Path('/somewhere/toontown-rewritten/TTREngine'),
-    username='toon',
-    password='secret',
+$ rescriptoon --toggle slash
-## Extended Controls Default Mappings
+## Mappings
 ![default mapping](docs/extended-controls/default-mapping.svg)