import enum import logging import math import typing import spidev from cc1101.addresses import ( StrobeAddress, ConfigurationRegisterAddress, StatusRegisterAddress, FIFORegisterAddress, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CC1101: # > All transfers on the SPI interface are done # > most significant bit first. # > All transactions on the SPI interface start with # > a header byte containing a R/W bit, a access bit (B), # > and a 6-bit address (A5 - A0). # > [...] # > Table 45: SPI Address Space _WRITE_SINGLE_BYTE = 0x00 # > Registers with consecutive addresses can be # > accessed in an efficient way by setting the # > burst bit (B) in the header byte. The address # > bits (A5 - A0) set the start address in an # > internal address counter. This counter is # > incremented by one each new byte [...] _WRITE_BURST = 0x40 _READ_SINGLE_BYTE = 0x80 _READ_BURST = 0xC0 class _TransceiveMode(enum.IntEnum): """ PKTCTRL0.PKT_FORMAT """ FIFO = 0b00 SYNCHRONOUS_SERIAL = 0b01 RANDOM_TRANSMISSION = 0b10 ASYNCHRONOUS_SERIAL = 0b11 class ModulationFormat(enum.IntEnum): """ MDMCFG2.MOD_FORMAT """ FSK2 = 0b000 GFSK = 0b001 ASK_OOK = 0b011 FSK4 = 0b100 MSK = 0b111 class MainRadioControlStateMachineState(enum.IntEnum): """ MARCSTATE - Main Radio Control State Machine State """ # see "Figure 13: Simplified State Diagram" # and "Figure 25: Complete Radio Control State Diagram" IDLE = 0x01 STARTCAL = 0x08 # after IDLE BWBOOST = 0x09 # after STARTCAL FS_LOCK = 0x0A TX = 0x13 # 29.3 Status Register Details _SUPPORTED_PARTNUM = 0 _SUPPORTED_VERSION = 0x14 _CRYSTAL_OSCILLATOR_FREQUENCY_HERTZ = 26e6 # see "21 Frequency Programming" # > f_carrier = f_XOSC / 2**16 * (FREQ + CHAN * ((256 + CHANSPC_M) * 2**CHANSPC_E-2)) _FREQUENCY_CONTROL_WORD_HERTZ_FACTOR = _CRYSTAL_OSCILLATOR_FREQUENCY_HERTZ / 2 ** 16 def __init__(self) -> None: self._spi = spidev.SpiDev() @staticmethod def _log_chip_status_byte(chip_status: int) -> None: # see "10.1 Chip Status Byte" & "Table 23: Status Byte Summary" _LOGGER.debug( "chip status byte: CHIP_RDYn=%d STATE=%s FIFO_BYTES_AVAILBLE=%d", chip_status >> 7, bin((chip_status >> 4) & 0b111), chip_status & 0b1111, ) def _read_single_byte( self, register: typing.Union[ConfigurationRegisterAddress, FIFORegisterAddress] ) -> int: response = self._spi.xfer([register | self._READ_SINGLE_BYTE, 0]) assert len(response) == 2, response self._log_chip_status_byte(response[0]) return response[1] def _read_burst( self, start_register: typing.Union[ConfigurationRegisterAddress, FIFORegisterAddress], length: int, ) -> typing.List[int]: response = self._spi.xfer([start_register | self._READ_BURST] + [0] * length) assert len(response) == length + 1, response self._log_chip_status_byte(response[0]) return response[1:] def _read_status_register(self, register: StatusRegisterAddress) -> int: # > For register addresses in the range 0x30-0x3D, # > the burst bit is used to select between # > status registers when burst bit is one, and # > between command strobes when burst bit is # > zero. [...] # > Because of this, burst access is not available # > for status registers and they must be accessed # > one at a time. The status registers can only be # > read. response = self._spi.xfer([register | self._READ_BURST, 0]) assert len(response) == 2, response self._log_chip_status_byte(response[0]) return response[1] def _command_strobe(self, register: StrobeAddress) -> None: # see "10.4 Command Strobes" _LOGGER.debug("sending command strobe 0x%02x", register) response = self._spi.xfer([register | self._WRITE_SINGLE_BYTE]) assert len(response) == 1, response self._log_chip_status_byte(response[0]) def _write_burst( self, start_register: typing.Union[ConfigurationRegisterAddress, FIFORegisterAddress], values: typing.List[int], ) -> None: _LOGGER.debug( "writing burst: start_register=0x%02x values=%s", start_register, values ) response = self._spi.xfer([start_register | self._WRITE_BURST] + values) assert len(response) == len(values) + 1, response self._log_chip_status_byte(response[0]) assert all(v == 0x0F for v in response[1:]), response # TODO why? def _reset(self) -> None: self._command_strobe(StrobeAddress.SRES) def _get_symbol_rate_exponent(self) -> int: """ MDMCFG4.DRATE_E """ return self._read_single_byte(ConfigurationRegisterAddress.MDMCFG4) & 0b00001111 def _set_symbol_rate_exponent(self, exponent: int): mdmcfg4 = self._read_single_byte(ConfigurationRegisterAddress.MDMCFG4) mdmcfg4 &= 0b11110000 mdmcfg4 |= exponent self._write_burst( start_register=ConfigurationRegisterAddress.MDMCFG4, values=[mdmcfg4] ) def _get_symbol_rate_mantissa(self) -> int: """ MDMCFG3.DRATE_M """ return self._read_single_byte(ConfigurationRegisterAddress.MDMCFG3) def _set_symbol_rate_mantissa(self, mantissa: int) -> None: self._write_burst( start_register=ConfigurationRegisterAddress.MDMCFG3, values=[mantissa] ) @classmethod def _symbol_rate_floating_point_to_real(cls, mantissa: int, exponent: int) -> float: # see "12 Data Rate Programming" return ( (256 + mantissa) * (2 ** exponent) * cls._CRYSTAL_OSCILLATOR_FREQUENCY_HERTZ / (2 ** 28) ) @classmethod def _symbol_rate_real_to_floating_point(cls, real: float) -> typing.Tuple[int, int]: # see "12 Data Rate Programming" assert real > 0, real exponent = math.floor( math.log2(real / cls._CRYSTAL_OSCILLATOR_FREQUENCY_HERTZ) + 20 ) mantissa = round( real * 2 ** 28 / cls._CRYSTAL_OSCILLATOR_FREQUENCY_HERTZ / 2 ** exponent - 256 ) if mantissa == 256: exponent += 1 mantissa = 0 assert 0 < exponent <= 2 ** 4, exponent assert mantissa <= 2 ** 8, mantissa return mantissa, exponent def get_symbol_rate_baud(self) -> float: return self._symbol_rate_floating_point_to_real( mantissa=self._get_symbol_rate_mantissa(), exponent=self._get_symbol_rate_exponent(), ) def set_symbol_rate_baud(self, real: float) -> None: # > The data rate can be set from 0.6 kBaud to 500 kBaud [...] mantissa, exponent = self._symbol_rate_real_to_floating_point(real) self._set_symbol_rate_mantissa(mantissa) self._set_symbol_rate_exponent(exponent) def get_modulation_format(self) -> ModulationFormat: mdmcfg2 = self._read_single_byte(ConfigurationRegisterAddress.MDMCFG2) return self.ModulationFormat((mdmcfg2 >> 4) & 0b111) def _set_modulation_format(self, modulation_format: ModulationFormat) -> None: mdmcfg2 = self._read_single_byte(ConfigurationRegisterAddress.MDMCFG2) mdmcfg2 &= ~(modulation_format << 4) mdmcfg2 |= modulation_format << 4 self._write_burst(ConfigurationRegisterAddress.MDMCFG2, [mdmcfg2]) def __enter__(self) -> "CC1101": #, 0) self._spi.max_speed_hz = 55700 # empirical self._reset() partnum = self._read_status_register(StatusRegisterAddress.PARTNUM) if partnum != self._SUPPORTED_PARTNUM: raise ValueError( "unexpected chip part number {} (expected: {})".format( partnum, self._SUPPORTED_PARTNUM ) ) version = self._read_status_register(StatusRegisterAddress.VERSION) if version != self._SUPPORTED_VERSION: raise ValueError( "unexpected chip version number {} (expected: {})".format( version, self._SUPPORTED_VERSION ) ) # 6:4 MOD_FORMAT: OOK (default: 2-FSK) self._set_modulation_format(self.ModulationFormat.ASK_OOK) # 7:6 unused # 5:4 FS_AUTOCAL: calibrate when going from IDLE to RX or TX # 3:2 PO_TIMEOUT: default # 1 PIN_CTRL_EN: default # 0 XOSC_FORCE_ON: default self._write_burst(ConfigurationRegisterAddress.MCSM0, [0b010100]) marcstate = self.get_main_radio_control_state_machine_state() if marcstate != self.MainRadioControlStateMachineState.IDLE: raise ValueError("expected marcstate idle (actual: {})".format(marcstate)) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) -> bool: # self._spi.close() return False def get_main_radio_control_state_machine_state( self ) -> MainRadioControlStateMachineState: return self.MainRadioControlStateMachineState( self._read_status_register(StatusRegisterAddress.MARCSTATE) ) def get_marc_state(self) -> MainRadioControlStateMachineState: """ alias for get_main_radio_control_state_machine_state() """ return self.get_main_radio_control_state_machine_state() @classmethod def _frequency_control_word_to_hertz(cls, control_word: typing.List[int]) -> float: return ( int.from_bytes(control_word, byteorder="big", signed=False) * cls._FREQUENCY_CONTROL_WORD_HERTZ_FACTOR ) @classmethod def _hertz_to_frequency_control_word(cls, hertz: float) -> typing.List[int]: return list( round(hertz / cls._FREQUENCY_CONTROL_WORD_HERTZ_FACTOR).to_bytes( length=3, byteorder="big", signed=False ) ) def _get_base_frequency_control_word(self) -> typing.List[int]: # > The base or start frequency is set by the 24 bitfrequency # > word located in the FREQ2, FREQ1, FREQ0 registers. return self._read_burst( start_register=ConfigurationRegisterAddress.FREQ2, length=3 ) def _set_base_frequency_control_word(self, control_word: typing.List[int]) -> None: self._write_burst( start_register=ConfigurationRegisterAddress.FREQ2, values=control_word ) def get_base_frequency_hertz(self) -> float: return self._frequency_control_word_to_hertz( self._get_base_frequency_control_word() ) def set_base_frequency_hertz(self, freq: float) -> None: self._set_base_frequency_control_word( self._hertz_to_frequency_control_word(freq) ) def __str__(self) -> str: return "CC1101(marcstate={}, base_frequency={:.2f}MHz, symbol_rate={:.2f}kBaud, modulation_format={})".format( self.get_main_radio_control_state_machine_state().name.lower(), self.get_base_frequency_hertz() / 10 ** 6, self.get_symbol_rate_baud() / 1000, self.get_modulation_format().name, ) def _get_packet_length(self) -> int: """ packet length in fixed packet length mode, maximum packet length in variable packet length mode. """ return self._read_single_byte(ConfigurationRegisterAddress.PKTLEN) def get_configuration_register_values( self, start_register: ConfigurationRegisterAddress = min( ConfigurationRegisterAddress ), end_register: ConfigurationRegisterAddress = max(ConfigurationRegisterAddress), ) -> typing.Dict[ConfigurationRegisterAddress, int]: assert start_register <= end_register, (start_register, end_register) values = self._read_burst( start_register=start_register, length=end_register - start_register + 1 ) return { ConfigurationRegisterAddress(start_register + i): v for i, v in enumerate(values) } def _get_transceive_mode(self) -> _TransceiveMode: pktctrl0 = self._read_single_byte(ConfigurationRegisterAddress.PKTCTRL0) return self._TransceiveMode((pktctrl0 >> 4) & 0b11) def _flush_tx_fifo_buffer(self) -> None: # > Only issue SFTX in IDLE or TXFIFO_UNDERFLOW states. _LOGGER.debug("flushing tx fifo buffer") self._command_strobe(StrobeAddress.SFTX) def transmit(self, payload: typing.List[int]) -> None: # see "15.2 Packet Format" # > In variable packet length mode, [...] # > The first byte written to the TXFIFO must be different from 0. if payload[0] == 0: raise ValueError( "in variable packet length mode the first byte of payload must not be null" + "\npayload: {}".format(payload) ) marcstate = self.get_main_radio_control_state_machine_state() if marcstate != self.MainRadioControlStateMachineState.IDLE: raise Exception( "device must be idle before transmission (current marcstate: {})".format( ) ) max_packet_length = self._get_packet_length() if len(payload) > max_packet_length: raise ValueError( "payload exceeds maximum payload length of {} bytes".format( max_packet_length ) + "\npayload: {}".format(payload) ) self._flush_tx_fifo_buffer() self._write_burst(FIFORegisterAddress.TX, payload)"transmitting %s", payload) self._command_strobe(StrobeAddress.STX)