import enum

class StrobeAddress(enum.IntEnum):
    # see "Table 42: Command Strobes"
    SRES = 0x30
    SFSTXON = 0x31
    SXOFF = 0x32
    SCAL = 0x33
    SRX = 0x34
    STX = 0x35
    SIDLE = 0x36
    SWOR = 0x38
    SPWD = 0x39
    SFRX = 0x3A
    SFTX = 0x3B
    SWORRST = 0x3C
    SNOP = 0x3D

class ConfigurationRegisterAddress(enum.IntEnum):
    # see "Table 43: Configuration Registers Overview"
    IOCFG2 = 0x00  # GDO2 output pin configuration
    IOCFG1 = 0x01  # GDO1 output pin configuration
    IOCFG0 = 0x02  # GDO0 output pin configuration
    FIFOTHR = 0x03  # RX FIFO and TX FIFO thresholds
    SYNC1 = 0x04  # Sync word, high byte
    SYNC0 = 0x05  # Sync word, low byte
    PKTLEN = 0x06  # Packet length
    PKTCTRL1 = 0x07  # Packet automation control
    PKTCTRL0 = 0x08  # Packet automation control
    ADDR = 0x09  # Device address
    CHANNR = 0x0A  # Channel number
    FSCTRL1 = 0x0B  # Frequency synthesizer control
    FSCTRL0 = 0x0C  # Frequency synthesizer control
    FREQ2 = 0x0D  # Frequency control word, high byte
    FREQ1 = 0x0E  # Frequency control word, middle byte
    FREQ0 = 0x0F  # Frequency control word, low byte
    MDMCFG4 = 0x10  # Modem configuration
    MDMCFG3 = 0x11  # Modem configuration
    MDMCFG2 = 0x12  # Modem configuration
    MDMCFG1 = 0x13  # Modem configuration
    MDMCFG0 = 0x14  # Modem configuration
    DEVIATN = 0x15  # Modem deviation setting
    MCSM2 = 0x16  # Main Radio Control State Machine configuration
    MCSM1 = 0x17  # Main Radio Control State Machine configuration
    MCSM0 = 0x18  # Main Radio Control State Machine configuration
    FOCCFG = 0x19  # Frequency Offset Compensation configuration
    BSCFG = 0x1A  # Bit Synchronization configuration
    AGCTRL2 = 0x1B  # AGC control
    AGCTRL1 = 0x1C  # AGC control
    AGCTRL0 = 0x1D  # AGC control
    WOREVT1 = 0x1E  # High byte Event 0 timeout
    WOREVT0 = 0x1F  # Low byte Event 0 timeout
    WORCTRL = 0x20  # Wake On Radio control
    FREND1 = 0x21  # Front end RX configuration
    FREND0 = 0x22  # Front end TX configuration
    FSCAL3 = 0x23  # Frequency synthesizer calibration
    FSCAL2 = 0x24  # Frequency synthesizer calibration
    FSCAL1 = 0x25  # Frequency synthesizer calibration
    FSCAL0 = 0x26  # Frequency synthesizer calibration
    RCCTRL1 = 0x27  # RC oscillator configuration
    RCCTRL0 = 0x28  # RC oscillator configuration
    FSTEST = 0x29  # Frequency synthesizer calibration control
    PTEST = 0x2A  # Production test
    AGCTEST = 0x2B  # AGC test
    TEST2 = 0x2C  # Various test settings
    TEST1 = 0x2D  # Various test settings
    TEST0 = 0x2E  # Various test settings

class StatusRegisterAddress(enum.IntEnum):
    # see "Table 44: Status Registers Overview"
    PARTNUM = 0x30  # Part number for CC1101
    VERSION = 0x31  # Current version number
    FREQEST = 0x32  # Frequency Offset Estimate
    LQI = 0x33  # Demodulator estimate for Link Quality
    RSSI = 0x34  # Received signal strength indication
    MARCSTATE = 0x35  # Control state machine state
    WORTIME1 = 0x36  # High byte of WOR timer
    WORTIME0 = 0x37  # Low byte of WOR timer
    PKTSTATUS = 0x38  # Current GDOx status and packet status
    VCO_VC_DAC = 0x39  # Current setting from PLL calibration module
    TXBYTES = 0x3A  # Underflow and number of bytes in the TX FIFO
    RXBYTES = 0x3B  # Overflow and number of bytes in the RX FIFO
    RCCTRL1_STATUS = 0x3C  # Last RC oscillator calibration result
    RCCTRL0_STATUS = 0x3D  # Last RC oscillator calibration result

class PatableAddress(enum.IntEnum):
    # see "10.6 PATABLE Access"
    PATABLE = 0x3E

class FIFORegisterAddress(enum.IntEnum):
    # see "10.5 FIFO Access"
    # > When the R/W-bit is zero, the TX FIFO is accessed,
    # > and the RX FIFO is accessed when the R/W-bit is one.
    TX = RX = 0x3F