"""Library to handle connection with Switchbot.""" from __future__ import annotations import logging from typing import Any from .device import ( DEVICE_SET_EXTENDED_KEY, DEVICE_SET_MODE_KEY, SwitchbotDeviceOverrideStateDuringConnection, update_after_operation, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) BOT_COMMAND_HEADER = "5701" # Bot keys PRESS_KEY = f"{BOT_COMMAND_HEADER}00" ON_KEY = f"{BOT_COMMAND_HEADER}01" OFF_KEY = f"{BOT_COMMAND_HEADER}02" DOWN_KEY = f"{BOT_COMMAND_HEADER}03" UP_KEY = f"{BOT_COMMAND_HEADER}04" class Switchbot(SwitchbotDeviceOverrideStateDuringConnection): """Representation of a Switchbot.""" def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Switchbot Bot/WoHand constructor.""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._inverse: bool = kwargs.pop("inverse_mode", False) @update_after_operation async def turn_on(self) -> bool: """Turn device on.""" result = await self._send_command(ON_KEY) ret = self._check_command_result(result, 0, {1, 5}) self._override_state({"isOn": True}) _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Turn on result: %s -> %s", self.name, result.hex() if result else None, self._override_adv_data, ) self._fire_callbacks() return ret @update_after_operation async def turn_off(self) -> bool: """Turn device off.""" result = await self._send_command(OFF_KEY) ret = self._check_command_result(result, 0, {1, 5}) self._override_state({"isOn": False}) _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Turn off result: %s -> %s", self.name, result.hex() if result else None, self._override_adv_data, ) self._fire_callbacks() return ret @update_after_operation async def hand_up(self) -> bool: """Raise device arm.""" result = await self._send_command(UP_KEY) return self._check_command_result(result, 0, {1, 5}) @update_after_operation async def hand_down(self) -> bool: """Lower device arm.""" result = await self._send_command(DOWN_KEY) return self._check_command_result(result, 0, {1, 5}) @update_after_operation async def press(self) -> bool: """Press command to device.""" result = await self._send_command(PRESS_KEY) return self._check_command_result(result, 0, {1, 5}) @update_after_operation async def set_switch_mode( self, switch_mode: bool = False, strength: int = 100, inverse: bool = False ) -> bool: """Change bot mode.""" mode_key = format(switch_mode, "b") + format(inverse, "b") strength_key = f"{strength:0{2}x}" # to hex with padding to double digit result = await self._send_command(DEVICE_SET_MODE_KEY + strength_key + mode_key) return self._check_command_result(result, 0, {1}) @update_after_operation async def set_long_press(self, duration: int = 0) -> bool: """Set bot long press duration.""" duration_key = f"{duration:0{2}x}" # to hex with padding to double digit result = await self._send_command(DEVICE_SET_EXTENDED_KEY + "08" + duration_key) return self._check_command_result(result, 0, {1}) async def get_basic_info(self) -> dict[str, Any] | None: """Get device basic settings.""" if not (_data := await self._get_basic_info()): return None return { "battery": _data[1], "firmware": _data[2] / 10.0, "strength": _data[3], "timers": _data[8], "switchMode": bool(_data[9] & 16), "inverseDirection": bool(_data[9] & 1), "holdSeconds": _data[10], } def is_on(self) -> bool | None: """Return switch state from cache.""" # To get actual position call update() first. value = self._get_adv_value("isOn") if value is None: return None if self._inverse: return not value return value