1.5 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env bash
  2. # Snipped and tucked from
  3. # and further inputs from
  4. set -eux
  5. # Get alsa lib and headers
  6. ALSA_VER="1.0.25-4"
  7. DEPS=( \
  8. "${ALSA_VER}_armhf.deb" \
  9. "${ALSA_VER}_armhf.deb" \
  10. )
  11. # Collect Paths
  12. SYSROOT="/pi-tools/arm-bcm2708/arm-bcm2708hardfp-linux-gnueabi/arm-bcm2708hardfp-linux-gnueabi/sysroot"
  13. GCC="/pi-tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian-x64/bin"
  14. GCC_SYSROOT="$GCC/gcc-sysroot"
  15. export PATH=/pi-tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian-x64/bin/:$PATH
  16. # Link the compiler
  17. export TARGET_CC="$GCC/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc"
  18. # Create wrapper around gcc to point to rpi sysroot
  19. echo -e '#!/bin/bash' "\n$TARGET_CC --sysroot $SYSROOT \"\$@\"" > $GCC_SYSROOT
  20. chmod +x $GCC_SYSROOT
  21. # Add extra target dependencies to our rpi sysroot
  22. for path in "${DEPS[@]}"; do
  23. curl -OL $path
  24. dpkg -x $(basename $path) $SYSROOT
  25. done
  26. # i don't why this is neccessary
  27. # ln -s $SYSROOT/lib/
  28. # point cargo to use gcc wrapper as linker
  29. echo -e '[target.arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf]\nlinker = "gcc-sysroot"' > /.cargo/config
  30. # Build
  31. cargo build --release --target arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf --no-default-features --features "alsa-backend"