Cargo.toml 2.4 KB

  1. [package]
  2. name = "librespot"
  3. version = "0.1.3"
  4. authors = ["Librespot Org"]
  5. license = "MIT"
  6. description = "An open source client library for Spotify, with support for Spotify Connect"
  7. keywords = ["spotify"]
  8. repository = ""
  9. readme = ""
  10. edition = "2018"
  11. [workspace]
  12. [lib]
  13. name = "librespot"
  14. path = "src/"
  15. [[bin]]
  16. name = "librespot"
  17. path = "src/"
  18. doc = false
  19. [dependencies.librespot-audio]
  20. path = "audio"
  21. version = "0.1.3"
  22. [dependencies.librespot-connect]
  23. path = "connect"
  24. version = "0.1.3"
  25. [dependencies.librespot-core]
  26. path = "core"
  27. version = "0.1.3"
  28. [dependencies.librespot-metadata]
  29. path = "metadata"
  30. version = "0.1.3"
  31. [dependencies.librespot-playback]
  32. path = "playback"
  33. version = "0.1.3"
  34. [dependencies.librespot-protocol]
  35. path = "protocol"
  36. version = "0.1.3"
  37. [dependencies]
  38. base64 = "0.13"
  39. env_logger = {version = "0.6", default-features = false, features = ["termcolor","humantime","atty"]}
  40. futures = "0.1"
  41. getopts = "0.2"
  42. hyper = "0.11"
  43. log = "0.4"
  44. num-bigint = "0.3"
  45. protobuf = "~2.14.0"
  46. rand = "0.7"
  47. rpassword = "3.0"
  48. tokio-core = "0.1"
  49. tokio-io = "0.1"
  50. tokio-process = "0.2"
  51. tokio-signal = "0.2"
  52. url = "1.7"
  53. sha-1 = "0.8"
  54. hex = "0.4"
  55. [features]
  56. alsa-backend = ["librespot-playback/alsa-backend"]
  57. portaudio-backend = ["librespot-playback/portaudio-backend"]
  58. pulseaudio-backend = ["librespot-playback/pulseaudio-backend"]
  59. jackaudio-backend = ["librespot-playback/jackaudio-backend"]
  60. rodio-backend = ["librespot-playback/rodio-backend"]
  61. sdl-backend = ["librespot-playback/sdl-backend"]
  62. gstreamer-backend = ["librespot-playback/gstreamer-backend"]
  63. with-tremor = ["librespot-audio/with-tremor"]
  64. with-vorbis = ["librespot-audio/with-vorbis"]
  65. with-dns-sd = ["librespot-connect/with-dns-sd"]
  66. default = ["librespot-playback/rodio-backend"]
  67. [package.metadata.deb]
  68. maintainer = "librespot-org"
  69. copyright = "2018 Paul Liétar"
  70. license-file = ["LICENSE", "4"]
  71. depends = "$auto"
  72. extended-description = """\
  73. librespot is an open source client library for Spotify. It enables applications \
  74. to use Spotify's service, without using the official but closed-source \
  75. libspotify. Additionally, it will provide extra features which are not \
  76. available in the official library."""
  77. section = "sound"
  78. priority = "optional"
  79. assets = [
  80. ["target/release/librespot", "usr/bin/", "755"],
  81. ["contrib/librespot.service", "lib/systemd/system/", "644"]
  82. ]