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Add publish.sh script for creating new version, update PUBLISHING.md

Sasha Hilton hace 4 años
Se han modificado 2 ficheros con 102 adiciones y 1 borrados
  1. 20 1
  2. 82 0

+ 20 - 1

@@ -1,9 +1,28 @@
 # Publishing
+## How To
+The bash script in the root of the project, named `publish.sh` can be used to publish a new version of librespot and it's corresponding crates. the command should be used as follows: `./publish 0.1.0` from the project root, substituting the new version number that you wish to publish. *Note the lack of a v prefix on the version number. This is important, do not add one.* The v prefix is added where appropriate by the script.
+## What the script does
+This is briefly how the script works:
+  - Change to branch master, pull latest version, merge development branch.
+  - CD to working dir.
+  - Change version number in all files.
+  - Commit and tag changes.
+  - Publish crates in given order.
+  - Push version commit and tags to master.
+## Notes
 Publishing librespot to crates.io is a slightly convoluted affair due to the various dependencies that each package has on other local packages. The order of publising that has been found to work is as follows:
 `protocol -> core -> audio -> metadata -> playback -> connect -> librespot`
 The `protocol` package needs to be published with `cargo publish --no-verify` due to the build script modifying the source during compile time.
-Publishing can be done using the command `cargo publish` in each of the directories of the respecive crate.
+Publishing can be done using the command `cargo publish` in each of the directories of the respective crate.
+The script is meant to cover the standard publishing process. There are various improvements that could be made, such as adding options such as the user being able to add a change log, though this is not the main focus, as the script is intended to be run by a CI. Feel free to improve and extend functionality, keeping in mind that it should always be possible for the script to be run in a non-interactive fashion.

+ 82 - 0

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+WORKINGDIR="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P )"
+crates=( "protocol" "core" "audio" "metadata" "playback" "connect" "librespot" )
+function switchBranch {
+  # You are expected to have committed/stashed your changes before running this.
+  echo "Switching to master branch and merging development."
+  git checkout master
+  git pull
+  git merge dev
+function updateVersion {
+  for CRATE in "${crates[@]}"
+  do
+    if [ "$CRATE" = "librespot" ]
+    then
+      CRATE=''
+    fi
+    crate_path="$WORKINGDIR/$CRATE/Cargo.toml"
+    crate_path=${crate_path//\/\///}
+    sed -i '' "s/^version.*/version = \"$1\"/g" "$crate_path"
+    echo "Path is $crate_path"
+  done
+function commitAndTag {
+  git commit -a -m "Update version numbers to $1"
+  git tag "v$1" -a -m "Update to version $1"
+function get_crate_name {
+  awk -v FS="name = " 'NF>1{print $2; exit}' Cargo.toml
+function publishCrates {
+  for CRATE in "${crates[@]}"
+  do
+    if [ "$CRATE" = "librespot" ]
+    then
+      CRATE=''
+    fi
+    crate_path="$WORKINGDIR/$CRATE"
+    crate_path=${crate_path//\/\///}
+    cd $crate_path
+    crate_name=`echo $( awk -v FS="name = " 'NF>1{print $2; exit}' Cargo.toml )`
+    echo "Publishing $crate_name to crates.io"
+    if [ "$CRATE" == "protocol" ]
+    then
+      # Protocol crate needs --no-verify option due to build.rs modification.
+      cargo publish --no-verify
+    else
+      cargo publish
+    fi
+    echo "Successfully published $crate_name to crates.io"
+  done
+function updateRepo {
+  echo "Pushing to master branch of repo."
+  git push origin master
+  echo "Pushing v$1 tag to master branch of repo."
+  git push origin v$1
+function run {
+  # switchBranch
+  updateVersion $1
+  commitAndTag $1
+  publishCrates
+  updateRepo $1
+  echo "Successfully published v$1 to crates.io and uploaded changes to repo."
+# First argument is new version number.
+run $1