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TEST attempt to fix pylint reporting "Unable to import 'ical2vdir'"

Run pipenv run pylint --load-plugins=pylint_import_requirements "$(cat *.egg-info/top_level.txt)"
Your code has been rated at 10.00/10

Run pipenv run pylint tests
************* Module vdir_test
tests/ E0401: Unable to import 'ical2vdir' (import-error)
************* Module cli_test
tests/ E0401: Unable to import 'ical2vdir' (import-error)
************* Module event_test
tests/ E0401: Unable to import 'ical2vdir' (import-error)
************* Module prop_test
tests/ E0401: Unable to import 'ical2vdir' (import-error)
************* Module datetime_test
tests/ E0401: Unable to import 'ical2vdir' (import-error)

Your code has been rated at 8.55/10

Error: Process completed with exit code 2.
Fabian Peter Hammerle 1 year ago
1 changed files with 5 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 5 0

+ 5 - 0

@@ -54,7 +54,12 @@ jobs:
     - run: pipenv graph
     - run: pipenv graph
     - run: pipenv run pytest --cov="$(cat *.egg-info/top_level.txt)" --cov-report=term-missing --cov-fail-under=100
     - run: pipenv run pytest --cov="$(cat *.egg-info/top_level.txt)" --cov-report=term-missing --cov-fail-under=100
     - run: pipenv run pylint --load-plugins=pylint_import_requirements "$(cat *.egg-info/top_level.txt)"
     - run: pipenv run pylint --load-plugins=pylint_import_requirements "$(cat *.egg-info/top_level.txt)"
+      # TEST
+    - run: 'set -x && cp "$(pipenv --venv)"{,~}'
+    - run: rm pyproject.toml
+    - run: pipenv sync
     - run: pipenv run pylint tests
     - run: pipenv run pylint tests
+    - run: 'set -x && diff -ur "$(pipenv --venv)"{~,}'
     - run: pipenv run mypy "$(cat *.egg-info/top_level.txt)" tests
     - run: pipenv run mypy "$(cat *.egg-info/top_level.txt)" tests
     # >=2.1.0 to support GITHUB_TOKEN
     # >=2.1.0 to support GITHUB_TOKEN
     # COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN required manual configuration of secret
     # COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN required manual configuration of secret