Нема описа

Fabian Peter Hammerle bc3d206e3d added method method PolygonalCircuit.normalized() пре 4 година
.github 86b953e450 find_label_border_polygonal_chains: always include vertices along border with single neighbour; test against python3.8 пре 4 година
examples bc3d206e3d added method method PolygonalCircuit.normalized() пре 4 година
freesurfer_surface bc3d206e3d added method method PolygonalCircuit.normalized() пре 4 година
tests bc3d206e3d added method method PolygonalCircuit.normalized() пре 4 година
.gitignore 4b90cba86e dev env: added mypy, removed autopep8 пре 4 година
.pylintrc 54205cdfc4 fix linter warnings: unused imports пре 5 година
CHANGELOG.md bc3d206e3d added method method PolygonalCircuit.normalized() пре 4 година
MANIFEST.in 021b5e62a7 convert readme from markdown to rest (fixes project overview on pypi) пре 5 година
Pipfile 4e97ea0736 dev env: add upper version constraint for importlib-metadata to keep compatibility with python3.5 пре 4 година
Pipfile.lock 6bd2002a9e Bump importlib-metadata from 2.0.0 to 2.1.1 пре 4 година
README.rst cb896f82ac black code format пре 4 година
mypy.ini 4b90cba86e dev env: added mypy, removed autopep8 пре 4 година
setup.py 86b953e450 find_label_border_polygonal_chains: always include vertices along border with single neighbour; test against python3.8 пре 4 година



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Python Library to Read and Write Surface Files in Freesurfer’s
TriangularSurface Format

Freesurfer https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/


.. code:: sh

pip3 install --user freesurfer-surface


Read Surface File

.. code:: python

from freesurfer_surface import Surface

surface = Surface.read_triangular('bert/surf/lh.pial')

for vertex in surface.vertices[:3]:

vertex_0 = surface.vertices[0]
print('coordinates of vertex #0:', (vertex_0.right, vertex_0.anterior, vertex_0.superior))

for triangle_index, triangle in enumerate(surface.triangles[:4]):
print('\ntriangle #{}:'.format(triangle_index))
print('vertex indices:', triangle.vertex_indices)
print('vertex coordinates:')
for vertex in surface.select_vertices(triangle.vertex_indices):
print((vertex.right, vertex.anterior, vertex.superior))

Edit Surface File

.. code:: python

from freesurfer_surface import Surface, Vertex, Triangle
surface = Surface.read_triangular('bert/surf/lh.pial'))
vertex_a = surface.add_vertex(Vertex(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
vertex_b = surface.add_vertex(Vertex(1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
vertex_c = surface.add_vertex(Vertex(2.0, 2.0, 2.0))
surface.triangles.append(Triangle((vertex_a, vertex_b, vertex_c)))

List Labels in Annotation File

.. code:: python

from freesurfer_surface import Annotation

annotation = Annotation.read('tests/subjects/fabian/label/lh.aparc.annot')
for label in annotation.labels.values():
print(label.index, label.hex_color_code, label.name)


.. code:: sh

$ freesurfer-annotation-labels tests/subjects/fabian/label/lh.aparc.annot
index color name
0 #190519 unknown
1 #196428 bankssts
2 #7d64a0 caudalanteriorcingulate
3 #641900 caudalmiddlefrontal
33 #4614aa temporalpole
34 #9696c8 transversetemporal
35 #ffc020 insula

Find Border of Labelled Region

.. code:: python

from freesurfer_surface import Surface
surface = Surface.read_triangular('bert/surf/lh.pial'))
region, = filter(lambda l: l.name == 'precentral',


.. code:: sh

pip3 install --user pipenv
git clone https://github.com/fphammerle/freesurfer-surface.git
cd freesurfer-surface
pipenv run pylint freesurfer_surface
pipenv run pytest --cov=freesurfer_surface