Fără Descriere

Fabian Peter Hammerle a045048531 readme: added example on how to load multiple stats files 5 ani în urmă
freesurfer_stats 42be0083ef CorticalParcellationStats: changed type of attribute `whole_brain_measurements` to `pandas.DataFrame` 5 ani în urmă
tests 42be0083ef CorticalParcellationStats: changed type of attribute `whole_brain_measurements` to `pandas.DataFrame` 5 ani în urmă
.gitignore 994cf548d4 added CorticalParcellationStats.read() reading stats file headers 5 ani în urmă
.pylintrc 7cd5af01f2 pylint: ignore missing-docstring 5 ani în urmă
.style.yapf d8cf13e57b setup yapf (pep8 style) 5 ani în urmă
Pipfile 994cf548d4 added CorticalParcellationStats.read() reading stats file headers 5 ani în urmă
Pipfile.lock 994cf548d4 added CorticalParcellationStats.read() reading stats file headers 5 ani în urmă
README.rst a045048531 readme: added example on how to load multiple stats files 5 ani în urmă
setup.py 994cf548d4 added CorticalParcellationStats.read() reading stats file headers 5 ani în urmă



TODO add badges

Python Library to Read FreeSurfer's cortical parcellation anatomical statistics

Freesurfer https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/


.. code:: sh

pip3 install --user freesurfer-stats

Releases follow the `semantic versioning ` scheme.


.. code:: python

>>> from freesurfer_stats import CorticalParcellationStats
>>> stats = CorticalParcellationStats.read('tests/subjects/fabian/stats/lh.aparc.DKTatlas.stats')
>>> stats.headers['CreationTime'].isoformat()
>>> stats.headers['cvs_version']
'Id: mris_anatomical_stats.c,v 1.79 2016/03/14 15:15:34 greve Exp'
>>> stats.headers['cmdline'][:64]
'mris_anatomical_stats -th3 -mgz -cortex ../label/lh.cortex.label'
>>> stats.hemisphere
>>> stats.whole_brain_measurements['estimated_total_intracranial_volume_mm^3']
0 1.670487e+06
Name: estimated_total_intracranial_volume_mm^3, dtype: float64
>>> stats.whole_brain_measurements['white_surface_total_area_mm^2']
0 98553
Name: white_surface_total_area_mm^2, dtype: int64
>>> stats.structure_measurements[['Structure Name', 'Surface Area (mm^2)',
... 'Gray Matter Volume (mm^3)']].head()
Structure Name Surface Area (mm^2) Gray Matter Volume (mm^3)
0 caudalanteriorcingulate 1472 4258
1 caudalmiddlefrontal 3039 8239
2 cuneus 2597 6722
3 entorhinal 499 2379
4 fusiform 3079 9064

Load Multiple Stats Files

.. code:: python

>>> import glob, pandas
>>> from freesurfer_stats import CorticalParcellationStats
>>> def load_whole_brain_measurements(stats_path) -> pandas.DataFrame:
... stats = CorticalParcellationStats.read(stats_path)
... stats.whole_brain_measurements['subject'] = stats.headers['subjectname']
... stats.whole_brain_measurements['source_basename'] = os.path.basename(stats_path)
... stats.whole_brain_measurements['hemisphere'] = stats.hemisphere
... return stats.whole_brain_measurements
>>> whole_brain_measurements = pandas.concat(
... map(load_whole_brain_measurements, glob.glob('tests/subjects/fabian/stats/*h.aparc*.stats')),
... sort=False)
>>> whole_brain_measurements.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
>>> whole_brain_measurements[['subject', 'source_basename', 'hemisphere',
... 'white_surface_total_area_mm^2', 'pial_surface_total_area_mm^2']]
subject source_basename hemisphere white_surface_total_area_mm^2 pial_surface_total_area_mm^2
0 fabian lh.aparc.DKTatlas.stats left 98553.0 NaN
1 fabian rh.aparc.stats right 99468.9 NaN
2 fabian rh.aparc.a2009s.stats right 99494.9 NaN
3 fabian rh.aparc.DKTatlas.stats right 99494.9 NaN
4 fabian lh.aparc.stats left 98536.5 NaN
5 fabian lh.aparc.pial.stats left NaN 118601.0
6 fabian rh.aparc.pial.stats right NaN 121260.0
7 fabian lh.aparc.a2009s.stats left 98553.0 NaN