docker-compose.yml 906 B

  1. version: '2'
  2. volumes:
  3. plain_data:
  4. encfs_password:
  5. services:
  6. encfs:
  7. build: .
  8. image: fphammerle/reverse-encfs
  9. volumes:
  10. - plain_data:/plain/data:ro
  11. - encfs_password:/secret
  12. # TODO replace host path with named volume
  13. # [...] the local driver accepts mount options as a comma-separated list in the o parameter.
  14. #
  15. - /mnt/encrypted:/encrypted:shared
  16. networks: []
  17. devices: [/dev/fuse]
  18. cap_add: [SYS_ADMIN]
  19. security_opt: ['apparmor:unconfined']
  20. rsync_sshd:
  21. image: fphammerle/rsync-sshd:0.1-amd64
  22. environment:
  23. USERS: alice
  24. volumes:
  25. - /mnt/encrypted:/data:slave,ro
  26. - ~/.ssh/authorized_keys:/home/alice/.ssh/authorized_keys:ro
  27. ports: ['']
  28. # rsync -av --rsh='ssh -p 2022' alice@localhost:/ encrypted
  29. #