# Reverse EncFS 🐳 Provides an EncFS-enciphered view `/encrypted` of volumes mounted in `/plain` ```sh docker run --rm --device /dev/fuse \ -v plain-data1:/plain/foo:ro \ -v plain-data2:/plain/bar:ro \ -v encfs-password:/secret \ --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --security-opt apparmor:unconfined \ fphammerle/reverse-encfs ``` Optionally add `--network none` ## Docker Compose 🐙 1. Adapt paths in [docker-compose.yml](docker-compose.yml) 2. `docker-compose up` ## Password A random password will be generated and stored in `/secret/password`. Set the env var `$ENCFS_PASSWORD_LENGTH` to change its length. ## Access encrypted data Add `-v /somewhere:/encrypted:shared` to mount the encrypted view of `/plain/*` into the host filesystem. You may need to disable user namespace remapping for containers (dockerd option `--userns-remap`) due to https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/36472 . ## Serve encrypted data via rsync ssh server See [examples/rsync-sshd](examples/rsync-sshd/docker-compose.yml) Grant rsync access to a gpg-encrypted view of the encfs password: [examples/rsync-sshd-incl-gpg-enc-pwd](examples/rsync-sshd-incl-gpg-enc-pwd/docker-compose.yml)