Test propagation of bind mount from docker container to host

Fabian Peter Hammerle bd6c25f8b1 bind mount /prop-test/src at /prop-test/vol/mp 5 سال پیش
Dockerfile 534659f4ec bind mount /prop-test/src at /prop-test/vol/mp 5 سال پیش
README.md 534659f4ec bind mount /prop-test/src at /prop-test/vol/mp 5 سال پیش


Test propagation of bind mount.

docker run --rm --init \
    --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --security-opt apparmor:unconfined \
    -v /tmp/prop-test-host:/prop-test/vol:rshared \
    --name mount-propagation-test fphammerle/mount-propagation-test
cat /tmp/prop-test-host/mp/mountinfo-container

You may need to disable user namespace remapping --userns host due to https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/36472 .