# docker: ipfs 🐳 golang-implementation of the [interplanetary file system (ipfs)](https://ipfs.io/) daemon docker hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/fphammerle/ipfs/ signed docker image digests: https://github.com/fphammerle/docker-ipfs/tags ipfs config: [guide](https://docs.ipfs.io/guides/examples/config/) & [docs](https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/blob/master/docs/config.md) ```sh docker run --name ipfs fphammerle/ipfs ``` or after cloning the repository: ```sh docker-compose up ``` ## Restart Automatically ```sh docker run --name ipfs \ --cap-drop=all --security-opt=no-new-privileges \ --detach --restart=unless-stopped \ fphammerle/ipfs:latest ``` ## Change [Swarm Listener Ports](https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/blob/v0.8.0/docs/config.md#addressesswarm) ```sh docker run -e IPFS_SWARM_ADDRS="/ip4/ /ip6/::/tcp/4021" … ``` ## Disable Swarm Listener ```sh docker run -e IPFS_SWARM_ADDRS="" … ``` ## Add [Bootstrap Nodes / Peers](https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/blob/v0.8.0/docs/config.md#bootstrap) ```sh docker run -e IPFS_BOOTSTRAP_ADD='/dnsaddr/ipfs1.net/tcp/4001/QmPeerId /dnsaddr/ipfs2.net/tcp/4001/QmPeerId' … ``` ## Disable API Access From Host ```sh docker run -e IPFS_API_ADDR=/ip4/ … ``` ## Publish Clipboard ```sh xsel -b | sudo docker exec -i ipfs ipfs add - ```