123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301 |
- #!/usr/bin/python3
- from datetime import datetime
- import time
- import os
- import statistics
- import csv
- import adafruit_dht
- # import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
- from gpiomapping import gpiomapping
- import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
- # Begin
- dht22mqtt_start_ts = datetime.now()
- ###############
- # MQTT Params
- ###############
- mqtt_topic = os.getenv('topic', 'zigbee2mqtt/')
- mqtt_device_id = os.getenv('device_id', 'dht22')
- mqtt_brokeraddr = os.getenv('broker', '')
- if not mqtt_topic.endswith('/'):
- mqtt_topic = mqtt_topic + "/"
- mqtt_topic = mqtt_topic + mqtt_device_id + '/'
- ###############
- # GPIO params
- ###############
- # TODO check if we can use the GPIO test https://github.com/kgbplus/gpiotest to autodetect pin
- # Problems with multiple sensors on the same device
- dht22mqtt_refresh = int(os.getenv('poll', '2'))
- dht22mqtt_pin = int(os.getenv('pin', '4'))
- dht22mqtt_device_type = str(os.getenv('device_type', 'dht22')).lower()
- dht22mqtt_temp_unit = os.getenv('unit', 'C')
- ###############
- # MQTT & Logging params
- ###############
- dht22mqtt_mqtt_chatter = str(os.getenv('mqtt_chatter', 'essential|ha|full')).lower()
- dht22mqtt_logging_mode = str(os.getenv('logging', 'None')).lower()
- dht22mqtt_sensor_tally = dict()
- ###############
- # Filtering & Sampling Params
- ###############
- dht22_temp_stack = []
- dht22_temp_stack_errors = 0
- dht22_hum_stack = []
- dht22_hum_stack_errors = 0
- dht22_stack_size = 10
- dht22_std_deviation = 3
- dht22_error_count_stack_flush = 3
- ###############
- # Logging functions
- ###############
- def log2file(filename, params):
- if('log2file' in dht22mqtt_logging_mode):
- ts_filename = dht22mqtt_start_ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%SZ')+'_'+filename+".csv"
- with open("/log/"+ts_filename, "a+") as file:
- w = csv.DictWriter(file, delimiter=',', lineterminator='\n', fieldnames=params.keys())
- if file.tell() == 0:
- w.writeheader()
- w.writerow(params)
- def log2stdout(timestamp, msg):
- if('log2stdout' in dht22mqtt_logging_mode):
- print(datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'), str(msg))
- ###############
- # Polling functions
- ###############
- def getTemperatureJitter(temperature):
- return getTemperature(temperature-0.3), getTemperature(temperature+0.3)
- def getTemperature(temperature):
- if(dht22mqtt_temp_unit == 'F'):
- temperature = temperature * (9 / 5) + 32
- return temperature
- def getHumidity(humidity):
- return humidity
- ###############
- # Processing function
- ###############
- def processSensorValue(stack, error, value, value_type):
- # flush stack on accumulation of errors
- if(error >= dht22_error_count_stack_flush):
- stack = []
- error = 0
- # init stack
- if(len(stack) <= dht22_error_count_stack_flush):
- if(value not in stack):
- stack.append(value)
- # use jitter for bootstrap temperature stack
- if(value_type == 'temperature'):
- low, high = getTemperatureJitter(value)
- stack.append(low)
- stack.append(high)
- return stack, error, None
- # get statistics
- std = statistics.pstdev(stack)
- mean = statistics.mean(stack)
- # compute if outlier or not
- if(mean-std*dht22_std_deviation < value < mean+std*dht22_std_deviation):
- outlier = False
- if(value not in stack):
- stack.append(value)
- error = 0
- else:
- outlier = True
- error += 1
- # remove last element from stack
- if(len(stack) > 10):
- stack.pop(0)
- return stack, error, outlier
- ###############
- # MQTT update functions
- ###############
- def updateEssentialMqtt(temperature, humidity, detected):
- if('essential' in dht22mqtt_mqtt_chatter):
- if(detected == 'accurate'):
- payload = '{ "temperature": '+str(temperature)+', "humidity": '+str(humidity)+' }'
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + 'value', payload, qos=1, retain=True)
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "detected", str(detected), qos=1, retain=True)
- else:
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "detected", str(detected), qos=1, retain=True)
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "updated", str(datetime.now()), qos=1, retain=True)
- def registerWithHomeAssitant():
- if('ha' in dht22mqtt_mqtt_chatter):
- ha_temperature_config = '{"device_class": "temperature",' + \
- ' "name": "'+mqtt_device_id+'_temperature",' + \
- ' "state_topic": "'+mqtt_topic+'value",' + \
- ' "unit_of_measurement": "°'+dht22mqtt_temp_unit+'",' + \
- ' "value_template": "{{ value_json.temperature}}" }'
- ha_humidity_config = '{"device_class": "humidity",' + \
- ' "name": "'+mqtt_device_id+'_humidity",' + \
- ' "state_topic": "'+mqtt_topic+'value",' + \
- ' "unit_of_measurement": "%",' + \
- ' "value_template": "{{ value_json.humidity}}" }'
- client.publish('homeassistant/sensor/'+mqtt_device_id+'Temperature/config', ha_temperature_config, qos=1, retain=True)
- client.publish('homeassistant/sensor/'+mqtt_device_id+'Humidity/config', ha_humidity_config, qos=1, retain=True)
- log2stdout(datetime.now().timestamp(), 'Registering sensor with home assistant success...')
- def updateFullSysInternalsMqtt():
- if('full' in dht22mqtt_mqtt_chatter):
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "sys/temperature_stack_size", len(dht22_temp_stack), qos=1, retain=True)
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "sys/temperature_error_count", dht22_temp_stack_errors, qos=1, retain=True)
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "sys/humidity_stack_size", len(dht22_hum_stack), qos=1, retain=True)
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "sys/humidity_error_count", dht22_hum_stack_errors, qos=1, retain=True)
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "updated", str(datetime.now()), qos=1, retain=True)
- def updateFullSensorTallyMqtt(key):
- if('full' in dht22mqtt_mqtt_chatter):
- if key in dht22mqtt_sensor_tally:
- dht22mqtt_sensor_tally[key] += 1
- else:
- dht22mqtt_sensor_tally[key] = 1
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "sys/tally/" + key, dht22mqtt_sensor_tally[key], qos=1, retain=True)
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "updated", str(datetime.now()), qos=1, retain=True)
- ###############
- # Setup dht22 sensor
- ###############
- log2stdout(dht22mqtt_start_ts.timestamp(), 'Starting dht22mqtt...')
- if(dht22mqtt_device_type == 'dht22' or dht22mqtt_device_type == 'am2302'):
- dhtDevice = adafruit_dht.DHT22(gpiomapping[dht22mqtt_pin], use_pulseio=False)
- elif(dht22mqtt_device_type == 'dht11'):
- dhtDevice = adafruit_dht.DHT11(gpiomapping[dht22mqtt_pin], use_pulseio=False)
- else:
- log2stdout(datetime.now().timestamp(), 'Unsupported device '+dht22mqtt_device_type+'...')
- log2stdout(datetime.now().timestamp(), 'Devices supported by this container are DHT11/DHT22/AM2302')
- log2stdout(datetime.now().timestamp(), 'Setup dht22 sensor success...')
- ###############
- # Setup mqtt client
- ###############
- if('essential' in dht22mqtt_mqtt_chatter):
- client = mqtt.Client('DHT22', clean_session=True, userdata=None)
- # set last will for a disgraceful exit
- client.will_set(mqtt_topic + "state", "OFFLINE", qos=1, retain=True)
- # keep alive for 60 times the refresh rate
- client.connect(mqtt_brokeraddr, keepalive=dht22mqtt_refresh*60)
- client.loop_start()
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "type", "sensor", qos=1, retain=True)
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "device", "dht22", qos=1, retain=True)
- if('full' in dht22mqtt_mqtt_chatter):
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "env/pin", dht22mqtt_pin, qos=1, retain=True)
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "env/brokeraddr", mqtt_brokeraddr, qos=1, retain=True)
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "env/refresh", dht22mqtt_refresh, qos=1, retain=True)
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "env/logging", dht22mqtt_logging_mode, qos=1, retain=True)
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "env/mqtt_chatter", dht22mqtt_mqtt_chatter, qos=1, retain=True)
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "sys/dht22_stack_size", dht22_stack_size, qos=1, retain=True)
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "sys/dht22_std_deviation", dht22_std_deviation, qos=1, retain=True)
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "sys/dht22_error_count_stack_flush", dht22_error_count_stack_flush, qos=1, retain=True)
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "updated", str(datetime.now()), qos=1, retain=True)
- log2stdout(datetime.now().timestamp(), 'Setup mqtt client success...')
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "state", "ONLINE", qos=1, retain=True)
- registerWithHomeAssitant()
- log2stdout(datetime.now().timestamp(), 'Begin capture...')
- while True:
- try:
- dht22_ts = datetime.now().timestamp()
- temperature = getTemperature(dhtDevice.temperature)
- humidity = getHumidity(dhtDevice.humidity)
- temp_data = processSensorValue(dht22_temp_stack,
- dht22_temp_stack_errors,
- temperature,
- 'temperature')
- dht22_temp_stack = temp_data[0]
- dht22_temp_stack_errors = temp_data[1]
- temperature_outlier = temp_data[2]
- hum_data = processSensorValue(dht22_hum_stack,
- dht22_hum_stack_errors,
- humidity,
- 'humidity')
- dht22_hum_stack = hum_data[0]
- dht22_hum_stack_errors = hum_data[1]
- humidity_outlier = hum_data[2]
- # Since the intuition here is that errors in humidity and temperature readings
- # are heavily correlated, we can skip mqtt if we detect either.
- detected = ''
- if(temperature_outlier is False and humidity_outlier is False):
- detected = 'accurate'
- else:
- detected = 'outlier'
- updateEssentialMqtt(temperature, humidity, detected)
- updateFullSysInternalsMqtt()
- updateFullSensorTallyMqtt(detected)
- data = {'timestamp': dht22_ts,
- 'temperature': temperature,
- 'humidity': humidity,
- 'temperature_outlier': temperature_outlier,
- 'humidity_outlier': humidity_outlier}
- log2stdout(dht22_ts, data)
- log2file('recording', data)
- time.sleep(dht22mqtt_refresh)
- except RuntimeError as error:
- # DHT22 throws errors often. Keep reading.
- detected = 'error'
- updateEssentialMqtt(None, None, detected)
- updateFullSensorTallyMqtt(error.args[0])
- data = {'timestamp': dht22_ts, 'error_type': error.args[0]}
- log2stdout(dht22_ts, data)
- log2file('error', data)
- time.sleep(dht22mqtt_refresh)
- continue
- except Exception as error:
- if('essential' in dht22mqtt_mqtt_chatter):
- client.disconnect()
- dhtDevice.exit()
- raise error
- # Graceful exit
- if('essential' in dht22mqtt_mqtt_chatter):
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "state", "OFFLINE", qos=2, retain=True)
- client.publish(mqtt_topic + "updated", str(datetime.now()), qos=2, retain=True)
- client.disconnect()
- dhtDevice.exit()