from datetime import datetime import statistics import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns ############### # Filtering & Sampling Params ############### dht22_temp_stack = [] dht22_temp_stack_errors = 0 dht22_hum_stack = [] dht22_hum_stack_errors = 0 dht22_stack_size = 10 dht22_std_deviation = 3 dht22_error_count_stack_flush = 3 dht22mqtt_temp_unit = 'C' ############### # Polling & Processing functions ############### def getTemperatureJitter(temperature): return getTemperature(temperature-0.3), getTemperature(temperature+0.3) def getTemperature(temperature): if(dht22mqtt_temp_unit == 'F'): temperature = temperature * (9 / 5) + 32 return temperature def getHumidity(humidity): return humidity def processSensorValue(stack, error, value, value_type): # flush stack on accumulation of errors if(error >= dht22_error_count_stack_flush): stack = [] error = 0 # init stack if(len(stack) <= dht22_error_count_stack_flush): if(value not in stack): stack.append(value) # use jitter for bootstrap temperature stack if(value_type == 'temperature'): low, high = getTemperatureJitter(value) stack.append(low) stack.append(high) return stack, error, None # get statistics std = statistics.pstdev(stack) mean = statistics.mean(stack) # compute if outlier or not if(mean-std*dht22_std_deviation < value < mean+std*dht22_std_deviation): outlier = False if(value not in stack): stack.append(value) error = 0 else: outlier = True error += 1 # remove oldest element from stack if(len(stack) > 10): stack.pop(0) return stack, error, outlier ############### # Dataset processing ############### def timestampToSeconds(timestamp_begin, timestamp): b = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp_begin/1000) e = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp/1000) return (e-b).total_seconds() def generatePlots(dataset, data_type): plot_rows = 3 plot_columns = 4 reduce_rate = 1 for r in np.arange(plot_rows): for c in np.arange(plot_columns): temp_dataset = dataset.iloc[::reduce_rate, :] freq = dataset['timestamp'].mean()/len(temp_dataset.index) print('generating plot at frequency s='+str(freq)+'...') temp_dataset = processDataset(temp_dataset) axes[r, c].set_title(data_type + ' at sampling frequency '+str(round(freq, 2))+' (s)') sns.scatterplot(ax=axes[r, c], data=temp_dataset, x='timestamp', y=data_type, hue='type', s=10) # visualize stack flushes resets = temp_dataset[temp_dataset['reset'] == 'True'] for key, row in resets.iterrows(): plt.axvline(x=row['timestamp'], color='k', alpha=1, linewidth=0.3) reduce_rate += 1 def processDataset(dataset): dht22_temp_stack = [] dht22_temp_stack_errors = 0 dht22_hum_stack = [] dht22_hum_stack_errors = 0 dataset.loc[:, 'type'] = '' dataset.loc[:, 'reset'] = '' for key, row in dataset.iterrows(): temperature = row['temperature'] humidity = row['humidity'] temp_data = processSensorValue(dht22_temp_stack, dht22_temp_stack_errors, temperature, 'temperature') dht22_temp_stack = temp_data[0] dht22_temp_stack_errors = temp_data[1] temperature_outlier = temp_data[2] hum_data = processSensorValue(dht22_hum_stack, dht22_hum_stack_errors, humidity, 'humidity') dht22_hum_stack = hum_data[0] dht22_hum_stack_errors = hum_data[1] humidity_outlier = hum_data[2][key, 'temperature_outlier'] = temperature_outlier[key, 'humidity_outlier'] = humidity_outlier # record outlier detection source if(temperature_outlier and humidity_outlier):[key, 'type'] = 'both outlier' elif(temperature_outlier):[key, 'type'] = 'temperature outlier' elif(humidity_outlier):[key, 'type'] = 'humidity outlier' else:[key, 'type'] = 'accurate' # record reset pivots if(dht22_temp_stack_errors >= 3):[key, 'reset'] = 'True' if(dht22_hum_stack_errors >= 3):[key, 'reset'] = 'True' return dataset dataset_dir = 'datasets/' plots_dir = 'plots/' dataset = pd.read_csv(dataset_dir+'dataset.csv') dataset['timestamp'] = np.vectorize(timestampToSeconds)(dataset['timestamp'][0], dataset['timestamp']) print('formatted timestamps into seconds...') fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 4, figsize=(50, 25)) generatePlots(dataset, 'temperature') plt.savefig(plots_dir+'temperature.png') plt.clf() fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 4, sharex=True, figsize=(50, 25)) generatePlots(dataset, 'humidity') plt.savefig(plots_dir+'humidity.png')