gitconfig 1.4 KB

  1. [user]
  2. name = Fabian Peter Hammerle
  3. email =
  4. signingkey = 8D2902FE7DF47DDEDA2802F9456B9A0399A5DA2F
  5. [core]
  6. excludesfile = ~/.config/git/gitignore
  7. # hooksPath = ~/.config/git/hooks
  8. [interactive]
  9. singleKey = true
  10. [status]
  11. branch = true
  12. short = true
  13. showUntrackedFiles = normal
  14. [diff]
  15. tool = vimdiff
  16. [diff "pgpdump"]
  17. textconv = pgpdump
  18. [filter "lfs"]
  19. clean = git-lfs clean -- %f
  20. smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f
  21. process = git-lfs filter-process
  22. required = true
  23. [commit]
  24. gpgsign = true
  25. verbose = true
  26. [rebase]
  27. instructionFormat = %G? %s (%an <%ae>, %ai)
  28. autostash = true
  29. [push]
  30. default = simple
  31. [tag]
  32. forceSignAnnotated = true
  33. [log]
  34. date = iso8601-strict
  35. [gcrypt]
  36. participants = 8D2902FE7DF47DDEDA2802F9456B9A0399A5DA2F
  37. publish-participants = false
  38. [annex]
  39. securehashesonly = true
  40. autocommit = false
  41. synccontent = true
  42. # copy instead of hard-linking when unlocking
  43. thin = false
  44. # assistant: do not auto delete unused files
  45. expireunused = false
  46. # fixes sync of repos inside encfs mounts
  47. ssh-options = -S~/.ssh/%r@%n:%p
  48. [alias]
  49. a = add
  50. c = commit
  51. d = diff
  52. p = push --verbose
  53. s = status
  54. t = for-each-ref --sort taggerdate --format '%(taggerdate:iso) %(objectname) %(tag)' refs/tags
  55. tree = log --graph --format=format:'%C(red)%G?%C(reset) %C(yellow)%h%C(reset)%C(blue)%d%C(reset) %C(dim green)%ar%C(reset) %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim cyan)(%an, %ai)%C(reset)' --all
  56. x = annex