123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131 |
- [user]
- name = Fabian Peter Hammerle
- email = fabian@hammerle.me
- signingkey = 8D2902FE7DF47DDEDA2802F9456B9A0399A5DA2F
- [core]
- excludesfile = ~/.config/git/gitignore
- # hooksPath = ~/.config/git/hooks
- [interactive]
- singleKey = true
- [init]
- defaultBranch = main
- [status]
- branch = true
- short = true
- showUntrackedFiles = normal
- [grep]
- lineNumber = true
- [diff]
- tool = vimdiff
- [diff "cat"]
- textconv = cat
- [diff "csv-to-yaml"]
- textconv = csv-to-yaml
- [diff "db_dump"]
- textconv = db_dump
- [diff "gpg-show-keys"]
- textconv = gpg --show-keys --with-subkey-fingerprint --with-keygrip --
- [diff "gpg-verify"]
- textconv = gpg --verify --output=- 2>&1 --
- [diff "hexdump"]
- textconv = od -t x1z --
- [diff "yq"]
- textconv = yq --yaml-output --indentless-lists . --
- [diff "openssl-x509-text"]
- textconv = "sh -c 'while openssl x509 -noout -text; do echo; done' <\"$1\" 2>&1"
- [diff "pandas-parquet-to-json"]
- # g+r for podman container
- # https://git.hammerle.me/fphammerle/setup/commit/9c7167b9a9f7e5829d1fba5006b104ab72f6d13a
- textconv = "chmod g+r \"$1\" && env --debug -- pandas-parquet-to-json"
- [diff "pgpdump"]
- textconv = pgpdump
- [diff "xzcat"]
- textconv = xzcat
- [diff "zcat"]
- textconv = zcat
- [filter "ipynb"]
- clean = jq --indent 1 '.cells[].id? = null | (.cells[].outputs[].data[\"application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json\"]|objects|select(has(\"model_id\"))).model_id |= null'
- [filter "lfs"]
- clean = git-lfs clean -- %f
- smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f
- process = git-lfs filter-process
- required = true
- [filter "meshtastic-firmware-config"]
- clean = "yq --yaml-output --indentless-lists '.channel_url = \"…\" | .config.bluetooth.fixedPin = \"…\" | .module_config.ambientLighting.blue = \"…\" | .module_config.ambientLighting.green = \"…\" | .module_config.ambientLighting.red = \"…\"' --"
- [commit]
- gpgsign = true
- verbose = true
- [rebase]
- instructionFormat = %G? %s (%an <%ae>, %ai)
- autostash = true
- [push]
- default = current
- [url "git@git.hammerle.me:"]
- pushInsteadOf = https://git.hammerle.me/
- [url "git@github.com:"]
- pushInsteadOf = https://github.com/
- [tag]
- forceSignAnnotated = true
- [log]
- date = iso8601-strict
- [gcrypt]
- participants = 8D2902FE7DF47DDEDA2802F9456B9A0399A5DA2F
- publish-participants = false
- [annex]
- securehashesonly = true
- autocommit = false
- synccontent = true
- # copy instead of hard-linking when unlocking
- thin = false
- # assistant: do not auto delete unused files
- expireunused = false
- # fixes sync of repos inside encfs mounts
- ssh-options = -S~/.ssh/%r@%n:%p
- [alias]
- a = add
- c = commit
- # git curl-github-api /commits/master/statuses | jq '.[].state'
- curl-github-api = "!f() { path="$1"; shift; git github-repo-names | xargs -I{} --verbose curl --header 'Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json' 'https://api.github.com/repos/{}'\"$path\" "$@"; }; f"
- # git curl-github-ref-status dev | jq '{state, statuses, commit_url}'
- curl-github-ref-status = "!f() { ref="$1"; shift; git curl-github-api "/commits/$ref/status" "$@"; }; f"
- d = diff
- f = fetch --prune
- github-repo-names = !git github-urls | grep --only-matching --perl-regexp 'github.com/\\K.+(?=\\.git)'
- github-urls = !git remote-urls | grep ^https://github.com/
- p = push --verbose
- remote-urls = !git remote | xargs -L1 git remote get-url
- s = status
- t = for-each-ref --sort taggerdate --format '%(taggerdate:iso) %(objectname) %(tag)' refs/tags
- tree = log --graph --format=format:'%C(red)%G?%C(reset) %C(yellow)%h%C(reset)%C(blue)%d%C(reset) %C(dim green)%ar%C(reset) %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim cyan)(%an, %ai)%C(reset)' --all
- x = annex