sf25c-set.xml 3.2 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <PropertyList>
  3. <sim>
  4. <description type="string">Scheibe SF-25C Falke</description>
  5. <author type="string">A. Goritsas, V. Radnai</author>
  6. <status type="string">beta</status>
  7. <rating>
  8. <FDM type="int">3</FDM>
  9. <systems type="int">1</systems>
  10. <cockpit type="int">2</cockpit>
  11. <model type="int">3</model>
  12. </rating>
  13. <aircraft-version>20120222</aircraft-version>
  14. <flight-model>yasim</flight-model>
  15. <variant-of>sf25b</variant-of>
  16. <aero>sf25b-yasim</aero>
  17. <startup>
  18. <splash-texture>Aircraft/sf25b/Splash/Splash-1.png</splash-texture>
  19. </startup>
  20. <view n="0">
  21. <internal archive="y">true</internal>
  22. <config>
  23. <!--Right-->
  24. <x-offset-m archive="y">-0.200</x-offset-m>
  25. <!--Up-->
  26. <y-offset-m archive="y">0.465</y-offset-m>
  27. <!--Back-->
  28. <z-offset-m archive="y">-0.265</z-offset-m>
  29. <!--viewangle-->
  30. <pitch-offset-deg>0</pitch-offset-deg>
  31. <!--Zoom-->
  32. <default-field-of-view-deg>75</default-field-of-view-deg>
  33. </config>
  34. </view>
  35. <sound>
  36. <path archive="y">Aircraft/sf25b/Sounds/sf25b-sound.xml</path>
  37. </sound>
  38. <canopy>
  39. <position-norm type="double">0</position-norm>
  40. </canopy>
  41. <model>
  42. <path>Aircraft/sf25b/Models/sf25c.xml</path>
  43. <canopy>
  44. <canopy-switch type="int">2</canopy-switch>
  45. </canopy>
  46. </model>
  47. <systems>
  48. <autopilot>
  49. <path>Aircraft/sf25b/Systems/autopilot.xml</path>
  50. </autopilot>
  51. </systems>
  52. <help>
  53. <title>Scheibe SF-25C Falke</title>
  54. <line>Vs &lt; 35 KIAS</line>
  55. <line>Vx 59 KIAS</line>
  56. <line>Vy 80-100 KIAS</line>
  57. <line>Vne 105 KIAS</line>
  58. <key>
  59. <name>C</name>
  60. <desc>Open/Close Canopy</desc>
  61. </key>
  62. <key>
  63. <name>j / k</name>
  64. <desc>Retract / extend spoilers and apply wheel brake</desc>
  65. </key>
  66. <line>Caution: On the SF-25 the wheel brake is applied by pulling the spoiler lever all the way.
  67. The brakes start to work at around 80% spoiler.
  68. Touching down with the spoilers fully extended on landing will result in the aircraft nosing over.</line>
  69. <line>The parking brake lever will lock the spoilers + brake lever open. Pulling the brake further will
  70. release the parking brake.</line>
  71. </help>
  72. </sim>
  73. <input>
  74. <keyboard>
  75. <key n="67">
  76. <name>C</name>
  77. <desc>Toggle Canopy</desc>
  78. <binding n="0">
  79. <command>nasal</command>
  80. <script>sf25b.toggle_canopy()</script>
  81. </binding>
  82. </key>
  83. <key n="106">
  84. <name>j</name>
  85. <desc>Spoilers retract</desc>
  86. <binding>
  87. <command>property-adjust</command>
  88. <property>controls/flight/spoilers</property>
  89. <step>-0.1</step>
  90. <min>0.0</min>
  91. </binding>
  92. </key>
  93. <key n="107">
  94. <name>k</name>
  95. <desc>Spoilers extend</desc>
  96. <binding>
  97. <command>property-adjust</command>
  98. <property>controls/flight/spoilers</property>
  99. <step>0.1</step>
  100. <max>1.0</max>
  101. </binding>
  102. </key>
  103. </keyboard>
  104. </input>
  105. <nasal>
  106. <sf25b>
  107. <file>Aircraft/sf25b/Nasal/sf25b.nas</file>
  108. <file>Aircraft/sf25b/Nasal/sf25b-electrical.nas</file>
  109. <file>Aircraft/sf25b/Nasal/fluids.nas</file>
  110. <file>Aircraft/sf25b/Nasal/spoilers.nas</file>
  111. <file>Aircraft/sf25b/Nasal/ilec-sc7.nas</file>
  112. <file>Aircraft/sf25b/Nasal/wool-thread.nas</file>
  113. </sf25b>
  114. </nasal>
  115. </PropertyList>