changelog.txt 28 KB

  1. CalDavZAP Changelog
  2. NOTE: if you are interested in integrated version of CalDavZAP and CardDavMATE (our CardDAV web client) please use InfCloud -
  3. version 0.13.1 [2015-09-22]:
  4. - note: do not forget to execute the script every time you update your configuration or any other file (otherwise your browser will use the previous version of files stored in HTML5 cache); alternatively you can update the cache.manifest manually - edit the second line beginning with "#V 20" to anything else (this file simple needs "some" change)
  5. - changed login screen autocomplete behaviour - we do not prevent browsers from remembering login/password anymore
  6. version 0.13.0 [2015-09-16]:
  7. - note: do not forget to execute the script every time you update your configuration or any other file (otherwise your browser will use the previous version of files stored in HTML5 cache); alternatively you can update the cache.manifest manually - edit the second line beginning with "#V 20" to anything else (this file simple needs "some" change)
  8. - note: if you use a server with cross-domain setup see the modified Access-Control-Allow-Headers and Access-Control-Expose-Headers in readme.txt (or misc/config_davical.txt or misc/calendarserver.diff); you MUST update these headers, otherwise the client will NOT work
  9. - configuration - added globalEnableRefresh option which enables/disables the new "refresh all resources" icon in the left application menu (disabled by default)
  10. - added Chinese localization (zh_CN) - thanks Fandy
  11. - added shift+login shortcut to ignore settings stored on the server and use the default settings (this functionality was added long time ago, but I forgot to mention about it)
  12. - added support for "Prefer: return=representation" (and related "Preference-Applied: return=representation") for PUT requests (see; this change REQUIRES update of Access-Control-Allow-Headers and Access-Control-Expose-Headers if cross-domain setup is used
  13. - added full RFC2445 support - RRULE processing is now performed by rrule.js (see:; thanks to this library we now support/expand all recurrences, although the most exotic ones are "read-only" (for these you will see "Other (modification not supported)" in the interface)
  14. - added DESCRIPTION property for VALARM components to make them RFC compliant
  15. - added check for unsupported XML 1.0 characters in user entered data - these are replaced by a space character (to prevent client and/or server side parsing errors)
  16. - added title with version number for the software name/description (login screen)
  17. - added vCalendar line folding (RFC2445 - section 4.1)
  18. - fixed event processing when multiple VEVENT and VTIMEZONE components are intermingled
  19. - fixed VTODO COMPLETED property (UTC time format)
  20. - fixed alarm window not being localized properly
  21. - fixed an occasional issue where all collections are double loaded on login
  22. - changed version checking - use internal build number for software version comparison to support update notification also for beta and rc builds
  23. - changed format and comments in config.js
  24. - changed storing of user settings (PROPPATCH request) - no server request will be made if there is no change in settings
  25. - updated jQuery to 2.1.4
  26. - updated localizations - thanks Niels Bo Andersen [da_DK], Marten Gajda [de_DE], Damian Vila [es_ES], Gabriela Vattier [fr_FR], Luca Ferrario [it_IT], Muimu Nakayama [ja_JP], Johan Vromans [nl_NL], Selcuk Pultar [tr_TR], Александр Симонов [ru_RU], Serge Yakimchuck [uk_UA]
  27. - updated timezone.js to latest IANA timezone database
  28. - other improvements and fixes
  29. version 0.12.1 [2015-03-16]:
  30. - note: do not forget to execute the script every time you update your configuration or any other file (otherwise your browser will use the previous version of files stored in HTML5 cache); alternatively you can update the cache.manifest manually - edit the second line beginning with "#V 20" to anything else (this file simple needs "some" change)
  31. - note: you NEED to enable "mod_headers" in Apache (for other servers see your server documentation) which is used to generate proper HTTP headers (required for correct support of HTML5 cache in browsers); the previously used mod_expire is not longer used (see the changelog entry below)
  32. - added support for absolute collection URLs returned in PROPFIND request
  33. - fixed HTML5 cache related problems (especially in Firefox) by returning "Cache-Control: max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-cache, no-transform, private" header instead of "Cache-Control: max-age=0" - this fix requires enabled "mod_headers" (you can disable the previously used "mod_expires") in Apache - for more details see .htaccess
  34. - fixed processing of the language parameter in the title of event/todo
  35. - changed displaying of event/todo calendar list in event/todo form - now it is possible to create new event/todo also into inactive event/todo collection
  36. - updated jQuery-UI to 1.11.4
  37. - other improvements and fixes
  38. version 0.12.0 [2015-01-26]:
  39. - note: do not forget to execute the script every time you update your configuration or any other file (otherwise your browser will use the previous version of files stored in HTML5 cache); alternatively you can update the cache.manifest manually - edit the second line beginning with "#V 20" to anything else (this file simple needs "some" change)
  40. - configuration - added globalDefaultEventDuration configuration variable - set the default duration (in minutes) for newly created events
  41. - added widened todo list with dynamic number of columns
  42. - added checkboxes for todos in the todo list - now you can change the status of a todo by clicking on its checkbox
  43. - added duplicate button for copying of events/todos
  44. - fixed loading of future/past todos - now the loading of additional future/past todos is performed also by clicking on datepicker calendar (in the todo list view)
  45. - updated jQuery to 2.1.3
  46. - updated jQuery-UI to 1.11.2
  47. - other improvements and fixes
  48. version 0.11.1 [2014-10-07]:
  49. - note: do not forget to execute the script every time you update your configuration or any other file (otherwise your browser will use the previous version of files stored in HTML5 cache); alternatively you can update the cache.manifest manually - edit the second line beginning with "#V 20" to anything else (this file simple needs "some" change)
  50. - updated timezone.js to latest IANA timezone database
  51. - updated jQuery to 2.1.1
  52. - updated jQuery-UI to 1.11.1
  53. - fixed calendar color change functionality
  54. - other improvements and fixes
  55. version 0.11.0 [2014-10-02]:
  56. - note: do not forget to execute the script every time you update your configuration or any other file (otherwise your browser will use the previous version of files stored in HTML5 cache); alternatively you can update the cache.manifest manually - edit the second line beginning with "#V 20" to anything else (this file simple needs "some" change)
  57. - note: this release contains new, changed and also removed configuration options (always use the latest config.js)
  58. - configuration - removed showHeader option from globalAccountSettings, globalNetworkCheckSettings and globalNetworkAccountSettings - it is incompatible with new functionality
  59. - configuration - added globalCrossServerSettingsURL configuration option - enable this option if your CalDavZAP installation is accessible from multiple URLs (URL1, URL2), otherwise settings (such as enabled/active collections) stored from the URL1 will be incompatible with settings stored from URL2
  60. - configuration - added globalCalendarColorPropertyXmlns configuration option - used to define the namespace for calendar-color property (see below)
  61. - configuration - changed default value for delegation option to true (in globalAccountSettings, globalNetworkCheckSettings and globalNetworkAccountSettings)
  62. - configuration - changed default value for globalEventStartPastLimit and globalEventStartFutureLimit from 2 to 3
  63. - added Japan localization (ja_JP) - thanks Muimu Nakayama
  64. - added support for loading and unloading of user collections and delegated collections (delegation functionality)
  65. - added support for calendar color change (write support for calendar-color property)
  66. - added arrow icons for agenda views to indicate out of view events
  67. - added currently logged user into the page title
  68. - added hover element for calendar events
  69. - updated localizations - thanks Michael Rasmussen [da_DK], Marten Gajda [de_DE], Damián Vila [es_ES], Jean-Christophe Bach [fr_FR], Luca Ferrario [it_IT], Johan Vromans [nl_NL], Selcuk Pultar [tr_TR], Александр Симонов [ru_RU], Yevgen Martsenyuk [uk_UA]
  70. - fixed occasional wrong UID processing when moving events/todos between different calendar collections
  71. - fixed issues with subscribed calendars
  72. - fixed processing of alarms
  73. - fixed an occasional parseDate bug due to daylight saving time in specific timezones
  74. - various fixes, optimalizations, improvements, visual updates and more
  75. version [2014-04-14]:
  76. - note: do not forget to execute the script every time you update your configuration or any other file (otherwise your browser will use the previous version of files stored in HTML5 cache); alternatively you can update the cache.manifest manually - edit the second line beginning with "#V 20" to anything else (this file simple needs "some" change)
  77. - updated Russian localization (ru_RU)
  78. - fixed wrong processing of RECURRENCE-ID property in UTC (Z) timezone
  79. - fixed occasional wrong processing of repeating events generated in future
  80. version [2014-03-15]:
  81. - note: do not forget to execute the script every time you update your configuration or any other file (otherwise your browser will use the previous version of files stored in HTML5 cache); alternatively you can update the cache.manifest manually - edit the second line beginning with "#V 20" to anything else (this file simple needs "some" change)
  82. - added Russian localization (ru_RU) - thanks Александр Симонов
  83. - fixed synchronization of removed events for servers without sync-collection report support
  84. - minor translation fixes
  85. version [2014-03-12]:
  86. - note: do not forget to execute the script every time you update your configuration or any other file (otherwise your browser will use the previous version of files stored in HTML5 cache); alternatively you can update the cache.manifest manually - edit the second line beginning with "#V 20" to anything else (this file simple needs "some" change)
  87. - added support for LDAP binding in auth/ldap module (see auth/plugins/
  88. - fixed occasional wrong processing of DTEND attribute
  89. - fixed incorrect creation of recurring events which caused that multiple different UIDs can be present in one calendar object (edit + save of previously created events will split them into multiple objects)
  90. version [2014-02-17]:
  91. - note: do not forget to execute the script every time you update your configuration or any other file (otherwise your browser will use the previous version of files stored in HTML5 cache); alternatively you can update the cache.manifest manually - edit the second line beginning with "#V 20" to anything else (this file simple needs "some" change)
  92. - added Ukrainian localization (uk_UA) - thanks Serge Yakimchuck
  93. - added misc/readme_baikal_sabredav.txt and misc/baikal-flat-0.2.7.diff to solve issues related to storing CalDavZAP properties on SabreDAV and Baïkal - thanks Johannes Zellner
  94. - fixed invalid XML response processing (SabreDAV and Baïkal)
  95. - fixed invalid XML request if globalEventStartPastLimit and globalEventStartFutureLimit are set to null
  96. - fixed "delegation" XML processing
  97. - updated French [fr_FR] localization - thanks Jean-Christophe Bach
  98. version [2014-02-04]:
  99. - note: do not forget to execute the script every time you update your configuration or any other file (otherwise your browser will use the previous version of files stored in HTML5 cache); alternatively you can update the cache.manifest manually - edit the second line beginning with "#V 20" to anything else (this file simple needs "some" change)
  100. - added Spanish localization (es_ES) - thanks Damián Vila
  101. - updated jQuery to 2.1.0
  102. - updated jQuery-UI to 1.10.4
  103. - changed various default date formats
  104. - changed alarm behaviour - it is no longer possible to create multiple identical alarms (they are automatically merged into one)
  105. - fixed a visual bug when displaying a simple todo alert
  106. - fixed rare issue where UNTIL attribute of recurrent events was not processed correctly
  107. version 0.10.0 [2014-01-22]:
  108. - note: do not forget to execute the script every time you update your configuration or any other file (otherwise your browser will use the previous version of files stored in HTML5 cache); alternatively you can update the cache.manifest manually - edit the second line beginning with "#V 20" to anything else (this file simple needs "some" change)
  109. - note: this release contains new, changed and also removed configuration options (always use the latest config.js)
  110. - configuration - added globalEventStartPastLimit and globalEventStartFutureLimit for time-range filtering - note: for servers without time-range filtering support you need to set both variables to null (see config.js)
  111. - configuration - replaced globalInactiveCollections and globalInactiveTodoCollections by globalActiveCalendarCollections and globalActiveTodoCollections (see config.js)
  112. - configuration - removed globalResourceHeaderShowLogin option - it is replaced by much more flexible hrefLabel option in globalAccountSettings and globalNetworkCheckSettings (see config.js)
  113. - configuration - removed syncInterval option from globalAccountSettings and globalNetworkCheckSettings - detection of sync-token changes is now performed by ONE request instead of N (number of collections) - use globalSyncResourcesInterval instead
  114. - configuration - removed crossDomain and withCredentials options from default globalAccountSettings, globalNetworkCheckSettings and globalNetworkAccountSettings - both settings are still available but there is NO REASON to use them (crossDomain is detected automatically, and I've never seen anyone who understand when to use withCredentials /there is NO REASON to set it to true!/)
  115. - major improvements and changes in sychronization code - MUCH reduced number of HTTP request to server
  116. - major design changes (including the open source Roboto font)
  117. - major readme.txt update with detailed descriptions of most common setup problems
  118. - added support for time-range filtering (requires server with time-range filtering support) - EXTREME performance improvements
  119. - added workaround for buggy HTML5 cache handling in the latest Firefox
  120. - added "equivalency" for todo filters (globalAppleRemindersMode) - NEEDS-ACTION, IN-PROGRESS and CANCELLED are processed as NEEDS-ACTION
  121. - added calendar color indicator for event/todo forms (unified with the upcoming CardDavMATE)
  122. - added handling of unsupported settings
  123. - added support for 'headervalue' collection property (namespace: - useful for collection grouping
  124. - added new overlay with refresh button, when cache manifest change is detected (it forces users to reload the page)
  125. - added support/mapping for alternative timezone names - e.g. 'US/Pacific' (legacy name) is mapped to 'America/Los_Angeles' (current name)
  126. - changed resource list design (unified with the upcoming CardDavMATE)
  127. - changed todo processing if globalAppleRemindersMode is enabled - todos with start and no end are processed as simple todos
  128. - changed displaying of repeating todo confirm question
  129. - changed time-range filtering for todos - all todos from future are loaded from server initially
  130. - updated French [fr_FR] localization - thanks Jean-Christophe Bach
  131. - optimized window resizing functionality
  132. - fixed local timezone processing
  133. - fixed loader hanging after login if subscribed calendar list is empty
  134. - fixed generating of repeating events in future
  135. - fixed RRULE processing if specified in YYYYMMDD format
  136. - fixed displaying of arrows for repeating events
  137. - fixed sorting of resources
  138. - fixed various search issues
  139. - disabled opening of new event/todo form if only read-only collections are present
  140. - removed jQuery source mapping file reference
  141. - LOT of other improvements and fixes
  142. version [2013-08-05]:
  143. - fixed processing of recurrent events (special recurrences - correct BYMONTHDAY processing)
  144. - fixed globalTimeFormatBasic configuration option processing (it is no longer ignored)
  145. - removed old and unused configuration options (globalDefaultDisplayTodo and globalTodoHideExpired)
  146. version [2013-07-30]:
  147. - fixed processing of recurrent events with until date
  148. - fixed saving of until dates values in recurrent events
  149. - fixed parsing of double quoted TZID param values
  150. version 0.9.1 [2013-07-26]:
  151. - note: do not forget to execute the script every time you update your configuration or any other file (otherwise your browser will use the previous version of files stored in HTML5 cache); alternatively you can update the cache.manifest manually - edit the second line beginning with "#V 20" to anything else (this file simple needs "some" change)
  152. - note: this release contains changed configuration options (always use the latest config.js)
  153. - configuration - changed globalAppleRemindersMode option values - newly supported values are iOS6, iOS7, true (it is set to latest supported iOS - in this case iOS7) and false (see config.js)
  154. - added Turkish localization (tr_TR) - thanks Selcuk Pultar
  155. - updated localizations - thanks Michael Rasmussen [da_DK], Marten Gajda [de_DE], John Fischer [fr_FR], Luca Ferrario [it_IT] and Johan Vromans [nl_NL]
  156. - added additional automatic fixes for invalid events
  157. - added support for STATUS attribute
  158. - added support for CALSCALE attribute (only GREGORIAN is supported; missing attribute = GREGORIAN)
  159. - added automatic change of "time to" after "time from" change (preserve the event/todo duration)
  160. - added support for dynamic height of NOTE field - thanks
  161. - fixed problem with always visible completed todos when globalAppleRemindersMode enabled
  162. - fixed window resize callback
  163. - fixed incorrect detection of privileges for binded resources
  164. - fixed processing of RECURRENCE-ID in events/todos
  165. - fixed parsing of todo/event components with same UID in subscribed calendars
  166. - fixed parsing of due date timezone
  167. - fixed processing of DURATION value for allday events
  168. - fixed problem with multiple URL and LOCATION attributes
  169. - fixed handling of VERSION attribute
  170. - fixed repeating todo and event processing
  171. - fixed timezone picker problems
  172. - updated jQuery to 2.0.3
  173. - changed default "due date" for todos to date selected in the todo calendar
  174. - other improvements and fixes
  175. version 0.9.0 [2013-06-27]:
  176. - note: do not forget to execute the script every time you update your configuration or any other file (otherwise your browser will use the previous version of files stored in HTML5 cache); alternatively you can update the cache.manifest manually - edit the second line beginning with "#V 20" to anything else (this file simple needs "some" change)
  177. - note: if you use DAViCal with cross-domain setup see the modified Apache configuration in misc/config_davical.txt (added Access-Control-Expose-Headers header)
  178. - note: if you use OS X Calendarserver it is recommended to re-patch your installation (added Access-Control-Expose-Headers header; see misc/readme_osx.txt)
  179. - note: this release contains new and also changed configuration options (always use the latest config.js)
  180. - configuration - added globalSettingsType option - set the destination for client settings on server (useful if your server not allows to store properties to "principal-URL" but allows to store them to "calendar-home-set")
  181. - configuration - added checkContentType option into globalAccountSettings and globalNetworkCheckSettings - enables content-type checking for server response (only objects with proper content-type are inserted into interface) - if you cannot see data in the interface you may try to disable it
  182. - configuration - added globalAppleRemindersMode option (enabled by default) - it enables workarounds for Apple clients (see config.js)
  183. - configuration - added globalIgnoreCompletedAlarms option (enabled by default) - it disables alarm for completed todos (see config.js)
  184. - MAJOR performance improvements
  185. - added support for Cyrus server - thanks Ken Murchison
  186. - added support for additional CalDAV servers (should work with the same servers as CardDavMATE)
  187. - added completely new and shiny interface for todos
  188. - added support for additional todo properties and repeating todos
  189. - added support for PRODID property for both events and todos
  190. - added new custom formats for time and day strings based on currently selected localization
  191. - added Hungarian localization (hu_HU)
  192. - changed cache.manifest - cache all image files in HTML5 cache
  193. - changed ordering of calendars in selectbox (globalSortAlphabet is used)
  194. - changed internal logic of resource loading, synchronization and version check functionality (to prepare for integration with CardDavMATE)
  195. - changed minimum height of events to height of "30 minutes" event
  196. - fixed Firefox placeholder colors
  197. - fixed and updated various localization strings
  198. - fixed events and todos sometimes being editable even with forceReadOnly flag enabled
  199. - fixed various timezone processing issues
  200. - fixed visual event form bug when using repeat option with weekend/business days
  201. - fixed current time indicator error during day/week transition
  202. - fixed timezone picker (at the bottom of the resource list) - it is no longer editable using keyboard navigation while editing event/todo
  203. - fixed wrong ajax parameter which may cause warnings in server log
  204. - fixed an issue when timezone picker was not always visible after login
  205. - updated left menu with new icons (thanks Kelecsenyi Timotej -
  206. - updated jQuery to 2.0.2 (and related fixes)
  207. - updated jQuery-UI to 1.10.3 (and related fixes)
  208. - updated auth module to reflect the latest changes in configuration options
  209. - updated misc directory (it is the same as in CardDavMATE)
  210. - updated localizations - thanks Marten Gajda [de_DE], John Fischer [fr_FR], Luca Ferrario [it_IT] and Johan Vromans [nl_NL] (note: Danish [da_DK] localization contains some untranslated strings)
  211. - LOT of other improvements and fixes
  212. version [2013-02-25]:
  213. - fixed multiple bugs related to processing of recurrent events
  214. - fixed forced lower case problem of some strings in the interface
  215. - other minor fixes
  216. version 0.8.1 [2013-02-21]:
  217. - note: do not forget to execute the script every time you update your configuration or any other file (otherwise your browser will use the previous version of files stored in HTML5 cache)
  218. - added support for background calendars in day view event list
  219. - added missing misc directory
  220. - fixed syntax error if configured using globalAccountSettings
  221. - fixed issues with delegation proccessing if multiple accounts are configured
  222. - fixed issue with pinned tab in Firefox (manual reloading is not required anymore)
  223. - fixed privileges for binded calendars - these are now strictly read only
  224. - fixed wrong proccessing of number of occurrences for recurrent events
  225. - fixed issue where readonly events could still be edited via drag and drop and resizing
  226. - fixed and optimized the "Revert" button functionality
  227. - fixed issue with saving empty URL property
  228. - fixed incorrect alarm box position
  229. - fixed bad positioning of error image for "repeat end" date field
  230. version 0.8.0 [2013-02-13]:
  231. - note: do not forget to execute the script every time you update your configuration or any other file (otherwise your browser will use the previous version of files stored in HTML5 cache)
  232. - note: this release contains new configuration option (always use the latest config.js)
  233. - configuration - added globalUseJqueryAuth option - use jQuery .ajax() auth or custom header for HTTP basic auth (default); set this option to true if your server uses digest auth (note: you may experience auth popups on some browsers)
  234. - configuration - added globalRemoveUnknownTimezone (disabled by default) - it removes non-standard/unknown timezones if event/todo is edited (and saved)
  235. - configuration - added delegation option into globalAccountSettings and globalNetworkCheckSettings (sets additional delegated resources - if true then delegation is enabled for all available resources; if false (default) then delegation is disabled; if an array of URL encoded resources or regexes (for example: ['/caldav.php/user/', '/caldav.php/', new RegExp('^/caldav.php/a[b-x].+/$', 'i')] then delegation is enabled for all specified resources
  236. - configuration - added ignoreAlarms option into globalAccountSettings and globalNetworkCheckSettings (defines an array calendars with disabled alarm - if true then all alarms are ignored; if false (default) then alarms are enabled; if an array of URL encoded collections or regexes (for example: ['/caldav.php/user/collection/', '/caldav.php/', new RegExp('^/caldav.php/user/collection[0-9]/$', 'i')] then alarm is disabled for all specified resources
  237. - configuration - added backgroundCalendars option into globalAccountSettings and globalNetworkCheckSettings - defines an array of background calendars - if there is at least one event defined for the given day in a background calendar, the background color for that day will be pink/light-red; to use this feature define an array of URL encoded collections or regexes (for example: ['/caldav.php/user/collection/', '/caldav.php/', new RegExp('^/caldav.php/user/collection[0-9]/$', 'i')])
  238. - configuration - added user defined time format support for events via globalTimeFormatBasic and globalTimeFormatAgenda variables (see config.js)
  239. - configuration - changed forceReadonly property proccessing - URL encoded collections and also regexes are now supported (see config.js)
  240. - configuration - changed globalCalendarSelected variable proccessing - full UID (for example: and also UID matching regexes are now supported (see config.js)
  241. - configuration - date and time formats are now predefined for each localization - if you want to use custom date and time formats instead of predefined formats (defined by localizations) use globalAMPMFormat and globalDatepickerFormat variables (commented out by default)
  242. - added Danish localization (da_DK) - thanks Niels Bo Andersen
  243. - added German localization (de_DE) - thanks Marten Gajda and Thomas Scheel
  244. - added Italian localization (it_IT) - thanks Luca Ferrario
  245. - added French localization (fr_FR) - thanks John Fischer
  246. - added Dutch localization (nl_NL) - thanks Johan Vromans
  247. - added additional functionality for today button - now it scrolls the calendar to ensure that the today slot is visible in the top of the view
  248. - added support for fallback to PROPFIND if REPORT is not supported and server returns incorrect 403 error code (instead of 400 or 501)
  249. - added support for events without DTEND or DURATION values
  250. - added support for DURATION property
  251. - added support for CLASS property (Privacy)
  252. - added support for TRANSP property (Availability)
  253. - added support for URL property
  254. - updated timezone.js to latest IANA timezone database
  255. - updated auth module to reflect the latest changes in configuration options
  256. - changed button label from "All future events" to "This and all future events" for more clarity
  257. - changed the "repeat end" option text from "after" to "occurences" for more clarity (event ends after X occurences, including the first one)
  258. - changed event listing in day view - now it scrolls to the very top if the currently displayed day is the first day of month (the button for loading the previous month is now visible)
  259. - changed event listing in day view - now it scrolls to the closest following day if the currently displayed day is not found (no events exist for that day)
  260. - fixed login => logout => relogin as different user bug
  261. - fixed "Unable to save" bug when creating/editing an event/todo
  262. - fixed - replaced sed by ed due to cross OS compatibility problems
  263. - fixed duplicate scrollbar problem in week and day views
  264. - fixed useless revert button - it is no longer visible when creating a new event or todo
  265. - fixed position of the error image in todo completed field
  266. - fixed processing of UNTIL values in repeating events
  267. - fixed EXDATE value processing and saving
  268. - fixed January specific bug
  269. - fixed BYMONTH value processing - anniversaries
  270. - other improvements and fixes
  271. version 0.7.0 [2012-11-20]:
  272. - initial public release