Browse Source

remove resistors to sample voltage range [0V, reference]

Fabian Peter Hammerle 3 years ago
2 changed files with 17 additions and 216 deletions
  1. 0 3
  2. 17 213

+ 0 - 3

@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-oid sha256:ade9d4ae3358020a515e5289c6d873ca0e8ff64f394c46c9b4ee7819036735c0
-size 3985501

+ 17 - 213

@@ -32,30 +32,6 @@ options:
     state: enabled
-- name: input_voltage_max
-  id: variable
-  parameters:
-    comment: ''
-    value: reference_voltage * resistor_in_ohm / resistor_ground_ohm + reference_voltage
-  states:
-    bus_sink: false
-    bus_source: false
-    bus_structure: null
-    coordinate: [1491, 193]
-    rotation: 0
-    state: true
-- name: input_voltage_min
-  id: variable
-  parameters:
-    comment: ''
-    value: -1 * reference_voltage * resistor_in_ohm / resistor_ref_ohm
-  states:
-    bus_sink: false
-    bus_source: false
-    bus_structure: null
-    coordinate: [1494, 94]
-    rotation: 0
-    state: true
 - name: reference_voltage
   id: variable
@@ -68,42 +44,6 @@ blocks:
     coordinate: [457, 222]
     rotation: 0
     state: true
-- name: resistor_ground_ohm
-  id: variable
-  parameters:
-    comment: ''
-    value: 10e3
-  states:
-    bus_sink: false
-    bus_source: false
-    bus_structure: null
-    coordinate: [892, 124]
-    rotation: 0
-    state: true
-- name: resistor_in_ohm
-  id: variable
-  parameters:
-    comment: ''
-    value: 100e3
-  states:
-    bus_sink: false
-    bus_source: false
-    bus_structure: null
-    coordinate: [926, 26]
-    rotation: 0
-    state: true
-- name: resistor_ref_ohm
-  id: variable
-  parameters:
-    comment: ''
-    value: 10e3
-  states:
-    bus_sink: false
-    bus_source: false
-    bus_structure: null
-    coordinate: [925, 222]
-    rotation: 0
-    state: true
 - name: sample_rate_hz
   id: variable
@@ -116,24 +56,6 @@ blocks:
     coordinate: [58, 173]
     rotation: 0
     state: enabled
-- name: blocks_add_const_vxx_0
-  id: blocks_add_const_vxx
-  parameters:
-    affinity: ''
-    alias: ''
-    comment: '- V_ref * R_in / R_ref'
-    const: input_voltage_min
-    maxoutbuf: '0'
-    minoutbuf: '0'
-    type: float
-    vlen: '1'
-  states:
-    bus_sink: false
-    bus_source: false
-    bus_structure: null
-    coordinate: [1116, 324]
-    rotation: 0
-    state: enabled
 - name: blocks_message_debug_0
   id: blocks_message_debug
@@ -147,24 +69,6 @@ blocks:
     coordinate: [991, 817]
     rotation: 0
     state: true
-- name: blocks_multiply_const_vxx_0
-  id: blocks_multiply_const_vxx
-  parameters:
-    affinity: ''
-    alias: ''
-    comment: (1 + R_in / R_gnd + R_in / R_ref)
-    const: '1 + resistor_in_ohm / resistor_ground_ohm + resistor_in_ohm / resistor_ref_ohm '
-    maxoutbuf: '0'
-    minoutbuf: '0'
-    type: float
-    vlen: '1'
-  states:
-    bus_sink: false
-    bus_source: false
-    bus_structure: null
-    coordinate: [816, 324]
-    rotation: 0
-    state: enabled
 - name: blocks_probe_rate_0
   id: blocks_probe_rate
@@ -278,7 +182,7 @@ blocks:
     bus_sink: false
     bus_source: false
     bus_structure: null
-    coordinate: [897, 459]
+    coordinate: [898, 435]
     rotation: 0
     state: enabled
 - name: qtgui_number_sink_0
@@ -321,8 +225,8 @@ blocks:
     label7: ''
     label8: ''
     label9: ''
-    max: input_voltage_max
-    min: input_voltage_min
+    max: reference_voltage
+    min: '0'
     name: '""'
     nconnections: '1'
     type: float
@@ -341,7 +245,7 @@ blocks:
     bus_sink: false
     bus_source: false
     bus_structure: null
-    coordinate: [1490, 428]
+    coordinate: [922, 150]
     rotation: 0
     state: enabled
 - name: qtgui_number_sink_0_0
@@ -404,7 +308,7 @@ blocks:
     bus_sink: false
     bus_source: false
     bus_structure: null
-    coordinate: [452, 499]
+    coordinate: [452, 503]
     rotation: 0
     state: disabled
 - name: qtgui_time_sink_x_0
@@ -494,103 +398,6 @@ blocks:
     width8: '1'
     width9: '1'
     ylabel: Voltage
-    ymax: input_voltage_max
-    ymin: input_voltage_min
-    yunit: '"V"'
-  states:
-    bus_sink: false
-    bus_source: false
-    bus_structure: null
-    coordinate: [1462, 292]
-    rotation: 0
-    state: enabled
-- name: qtgui_time_sink_x_0_0
-  id: qtgui_time_sink_x
-  parameters:
-    affinity: ''
-    alias: ''
-    alpha1: '1.0'
-    alpha10: '1.0'
-    alpha2: '1.0'
-    alpha3: '1.0'
-    alpha4: '1.0'
-    alpha5: '1.0'
-    alpha6: '1.0'
-    alpha7: '1.0'
-    alpha8: '1.0'
-    alpha9: '1.0'
-    autoscale: 'False'
-    axislabels: 'True'
-    color1: blue
-    color10: dark blue
-    color2: red
-    color3: green
-    color4: black
-    color5: cyan
-    color6: magenta
-    color7: yellow
-    color8: dark red
-    color9: dark green
-    comment: ''
-    ctrlpanel: 'False'
-    entags: 'True'
-    grid: 'False'
-    gui_hint: ''
-    label1: Signal 1
-    label10: Signal 10
-    label2: Signal 2
-    label3: Signal 3
-    label4: Signal 4
-    label5: Signal 5
-    label6: Signal 6
-    label7: Signal 7
-    label8: Signal 8
-    label9: Signal 9
-    legend: 'False'
-    marker1: '-1'
-    marker10: '-1'
-    marker2: '-1'
-    marker3: '-1'
-    marker4: '-1'
-    marker5: '-1'
-    marker6: '-1'
-    marker7: '-1'
-    marker8: '-1'
-    marker9: '-1'
-    name: '""'
-    nconnections: '1'
-    size: int(sample_rate_hz*2)
-    srate: sample_rate_hz
-    stemplot: 'False'
-    style1: '1'
-    style10: '1'
-    style2: '1'
-    style3: '1'
-    style4: '1'
-    style5: '1'
-    style6: '1'
-    style7: '1'
-    style8: '1'
-    style9: '1'
-    tr_chan: '0'
-    tr_delay: '0'
-    tr_level: '0.0'
-    tr_mode: qtgui.TRIG_MODE_FREE
-    tr_slope: qtgui.TRIG_SLOPE_POS
-    tr_tag: '""'
-    type: float
-    update_time: '0.10'
-    width1: '2'
-    width10: '1'
-    width2: '1'
-    width3: '1'
-    width4: '1'
-    width5: '1'
-    width6: '1'
-    width7: '1'
-    width8: '1'
-    width9: '1'
-    ylabel: Arduino Input Voltage
     ymax: reference_voltage
     ymin: '0'
     yunit: '"V"'
@@ -598,23 +405,23 @@ blocks:
     bus_sink: false
     bus_source: false
     bus_structure: null
-    coordinate: [881, 627]
+    coordinate: [897, 292]
     rotation: 0
-    state: disabled
+    state: enabled
 - name: serial_source_block
   id: epy_block
     _source_code: "import gnuradio\nimport numpy\nimport serial\n\n\nclass SerialSourceBlock(\n\
       \    def __init__(\n        self, port=\"/dev/ttyUSB0\", baud_rate=115200, buffer_max_length=10,\
       \ timeout=2\n    ):\n\n            self,\
-      \ name=\"Serial Source Block\", in_sig=None, out_sig=[numpy.int16]\n   \
-      \     )\n        self._serial_port = serial.Serial(\n            port=port,\
-      \ baudrate=baud_rate, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, timeout=timeout\n        )\n\
-      \        self._buffer_max_length = buffer_max_length\n\n    def work(self, input_items,\
-      \ output_items):\n        # pylint: disable=unused-argument\n        buffer\
-      \ =\n            2 * min(len(output_items[0]), self._buffer_max_length)\n\
-      \        )\n        assert len(buffer) % 2 == 0\n        buffer_samples_count\
-      \ = len(buffer) // 2\n        output_items[0][:buffer_samples_count] = numpy.frombuffer(buffer,\
+      \ name=\"Serial Source Block\", in_sig=None, out_sig=[numpy.int16]\n       \
+      \ )\n        self._serial_port = serial.Serial(\n            port=port, baudrate=baud_rate,\
+      \ bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, timeout=timeout\n        )\n        self._buffer_max_length\
+      \ = buffer_max_length\n\n    def work(self, input_items, output_items):\n  \
+      \      # pylint: disable=unused-argument\n        buffer =\n\
+      \            2 * min(len(output_items[0]), self._buffer_max_length)\n      \
+      \  )\n        assert len(buffer) % 2 == 0\n        buffer_samples_count = len(buffer)\
+      \ // 2\n        output_items[0][:buffer_samples_count] = numpy.frombuffer(buffer,\
       \ dtype=\">u2\")\n        assert output_items[0][:buffer_samples_count].max()\
       \ < 1024, \"lost sync?\"\n        return buffer_samples_count\n"
     affinity: ''
@@ -638,13 +445,10 @@ blocks:
     state: true
-- [blocks_add_const_vxx_0, '0', qtgui_number_sink_0, '0']
-- [blocks_add_const_vxx_0, '0', qtgui_time_sink_x_0, '0']
-- [blocks_multiply_const_vxx_0, '0', blocks_add_const_vxx_0, '0']
 - [blocks_probe_rate_0, rate, blocks_message_debug_0, print]
-- [blocks_short_to_float_0, '0', blocks_multiply_const_vxx_0, '0']
 - [blocks_short_to_float_0, '0', qtgui_freq_sink_x_0, '0']
-- [blocks_short_to_float_0, '0', qtgui_time_sink_x_0_0, '0']
+- [blocks_short_to_float_0, '0', qtgui_number_sink_0, '0']
+- [blocks_short_to_float_0, '0', qtgui_time_sink_x_0, '0']
 - [serial_source_block, '0', blocks_probe_rate_0, '0']
 - [serial_source_block, '0', blocks_short_to_float_0, '0']
 - [serial_source_block, '0', qtgui_number_sink_0_0, '0']