# Ansible Role: Gogs [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/geerlingguy/ansible-role-gogs.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/geerlingguy/ansible-role-gogs) Installs [Gogs](https://github.com/gogits/gogs), a Go-based front-end to Git, on RedHat or Debian-based linux systems. After the playbook is finished, visit the gogs server (on port 3000 by default), and you will be redirected to the /install page, where you can configure an administrator account and other default options. ## Requirements Requires git (via `geerlingguy.git`), and at least the Gogs HTTP port (3000 by default) open on your system's firewall. Install MySQL (e.g. via `geerlingguy.mysql`) prior to installing Gogs if you would like to use MySQL instead of built-in SQLite support. ## Role Variables Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see `defaults/main.yml`): gogs_user: git gogs_user_home: /home/git The user and home under which Gogs will run and be installed. gogs_binary_url: https://github.com/gogits/gogs/releases/download/v0.3.1/linux_amd64.zip Download URL for the Gogs binary. gogs_http_port: "3000" HTTP port over which Gogs will be accessed. gogs_use_mysql: false gogs_db_name: gogs gogs_db_username: gogs gogs_db_password: root MySQL database support. Set `gogs_use_mysql` to `true` to configure MySQL for gogs, using the database name, username, and password defined by the respective variables. ## Dependencies - geerlingguy.git ## Example Playbook - hosts: servers vars_files: - vars/main.yml roles: - { role: geerlingguy.gogs } *Inside `vars/main.yml`*: gogs_http_port: "8080" ## TODO - Preconfigure gogs so installation is simpler/more robust. - Make Gogs version more easily configurable. - (Maybe) add option to build Gogs from source (instead of binary installation). ## License MIT / BSD ## Author Information This role was created in 2014 by [Jeff Geerling](http://jeffgeerling.com/), author of [Ansible for DevOps](http://ansiblefordevops.com/).